tv World News Now ABC February 29, 2016 2:30am-4:00am EST
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it's not an anti aging face cream it's realizing beauty, doesn't stop at my chin. roc's formula adapts to delicate skin areas. my fine lines here, visibly reduced in 4 weeks. chest, neck and face cream from roc. methods, not miracles. on the son of a bitch who killed my brother? (beckett) we're close. we think that jack was killed after rourke asked him to hunt down a drug dealer. turns out the westies have done a pretty good job with the war on drugs these past few years. talk about zero tolerance. the punishment for dealing drugs in their neighborhood is death. but when he tracked down this dealer,
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jack didn't have the heart to kill him. that is so jacky. (chuckles) he always led with his chin. he went through life like he was expecting to win the good sportsman award on trophy night. cut the crap, coonan. we know all about your heroin triangle-- afghanistan, hong kong... new york. and we also know that you hired an assassin named rathborne to kill your brother before he went to the feds about you. (sighs) prove it.
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ten years since we came home and found that detective waiting for us. ten years since we crossed that yellow tape and went into that alley. and every time i cross the tape at a crime scene, i think of that night. that's what makes you such a good cop. (whispers) what if i let her down? do you know why i chose you as my inspiration for nikki heat? no. why? because you're tall. now go in there and do your job. i have forensic accountants digging through your organization, mr. coonan. if there's evidence of heroin trafficking,
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but that's not your biggest problem right now. hiring an assassin like rathborne shows premeditation, and that makes this a special circumstance case, which qualifies you for the needle. now i am willing to take the special circumstance allegations off the table if you give me rathborne. the only special circumstance here, detective, is your complete lack of evidence against me. i have johnny vong. (laughs) the guy with the phony accent and the real estate scam? (laughs) is that the best you can do? are you really willing to bet your life that vong can't hold his mud, mr. coonan? give me the killer, and i will put the d.a. in the mood for a second-degree plea. when we first met,
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remember? now... could that be why you seem so eager to get your hands on this mysterious assassin? because if i had to guess, i'd say that someone close to you was murdered, and you think rathborne had something to do with it. but i don't have to guess, do i? because it's all over your face. that still doesn't change the fact that you're guilty of murder. maybe not. but for the low, low price of transactional immunity, i can give you the closure you've been seeking. you get rathborne, and i walk. and that, detective, is my final offer. (montgomery) transactional immunity, paul, and i'm inclined to give it to him. rathborne has killed five that we know of,
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it's one of our own, paul. i remember that used to mean something in this town. well? he went for it. the district attorney is gonna offer coonan immunity if he gives us rathborne. i hope you know what the hell you're doing. describe him. about my height. just so average, he's almost invisible. how did you meet? we were in the service together. they said he'd been killed back in a training exercise in '95. but then about a year ago, i'm sitting at a bar and i glance across, and i'm looking at a ghost. turns out he'd actually been recruited back then, not killed, to do... well, the bad stuff that governments like to deny. how'd you hire him? he'd given me the number to his answering service in the caymans. and then they provided me with a single-use e-mail address,
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e-mailed him the name of his target, wired him the money and waited. okay, here's the deal-- you're gonna contact rathborne with a contract on vong. you're gonna tell him that the police are taking him to the d.a.'s office for a deposition, that he can't make it there alive. it doesn't work like that. he wants his money up front. it's 100 grand, nonnegotiable. 100 grand? the city is never gonna agree to that. look, you want to catch her killer, the price is 100 grand. i can't just shoot that kind of money out into space without any hope of getting it back. you can't. i can. this one's on me. castle-- do we have a deal? we do, but my client's immunity kicks in the moment rathborne accepts the contract, once the wire transfer is complete. as soon as rathborne takes the job, your part is done. and i walk? and you walk.
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now for today's performance, the role of johnny vong will be played by officer clayton lee. we who are about to die salute you. ryan and esposito will escort lee to the d.a.'s office via a prearranged route. we'll have plainclothes in place on every corner and mid-block, and there'll also be air support, for what it's worth. not a whole lot. no one even knows what rathborne looks like. he shouldn't be too hard to spot. yeah, he'll be the one who's trying to kill you. (ryan) all right, let's go, everybody. (esposito) be advised, we are southbound lafayette approaching worth. roger on worth. let me know when you clear the intersection. we're through the intersection. continuing eastbound worth. it's a solid plan. we're entering the parking garage. eyes out.
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2:41 am
now ... a breakthrough from aveeno absolutely ageless night cream with active naturals blackberry complex ... ... a whole new way to keep skin looking younger longer ... ... starting tonight. part of the new absolutely ageless collection from aveeno itch relief. scratch relief. winter relief. that's gold bond medicated lotion relief. five moisturizers plus an extra strength itch fighter. gold bond . relief starts now. no, you didn't.
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i missed something. could've been me. rathborne could've checked the routing number, realized the money was coming from my account, not dick's. i was arrogant. i didn't think you were arrogant, castle. i thought what you did was sweet. and i will pay you back as-- negative, ghostrider. small price to pay for a shot at your mother's killer. her killer? what? coonan said it was 100 grand to catch her killer. and you never told him it was your mother that was murdered. there was no rathborne. that was just a cover. it was you. clever girl. aah! all right. ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. now here's what's gonna happen. we're just gonna stroll on over to the elevator together, nice and easy.
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you make a sound, you attempt a signal, you so much as clear your throat, and i'll put a round in this man's liver. and he will die slowly and in considerable pain. aah. let's go. what, no pithy remarks from the peanut gallery? not so funny facing your own death, is it? i don't know, dick. you tell me. last time i checked, this was a police station. you knew before i arrested you, didn't you? you knew my mom was your victim. it wasn't personal, okay? she was just another job. she was my mother. who hired you to kill her? (scoffs) forget it. you'll never touch 'em. they'll bury you. tell me who. (gun cocks) no. no. no! sir! i need him alive. that's right. you do need me. now back him off or castle dies.
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you know i can't do that. hey. (gun cocks) you want to learn who ordered the hit on your mommy? you better make sure i make it outta here. roy... please. that's right, roy. nice and easy. nice and easy. ugh! ah! (pearl jam's "the end" playing) what were all those dreams we shared (beckett) come on! come on. ...many years ago (voice breaking) stay with me. three. four. come on. stay with me. no. come on. stay with me.
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(grunts) more than friends i always pledged 'cause friends, they come and go people change as does everything i wanted to grow old i just want to grow old slide on next to me i'm just a human being i will take the blame but just the same this is not me you see oh. montgomery's post-incident evaluation. you come off like steven seagal. should i be flattered or insulted? (chuckles) both. or buried beneath the stones i didn't know what you felt like,
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i got some italian, got some thai, and i grabbed some hot dogs. it wasn't your fault, you know. there's such a thing it's my fault, now i... i overstepped. i came down here to say that i was sorry and that i'm through. i can't shadow you anymore. if it wasn't for me-- if it wasn't for you, i would've never found my mom's killer. and someday soon, i'm gonna find the sons of bitches who had coonan kill her. and i'd like you around when i do. and if you tell anyone what i'm about to say, there's gonna be another shooting, but... i've gotten used to you pulling my pigtails. i have a hard job, castle, and having you around makes it a little more fun.
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there are two kinds of folks who sit around thinking about how to kill people--psychopaths and mystery writers. i'm the kind that pays better. who am i? i'm rick castle. castle. castle. i really am ruggedly handsome, aren't i? every writer needs inspiration, and i've found mine. detective kate beckett. beckett. beckett. nikki heat? the character he's basing on you. and thanks to my friendship with the mayor, i get to be on her case. i would be happy to let you spank me. and together, we catch killers. we make a pretty good team, you know? like starsky and hutch, turner and hooch. you do remind me a little of hooch. (the voluntary butler scheme) i want to trade... oh, excuse me, baby. oh, boy. ah, home sweet home. can we get midnight from the kennel now? we'll get him as soon as we're settled, okay? i'm hungry. let mommy get situated, then i'll make you a bowl of hot cereal, okay? okay. come here.
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before we left. didn't you make the bed before we left? someone's been sleeping in our bed. someone's been sleeping in my bed, too, and he's still there. what? baby, go wait in our room. (girl) is he asleep? (castle) oh, yeah! that's what i'm talking about. darling, must you talk so loud? some of us are still waking up. what's all the excitement about? only the "new york ledger's" annual ten most eligible bachelor's list, and guess who's on it. who? i don't know, but he must be the president of the really-good-looking club. huh. ranked number 9. weren't you number 7 last year? yes, and thank you for pointing out my shortcomings once again, mother. ah, that's my job. luckily all my friends are beyond print media. what about this is embarrassing? nothing. it's the secret dream of every 16 year old to have their father crowned one of the most available hotties of the year. well, according to this, your father may not be on the market.
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"though claiming to be single, richard castle is rumored to be romantically involved with nypd detective kate beckett"... what?! "the inspiration for nikki heat, "the heroine of his latest best-selling novel. bachelor number 9 may not be eligible for next year's list." what? where did they get that? wait. let me see. i didn't say anything like that in my interview. detective beckett is not going to love this. well, maybe she'll just laugh it off. (alexis and martha chuckle) how is it, for a man who is surrounded by women, that you know so little about us? (cell phone ringing) speak of the devil. okay, either beckett's calling because there's a dead body or because she read the article. pray for murder. (ring) (beep) good morning. dead body. i'm good. (esposito) no one else had access to it, your maid... (woman) no. or anything like that? okay. (indistinct conversations) your daughter's school, they knew about...
2:51 am
(police radio chatter) what? what, what? so what have we got? your guess is as good as mine. john doe, no i.d. approximate time of death is between 9:00 last night and 1:00 this morning. the family found him after returning from vacation. apparently he made himself quite at home. how so? well, we found his food in the fridge, toiletries in the bathroom, even some of his clothes in the dryer. a real-life goldilocks. mm-hmm. it looks as though he even slept in the parents' bed. well, of course. that one was too hard, and baby bear's bed was just right. looks like he struggled. unsuccessfully. here. you see that? it's a needle mark from a syringe. probably was injected with something that stopped his heart. i'll run toxicology. as soon as i can pinpoint a c.o.d., i'll give you a call. great. thank you. mm-hmm. hey.
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you know who kills with syringes? mad doctors and b-movie nazis. why not just use a gun? guns are loud. i've seen squatters in abandoned buildings, but nothing like this. and then someone sneaks in and kills him with a needle. weird. mm-hmm. how are the dysons doing? mom and dad are pretty shaken up. little girl doesn't really know what's going on. did anyone know they were leaving town? uh, just people from work, daughter's school, stuff like that. we're running it down. hey, check this out. dysons found this in the kitchen, said it's not theirs. (beeps) (beep) this is here. (ryan) yeah, weird, huh? why would he take pictures? so he could put everything back the way he found it. he was hoping nobody would know that he was here. almost as though he was hiding. all right, have a tech pull the memory card. see if any of the deleted photos can tell us who he is. ooh, she is gonna kill him. he's dead. so, castle, is it true? are you finally off the market? you guys, if either of you breathe a word of this...
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the dysons' workplace or the kid's... school? (esposito) i ran background checks on everyone who knew the family was gonna be out of town. so far everyone's come back clean, but i'm gonna keep digging. anything on the canvass? a whole lot of nothing. no doorman on the building. none of the dyson's neighbors noticed anything out of the ordinary. shocker. i've lived in my spot eight years. i couldn't pick my neighbors out of a lineup. well, that's manhattan for you. (cell phone ringing) nobody notices anything unless it affects them directly. unless it's in the paper. excuse me. beckett. great. okay, good. got a hit off of john doe's fingerprints. douglass bishop. he's in the system. (keyboard keys clicking) (computer chirps) douglass bishop... arrested once ten years ago-- misdemeanor drunk and disorderly. charges were dropped. besides that, he's clean. all right, find the next of kin. after they i.d. the body, maybe they can tell us what the hell he was doing in that apartment. (lanie) i got the results back from the lab. he was injected with an anesthetic--ketamine. special "k"? he was killed by a club drug?
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whoever shot up mr. bishop was not looking to get him high. gave him enough to put down a horse. the victim's sister is here. i'm detective beckett. thank you so much for coming down. is--is that him? is that doug? that's what we'll need you to verify. (gasps) (cries) (man) none of this makes any sense. i mean, why would doug be living in these people's apartment? he's got his own place out in hoboken. is it possible that your brother was in trouble, that he was hiding from someone? no. everybody loved doug. did he owe anybody money or have any financial problems? not that i know of. i-i mean, his hours at the travel agency got cut back, but he was getting by. travel agency. maybe that's how he knew the dysons were out of town. but if he were in trouble,
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he was always saying that someday when his ship came in, he was gonna get himself a little-- a little scuba shop down in jamaica. doug was saving up for it. he would put a portion of his paycheck in an account every month. when was the last time you saw your brother? not since the holiday party. doug's agency threw it out by the airport, which is where stan works, so we all went. you just never think something like this is gonna happen. so you don't make time. (cries) okay, thank you. that was the travel agency. if doug was hiding from someone, he wasn't doing a very good job. apparently he hasn't missed a day of work until yesterday. what about the dysons' trip? they booked it through a different agency. the scuba fund? didn't touch it. so he wasn't in hiding, he didn't owe anybody any money and he had no discernable way of knowing when the dysons would be out of town. (ryan) hey, beckett. the geeks managed to pull the deleted photos from
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(ryan) stuff on counters, inside cabinets. that's not the dysons' place. he's done this before, but in other apartments. maybe he does it for the thrill. maybe someone found out and got mad. yeah, but he'd still have to know when they were away. unless doug bishop isn't our squatter. that's definitely not doug bishop. who is he? he's probably our killer. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of
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2:59 am
what kind of psychopath takes pictures of himself and his murder weapons? some killers keep trophies. in his defense, he did delete these photos. .45 with a silencer. wonder what he had lined up for this? nothing good. has c.s.u. pulled the prints off of the camera and personal effects? yeah, they don't match and they're not in the system. which means he doesn't have a record. well, if doug wasn't what was he doing in the dysons' apartment? he had to have known the squatter somehow. if this squatter about putting things back, why'd he leave all this for us to find? you're right. it--it makes no sense. what? no grand theatrical theory to spin for us? honestly, i-i got nothing. more importantly, we don't have any prints or leads. how are we gonna catch a ghost? by finding out how he haunts. if we can figure out how the squatter knew
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to the other places that he stayed, then maybe we can narrow down the field. we'll keep going through these. with any luck, we'll find something that can tell us whose apartments these are. okay, great. thank you. (castle sighs) (crashes into desk) hey. hey. what are you doing? i'm looking to see who won the game last night. oh, we won. do you even know what game i'm talking about? sure i do. the big game. (drops paper on desk) okay, castle. what's going on? (esposito) yo, beckett. check this out. he took a picture of the inside of someone's medicine cabinet. you can almost make out the name on these prescription bottles. have i.s. see if they can enhance the photo. (woman) oh, god. he went through my medicine cabinet? (gasps) please tell me he didn't go through my diary. oh, we're not sure, ms. langford. are you sure you don't recognize him? yeah, i'm positive.
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the only person that knew i was even out of town was my mother. everyone else thought i was on sick leave. you won't tell my boss that, will you? did you notice anything unusual when you returned? oh, that totally explains it. (castle and beckett) what? my faucet. for weeks, i've been asking my super to fix my leaky faucet, but he never came. and then when i got back, it was fixed. so i just assumed that he finally did it, but then later, when i saw him on the stairs, he didn't even know what i was talking about. the squatter fixed your sink? yeah. and there was this bottle of, um, like weird strawberry champagne in the fridge. and i just assumed that one of my friends had left it during a dinner party i had before i left, but... none of my friends would've bought such a-- cheap bottle of booze. exactly. so he makes repairs, leaves hostess gifts-- he's the gentleman squatter. who killed a man, so don't make him out to be the houseguest of the year.
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that photo in the paper did you no justice. you're much better looking in person. there's a picture of you in the paper? so are you the detective girlfriend? i'm sorry, the what? he... is such a catch. don't. show me. now. "romantically involved"? "rumored to be." what did you tell them? nothing! why would i do that? do you have any idea what this does to my reputation? your reputation? what about my reputation? i am just as upset as you are. i'm on your team. this is shoddy journalism, and i am two seconds away from canceling my subscription. my subscription. do you have any idea how hard it is to be a female cop? the last thing i need is for you to give them more ammo to-- yes, the "new york ledger," please. what are you doing? langford said that the only person who knew she was on vacation was her mother, but that's not true. if she was actually pretending to be sick, the last thing she'd want is newspapers piling up at her front door. she had the papers held. yes, your subscription department, please.
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exactly who's out of town and for exactly how long. yes, i would like to verify vacation hold information on two of your subscribers, please. who am i? i... i... i sometimes forget i'm not actually a cop. i don't. hi. this is detective kate beckett with the nypd. i'd like to speak with your supervisor, please. i can't really say he looks familiar, but you gotta understand, we have hundreds of employees. well, how many of them had access to vacation hold information? well, you got about a dozen in subscriptions, another handful in billing, and, of course, the newspaperboys themselves. i'm gonna need to see a list of their names. sure. follow me. donna. richard. what are you doing here? uh, you're not mad about number 9, are you? i told my editor to keep you at 7. no, no, it's not that. i don't care about that... much.
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oh. well, i just assumed. you kept bringing her up during the interview. no, i didn't. sure you did. you went on and on about her. "beckett said the funniest this, she's the best that." really? i did that? last year all you did was talk about yourself. well, donna, i am very, very single. really? because if you aren't involved, bachelorette number 3 asked about you this morning. did you see her? no? or are you one of those people who never goes below the fold? oh, i go below the fold. it's just, lately i've been very busy with my second nikki heat novel, and i n--oh, my god. mm-hmm. amanda livingston. so do you want her number? 'cause she wants yours. hey, we got a match. mickey carlson, delivery boy. both the dysons and michele langford are on his route. delivery boy. knew it. anyway, he didn't show this morning. another carrier had to cover. you know, there's no address on this application.
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it says there that payday is tomorrow. does mickey do direct deposit or does-- pick up his own check? like clockwork. payroll comes in at 10:00 in the morning, mickey's here at 10:01. (ryan) a delivery boy with a silencer and syringes full of ketamine? (beckett) his job's just a front for whatever business he's really in. here's a list of all of the vacation holds on his route. he could be squatting at any one of them. he's armed, so make sure your teams use extreme caution. castle and i will set up at the paper in case he shows. if he's out there, we'll find him. it's ironic, you know. people put in vacation holds to avoid break-ins. good use of irony. so who's your friend at the paper? oh, donna vincennes? mm-hmm. she's the one who wrote the blurb about us. there is no "us." i know that. did you tell her that? yes, i did, which worked out, actually, really well for me. as it turns out, most eligible bachelorette numero tres-- very interested in meeting me.
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they're gonna forget all about you and i. i can just see the headlines now-- "9 meets 3 at dinner for 2." (chuckles) believe it or not, there's a lot of women in this town who like the idea of being romantically linked to me. (footsteps approach) i have no life. no, mr. bishop has no life. that's why he's on my table. i need a date. what? a date. a... guy. a... man. you're always trying to set me up with people. so here i am. i'm game. what do you got? okay. what's gotten into you? i get so wrapped up in work, all i want to do is go home where it's quiet, and i'm so tired of quiet. i want... loud. okay.
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bradekker? no, no, baby. that's brad dekker. that firefighter i wanted to set you up with. is he cute? he was mr. july in last year's new york firefighters calendar. july. huh. mm-hmm. they always put the really hot ones in the summer months. exactly. well, then should we say around 8:00? all right. me, too. good night, amanda. ahh. sorry i missed dinner. there's quiche if you're hungry. sweet. or savory, actually. so... how was your day? i had a truly great day. i got pulled out of class and called to the vice principal's office. why? what did she want? you. here's her number. her number? oh, and my german teacher, fraulein sonnenberg, wanted me to tell you, auf deutsch, "du hast sex-appeal."
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but here's her number, too. fraulein sonnenberg? too old? that's okay 'cause my friend sloan thinks you're "real choice." she's 17, but she'll be legal in 3 months. hey. maybe we could double. oh, you hate me a little bit right now, don't you? just a little. what did beckett say? oh, i'm sure she'll be fine with it. maybe even a little flattered. (fork clatters) flattered? i was gonna... eat that. (whirring) (castle) 10:15. mickey's a no-show. (beckett) patience, castle. hey, have you ever heard of drago? yeah. it's on the "ledger's" top ten most romantic restaurants. it's pricey and impossible to get a table, unless you know someone. why? just looking for a place to go. what, like on a date? yes, on a date. why do you sound so surprised? no, i-- no, i just, uh, never figured you for a drago kind of girl.
3:09 am
3:10 am
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3:12 am
tt2watu# s4 bt@qop< tt2watu# s4 "a@q_\x tt2watu# s4 bm@qtwt tt4watu# s4 " dztq 0 t tt4watu# s4 " entq @$4 tt4watu# s4 " gzt& y#l tt4watu# s4 " hnt& i- tt4watu# s4 " iztq #dx tt4watu# s4 " jntq 148 tt4watu# s4 " lzt& )yd if you have high blood pressure like i do, many cold medicines may raise your blood pressure. coricidin hbp relieves cold symptoms without raising blood pressure. coricidin hbp. this is the ketamine that you used to kill doug bishop. whoa. no, no, that's not mine. pretty smart not using the gun, mickey. that would've been too messy. that's not my gun. look, i didn't kill anybody. i swear.
3:13 am
yeah, a victimless crime, especially the way i do it. if you didn't kill doug bishop, then how did he end up dead in the dysons' apartment? the guy from the maitlands' apartment must have killed him. and who are the maitlands? the people whose apartment i stayed in before the dysons. okay, why don't you start from the beginning, and take us through it from there? the maitlands put a week hold on their paper, which i was psyched about, 'cause they live on east 27th, which has amazing indian restaurants. so i pick the lock, i start taking pictures so i can return everything to its original state. i'm taking pictures when i find these syringes on the table. kinda weird, but i'm thinking, maybe one of the maitlands must be diabetic or something, right? so i keep going. then bam--it hits me. what's a gun with a silencer doing out on the bed? and next to it, i see all this gear. gear? mountain climbing equipment. at this point, i seen enough. i decide to get outta there. but just as i'm grabbing my stuff, i hear the door unlock. and i barely reach the closet in time. i could see 'em through the slats. it was three of 'em. it was, uh, this guy, a plain-looking dude and tough-looking s.o.b.
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a crescent moon? i know, right? it's crazy. anyway, they head into the back. i take the opportunity to grab my stuff and get the hell outta there. i end up at the dysons'. take a load off, i get comfortable, when outta nowhere, the front door opens, and him and his friend come in. who, crescent-moon scar face? no, the--the other guy. the plain one. they grab me and demand that i give them their phone back. their phone? are you making this up as you go? no, no, no, see, in my race to get out of the maitlands', i must have grabbed one of their jackets, which had their phone in it, but i don't know how they knew. newer phones have gps. they could track it on the web. huh? well, i didn't want their phone and i tried to give it back. the guy pulls out a syringe and is ready to stab me with it. but thank god for doug. oh, man. doug says, "i didn't sign up for murder." then they start arguing, and then the syringe guy says, "we've got 3 mil on the line. he's seen too much." next thing i know, they're fighting. so i ran outta there. (castle) i'm just saying,
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mysterious bad guys, crescent-shaped scars, hiding in a closet? it sounds like fiction because it probably is. well, that's too bad. he's a nice guy. so was jeffrey dahmer. didn't stop him from eating people. where are we on these maitlands? they're on a cruise ship, but we're getting the ship's security to track 'em down right now. all right, have 'em track faster. i need their permission to get into the place. can't we just get a warrant? on the word of a possible murder suspect? not exactly probable cause. but once we disprove mr. carlson's story, we'll be able to press charges for murder. (cell phone rings) (beeps) beckett. oh, hi, brad. uh, uh, no. no, no, no, it's not too last-minute. actually, my plans for tonight just fell through. who's brad? (laughs) mm. must be lanie's friend. you know him? yeah, met him once. good guy. fireman. i could be there in a couple of hours. he was in the f.d.n.y. calendar. chiseled good looks. rock-hard abs.
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after saving the parents and the kids, he went back in for the puppies. see you then. did she just flip her hair? (laughs) i'm telling you, bro, puppies... gets 'em every time. puppies. (cell phone beeps) (ryan) yes, mr. maitland? what? you're smiling. so? good-bye. hey. we got the maitlands. we're good to enter. they're calling the super right now. okay, let's go. (ryan) wait here, please. we'll check the back. okay. well, surprise, surprise. nothing here to verify mickey's version. oh, wow. look at this. did you find something? yeah, it's an old-fashioned dumbwaiter. you don't see these around anymore.
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into a hidden stereo component cupboard. i bet they have an r.f. remote somewhere. we're not here to admire the place, castle. how can you not? i mean, look at this place. this apartment is prewar, late 1800s. oh, you see this molding? that is the original wood. gorgeous. i bet the bathrooms have marble wainscoting. (laughs) you're such a metrosexual. yes. well, better than being a pinup boy. so you heard? and it's pinup man, castle. pinup... man. yes. well, have fun with your hose jockey whilst i go out with nuevo york's most eligible bachelorette number 3. oh, i guess that means she must be slumming it, her being number 3 and you being a lowly number 9. what number were you again? oh. place is clear. no gun, no ketamine, no mountain climbing equipment. there is nothing here. yes, there is. an icebox, circa late 1800s. you see, before the invention of modern household refrigeration, people used to keep their perishable items in a box
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hence--an icebox. it's not an open house, castle. oh, the maitlands were very clever. they converted this into a cupboard. meanwhile, it's right next to their fridge--aah! ooh! (clears throat) i did not expect that. crescent-shaped scar. looks like there was some truth to mickey's tale after all. moms know their family's mouths often need a helping hand. after brushing, listerine total care helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine total care to the total family. listerine total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth . and for kids starting at age six, listerine smart rinse delivers
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or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping little ones get off on the right foot.
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hey, have you heard? heard what? before school starts in september, all kids going into 7th and 12th grade have to get the meningococcal vaccine. it protects against diseases like meningitis. that can be serious, even deadly. yeah, that's why they can't start school without it. something to share? (giggling) actually, yes! talk to your health care provider. even kids who've had one shot
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stickups and a smash and grab. do we have time of death? yes, between 1:00 and 4:00 a.m. this morning, which rules out mickey carlson. we verified that he stayed in a homeless shelter last night. so if mickey was telling us the truth, then doug and mr. francis clearly got more than they bargained for. all by the murderous hand of their partner-- the guy who killed doug with the syringe-- our mysterious 3rd man. let's get photos of all of anton's known associates and former cell mates. if mickey saw his face, he should be able to i.d. him for us. so how does a man like douglass bishop-- with no criminal record-- get involved with hardened criminals? simple. they needed him. it seemed convenient to me that the maitlands were out of town when all this went down, so i did some digging. turns out that cruise they're on, they won it in a contest. only there is no contest. a phony award letter? yeah, when they got that and the tickets, they figured, why look a gift horse in the mouth. so guess where the tickets came from. doug bishop's travel agency. so the cruise was just a scam to get the maitlands out of town.
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why this week? and why the maitlands? well, unless our bad guys are into prewar architecture, there's really nothing in that apartment that's worth anything except for the audio/visual equipment, which was still there. why go through so much trouble to get in the maitlands' apartment? maybe what they wanted wasn't in the maitlands' apartment. maybe they were gonna rob someone else, but just needed access. the audio/visual equipment. access. the maitlands live on the second floor. running perpendicular to them and whatever's below is the old dumbwaiter shaft. in "gathering storm," i had derrick storm climb up the dumbwaiter shaft to bypass the czech assassin in order to save the swiss ambassador's daughter. maybe our bad guys are using the dumbwaiter to bypass the security of whatever's below them. which would explain the ropes and the climbing gear. so what's below the maitlands' apartment? (castle) a pet shop. why don't you come down and have a look at them?
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they're my specialty. my pleasure. okay. thank you. bye-bye. ah, how is it? can i, uh, can i help you? and you're sure nothing was stolen? ya. i mean, what is there to steal? this dumbwaiter has been opened recently. it was open? mickey told us his attacker said there was millions at stake. mr. du preez, what's on the other side of that wall? 28th street. eastside bank and trust. (castle) a bank heist. it looks like the plan was to cut into the back wall to get into the bank vault on the other side. we called the bank manager, the fbi, but our guys never made it that far. what went wrong? we don't know. it could've been greed, panic. it looks like our victims might have been betrayed by their partner. in the old days, you killed your partners after you got the money. any leads on this, uh, third man? no. we had our squatter take a look at mug shots of anton francis' associates, and we didn't find him. what if the connection to the third man isn't through scar face?
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we did. we checked his family, his friends, his coworkers. but not his clients. think about it. maybe that's it. the third man books a trip through doug. doug starts talking, tells him about his dream of owning a scuba shop in the islands. the third man senses his frustration. that's his in. he tells doug it'll be easy. it's a victimless crime, nobody will get hurt, insurance will pay, knowing the whole time, if the police investigate, they'll track the tickets back through to doug, not to him. the third man remains invisible so long as doug is dead. that almost makes sense. let's run doug's client list for the past six months. if anything pops, we'll show it to mickey. okay. you know, maybe i should cancel tonight. you're gonna cancel on the guy that risked his life for a bunch of puppies? sir, you know about my date? yes, and--and despite what you might think, the world's not gonna end just because you disappear for a night. and if it does, i'm sure that those two can handle it. yeah. go ahead. yeah, i need the overtime.
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you see how ready she was to cancel on that date? what's it to you, castle? yeah, why do you care? i'm just sayin'. look out 'cause, uh... (tim hanauer's "dream a better way" playing) neither of those. hmm? mm. look. oh, you're good. hey... i know that this can be weird for you, how parents aren't supposed to date. i know you date, dad. i know you probably do other things that i am not going to think about, and that we'll never, ever mention. fair enough. so... what's wrong? i don't know. i mean, i'm not gonna be here forever. and then who's gonna look after you then, bachelorette number 3? (laughs) slow down there. let's not go buying rings anytime soon. it's just a date. i know. and she seems nice and all, but... if that's who you date,
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with the kind of person who's a number on a list? well, i already have. you're number one on mine. look, it's my job to worry about you, not the other way around. i'll be fine. yeah. that's what you said when you tried to deep-fry a turkey. and we all know how that turned out. i just don't want you to get hurt... or burn your eyebrows off... again. i'm glad they grew back. they're finally matching. (chuckles) i've heard this place is impossible to get into. excuse me. ricky. frankie! come here. it's nice to see you again. and you. um, your table will be ready momentarily. castle?
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moms know their family's mouths often need a helping hand. after brushing, listerine total care helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine total care to the total family. listerine total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth . and for kids starting at age six, listerine smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. with a few elegant strokes create your most sophisticated look. new matte-matic from l'oreal. our 1st automatic liner with an intense-matte finish. the precise automatic pen and matte pigments... give you a captivating result. new matte-matic from l'oreal makeup designer paris. hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon... then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance.
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they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. by 1924, mrs. stouffer raised two boys. inspired a business in cleveland. and raised the standard for easy homemade family meals. today her high standards live on. it's why we use freshly made pasta in our lasagna. topped with real mozzarella and aged parmesan. and no preservatives. just a delicious meal you can feel good about serving your family. made with love. the way mrs. stouffer made it. stouffer's .
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it's not an anti aging face cream it's realizing beauty, doesn't stop at my chin. roc's formula adapts to delicate skin areas. my fine lines here, visibly reduced in 4 weeks. chest, neck and face cream from roc. methods, not miracles. i take it you two know each other? uh, yeah. brad, this is richard castle. we work together. uh, amanda, this is kate beckett. we work together. hi. nice to meet you. ah. what are you doing here? you knew that i was coming here. i knew you wanted to come here. i didn't think you could get a table last-minute. you got a table last-minute. yeah. i've got connections. so do i. city health inspector. wow. nice abuse of power. so, richard, you a cop, too? no. he's a novelist who's been shadowing me
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your table is ready. (cork pops) so you two working a homicide? um, a double homicide. it's actually a rather tricky case because the killer is... i like to call him the third man. very mysterious. it sounds like one of your books. yeah, it kinda does. anyway, he and his two partners... were gonna rob a bank, only he turned on the other two and killed them before they even finished the job. i mean, it doesn't even make any sense. usually you'd wait until you got the money before you double-crossed your partners. i mean, they didn't even have the right equipment to rob a bank. well, i'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. you know, speaking of great mysteries, i saw an incredible play off broadway the other night. i just wish i could figure out what they were doing with the ketamine. maybe it had something to do with the pet store. you gonna eat that? it's not like there was really anything to steal there. unless the pet store was just a front for something else.
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in which case, the owner might have been lying when he said that nothing was stolen. you want to have sex with me later? i'm sorry. would you mind if i made a telephone call? nah. thanks. um... the bathrooms are up by the front, right? pardon me. (cell phone beeps) have you got something? i was just having ryan and esposito run something down for me. the pet shop. yes! how did you know? i was thinking the exact same thing. it's probably a front for something. okay, so they're gonna dig up everything they can on the owner. it could be that he's hiding something. right. well, i should get back to this date. how's yours going? great. yours? fantastic. well, i'll, uh, see you. the pheasant is amazing. (cell phone buzzes) (buzz) i'm sorry. that's the station.
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bathroom again? (chuckles) so what'd they find out? (cell phone beeps) (esposito) yo. we ran the pet shop owner-- noel du preez. he came up clean. really? what about in the past couple of days? anything unusual? the day before yesterday, customs has him taking possession of a half a dozen african gray parrots, four baboon spiders and two black-tailed pythons, all from south africa. wait a minute. did you-- did you say black-tailed pythons from south africa? yeah. why? because black-tailed pythons, also known as indian rock pythons, are not indigenous to that area. why would they be coming from africa? why do you care about some motherfreaking snakes on a motherfreaking plane? because as a murder mystery novelist, i am highly paid to think like a bad guy. here are a few fun facts about snakes. they are cold-blooded, they swallow huge amounts, and they digest their food very slowly.
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if these snakes are coming in from south africa... there are two things in abundance in south africa-- racial hatred and diamonds. smuggling diamonds in live snakes. mickey's attacker said that there were millions at stake. (castle) and the dumbwaiter goes right down into the pet store. that's why the maitlands' trip had to be this week. they knew the shipment was coming in. and the ketamine-- was to dope the snakes so they could take 'em up the shaft without a fight, and then when we came to the store-- the owner couldn't say a word, otherwise he'd implicate himself in smuggling. so we find out who robbed him-- we find the third man. do they know they're finishing each other's sentences? have uniforms pick up the owner. we'll meet you at the store. hey, is this seat taken? (beckett) what should we tell them? this is gonna be awkward. they'll be okay. (brad and amanda speak indistinctly) is the owner in custody?
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place looks closed. okay, castle, hold my purse. follow me. ready? let's go. (esposito) room all clear. (ryan) here, too. (gunshot) whoa! (beckett) nypd! (esposito) drop your weapon! drop your weapon! (ryan) drop the gun! drop your weapon! drop the gun! drop the gun! get down! down! hey. you okay? oh, yeah. yeah, yeah. it takes a lot more than that to scare me. what about a big, hairy spider on your shoulder? yeah, that would do it.
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from aveeno itch relief. scratch relief. winter relief. that's gold bond medicated lotion relief. five moisturizers plus an extra strength itch fighter. gold bond . relief starts now. i didn't know you were the police. i have a right to defend my store. defend from who, mr. du preez? according to customs, you took possession of two black-tailed pythons. which is not a crime. no, but black-tailed pythons are indigenous to india. so why ship them in from south africa? my suppliers are there. there's nothing illegal about my business. then where are the snakes? they weren't in the store, and we didn't find any invoices indicating that they were sold. you know what we did find? a color grader, a u.v. lamp and a carat weight scale. all tools of the diamond trade. so what happened, mr. du preez? because we think someone broke into your store, came down the dumbwaiter shaft and stole your shipment of diamonds. now that's your problem.
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okay, fine. you don't want to implicate yourself. i get it. so i'm simply gonna ask, who knew about the shipment? come on, mr. du preez. don't you want us to find them? who knew? who did you tell? i told no one. mr. du preez-- i picked up my cargo at the airport personally, and i locked 'em in my office. the next day, they were gone. do you recognize either of these men? no. i've never seen any of them in my life. it's the truth. robbing a smuggler. it's almost a perfect crime. the victim can't go to the police without admitting his own crime. someone knew that shipment was coming in. someone had it planned. where are we on doug's client list? we ran every client doug ever had, and we got nada. just to be thorough, we showed their d.m.v. photos to mickey.
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well, it had to be someone du preez would never expect. someone connected to his pet store in some capacity, an old employee perhaps? he would have to know when the shipment was coming in. yeah, someone who knew his timetable. maybe someone du preez had sent to the airport previously to pick up a shipment. out to the airport. what was that? run all of the paperwork from du preez's last shipment-- customs, fish and wildlife, shipping company, everything. i want to know who knew what and when. you think someone at the airport caught on to du preez's smuggling, decided to rob him instead of report him? not only that. i think i know who. (beckett) mr. and mrs. kopek, thank you for coming in so late. please. oh, sorry it took so long. stan was at work when you called. oh, right. you said that the last time that you saw your brother was at the agency's party around where stan works? that's right. could you refresh my memory, mr. kopek? where is it that you work? it--it's late. could--could you just please tell us what you found out? well, i didn't really put everything together
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your wife's story about the party at the airport. what's this? it's a customs form, mr. kopek, authorizing the release of cargo to a mr. noel du preez, signed by you. yeah. so? i-i work for customs. what's-- what's the big deal? what's going on, stan? i have no idea. sure you do. when you realized what mr. du preez was doing-- smuggling diamonds-- you said to yourself, "why should i give him up to those ungrateful bastards? why not just take care of it myself?" stan-- (castle) then all you needed to do was pull the import permits from fish and wildlife to determine when the next shipment would be. but you needed someone with connections to fencing stolen goods. and so you contacted anton francis-- a con man and an old high school buddy who'd been in and out of jail for years. the easy score was money to his ears, but you needed to get the maitlands out of town for a couple of days first. and that's when your brother-in-law doug came in.
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did you play on his dreams, tell him he could finally afford that scuba shop he always wanted? stan, what did you do? nothing. nothing. i-i don't know-- mrs. kopek, your husband killed your brother. that's ri-- stan... they're lying. that's-- that's ridiculous. we have a witness, mr. kopek. the squatter you tried to kill identified you from a photo array less than an hour ago. oh, god. no, no, it was--it wasn't supposed to happen like this. n-no one was supposed to get hurt. i mean, doug--he just-- he wouldn't listen. and i-i didn't mean... and--and anton, he came after me. he--that was self-defense. i'm not--i'm not a killer. we have two bodies that prove otherwise. it just got out of hand. things just spun out of control. get him away from me. honey, it's-- (handcuffs rattle) (esposito) on your feet. (handcuffs click) i did it for us. (click) it was all for us, baby.
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and you guys thought i made the whole thing up. i believed you the whole time. so what--what happens to me now? i'll go back to the holding cell or am i headed to the tombs? neither. for your cooperation in the apprehension of stan kopek, the a.d.a. has agreed to a deal. five years probation for all your sins. no jail time? you have a shot at a second chance, mickey. don't blow it. (exhales) i won't. hey, thanks for everything. really, thank you. all right. whew. oh, man. i can't wait to go home and just slip into a warm bath and-- i-- don't. please don't. i was just going to say, i'm starving. we left the restaurant before i had a chance to finish my entree. oh, yeah. well, it wouldn't have mattered if you did. the portions there were tiny. ugh. you know, remy's is open all night. they've got those burgers...
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to be international news. >> shad: mmm. >> will: you know, nobody cares if i break my leg in the canadian rockies. ha, ha, it might make the local news. but niagara falls, i'm going to call from like anderson cooper. "so, you broke you--or you, you're going to call me, you know, so--" i did it well so i'm here. it's--it's--that's another level of pressure. it's one thing to get pressure from the environment, the fear and dangers there. and then it's the whole social world, and that's way scarier. you know, i'm not a natural, you know, jump up and down in public kind of guy. i'm learning. >> shad: is there an addictive dimension to what you do? >> will: yeah, i mean anything interesting and exciting is addictive, right? if you find it really engaging and fascinating then you get pulled toward it. well i hope you get a chance to do that for a long,
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and if you ever want to go ice climbing let me know, i'll take you out. >> shad: i'm a couple steps away from ice climbing. maybe-- >> will: oh, you're good. you're ready to go. no problem. >> shad: okay, all right. thank you very much. >> will: thank you. stop messing with my duct tape heart-- >> shad: still to come on q: a performance from barenaked ladies. we'll be right back. how fast are allegra gelcaps? we're going out in an hour... fast. allegra relieves your worst allergy symptoms two times faster than claritin . allegra gelcaps... not just fast. allegra fast. many prescriptions can cause dry mouth. act dry mouth mouthwash and toothpaste relieve dry mouth symptoms with soothing formulas that strengthen teeth and freshen breath.
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[theme] >> shad: "if i had a million dollars," "enid, "jane," "brian wilson," the barenaked ladies have been making hits for nearly 30 years. they just released their 14th studio album. it's called silverball and it's all about pinball. you can find out about that in the interview that's up on our website, but here, performing live, are the barenaked ladies in studio q. say what you want 'cause i can't hear you anyway go where you will
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either way did you just fail to mention that maybe i can make you smile again? make you smile and after a while, say did i just get your attention? did you notice that i changed my style and then you made me smile, but it's not my style still say what you want 'cause i can't hear you anyway go where you will i won't steer you or lead you either way did you lose your medication or did you just want to be with me again? i'll set you free, now let me
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picturing the headlines, but making news in america this morning, big winners at the academy awards. >> and the oscar goes to. >> leonardo dicaprio finally bringing home an oscar. >> i do not take tonight for granted. thank you so very. >> and host chris rock ripping into racism with humor. >> i'm here at the academy awards, otherwise known as the white people's choice awards. >> a night filled with a lot of laughs, surprise wins, snubs, glitz and glamour. we're live in hollywood. and "your voice, your vote," countdown to super tuesday. the candidates gearing up for the showdown. what a win for a front-runners
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