tv WAVY News 10 NBC January 28, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
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recorded by a neighbor who sent us this video 8:48 - cameron come out with your hands up. come to the front door that is now open! 9:02 - more sound of the trucks ramming in to the house - things crashing/breaking 9:05 - cameron come to shot to death all at the cameron dooley police says cameron shot to death his father todd dooley he dooley his sister brooke dooley his grandmother doris dooley and landon his brother back at the other house and then he turned the gun on himself and killed
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many people are reacting to the sad news. this shooting happened in the tight-knit deep creek community in chesapeake. the dooley family is on the minds of many of you today. 10 on your side's brandi cummings continues our team coverage with reaction from people who live in chesapeake. we are here outside of lawrence pharmacy. this is a popular business on george washington highway. we spent the day talking to people from the deep creek area who knew the dooleys
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sot - sandy renslow, lawrence pharmacy employee - clip 2 35:12 someone had called me at home and told me what was going on and when they told me where it was i knew whose house creek h. s. graduate - clip 4 40:00 we lived across the strett from them about 8 years ago for 7 years and i knew them and i went to school with them and it was like i didn't believe it. 40:10 sot - kimberly karika, lawrence pharmacy employee - clip 3 37:12 i live on canal and so i heard most of what went on so i was up a lot of the night and heard everything that was going on, 37:22 butt her sots 37:45 i heard the loud speakers from the swat team. i heard some shots. lawrence pharmacy employee - clip 2 36:09 when we came in to work it was very very sad and we've talking about it. other customers have called and inquired about if it was rev. dooley's wife and we said yes. a church family. its something that you don't expect coming from a family like that they were a very close knit family and had a lot
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40:47 butt sots sot - brittni phillips, deep creek h. s. graduate - clip 4 40:58 we'll never know why he did it or what was going on in his mind 41:04 that may be one of the most difficult things about this situationso many questions will go unanswered. the community is rallying around the dooley family. i asked one woman how do you go onshe said one day at a time. live in chesapeake brandi cummings 10 on your side. so many of you here in hampton roads and people across the country have been sharing your heartbreak, shock and condolences via social media. people that had been following this story on our wavy facebook page since the beginning of the standoff telly said "i was hoping that when i woke up everything would be fine and no one was hurt..." so many offering condolences and prayers lisa wrote "praying for
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neighborhood......" and truly the whole area has been affected by such a tragic event like this kayren said "saw this on my way to work this morning,may god be with them &the one that killed the family." look on twitter at just a few of the things being said.... abby wrote "rest in peace brooke. my thoughts are going out to the dooley family today" kai, "pray for deep creek. rest in paradise brooke dooley" and ryynnn asking people "if you would take a moment to pray for the deep creek community, it would be greatly appreciated. rest in peace brooke dooley and family. on 757 real estates page this post that says thoughts and prayers go out to the deep creek community, high school, cheer family and everyone that knew the dooley family. it notes what so many of you know that deep creek is a small but tight knit community that the dooley family was an active part of. and here's a post on the western branch growing forward page that has a
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blue candle saying that a community is mourning. but as i mentioned it goes even beyone hampton roads. a missionary in illinois talked on his page about the dooley's support of his work in 3rd world hospitals i also saw a pastor in florida who posted about the dooley's supporting his efforts for close to 40 years. there is a prayer vigil planned for the community to remember the family. it's happening tonight at temple baptist church in chesapeake. it's set to begin at six p-m. and will go until 10pm. another candlelight vigil is also being planned for saturday at 5pm. our coverage of this developing news story continues -- online at wavy dot com -- and on air -- on wavy news ten at six. tonight: a few showers early, then decreasing clouds. lows: mid-30s. winds: light west. friday: mix of sun and clouds. highs: upper-40s. winds: w 10-20 mph. saturday: mostly sunny. milder! highs: low-50s.
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an area of low pressure is moving offshore, but it'll be close enough that we'll be contending with mostly cloudy skies and a few scattered showers through this evening. most of the shower action will stay south of the metro..closer to northeast north carolina and the outer banks. there could be a few lingering showers early tonight, but clouds will gradually clear out by tomorrow morning. expect a mix of sun and clouds for your friday with highs in the seasonable upper-40s. heading into the weekend, temperatures will warm highs in the 60s through
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virginia senators mark warner and tim kaine are rising costs of college and student loan debt. the senators met with students from all over the state yesterday- from public and private schools for a roundtable discussion. senator kaine told 10 on your side they were struck by the stories they heard. particularly one from a student at longwood. "1:36 she and her fiance, her long time boyfriend, they're about graduate and they're happy to be married and happy to graduate but they're going to have 90- thousand dollrs in loans :46 working on legislation make sure they find real solutions. he believes college costs will be one of the defining issues in our government over the next few years. coming up on wavy news ten at five- thirty - no other country would do so much for an ordinary citizen, and i know that." he spent more than a year held captive in iran -- and he was told
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a texas teen who spent weeks on the run in mexico -- is back in the u-s. ethan couch -- the so-called "affluenza" teen -- as sent back by mexican authorities earlier today - after dropping his appeal against deportation on wednesday. he was taken into custody at dallas fort-worth airport around noon. the 18-year old arrived in handcuffs and with a police escort. couch and his mother tonya were the subject of an international manhunt last month -- after he missed a mandatory meeting with his probation officer. couch was on probation after kiling four people in a drunk
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at the time. we're learning more about the time washington post reporter - jason rezaian - spent as a prisoner in iran. rezaian is one of five americans held prisoner in iran released just over a week ago. he is back in the u-s -- and spoke at a grand opening ceremony for the washington posts new building in d-c. he was joined by secretary of state john kerry - who helped negotiate his release. (jason rezaian- freed journalist)- "i'm truly fortunate to have this opportunity to thank secretary kerry and ambassador brett mcgurk for negotiating with the iranians for my release and for constantly advocating on my behalf within the u.s. government. no other country would do so much for an ordinary citizen. i know that." rezaian said while he was in prison -- his interrogators often told him that the washington post did not exist -- that no one knew he was being held captive -- and that the u-s government would not lift a finger to help him. coming up on wavy news ten at five- thirty - we're just days away from the first votes being
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with just four days to go until the iowa caucus - tonight the remaining g-o-p presidential candidates will gather in des moines for one last debate. but with donald trump's decision to boycott the fox news event - the question remains will tonight's debate be a turning point in the race? for a look at what we can expect, here's ten on your side's national correspondent mark meredith. [take pkg] pkg trt: 1:32 out: in 01:20-01:32 - mark level. donald trump says he's skipping tonight's final g-o-p debate in iowa. trump rally "are you worried its going to effect your chances in iowa, no i think i'll do great in iowa, i love iowa, i don't think iowa is going to care" instead the repulican frontruner plans to host
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veterans one hour ahead of the debate. but could missing out - end up hurting trump's appeal with voters? his brash exchanges - especially with host megan kelly have made for awkward yet viral moments. nat break from fox news debate in summer "megyn if you don't like it, although maybe i could not be based on the way you have treated me" a new poll - out today - sees trump with a 7-point lead ahead of texas senator ted cruz and well ahead of the remaining candidates including marco rubio, ben carson, and jeb bush. seeing a moment of opportunity , ted cruz says he's ready to debate trump one on one. and me, he could lay out his vision for this country, and i can lay out my vision for this inlclude trump on stage - you can bet the 7 other candiates on stage will make it clear - they're ready to be the anti- trump for the country. rubio bite here "i will bring us together, i will bring us together quickly, no matter what our differences may be, we cannot win if we're divided against each other" [take studio]
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while donald trump is promising to stay off the a sign he realizes how important the media still reporting in washington, im mark meredith. tonight: a few showers early, then decreasing clouds. lows: mid-30s. winds: light west. friday: mix of sun and clouds. highs: upper-40s. winds: w 10-20 mph. saturday: mostly sunny. milder! highs: low-50s. winds: s 5-10 mph. an area of low pressure is moving offshore, but it'll be close enough through this evening. most of the shower action will stay south of the metro..closer to northeast north carolina and the outer banks. there could be a
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early tonight, but clouds will gradually clear out by tomorrow morning. expect a mix of sun and clouds for your friday with highs in the seasonable upper-40s. heading into the weekend, temperatures will warm into 50s and yes, even 60s across the region! we'll actually be tracking highs in the 60s through most of next week - enjoy! tonight: a few showers early, then decreasing clouds. lows: mid-30s. winds: light west. friday: mix of sun and clouds. highs: upper-40s. winds: w 10-20 mph. saturday: mostly sunny. milder! highs: low-50s. winds: s 5-10 mph. an area of low pressure is moving offshore, but it'll be close enough that we'll be contending with mostly cloudy skies and a few scattered showers through this evening. most of the shower action will stay south of
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and the outer banks. there could be a few lingering showers early tonight, but clouds will gradually clear out by tomorrow morning. expect a mix of sun and clouds for your friday with highs in the seasonable upper-40s. heading into the weekend, temperatures will warm into 50s and yes, even 60s across the region! we'll actually be tracking highs in the 60s through most of next week -
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and i'm chris horne we have a team of reporters working to bring you the very latest on the deaths of six people in chesapeake. next on wavy news 10 at 6-- what could lead to such rage of a murder suicide a family of six decimated the entire ordeal ended in this house behind me. news > thursday > p5 ches gw hwy wildwood police he spent 25 years on the street, on alert, constantly on guard, and then to lose his life in this fashion, is just, is just tragic. 633 then to lose his life in this fashion, is just, is just tragic. 633 city councilman robert ike speaks out on the murder of a fellow retired chesapeake police officer. hear more from friends of the family killed and what we know about the suspect - coming up at
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i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms . we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms . no growth-promoting antibiotics,
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i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit the world health organization will hold an emergency meeting on monday -- to decided if the zika outbreak should be considered a global health emergency. the zika virus has now spread to 20 countries. there are a couple dozen cases in the u- s. -- but most are in central and south america. the world health organization is predicting more than three million cases of zika over the next year. most people with zika don't get sick - however the virus has been linked to wave of birth defects in
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president obama -- officially launching the white house cancer moonshot task force today. he's tapped vice president joe biden to chair the effort. obama announced the initiative during his state of the union address earlier this month. the goal is to double the rate of progress on cancer treatment and prevention. vice president biden said he wants to spend his final months in office working to cure cancer -- after losing his son beau to brain cancer last year. coming up on wavy news ten at five- thirty - a moment of silence for the space shuttle challenger. how the crew of the international space station honored the legacy of fallen astronauts. the right not to vaccinate is challenged in virginia, today. why a prosposed bill could force everyone parent to immunize their
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those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. today marks the 30th anniversary of the space shuttle challenger tragedy. the crew of the international space station paid tribute to the crew -- as well as the crews of apollo one and columbia. 25-41 i'd like to take a moment of silence and recognize the sacrifice of all those crew members and how their spirit and legacy lives on in our achievements in space. ((pause for head bow) seven members of the challenger crew died on 28, 19-86,
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failed, causing the shuttle to break apart just 73 seconds after launch. stay with us... wavy news 10 at 6 is next. two homes - two murder scenes - surrounded by police tape. a day shrouded in one family's tragedy. six people killed in a murder-suicide leaves a community asking - why? a source tells 10 on your side - doris, todd, lori, landon and brooke - were all shot and killed by grandson, son, and big brother cameron dooley. chesapeake police tell us after shooting his family last night - cameron then shot and killed himself. the news of this family's death spread throughout the community. 10 on your side's andy fox spent the day sorting through the details-- and is live now a timeline of what
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it's hard imagining that a beautiful picture like this could hang in a home where such horror hid. but police say it did-wednesday 3:35pm a concerned police officer shows up at todd dooley's home and find's dooley's 22 year old son landon shot to death on the floor. three and a half hours later at 7pm investigators turn their attention to this home on george washington highway. the are looking for suspect 26 year old cameron dooley. it is a massive police operation as you can tell from this home video sent to us (14:40) ((big bang oh my god)) runs:03 finally a 2:10 this morning police enter the home and they find five people shot to death all at the hands of cameron dooley police says cameron shot to death his father todd dooley he killed his mother lori dooley
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