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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  March 5, 2016 12:37am-1:37am EST

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author dr. david agus, featuring the 8g band. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyer [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening! i'm seth meyers! this is "late night!" how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] that's fantastic to hear. let's get to the news. donald trump won last night's nevada republican caucus with 45% of the vote. so it sounds like the people of nevada are putting it all on red! [ laughter ] following his win at last night's nevada caucus, donald trump told supporters that he won in almost every voter demographic. and said, quote, "i love the poorly educated." [ laughter ] to which they replied, "us love you, mr. trump!" [ laughter ] donald trump said yesterday that his supporters are so loyal that they would kill for him. in fact, that's who killed that
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[ laughter ] donald trump's wife, melania, said in a new interview that she speaks at least four languages. melania said she's always looking for a new way to say, "help me!" [ laughter ] donald trump's wife, melania, said in a new interview that her husband's amazing mind helped her fall for him. so it wasn't purely physical like we all assumed. [ laughter ] a recent study suggests that it's harder to concentrate in the winter. said researchers, "for example, this study was supposed to be about traffic accidents." [ light laughter ] that was my favorite one of the day. [ laughter ] engineers at boston dynamics have unveiled a humanoid robot that can withstand getting hockey stick without falling over. which is definitely the most boston way to test a robot. [ laughter ] "oh, you think you're better than me, robot?
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i tip you over. [ applause ] i tip you over, bro! robot, you stupid robot." [ laughter ] according to a new study, older people who have sex on a regular basis may have a better chance at avoiding dementia, but no such luck for anyone who happens to walk in on them. [ laughter ] "oh, grandma! oh, no!" [ light laughter ] bill gates and his wife, melinda, yesterday revealed publicly which superpowers they'd like to have. bill said he'd like to have flight and invisibility. and melinda said she'd like to have an iphone. [ laughter ] and finally, a south carolina police officer was recently arrested for masturbating in his patrol car. yelled both parties, "don't shoot!" [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a
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[ cheers and applause ] from the new film, "triple 9", casey affleck is here. [ cheers and applause ] fantastic actor. i can't wait to talk to him. also, he is the star of the broadway revival, "she loves me." zachary levi is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and he's a fascinating guest. he's the author of the new book, "the lucky years." dr. david agus is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] looking forward to talking to all them. but before we get to that, here at "late night", we just love slogans. we think slogans are so much fun. for example, alka seltzer's slogan -- plop, plop, fizz, fizz. what a relief it is. love it. [ laughter ] burger king's slogan -- have it your way. that is a great slogan. so we thought, why should only products have slogans? everything should benefit from one? so we came up with some for you in a segment we call, "new slogans." [ applause ] >> seth: let's start with a slogan for scratching posts.
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where your cat practices before destroying the furniture. [ laughter ] next up, coleslaw. coleslaw -- cabbage with mayonnaise. [ laughter ] how about this? how about a slogan for land lines? we all remember land lines. land lines -- don't answer that. [ laughter ] who could it possibly be that you want to talk to? [ laughter ] everybody familiar with herbs? great. [ light laughter ] it's about time herbs get a slogan. [ laughter ] let's see it. herbs -- looking for a good thyme? these herbs are beyond bay leaf. [ laughter and applause ] ketchup, such a fantastic condiment. never had a slogan for it. that's offensive. [ laughter ] well, we fixed it, you guys. ketchup --
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[ laughter ] oh, that's offensive. next up, erasers. finally a slogan for erasers. erasers -- you [ bleep ] up, bud!" that's good. that's why -- that's why you need one. next, we have a slogan for barrels. let's see the slogan for barrels. barrels -- the official unit of measurement for oil and monkeys. [ laughter ] the next slogan is for white meat chicken. white meat chicken -- simply the breast [ laughter ] you guys, up next, and this is very exciting. we have a slogan for motion-activated paper towel dispensers. let's see it. motion-activated paper-towel dispensers -- here's not nearly enough. [ laughter ] are your hands still wet? [ applause ] well, they're still going to be. next, we have a slogan for underpants. underpants --
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[ laughter ] let's move on. no, let's think about it for a second. [ laughter ] no, let's move on. all right, here we go. a slogan for thai food. thai food -- i don't know. should we just order thai food? [ laughter ] and finally, this is a thing you've never had a slogan for before, and it's gonna be so helpful for you. finally, we have a slogan for paul's parents' divorce. you know, this is for when your friend paul's parents get divorced. you've never had a slogan for that. now you do. paul's parents' divorce -- winner takes paul. [ laughter ] this has been "new slogans." [ applause ] and it's been brought to you by pottery barn, whose slogan is, pottery barn, the customer is always white. we'll be right back with
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this is a chick car. this is a gay car. this is a short man's car. this is a cute car. slow car. this is a single, young, professional's car. this car has no street cred. this car ain't hip hop! kidless. cute. small. this car doesn't care what you call it. new schick hydro versus the lube strip. with a hydrating gel reservoir that gives you 40% less friction. it's designed like no other razor to protect from irritation.
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schick hydro . free your skin . (dad) ah! greetings, neighbor. neighbor boy. (neighbor) yeah, so we're just bringing your son home. he really loves our wireless directv receiver. (dad) he should know better. we're settlers. we settle for cable. but let us repay you for your troubles. fresh milk for the journey home? (neighbor) we live right there. (dad) salted meats? (neighbor) no thank you. (dad) hats then! (vo) don't be a settler, get a $100 reward card when you switch to directv. we got another one. i have an orc-o-gram for an "owen." that's me. you should hire stacy drew. she wants to change the world with you. she can program jet engines to talk and such. her biggest weakness is she cares too much. thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. and sanjay patel is who you should hire. thank you.
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and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh... rotisserie-style chicken raised without antibiotics? it's what we do. that same chicken pulled by hand? it's what we do. freshly-baked bread and crisp veggies? it's what we've always done. the new rotisserie-style chicken sandwich from subway. fresh is what we do. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a stag pool party. (party music) (splashing/destruction) (splashing/destruction) (burke) and we covered it, october twenty-seventh, 2014. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because
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we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back to "late night", everybody. please, give it up for the 8g band. [ cheers and applause ] so good to see you guys, as always. our first guest tonight is an academy award-nominated actor, who you know from his work in the "ocean's" trilogy, "gone baby gone," and "interstellar."
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film, "triple 9," which opens in theaters friday. let's take a look. [ gunfire ] >> now, he's on foot. >> he's on the run! >> go, go, go! >> go, go, go. >> get down, get down. [ gunfire ] [ yelling in spanish ] >> get that on the ground. [ gunfire ] >> seth: please welcome to the show casey affleck.
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>> seth: how are you? >> i'm great. there's some gun play in that movie. >> seth: there is some gun play. >> yeah, a little bit. >> seth: spoiler alert, there is some gun -- and i have to say, i saw the movie, it's great, you're wonderful in it. >> thank you. >> seth: but, the clip, you're very good running. because i think sometimes -- >> i was worried about my running. is that all right? >> seth: no, that's good. because, i think some action actors, one of the things -- the one thing they miss is they don't look good running. >> are you being serious? >> seth: i am. >> really? [ light laughter ] >> seth: i can't say who it is, but a lot of 'em run like, they run -- >> right. >> seth: like a way people don't run. i thank that's the way you would actually run. >> that was a stunt double running for me. >> seth: oh, really? [ light laughter ] >> yeah. >> seth: now i feel terrible. >> nah, it wasn't -- >> seth: you're running was so bad they had to bring in a stunt double? you are a convincing cop, though. >> oh, thanks. >> seth: and that's important, because the whole movie would be ruined if you weren't. [ light laughter ] >> yeah, that'd be weird. >> seth: i don't think -- i mean, again, there would be a couple reasons, one, i'm a terrible actor. but i don't think i would be believable with a gun in my hand. and you seemed -- you were believable. >> i practiced a little bit. >> seth: yeah, well that's good to know you put the practice in.
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>> seth: oh, okay. then, i do think i could do it. >> i think you'd do well. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, i thought it was harder than that. i think i would have figured out pointing. i wouldn't just throw it at people. [ light laughter ] it's so good to see you. i feel like the last time i saw you, we were in a parking garage in l.a. we were like coming out a meet -- like an animation -- >> what happened? >> seth: we were -- i don't know, we just ran into each other and talked. >> did we say hello? >> seth: yeah, we did. i wouldn't tell you a time i saw you didn't see me. [ laughter ] >> maybe, i don't know. >> seth: it's was a little creepy. i was between two cars, you might not have seen me. over the hood. >> i don't remember that, i'm sorry. >> seth: that's all right. that's fine, look, these things happen. >> yeah. >> seth: the important thing is you're here now. we are -- well you're from boston. you're the real deal. i'm from southern new hampshire. >> right. >> seth: like, i don't want to say we're both from -- >> that's a state. new hampshire's a state. [ light laughter ] >> seth: well, i knew i was from america. >> you're from somewhere, you know. [ light laughter ] >> seth: but, we've been talking about boston accents on this show recently, and how hard they are. you've been in some of the films that i think have the best boston accent work. >> uh-huh. >> seth: "gone baby gone," particularly i feel like was
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>> thank you. >> seth: do you, as someone who is from there, as an actor from there, does it hit your ear wrong? do you notice right away when are doing one that's not on point? >> no, not really. there are a lot of different sounds to the boston accent, as you know. >> seth: yeah. >> people, people act like there's one sound and you gotta get it right. but really, people who live there, they sound different. so, they all sound very different. so, i didn't have a boston accent growing up. my parents weren't from boston. so, we just sounded the way we sounded. >> seth: there you go. now, here's my question -- one of the criticisms, we did this thing, people said -- we said "bro" a lot. and people said, well, technically people from boston said, "you wouldn't have said 'bro'." >> what'd you say? >> seth: well, we said "bro," and people were saying "no, you'd say 'kid.'" that may be more boston. but, i feel like "bro," right? >> you weren't a kid. i'm going to call you kid from now on, is that all right? [ light laughter ] >> seth: so, i guess, yeah, i mean, i guess i asked for it. >> yeah. >> seth: all right, so, bro or kid are both fine? >> sure, kid. >> seth: all right. seth. [ light laughter ] >> seth: are you excited. i know it's early in spring training, are you excited for the red sox? >> oh yeah, very excited. >> seth: so, you get excited at this point in the calendar. >> yeah, definitely.
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>> seth: oh, really? >> i play in, like, a park and rec men's over 40 league. >> seth: oh, that's -- >> pretty good. >> seth: now, when you finally qualified for over 40, was it just the best? 'cause then, those first couple years where you're the lower end. >> oh, yeah, i kill it now. >> seth: yeah. >> yeah. i'm like, no mercy, you know what i mean. guys are 65, and i'm just bring it. [ light laughter ] but, the sox have been in the news a little bit. >> seth: yeah. >> they're shifting their course, with more of an emphasis on sabermetrics and athletics -- >> seth: yeah. >> to old fashioned baseball. >> seth: but, this is, this is not sabermetrics or even old school baseball. a lot of -- there's a picture of pablo sandoval, who we signed -- last year was his first year. and this has been getting a lot of press, because people are wondering if he came back in shape. [ laughter ] have you seen that yet? does that concern you? >> i'm not too worried about it. >> seth: you're not too worried? [ laughter ] >> people have all kinds of bodies. >> seth: there you go, just like accents. >> and that's his body -- >> seth: i think if i were pablo, the only request i would make is nobody work out behind me. [ light laughter ]
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bodies. >> i hope you don't have him on your show. >> seth: yeah. i don't think, yeah. i think it may be a hard no. and, the other thing, which is bittersweet, big papi, david ortiz last season. >> yeah. >> seth: is he one of your favorites? >> yeah, of course. he's been a part of that team for so long. and, you know, we won with him, won the world series, i love him. yeah, it would be hard to see him go. but i also feel like, if he's moving out, and they're moving away from a kind of analyzing players based on statistics, it might mean that i have a shot now. >> seth: oh, right. [ light laughter ] >> i could move in. >> seth: yeah. >> maybe. >> seth: 'cause, you're probably at about the age he's retiring, you're right there. >> thank you. >> seth: if they're trying to replace him with sort of an age in. >> yeah, i'm coming into my prime. [ light laughter ] >> seth: one of the other things about the film, woody harrelson is in it. >> yeah, he's great. him before? >> i worked with him before yes, once. and i've been watching him since i was 6 years old. i mean, he was on "cheers." >> seth: yes. >> from like when i was born. he's been around for so long. [ light laughter ]
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>> he's got a lot of energy, he's fantastic. i love woody. >> seth: he seems -- in general, the thing about woody -- he plays your uncle in the film. >> mm-hmm. >> seth: do you think, knowing him, working with him a few times, it seems like he would make the perfect uncle. like, in real life. >> yeah. >> seth: like, you couldn't do better than woody harrelson, right? [ light laughter ] >> yeah, in real life, yeah. >> seth: yeah. >> yeah. this character is sort of a drug addict. >> seth: yeah. >> he's unhinged. [ light laughter ] that's not the uncle you want. >> no, no, i wasn't watching the movie, being like, that guy. i'm more -- >> you were watching and fantasizing about the uncle you wish you had? >> yeah, i was -- i thought woody harrelson, the real actual woody harrelson -- >> yeah, he'd be great? >> seth: yeah. you, we were talking back stage, you have two kids? >> yeah. >> seth: 8 and 11, is that right? >> mm-hmm. >> seth: i'm just about, i told you i was just about to have my first, and the first thing you asked me was, "do you have a name picked out?" >> yeah. >> seth: and i want to have this discussion on television, because then, i can show it to my wife and my sister-in-law. >> well, we're on tv now, so we can just do it. >> seth: yeah. they're not watching now, they'll see it later. [ light laughter ] but here's the thing, so we have a name picked out, my wife and i picked out a name.
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>> seth: it's a family name, i'm not going to say it. >> can i guess? >> seth: no. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> seth: if you got, if you -- >> jemma. [ light laughter ] >> seth: son of a bitch. no, so, we picked out the name, it's a family name. >> mm-hmm. >> seth: my sister-in-law, who i adore, she's claiming now that she had called this name years ago. >> you can't do that. >> seth: you can't call a name, right? >> you can't call a name, no. >> seth: okay, great. >> you can call shotgun, you can call -- there are a lot of things you can call. >> seth: what if the name was shotgun. [ laughter ] >> then you're screwed. >> seth: then you're screwed, right. 'cause she could claim she called it years ago and it was the front seat." >> right. was the baby's name." >> so, are you guys fighting about it? >> seth: i'm -- no, i'm completely on the outside. >> right. >> seth: like, they're having discussions about it. >> yeah. >> seth: they're having discussions in a sisterly way. [ light laughter ] >> does your sister-in-law have a mate, a man? could she possibly get pregnant? >> seth: she's dating someone. she can't beat us to it. [ light laughter ] like, at this point -- >> you're ahead of her.
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say, she had a kick-ass plan. which i don't think she has the guts to go through. >> buy one, right now? >> seth: no, she was going to buy a cat. >> right. >> seth: she was gonna buy a cat and name it the name. [ audience ohs ] and then dare us to name our baby after her cat. [ light laughter ] >> yeah. i think you could still do it. >> seth: really? >> yeah, you could still go -- the she would just look like the weird sister that named her cat after the other person's kid. [ laughter and applause ] >> seth: that would be the move. >> yeah. >> seth: that would be the move. >> so, what's the name? >> seth: i can't tell you the name. >> c'mon! >> seth: no, cause now i'm worried that if i say it -- >> if you say it now, you own it. >> seth: no, i can't do it. >> yeah. >> seth: i can't, because it's not up to me. >> pauline? >> seth: pauline, you're getting closer. [ light laughter ] it's oscar weekend coming up. >> yeah. >> seth: you were nominated for an oscar in 2008, so you got to go. >> i did, yeah. >> seth: for a fantastic film, "the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford." i'll do the whole title. >> yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> seth: do you watch it? is it something that you watch now, will you watch this weekend? >> i probably won't watch this weekend, just 'cause i have
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but i don't mind -- [ light laughter ] i don't mind watching it. you know, it's fun, it's nice to see everyone get together. you know what i mean, it's sort of like -- any industry, if you worked in the, you know, the video game industry, you had a video game convention and all the different video game people got together. or like, loggers union brought everyone together for one weekend. [ light laughter ] and you all get to see each other, and talk shop. that part of it is nice. you know, it's not really a competition, because people aren't really actually competing. >> seth: of course, you just are making the thing you make. >> seth: and somebody judges it after. >> but you really want it. >> seth: yeah. so did you -- but did you, when you went into the night, did you start the night that you were nominated saying, "you know what, it's an honor." and then as your category got closer, did you start thinking, "oh, i really want this?" >> no, no, no. i knew that i didn't have a chance. and i didn't really want it at that time. it down? would you have turned it down? i would have given it to somebody else. >> seth: just do this from the seats, go -- [ light laughter ]
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i don't deserve it. there's so many other like, award shows now, that to lead up to that -- >> seth: yeah. >> that, by then you sort of know who's going to be given the award. >> seth: oh right, 'cause there's like, it's the 7th and, of the film awards. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> seth: what else? there was something else i wanted to ask you. >> no, that's it. >> seth: you good there? [ light laughter ] >> wrap it up. >> seth: that was, i feel pretty good. yeah. >> i think it went well. do you have anybody else coming on? >> seth: yeah, we have two other guys. >> who do you got? >> seth: zachary levi. >> uh-huh. >> seth: he's in a broadway show. >> yeah. >> seth: he's a very talented actor. >> definitely, yeah. >> seth: and then we have this, oh no, the book's not here any more. >> yeah, the doctor coming on. >> seth: yeah, the doctor. dr. agus. yeah. >> well, let's get him out here, i guess. [ laughter ] >> seth: such a pleasure. casey affleck, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "triple 9" is in theaters friday. we'll be right back with zachary levi. [ cheers and applause ] for the past 27 days, four men have outlasted authorities by making their getaway in a prius.
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to catch a prius, you've gotta be a prius. guys, what's that? oh, man. toyota. let's go places. i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. we wonerere. and here. and here. here. and here. uh, here. also in here. back there. behind here. even next to these guys, here. in the nation's largest, independent study, rootmetrics just named verizon number one network for the fifth time in a row, here. so when the other guys claim they're the best, remember:
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and now we'll pay up to $650 to switch to the best network. this one right here. lemme get a mcpick 2 there's a hot new deal on mcdonald's mcpick 2 menu! lemme get a mcpick 2. now pick any two of your favorite classics for just 5 bucks. mix n match. share n savor. 2 for $5. name your flavor choose any 2 iconic tastes, a big mac made with 100% beef, a flaky filet-o-fish, seared quarter pounder with cheese or crispy 10-piece chicken mcnuggets for just $5 bucks. hurry in for an amazing 2 for $5 deal on the mcdonald's tastes you love. bada ba ba ba never underestimate the power of energizer. our longest lasting energizer max ever. bring it. how did you do that you didn't even move your hand?! it's all in the wrist schwartzy... alright, another game.
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it's 5:43pm. i've got a table reading at 6:00... alexa, how's the traffic? the fastest route is 45 minutes to downtown. can we take the bike?! c'mon schwartzy! jason... get in the side-car. alright. my house. my house, too! my bed, my squeaky toy... my goodness is that smokymeatytasty- bacon?? you like bacon? i do backflips for bacon! i make beelines for bacon! i'm gonna beat you to bacon! (vo) what makes dogs do the crazy things they do? beggin'
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i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest... i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (man) we're out of 2%. i wonder what else could be better around here? (man) i heard that. now get our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, plus tv & phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annualcontract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good? fios can do that. cable just can't. switch to better. switch to fios
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>> seth: welcome back to "late night", everybody. now, if you've been following the stock market lately, then you know that last week was one of the biggest -- >> oh, i'll take one! >> me too! >> seth: i'm sorry, what's going on over there, you guys? >> oh hey, seth, we were just getting everyone their cotton candy. >> seth: tom, what are you talking about? >> well, we got your hand written note saying that you wanted us to help your nephew derrick with his concessions business. [ light laughter ] that's your signature and everything. >> seth: derrick, get over here! [ audience oohs ] i am so sorry about this, everyone. my 14-year-old nephew, derrick, is in town and i promised his mom, i'd look after him. but it looks like i can't leave him alone for two seconds. so, now he has to sit here with me at the desk, where he can't get in any trouble. [ light laughter ] >> hey, uncle seth. would you care for a tasty treat? >> seth: gimme this. what do you think you're doing, derrick? >> well, i noticed that you
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the show. so i thought, if i started doing it, maybe i'd really be cornering the market and fulfilling a need. [ light laughter ] >> seth: we don't allow food in the studio, because it's messy and distracting, derrick. >> oh, i didn't realize that. [ light laughter ] i just thought that if you saw that i had started my own business, you might be proud of me for having an entrepreneurial spirit. [ light laughter ] >> seth: no, i mean, look, it's not stupid, it's great to see you take initiative. it's just -- but shouldn't you be focusing on schoolwork right now? >> yeah! well, actually i'm working on a science project for my final grade. >> seth: really? >> you wouldn't want to help me with it, would you? >> seth: buddy, i'd love to help you with it. what's the project? >> okay, have you heard of a potato clock? >> seth: oh, sure, i remember those. where the potato sort of acts as a low level battery to make the clock run? >> yeah, exactly. [ laughter ]
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>> seth: wow! >> okay, so, the way it works is, you hold out the potatoes like they're antennas. >> seth: okay. >> and, yeah, you hold them out. and if you get them in the right space, it should play music. >> seth: all right, let's give it a shot. [ static ] >> seth: wow! >> that's awesome. okay, well that's really cool. >> seth: that's really cool, derrick. >> okay, well, for the second, the second part is to see if it works with other vegetables. >> seth: okay. these. [ light laughter ] >> okay. hold them up higher, like they're antennas. >> seth: okay. >> move them around. >> seth: okay. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. so, like, uncle seth, this is for my final grade. like, really shake them. shake them up. [ light laughter ] yeah. faster, though. yeah, harder. [ light laughter ] okay. that's not quite working yet. i think it needs one more antenna. [ laughter ]
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hallelujah it's raining men amen >> it works. >> seth: enough! >> wow. >> seth: derrick! >> uncle seth, you were really good at that. [ laughter ] wasn't he good at that, everybody? [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: no, no. do not encourage him. >> yeah, he was a natural. >> seth: you think it's cool, derrick? you think it's cool? [ light laughter ] >> what? >> seth: do you think it's cool to hurt someone who cares about you? to embarrass -- do you think it's cool? answer me, do you think it's cool to embarrass someone who cares about you? do you think it's cool? [ laughter ] >> no, no, i hadn't ever really thought about it that way. i'm, god, what's wrong with me. i'm sorry, uncle seth. >> seth: look, it's okay, but at some point, derrick, you're
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start acting respectful. >> this is the police! hands where we can see 'em! >> that's him at the desk. >> seth: what's going on? >> don't play dumb. we're taking you in, meyers. we have your confession and everything. >> seth: no, no, i didn't do anything. oh wait, let me guess, you got a handwritten note with my signature and everything? >> no, actually just this recording of your 911 call? [ beep ] >> oh, hey 911, this is seth meyers, a white celebrity. [ light laughter ] i was in the shower this morning trying to find my gross little peener with a magnifying glass, when all of a sudden my conscience caught up to me and i knew i had to confess. the crime? i have been stealing doodies out of toilets for years. i still have all of them. so, you better come get me before i skip town. love you. [ beep ] [ light laughter ] >> seth: i wouldn't say "i love you." that's a prank call! >> prank and/or crank calls to 911 are no laughing matter, seth. >> grow up, seth! >> seth: you know what? that's it, buddy.
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we used to be pals. remember when i brought you to the wilmington blue rocks game? and i bought you that giant foam finger? and we got to dance on the field with mr. celery? like, what happened, what happened to that kid i knew? what happened to him? [ light laughter ] >> well -- >> seth: what happened to him? [ light laughter ] >> i, i guess i, truth is, i know i shouldn't have done those things. i just wanted you to notice me for once. [ light laughter ] but now you -- now you hate me. and that's it for me. [ laughter ] so i guess it was a bad idea. >> seth: no, derrick, i don't hate you. [ light laughter ] i'll never hate you, i'm your uncle, buddy. i'll always be here for you.
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>> seth: yeah. >> you know, i actually still have that foam finger. >> seth: really? >> i know it's dumb, but i keep it on me at all times for good luck. >> seth: no way, really, buddy? >> you want to see it? >> seth: yeah. wow! derrick, i can't believe you still have this. >> yeah, it's cool. i actually got a second one so we could match. is that lame? >> seth: no, that's not lame. that's freakin' awesome. oh, this is gonna be so cool. [ laughter ] you're just a bad kid. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] "late night." [ cheers and applause ] >> two more years! two more years!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back, everybody. our next guest is a talented actor you know from shows like "chuck", "heros reborn", and "telenovela." he is currently starring in the broadway revival of "she loves me" at studio 54 in new york city. please welcome to the show, zachary levi.
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>> seth: thank you for being here. >> i made it, man. >> seth: you made it. >> it's my first time. >> seth: and for those who don't know, this is a wednesday. you're doing your previews for a broadway show. >> yeah. >> seth: so this is -- you're filming this between your matinee and your show tonight. >> that's exactly right, yeah. >> seth: thank for making -- >> that's how much i love you, seth. >> seth: thank you. >> you're welcome. [ light laughter ] >> seth: you sandwich us between -- >> and how much i love you guys. >> seth: yeah, there you go. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! play to the audience. always play to the audience. >> seth: can you, on a wednesday in the time between the two shows, shut down enough to actually be -- go out and be social? i feel like i would go crazy. >> no. you know, honestly, after you -- after you do a show, i mean it's only my second broadway show, but i get to the end of the show, i'm so jazzed. you know, you've got a thousand people there, if it's a good house, they're enjoying it. and it just gives you a lot of energy, you know. it's a very symbiotic thing. you're feeding them performance, they're a lot of love. so i can't. i can't even take a nap halfway through the day. >> seth: so then you -- >> i have to come and do talk shows. [ light laughter ] >> seth: this is perfect. this is a way to, like, bring yourself back down. >> exactly. exactly. >> seth: try to like calm you down here. >> this is super chill. super chill. >> seth: and then you moved back to new york for this show. how long have you been away?
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"first date." and i was planning on staying for a lot longer but, you know, life took a little bit of a left turn, and then this opportunity came up, and it was so good. i mean this cast laura benanti, jane krakowski -- >> seth: oh, fantastic. [ cheers ] >> gavin creel, michael mcgrath, i mean, so talented. scott ellis who's directing it. directed the last revival. he's like six time tony -- tony-nominated. i mean, it's a really incredible group. >> seth: when you have to come back and move back to the city while you're also getting ready for a play, is that stressful? where'd you find -- you find a place stay and everything? >> it took me a second. >> seth: yeah. >> it took me a little bit of time. i was looking on -- like street easy and airbnb and all that stuff. and i -- ultimately i left california with a couple bags, i went on vacation with some friends for new year's eve. and i landed in new york, started rehearsals, but i was crashing on my friend's couch for about a week. which wasn't great or conducive to -- >> seth: no. yeah. [ light laughter ] >> to showing up at work and, being like, "this is great guys." my neck's all like this -- >> seth: at the end of every night, you're like, "i'm a star!" [ laughter ]
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have you a beautiful singing voice. >> oh, thank you. >> seth: but i wanna ask about this, because you sang the national anthem at a nascar race, correct? >> i did, yeah. the nascar championship. >> seth: had you ever done that before? >> i did it one time before that. i sang the national anthem at game five of dodgers-mets, actually in l.a. >> seth: oh, fantastic. >> and i'm a big dodger fan. although the mets had an incredible last season, you know. >> seth: game five. who won game five? did the mets win game five? >> oh. >> seth: no, that's an important thing. >> yeah they did. they did, seth. >> seth: 'cause then you can't do it again. >> i know! >> seth: yeah. >> i was -- it was all my fault, wasn't it? >> seth: you're a jinx. >> i totally jinxed them. >> seth: i threw out a first pitch once at fenway. and i was concerned the rest of the game, like, how they would do, 'cause i felt personally responsible. >> did they win? >> seth: yeah, of course they won, i'm good at what i do. [ laughter ] i took it seriously. you just sort of dashed it off and then your team lost. >> seth: i'm just kidding -- >> i know. oh yeah, 'cause i think you're >> seth: yeah there you go. who won the car race? [ light laughter ] are you allowed to call it -- >> well that's -- that's the nice thing. at least a person won. >> seth: yeah, that's true. >> so, you know i mean? like -- singing at a nascar race? >> it's super intimidating.
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>> seth: 'cause it's so much bigger. it must feel so much bigger than a baseball stadium. >> it's pretty massive. but it's just you -- you're only facing, like, one part of the bleachers. >> seth: mm-hmm. >> you're not singing, like, on the other side of the track. >> seth: you didn't get a lazy susan type thing? [ laughter ] >> just slowly spinning me around. oh, say can you see [ light laughter ] no, we didn't do that. we should do that. >> seth: you should have done that, yeah. >> we should do that next time. >> seth: and then -- but i heard, is this true, that you had pouring rain at your nascar race? >> it was like a monsoon, it was crazy. you know hoda? hoda and kathie lee. >> seth: yes. >> hoda was there. she was like the person, the -- >> seth: the mechanic? the lead mechanic? [ light laughter ] >> yeah, she was -- no, who -- >> seth: grand marshall? >> grand marshall! thank you very much. >> seth: okay. >> saved me. yeah, so she was the grand marshall. we were doing our rehearsals and warm-ups, and then all the sudden just like, the skies opened up, it started dousing us. and there's a lot of fans and stuff down on the track. they do before the race. so they just started pumping all this music, 'cause that's going
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and um -- but we're all drenched, there's nowhere to go. and i look over at hoda, i'm like, "let's do this girl." we just i started having a dance party, like, in the middle of this monsoon. but you know, you gotta do that sometimes. >> seth: absolutely. if i go to see a nascar race and i can't get it right away, i want to see a dance party. [ laughter ] >> you want there to a dance party. >> seth: those are the two, they just fit perfectly together. i want to talk to you about -- so you -- what is it, nerd hq? >> yeah, oh yeah. the event that i do, yeah. >> seth: yeah. so, 'cause i've been out at comic con. i believe i went -- >> you've been to nerd hq. >> seth: yeah, 'cause you did it -- i believe you did it at the baseball stadium. >> at petco park. >> seth: at petco. >> we did that a couple years -- >> so um -- explain nerd hq real quick. >> so nerd hq -- so i started a company called the nerd machine, which is basically a lifestyle brand for nerd culture. t-shirts, hats, beanies, tchotchkes things like that. we have an online community. incredible online community. they basically do all the editorial stuff that's on the site. and in order to kind of promote, i guess, the nerd machine, we started doing an event, an offsite event during san diego comic con, and that's nerd hq. but ultimately what it turned
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nights of just insane fun parties. we do panels with celebrities, but they're very small and intimate. they're all fan-driven questions. i have no idea what the hell anybody's going to ask at any point. >> seth: that's fantastic. >> which is a lot of fun. and we had incredible guests. like, you know, william shatner, and joss whedon, and nathan fillon the cast of "orphan black" and all these people. and fans, not only do they get to ask all the questions, but it's only 20 bucks a pop. it's all a la carte. and every penny goes to operation smile, who i am an ambassador for. so it's all about raising awareness and raising money for op. smile, while simultaneously making a lot fans really happy and they get to have really cool fun intimate -- >> seth: and i will say nerd hq was one of the greatest dance >> you're damn right. [ laughter ] >> seth: because you're seeing a lot of comic con attendees like from shows -- like watching the stark girls >> yeah. floor. >> seth: they can dance. >> yeah, they can. >> seth: and like, you're having a good time. [ laughter ] it was so uplifting to me. it was like, look if you just
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over -- >> get them a dance floor! >> seth: they're going to be on the dance floor. so thank you for doing that party. it's fantastic. >> oh, my pleasure, man. >> seth: and thank you so much for making time between your shows. >> thank you for having me. >> seth: break a leg tonight. >> thank you. >> seth: and best of luck on the open. >> thank you, man. >> seth: zachary levi, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "she loves me" is currently in previews at studio 54 and officially opens on march 17th. we'll be back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] mom: hm, how about...? dad: hey haley, break a leg, huh? girl: that's rude. that means you're going to do fantastic. oh! well, thank you. are you nervous, honey? a little. buena suerte, mi hija. i'm gonna rock this thing! vo: now that's the good stuff. the sonoma collection. only at kohl's. rotisserie-style chicken raised without antibiotics? it's what we do. that same chicken pulled by hand? it's what we do. freshly-baked bread and crisp veggies?
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it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back, everybody. our next guest is a doctor and researcher, as well as a best-selling author. his latest book, "the lucky years: how to thrive in the brave new world of health", is available now. please welcome to the show dr. david agus. [ cheers and applause ]
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i'm so happy to have you here. and i wanted to start by talking about the title of the book, "the lucky years." >> yes. >> seth: you are referring to the fact that because of all the medical breakthroughs we've experienced, even in the last decade, this is a very lucky time to be living because of those breakthroughs. now, my question is, is this just for young people that will benefit from all these breakthroughs? or are older people going to also benefit? >> you categorize yourself as -- >> seth: right in the middle, baby. >> all right. [ light laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> so it's everybody. that's what's amazing about this. you know, you look, last year jimmy carter, 92 years old, says i have melanoma that went to the brain. just two years before, that was a death sentence. now it's a life sentence. every cancer has a "don't eat me" signal. so you got a drug that blocked that "don't eat me" signal. his own immune system kept him in check. and last month he announced, no longer cancer there. so he's not cured, but it's amazing these new technologies. >> seth: what has triggered these breakthroughs? what is the biggest difference now compared -- is it technology? is that the biggest change? >> technology is a part, but
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i mean big data literally transforming everything we do. we're getting insights day by day and learning what to do. it's wild what's going on. >> seth: and by big data, you mean that we're collecting every patient, every treatment, they're sort of getting. and then like, sort of cross-referencing across the >> all of the above. and a wild study came out of europe showing the closer you live to an airport, the higher the rate of brain decline. telling us that our brain needs quiet at night. it's something as simple as putting in earplugs if you live in new york city can actually change your brain health. it's wild what we're learning. >> seth: that's fascinating. and also, the dna -- altering of dna seems to be one of the big sort of questions, both medically and ethically, that we're going to be facing in the coming years. is this -- is this an incredible breakthrough that we should all be excited about? or should we be a little worried about where altering dna will lead? >> oh, it's both. you know earlier this -- or last, year a molecule called "crispr" was discovered. "molecule of the year" in "science magazine." >> seth: is that a thing that happens every year? [ light laughter ] >> well, yeah.
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>> seth: i don't. "molecule of the year" is fantastic. here i'm worried about the oscars. [ laughter ] key. >> obviously, it effects all of us. >> seth: yeah, no that's fantastic. >> so this molecule could change one of the three billion letters of our dna code. already in china, they used it to change an embryo. scientist are using it now to change mosquitoes so they won't get the zika virus. and it literally can start to transform diseases. whether you have a disease or will get a disease, we can change your dna. >> seth: but shouldn't we also be afraid of the idea of altering dna? like, where -- how do you draw the line and who draws the line as far as what you can alter? >> well that's the key question. i don't know who draws that line. but we need it, right? do you want a kid with bluer eyes or taller or more muscular? so, on a world basis. 'cause if we did it just here in the u.s. people would just go to mexico and get it done, or go to canada. >> seth: mm-hmm. >> so on a world basis, we need governance, we need leadership, and we don't have it. health and food are a third of the u.s. economy and yet there's no leadership. >> seth: i think we should alter dna to actually get leaders who can get stuff done. [ laughter ] that would be be --
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just a few. [ cheers and applause ] now, another fascinating thing is the altering of animal organs for human transplants. is this true now, that you can you can actually use a pig's organs? for human like transplant? >> it's wild. is that right -- if i give a pig or another organ, animal to you, your body would reject it. say, "hey, it's not human," kick it out. but with these technologies we can change the molecules on the surface, to allow it to look like human. and so right now there are people lined up for livers, for kidneys, and other organs, and this could transform that and really help lots of people immediately. >> seth: because a lot of people who are waiting, human organs don't become available all the time, right? >> right there's not enough accidents on the road. not enough people are drinking and driving. [ laughter ] >> seth: so i mean now is the time to tell people to get out on the road and drink and drive. you heard -- no. >> no. >> seth: that's not what we want. but you -- so you could actually get a pig's kidney and your body would be fine with it?
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it really is, you know, going to be the great equalizer. and the beauty is it works whether you're old or young, whether you're rich or poor, the lucky years is for everybody. >> seth: and i also want to talk to you as a doctor, one of the things technology has done, it's provided the patient with more information then they've ever had before. is it frustrating to you or is it helpful to you that patients have this ability to go online and to self-diagnose themselves and come to you with -- you know, the sense that i'm also an expert now? >> it's a combination of both. >> seth: everything is a combination of both with you! [ laughter ] >> oh, come on! >> seth: just say it! it drives you crazy and they will never be doctors. >> no. [ light laughter ] right now when you go to a doctors office, they draw your blood, they check your blood pressure, they collect data. they call you a few days later. the doctors office of the future is you check blood pressure for a couple months at home, you finger prick yourself in a lab on a chip, and you go on with your data, you actually have a discussion. that will be the transformation. but you're right, there's a lot of noise on the internet, you
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the key is having a filter. if you see there's a cure for cancer in mexico, and you don't see it in the new york times or other places. it probably isn't true. >> seth: get on the next plane to mexico. [ laughter ] it's funny, because you can -- my wife is very good at looking online. if i have a cough, she looks online and comes back with terrible news. [ light laughter ] whereas if i have something that's clearly, severely wrong with me, i can look online and tell her, i'm totally fine. you don't have to worry about it. so it's also, i think, depends so much on who's doing the looking. the last thing i want to ask you about is i feel like this year a thing that everybody's been talking about -- because of martin shkreli and that the story of buying this, you know, hiv medication and raising the price however hundreds of a percent he did -- is the price of pharmaceuticals, is this something that needs to be addressed? or is this just capitalism and how it works and when drug prices go up, we have to accept it? >> it's a combination. [ laughter ]
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>> seth: by the end of this, i feel like i could give a doctor's answer to something. [ light laughter ] >> a little bit of this and a little bit of that and call me in the morning. it's, you know, there are 300 drugs. you can go to a wal-mart and for ten dollars get a 90 day supply. and they're most of the drugs that you and i need. some drugs, where there's only one thing to treat, advanced certain cancer or advance disease. it's a monopoly and they can charge whatever they want. and you've got people who abuse the system, like the martin shkrelis of the world and it's really unconscionable. at the same time, we have to spur innovation. you don't say there's going to be a reward at the end of the tunnel, nobody's gonna put millions in to do it. so it's that balancing act. we have to talk about value for drugs. when someone has this monopoly, they can't charge whatever they want. it should be based on what value it actually provides the individual. >> seth: well i agree with you there. and thank you so much for being here. congratulations on the book. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: touch of the light. dr. david agus, everybody. "the lucky years" is in stores now. we'll be right back.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: my thanks to casey affleck, zachary levi, dr. david agus. [ cheers and applause ] and, of course, the 8g band. stay tuned for carson daly. we'll see you tomorrow.
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>> carson: hey guys, and welcome to "last call" tonight coming to you from the beautiful skylark, here in manhattan. tonight we got a great show for you, including music from wavves, we'll do that at teragram ballroom. our spotlight's on "hail caesar's" alen enrenreich, but first we're going to go to hutchinson cocktails and grill. we're gonna catch up with the creator of one of the greatest sci-fi series to ever grace the small screen, from "the x-files," of course, this is chris carter. >> when we were originally doing the show, you are pressed, always pressed for time.


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