tv WAVY News 10 NBC February 2, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm EST
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jeremy wheeler is at the virginia living museum with chesapeake chuck. will he, or won't he see his shadow? that's the question. last year jeremy said chuck did not see his shadow - so that meant an will interpret chuck's decision this year, and we will get another update from him minutes. the most famous groundhog, puxatawney phil, already gave his prediction. "is this current warm weather more than a trend? per chance this winter has come to an end. (crowd cheers) there is no shadow to be cast. an early spring is my forecast!" there you have it. puxatawney phil predicts an early spring. now let's get the latest
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tate in the super doppler 10 weather center. rest of today: partly cloudy. cooler. highs will be in the mid-upper 50s. winds ne 10-15mph. tonight: mostly cloudy. lows will be near 50 degrees. winds east 5-10mph. wednesday: mostly cloudy. warmer. scattered showers in the afternoon. highs will be in the low 70s. winds south 10-20mph with gusts to 30mph. we're behind a cold front, it's a cooler day. still lovely, and it's still above the average with 50s. early tomorrow, a warm front will lift back north through the region. so, highs will be in the 70s again. we could see a stray shower early, but scattered showers will be more common in the late afternoon/early evening
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front. the front will slowly push through by thursday morning. rain highs will be in the 50s on thursday. we'll be new at midday, a traffic alert in chesapeake. three cars crashed near galbush road and battlefield boulevard. here's a look at some pictures from the crash scene. police say a driver was going south on battlefield when he had a medical emergency and crossed into oncoming traffic. that driver ended up hitting two other cars. police tell us three people went to the hospital, but no one has serious injuries. happening later this afternoon, the mother of a murdered 13-year-old from blacksburg is expected to speak to the public. tammy weeks and blacksburg police are scheduled to talk about nicole lovell at two this afternoon. david lovell, nicole's father, went to the courthouse yesterday to face the two virginia tech students charged with his daughters death. 18-year-old david eisenhauer faces murder and abduction charges. 19-year-old natalie keepers faces charges for improper disposal of
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after the fact. both are in jail without bond. nicole's father says he just wants answers. 10.38.12 david lovell/nicole's father "these two individuals took my daughter from this planet and i want to know why and i want all the information i can get." warrants show no firearms were used in nicole's death. look for more from her mother's news conference later today on wavy news 10 at 4. new at midday, we can now show you video of the coast guard medevacing a woman off a cruise ship near cape hatteras. here you can see them hoisting the woman up into the helicopter. the coast guard got a report monday that a woman was unconscious aboard the norwegian breakaway cruise ship. the crew took the 61-year-old woman to senatara norfolk general hospital where she was in stable condition. happening today, chesapeake residents will learn more about contaminated water in a navy public meeting. 10 on your side first reported the issue near fentress a couple of weeks ago. test results showed
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field had high levels of a dangerous chemical commonly found in fire extingushing foam. the navy is providing drinking water to affected residents. tonight's meeting will be held at butts road intermediate school on mount pleasant road from 4 to 7 p-m. the navy, e-p-a, the city and state agencies will talk with residents . you can count on 10 on your side to be there. look for more tonight on wavy news 10 at 11. we just learned new information from hampton police about a deadly accident last night. police say the man hit and killed is 39-year- old wilbert sanders. officers say around 6:30 yesterday evening, a car hit a sanders as he was crossing the street at west mercury boulevard. they believe he was headed toward the langley square shopping center. sanders died at the scene. the driver was not hurt, and police have not said anything about charges. we are working to learn more about a deadly accident that killed a 9-year-old boy, and left a 7-year-old boy in the hospital.
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two boys were thrown from a minivan last night near the intersection of llewellyn avenue and west 27th street. that's in the park place neighborhood. police say a pick-up truck hit the minivan. witnesses ran to the scene to help. a mother of one of the boys was behind the wheel. she went to the hospital, and is expected to be okay. 10 on your side spoke the sister of the 7- year-old boy who is still in the hospital. okay, he has bruised lungs and a slight concussion." 19:39:08 "sad because that could have been my brother." the driver of the pickup truck had only minor injuries. police say they are still investigating the accident. now to decision 20-16 news, and the iowa caucus results. on the republican side, texas senator ted cruz won with about 27-percent of the votes. he picks up 8 delegates. donald trump wasn't far behind with about 24-percent, and 7 delegates. in third was marco rubio with about 23- percent
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and now to the democratic side, where it's the closest results in iowa caucus history. hillary clinton is the apparent winner according to the democratic party, but bernie sanders is still calling it a tie. andrea mitchell has the latest. 23:34:27 hillary i stand here tonight breathing a big sigh of relief - thank you iowa! ((cheers)) 23:49:48 bernie: thank you iowa!!! ((cheers)) early this morning, hillary clinton was named the apparent winner of the iowa caucuses... after an extremely close race with bernie sanders....who responded to the news after arriving in new hampshire this morning kasie: do you think you'll contest these results sanders: honestly we just got off the plane, and we don't know enough to say anything about it. a race so tight, that in a few caucus precincts, some county delegates were decided by a coin toss something that party officials actually recommend to settle disputed counts. bernie: it looks like we'll have about half of the iowa delegates. ((cheers)) for sanders, the tension was high... watching the
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hotel room ... pacing in front of the television... even delaying his flight to new hampshire to see the final call... which never came nats and after a chaotic night, there are questions that the iowa democratic party was unprepared... the sanders campaign is accusing the party of not properly training their precinct chairs. now both candidates are looking ahead to new hampshire, where sanders has a massive lead. and clinton is saying she is a progressive - aligning herself with sanders' issues. 23:29:56 hillary: i am a progressive who gets things done for people! ((cheers)) while sanders is still firing up his base 00;02;35;28 sanders: what iowa has begun tonight is ((cheers)) both campaigns coming out of iowa with no clear winner... in a fight that has just begun reporting. bernie sanders is now in new hampshire looking ahead to the
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late at night and was greeted by an excited crowd. :00 - :04 crowd cheers and yells later sanders spoke to cnn about the very close results in the iowa caucus. :00 - :31 reporter: "do you take this as a victory regardless of what the margin is?" sanders: "absolutely. look what you're talking about is one way or the other a couple of delegates. we're gonna need 2,300 delegates to win this thing. maybe we lost by two, maybe we lost by one, maybe by zero, whatever it may be. uh, but what this shows is that this campaign has started in a very forceful way, starting way way back and coming to a virtual tie, and we are going to fight here in new hampshire, look forward to winning here." the decision 20-16 race after two candidates dropped out last night. democratic candidate and former maryland governor martin o'malley, suspended his campaign after coming in with very little support in iowa.
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side, former arkansas governor mike huckabee suspended his campaign. he joked after two runs for the white house voters were sick of seeing him. still ahead - an arrest in a deadly shooting at homeless camp in seattle. the suspects are. plus - a clerk was not about to let a robber steal from his store. ahead, the unbelieve surveillance video you need to see. controversial program. what school officials are considering in california has a lot of people intense flames burned down was a piece of history. and - you're taking a but there's a big change from yesterday - the temperature. meteorologist deitra tate has a more indepth look at your
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new at midday, police in washington state arrested three teenagers for a deadly shooting at a homeless camp last month. you're looking at video of police taking the 17, 16, and 13-year-old suspects into custody. seattle police officers found them at another homeless camp less than a mile from where the shooting happened. investigators believe crime may be related to drug dealing. two people died in the january 26th shooting, and three others were hurt. late last night the seattle police chief called the crime a "senseless act of violence". new at midday, lawyers for ammon bundy are expected to argue for his release today. they are appealing a judge's decision to keep the oregon protest leader in jail. bundy's lawyers are asking a judge to release him from jail, give him a g-p-s device, and order him not to leave oregon.
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people arrested in burns, oregon near where protesters have been ocuppying a national wildlife refuge. shortly after his arrest he asked people still protesting to go home. meanwhile, ammon's father cliven bundy has a different message for protesters. he ordered the four people still protesting to keep occupying the refuge. cliven even sent a notice to the local sheriff's office demanding all federal and state police leave the area. new at midday, a school board in san francisco is currently weighing a very controversial issue - whether to provide condoms to middle schoolers. they would be available to students as young as sixth grade. the san francisco unified school board says a recent survey revealed five- percent of middle school students say they are having sex. people on both sides of the proposal have strong opinions about it. :42 - 1:08 kevin gogin, san francisco unified school district "we believe that
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transmitted infections as well as pregnancies." (mos) "it's not their job. it's not their job, it's not their call. it's our call. i think it comes down to the parents. yeah, it's the parents that should be on top of this." "if they're having sex behind their parents' back, why not be safe about it?" the school board says a program providing condoms to high school students worked, and has been in place there for 25 years. william and mary health officials say they don't think there is a risk to the community, despite a student contracting the zika virus. the student caught it while on a trip to central america. university officials also experiencing any symptoms and should recover. students 10 on your side spoke to around should recover. students 10 on your side spoke to senior w & m student - about it, life is pretty much continuing normally for me. 19:12:06 sot - jessie chiasson, freshman w & m student - clip 1 19:06:32 i haven't
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19:06:38 sot - katie slacin, it might become a bigger concern later when the weather. 19:10:01 the world health organization declared the zika virus an international emergency. a drugmaker is launching research to develop a vaccine to prevent the virus. the c-d-c says the most common symptoms are fever, rash, joint pain, and pink eye. the symptons are mild, and sometimes people don't show any of them at all. the biggest concern right now is the virus's possible link to birth defects. health experts are studying the mosquito-borne illness and think it could cause babies to be born with heads. all new at mid-day, a new study about the health of seafood. researchers at rush university in chicago found certain fish can help lower the risk of alzheimer's disease. scientists looked at the brains of more than 500 deceased adults. they found, those who ate seafood at least one time a week had lower symptoms of alzheimer's. although seafood is linked to higher
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brain, the mercury did not increase the risk of alzheimer's. also, fish oil supplements were not found to have any effect on alzheimer's. ( weather anim - with track) rest of today: partly cloudy. cooler. highs will be in the mid-upper 50s. winds ne 10-15mph. tonight: mostly cloudy. lows will be near 50 degrees. winds east 5-10mph. wednesday: mostly cloudy. warmer. scattered showers in the afternoon. highs will be in the low 70s. winds south 10-20mph with gusts to 30mph., it's a cooler day. still lovely, and it's still above the average with 50s. early tomorrow, a warm front will lift back north through the region. so, highs will be in the 70s again. we could see a stray shower early, but scattered showers will be afternoon/early evening ahead of the next cold front. the front will slowly push through by
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will continue through that time. then it will finally push out to sea by the midday thursday. on thursday. we'll be much cooler then into the weekend with highs mostly in the 40s. the weekend looks dry at this time. today: partly cloudy. cooler. highs will be in the low 50s. winds ne 10-15mph. tonight: mostly cloudy. lows will be in the upper 40s. winds east 5-10mph. wednesday: mostly cloudy. warmer. scattered showers in the afternoon. highs will be in the low 70s. winds south 10-20mph with gusts to 30mph. cold front has moved through the region. cooler temps have moved in for today, but they will be seasonable. tomorrow a warm front will lift back through the region. highs will be in the 70s again. we could see a stray shower early, but scattered showers will be afternoon/early evening ahead of the next cold
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slowly push through by thursday morning. rain will continue through that time. then it will finally push out to sea much cooler then into the weekend with highs mostly in the 40s. the weekend looks dry at this time. today is groundhog day. in addition to punxsutawney phil's prediction, we will be seeing if chesapeake chuck will see his shadow at the virginia living museum around noon. a local housekeeper accused of stealing from weekend with highs mostly in the 40s. the weekend looks dry at this time. seeing if chesapeake
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a williamsburg woman faces federal charges for allegedly stealing more than half a million dollars from her elderly employer. 82-year-old pete mcdonald tells 10 on your side, he hired dana morris back in 2011. he says she spent a few hours a week doing his laundry, sorting his bills and mail, and mostly keeping him company. in exchange, he paid her 400-dollars a month. three years later, he says he realized she had been altering his checks, and even ordered new ones for herself. pete mcdonald/alleged victim (1) 12:20 i'd say i was more disillusioned and hurt and angry, my god, you're supposed to know people. completely misjudged her, which is the same reaction from people around here who ate with us and knew her and they can't
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person. :41 morris faces 19 counts of wire fraud. she has pleaded not guilty and will face a jury march 31st. a florida store clerk is lucky to be alive after he fought off an armed robber. take a look at surveillance video that captured the whole fight. the gunman walks in and confronts the clerk, who is a military veteran then the robber walks him to the cash register. the robber starts rummaging through the register when the clerk attacks him. the two struggle for the gun, and the clerk disarms him. the robber runs off and police are still looking for him. a burglar was no match for a 92-year- old world war two veteran. sunday morning, joseph milspaugh was inside his california home when he heard some glass break. he says an intruder tried to get inside using an axe. "this guy up there with an axe
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to the conclusion that being a sunday he assumed people would be going shopping or going to church and no one would be home, you know?" the burglar definitely tried to break into the wrong home. milspaugh went and got his gun and fired at the intruder, scaring him off. police are still looking for him this afternoon. will we have 6 more weeks of winter? next on wavy news 10 midday, find out
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had to say. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria.
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we're back at 1230 on wavy news 10 midday i'm don roberts. thanks for staying with us. we are continuing to follow breaking news- northampton county schools closed early today. the school superintendent tells 10 on your side it's all because of a bomb threat against the school division. it's not specific to one school. we're told the schools were evacuated around 10 this morning, and police dogs from chesapeake are helping to sweep the schools. police set up command posts at three schools. 10 on your side's deanna leblanc is following up on this. look for more details coming up on wavy news 10 at 4. switching gears now on this groundhog day, the decision is in from puxatawney phil.
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weather more than a trend? per chance this winter has come to an end. (crowd cheers) there is no shadow to be cast. an early spring is my forecast!" 07;22;57 an early spring is my forecast!" 07;22;57 puxatawney phil predicts an early spring. 10 on your side has two meteorologists standing by with a second opinion on that. meteorologist deitra tate is live in the super doppler weather center. but first, let's start with a local prediction with meteorologist jeremy wheeler who is in newport
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let's get the latest from meteorologist deitra tate in the super doppler 10 weather center. today: partly cloudy. cooler. highs will be in the low 50s. winds ne 10-15mph. tonight: mostly cloudy. lows will be in the upper in the afternoon. highs will be in the low 70s. winds south 10-20mph with gusts to 30mph. cold front has moved through the region. cooler temps have moved in for today, but they will be seasonable. tomorrow a warm front will lift back through the region. highs will be in the 70s again. we could see a stray shower early, but scattered showers will be more common in the late afternoon/early evening ahead of the next cold front. the front will slowly push through by thursday morning. rain will continue through that time. then it will finally push out to sea by the midday thursday. highs will be in the 50s on thursday. we'll be much cooler then into the weekend with highs mostly in the 40s. the weekend looks dry at this time. today is groundhog day. in addition to punxsutawney phil's prediction, we will be seeing if chesapeake chuck will see his shadow at the
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around noon. new at midday, a traffic alert in chesapeake. three cars crashed near galbush road and battlefield boulevard. here's a look at some pictures from the crash scene. police say a driver was going south on battlefield when he had a medical emergency and crossed into oncoming traffic. that driver ended up hitting two other cars. police tell us three people went to the hospital, but no one has serious injuries. happening later this afternoon, the mother of a murdered 13-year-old from blacksburg is expected to speak to the public. tammy weeks and blacksburg police are scheduled to talk about nicole lovell at two this afternoon. david lovell, nicole's
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face the two virginia tech students charged with his daughters death. 18-year-old david eisenhauer faces murder and abduction charges. 19-year-old natalie keepers faces charges for improper disposal of a body, and accessory after the fact. both are in jail without bond. nicole's father says he just wants answers. 10.38.12 david lovell/nicole's father the information i can get." warrants show no firearms were used in nicole's death. look for more from her mother's news conference later today on wavy news 10 at 4. new at midday, we can now new at midday, we can now show you video of the coast guard medevacing a woman off a cruise ship near cape hatteras. here you can see them hoisting the woman up into the helicopter. the coast guard got a report monday that a woman was unconscious aboard the norwegian breakaway cruise ship. the crew took the 61-year-old woman to senatara norfolk general hospital where she was in stable
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happening today, chesapeake residents will learn more about contaminated water in a navy public meeting. 10 on your side first reported the issue near fentress a couple of weeks ago. test results showed drinking water near the field had high levels of a dangerous chemical commonly found in fire extingushing foam. the navy is providing drinking water to affected residents. tonight's meeting will be held at butts road intermediate school on mount pleasant road from 4 to 7 p-m. the navy, e-p-a, the city and state agencies will talk with residents . you can count on 10 on your side to be there. look for more tonight on wavy news 10 at 11. we just learned new information from hampton police about a deadly accident last night. police say the man hit and killed is 39-year- old wilbert sanders. officers say around 6:30 yesterday evening, a car hit a sanders as he was crossing the street at west mercury boulevard. they believe he was headed toward the langley square shopping center. sanders died at the
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not hurt, and police have not said anything about charges. we are working to learn more about a deadly accident that killed a 9-year-old boy, and left a 7-year-old boy in the hospital. police just told 10 on your side - the 9 year old was wearing a seatbelt at the time. norfolk police say the norfolk police say the two boys were thrown from a minivan last night near the intersection of a pick-up truck hit the minivan. witnesses ran to the scene to help. a mother of one of the boys was behind the wheel. she went to the hospital, and is expected to be okay. 10 on your side spoke the sister of the 7- year-old boy - who they hope will leave the hospital tomorrow. kasaera mcclenny - surviving boy's sister c71 19:38:38 "he's doing okay, he has bruised lungs and a slight concussion." 19:39:08 "sad because that could have been my brother." the driver of the pickup truck had only minor injuries. police say they are still investigating the accident. now to news around the world -
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in australia says a driver deliberately ran down and killed 17 kangaroos. the spokesman for the royal society for the prevention of cruelty to animals in queensland said someone fund the carcasses of 16 kangaroos were monday along a 300-foot stretch of road in the eastern city of brisbane. another kangaroo had to be euthanized because of its injuries. many of the animals were young. -- sot --) s/ daniel young/ rspca queensland state chief inspector :06 deliberately to run down these poor kangaroos." the spokesman said the kangaroos were deliberately hit, with tire tracks visible where the car had gone off the road to run down the animals. a scottish tourist when when an elephant trampled him. a scottish tourist when when an elephant trampled him. it happened in thailand. authorities say he and his 16-year-old stepdaughter were riding the elephant in the resort town of sumui. they say the elephant gored the man with its
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him. officials say the elephant got angry after its trainer wandered off to take pictures of tourists. new at midday a massive fire destroyed a historic building in california. take a look at the huge flames. firefighters say this five-alarm fire started last night inside the rehorn home. it was built in the early 1900's and is on the national register of historic places. fortunately no one was inside when the fire started, and no one was hurt fighting the fire. firefighters say this fire was so intense they had to evacuate nearby homes and businesses. investigators are still looking into the cause. investigators say a fire early this morning in virginia beach started by accident. firefigthters say it started in a garage at a home on winterhaven drive in the castelton area. the fire didn't spread to the house, but firefighters say there is smoke damage inside the home. two people went to the hospital for smoke
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we are working to learn how they are doing. firefighters tell us smoke detectors woke them up and allowed them to get outside. still ahead on midday- a shopping spree 100 years in the making. :27 - 31 "what did you buy today?" "i don't know man there's so much stuff in there." you'll hear more from this 99-year-old shopper, and her secret to staying youthful. plus, we'll take you behind the scenes for a look at the iowa caucus and how people voted. shopper, and her secret to staying youthful. and, what's with this zebra costume at a zoo? it may look strange. but it's actually a teaching tool during an emergency. plus - we're on your side
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super doppler 10 forecast frustrated with your overactive bladder medicine not working? can't handle the side effects? botox treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox can help calm your bladder and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control or muscle weakness can be a sign
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don't take botox if you can't empty your bladder on your own or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor your medical history. muscle or nerve conditions, medications including botulinum toxins, antiplatelets and blood thinners, may increase the risk of serious side effects.
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now to decision 20-16 news, and the iowa caucus results. on the republican side, texas senator ted cruz won with about 27-percent of the votes. he picks up 8 delegates. donald trump wasn't far behind with about 24-percent, and 7 delegates. in third was marco rubio with about 23- percent and also 7 delegates. and now to the democratic side, where it's the closest results in iowa caucus history. hillary clinton is the apparent winner according to the democratic party, but bernie sanders is still calling it a tie. 23:34:27 hillary i stand here tonight breathing a big sigh of relief - thank you iowa! ((cheers)) after a chaotic night,
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the iowa democratic party was unprepared. the sanders campaign is accusing the party of not properly training their precinct chairs. the race was so tight, that in a few caucus precincts, some county delegates were decided by a coin toss it's something that party officials actually recommend to settle disputed counts. now to a closer look at how people voted in the iowa caucus. keith cate gives us a behind the scenes look at the republican and democratic sides. it took about two hours for republicans at this des moines elementary school to go through the process. a few were allowed to speak on behalf of their candidate of choice. then it was he didn't want to say who he voted for. it is a secret ballot after all. :21:11:08 (terry brandstad, iowa governor) i trust the voters of iowa. that they'll make a thoughtful decision and we'll see where it
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kellie hockmuth told me yesterday she was going to be here.. and she was true to her word. :21:54:40 (kellie hockmuth) you said you were going to vote for marco. i stuck to my word and went with marco. when all was said and done the handwritten votes on the paper showed marco rubio the runaway winner with 63 votes. in another part of the same school democrats were holding their own caucus. here they needed a microphone. after supporters spoke on their candidates behalf they moved around the room seperating into a couple of big groups. one for hillary clinton the other for bernie sanders. (sb - tim hanson and sarah) there was another small group for candidate martin o'mally. but after the first count it was clear he had too few supporters to be a viable candidate. (sb - martin guy) proving the polls right this democratic race is neck and neck. tim and his wife sarah remained split after the voting one supports clinton the other sanders. (sb - hippie couple) it took longer than the republicans.. but after some creative and confusing math this
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sided with hillary clinton. that was keith cate reporting. the decision 20-16 race is a little bit smaller after two candidates dropped out last night. democratic candidate and former maryland governor martin o'malley, suspended his campaign after coming in with very little support in iowa. and on the republican side, former arkansas governor mike huckabee suspended his campaign. he joked after two runs for the white house voters were sick of seeing him. that was eric rucker reporting. a winter storm in southern utah is causing havoc for drivers. snow and freezing rain led to icy conditions on some highways. officials say strong winds, blowing snow and low visibility added to the dangerous commute. the weather forced dozens of drivers to pull off at a rest stop and ride the storm out, while others braved the
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no supers 1 -3 runs 2 they're abysmal." butt :10 - 16 runs 6 man #2 says:"i was on a blacktop and it was solid ice with snow drifts across it. i plowed through." butt 24 - 27 runs 2 davis says:"cars flipped over, there's several pileups." so far, more than a foot of snow has fallen in the southern part of utah. (weather anim - with track) rest of today: partly cloudy. cooler. highs will be in the mid-upper 50s. winds ne 10-15mph. tonight: mostly cloudy. lows will be near 50 degrees. winds east 5-10mph. wednesday: mostly cloudy. warmer. scattered showers in the afternoon. highs will be in the low 70s. winds south 10-20mph with gusts to 30mph. we're behind a cold front, it's a cooler day. still lovely, and it's still above the average with 50s. early tomorrow, a warm front will lift back north through the region. so, highs will be in the 70s again. we could see a stray shower early, but scattered showers will be
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for each dollar rung up the store will donate 9 gallons of water to victims of the california drought. rucker says: "what did you buy today?" tramble says: "i don't know man, there's so much stuff in there." oh did i mention sarah is quite the character? her nephew and shopping assistant george knows it well. jackson says: "i'm gonna try to figure out what normal is." ((on cam bridge)) rucker says: "so how do you get younger person but also have the look? well, there's one little secret that sarah has," tramble says: "when i was born they used vaseline for everything. for your shoes, your hair, your head, every other thing." so what's next for this spry senior...we'll she's just gonna take it one decade at a time. tramble says: "i'm happy i may live longer. i might live another 10 years." that was eric rucker reporting. firefighters
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daring rescue yesterday. but the victim wasn't a person. it was a dog! check out these pictures from near bakersfield. someone heard the 4-month old pup whimpering from inside a packing facility's vault. crews responded and saw the dog's nose poking out from underneath. firefighters used a tripod and rope system to lower a rescuer down the hole and get the dog. someone named the dog, valentine. this afternoon, he's doing well. crews will put him up for adoption if a owner doesn't come forward within 5 days. speaking of animals, check out this strange video of a man in a zebra costume. this is actually a drill at a zoo in japan. keepers pretend its a real zebra that escaped from its pin. this drill lets staff simulate what its like when an animal gets loose. in the past, the zoo has used other animals like elephants, panthers and monkeys.
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log on wavy-dot-com for >> eve: all right, claire, i want you to go home, rest your voice, and whatever you do, no dairy until after the audition, okay? >> claire: okay, got it. >> eve: okay. >> claire: eve, um... >> eve: yes? >> claire: i don't even know how to thank you. i was ready to quit, but you wouldn't let me. >> eve: well, that would have been a terrible shame, honey. >> claire: yeah, i see people around me quitting and i do not want to be like them. so thank you so much for believing in me. >> eve: okay. oh! [chuckles] aww, claire, honey, i'm the one that should be thanking you. i can't tell you how wonderful it is to feel useful again. >> claire: yeah, well, i hope you can still come to new york for my audition. i mean, i know it's a lot to ask, but it would help me so much to have you there. >> eve: well, of course i'm gonna be there. and you know what? we could even catch a show or two, you know, by the end of the week. >> claire: i'd love that. >> eve: it'd be great. you think about what you want to see and i'll just pick up the tickets tomorrow, okay? >> claire: oh, no, no, no.
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