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tv   Today  NBC  March 4, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EST

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vitriol and vulgarity. the republican race reaches new lows during last night's debate. >> he hit my hands. nobody has ever hit my hands. look at those hands. are those small hands? >> is this any way to elect a president? mitt romney is here this morning to talk about that and his unprecedented attack on the current front runner. >> donald trump is a phony, a fraud. >> our exclusive interview with the man who some say wants to be the the savior for the republicans. winter's last gasp? rain, snow and a slippery commute for millions. way. heading to the jury. closing arguments getting underway this morning at erin andrews' civil trial. did she prove that she's been damaged to the tune of $75 million? appealing to the lazy? another packaging debacle for whole foods.
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pre-peeled oranges in plastic containers. the outrage forcing the grocer to apologize and go back to selling oranges the natural day today, friday, march 4th, 2016. >> announcer: from n brksbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> i'm not sure i get the whole foods controversy but i get the controversy in the republican party. >> i did buy the pre-sliced cantaloupe. new lows in the republican race. donald trump facing fire from his fellow candidates and mitt romney. governor romney is with us in our studio exclusively. we'll talk to him in a moment. let's start with peter
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here's here to break down last night's debate. >> donald trump fended off his rivals and the moderators who challenged his inconsistent positions from the past. this debate was silly, even surreal, with name calling, taunts, accusations, including one we in the media can't fact check. >> reporter: the blows kept getting lower. >> you're the liar. >> reporter: the show down at motown, coming down to hand to hand combat. >> are those small hands? he referred to my hands, they're small. something else must be small. i guarantee you, there's no problem. i guarantee you. >> reporter: donald trump ripping down his opponents to size. >> this little guy. >> reporter: hit from both sides
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opponent this fall. >> thank you. >> reporter: i have not started on hillary yet. believe me, i will. >> reporter: making nice with the moderator. >> looking good, megyn. >> >> moving to the middle. >> i'm changing it and softening the position. >> reporter: marco rubio and ted cruz not softening their attacks on the front rumper's errunner's failed business dealers, like trump university. >> if we nominate donald, we'll spend the spring, summer with the nominee facing a fraud trial. >> oh, stop it. it's a minor case. >> with hillary clinton saying, why didn't you give -- >> it's a minor case. >> he's trying to con the people into getting their vote like he conned these people. >> senator marco rubio is the real con artist.
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kasich sticking to an uplifting message. >> why don't we come together as a country, respect one another, love one another and lift the country? >> reporter: insisting he'll stay through the race through ohio. >> we're heading up north, to my turf. >> reporter: hour's earlier, the 2012 nominee unleashed an unprecedented attack on the 2016 favorite. >> donald trump sais a phony, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. >> reporter: undercutting his key credential. >> you say, wait, isn't he a huge business success? nobody is talking about it. no, he isn't. >> reporter: the stop trump movement may have been stopped in its tracks with trump's rivals all pledging to back him if he's the nominee. even as they continue to challenge trump. >> donald has a tenuous relationship with the truth. >> that is not what you said in
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>> donald, i know it's hard to broout, breathe, breathe. >> when they're done with the yoga, can i answer a question? >> you cannot. the stage. >> he's very flexible. never know. >> the next super tuesday is march 15th and we'll likely learn whether donald trump will be able to secure the nomination or if the republican race is headed to a contested convention. that is a scenario mitt romney seemed to push for, urging people to support cruz and kasich. nobody could stop party leader's name. exclusively. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, matt. >> you are either a trader who proves that the establishment of
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afraid they can't control donald trump, that they'll do anything to stop it, or you're a hero who has finally put the race into perspective. to the people who think you're a hero, they're asking a question, and that is, why did you wait so long? tell me about the timing. >> well, i've wanted to be involved in the campaign, if you will, as a bit of a referee. when there were some foul balls, be able to call them and see if i can't keep people guided on the path to becoming our next president. but the time came when donald trump's outrage had reached such a level that i simply had to speech out. you get to the point where you say, your grandkids will say to you, papa, what did you do to stop donald trump? i had to get out and speech. >> experts are calling this an unprecedented event in modern political history in this country. a former nominee of a party, in a scathing takedown of the favorite to be the next nominee. this isn't a typical front runner. he's survived moments in this campaign that would have
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do you think your speech will matter? >> i don't know if it will or not. but i know i couldn't stand silent anymore. you can't have anyone whose policies are so far from the nominee. over time he doesn't have the temperament or the personal qualities to be a great president. >> you said he's dangerous for americans. you attacked him on his economic policies, foreign policies, personality, which you call his third grade antics. here's a quote. you say, isn't he a huge business success that knows what he's talking about? no, he isn't. no, he doesn't. bankruptcies crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them. he inherited his business. he didn't create it. i'll take you back four years. listen to this. >> donald trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works, to create jobs for the american people.
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sector, not as successful as this guy, but successful nonetheless. >> that was four years ago, donald trump and mitt romney. >> he's made a lot of money but hasn't been uniformly successful and is far from a genius. trump mortgage. trump university. trump vitamin company. one after the other, failure after failure. just because he's made a lot of money, one, you don't measure your life on how much money you've made, but it doesn't mean for america. >> the people that are angry at you this morning, governor romney, are saying, wait a second, he willingly welcomed the endorsement of donald trump, though he was knee-deep in the berther movement and made other comments. why go 180 degrees on the guy now? >> i was seeking his endorsement and now he's seeking mine. a lot of people that endorse me, i wouldn't endorse for president.
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had i heard him say the things i had now, i wouldn't have welcomed his endorsement. when he calls george w. bush a liar. when he says putin is a strong and powerful leader, popular with his leadpeople. when he attacked a reporter. when he talks about women that way. >> did you beg him for his endorsement four years ago? >> i was happy to have his endorsement. i was looking for as many as i could possibly have. when it comes to who i would support for president, there are folks who endorse me that i wouldn't want to see as president. >> you said if the other candidates can find common ground, i believe we can find a person who can win the general election and who will represent the values of the party. given the process, this means i would vote for marco rubio in florida. for john kasich in ohio.
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of the contenders has the best chance for beating trump in other states. >> you're calling for a suppress donald trump movement that will lead to cleveland and a convention. >> i'm going to do everything we can to make sure we don't nominate donald trump. i don't think he would be fit or has the temperament to be president. i want to see one of the other three to be the nominee. after march 15th, i think you'll see it narrowed to one or two contenders opposing donald trump and i intend to support one of them. >> leading up, you want marco rubio and ted cruz to back up and led john kasich win ohio. do you want them to back off to let rubio win florida? if we get to cleveland and a contested convention, how do the million of voters, some of whom have come to the process of the party for the first time because of donald trump, how will they
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wing of the party pull the rug out from under it? >> a lot of people, establishment or not, agree with me that donald trump should not be president of the united states and don't want to see him become the republican nominee. now, it's about 65% of republicans who would like someone else. that's the way politics works. you fight for the people you support. the person who wins through the process is your nominee. >> you didn't endorse anybody yesterday. that's angered people. it can't be about anybody but trump. why didn't you endorse? >> three people on the stage endorsed me and are friends. actually four, including trump. >> is he a friend of yours? >> we get along. i doubt we'll spend a lot of time together now, but we're going to see on march 15th, i think, a narrowing of the field. a that point, i wouldn't be surprised if i endorse one of the guys. >> not endorsing someone now, governor, have you left the door open just wide enough for you to ride through it on a white horse? do you want to be considered as
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party if it gets down to a contested convention in july? >> no, no. the people who can save this party are ted cruz, marco rubio or john kasich. we're going to get a sense within a few days of who that person might be. i'm going to be supporting that person and doing everything i can to make sure they become the nominee of the party. >> i'm going to be a little stubborn on this. under any circumstances, governor, if large numbers of people in the establishment wing of the republican party come to say and say, mitt, you can save circumstances, would you be a part of this presidential race as a candidate? >> there are no circumstances i can foresee where that would possibly happen. let me say something else. >> i can foresee. >> no reasonable scenario i can imagine. >> just slam the door on it. close the door. unammiousbiguous unambiguous, i will not run for president. >> i won't run for president. there are mainstream republicans
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whether established or not, people around the political world have watched what's going on. what's happening with donald trump, people are angry, as they should be, but he's channelling the anger in a way that won't help americans. we need to create good jobs for the american people. >> the tone of the race. candidates call each other losers, liars, sweaters, chokers. they've made of each other's appearance, the size of their ears, the size of their hands. you read between the lines. is there one person running on the republican side, in your opinion, who has been the biggest adult and the most presidential? >> well, it's very clear to point to the person who has been the smallest adult, and that's he's taken -- >> how about the other way? >> i'll go both ways. personal attributes and made fun of people throughout the campaign. some of the candidates say, i have to return fire.
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little marco. this is a new low in it's wrong. i think john kasich is saying, i'm not going to do that. recognize that if you want to become the nominee, you've got to prosecute the opposition as well as lift yourself. >> would you vote for hillary clinton or sit out voting as trump? >> well, i wouldn't vote for donald trump, and i wouldn't vote for hillary clinton. i intend to vote for our nominee and i expect that nominee to be a real conservative and republican. >> mitt romney, i appreciate you coming in this morning. >> thank you, matt. good to be with you. >> let's go to savannah. >> i have nicolle wallace, a communications director for george w. bush. >> governor romney made this speech. we've heard him a few minutes ago. if you don't like donald trump, i imagine it was ka that arer great to hear that. do you think it was persuasive to someone who does support
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>> a piece was in the wall street journal about how the republican party is broken. the establishment split with the base of our party. she makes the point that you can get a new establishment. you cannot get a new base of the party. we are at a moment where, i think, it's very perilous to indict the wishes and now the choice of hundreds of thousands of republican primary goers. it was a brave speech, to go out and make a speech like that after people have started to vote and to be against someone without somebody for someone takes political courage. romney is respected by many republicans. i think he was maybe speaking to the decided. the people decided they could never support trump will be cheered by his words, but i don't think he got through to the people who are inspired and animated by trump. >> there are still a lot of voting left so we'll see how republican primary voters come down. no question donald trump is a front runner now. let's talk about the debate.
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does it matter anymore? >> i don't think it reshuffles the order of how the races will come down. but we need a new rule. when there is a reference to the size of body parts, they need to defer to john kasich. talk about someone watching with their 12-year-old daughter, cringing through the whole thing. a party has to look at how we resource the elegance to the office. >> it's like a square jar, drop a delegate in every time. >> yeah. on the democratic side, there is new developments on clinton's e-mail controversy. the federal employee who helped manage clinton's server is now cooperating with the fbi now that he has immuneityimmunity. brian pagliano has records that show no evidence of hacking. clinton's use of the private
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of state has prompted an investigation into whether she and others in her administration mishandled classified information. snowing here in new york, a little, passing through. >> that's right. this will be a quick hitter. this is delaware, and there's a bit of snow but it's melting for the most part. there is slushy surfaces. we have school delays from the york area. a quick hitter. the radar, you can see rain along the coast. you're looking at snow all the way up into new england. as this system pushes up and away, it will intensify. the biggest thing we'll see is stronger winds. gale-force winds from maine to the carolinas, so airport delays. this moves off quickly and then we're going to be left with much cooler air here in the northeast. the other big story this weekend weekend, we're looking at heavy rain wakemaking its way into california the next five days.
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california, even one to two inches down through los angeles. mud flow and debris (avo) my name is pamela and i've been making dog chow for 36 years now. my dog girlfriend is 17 years old. she's been eating dog chow from her very first day and she can still chase squirrels. she can't catch them, but she can still chase them. after 17 years i'm still confident in feeding her dog chow because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it.
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>> got a big warmup which we'll talk about in the next half hour. >> i saw six. >> i thought seven. >>let not take al's job. we'll get senator rubio's take on last night's debate and mitt romney's call to action against trump. erin andrews' $75 million civil trial is heading to the jury. possibly as soon as today. we're live at the courthouse. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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can just ahead, one of the key players in the o.j. simpson trial. martha clark reveals the pain she still feels over the not guilty verdict and what she thinks about the new mini series
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also, life after loss. is there a right time to move on? is it anyone else's business? a debate over a to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks
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come seek the royal caribbean book today at 1-800-royalcaribbean. when you make a pb&j with smucker's, that's the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. because with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run. prudential
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i think when people hear about memory care they're scared, they think that it's sad. i think it's important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter.
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good morning. time now is 7-27. we start with problems for the morning commute because of all this rain. let's get right to jen lewis for a time saver traffic update. good morning, hampton roads. let's check
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winter weather advisory in effect until noon for sussex county to james city county to gloucester county and points northward. today: rain this morning with a wintry mix at times. snow showers north of the metro. this will taper off later this morning, and then we'll be mostly cloudy and windy. highs will be in the mid 40s. winds nne 15-25mph with gusts to 45mph. tonight: partly cloudy. lows in the mid 30s. wind north 10-20mph with gusts to 25mph. saturday: partly cloudy. highs will be in the
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5-10mph. we'll see mostly rain in hampton roads this morning with rain over northeast north carolina and snow showers with some rain north of the metro. an area of low pressure is just south of our area and is moving quickly to the east. this will intensify as it moves offshore. rain will be heavy at times this morning. the rain/snow will push to the coast by later this morning over on fox43, a shocking over on fox43, a shocking fight caught on camera between a student and school bus driver in newport news. switch over with us for more local news, weather and traffic right now on
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7:30 now on this friday morning. it's the 4th of march, 2016. by the way, ten days from now, a huge concert in rockefeller plaza with one of the biggest bands in the world. coldplay is set to hit the stage monday, march 14th. start making your plans to be on the plaza right now. public service announcement to our friends and family, don't call us. we'll call you. >> that's right. the phone starts ringing right around now. >> exactly. >> inside studio 1a, here's a look at the stories making headlines. millions of people are waking up to what could be the last winter storm of the season. rain and light snow from north carolina up to the northeast. going to get al's forecast just ahead. it was a fiery debate in detroit last night for the republican presidential candidates. cruz and rubio stepped up their efforts to take down the front runner trump. the big news, trump defending the size of his hands.
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nbc news in the post-debate room. >> the hands and -- >> see how beautiful my hands are? those are powerful hands. hit a golf club 285 yards. i was proud to hold my hands up. these are politicians. they say things and make things up. you know, you have to clear up the record. >> this morning, some are suggesting hillary clinton was the real winner of the debate. she sent out memes mocking her rivals. including one asking, how many more of these do we have to sit through? something else that came up at the debate. mitt romney's speech labeling trump as unfit for offer and a danger to the gop and the nation. mitt romney was with us in our last half hour and asked him why he waited so long to get involved in the race. >> i wanted to be involved in the campaign, if you will, as a bit of a referee. when there were foul balls, be able to call them and see if i can keep people guided on the path to becoming our next president.
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trump's outrage had reached such speech out. >> romney said he'll do everything in normal political bounds to stop trump from being nominated. we have a lot to talk about with our next guest, senator marco rubio. good to see you, sir. >> good morning. >> you really let donald trump have it, calling him a con artist, calling him a fraud, saying he doesn't really know much about foreign policy and seems uncurious to learn. something happened at the end of the debate. you rose your hand and said, yes, if he's the nominee, you will support him. how do you square those things? >> i get that. it's the quandary we're in. we as republicans feel that hillary clinton would be a disaster to the country. that's how bad she is. i would look at that as a reflection of how bad she is, not as good trump is. that's what i want to avoid. i don't want us to nominee someone that people have to be asked this question about all the time.
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other candidate that ran for president this year was in the position that trump is today, the question would not be coming up. there's a reason the question is asked. there is a significant percentage of people in our party that would never vote for him. he's vulgar but also has no policy ideas. the ones he has outlined are either dangerous or un-serious. we're in a bad spot. >> when push came to shove, you said you'd go to the ballot box and vote for donald trump. >> yeah, i know. look, i'm not voting for hillary clinton. i get it. look, i understand your question. it's not -- this is the tough spot i want us to avoid. i don't want us to have a nominee that people have to settle for or make excuses for why they voted. the only way to avoid that is unify around a campaign like mine, because i can bring the party together and grow it. we're not going to be able to do that under donald trump. we'll be asked this question in october.
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we'll lose to hillary clinton. that's why he does poorly against her in the polling. >> mitt romney endorsed a strategy, not a candidate yesterday. he said, do anything to stop trump. rubio in florida. kasich in ohio. cruz anywhere you think he'll be the winner. is that your strategy too right now? are you saying, the best i'll be able to do at this point is get it to a contested convention, where we can settle it there? >> no. look, my strategy is vote for me in florida but vote for me everywhere else, too. i want people to vote for me everywhere else. this is not about a contested election, per se. no one is aiming toward that. the reality of it if you look at the delegate masses, if things continue the way they are now, and they may not, but if they continue the way they are, it'll be hard for anyone on the ballot to get to 1,237 delegates. that doesn't mean a brokered convention. you could have someone that
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stretch here and has a large number of delegates and brings everyone together who agrees. this is an unusual race. there's anxiety in the country. donald trump has taken advantage of that to try to pull off the scam job, where he's portraying himself as something he's not. he's injected a level of vulgar vulgarness into the campaign that we've never seen before. >> in the debate last night, there was a lot of talk about the size of hands and what that correlates to. i know donald trump is no stranger to an insult, but after all, in fairness, senator rubio, you are the one who introduced this particular insult into our political discourse. are you sorry you went there? >> oh, please, donald trump has spent a year doing this on a regular basis. in fact, there is not a speech or debate that donald trump does that he doesn't personally offend or try to offend somebody. i said something one time to a guy who needs to be stood up to. by the way, in response to an attack against me. i didn't do it last night.
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it happened one time because the guy is a rhetorical bully. he mocks the disabled, makes fun of minorities and women, makes fun of journalists, his other candidates. even last night, he was asked about foreign policy. his response was a personal attack against me. this is going to be the nominee of the republican party and the president of the united states? i mean, what we has done, he's turned the most important election in a generation into a circus and a freak show. i want that to end, and i'll continue to work for that to end. >> senator rubio, can hear it in your voice, late night, early morning, thank you for your time. we appreciate zblitit. >> thank you. >> all these guys must be tired. it's a long process. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by edward jones. where attention and sound advice is a big deal. >> we're looking for a change in
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may spell the end of the winter storm. chilly over the northeast and great lakes. today, temperatures will be 5 to 15 degrees below average from jacksonville up to chicago and out to new york and into new england. saturday, the warm air is coming. one more day of cooler than normal temperatures in the northeast. 5 to 15 above average spills to the east. by sunday, cleveland is up to 45. ind memphis, 69. monday, new york city, 58. 67 in louisville. as we get further into the week, we'll be looking at warmer
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and mid-atlantic states, as matt? >> al, thank you very much. closing arguments getting underway this morning in the $75 million lawsuit brought by sports reporter erin andrews over the leaked video secretly recorded at a nashville hotel. morgan radford has been covering the trial for us. good morning. >> good morning, matt. the jury could get this case as early as today, at which point, they have to decide whether, in fact, the hotel shares the blame for the secretly recorded stalker video, to whether andrews has suffered and, three, whether it was worth a potential $75 million. >> reporter: today, the last chance for erin andrews' legal team to convince the jury that her stalker video left her
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>> erin andrews has suffered and continues to suffer serious mental injury and horrible mental anguish and emotional distress. >> reporter: the defense argues if that is the case, it hasn't hurt her career. >> would you agree with me that her career is not -- now thriving? >> yes. >> reporter: jesse palmer testified by video, so the defense could try to prove that andrews hasn't been so damaged that she can't work. >> how does she rate, as far as the various sideline reporters you've worked with in your career, among the best? >> yes. >> if not the best? >> yes. >> that was true before the incident in 2009? >> yes. >> how about after the incident? >> yes. >> reporter: that's why the defense says the hotel shouldn't have to pay. >> emotional stress without physical injury cannot state a claim. >> reporter: especially, they argue, since the front desk clerk who checked in andrews' stalker, michael barrett, says she didn't give him andrews'
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>> i would not give that information out. >> reporter: andrews' lawyers say the hotel gave out the rook number, allowing barrett to shoot the video. something andrews says she will never get over. >> i know i'm not fine. i think about it every day. >> the jury is given gidlines sguidelines on how to assess a emotional damage but it doesn't mean they have to award anything at all. >> thank you. up next, a high-profile trial. martha clark speaks out about the o.j. simpson case. why two decades later, she's blaming herself for the controversial outcome. and an orange controversy for whole foods. why the i appreciate you coming by. absolutely. the market's been pretty volatile lately. there is a lot at stake here, you know? look jim, we've been planning for this for a long time. and we'll keep evolving things.
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learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. back at 7:44 with a key player in the trial of the century speaking out. >> the fx mini series "the people versus o.j. simpson" is sparking interest in the two decade old case. josh sat down with prosecutor marcia clark to talk about the show, the trial and what still haunts her to this day. >> what do you want me to do, o.j.? >> are you watching the mini series? >> i am. i didn't think i was going to, to be honest with you. i didn't think i could bear it, the reliving of the nightmare. >> i'm marcia clark. >> i think she's a genius, and i've always been a fan of hers.
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>> do you have enough evidence to convict o.j. simpson. >> of course we do. >> reporter: back in 1994, when the murders occurred, clark had no idea what she was getting into. beginning when one of the detectives first mentioned the prime suspect. >> he goes, you know who it is? o.j. simpson. >> who is that? >> you're not a football fan? >> wasn't a big football fan. i know who he is now. >> i have o.j. in the car. >> reporter: clark had been assigned the case when simpson led police on the infamous slow-speed chase. she says she quickly sensed prosecuting him would not be easy. >> i saw the people by the side of the road cheering. i thought, oh, my god. this is not good. and it gave me a full on view of what we were up against. >>discretion, take him down if you have to. >> reporter: simpson was
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>> how do you plead for counts one and two? >> i plead 100% not guilty. >> reporter: kris jenner, nicole brown simpson's best friend, suspected simpson was guilty, especially after nicole told her a shocking secret weeks before the murders. >> things are really bad between o.j. and i, and he's going to kill me, and he's going to get away with it. >> reporter: at trial, clark says she couldn't call jenner to testify because her story was hearsay. still, prosecutors felt they had a slam dunk case. based on blood and dna evidence. >> the blood draw you see here, marked with the item number 112, matches the defendant. >> reporter: the case was also about race. simpson's attorney, johnny cochran, would be able to undermine the state's evidence with a simple but memorable line. >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> reporter: then after eight
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>> we the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> do you blame yourself for this? >> i always do. i do. it was physically painful. it was not justice. >> reporter: nbc news, los angeles. >> on occasion, we've all talked about going back and reliving the moments we covered during that case. just imagine what it's like to go back and look at it when you were so intimately involved in it. >> and how everyone's life changed after that trial. she, by the way, began working in private practice. she launched a career as a writer and has a new book, "blood defense. " you can see more interviews that were a part of the trial and investigation. it's a "dateline" special sunday night at 9:00/8 hey there, can i help you with anything? hey siri, what's at&t's latest offer? oh, i don't think that siri can...
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wow, is that right? yeah, it's basically... yes. that is the current offer from at&t. okay siri, you don't know everything. well, i know you asked me to call you the at&t hostess with the mostest. okay, shut her down. turn it off.
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hey, you're going to do great. hi. people think californians live in our own reality. with our heads in the clouds. like a bunch of space cadets. huh? what? i've drawn a blank. what's my line? [director]: reset! maybe we do live in a fantasy... our own little bubble. just hangin' out! as if we're not completely down to earth. but just a bunch of dreamers? no way! we're just like everyone else. you know, average joes.
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once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at shopping for an suv? well, this is the time. and your ford dealer is the place, to get 0% financing for 60 months on a ford suv. that's right. just announced. ford explorer...edge...escape... and expedition... are available with 0% financing for 60 months. ford suvs. designed to help you be unstoppable. no wonder ford is america's best selling brand. but hurry, 0% financing for 60 months on ford suvs is a limited time offer. see your ford dealer today.
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gwyneth paltrow will be here live. it's her first visit since savannah insulted her about a decade ago.
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>> eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. this winter, you have the power to heal. because your purchase of vaseline intensive care lotion, supports the vaseline healing project. join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin.
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every ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer won't last long come seek the royal caribbean book today at 1-800-royalcaribbean. announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. hi i'm kristie. and i'm jess. and we are the bug chicks. we're a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. "hey cortana, find my katydid video." oh! this is so good. if you're trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. just sketch it on the screen.
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i'm jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view.
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good morning hampton roads. time now is xx-xx. it's rainy and cold, and that spells bad news on the roads. let's get right to jen lewis who has been following a bunch of issues. good morning, hampton roads. let's check
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winter weather advisory in effect until noon for sussex county to james city county to gloucester county and points northward. today: rain this morning with a wintry mix at times. snow showers north of the metro. this will taper off later this morning, and then we'll be mostly cloudy and windy. highs will be in the mid 40s. winds nne 15-25mph with gusts to 45mph. tonight: partly cloudy. lows in the mid 30s. wind north 10-20mph with gusts to 25mph. saturday: partly cloudy. highs will be in the upper 40s. winds north 5-10mph. we'll see mostly rain in hampton roads this morning with rain over northeast north carolina and snow showers with some rain north of the metro. an area of low pressure is
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and is moving qu
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coming up, finding love after loss. facebook exec sheryl sandberg's rumored romance months after the death of her husband sparks a debate online. on? get ready for gwyneth. oscar winner, mom and entrepreneur gwyneth paltrow joins us live for the first time in about a decade to talk fame, family and facing the future. house. first lady of country music, loretta lynn celebrates a brand-new album with a live performance of one of her classics today. friday, march 4th, 2016. i don't like it, i love it >> good morning! >> louisiana loves "today".
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celebrating our eight-year anniversary. >> today is my birthday. #60 in the city. >> celebrating my 11th birthday. love you, dad. >> celebrating our sweet 16 in new york city. i don't like it, i love it >> we're back now. 8:00 on a friday morning. it's the 4th day of march, 2016. we've got some snow falling in new york city and many parts of the east coast. a little wind. not too bad. i have to say, it'll end pretty soon. >> that's right. just a bad memory. >> can i just say, not often do we say, let's get out our pictures spick cameras and take a picture with a guest on the show. today, loretta lynn is here and we'll get our pictures.
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>> a year has gone by since we rolled out the red carpet for wrangler, puppy with a purpose. wrangler will be leaving us and going to his next step in his guide dog training. that's next friday. wrangler will spend six months with a formal guide trainer and then hopefully be placed with the person he'll go on to help. >> wrangler, please write. >> he's trying to catch a snowflake on his nose. >> it's all for a great cause. that helps. >> yes, it does. >> natalie laz ahas a check of the top stories. >> we're going to miss wrangler. the republican presidential campaign heads into a crucial stretch after a prime time debate that turned into a brawl. mitt romney in an exclusive "today" interview answered questions about entering the race himself. hallie jackson is in detroit for us. good morning. >> good morning, natalie. this showdown in motown proving
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party is. donald trump pushed on his past positions as the front runner, faced all the fire. >> reporter: even after 11 gop debates, this moment, unprecedented. >> and he referred to my hands. they're small. something else must be small. i guarantee you, there's no problem. i guarantee. >> reporter: donald trump below the belt and under fire from all sides. >> breathe. breathe. >> when they're done with yoga, can i answer a question? >> you cannot. >> he's very flexible so you never know. >> reporter: trump targeted even before he took the stage by former republican nominee mitt romney. >> his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. >> reporter: romney telling matt -- >> i'm going to do everything within the normal political bounds to make sure we don't nominate donald trump. i think he'd be terribly unfit for office. he doesn't have the temperament to be president. >> reporter: this morning,
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wouldn't consider stepping in if the race came down to a contested convention, but not completely closing the door. >> there are no circumstances i can foresee where that would possibly happen. >> reporter: the stop trump movement extending to the debate stage. marco rubio and ted cruz taking aim. >> he's trying to con people into giving them their vote, just like he conned these people into giving them their money. >> let me ask the voters at home. is this the debate you want playing out in the general election? >> reporter: john kasich looking to stay above the fray. >> let's stop fighting. >> reporter: even after all the fighting -- >> don't worry about it, little marco. >> reporter: all the candidates answering the same when asked, would you support the nominee? >> i will support whoever is the nominee for president. >> yes because i gave my word. >> i'd support donald to be the nominee. >> the answer is, yes, i will.
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his morning his willingness to support trump reflects how bad he believes hillary clinton would be as president. romney says he may endorse rubio or cruz or kasich but hinted it probably won't come until after the march 15th primary. >> hallie jackson? in detroit, thank you. the obama family won't be leaving washington right after they leave the white house. the president said they'll probably stay in d.c. for a couple years so his younger daughter can finish high school there. she's a 14-year-old freshman. big sister should be off to college when the president's term ends. they also own a house in chicago. bobbi kristina brown died as a result of her face being immersed in water a ilong with drug intoxication. she was found unresponsive in a bathtub in her atlanta area home last year and died in hospice care in july. a medical examiner says
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involved, along the medications used for sedation or to treat anxiety. today would have been her 23rd birthday. a shoplifter took a hit while making his get away. police are still looking for this man who, caught on camera running from a south carolina walmart, bam. >> oh! >> right into the passing suv outside. he got right back up and kept on going. police say he had taken about $40 worth of meat without paying for it. that had to hurt, that blow. guys? >> wow. >> where do you begin? >> normally you'd feel sorry for somebody. the circumstances change things. let's take a look now and talk about some photos, recent photos, of facebook coo sheryl sandberg that are sparking a discussion about loss and dating. >> today's erica hill is here with the story. >> good morning to you. sheryl sandberg's moving facebook post, which we remember
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husband last year, showed an outpouring of support. as she appears to be moving on, new missage agemessages are pouring in. >> reporter: the new york post claims she's dating bobby kotick. speculation has sparked reaction online. while some question the timing, the majority have been supportive. >> good for her. trying to find happiness again. i personally think it is rather soon, but then again, different people see things differently. all of us walk our own path, travel our own journey, leave the judging to the court systems and beauty pageants. therapist shell counsels those living with grief. >> there is no time frame of when it's right or wrong or when someone should start dating. >> reporter: sandberg has been open about her grief, sharing a heartfelt post one month after her husband's death.
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wrote, it presents a choice. you can give in to the void, the emptiness that fills your heart, or you can try to find meeting. when i can, i want to choose life and meaning. those words triggered an outpouring of support. sandberg spoke with savannah about the response. >> i think loss and trying to rebuild and resilience, it's a huge part of the human condition. my children and i have worked so hard to rebuild our lives and find happiness and joy and gratitude again. i think the support of strangers and our friends made a huge difference. >> reporter: support that is essential at every step of the grieving process. >> as cliche as it is, life does go on. for many, many people, life means finding another lifelong partner. so being supportive, being curious, trying to get to know what in that relationship they're attracted to, but just
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>> we did reach out to facebook. understandably, the company declined to comment. overall, there was a lot of support and a lot of people online saying how wonderful it is. you know what? at the end of the day, it's not our business. >> that's right. whatever she does, i hope people's hearts are with her. the family went through so much. >> you want people to find comfort in whatever way is best for them. >> agree. >> erica, thank you. coming up next, a play list that is apparently scientifically designed to get women through the process of gives birth. seriously. notice anything unusual about these oranges? why they're landing whole foods in a little bit of trouble today. we have a rare visit to studio 1a from gwyneth paltrow. we're going to talk to her about career, business, family and more. first, take a look at these messages. kellogg's frosted mini-wheats ... 8 layers of wheat... and one that's sweet.
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nutritious wheat for the adult you've grown into and delicious sweet for the kid you'll never outgrow... feed your inner kidult with frosted mini-wheats . try new kellogg's mini-wheats harvest delights with sweet drizzle and bits made with real fruit. before fibromyalgia, i was active. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions
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tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things. but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica. the candy man can 'cause he mixes it... need some help, guys? yeah. no. living for tomorrow, lost within a dream let the sun shine through to lift your spirits once again
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and it feels so good oh yeah and it feels so good the candy man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good (vo) my name's nick and i make dog chow in denver, colorado. one of my fondest memories of khloe is the day we got her. i knew right there she was gonna be a great dog. khloe's a big influence on the family. she loved lincoln from the start. she's his little protector. i trust dog chow to keep khloe healthy because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it. the standards that we follow are top notch. i trust dog chow enough to feed it to my dog every single day. the citi double cash card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. earn once when you buy, and again as you pay.
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it's cash back d\j vu. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. we're back at 8:13. time for what's trending today. plane travel is increasingly cramped. often germy. the self-cleaning lavatory could be coming to you. boeing has unveiled the bathroom of the future. it is bathed in blue. the ultraviolet light is said to kill 99.9% of germs from all surfaces. that includes counters, toilets. takes three seconds. boeing says the light literally
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your heart just exploded, matt, didn't it? >> this is genius. >> you want this in your house, right? >> this is just a prototype right now. why not bathe the whole plane in it? >> exactly. >> second, they say it's new technology. we've been using it, you have, for years. >> in my dressing room. >> look at that. >> i have to wear goggles when i go? >> it's like a "law and order" scene up there. >> i think this is seriously, the plane thing, fantastic. something else now, the whole foods backlash we mentioned earlier. last year, the company was criticized for selling asparagus water at $6 a pop. this isn't about price, it's plastic. a twitter user posted this photo, showing prepeeled oranges being sold in plastic containers.
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and violates whole foods' eco-friendly policies. the store wrote on twitter. definitely our mistake. we hear you and will leave them peel. pound. >> wow. >> those are expensive oranges. >> think of the team of people that peeled all those to put out there. peel an orange? and all that? it. this is more portable. >> i'm not going to judge people for laziness in the kitchen. not going there. >> it's an orange. >> i don't love peeling oranges. women in labor, you may be able to rest easier. you can thank spotify cht. the music streaming service released a birthing play list. it's true. here's one of the tracks. having my baby >> no, that's a good one though. "under pressure" by queen and david bowie.
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>> spotify said this is a scientifically designed list. they compiled it with an ob-gyn. >> pearl jam. >> "just breathe." >> lyrics, stay with me, let's just breathe. >> my doctor asked me when i had a scheduled c-section, what music i wanted. i wanted springsteen. >> deborah said, if you don't turn that off, i'll kill you. >> they asked what music i wanted and i couldn't think of anything. it was too much pressure at the moment. >> what song? classical? >> first song they'll ever hear. >> there's a lot of pressure to get the song right. >> i know. >> let's move on to caitlyn jenner and her surprising pick for president. jennifer lopez addresses her feud with another pop diva. carson? >> first, caitlyn jenner declaring her pick for president. the lifelong republican saying,
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he's conservative and a great constitutionalist and is an articulate man. she also said he's one of the worst when it comes to trans issues. she's offering to be an ambassador between him and the trans community. jennifer lopez and her alleged feud with mariah carey. years ago, mariah was asked about j.lo and said, quote, i don't know her. of course, everybody knows jenny from the block. the ladies went head to head with competing shows in las vegas. wendy williams asked j.lo about it. >> have you ever put on a rubber nose and a pair of sunglasses and a hat and gone to check out the competition? >> i went and saw a bunch of shows. i saw everybody. i didn't seema mariah because she hadn't started yet. >> who? >> i saw britney. >> i'm playing. that's what mariah said about
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i'm not trying to say anything. >> she's forgetful, i guess. we've met many times. >> j.lo may be throwing a little her way. depends how you read into that. she plans on seeing -- she's going to see mariah's show when her schedule clears. though j.lo is busy. finally, jimmy fallon. we're seeing shows like "full house" be updated. it was part of the tgif lineup back in the day. "family matters." so jimmy was inspired to redo his own show open. when the night has fallen and the day is done words gone crazy, but smiles are waiting
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jimmy fallon, "the tonight show" and you >> so good. >> love it. >> i would watch that sitcom. >> that is your pop start. >> carson, thank you. mr. roker? >> i'd like us to do that. that'd be fun. we are looking at the threat of severe weather starting early next week. sunday, a few storms develop through sxtexas to oklahoma. then minnesota to texas. some severe, isolated tornadoes cannot be ruled out. look what happens on tuesday. a wide swath stretching from st. louis down to corpus christi. severe storms very likely. texas, arkansas, on into louisiana. this will be the day of highest risk.
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that's what's going >> that's your latest weather. matt? >> al, thank you very much. is there anything that oscar winner gwyneth paltrow can't do? her career spanned music, tv, movies and business, with her lifestyle brand goop. good to see you. >> nice to see you. >> you haven't been here in 11 years. >> is that true? >> did i get drunk and say something stupid to you the last time you were here? >> most likely. >> did i? tell me everything that's been going on in life. start with 11 years ago. >> well, i don't want to bore you this early in the morning but, yeah, i've been doing a lot. i moved from london to california. started a business. >> how do you like business?
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have critics and all that stuff. it's another thing to pour your heart and soul in a business. it's not natural for a lot of people. did you find it came easily to you? >> it's been a steep learning curve. i really love doing it. i'm energized by it. it's challenging and exciting. >> are you hands on? >> completely. it's my 24/7 focus right now. >> so the priorities have shifted? in other words, that takes up this space and acting and music are down here? >> for the time being. i mean, we took investment last year. as soon as we had other people's money, i realized i really better focus on this completely. i'll return to acting probably, but probably not right now. >> you're evolving. you have the lifestyle brand. you have skin care. >> we do. >> did you watch the oscars the other night. >> i was home in pajamas. >> so was i. when you watch a show like that police? do you look at the red carpet and look at actresses and actors and think, they could do
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>> they need concealer? >> everybody looked pretty good. it was a pretty good red carpet. >> do you find people coming up to you on the street and asking for advice and saying, now that you're in the business, how do i look? >> i think at, we're very much -- we're kind of like a trusted friend. so people, as an extension of the brand, come to me and ask for tips or travel tips or health or wellness, beauty. it's part of what i do. >> i was reading something, i think "glamour" magazine, don't hold me to that, and you fought back against criticism on pricing. it seems like you've decided that since this is so important to you, you're not going to let people say things that you don't agree with. >> well, i think that people who are going to criticize -- and i'm always open to criticism and learning more -- but people who are going to criticize should have all of the impeer calnformation. to say we're expensive when we have a range across all price points -- >> i like the way you put it.
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is what you're saying. >> exactly. >> i saw pictures not long ago, super bowl, and coldplay was the halftime act. >> yeah. >> there was a great picture of, i think it was apple, at the game. before i get to the picture, what is it like to take your kids to the super bowl and have them look up and see dad on the stage at halftime? >> you know, it's pretty incredible. it's also a little weird that your first football game is that. how do you also counteract that, you know, and instill that life is not that all the time? but they were so proud of him, and it was such a gorgeous performance. very uplifting. they were thrilled. they were very proud. >> the pictures i saw, one where apple was holding beyonce's daughter's hand. >> uh-huh. >> there's another picture of you and apple. can i just say, i mean, it's amazing, she looks just like her mom. i'm sure she looks a little like her dad chris, as well, but she
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level. she really is. >> i think the other thing i really liked about seeing the pictures from the super bowl is it says that despite all that's been written and said about the relationship coming apart, you other. >> we're a family. even though we're not in a romantic relationship, we're a true family. we like to do things to reinforce that we're a family for the children, for each other. he's like my brother. he's really -- i'm very close to him. >> when the talk started about the uncoupling, did you ignore it? could you not read the articles? could you not read social media? >> i don't tend to read a lot of that sort of thing. i mean, obviously, i knew it was going on. it was kind of a big -- i unwittingly created a whole hoopla with my choice of words. i was sort of following a theory. but it was a very intense time
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were very high and deep and all over the place. i just tried to keep to myself as much as possible. >> and everybody seems to be happy which, in the end, is that not all that matters? >> that's all that matters. >> coldplay coming to the show here in a couple weeks. i know people if you want tickets. seriously, i might be able to get you in. let me know. >> thank you. >> good to have you back. >> nice to be here. >> don't make it so long next time. >> i won't. >> over to savannah. from gwyneth to a living legend, loretta lynn is here. do you know how excited everybody is? everyone has their cameras up. they want selfies. let's go get one.
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we love you, loretta. good morning. time now is 8-28. let's get right to jen this morning's messy commute. good morning, hampton roads. let's check
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winter weather advisory in effect until noon for sussex county to james city county to gloucester county and points northward. today: rain this morning with a wintry mix at times. snow showers north of the metro. this will taper off later this morning, and then we'll be mostly cloudy and windy. highs will be in the mid 40s. winds nne 15-25mph with gusts to 45mph. tonight: partly cloudy. lows in the mid 30s. wind north 10-20mph with gusts to 25mph. saturday: partly cloudy. highs will be in the
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it's 8:30 now, friday, march 4th, 2016. we have a great crowd on the plaza. it's our party crowd because it is definitely getting a little snowy, slippery. little bit of something for everybody. by the way, inside, ms. loretta lynn. we are so, so excited to have her here. she is a legend. she's an icon. also just an extraordinary woman and, boy, does she still have it. we've been hearing her rehearse this morning. everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die >> she sings it better than us.
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her luck at an internship. she'll interview on "queen sugar." plus, we'll catch up with gold medal winning gymnasts, marey lou retton, carly patterson and nastia liukin. first, your weather. >> a lot of wet weather, heavy rain from central california into the pacific northwest. windy in the plains. sunshine through the gulf. let's check out sunday, sunday! eastern two thirds-thirds of the country, looking good. sunshine returns to the southeast. mid-atlantic states. what a mess from southern california into the inner mountain region, cascades, rockies. a lot of wet weather and heavy snow in the cascades. they may see 2 to 4 feet before it's all over. that's what's going on around the country.
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neck of the woods. >> i have friends here from the hofsha athletic training society. they all look like they're in great shape. there you go. must be working. these nice folks over here. who is emmy and leo? >> my son and daughter in minnesota. >> you had to think about that for a second. >> i know. sorry, guys. i love you! >> pretty good. that's what's going on. let's go back inside. this morning on up for the
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internship for our special series. tamron, it's a good one. >> it is, guys. good morning, everybody. i got a chance to intern for one of the most respected directors in the industry. ava duvernay. remember her doll, sold out in minutes. she's working on a new project that she wrote, directed and produced. i got a chance to be her protege for the day. >> reporter: i'm in the heart of new orleans and i'm here to intern for director ava duvernay. she's shooting her series "queen sugar." what better way to butter up the boss than bring a little sugar? she's made a big splash on the big screen. she's taken home a stack of awards, and took home the award for "selma." she's paying it forward, working to bring fresh voices to hollywood.
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ultimate power player, oprah, for a tv series. i met up with ava's producer, paul, for a lay of the land. >> we're doing a big scene today. >> okay. >> few thousand extras. >> am i in charge of the extras? >> you help get the extras ready. >> this is your makeup bag. >> who needs to be done up? do you trust me? try not to make your eyebrows look like bert and ernie. brow. >> hello. are you my intern? >> i'm your intern. i brought the boss gifts. >> she knows how to get in good. give me some love here. >> were you ever an intern? >> i wasn't because i made my own films.
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difficult for women to direct. difficult for people of color to direct. put it together, a black woman, and there aren't a lot of us there. >> when did you know that this was your calling? >> i just always, always, always loved film. some people are music people. some people are sports people. i've always been -- >> you're everything. you're music -- >> no. >> i follow you on twitter. >> but i love twitter like a man, youman -- film like i love a man. you know what i mean? i really, really, it's like my heart's desire. >> what do you do for in me as an intern? >> i need you to be next to me, by my side. if you're on that side and i'm on this side and say, tamron, you have to be there. >> thank god my dad was a sergeant in the army. >> reporter: ava put me to work, delivering props to the extras in the stands. >> you get a shirt.
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>> tamron! >> i'm here. i'm here. >> good, good. very good. i need this woman to have a white shirt instead of a blue one. >> okay. >> let's change out the hat for a gladiator's hat. thank you, tamron. >> my boss called me tamron. >> anybody? >> what's up, baby? >> i just need -- as soon as -- >> she's calling for everyone but me. probably a wise choice. >> reporter: maybe i needed pointers from an insider. >> you know i'm interning. i am ava's intern. technically, i'm kind of like your boss. >> oh, okay. >> are you intimidated? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: while i may not
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another visitor to the set made her mark. >> you had a surprise visit from >> i know. >> did you know she was coming? i did, yes. she's the fairy godmother here. >> reporter: finally, time to impress ava and the crew. >> background, action! >> go, go! good job. was? >> you. >> your action. >> thank you. >> it was so delicate that they felt excited. >> thank you. >> another scene that makes "queen sugar" different from other sets is that it is an all female directorial team. it's a unicorn, rare, in the industry. so "queen sugar" is a drama. imagine dynasty set in new
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the scene we were shooting involved a basketball player and his wife confronting him on the court. i'll leave it at that. let me tell you, it'll be a hit this fall on own, the oprah win winfrey network. my internship consisted of me eating. >> hanging out with ava and oprah. >> tamron, thank you. this weekend, erica is up for the job. she spends the day at j. crew with the creative director. up next, gymnastics golden girls. we look toahead to rio with mary lou retton, carly patterson and
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first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we have olympic royalty. three of four american women to win the all-around. >> mary louuou retton, carly patterson and nastia liukin. welcome back. laid >> good morning. >> before we talk about what happens this weekend, we were talking about savannah's boot, and the fact she's a little klutzy. you said you are. how can a gymnast be klutzy? >> i don't know. my husband always says, i don't know how you did what you did. you're always falling. >> you always stick the landing. >> get a ten. >> that's right. >> i did not stick the landing. that's what went wrong. >> the at&t american cup this weekend. set it up for me. >> this is one of the most exciting competitions of the year, especially being in the united states. it's probably the biggest besides our national championships. this year, tomorrow, gabby douglas, who won the olympic games four year ago, is competing.
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she competed last year at the world championships and won a silver in the all-american, behind the great simone biles. and maggie nichols, an up and coming favorite, as well. >> all of you won this cup before going on to the olympics. we all know what happened there. can we see top-level talent, mary lou? >> all the countries in the world send their best to the american cup, especially in an olympic year. for us, we won the american cup in an olympic year and went on to win the all-around. >> good prep. >> no pressure. >> but let's talk about the pressure on the u.s. team. obviously, they're heavily favored going into this olympics. who is the competition for them? >> no one. right? >> it's true, mary lou. i think we're our own competition right now. i think we have so much depth. the last 10, 12 years has been so many girls, so much talent coming through.
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of a team that you could put together. i think we're going to see a lot of gold medals coming in rio. >> i would not want to pick the olympic team. >> it'd be really hard. >> we're five months away. we won't know the team until the trials in july. fierce five, gold in london. who should we be looking at for? >> definitely simone biles. she's won three world all-around title lts backs back to back. nobody has ever done that. gabby douglas. ally raisman, making a comeback at the world championships, as well. i mean, the list is endless. i think the hardest part is making the u.s. team. >> nastia liukin cup coming up, as well. fifth year in gymnastics. we're looking forward to the olympics. great to catch up with you, ladies. >> thank you. >> see you in rio next. >> yeah. >> again, you can catch the at&t american cup hitting tomorrow at 1:00 eastern here on nbc. just ahead, a treat.
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first, this is "today" on nbc. >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we're back at 8:46. we have in the studio a true american icon. loretta lynn is the undisputed queen of country music. we're honored she's here, celebrating the release of her new album, "full circle." good morning. >> thank you, honey. >> there is definitely an energy in this studio because you are here. do you find you have this effect on people? >> i've turned over every chair when i walk? >> your album is out today. this is the first studio album in about a decade. >> yes. >> have you been writing songs all that time? >> i've been working so hard. me and my band work all the time. son of a gun, i didn't think about recording. >> now, i heard --
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>> i was about to ask. you recorded 90. >> all ready. >> you whittled it down to 14. >> yeah. we got a lot more. >> was it hard to choose which 14 would make the cut? >> i let them do it. i wasn't around when they put them in there. >> you wrote a lot of the songs, didn't you? >> sure did. >> the song we're about that hear, you wrote, didn't you? >> sure did. >> we can't wait to hear it. you have duets. you have willie nelson on this record. >> yeah. >> you like collaborating like that? >> yeah, i do. i like it. willie, you ought to have seen us. >> was it reunion time? >> it was reunion time. >> do you still enjoy touring? >> i do. i love touring. so do my boys. they've been raised, calling me mama. >> they take care of you?
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>> it's a pleasure to have you here. go ahead and sing your song. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die once upon a time there lived a man and his name was hezeki he walked with god both day and night but he didn't wanna die he cried, oh, lord, please let me live death is close i know god smiled down on hezeki and gave him fifteen years to go everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die lord i wanna go to heaven but
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so i long for the day when i'll have new birth still i love the living here on earth everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die when jesus lived here on this earth, he knew his father's plan he knew that he must give his life to save the soul of men when judas had betrayed him, his father heard him cry he was brave until his death but he didn't wanna die everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die lord, i wanna go to heaven but
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so i long for the day when i'll have new birth still i love the living here on earth everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die [ applause ] >> loretta lynn, bringing down the house. >> i forgot the one verse. >> nobody missed it. >> i didn't either. >> we just went to heaven. >> yes, we did. >> fantastic. thank you for coming? >> thank you so much. >> "full circle" is out today. such a pleasure. thank you.
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coming up next, how was the trip? we'll check in with the people we sent on the plaza last
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first, this is "today" on nbc. everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die >> we'll be singing that all day. >> we're so happy. people everywhere. >> one week ago, you probably
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people, one friend each, on a remarkable trip. >> that's right. we plucked them off the plaza and sent them to los angeles for the leap day weekend. this morning, we got to look at all the fun they had in the sun. >> reporter: the mission, escape the east coast winter for a spontaneous weekend in los angeles. where it's summer all year long. the lucky winners -- >> we're going to california! >> best friends, jennifer and rebecca. college roommates katie and megan. liz in search of the perfect taco. kim and amanda on a mission to surprise their daughter. leah and jeffrey celebrating their silver anniversary. everyone was excited to get out of the cold and have fun in the sun. once they arrived, they ditched their coats and boarded the bus to hermosa beach for a bike ride with a view.
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"beverly hills 90210." >> that was the best bike ride since i was 12. >> it was relaxing and so pretty. >> reporter: liz conquered her taco challenge. >> fantastic. >> reporter: before heading to dinner at phillippe the original. >> doesn't get better. >> reporter: they tried new eats. >> the texture is very pig. >> i like it. >> reporter: and surprised jeffrey and leah for their anniversary. >> thank you, guys. >> reporter: this group of strangers became instant friends. a perfect weekend escape with enough sun to get them through the rest of winter. >> they all had a great time. we want to thank discover los angeles for providing the trip. >> looks fun. we're back with more of "today" on a friday morning. who do you have coming up? >> zachary levi. al and i had a gig last night. >> all right. look forward to seeing it.
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and weather. good morning, hampton roads. let's check
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winter weather advisory in effect until noon for sussex county to james city county to gloucester county and points northward. today: rain this morning with a wintry mix at times. snow showers north of the metro. this will taper off later this morning, and then we'll be mostly partly cloudy. lows in the mid 30s. wind north upper 40s. winds north 5-10mph. we're workign to get more information on a fight aboard a school bus, vinvoling the driver and a student. at noon. you can also gets updates on all your local headlines at any
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com. this morning on "today's take."
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hidden talent and you'll see it right here. the craziest moments of the month caught on video when we go spanning the world. and zachary levi strolls over from broadway to tell us about his new play. all that and more comingp now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a friday morning. as dylan dreyer calls it, a wintry mix. >> not enough to be pretty. it's just wet. >> damp, cold stuff. >> what's this we're listening to? does it match? you ain't never had a friend like me >> i want to redo my tap routine. >> you got to tap? >> natalie can tap.
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it was a 17-second routine. along with a whole ensemble. >> that's a long time. >> it was a lot of pressure. >> was your heart racing? >> the whole day, i was like, why did i agree with this? >> you were on stage for the live show? >> yes. and al was there, up with the genie. he had to read lines. >> wow, natalie. >> al, of course, was mr. perfect. >> was there a live audience watching it? >> we were broadway, girl. >> i've always wanted to know, can the people on the stage see the audience, or do you see light? >> i saw my family. i was looking at them smiling. in fact, i asked my kids. luke said, mom, you were great. it was perfect. i said, i messed up. josh said, yeah, you were a little behind. >> did he take the subway home? >> hope the metro card worked. >> no singing. just singing. ingdancing. come on. they actually let me dance.
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we have to thank the cast of "aladdin." >> when is it coming up? >> we'll air it march 20th. >> what was al's role? >> he was a game show host with the genie during this song, "never have a friend like me." it was fantastic. a great night. i can't say enough about the people end tnd the scenes who helped us get ready for the role. >> at least that was family friendly. what happened in the republican debate? >> we get jaded in the press. you never get surprised but i went, oh. the republican debate descended into childish moments. suggested earlier this week, when talking about the size of trump's hands -- an old thing
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hands -- trump said, i have great hands. rubio said, you know what they say about guys can small hands. here's what trump said last night. >> he hit my hands. nobody has ever hit my hands. look at those hands, are they small hands? and he referred to my hands, if they're small, something else must be small. i guarantee you, there's no problem. i guarantee you. >> it's not even high school level here. >> if it weren't so serious, you could say, oh, my gosh. but, i mean, these are the people, the last men standing, since carly is out, no women on the gop side, running for president. mitt romney has been, you know, the former nominee, and spoke this morning. >> i feel like we're one debate away from whoopee cushions being put on seats. >> that might happen next. >> oh, my gosh.
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country can allow this to continue. you let your kids watch the debates, you know, you want them to understand the -- what goes into the process of electing a president. they can't watch this debate because it ends up in a round of bullying, child-like behavior with name calling and everything you teach your kids not to do. >> it also resulted in thousands more people going to vote. i mean, listen, the republican party, they've broken records. we've been out on the campaign trail. people have been, you know, leaving work, suspending errands to go vote. you look at the debate, but a record number of people are turning out to caucus and to this. >> you know what's interesting, we had a graphic up a couple days ago, where in 2008, for the huge turnout obama brought on the democratic side, the flip has happened this year. untold story.
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coming out, partly because of donald trump, or largely, i'd argue. trump and cruz were having a heated diskigscussion about the supreme court nominating process when senator cruz interrupted him. >> let me point out -- >> that is not what you said in the op-ed. >> donald, i know it's hard not to interrupt but try. >> it's not what you said. >> breathe, breathe. >> you can breathe. i know it's hard. >> when they're done with yoga, can i answer a question? >> you cannot. i really hope that we don't see yoga on the stage. >> he's very flexible so you never know. >> the moderators of fox, they did a good job prosecuting substantive cases and putting stats up and asking questions. it always seemed to diego to those moments. rubio calling trump a con man, dangerous, the last question of
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asked if they'd support donald trump as the nominee. >> i'll support the republican nominee. >> mr. trump, yes or no? >> i'll support donald to be the republican nominee. >> yes because i gave my word i would. what i have endeavored to do every day in the senate is do what i said i'd do. >> he'd be the nominee, sometimes he makes it hard but, you know, i will support whoever is the republican nominee for president. >> the answer is yes, i will. >> yes, you will support the nominee of the party? >> yes. >> the top of trump said, if i'm not the nominee, it's not going to happen. but for people watching at home and people across the country, you listen to the campaign and people saying, donald trump will ruin this country if he's made president. >> the world. >> then they say, i'll support the guy. >> i tweeted last night and said, this is why people hate politics. i don't throw the word "hate" around. but when you tell the american
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for the country, but then an hour later say, yeah, i'm going to vote, you have to ask yourself, which is more important? your party and an unofficial promise or pledge or your country, or are you playing us? this is applicable not just to the republican party. this can be applied to the democratic side. maybe not this cycle. doesn't match what we're seeing but, nevertheless, is it party or country? what are you doing here? that's the question. mitt romney is ready to answer it in some part. yesterday, mr. romney gave a speech in which he laid out a scathing indictment of donald trump. this morning, romney and matt sat down in the studio and governor romney was asked about accepting trump's endorsement four year ago, when he was the gop candidate. take a listen. >> you said he's dangerous for the country, dangerous for working americans. you attacked him on his economic policies, foreign policy, personality, which you called
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his business acumen. you say, wait, isn't he a huge business success that knows what he's talking a about the? no, he isn't. no, he doesn't. his bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who work for them. he inherited his business. he didn't create it. let me take you back four years. listen to this. >> donald trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works, to create jobs for the american people. i spent my life in the private sector, not quite as successful as this guy, but successful nonetheless. >> that was four years ago, same two guys. donald trump and mitt romney. >> he's a successful guy. made a lot of money. but he hasn't been uniformly successful and is far from a business genius. trump university, trump stakes, trump mortgage, trump vitamin company. one after the other, failure after failure. just because he's made a lot of money, one, you don't measure you life by how much money you
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economic policies are right for america. >> but the people angry at you this morning, governor, are saying, wait a minute, he willingly welcomed the endorsement of donald trump four years ago, even though he was knee deep in the birther movement and made other comments. why go 180 degrees on the guy now? >> i was seeking his endorsement. now he's seeking mine. that's different. a lot of people endorsed me, i wouldn't endorse for president. secondly, a lot has happened in the last year. frankly, had i heard him say the things i've heard him say now, i endorsement. >> i mean, this is, again, why people don't like politics. feels cynical, to flip that way. the only thing in governor romney's defense i'll say, you can accept an endorsement, but it's something else to endorse somebody to be president of the united states. trump was a businessman at this point. now he wants to lead the country. romney thinks it's his obligation to prevent it. >> legit point.
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up, at that time, donald trump was full birther. and had claimed that he sent people off to hawaii. they found all this incredible stuff he's never revealed publicly. we'll see. i mean, voters are speaking out. ultimately, that's democracy. >> it's true. >> can we talk about something happy? >> yes! >> not that politics isn't happy but -- >> well, something our viewers have contributed to. >> right. people have spoken. >> yeah. >> last week, nat and i showed you pictures of our very first concert. you went to see. >> spandau ballet. ohio players as a 5-year-old. >> mine was no doubt. >> that's a great fun. >> it was fun. mosh pit and everything. >> willie? >> i can't remember. i said i'm from new jersey, so probably bonn joe jovi. >> we asked you to send us your wildest looks from your first
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the people have spoken. you guys delivered. these. these are the three finalists. our producers went over everything because what you don't know about myself, willie, pick. everybody is a winner sochlt the. challenging. who is this? >> willie? >> i can't see. >> boy george. >> 14 years old when she went to the concert. six cans of colored hairspray for billy idol in '83. >> like the glasses. >> jaden made sure to look like a member of the jackson five while posing. and she met the jackson five in >> how cool. >> no one had the right stuff like our winner. drum roll, please.
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super man,fan, mindy baker. she's a single mom. 7-year-old daughter reagan. guess what? mindy, we are flying you and reagan to new york city next week to get a head to toe makeover. all furnished by our friends at jcpenney. hair, makeup. guess who is with us now? good morning. >> hey. >> mindy, we told you you were a finalist. winner. how do you feel? >> i can't believe it. all over that ridiculous picture. >> it was awesome. we understand that you're going to go to the concert. are you and your daughter ready? >> we're ready! >> does she approve of the attire that you wore back in the day? >> she said it's the most ridiculous, awful picture she's ever seen of me. >> just as an extra bonus, i'll walk back to the set. willie is the only man today and
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>> i like them. >> have some movers for us? >> i don't have new kids moves. >> hanging tough and good. >> the shoulder. >> mindy, congratulations. willie will work on his moves and greet you at the airport. >> congrats. dylan, you have something big going on. >> we have the polar plunge in chicago. update to the forecast, i thought it was going to be 40 when i signed on. now, it'll be 34. wind chill, 28 degrees.
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morning on sunday in chicago. >> while doing weather, zachary levi took my chair, which is probably the coolest thing in the world. >> i feel horrible. this is not what a man would do. >> dylan has to stand. >> coming up next, we have zachary levi. he'll tell us what's in the works with him after this. >> announcer: from portion of
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jane likes to mix things up. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 calorie obsession. light & fit feel free to enjoy. what brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena cosmetics. powders, concealers and foundations in new shades for more skin tones. with vitamins and antioxidants. your skin will look beautiful when you wear it and even after you take it off. neutrogena cosmetics
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i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. in delicious gummies too!. zachary levi can do it all. voicing an animated character in "tangled" and starring in tv shows like "chuck." >> now, he's opposite laura benanti and jane krakowski in "she loves me," opening march 17th. good morning. >> good morning.
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i can go now. >> so exciting. to be on broadway. have you done broadway before? >> my second show. i did a show a few years ago, "first date," and it was a great show. i learn add lot anded a lot and grew a lot. the roundabout is sellcelebrateing their 50th anniversary. they wanted to bring back some of their more favorite, beloved shows. one is "she loves me." they revived it in the early '90s. it's laura benanti, jane krakowski, gavin creel, and our choreographer choreographer, musical director, it's an all-star list and i'm the freshman who happened to be voted on. i'll hang out. >> the story line is one we all know. it's such a great story line. kind of the basis behind "you've got mail." >> there was a play, a hungarian play, written in the '30s.
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many other people who work in a shop, and they're constantly at odds. but they're secretly each other's pen pals and falling in love with each other, like "you've got mail," and many things can contribute their success to this material. it's a delightful show. very charming. it's a throwback. if you love movies like "the shop around the corner" or "you've got mail," anything with the classic charm, it is up your alley. and laura sings like an angel. she's like a true soprano. it'll blow your mind. >> jane krakowski is a good friend of ours here. let's be honest, difficult off have you found that? >> not at all. >> very difficult. >> jane and i, our first date, as it were, we lit the tree here. >> that's right. >> a few year ago. >> i remember that. >> al was out sick. jane and i did it.
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we've kind of maintained a friendly throughout years. she was the only person in the cast i knew a little bit. our dressing rooms are across from each other and have a blast. she's a lovely person. >> we love her. >> so funny, as is gavin and everybody else. >> you have a hat trick to show us. can we see it? >> yeah, yeah. >> i want to see this. >> whether i can do this or not, i don't know. this is in the show. i kick it. nothing to it, guys. >> that was incredible. >> wow. >> i can't even -- forget it. now nobody is going to see the show. gosh danger it! >> go see the show. >> studio 54. running until july 10th, i think. end of june, beginning of july. >> march 17th through june.
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secret talent cut! this is way too much. i just want to talk to women about my decision to use poise. i've had four kids. ladies, who pees a little when they laugh? uh-uh, uh-huh. you see? switching to poise helps make life easier. roll that thing! get 3 in 1 protection for dryness, comfort, and odor control. and unlike period pads, poise thin shape pads have thin flex technology. seize your poise moment at if your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. you may be muddling through allergies.
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and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec . muddle no more . before it was honey in these honey nut cheerios, it was honey being collected. and honey getting made. and honey that was just beginning. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof, cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that?
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hey, this club is always empty. i have to get it going. maybe you can come down next time. it is friday, everyone. empty club or not, my cup is full. it runneth over with pop fix. jennifer garner plays the saxophone. the miracles from heaven actress showcased her skills in the cutest way possible during a shoot with "vanity fair." take a peek. >> my saxophone, sally the sexy saxophone, and i lost her. how do you lose a saxophone? my mom and i marvel. where did she go? >> what was -- name that tune? move over, lisa simpson, you
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you can catch the video at have you accidentally texted yes, i have. it can happen to anyone, including hilary swank. she posted a hilarious post on her instagram with a conversation she had with a stranger. she asked, is this you? it's hilary swank. after the recipient replied, wrong number, they added, can you please block me and i'll do the same? she screen captured it, guess not a fan. can blonds have more fun? look, the normally brunette kendall jenner -- wait, is she kellogg's frosted mini-wheats ... 8 layers of wheat... and one that's sweet.
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nutritious wheat for the adult you've grown into and delicious sweet for the kid you'll never outgrow... feed your inner kidult with frosted mini-wheats . try new kellogg's mini-wheats harvest delights with sweet drizzle and bits made with real fruit. all new dirt snuggler! the dirt snuggler gently removes dirt while polishing the floor at the same time. why would you want to treat dirt gently? this isn't cleaning and polishing is it? no, but we both know what does. pine-sol. a real clean. no gimmicks. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you.
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taking a look at the headlines. new evidence this morning on the
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a new study reveals drinking a lot of coffee could reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis. researchers in the u.s. and sweden say six or more cups a day was linked to 30% lower risk of the disease. caffeine suppresses the chemicals in the body that causes inflammation. a new research suggesting yogurt may protect women from high blood pressure. the boston university study found women who ate five or more servings of yogurt a week had a 20% lower risk of developing hypertension than those who ate it once a month. the study was funded by the national dairy council. "star wars: the force awakens" comes out on home video next month. on demand on april 1st. blu-ray disks and dvds will go on sale april 5th. it'll include a behind the
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a generous gesture has a lot of people talking. a ceo is giving employees his entire annual stock bonus, worth $14 million. the company has taken a hit from stock prices. the give away could boost morale and keep talented employees from perhaps looking elsewhere. let's get a check of the weather from dylan, who is in for al. >> good morning, natalie. we are inching closer to the weekend. we are seeing a big rainstorm make its way to the northwest. we could see 2 to 4 feet of snow in the mountain ranges. temperatures in the 40s. we gradually get back to the 50s and 60s by sunday. record highs through the northern plains. this will move east by the
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heavy rain, lots of >> that's your latest forecast. willie? >> thanks a lot. guy walks into a bar, and if it's jon tapper, you should be afraid. he's the host and executive producer ottf "bar rescue" on spike. he visits failing bars and tries to transform them as only jon taffer can. >> this is their ground beef mix. >> oh! what's the temperature in there, aaron? >> 60. >> 60 degrees. this should be 40 degrees. all that food is garbage. all of this is [ bleep ]
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aaron, we have to throew away everything in the kitchen. >> i'm self-conscious about our food at this table. full disclosure, i am a huge fan of the show. show. people who see that are going to think, you scream at people and all that. there's more to this show. you go in and break them down at first. talk about the projects you take on. these aren't always easy jobs. >> they aren't. i never thought this level of failure even existed, honestly, until i did "bar rescue." they're hundreds of thousands of dollars in the hole, houses and marriages are on the line. i've dealt with two twin brothers who hadn't talked to each other in nine years and each other. the family pressures and at the end of the day, i'm fixing people a lot more than bars.
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you called it shakespearexkespeareshakespearean. >> i have to push them and they start to transform, redeem themselves and, hopefully, a happy ending. >> one of the things i know tus on -- notice on the show is people open a bar for the wrong reasons. it'll be fun. buddies will come in, and free food for everybody. that's not why you get into the business, right? >> don't open a bar because you like bars. open it because you like business. if you drink and hang out in your bar, friends come in, you're never going to make money. do that in your basement. >> lose less money that way. >> absolutely. >> what's the biggest problem you find when you walk into the bars? what's in common? >> obviously, they're all losing money. other than fixing the owner's attitude, how do i make it profitable again? it comes down to this, bars aren't as profitable as people think. they make 12% of revenue, 12 cents on every dollar. if you overpour the liquor, the 12% disaprocedurepears and now you're losing money.
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have you gone into a bar and found it's beyond help, beyond repair, or do you always think there is something you can do? >> one time. i can fix any bar. i can, willie. you've seen me do it. i can really help fix a lot of people and set your careers on path. one thing i can't fix is integrity. one time, i had an owner violet with the employees. >> i saw that. >> i walked out because we won't perpetuate that. other than integrity, i take the challenge to fix anything. >> a lot of people think, you do these, walk away and god knows what happens to the bar afterwards. but there is a website. bar rescue you have like an 80% success rate, something like that. >> yeah. you know why i think that is? i don't care about the cameras. it's real to me. i'm here to help these people. they're counting on me, weeks from closing, houses, families are on the line. i take it very seriously. >> i take my bourbon seriously.
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>> show me how to do it old fashioned here. >> one of the greatest classic cocktails. our cherry on orange, sugar. muddle away. grind it up, infuse the flavors. next, drop of bitters. >> all right. just a bit there. >> two drops. give it a muddle again, just to blend it together. >> okay. >> let's add the ice. >> you like the big block ice? >> i think it's great. it melts at a slower rate. it's not watered down, of course. >> if i was working the bar -- >> i wouldn't let you do it but it's your own drink. top it off with the bourbon. >> tell me when. i'll keep going. >> i bet you will. i can give you a straw for the bottom. it'll make it quicker. before we garnish it, give it a smell.
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>> garnish it up. toast at 100th epitoday todaysode of "bar rescue." >> great show. catch the 100th episode on spike. >> thanks. we are in the kitchen next, sweetening up your weekend with amazing desserts. this topping i'm snacking on. also this delicious cake. we'll see you how to make it after this. (toilet flush) if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go ...except you. opioid-induced constipation, oic, is a different type of constipation, which may need a different approach. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options.
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on today food, a dessert topping that'll make you crumble. it is so good. >> you haven't stopped eating it yet, natalie. >> i know. >> kelsey is going to show us two desserts using her cinnamon pecan crumble. good morning. >> good morning, guys. we'll make an oatmeal cake with the crumble on top. what's great is it can be eaten on its own, topped on fruit, berries, ice cream or even cakes. >> you can serve that for breakfast, too, because it's pretty healthy. >> it's really good. >> these are the ingredients. >> you have basic things like eggs. you have everything you need to make it already in your pantry, which is great. >> okay. >> let's tackle the crumble. want to stir while i get this in? >> sure. >> we have softened butter, three tablespoons, which isn't that bad.
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>> we have oats, brown sugar, pecans. if you wanted to swap the nut frs something for something else, you could. this can be a blank canvas for whatever spices. >> use the hands. >> crumble. >> perfect. >> after you really get into it, you'll see you get these chunks. >> at this point, if you want to freeze a batch of this, keep it on hand -- >> freeze it toenon a cookie fray? >> -- tray? >> absolutely. >> bake 20 minutes at 350 isand you'll get this -- listen to that. >> crispy. >> really good. >> granola bar. >> now the cake. in the cake, we're going to butter an 8 by 8. >> come on, dylan. >> oatmeal facial. >> i gave that job to you for a
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i'm clean over here. we'll add the rest of the wet ingredients. >> is applesauce replacing oil? >> yup. it's also adding flavor. really moist. eggs one at a time, make sure they're incorporated. then a little vanilla. as far as ingredients for the cake, really simple. >> everybody has these ingredients on hand. >> we have rolled oats, flour. dry ingredients for the cake. baking soda and salt. once you mix it together, you get that. put nit thereit in there. >> we're getting low on time. >> crumble on top of that? >> right on top of the cake. it's going to look like this. really delicious. >> serve with the cream, right? >> little yogurt. it's delicious. >> dylan, give it a try. >> one more way to use the crumble. this is lemon cream. we have a half cup of whipped cream. nice to fold in other ingredients.
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this is also going to act as a in advance. >> lemon and vanilla. >> then -- >> mix that up. >> this is amazing. >> kelsey, thank you. the recipe on our website. you can also find more recipes on -- if you click the desserts tab. we want to recognize our food club member. karrie holland. shared her recipe for carrot cake doughnuts. len berman is here with entertaining moments when we span the world in sports. >> unbelievable. >> you're unbelievable. i thought activia wasn't for me. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules. over 40 meals of heavy comfort foods like baked mac & cheese. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try the activia two week challenge!
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managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that blood testing routine. i couldn't have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. i found another way. yeah, treatment with xarelto . hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto , tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. make mine an arnold palmer. same here.
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and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto . the bleachers are set, popcorn is popped. it's all for our good friend len berman. co hf he's on the radio 710.
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>> i was. >> how cool is that? >> you were great. >> thank you. >> february featured the super bowl and the start of spring training. what were the top sports stories? let's go spanning the world. >> unbelievable! >> here's the question, banging the floor on defense, the other guy dribbles by. in belgium, the czech cyclist winning, except there was one lap to go. he finished second. our soccer moves of the month. watch the goalie. he gets fancy and decided, i'll kick the ball to myself. >> oh! >> not a good idea. st. petersburg swim meet, a
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it's a swimming obstacle course. breaks into the race. our fan of the month. remember this? arizona state. that's really michael phelps. does it work? well, he's michael phelps. of course it works. >> yes! >> our play by play of the month. here's how you make the daytona 500 exciting. do it in spanish. [ speaking spanish ]. >> is that better? >> love it. >> natalie, do you understand that? >> the winner, yeah. >> hamlin still won, by the way. georgia tech, tried to win $25,000 for a student. >> get in! >> yeah! >> and he gets to hug the mascot. that's the best part. how about a robot hitting a golf shot at the phoenix open?
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>> hole in one. >> what? are you crazy? >> come on! >> a robot. >> i could have done that. >> here's my favorite. the kim jong-un video game at free what is it like to play golf with, quote, the glorious leader of north korea? of course. what about the next hole? every hole. the glorious leader gets a hole in one. >> lenny b., nicely done, sir. >> never thought that kim jong-un would make spanning. >> never saw that coming. len, thank you, my friend.
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this is "today" on nbc. we offered women a mystery beauty treatment. right now? yeah! that sounds great! could they guess what it was? very rich and smooth. really creamy. i keep touching my face. so what had we used? what?! wait! just water was added to this? my skin definitely feels much more radiant. that sense of having like smooth dewy skin only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream for smoother, more radiant skin. dove, your daily beauty
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we got some exciting news. steve harvey will be with us on monday. co-hosting. how about that? >> nice.
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send them to us at #ask steve today. we'll lob them at mr. steve on monday. >> wow, okay. >> he's going to have to get through all of us first. erica is here. she has a look at what's coming up on this weekend's "today". >> it's my turn to intern. we saw tamron, dylan and sheinelle's. i spent the day at j. crew. natalie and i spend a lot of time and money there. i sat down with jenna, the head of women's design, and i got to do real work like naming colors for the spring.
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from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockfellar plaza. congratulations, you made it. jenna bush hager is in for kathie lee gifford. listen -- >> this is a good weekend song. >> this is how we're going to kick off your weekend. do you have a bunch of things lying around the house. old phones, toys and that stuff, we'll show you how you it make money off of that stuff. and so many people have a little trouble getting a good night of sleep. we'll get you the tools. >> and if you're looking for an


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