tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 28, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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that's the news for now. i'm joe torres. >> i'm diana williams. jimmy kimmel is next. eyewitness news returns tomorrow at 4:30 with ken rosato and lori stokes. for all of us here, have a great evening and we'll see you manana. >> dicky: from hollywood -- it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight -- ashton kutcher trailer park boys and music from david gilmour with cleto and the cletones. and now, by the way, here's
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>> jimmy: hi, everybody. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thanks for watching. thanks to equal of you for coming. did you have a good holiday weekend? i hope you did. i hope the bunny brought all your favorite colored jellybeans. we had a fun easter sunday. turns out my daughter jane, who's 20 months old, we found out she's not a good egg hunter. we handed her a basket and pointed her at the eggs and she stood there like, you expect me to pick these up? i've got an idea, here's your basket back, you pick them up, knock yourselves out. she wasn't aggressive at all. i can't decide if that's good or bad. do you want your daughter to be the one who knocks the other
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do you want her to be the one the other kids knock over? and now that we have ipads why do we expect children to still be interested in eggs? so we went to church on sunday. of course it was packed, of course we got there 10 minutes before it started. they did the part where they said, do you reject satan? everybody's supposed to say, i do. and my daughter goes, no! so we're in a lot of trouble. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: really, that's not -- oh, satanists in town? the president and first lady today hosted the annual white house easter egg roll. it's a tradition that's been going on for 138 years, since the year bernie sanders was born this has been happening. bernie sanders, if elected president, they're switching to soft boiled eggs. oh, i ruined that. i could go back and start over. so the president and the first lady were in good spirits, it's a fun event.
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with a reading of the president's favorite kids book "where the wild things are." >> and now, cried max, let the wild rumpus start. >> we need some rumpus going on. >> how do you do the wild rumpus? >> stand up, stand up. the rumpus! >> hey, hey, hey! this is the wild rumpus! >> jimmy: he is so done with this, isn't he? [ laughter ] he can't even get a wild rumpus going. it's the sort of thing i would want my vice president to do. spirit. this is the easter bunny, kanye west in costume. either that or his new spring look from the easy collection. light moment with dad. i wonder if he sent out angry costume. this is a video from sweden where a cup of guys, it always started with a couple of guys. a couple of guys decided they were going to egg their friend's
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so threw some eggs at the car. the guy comes running at them, unfortunately neglected to put the vehicle in park. and the vehicle fortunately for him -- the lake was frozen so the car just kind of drove on out. happy easter to them. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's interesting to learn the different ways that different cultures celebrate easter. this is how they celebrate easter in mexico city. >> for mexico city's mostly poor neighborhood of la merced, this is payback time. hundreds came out to watch the burning of an effigy of donald trump during a holy week tradition marking easter. >> jimmy: just how jesus would have done it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: donald trump got a nice delivery on sunday. a new grandson.
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to a baby boy, she named him theodore, which is interesting. theodore is usually shortened to ted, like ted cruz. that's one way to get back at your father, i guess. [ laughter ] dad, we'd like you to meet theodore, rosie, megyn kelly mexicans muslims jeb bush trump. as of a couple of hours ago donald trump hasn't tweeted about his new grandson. he's waiting to see the birth certificate. he's nothing if not fair. donald trump and ted cruz have been going at it hard. are you up to date on the ted cruz -- i don't know if it's a sex scandal or alleged sex scandal, "the national enquirer" published a story in which they insinuate ted cruz had affairs with five different women. this is the story they published. five romps that will destroy ted cruz. shocking claims. with blurred and barred pictures of the women. which, i mean, it's obvious who
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i mean, it's the spice girls. posh, sporty, baby, ginger, scary. [ laughter ] [ applause ] ted cruz denies the story and blames the whole thing on donald trump, specifically on a former trump adviser named roger stone. >> i would note mr. stone is a man who has 50 years of dirty tricks behind him. he's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. let me be clear. donald trump may be a rat but i have no desire to copulate with him. >> jimmy: that was clear? i think that could be clearer. [ laughter ] donald trump may be a rat but i have no desire -- like if he -- he would normally like to have cop ewe lations with a rat? i don't know. it's a terrible campaign slogan if that's what he's thinking.
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that he is responsible for this on facebook. he wrote, ted cruz's problem with "the national enquirer" is his and his alone and while they were right about o.j. simpson, john edwards, and many others, i certainly hope they are not right about lying ted cruz. a lot of compassion. this campaign has been handled with all the grace and dignity of a "real housewives of orange county reunion special." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i can't imagine that ted cruz -- no. i mean, i find it difficult to believe that even one woman had sex with ted cruz, never mind five. ted is going to be here on our show on wednesday. hopefully i'm sure he'll be delighted to get to the bottom of all this then. bernie sanders had a happy easter weekend. he swept all three democratic contests in washington, alaska, and hawaii. and he had syracuse in the final four so he got them all. sanders now trails hillary clinton in delegate count by slightly less insurmountable margins. for him to win the nomination he's going to need to win big in
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pennsylvania and three other states that don't currently exist yet. but i don't never know. the internet was aflutter over the weekend thanks to a about i remembered that found its way onto bernie's podium at a rally in portland. >> now you see, this little bird doesn't know it. >> i thought it was too early for protesters. get them out of here. >> i think there may be some symbolism here. >> jimmy: i don't know. just to recap, on the republican side they got sex scandals and twitter wars. the democrats, a bird landed a podium. meanwhile, here's how chris christie spent his -- since he's dropped out of the race he's been -- notre dame/wisconsin
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novelty-sized box of popcorn. i didn't know they made them that -- you'd think with all that corn a bird would land on him, but no. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is funny. the police department in texas set up one of the most creative crime fighting traps. batman could learn a lot. >> the granite shoals police department posted saying, meth and heroin in the area possibly contaminated with ebola. they asked people to bring their drugs to be tested. and on thursday the police department posted that chastity hobson was the "winner" of their facebook challenge. she's in jail this morning on drug charges. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: good news is she's completely ebola free. here's an experiment we did
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with madness at all hours of the day. you see a guy dressed up as optimus prime eats a pretzel out of the garbage, you think nothing of it, happens every day. from time to time we concoct weird scenarios to see how pedestrians will react to them and how long they'll let them go on. this time we presented people on the street with a situation we've all been in, how long do you wait to cross in front of someone who's taking a picture? some people don't wait at all, they barrel right through. some people wait and wait and wait. what if the people taking the picture were policemen? would you wait longer? well, let's find out. >> excuse me. can we have you guys back up one second, please? back up one second. hang on one second. thank you very much. thank you, thank you, thank you. a little more. a little braver.
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no, no, put that hand out again, that was great. there you go. i need you guys to back up. okay, there you go. get another one now. wait one second, get out of the street. we're doing this stay out of the street, please. thank you very much. we're doing this here. get out of the street. out of the street! out of the street! >> you're blocking the whole pavement. >> what is that? >> you're blocking the whole pavement. >> sir, can you come over here, please should show me your i.d. sir, don't you run -- sir, i will chase you. you know what? my mood is blown. everyone just go, just go. i don't want to do this anymore, just keep going. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there's a hero right there. when we come back, we'll find out how many times someone will go through a metal detector that we set up right in the middle of the sidewalk for no reason. longer than you might think.
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(music plays) hi i'm kristie and i'm jess. and we are the bug chicks. we are a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. "hey cortana, find my katydid video" oh! this is so good. (laughs) if you're trying to teach a kid about a proboscis just sketch it on the screen. i don't have a touch screen on my mac, i'm jealous of that. (laughs) you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view.
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. still ahead, ashton cuffer and music from david gilmore. joining us tonight are the trailer park boys, three exceptionally funny gentlemen from nova scotia, ricky, julian, and bubbles. i love their show. they're here to promote the tenth season of their show which is -- what's going on? released on netflix today. if you haven't seen the show -- is there -- why are there shots all over the place? is everything okay?
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[ cheers and applause ] hey, guys? what have you done to our director andy? that's andy our director. >> sorry, jimmy. ricky gave him a brownie and he's baked out of his mind. >> it's not our fault. >> only did a little piece, didn't know he was going to be such a [ bleep ] pansy -- >> don't touch any of the buttons -- >> we're just helping him direct the show. >> i can see that. it's not really that much help. because it's -- that's guillermo's ear. you're showing guillermo's ear. >> what do you need a shark button for? >> press the other button. >> jimmy: it's highly technical equipment. >> i'm getting the hang of it, jimmy. i'm figuring out the buttons. >> go back to the dressing room, i beg you, we'll figure it out.
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in there. >> shoot those concentrates? >> seriously, i've worked with a lot of directors, this guy is [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: all right, that's the trailer park boys, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm still upside down. this is the hell my daughter's going to. time for another experiment. you know, on the theme of obeying authority, for this one we set up a random tsa checkpoint in the middle of the sidewalk right outside our theater. right on the street, a metal detector. it was easy to walk around there were no signs indicating that you had to go through it. nothing like that. we wanted to see if someone would willingly subject themselves to a body search from a stranger and once they did how long they would allow it to continue. all in the name of science.
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>> oh, wait a minute. it just buzzed. can you -- i think it's her. >> her? >> can you come back? >> all right. >> no, it's not you, it must be you. come on. what you got in there? >> i don't know. >> you got keys? >> yes. >> can you empty out your pockets into the bin, please? you got everything else in there? you got on a belt? it might be the belt buckle. all right. >> can you take your belt off so i can make sure? yeah, i'm sorry. a sterile swab, open your mouth. open up wide. okay. i'm going to make sure your shoes are okay. oh what you got in your shoe, dude? >> i don't know, my feet.
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>> all right. i hope this is it. >> i hope so. i don't want to take my pants off. >> yeah, i don't want you to have to take your pants off. it's got to be your shirt. okay, walk through. oh! can you recite your abcs for me? a, b, c, d, e, f. g -- you know your abcs. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z >> you guys are clear. just walk through. oh, a moment -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show music from david gilmore. the trailer park boys are here.
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ashtonash ashton kutcher! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by nest. learn more about nest cam and the rest of the nest product family on announced. ford explorer...edge...escape... and expedition... are available with 0% financing for 60 months. ford suvs. designed to help you be unstoppable. no wonder ford is america's best selling brand. but hurry, 0% financing for 60 months on ford suvs is a limited time offer. see your ford dealer today. red lobster's lobsterfest is back. so come try the largest variety of lobster dishes of the year, like lobster lover's dream or new dueling lobster tails. it's a party on every plate, and you're invited.
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>> jimmy: hello, there. tonight three of canada's national treasures, the 10th season of their very funny show is now available on netflix. the trailer park boys are here. then, from the great and legendary band pink floyd, an accomplished solo artist with his own album called "rattle that lock," david gilmour from the samsung outdoor stage. tomorrow night salma hayek will be here, reggie miller will join us, and we'll have music from lukas graham. and later this week, ted cruz, mike epps, neil sethi, bill murray, music from st. lucia. join us then. our first guest tonight is an actor, entrepreneur, prankster, and twitter pioneer. he has a new show called "the ranch." it's not about the dressing.
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please welcome ashton kutcher. [ cheers and applause ] >> very good to see you. >> jimmy: you look very handsome. you know -- >> can i -- this little door thing? i want this to walk out of my house in the morning. >> it's completely ridiculous. >> i felt like a superhero. you guys can come too, that's part of it. >> jimmy: very star trek. >> a that door goes so fast. >> that's what they say. how are you doing? last time i saw you and your wife mila. we talked about our daughters. we both have baby daughters. >> yeah, we were sharing your baby calvin klein pictures? that's right, we had a fake -- exactly. >> incredible. >> jimmy: enjoying yourself still? >> it's so good. it's the best thing i've ever done. >> jimmy: did the easter bunny
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>> there wasn't a bunny. we were debating whether or not we were going to do -- explain that a bunny was laying eggs. because that's a little confusing for kids. >> and adults. >> we had a legitimate conversation as to woo to go down that path. we think we're going santa claus but we don't know about the bunny. >> jimmy: the bunny is much harder to explain. >> it's tough. why is a bunny laying eggs? mommy, does a bunny lay eggs? no, but the easter bunny does. why don't other bunnies lay eggs? what are peep chicken things? what does that have to do with geez coming back from the dead and did that really happen? it's all confusing. we did like the little plastic eggs. but we were like -- we didn't want to put candy in it. she's 1 1/2, we're not ready for her to be ready for candy. so we did cheerios and raisins. >> jimmy: oh, really, what? >> she loved the raisins. >> she did? >> she was like going ape for
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she figured out -- she hacked it. they were in different colors. the orange ones had raisins. she kept going for the orange. >> jimmy: wow. some kind of weird experiment. >> it was a real thing. like our version of the marshmallow test. >> jimmy: do you keep sugar in the house? >> we eat sugar like crazy, she just doesn't. >> jimmy: i see. do you hide it? >> it's there, we just don't give to it her. it's not on the level where she can get it yet. i'm not ready for that. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> i was eating cinnamon toast crunch this morning. she was trying to hijack my cinnamon toast truck. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> she's got the flavor. once you get the flavor. i'm trying to negotiate with her. it was like a republican debate. like i'm trying to say national stuff and she's yelling like donald trump. i'm like, this isn't going to work. couldn't get on the same page. >> jimmy: you will continue to eat the cinnamon toast crunch in front of her? >> oh, i'm eating it, this ain't about cutting things out for me.
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>> jimmy: at least your kid isn't a devil worshipper like mine is. >> i heard about that. >> jimmy: there was another moment she interjected with a no. the reject satan, she did not. then the one where you believe the virgin mary conceived, whatever. she said, no, i don't believe that either. i'm like, it is a little hard to believe but we'll explain when it you get older. >> it's tough. wait till you get to explaining, it's even tougher. it only gets harder from here. >> jimmy: still not as weird as a bunny laying eggs. >> we become big liars as they get older. >> jimmy: this has got to be a big deal, you're an actor and you start out on a sitcom. now you're on cover of "forbes" magazine. [ cheers and applause ] do you take pleasure in that at all? >> do i take pleasure? i love investing in technology companies. i love finding the next thing
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>> name some of the companies that we know that you've invested in. >> uber. airbnb zenifits. there's a new company coming out that it's going to be great. it's this thing called the june oven. i don't know if i can legally do this but i'm going to do it. i'm an investor. i think i have to reveal that. >> jimmy: the june oven. >> unbelievable, it's this oven, it's got machine vision. you put whatever you put in it, it knows what you put in it, it has a scale, it knows how heavy it is, and it cooks it for you. >> jimmy: really? >> it's crazy. it's like the jetsons. you just put it in, take it out. i went to the office to visit, like there's no way. they put cookies in and they were like, we'll take a meeting here. then he got a notification the cookies were done and we had cookies and they were perfect. >> jimmy: wow. >> you can preorder one online. they come out in like a month. >> jimmy: are you sure somebody
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bake" off one of these things and say ashton's going to give us $80 billion? >> this is the real deal. it's crazy. it's insane. i feel like that guy on -- selling hairspray or something. >> jimmy: uber worked out all right for you. >> uber worked out all right. >> jimmy: do you use uber? >> i use it all the time. >> jimmy: i use it too. and i was thinking it might be fun -- i'm sure you know, you own the company, do you know you can look up your rating? >> i didn't know that until recently. apparently you can look up your rating. >> have you looked up your a rating? >> i did. >> jimmy: i looked up my rating. i don't know what your rating is. >> do you have your rating? >> jimmy: i have my phone and i will look up my rating. and we'll take a break. when we come back we'll verify our uber ratings. compare ratings. >> okay. i had a bad incident. >> jimmy: even better. i'm in good shape. i had no bad incidents. ashton kutcher is here.
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you live on a planet that is mostly water. sometimes water just starts falling out of the sky. when water freezes, people play on it. when it bubbles, people sit in it. when it moves, people slide down it. and smart people, like this person, say there's about to be even more water. there's about to be even more water. ok, smile.
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not now! i'm cleaning the oven! yeah, i'm cleaning the gutters! washing the dog! washing the cat! well i'm learning snapchamp! chat. chat! changing the oil... (vo) it's surprising what people would rather do than deal with retirement. pressure-washing the... roses. aerating the lawn! (vo) but with nationwide it's no big deal. okay, your retirement plan is all set. nationwide? awesome. nice neighborhood. nationwide is on your side
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>> don't answer, it's a trap. >> no, just changing the flavor profile. >> that's a bad answer. >> if you bought a ferrari, would you get an automatic? >> pretty sure that's the only way they make them these days, dad. >> i hate you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ashton kutcher in "the ranch" starting friday on netflix. you put out ten episodes right away? >> we shot ten, put the first ten out april 1st, we have another 10 that will go out later in the fall. >> your pal danny masterson is on the show, deborah winger is on the show, sam elliot who we saw there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's heavy to have sam elliot in your comedy show. >> we have this awesome cast. sam is like an intense guy. we knew for the guy who was going to be the patriarch, he had to be that kind of intense guy. it takes place on a ranch in
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sam's a real cowboy. he's the real deal. and my dad, i knew no matter how old i got or how in shape i got he could still kick my ass. and i had that with sam. first time i get him i was like, sir. why am i saying sir? he's not a guy to mess with. he's got that cool voice. >> jimmy: and he's big. >> yeah, he's big. he's big. but you don't want him to not have the cool voice. and there's a feeling that like if he gets upset that he's going to break out the not cool voice and that voice is not the voice you want. >> jimmy: the cool voice is already a little bit scary to start with. >> already a little bit upset. in the perfect way where you want him to narrate how you're going to bed at night. you want him to narrate your whole life. ashton is brushing his teeth right now. in that cool gravelly voice. he's got that perfect -- he's amazing.
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working with danny's like -- he's one of my best friends in the world, he was a big proto me when i moved out here. you go to work with your best friend every day. >> jimmy: let's get to your union i. i have the instructions on how to do it. go to the app. do it at the same time to save a bit of time here. >> all right. >> jimmy: i've already screwed it up. okay, here we go. go to the profile icon. then you go to help. >> account, help. >> jimmy: then you go to account. mine's taking a minute here. i got my account. >> mine's really fast. >> jimmy: i'd like to know my rating. >> can't change? i'd like to know my rating. >> jimmy: then click submit. >> submit. ready? >> jimmy: hold it right here. >> this way? >> jimmy: all right. >> 479. that's not bad. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you're going to think this is a joke.
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>> no way! i know what happened. >> jimmy: i beat you at something. >> i know what happened. i had a bad -- i had an incident. they're calling it the incident. >> jimmy: what happened? >> i had a night where we were drinking vodka. and i was not driving home. >> jimmy: i see. >> uber was of great assistance sdpli see. you got carried in the house? >> i don't know how i got in the house. i don't remember getting in the car or the house. apparently i remembered to press the uber button. >> jimmy: i know why mine is not a perfect 5. because i got into someone else's uber accidentally and we didn't realize it till we got to their destination. >> oh! >> jimmy: it was a whole mess, yeah. >> that's a thing. >> jimmy: i think the guy punished me for that. talking about this on the air, should you tip an uber driver? should you give the uber driver an extra tip? >> i would never say don't tip an uber driver. like if you really feel like the
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your baby in the back seat, give the guy a tip. but the company is designed -- and we talked with the founder, travis, about this a lot. should we do tips, shouldn't we do tips? we thought about it along this life cycle of the company. and the truth is the data shows that jobs that accept tips as part of their core income, people end up getting paid less than if the company just pays the people what they're worth to do the job. >> jimmy: why doesn't the company pay them the same and then tip them? >> you can do that, nobody's telling you you can't give somebody a tip. the idea of the service is you get into the car, you take the ride, you got out, done. it's not that weird sort of exchange moment. the other thing is for driver safety, having cash on them sometimes isn't the safest thing. i'm not saying it's wholly unsafe. but it is a designed experience to not have to tip. >> jimmy: all right. >> if you don't want to tip, to feel bad.
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drop that beat. yea we rocking right now. one time... two times. buy one take one is back at olive garden choose one delicious entr\e at our place and another for yours starting at $12.99 may all your tomorrow's be as delicious as today olive garden at our house, we're always down for more... case in point: our handcrafted skydiving chamber. refueling! be hungry for more. just never be hungry. with premium pepperoni and 100% real cheese...
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if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's medication isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio.
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he'll take my arm. when we're walking, rolling and rocking. woo! ooow! hey there, can i help you with anything? hey siri, what's at&t's latest offer? oh, i don't think that siri can... right now, switch to at&t for an iphone and get one free. wow, is that right? yeah, it's basically... yes. that is the current offer from at&t. okay siri, you don't know everything. well, i know you asked me to call you the at&t hostess with the mostest. okay, shut her down. turn it off.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests are rivaled only by rush for the title of canada's greatest power trio. you can follow their adventures in nova scotia on season 10 of "trailer park boys." it's available on netflix today. please welcome ricky, julian and bubbles, the trailer park boys. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was a pretty nasty spill, i hope you're okay. >> you know -- >> it was your fault, bub.
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only one canadian in the audience tonight. he doesn't know who you are. usually we've got like half the audience is canadian. go ahead and introduce yourselves just so people know who's who. >> i'm bubbles. >> i'm julian. >> and i'm ricky but my passport says randy leahy so i'm not sure who i am. >> jimmy: we're not talking about your forgery passport. >> name's ricky. >> jimmy: what do you do for a living? >> i buff them back to quality and sell them back to the grocery stores. >> i'm a farmer i guess you could say. >> jimmy: what sort of crop dozen you grow? >> greenery. >> i'm a businessman, entrepreneur. >> jimmy: what businesses are you involved with right now? >> i've got a few -- i'm trying to get into -- i've had the bar business going, shuts down, opens again, shuts down again. >> jimmy: you started an illegal
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>> you could say that. >> jimmy: yes. >> kind of illegal. >> jimmy: did you have a big easter celebration at the trailer park? >> we did. >> it was awesome. >> love easter. >> jimmy: what are your tradition traditions? >> i have a lot of kitties. i usually -- i hide kitty treats around and have a nice kitty treat hunt easter morning. >> jimmy: oh. >> kitties are still looking for them. >> i have an adult easter egg hunt. >> jimmy: what does that mean? >> inside the egg it's not chocolate, it's -- well, hash. >> jimmy: regular, colorful plastic eggs? >> it's edible but it messes you up to easter tuesday. >> jimmy: i see. are you currently on drugs? >> no comment. >> the hash, he hides and he smokes a big one. then he doesn't remember where he put them. he just goes looking for them himself. >> jimmy: all right, that makes a lot of sense if you think about it. you guys were on tour in europe, you did live shows throughout europe. >> yeah.
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>> it was crazy there. we were on shows in every place. it was awesome. >> jimmy: what are you drinking there, julian? >> rum. you sent us up here first class, very nice, thank you. last time there was 10 stop-overs and stuff. thank you very much, cheers. >> as long as they have cocktails on the flight. >> europe is cool but i don't understand how they understand each other, the words don't make sense, it's weird. >> ricky, they're talking in a different language so they understand each other. >> didn't make sense to me though. >> it's not supposed to. >> jimmy: speaking of things that don't make sense we're in the middle of a presidential election here in the united states. have you been following this? >> little bit. >> yeah, little bit. >> jimmy: do you know about donald trump, are you aware -- >> i don't know, line -- is he all right in the head? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, he's fine. >> is he being serious, though?
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>> being are saying if tron. a ld dump -- the population of canada would grow. >> jimmy: people would move to canada? >> what'd you call him? tronald dump? >> it's trump. >> tronald trump might catch on though. >> jimmy: i kind of like it, actually. [ applause ] i've been watching your show. this is your third season on netflix. do you have netflix? is that something that you get in the trailer park? we do. it's actually free. so it's kind of cool. >> jimmy: you get it for free? >> free for a month, supposed to be. >> what we do is someone gets it for a month, they give everyone the password, someone else gets it for the next month, so you don't have to pay for it. >> ricky, all these people are here tonight. >> jimmy: you probably shouldn't say -- you have celebrities on the show this year. actually, i am on the show this year.
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[ cheers and applause ] tom arnold is on the show this year. and snoop dogg as well. >> snoop dogg, doug benson. >> jimmy: oh, all the stoners are on your show. >> yes. >> it was a blurry season. i don't remember much of it. >> jimmy: it's like the hollywood squares have come back to life with this crew you have there. is that exciting for you? >> very. >> jimmy: it is, yeah. >> very exciting. my bird was doing that. kind of like when i get thankful -- >> don't talk about that on tv. >> well, it happens. >> jimmy: i want to show this picture. this is from your tour of europe. where was this photographed? >> that was in berlin. i was in the berlin marathon. >> jimmy: and why are you wearing hockey gear? >> well, these guys forced me to go in it and i said, i'm not going in it unless i'm wearing full gear. it was the inline skating. i had the skates on. >> jimmy: you could skate in the marathon? >> there's an inline skating, it's very dangerous i found out.
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>> no, i don't train for anything. >> it was a good then i borrowed hockey gear. he fell down a lot, kind of embarrassing. >> i had a couple spills. i may or may not have caused a huge pileup of germans. >> jimmy: i have to say i am very much looking forward to season 10. every season has gotten funnier and funnier the last few years. and i can't imagine this won't be any exception. the trailer park boys. it's streaming on netflix. right now the whole season 10. we'll be right back with david gilmour gilmour! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live
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ooh ooh ooh rattle that lock and lose those chains ooh ooh ooh rattle that lock ooh ooh ooh rattle that lock and lose those chains and all the other travelers become phantoms to our eyes furies and the revelers fallen angels in disguise no discord chance or rumour is going to interrupt this place no discord chance or rumour to interrupt this
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, a father is tried a fourth time for murdering his wife. but his family always believed he's innocent and hopes that new bombshell evidence from this fire might finally clear him. if he's allowed at trial. the latest chapter in a 15-year saga. cockpit confidential. a flight grounded just this past weekend after the pilot was arrested and charged with showing up to work without alcohol in his system. >> seat buts securely pass accepted --
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