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tv   WAVY News 10  NBC  February 24, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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it was questionable as to whether it would survive but it did indeed. numerous tornado warnings. reports of damage -- we don't have any reports of damage into the hampton roads cities. we do have reports into the waverly area. you will see that moving on through. that circle that you can see. it is right on into there. and moved on through an hour or so ago and you can now see the for most of the state. however, on up into matthews county likely seeing the possibility of strong winds. of some of the storm damage. that is on the facebook page, or
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you have any pictures or videos, if you can do so, send it to we can breathe a little bit easier in hampton roads, but that is definitely a twister when you see that kind of damage to a tree. that was very likely a tornado had moved through the town of waverly. that looks like something was pretty close to the level, not just roof damage. if we can go back to our last picture, again, it is a small area, and then there is a wider area which has a lot of debris. you can see some vehicles and some twister damage there. some roof damage. it looks like a structure could have been leveled. again, we are looking at, quite
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certainly looks like a tornado went through the waverly area, which is, of course, right on in up here. we have no reports of damage into the hampton roads cities, but we do have numerous tornado warnings. one tornado warning that does remain for north county. we're going to take a look at what is going on in that particular area it extends out over the water over the extreme areas close to getting back. chesapeake bay come out into the water, and matthews county and the town of matthews, where we are seeing the possibility of some strong winds. not too long ago, near 60 miles per hour. we are likely to continue to see
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mom jack day, just south of the town of object, this is moving in any second. anything above 55 can really do a number in terms of damage. that is where we are seeing the strongest win. 58 mile-per-hour wind gust into that particular area. there is a little bit of a twist into here. we will look toward the achilles area for any possibility. 41 miles an hour to the east. we could still see some circulation, so you want to watch that. just updated here. achilles, 30. farther to the north, toward the water. even know there is very low-lying land.
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nothing to slow the wind down as the stronger winds move toward the mom jack area. again, that lets slide down a little bit. we will scope of that and give you an idea of what is going on. that could prevent -- that could present some problems. we are likely seeing some waterspouts. usually, waterspouts are the weaker cousin of tornadoes. nonetheless, you will want to watch of they move are sure. sometimes they can do a great deal of damage. we get rid of the numbers again,
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in terms of what you can do it tornado safety rules, go to the lowest level of your home, and interior room like a bathroom or a closet. climb in the closet. if you have kids with you, climb into the bathtub. if nothing else, you can turn your couch over and cover everybody's head with pillows. stay away from windows. mobile homes are not safe places to be during these situations when we do have a tornado into the area. actually, you have some information for us? ashley: according to lee walker with the game and inland fisheries, unfortunately, two people were killed.
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looking at some of the pictures that we have out of their, it did look like a structure was leveled and things were moving very rapidly. let's widen the picture back out again. we're going to wrap this up for a moment and show you what is going on. still some action, especially in the matthews county. i will widen the picture out. after the dinner hour, all that action way off to the west. i'm going to toss it to the news desk. >> as we just mentioned, a possible death in waverly. >> let's get right adjacent jason in the heart of the area.
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i will go this way. mrs. main street, obviously the heart of this small town. as you mentioned, two people here died when that storm came through just a little while ago. we are here in this one little area, but obviously, extensive damage. i heard a church was damaged, a mobile home also has some damage. we've also seen pictures of cars on 460. right now, they have 460 closed off. this is brian read, he owns the shop right here. he actually opened four weeks ago. tell me what it was like as it came through. >> there are no words to express how bad it was. the wind was blowing so severely
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i didn't realize to what extent. we see the debris fall coming through the building. most of our roof is right here on the ground. right on the street, they just push it off to the side. >> i saw this guy get dark, and the next thing i know, the wind just started blowing so much that debris was coming everywhere i saw. i just realized i was in the midst of a tornado. >> what is that like? did the wall start shaking?
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saw the wind blowing, i ran back into the building. all i can say is, my heart was beating real fast. i was wondering if this was the end for me. after it was all over, which happened in a split second, i came out and saw the damage. jason: we talked a couple minutes ago and you said that your fear was that we did have some people who died. to hear that we did have 2 deaths, it has got to pick you right here in the heart. lose your life. when you hear about someone dies, it does kind of make your heart come to your mouth. you know now, a family is
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it could be anyone of us, and that is the thing that all of us have to realize. we have to make sure we are right with god. i am sad at the fact that some people lost their life. jason: what other damage have you heard in the area? >> i heard about a two-year-old boy that was taken away by the wind. they found his body and also, they found somebody else as well. i heard about the church that was damaged pretty severely, and also this laundromat. it is just a myth -- jason: it is just amazing, isn't it? >> there are no words that can describe what happened here. you don't know what to say, you don't know what to do.
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worse. a certain amount of nervousness is with me at this point in time because you just don't know what to do. it actually didn't do any damage to the business aspect of our building. it is just the middle part of the building and then the church side which is pretty much open to whether at the time. praise god, we are alive. jason: that was brian reed, he owns this business here. he was in the shop when that storm came through. nothing compares to what we are hearing from some other parts of
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that two people are dead. 460 remains closed. that is right up the road here. i am not too familiar with waverly, i have been here a few times, but i believe that is 460 at that life. that remains closed to traffic. there was a line of tractor-trailers about a mile long coming into town. i think that is because there is a lot of debris on 460. we've seen pictures of overturned cars and other vehicles. we are learning of the mobile home where 2 people died, that it is back over that way little bit. we will continue to gather details, but a sad day in waverly. obviously, a lot of damage.
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>> thank you, jason, for that report. >> difficult today in waverly. this is the video that lisa marx shot. we will check out some of the damage you see here. >> you can see that damage on the right-hand side. that is in front of mr. redd's business. we do want to let you know that 460 at route 40 is now reopened for traffic to go through. >> many people were in a shelter in place type of situation. we've also heard from hrt that the trains have now returned to normal service. no update yet on how they are being released or when, but we
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>> a lot going on right now. we have crews spread out so we can get the best information. our team of meteorologist said really been guiding us through it. even if it is light outside, we're just giving you an overview. >> i believe i heard earlier that just because this goes through, don't rest on your laurels because more could be coming. don: yes, and it is moving eastward at about 45 miles per hour. the line of thunderstorms should be the main event. what little area that was down toward the rocky mount area. you can see it lifting right through the waverly area.
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deirdre and mentioned that we are still not done with this. i want to show you what is going on in terms of the thunderstorms. the ones to the west of raleigh-durham and well to the rest of richmond -- to the west of richmond, these are likely to be toward emporia. toward the franklin area by about 6:30, toward downtown closer to 7:00. just between useful center, 7:20, 7:30. toward the ocean front, closer to 8:00 as they continue to move east-northeastward. williamsburg area, around; 15 or 7:10. downtown newport news, about the same. 7:25 or 7:30 four hampton through portions of the proposed area.
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the areas that we did see of strong thunderstorms, we still have a warning in effect from mathews county, but that is going to be moving off. shortly. this is the area that moved right on through. oyster point, parts of the south side, and moved on up into mathews county. i will stop motion on this. really, that is the only area left. read arts, matthews, conditions have improved pretty rapidly. likely seeing some around your area. 41 miles an hour. the majority of this is out over the water. if this passes, the rest of the
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less -- the rest of the warnings should be allowed to expire. the rest of it is out over the water. also come as long as we have got you here, we're going to show you a little bit of what went on into the waverly area as that storm very rapidly developed just southwest of town. again, you can see that thing moving right on through. a little bit earlier on, some of the very heavier thunderstorms. we will slow down as well as, give you an idea, a six second loop. that wasn't it. the earlier what moving on through. there, you can see the rotation, especially on the western edge of town. right through the town is where we can see that heavy thunderstorm which did have that
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no doubt about it as we look at the damage. we look at what is going on once again in terms of what we can expect this other line to move in. we will be up to take a breather, but this will at 6:00 toward emporia. by 6:40, we are looking at 6:40 toward the franklin area. someone let us know what is up with the sirens. they are probably for the vase -- for the base, but there is nothing going on in terms of whether. 7:00 toward downtown soffit. 7:19, two are the chesapeake municipal center, and also 7:20
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to the williamsburg area, around 7:00. around 7:00, 7:10 for newport news. 815 for parts of eastern shore. things are looking considerably better. still a bit breezy occasionally throughout the area. we do have a tornado watch in effect, which meets conditions could develop. of course, we do know what a tornado warning us, and that is when conditions to develop. we will go back to more news. >> we have been getting so many pictures and videos and from that area that we have been trying to get those on-air as often as possible. lots of damage in that area, and of course, now we know of two
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stephanie: reporting that are also people injured and they are setting up a command center at 460 and mayfield. if you're worried about friends and family members, they are setting up that command center there. anita: let's get right back out to jason, who is in waverly on main street. jason: very active here. know that 2 people are dead. you can see all the emergency vehicles are out here. you can see the damage. whatever came through here, we don't know yet if it is a tornado. we do know something very strong of damage to the building. we have been talking to people
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they came through. they say it was like something that never seen. it came out of nowhere and it just happened so fast when it came through. sharon, you weren't here, but you were at home? >> i was trying to see if it had gone to my house out of the country. we knew the people were injured. jason: you said the mobile homes are down that road, right? >> about three blocks away. it's touchdown and picked back up again.
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highway 460 is what happened. it blew one of them across 460. jason: when you saw that damage, what was your reaction? >> i wanted to know if i could help anybody. i am a certified medical assistant and i wanted to help people if i could. they had so many fire rescue units, so they didn't need my help at the time. i just did by to see if in fact i could help in any way. jason: have you ever seen anything like this before? >> it is devastating. cars were crumpled on the highway. it really did some damage. jason: you guys are a small, tightknit town. >> we pray for everybody that has been injured. we just have to pray, that is all.
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jason: you believe the mobile homes were picked up and that is where the people came from? >> from what i understand, i am pretty sure the baby had a heartbeat at first. they tried to revive the baby, but the baby didn't make it either. in fact, it was three people. jason: i can see right now you are shaking. >> it was just horrible. but we saw down in front of the funeral home was horrible. the cars were tossed about. i'm just so sorry that people were killed. crexendo that you and the rest of this town have been through a lot. sharon has been walking around -- has been walking around documenting. as you can see, still a lot of people out here. thank you. a lot of people still standing around, just coming to check out some of this damage. let's see if we can walk down a
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let's say out of the road so we don't get in the way. we don't want to get in the way somewhere else. you can see some of the damage. we talked to brian, who owns this beauty shop here, a little while ago. he just opened a business four weeks ago and he said the walls started to shake. it came out of nowhere. before he knew it, he looked out the window and he just saw debris flying out the window. he walked out of his business and this is what he saw. as you heard sharon mentioned, this looks like probably not the worst of it. there are a lot of areas that have suffered a lot more damage, in the digitally, loss of life. we are just kind of doing this on the fly pose though bear with
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i consider mcdonald's right there. 460 is up there. we will continue to venture around a little bit. we will find that mobile home and have those images. i'm told it is an about a three block walk in love the latest as soon as we get over there. >> we also got word that back here in hampton roads, hampton schools are now being dismissed. if you're wondering about the schools, we just said a moment ago that a lot of the kids have to shelter in place. >> we have news coming into our lives center. tom: we just got this press release from virginia state police. it sounds like they are being much more careful in terms of how they are reporting the situation. they are not confirming any more fatalities. however, wavy news did confirm that two people died from game and inland fisheries.
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this point before they decide to confirm any fatalities at this point. we have had reports also up to three people dead. state police tell us this all came in at about 4:40 p.m., making the town easily impassible. again, this is from virginia state policeman. they are not confirming any fatalities at this point. the number of people killed at this point, 2 from the game and inland fisheries. more information coming into our wavy live center. more things are trickling in. is being updated constantly. stephanie: we do know that there is another system out there, so
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anita: we were just hearing a moment ago, sharon was saying that the cars in the ditch. a very fluid situation right now. also, the mobile home park she spoke of. right now, we are in the process of trying to figure out where things took place and the timeline. we have been listening to our meteorologists the entire time. let's go back over to chief meteorologist don slater. don: it is clear for the hampton roads area right now. we are looking fine for hampton roads. you will note, you can see the very beginning of this time lapse sequence of to the present time, basically in the waverly area. you will assume come at 2:3 -- assume, at 2:28. that is what was going on at that particular time.
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you can see also some of the action and move through the hampton roads. however, i want to take a wide shot way on out with what is going on in terms of these thunderstorms. this is likely to move on at 6:00 and then likely toward about franklin at 6:37, 6:40 four downtown suffolk, 7:00 toward downtown norfolk, 7:30, center of chesapeake, and on into camps bill around 7:35. finally for the oceanfront at about 7:45. that is it they continue to present speed at about 45-50 miles per hour.
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climbing northward, but the line itself appears to be moving north-northeast. 7:00 toward the williamsburg area. 7:10, 7:30 eastward toward your county, gloucester point of toward court house run. not to the eastern shore until 8:00, 830 p.m. once again, things have quieted down considerably for the hampton roads cities. it is always good to know when there's a tornado, a tornado warning is issued. go to the lowest level of your home. a spin is best. obviously, not many basements around. but they off the second floor. if you have a child napping on the second floor, bring them down. it hits the second floor first,
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if a tornado is bearing down on you, jump in the bathtub and cover your kids heads. anterior closet, as well. more structure around you. stay away from windows. you are head with your hands, or put a pillow over your head. injuries are always the worst with these kind of situations. figure catch over and get underneath of it. cover your head and your body with the couch and of course with the questions -- with the cushions. a mobile home is never safe, or a car is never safe during a tornado. a ditch is a better situation because it is low-lying and the tornado and the brute -- and the debris go over the top of you.
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computer model, that is what we're looking at in the short term. 7:00, a line of thunderstorms moving through. 9:00, 10:00 come out to see. we are looking at that line up to the west. toward the emporia area around 6:00. point eastward all the way through 8:00 in the evening. >>. mentioned that trees could fall on homes. we have a video from newport news of that exact situation happening. >> we are told that to adults and four children are displaced. we haven't heard any injuries
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waverly seems to be the hardest hit area where probable tornado touched down this afternoon and claimed two lives. >> jason tell us where you are and what you are seeing. jason: we're walking down towards where we have heard the most damages. we are told, over these train tracks, that is where the mobile homes came from that where, as you just heard sharon talk about, that whatever was in the sky take those mobile homes up and threw them across 460. we do believe that is where the fatalities came from. you can see ahead, as soon as we cross these train tracks.
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on main street. some of that damage was mainly roof damage, mainly cosmetic to some of the homes. we're starting to see some of the major damage that is here in this area. i am being told that at least one mobile home is completely gone. there is a laundromat up here that is completely gone. back in the booth, i want to do know, we are getting away from the truck, so i might lose that here. just wanted you guys to know. you see some of the big trees. look at the force of mother nature. just amazing.
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do you live down here? what you think about the damage? >> very sad. jason: you knew the people who were in the home? tell me about them a little bit. >> friends we grew up with and we know his family. we just ask god to come for the family. jason: you guys are a small, tightknit community. when something like this happens, talk about what this is like for the community. >> a very small community. something like this happens is very devastating. we tried to pull together and hurt one another, comfort one another. >> my name is any -- is eddie boyd. jason: describe to me what used to be there.
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-- >> it used to be the waverly laundromat. as a kid, i walked a lot of close in that laundromat, and i pray not -- and i pray no one was in there when it came through. jason: i know this is going to hit your community very hard, and we feel for you, and obviously we are praying for you. let me go ahead and send it back to you guys for a second. we are going to continue to walk and round the corner here. obviously, you can see i have pieces everywhere falling off. let me toss back to you guys. and come right back. anita: thank you, jason. speaking with the boyds about that laundromat. you can see the machines, but
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they were friends of the family who seems to be deceased now. can't stress enough that it is a fluid situation. still getting a lot of updated information. stephanie: jason is showing us as much as he can, but we know there is damage throughout that area. getting another look at the damage year, and you can just see things scattered all over. large trees that have been uprooted. it is hard to even tell exactly what we are looking at here with all that debris scattered in the road. anita: we walk you through the storm when is taking place, our meteorologists do a great job of that. one thing that is really important, when the rain is gone, it is still a very serious situation. even afterwards, you could have live wires down on the ground, and seeing this debris on the
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it is very important that we really stressed that, too. a lot of the first responders are trying to do their job right now. stephanie: we know they have set up a command center at 460 and mayfield. if you are looking for someone, trying to find family and friends, texting is always the best thing to do instead of calling. there is that command center there at the mayfield shopping center where you might be able to get some answers. plus, we have crews on the scene headed to command centers. a birds eye view from jason marks, walking the streets. anita: we want to thank you for sending in your pictures and videos.
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anita: if you are just joining us, we're following a couple of severe situations, one in waverly that we will get to a moment. more damage to show you in newport news. this is from a tree that fell on a house on 80th street. stephanie: this is from the home has been condemned. two adults, four children displaced. we will be getting that information and bring it to you as soon as we get it. anita: switching over now to waverly. this is the situation that is believed to be deadly. we are still waiting on a confirmation of how many people may have died here as they assessed the damage. lots of first responders on the scene, trying to get through and figure out what exactly is going
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we want to through what was taking place, but this is the aftermath. it is going to take a while. we talked with jason marks, who let us know just how tightknit a community this is. he talked with a woman named sharon, talked about the fact that there was a funeral home, and in front of the funeral home, there were cars locked out in the ditch. stephanie: game and inland fisheries confirm for us that two people have died. we know many people are injured and we are working to get all that information to u.s. quickly as possible. there may be more weather coming our way this evening. anita: let's get right over to chief meteorologist don slater. don: i want to take you back to waverly as the storm was approaching.
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not much going on right now. and, there is not much going on into the hampton roads cities. they move through the hampton roads cities. they did indeed. we have seen 60 mile-per-hour winds throughout the area. it developed east of franklin. we will register a wind gusts of 61 miles per hour as it continued northward another area that we have heard of no damage
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it fell apart for a few minutes. then it took on kind of a teardrop shape as it moved eastward through downtown norfolk. anywhere near craney island and portsmouth, and continued up toward the eastern shore. not as bad only eastern shore. you can also see where tangier island is. to you -- we will move on and for a closer view. tom schaad is covering, with some information in terms of the flooding going on there. big thunderstorms moved out over the day. another line of thunderstorms with all signs of warnings.
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eastward at about 45 miles per hour. the line itself is progressing eastward at about 45 miles per hour. we will get this one right into here. it is headed toward smithfield by about 7:00. smithfield around 7:15, 7:10. cape charles at about 8:00. that is advancing east-northeast as well. that is a dancing toward franklin at about 7:18, downtown suffolk at about 7:46. chesapeake, around 8:00. that is what is going on into the area. we let have a tornado watch which is continuing for the region.
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the other line moves in at 7:00. by 9:00, it is moving offshore. that should continue to move things on through the region. then we will be done with it. i will have more coming up in a few minutes. >> we believe there was a tornado that hit waverly this afternoon. jason marks has been walking us through the community this afternoon. anita: it looks like you may have some guests that may have been around when this was all taking place. jason: when the first show you this damage and set the scene, and then i will talk to the people who were here at the came through. you are looking at what used to be a mobile home on the other side of that yellow house. the gray building with the red windows, that is the church.
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whatever came through, it left the machines right there. obviously, -- what is your name? >> desmond gardiner. jason: you say you were sitting in your car, tell me what you heard or what it was like? >> me and my uncle were sitting in my car. first, we see sparks from the power lines coming down, and that we saw the railroad track come shooting across into the dumpster. the wind actually picked the car up and shifted us to the side and all we could do was hold on to each other and pray. it is just tragic, because i lost a same friend in the same process, and i could've lost wildlife. i'm just thankful to be here, i think the lord that i am still here. jason: can you just zoom out a
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compass group, what are we seeing here? -- talk us through, what are we seeing here? >> this used to be over local laundromat. completely break, it tore the breakdown -- it tore the brick down. that is my uncle's trailer. another yellow house and another double wide that you would never have known it was there. it just looked it up -- just picked it up and took a clean across the highway. jason: have you seen anything like this before? >> a movie, maybe. jason: thank you. it must've been a frightening experience. >> i think the lord i am alive in my prayers go out to the family that lost people today.
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anita: thank you so much, and please give our thoughts and condolences to the families out there as well. i know this is a hard situation, when you are getting word of what you have worked so hard for that is now gone, but also finding out that a friend is gone. it is a much different situation , and a state of shock many people go through after an event like this. we also were watching things in newport news. stephanie: a treaty came down on house here at 80th street. we know that six people were living there. brandi cummings will have a live
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>> we going to get you out live to brandi cummings, who is in newport news were a tree damage a home. stephanie: we understand there are six people displaced. are they ok? brandi: i can tell you right now that the family is ok, but very shaken as you can imagine. you can see the extent of this damage here to this house in newport news. quite frankly, the trees fell on the house. from what officials tell us, the family can't even go back in the house right now. they have a baby here with this family. a mom, a dad, and four children.
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could for their baby and got out of the house as soon as they could. his name is mike. describe for us what you heard and what you saw before you saw the tree on the house. >> pretty much, we heard a loud noise. i went to the bathroom to look out the window at the tree. i know, the tree was coming into the bedroom. brandi: you said you have only been here about a year. >> we have lost everything now. time to start over. brandi: i'm sure you're pretty thankful, as we talked about, that you guys were able to get out. >> yes, definitely. brandi: tell me what happens now. >> you have to start from scratch, square one. brandi: tell me what you're thinking as you are looking at the house here, the extent of this damage, what is going
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>> everything we have inside that house is gone. brandi: i know it is not easy to look at this right now. we will be here throughout the afternoon covering what has happened here and we will see you back here at 5:00. >> you can see the shotgun mic space. we have video from waverly that our jason marks shot earlier. >> some of the pictures coming in, we're going to continue to walk you through the aftermath of the storm and also the of storms, coming up.
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>> now from the station on your side, this is wavy news 10. >> we continue to track deadly tornados. two people were killed in waverly. >> a live report from jayson starks but let's take it to don slater. don: one oning is in effect for the island in chesapeake bay so i'm not concerned about it.
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screen, a tornado warning, i'm looking to a screen to my left and we're seeing the tornado warning. tangier island, ear not concerned about that one and have not been concerned about that one at all. the obvious point of concern was earlier on in the afternoon where we did see the tornado move on through the waiver -- the waverly area at 2:7 and exited the area and we'll play it back one more time to give you an idea where it was. i wasn't concerned about it at that point at 4:5 and there is where it was to the northeast of waverly and obviously did a great deal of damage and a horrible situation in the waverly area. the hampton roads area, we have severe thunderstorm warnings in
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they surprisingly built up over the hampton roads cities. we had them much of the morning and early afternoon with light rain and cloudy and conditions were not favorable and you saw the teardrops. and we had wind developing east of franklin and moved to the peninsula as well and towards the bay in the middle peninsula. right now we're watching the areas to the west and that's always been expected to be the main line. well, during the afternoon, we saw this action move through and we have a bit of a break going on right now but all of these thunderstorms to the west are advancing eastward. and they likely will be by suffolk by 7:00 and downtown suffolk, chesapeake municipal center at 7:46 and norfolk around 7:45. and to the oceanfront by about 8:00. we're watching that particular area.
5:00 pm
but still all kind of warnings associated with these. we'll take the peninsula and show you towards downtown newport news, close to 7:15 for the smith field area and 7:42 in hampton and on to the eastern shore with another round by 8:00 in the evening. that's what's going on. we want to remind you tornado safety tips. we reminded folks in the middle of this to move to the lowest level of your home if you've got a basement, great. basements. go to an interior room such as a bathroom or closet where a tornado is bearing down on you. if you've got little kids, bring them in with you and put them underneath you and cover their head. if you have pillows, cover your heads with pillows and get in the bathtub. it's a solid structure around you. get under a desk or any solid structure so if the house comes down around you the house can collapse on top of you but you'll be in a safe structure and tucked away, covered by debris but you're safe.


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