tv Eyewitness News at Noon ABC January 25, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm EST
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work in general and specifically around the travel ban. i think the overall effort by our city workers is very, very strong. some reminders. the things people should know. things people should do over the next few days. first off, things are getting better. thank god we have a warmer day. a little sunshine earlier that will help melting off some of the snow. but still, you got to exercise caution. we want people to assume that they have to be careful. . sometimes there may not be a choice but be careful. be very alert if you walk in the street. if you have option not to walk in the street, stay on the sidewalk. we are going to start in a moment talk about how we're going to push for those
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better starting today. want to remind everyone to check on your neighbors. if you have neighbors who are senior citizens or disabled. check on them, see if they need anything. make sure that you're there for them. now, we go over the city talking about new yorkers about the challenge i understand what everyone knows on the car, where they'll put the snow. what we want people to talk about here, first of all with the car, don't think this is business as business as usual because it is not business as usual. it is an emergency. if you don't need your car, leave your car where it is. we have cancelled alternate side parking all the way up to saturday. this is a rare, rare situation and it means if you don't need your car, unless you have a real urgent need for your car, leave it. leave the snow on it. don't move the snow off of it. let mother nature help you. it will be warmer. there will be sunshine.
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leave it so it doesn't end up in the street. if you put all of the snow back in the street and then your street is not passable, sanitation can't keep up with that if every time and again people keep putting more and more snow from the side of street in the middle of the street. it will block off the street. had i is a common sense matter. matter. we want streets to be clear for emergency vehicles. everyone has a responsibility here. if you do not, absolutely need to use your car. leave it where it is don't shovel it out. things will, in the next few days, with the help of the weather will help some of the melting off of the snow. it will make it easier. same with sidewalks. you don't need to clear your whole sidewalk. clear 3 or 4 feet, enough that someone with a baby stroller can get through or a wheelchair can get through. you don't need to clear it all. 3 or 4 feet will do. if you clear your sidewalk 3 or
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if people don't clear the sidewalks, we'll start the process of applying fines. we need the sidewalks clear, walk safely and not have to go into the street. but, again, as you're clearing your sidewalk and i say this, some of you have evidenced inning snow shovelling skills first happened. if you're a home owner, clear the 3 or 4 feet wide path, put the snow off to the side. don't throw it out in the street. you'll make it harder, again, on sanitation to keep up with all that they have to do. they're dealing with the most snow they've seen in a long, long time. help them out. everyone has a role to play in this. for anyone with health issues please, we've now lost five people in the course of the storm who were snow shovelling. five deaths related to snow shovelling. that is a whole lot and that is very, very sad. very tragic, anyone who has a
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you should not be shovelling. don't shovel. don't shovel. a family member, friend, neighbor, pay a young person from your neighborhood. don't shovel if you have a health situation that might compromise you. we want to emphasize businesses in particular, you have an obligation to shovel out enough of your sidewalk so people can pass, again, even if if it is a 3 or 4-foot wide area of the sidewalk. we're going to definitely be focussing today on businesses that aren't doing that. we'll be applying fines to any business that does not shovel out. we have some businesses, particularly, we've seen parking lots, gas stations where they've put a huge amount of snow out in the middle of the street. that is not acceptable. we're not going to stand for that. that will definitely be fines for any business that is making it worse on their neighbors by shoving snow out into the street. we want to remind anyone, again, who is having problems with heat or hot water. call 311.
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not dealing with your heat or hot water issues, call 311 so we can get you help. again, emphasize, i want to do a few words in spanish, hear from colleagues. emphasize up of the important messages, alternate side parking cancelled all the way to saturday. no reason to take your car out unless it is urgent. think outside of the box. mass transit is running. work with your friends and neighbors, car pool, but try not to use your car if you don't need it and in terms of school zones, as we said, today, tomorrow, if you're parked in front of the school where it says no standing school zone, leave your car there today and tomorrow. we want to not put a lot of snow on the street. leave their cars so we can get this job done. in spanish.
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>> i want to bring up two of my colleagues. a woman working hard and sleeping very little, our sanitation commissioner catherine g. >> you also sleep very little. >> that's true. >> he e-mails me at 2:00 in the morning. as the mayor says we have 2,000 pieces of equipment city wide today. we have over 900 pieces in queens but more importantly we've moved over 170 front end loaders into queens because some of those streets, a plow is not effective. the snow is too deep and there is not enough room so we're literally going in, dragging it out. queens is our first priority for today to make sure that we get all of those small streets open. and we are going to begin piling and hauling operations which means we'll literally put the snow in dump trucks and take it away. some of that started in the other bureau you hads and
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operations throughout the city. the focus is on the closed streets. piling and hauling. bus stops and crosswalks and anywhere near a school. we have 920 snow laborers as the mayor mentioned. i believe we're making strong head way on the unplowed streets. we have more work to do and we're moving very quickly. it is very slow. we have to use two front end loaders moving end to end down a street to take the snow out. i just want to thank everyone for their patience as we continue to effort this storm. >> thank you very much. i want to bring up our transportation commissioner pollee trottenberg. she has been getting at different areas that we have to clear, crosswalks and other areas of the city and she will give us an update on the. >> thank you mr. mayor, d.o.t., i was actually able to visit with a lot of my crews yesterday.
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queens. we're really tackling our bridge and pedestrian overpasses, working with the contractor to clear all of the bus stops, working with the bids and other groups around the community to clear the pedestrian plazas and the central teams are out. we've responded to 500 requests to fix signals and signs. we have our folks all over the city. the statton island ferry has continued to run so we're making contract. >> give them the people on the street numbers. how many people do you have? >> i have now, i think i have about 400 folks on the street now and we certainly, as the mayor mentioned, we could use day laborers if people want to pitch in. >> i want to remind people, again, for all of the day laborers, 13.50 an hour, after 40 hours, goes to 20.25, a great opportunity. we need as many people as we can get, as quickly to help us to do the work.
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topic of the storm first and then we'll go to other topics. let's start with questions related to the storm. grace? >> regarding, you talked about additional resources going to queens now. in advance of the storm were there extra resources put in queens and can you explain what makes that borough in particular so difficult and is there anything more that could have been done in advance of the storming how challenging it. >> we're talking about 2.3 million people and the reason i say that is different parts of queens had different realities. i went myself to see. story of long island city, south jamaica, flushing looks good. corona did not. sunny side did not. we should be careful and realize it is neighborhood by neighborhood. second, parts of queens got more snow than other places, third, narrower streets.
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melinda cats and history one contributing factor is smaller streets, harder to plow. we had substantial assets. catherine can go over the what commissioner garcia did which did not happen in the past efficiently enough in my view. i remember 2010 when i was public advocate going all over the city. we all remember that storm. the city didn't make adjustments as quickly as it could have and it took days, my block, i remember, was at least 2 or 3 days after the had finished my block in brooklyn had not been cleared and is not passable. the difference is we're sending the equipment where the need is greatest. as manhattan and brooklyn and bronx got secured, all of the additional equipment was moved off to queens to reenforce the queens effort. yesterday when i was in corona, i saw some unpassable streets. i went back, they were fully passable because the reenforcements helped. when this is over, we'll look
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though it is one of the biggest snow falls we've had, we'll do an after action report to figure out where there were problems we could do better on and what adjustments we want to make. i'm becoming an expert on blizzards the last couple of years. we make an adjustment every single time. the team therefore is figuring out how to do things better. kathy lynn, you want to -- catherine you want to talk about how we started -- >> that was mayor de blasio. good afternoon, you're watching eyewitness news at noon. i'm ken rosato. dave evans is off. > cheryly alacott. you heard about the challenges in dealing with the response and how he is not happy with the response in queens. >> streets are still buried. a viewer showing too many school buses stuck in the snow this morning. this is on 80th street and in
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school because streets are snow showered. the mayor asked residents to be efforts. >> partial trains have been restored on long island railroad. refreezing delayed efforts to get all of the trains in place. and we have four reports reporter drave clark. live in elm hearst, queens. >> as you heard there a moment ago, a lot of discussion about queens there in the news conference. the mayor talking about the size of the borough. queens being the larmgest in the city. it has -- largest in the city. it has more people, more roads and the hardest hit in the storm. is there were a lot of concerns here about keeping the schools open. some thought the mayor was being a bit ambitious in allowing the schools to remain open considering there were so many streets and sidewalks that remain untreated we actually followed some students to is five here in queens this morning and it was not an easy walk for
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some of the sidewalks had a lot of snow. they were slipping and falling and other cases they had to walk in the street because the snow had not been shovelled. now, carmen, the school chancellor ordered or requested that schools shovel the sidewalks and entry ways but the problem was kids had to walk to school from distances that were far away from the school so that presented a problem in the way of their safety and in terms of perhaps staggering the time for coming to school, she said it would be too complimented to notify -- complicated to notify school. if the trains are moving and the buses are moving, you can go ahead and have school. here is more from the school chancellor who we heard from earlier this morning. >> it is kids to be. i mean, being in school is really, for many parents, a real reassurance that all is well with the world. for the kids, too. >> now, you heard the mayor
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is in queens and here is a reason why. this is one of those streets that remains untreated in queens. we spent all morning long. this street has not been touched there are a number of cars there on the block that are buried in snow. you heard the mayor talk about how it is complimented for some of the plow -- complicated for some of the plows to go down the psychiatry. a plow can't get down the street because it is mayor. they'll be using a front end loader. this is a situation playing out in other parts of queens as well here. back here live now outside of is-five. you can see this is the past that the kids had to walk. you can see the snow, it is still it is shovelled a bit but it is still snow packed and slippery. once you get up the block there, beyond the snow hill it is shovelled so there is a clear path right there in front of the school but nonetheless, these kids have to walk back home
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message is, to those students and parents is to take your time, be careful and do not walk in the street. it is just too dangerous because some of the streets, although they're clear, they're also very slippery as well. queens, still very much in the process of cleaning up after being hit by the storm in a major way. we're live in elmherst. partial service on the long island railroad resumed on some branches after tracks froze again overnight. riders packed platforms this morning, some waiting for hours. the big question is what will the afternoon commute be like. long island reporter kristin thorn is live in mineola. >> we don't know about that just yet. what i can tell you is that the delays are now down to 10 minutes which is great new as you mentioned, a lot of confusion this morning. people got here around five in the morning hoping to get on the trains.
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this platform began to fill with people. if you take the train and don't like crowds, today would have been one of the days to work from home. >> you've been waiting how long? >> about an hour. >> wow. >> the other train was packed. >> we couldn't get on. >> the larr says it would be back and running by 5:00 this morning but when 5:00 a.m. came around, the railroad said it wouldn't be until some trains got through but quickly the delays started to build with trains sometimes zooming by, already packed with riders. >> how long have you been waiting? >> not too long. >> the delays grew to an hour on some lines creating packed station houses, platforms and trains. >> i think it will do us a better service by telling us we're not running. and drive by treacherous service. i see people leaving after two
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just tell us you're not running. >> i once dpram manas -- i once came from manasa, my wife drove me here and i'm waiting over here. >> it hasn't been a great morning. >> no. the coffee is not bad. >> the larr blames the back up on continuing problems from the blizzard. it is unclear if riders there have to deal with the same conditions for the evening rush. >> it is not possible to get anywhere here. >> you're trying to get on. you're trying to squeeze in. >> yup. it is just not possible. you can't even squeeze in there. >> they issued a statement saying the lirr should have been more up front with riders about what is going on with the system as well as making it more clear what was going changes in service. the port washington line remains suspended as does the hempstead, west hempstead long beach and far rock way line. they hope to have full service
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tomorrow morning. we're live in mineola, i'm kristin thorn. eyewitness news. >> governor andrew cuomo spoke moments ago who spoke well of the crews who got the lirr back and running. >> there was a lot of snow out there. don't kid yourself and there was a lot of snow on tracks and a lot of frozen signals and my guess is they ran into more complications than they expected when they actually put the trains back in service. >> the city of newark remains virtually shut down, city hall courts and schools all closed. many streets, a mess, and the mayor is asking for patience. the blizzard dumped more than 28 inches of snow on that city. eyewitness news reporter rob nelson up stands. >>reporter: good afternoon, ken. we all thought this storm would be a blessing hitting on a weekend but even with the extra day to clean before the work week, look behind me. you can see the conditions of so
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so many residents we talked to today say they're angry, frustrated and increasingly impatient. look at these impassable side streets and it is easy to see why even two days after the storm on a normal morning commute for some was impossible today. >> people need to get the act together so people can get back to normal. >> you can't get in your own house and we pay taxes over here. >>reporter: here along hiller parkway, the side streets are like icy obstacle courses forcing many residents to search for public transportation or skip work all together. >> just really bad. really, really bad. i've never seen it like this before in a long, long time. >>reporter: we found this group of people who have been waiting for more than four hours for a city bus and didn't even have any luck when they reached out to cab companies. >> interest there was quite a few other people here and they're leaving, going back home. this is not right. they're not cleaning the streets.
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>> i didn't think it would be this bad. no transportation, really? not everybody has a car. >>reporter: at the intersection of dickerson and 3rd streets. the situations are so treacherous that they abandoned the cars. >> the side streets need help, get dump trucks and do like new york does. get dump trucks and dump the snow and throw it in the hudson river. that is what you need. >>reporter: residents are beyond frustrated saying they have never seen things this bad or the city take so long to clean the st. >> and back here live, i want to give you another live look at the street along hiller's parkway. we understand the mayor will have a press conference in a few minutes at 12:30. we did get an e-mail from city hall saying, look, 28 inches of snow fell here, newark has 40 miles of streets. so far they're saying 4,800 miles have already been plowed but clearly, so many side streets. they have not gotten the attention they need and that
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they're adding more plows by the minute bringing in private contractors to get this job done even faster. for many, they're clearly frustrated and waiting for progress. this simply can not suffice for people to get to work and get back to the routines following this blizzard. but again, we expect homage from the mayor coming up in a few minutes. we'll have the latest on that online as well as later newscasts. rob nelson, channel seven, eyewitness news. >> quite a situation. thank you, rob.
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crippling cities up and down the sea board. commuters spent hours digging out their cars. those in the philadelphia are being blamed for a roof collapse at two churches. washington dc is slowly getting back to normal. flights started again at the airports, the president is back in the oval office but other government offices remain closed. schools are also closed today. some parts of georgia still without power today. although only two inches of snow fell there, the south is just not used to dealing with this. >> yeah. . the question now is how are things here going to look for the rest of the week? >> the storm is over but that doesn't mean the threats are over. sometimes people think it is all over, get out and about but there are things you have to watch out for just to stay safe. it starts right outside your own front door.
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ice and snow on the roofs that will begin to melt. slick spots that refreeze overnight. these are things that will be trouble some in the coming days. be aware of it and of course, removing the snow, take your time to process. there is a lot of it out there. we begin right now at lunch hour with temperatures in the mid-30's. that is where we're expecting to temporary out today. 35 degrees. increasing clouds. low of 28 degrees that is in the city. outlying suburbs will be colder. all of these spots going down to freezing or colder even single digits in the heavy snow areas. over the next seven hours. maybe we make it into the upper 30s in a couple of spots and we settle into the mid-30's before going freezing after 8:00 tonight. right now temperatures are in the mid-30's in the boroughs and we've had so much sunshine early on that helps start the melting process. it is mushy, soft, and so that might make it easier for you. looking at what we have on the
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i mean, the east has more snow than the upper midwest. we have more snow on the ground than chicago, quite comparable to what they're dealing with with denver. they've an active snow season so far. we're in the 20 to 30-inch range for all of the areas in bright pink. it will take time for that to melt. right now it looks like we have a gradual melting process under way which is good news. this storm, this bliz january, only.1 of an inch. a historic amount of storm and these are the top values. all of the numbers are available on social media. i put them up this morning and the national weather service considers these the official reports because they've been taken by storm spotters across the area. connecticut getting over a foot for nor walk these totals also are just samples from the area. there are more complete lists, if you're working with your snow
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that will help you make the judgments on snow removal. heads up, though, again, for snow and ice coming off of the roofs. i've seen many pictures coming in and i'll share in the second half hour of the odd snow drifts that developed off of roofs. they can be dangerous as they melt off and watch out for black ice. a shower can show up tomorrow. we'll show it on the futurecast, a weak front coming through. through the afternoon on tuesday. maybe into tuesday evening a spotty shower is possible. tonight is patchy fog and the black ice, that is a real concern. by tomorrow, we'll have the fog lingering in the morning but it turns out to be a cloudy day anyway. a shower, spotty shower expected, 41, that is a lot more melting happening tomorrow and then wednesday, we're at 40 degrees. it is mainly cloudy wednesday and thursday, the sun tries to make a return but then there is a coastal storm we're watching thursday night into friday. this could bring light showers to the area not a major storm like the one that we saw coming
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i mean, i think if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay.
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so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. go long. . we're following a developing story in new jersey.
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was too afraid to drive home in the snow was found dead in her car. >> authorities made the discovery this morning. anthony johnson joined us live from the scene with the details. >>reporter: a couple of the cars are right behind me, they're still very much buried in snow and certainly that is the situation on a lot of blocks on this area but you have to ask yourself, if you saw cars like that buried in the snow. would you take a moment to stop and take a look? another thing about this story is that the woman who was found dead inside of the vehicle this morning had not, at least as far as we know, she had not been reported missing. now, that woman had been in the car, apparently since friday, since everyone was scrambling, preparing for the snow storm. no one apparently noticed that a person was inside the gold colored cadillac inside of the parking lot of the burger king. right here on hackinsack avenue. the 78-year-old woman was too afraid to drive on the roads
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conditions in this area at that point in time were still very passable. but once the heavy snow hit, the victim was trapped inside the car and then on top of, that the plow trucks, working to clear the fast food restaurant parking lot over the weekend pushing more and more snow on top of that parked car. apparently at some point in time, the car battery gave out, we did see authorities having to use a device to go ahead and restart the battery. no one apparently thought about looking inside of the car until this morning and that is when police made the tragic discovery. >> it was really snowing hard and i noticed that a guy with a pick-up truck, he is trying to plow out the lot. he is wasting his time trying to plow out burger king. that is when i noticed the car parked there. he is sitting there all day saturday and all day sunday. this morning i noticed the the
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what happened. >>reporter: another gentleman we had an opportunity to talk to told us he came into work at 5:30 on saturday morning and he noticed the car was sitting in the parking lot of this burger king, the cause of death has not yet been determined. we want to say that no foul play was involved. the sadness is that this 78-year-old woman apparently was just afraid to drive home in the snow storm that was making its way into this area. that is the latest live from hackinsack. a frightening fall for a little girl in the bronx during the blizzard. the 6-year-old's mother told us she was walking down a sidewalk when she fell at least eight feet into a manhole. she couldn't see that it was open because of all of the snow. young men playing football nearby rushed to her rescue. the little girl spent the night
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she is okay. as far as fixing the problem, some cell phone video just shows tape, a garbage can and chair around the opening. new at noon, slashed on a subway train in manhattan. police at this hour trying to find the perp. >> it happened this morning on the number six train at the bleaker street station in noho. that is where darla lyle is live. >> we made our way to bellevue hospital where the 71-year-old victim is being treated for the four-inch garb to the left side of her face after being slashed. i'll show you video of the station after the attack happened this morning. it happened around 7:30 this morning, again, at the bleaker street station in soho. police say the 71-year-old woman was just sitting on the train and as the train approached the stop, they say the suspect just got up out of his seat and
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her face. we're not sure if that was with a knife or a raiser blade at this point. when the train stopped they both got off. she went and asked for help and that is when police say he got on a southbound d train. this is the third random slashing that has happened this month in manhattan. we had a 24-year-old woman slashed in chelsea on january 6th and then saturday before last, there was a 30-year-old social worker from new york slashed on his face. he had to receive 150 stitches and people in noho were really surprised to say this happened all over . >> i saw a lot of cops in front of, by the subway here. and i asked what happened so they told me, one of the guys
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he said a lady got slashed down stairs. that is why the presence of so much cops. >> again, the two previous slashings, those suspects have been arrested but in this case, this was a different suspect. police believe he is wearing red pants, a black shirt and they believe he got on a southbound d train after 7:00 this morning when the accident happened. the victim is being treated here at bellevue for nonlife threatening injuries. reporting live, darla miles. channel seven, eyewitness news. new at noon, an e8-year-old school bus -- 80-year-old school bus monitor arrested accused of hitting a child. bert sweeney was reported for swiping a student. he is due in court tomorrow. now to vote 2016, just one week to go until the iowa caucuses. presidential candidates are there working working hard to shore up support but now there
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blood countberg could join the race. he would -- bloomberg could join the race. he would be the second to run. we're live in washington dc with more on this. ken sgletd. >> i have new information on this. a confident to michael bloomberg says he will only get into the race if sanders match up against trump or cruz. meanwhile, the candidates who are in the race have a jam packed schedule in iowa this . >> the final sprint to the iowa caucuses. >> it is crunch time. i want to win iowa. i want to really win it. >> i know some of you are still shopping i like to shop too. >> we have the hawk eye state in their sights all week. bernie sanders with the biggest crowds over the weekend. >> this is a lot of people donald trump also packed the house.
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the gop unstoppable. there is word another billionaire could join the race. abc news learned michael blood countberg will consider an independent run -- bloomberg will consider an independent run in march. hillary clinton responded. >> the way i responded was if i didn't get the nomination, he would consider it. i'll relieve him of that and get the nomination so he doesn't have to. clinton raked in the endorsements. ted cruz got the support of rick perry. but sarah palin's endorsement brought the laughs on snl. >> she is a fire cracker, a real pistol. she is crazy, isn't she? >> all right. recent polls in iowa have trump and sanders in the lead. all of the candidates combined have about 30 campaign stopped
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tina fey getting a lot of laughs. reporting live here in washington. >> always does, doesn't she. a former nfl quarterback arrested, coming up on eyewitness news, why vince young was taken into custody and what he was doing minutes before the arrest. >> a big earthquake rocks p sometimes, we all need a little help. today, you helped her plant a garden, and you want to be there to help her with all her tomorrows. if you're trying to quit smoking, you may need a little help. medications to help you stop smoking... including nicotine patches, gum and other medicines, are available to medicaid members. call your doctor today to get the help you need to quit smoking... so you can always be there
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. former university of texas and nfl quarterback vince young was arrested for suspected drunk driving. police in austin say young was stopped late sunday when officers respondented his car drifting across lanes and not using a turn signal april according to the police report, young admitted to drin3 or 4 beers at a hotel. he refused a breathalyzer and drug test. his bail was set at $2,000. a $50,000 reward as a manhunt for inmates continued. the three yes were in a cell together as they managed to fight through cell doors and made it to the roof. surveillance video showed a figure that police believe is one of the men moving across the roof. the group then repelled down the walls and ran off. they were gone for 16 hours before anyone even noticed.
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damage from a major earthquake in alaska. surveillance video from inside a hardware store shows the the earthquake hit. you can see how strong it was knocking over shelves. four homes were destroyed but fortunately nobody got hurt. new details about whether debris found in thailand was part of malaysia flight 370. a japanese company now says that the piece is likely part of a rocket, not the passenger flight that disappeared nearly two years ago. a piece of flight 370 washed a shore thousands of miles from the indian ocean where it is believed the plane went down.
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. more stars speaking out about diversity in hollywood over the recent oscars bash lash. >> scandal and how to get away with murder shonda rimes is joining in the conversation as chris rock weig. >> another weekend and another award show in hollywood, another opportunity to ask about the lack of diversity. the producers guild honors both
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the group gave the norman leer achievement award to shonda rimes. >> women are smart and strong. they are not sex toys or damsels in distress. >> strong words came this weekend at the producers guild awards, top producer shonda rimes speaking on the need to create diverse characters that reflect reality. >> people with color are not sassy or dangerous and believe me, people of color are never anybody's side kick in real life. >> her speech is part of an industry wide conversation about inclusion after the oscar nominations where for the second year in a row, none of the 20 acting nods went to a person of color. last week, some industry figures, including will smith and spike lee said they were planning to skip the oscars. and on friday, the academy of motion picture arts and sciences responded with a specific plan to double the number of oscar voters who are women and minority voters by 2020 and
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board of governors and rules to ensure oscar voters are active in the movie industry. academy president boone isaac saying these new measures will have an immediate impact. backing her. >> it was a strong first step. i thought she did something fast and bold and that is what we >> oscar producer reginal hudland says chris rock plans to address the lack of diversity in his opening monologue. he is throwing it out and writing a whole new show. meanwhile, we're almost a month away and there is a new favorite for best picture. here is why. the produces guild of america named the mortgage movie of america the best picture of the year. why is that a big deal? the last eight oscar winners have also taken the pga's top
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the curtain rises on the 88th academy award ceremony, the oscars february 28th, right here on channel seven, once again, i will be on the red carpet. ken and charlene and amy, more tea leaves to read. screen actors guild have awards this coming weekend and then that will be also closely read like the pga. >> and chris doesn't pull any punches. >> i look forward to it. he is my favorite oscar host. >> yeah. he says what he wants. >> doesn't pull any punches. >> he really doesn't. and amy? >> you know, this weekend is going to be, or this week will be the meltdown basically. we've started that already today, so along with the snow sort of shrinking, it will be messy at times. the word of caution for the evening hours is as temperatures go below freezing, watch for the slick spots redeveloping, especially intersections, even just outside your own front door.
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with calm winds, they switched out of the south this afternoon and that is actually going to help aid in the snow meltdown as well. temperatures in the mid-30's, could go up a degree or two more. we have a warm start with the sunshine early on. but clouds are moving in quickly and some of these types of pictures are coming in via twilter. this is a -- twitter. this is a snow blob hanging off of the side of a home. there were heavy snow fall rates with a lot of wind so we're getting pieces of snow like this, even a little piece hanging over the edge whaechltz we get the melting, these -- edges. when we get the melting, these larger pieces break the surfaces so they can fly down off of the roofs. be careful and aware of things around your home where the snow has gathered because especially tomorrow, we get rain coming in, that will be a factor. here is what we have to get rid of. a lot of liquid, about 2 to 3-inchs of liquid for the areas in bright pink and the surrounding areas. clear your drains, make a place
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because once you get it shovelled off of the sidewalks, it still has to have somewhere to go. you don't want it to go towards your home or threaten other parts of your property. make sure you put it on an area where it can get into the drainage system. new york's top number, jackson heights. 34 inches of snow. port richmond, impressive. hicksville. over 29 new jersey's top total. long valley 30 inches. these numbers are considered the official reporting station numbers that come in from the national weather service. is the change up with the winds. we will see these churn to make them west and southwesterly. a reminder for the melting that occurs just outside of the buildings and homes, watch out for black ice, this is going to be a reoccurring theme as temperatures fall below freezing and then a shower can show up late tuesday. what is happening on that front is that a very weak system is coming through so tomorrow, it is a scattered shower, just through the afternoon, early
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41 degrees. the entire day will be folly and cloudy and we get the spotty rain showers that show up. be aware of that as well. accuweather seven-day forecast. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, temperatures are in the 40s then, mid-30's, thursday, particularly interesting for us to watch out for an off shore storm system coming through. that will come in late on thursday and then on friday, potentially bring us the chance for some light snow. so this is something that we'll be watching carefully. right now, that is what the science points to, a small system off shore that presents a few scattered snow showers across the area watch how this develops here. not looking like a major event which we saw last weekend that are seven days out and can track it. that is the accuweather seven-day. a reminder to get the snow totals and any information to follow up on the storm. sometimes people have questions about the amounts people got in the area they're working with contractors to remove the snow and that is helpful for them. >> good stuff.
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we continue to get a lot of your snow videos and pictures. here are some of them. so many people were using the hash tag with pictures during the storm that abc seven ny was trending nationally on instagram and locally on twitter. is your street still buried? snap a photo and share it with us using #plowmystreet and bc7ny. the airlines are trying to get planes in the air. 12,000 flights were cancelled when the snow dumped snow and ice. jfk, la guarda. newark, baltimore and charlotte lost a full day. five of the nation's biggest airlines have at least one hub at the airports meaning flight disruptions have had a ripple affect across the entire area. hey guys, today we're bringing you perfect plates on a dime.
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neal giving the kids a surprise for their lives. he wanted to be there after this now viral dash cam video officer robbie white responding to a call about teens playing loudly. opting to play with them instead. this kieb media frenzy but the police department says shaq said he wanted to keep it quiet to surprise the kids and the officer. >> sunday was a snow day for a group of nuns. look at the photos the nuns hit central park. to give you an idea of how
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