tv WAVY News 10 NBC March 7, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
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three men in the race to be norfolk's next mayor are speaking out today about staffing the police department. one wants more funding for officers...another says its just politics...while another told me....any requests need to come from the city's top cop. sot - sheriff bob mccabe, norfolk mayoral candidate - clip 1 6:33:01 we're not that unsafe a city but there's a perception that we are. playing politics over tragedy is what he's doing. 6:37:01 it is a war of words between two of the men running to be norfolk's plans are i love babies and unicorns 6:39:41 sot - sheriff bob mccabe, norfolk mayoral candidate - clip 1 6:30:33i think 6:30:36 the comments come after several shootings and a homicide over the weekend. those crimes led sheriff bob mccabe to send this news release calling for more funding for the police department to fill vacancies. sot - sheriff bob mccabe, norfolk mayoral candidate - clip 1 6:28:34 i think that the city needs to look at prioritizing to fill those positions maybe before there's other budget items that
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money on. 6:28:46 mccabe saye he believes vacancies on the police department are purposely unfilled to save the city money. but mayoral candidate and current city councilman andy protogyrou says that's not true. norfolk mayoral candidate - clip 6 6:38:21 there are no unfunded or left open positions to make budget. the city's never done it with regards to its police funding. 6:38:31 sheriff mccabe says residents are put at risk becasue of the vacancies. accoridng to him when officers are pulled from a neighborhood to address crime in another, some communitites are left vulnerable. sot - sheriff bob mccabe, norfolk mayoral candidate - clip 1 6:25:19 its concerning when the police department is not fully staffed. if they were then i think that we'd be able to address those thigns when they do come up 6:25:28 but councilman protogyrou says the crime problems should be addressed with young people themselves. sot - andy protogyrou, norfolk mayoral candidate - clip 6 6:42:13 if you can show opportunity then we can save some of the children that are involved in any of the problems that we have. from the third mayoral candidate senator kenny alexander.
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from richmond just moments ago. phoner board/senator kenny alexander, norfolk mayoral candidate 17:02:27 if there are additional needs in equipment and resources. and if so that request should come from the current police chief and the city manager. not from someone be it myself or anyone eles who is using a misfortuante situation such as the loss of life to call or single out at this particialr time 17:02:52 live in the newsroom im brandi cummings 10 on your side. family and friends say goodbye -- to a virginia police officer killed in the line of duty. services for ahsley guindon were held today in her hometown of springfield massachusettes. thousands of officers from across the nation attended the funeral. the former marine
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killed --her first day on the job in prince william county. she was gunned down while responding to a domestic dispute. guindon received full honors including honor guards and bagpipers. following the mass-- her body was taken to the cemetery. members of law enforcement lined up for a graveside service that included taps, a flag ceremony and a flyover. flags were lowered to half staff at the white house today -- in honor of former first lady nancy reagan. she died sunday of congestive heart failure in southern california. a makeshift memorial continues to grow outside the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley -- just outside of los angeles. a statement from the white house praised her work as a "voice on behalf of the millions of families going through the depleting aching reality of alzhiemer's." sentiments echoed again today by the president. 44-58 i know how much she meant not just to president reagan but to the country as a whole. he was lucky to have her and i'm sure he would be the first to acknowledge
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missed." reagan's son -- ron reagan -- spoke with nbc's matt lauer this morning. he said his parents were inseperable -- they were in love -- and stayed in love for 52 years. and that is what he wants the next generation to know about his mother: 1:43--54 (s/ voice of: ron reagan/ son of ronald and nancy reagan :12) "i think that she knew how to love somebody, that would be- and you could do a lot worse than that in life. that's what i think of when i think of my mother. i think of her relationship with her husband." funeral services for the husband at the presidential library. nancy reagan was 94 years old. on the campaign trail -- a win - of sorts -- for republican presidential candidate ted cruz -- after a new york judge dismisses a petition claiming cruz is not eligible to run for president because he's not a "natural born citizen."
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ruling -- saying the petition was not filed on time. the case in new york is just one of several "birther" lawsuits going on across the country -- encouraged by g-o-p frontrunner donald trump. he has openly questioned whether the texas senator can serve as president. trump -- meantime -- is campaigning in north carolina today. he held a morning rally near charlotte where he talked about trade deals he thinks are costing americans jobs. north carolina holds it primary next tuesday. trump will spend the evening campaigning in mississippi. voters there head to the polls tomorrow. now -- all new at five-thirty -- public officials convicted of corruption - like former governor bob mcdonnell, face an uncertain future, thanks to the supreme court's current balance. it all comes down to two things: what counts as "corruption" - and the death of antonin scalia. ten on your side's national correspondent chance seales explains. supers: :49-:58 chance seales / national correspondent 1:19-1:27 sen. bob menendez / d-new throughout a very public corruption trial. ((sot)) my greatest asset is my kids. ((vo)) but a surprise
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- could change everything. the death of justice antonin scalia. ((nat pop - scalia funeral)) ((vo)) the high court will hear mcdonnell's appeal -- in the case involving 177- thousand dollars in bribes. scalia was expected to be a vote in the convicted governor's favor, because in 1999, scalia argued that gifts don't always equal pribes, instead ((gfx)) "the government must prove a link between a thing of value conferred upon a public official and a specific 'official act' for or because of which it was given." ((chance seales / national correspondent)) in other words, if bob mcdonnell didn't perform a specific act - for a specific loan or vacation - he might've been in the legal gray zone, and keep himself out of jail. ((sen. mitch mcconnell / r- kentucky)) this vacancy will not be filled this year. ((vo)) while the senate sorts out a scalia replacement, and mcdonnell goes to prison for two years. ((vo)) also moving through the courts, new jersey sen. bob mendndez outraged that prosecutors at the justice department were tricked into starting this investigation three years ago. ((vo)) if his court, i'm national
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anchor ((anchor)) arguments in bob mcdonnell's case -- are set to be heard in the national correspondent chance seales. take next two months. our team will continue coverage, at the supreme court. at the supreme court. coming up on wavy news ten at five- thirty - just days after announcing the nation's first successful uterus transplant -- we'll hear from the woman who prayed for a miracle -- and the chance to be pregnant -- after being told she would never have children. then a little later -- a threat from north korean leadership -- as joint military drills get underway in south korea. how many american troops are on the ground near seoul. my full forecast is
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today doctors from the clevleand clinic shared details on the nation's first uterus transplant, offering hope to women who suffer from uterine factor infertility. during the nine-hour procedure, doctors transplanted a uterus from a deceased donor into the pelvis of the recipient. a 26 year old who did not have a uterus. she will prevent her body from rejecting the organ. experts hope it will allow her to become pregnant using in vitro fertilization. (sot: lindsey - first would never have children and from that moment on i have prayed that god would allow me the opportunity
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and here we are today at the beginning of that journey." the hospital announced last fall it would attempt 10 transplants as part of a clinical trial. the u-s is not the first to try it. sweden has reported five healthy babies born from the procedure since 20-14. once the women have given birth, the uterus will be removed and the woman will stop the use of anti-rejection medications. some 65 million people are expected to travel during the spring break travel season. and the transportation security administration says it's prepared to screen them all. the t-s-a normally screens nearly two million passengers daily. if you're not enrolled in t-s-a pre- recommends arriving at u-s airports up to three hours prior to international flights and up to two hours prior for domestic flights. coming up on wavy news ten at five- thirty - vice president joe biden is on a tour of the middle east - taking time to thank american airmen stationed overseas. more on his
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i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms . we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms . no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. honey, would some captain d's make you feel better? yeeeaah!
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when you love seafood this much... back again? i hope it's just a clumsy phase.'s gotta be d's. anything's worth it for our new home-style flounder meal or double dozen shrimp. also, try our grilled menu featuring new tuscan tilapia. for full meals starting at just $4.99, it's gotta be d's. vice president joe biden is in the middle east -- where he spoke to hundreds of u-s airmen stationed in the united arab emirates. speaking from the desert outpost -- the vice president vowed the u-s would syria. 1:04-16 we're hitting daesh fighters and leaders harder than ever. we are making it harder for them to maneuver. we are their finances." this is the first stop on a regional tour -- which includes stops in israel - the west
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vice presidents visit to the united arab emerites included a stop at abu dhabi's grand right now -- for the annual springtime military war games. officials said this year's drills will be the largest ever -- involving 300- thousand south korean and 17- thousand american troops. south korea said the allies will work on drills for precision attacks on north korean leadership and its nuclear and missile arsenal in the event of war. north korth has threatened to respond to the joint-exercises with attacks on targets in the south -- u-s bases in the pacific -- and the u.s. mainland. tomorrow will mark two years since malaysia airlines flight m-h 370 disappeared -- along with all 239 people on board. today - officials in mozambique handed over what could be another critical piece to the puzzle. debris --- believed to be from the missing aircraft. it washed up along the mozambique coastline last week. a u-s attorney - traveling the world trying to solve the
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the one who found it. families of the passengers gathered in kuala lumpur to mark the anniversary. they are skeptical the debris could provide any real answers. the deadline for families to file claims against the airline is tomorrow. tonight thin clouds, with a low around 46. southwest wind 5 to 10. tuesday mostly sunny, with a high near 73. west wind 5 to 10. tuesday night mostly clear, with a low around 50. southwest wind 5-10. wednesday: sunny, with a high near 75. southwest wind 5 to 10. tonight thin clouds, with a low around 46. southwest wind 5 to 10. tuesday mostly sunny, with a high near 73. west wind 5 to 10. tuesday night mostly clear, with a low around 50. southwest wind 5-10.
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high near 75. southwest wind 5 to 10. tonight thin clouds, with a low around 46. southwest wind 5 to 10. tuesday mostly sunny, with a high near 73. west wind 5 to 10. tuesday night mostly clear, with a low around 50. southwest wind 5-10. wednesday: sunny, with a high near 75. southwest wind 5 to 10. tonight thin clouds, with a low around 46. southwest wind 5 to 10. tuesday mostly sunny, with a high near 73. west wind 5 to 10. tuesday night mostly clear, with a low around 50. southwest wind 5-10. wednesday: sunny, with a high near 75. tonight thin clouds, with a low around 46. southwest wind 5 to 10. tuesday mostly sunny, with a high near 73. west wind 5 to
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mostly clear, with a low around 50. southwest wind 5-10. wednesday: sunny, with a high near 75. southwest wind 5 to 10. tonight thin clouds, with a low around 46. southwest wind 5 to 10. tuesday mostly sunny, with a high near 73. west wind 5 to 10. tuesday night mostly clear, with a low around 50. southwest wind 5-10. wednesday: sunny, with a high near 75. southwest wind 5 to 10. tonight thin clouds, with a low around 46. southwest wind 5 to 10. a low around 50. southwest wind 5-10. wednesday: sunny, with a high near 75. southwest
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coming up on wavy news ten at five- thirty - caught on video - a naked woman -- dancing on top of a big rig -- in the middle of a busy highway. more on how this bizarre story unfolded. and i'm tom schaad. next on wavy news 10 at 6-- a big bust happening in suffol-- police stop a suspected meth maker in his tracks. our jason marks is there. and 10 on yor side looks into a firefighter controversy in a local city. should he have been suspended for talking to us about a staffing shortage? these stories and more when anita and i see you at 6-- keep it right here.
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tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do.
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breaking news out of nashville. the jury awarded 55-million dollars to erin andrews in a lawsuit over nude video taken at hotel and posted online. the fox sports reporter and co-host of 'dancing with the stars' said she was humiliated, and suffers from depression as a result of the videos which were viewed by millions online. the stalker, michael barrett, admitted to altering hotel peepholes and taking a nude video of andrews. he was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison. wesley hadsell - the stepfather of the missing
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- a-j hadsell will get a new lawyer. a judge decided today to let his former attorney - keith kimball - withdraw from the case. that means hadsell's sentencing scheduled for next week - has been postponed. hadsell plead guilty to a federal weapons charge in november. he was never named as a suspect in a-j's death - but just last week we reported about a potential witness to the teenager's death. court documents say this person could testify against wesley hadsell in exchange for a lighter setence in a different case. coming up on wavy news ten at five- thirty - a woman dancing on top of a big rig brought traffic to a stand still. and that's not even the most bizarre part of the story -- then at 6-- a local school is threatened-- and a program to cut down on those threats is put into motion. the quick arrests made-- and how it all
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"she was taking her clothes off. she was nude by the time she got to the 18-wheeler." yep -- you heard right. a bizarre incident shuts down a texas highway. a woman -- dancing naked -- on top of a big rig. it happened in houston. police were called to a crash. when they got to they scene -- they found the woman already on top of the truck. firefighters had to bring in a ladder
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stay with us... wavy news 10 at 6 is next. >> now from the station on your side, this is wavy news 10. tom: a dangerous discovery may that not one, but two homes in suffolk. nicole: i've major bostick leads to one arrest and another suspected case of meth making. trouble in rural suffolk. tom: the busts happened this morning on elmwood road and glen haven drive. tonight, brian and is locked up and facing a long list of charges. wavy news 10's jason marks has more. jason: they raided the homes
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to,. >> i have never seen anything like this outside the movies. i just knew it must be major for them to be dressed up in their great big white suits like they were going to mars or something. jason: dressed in hazmat suits, state police converged on this backyard shed. that is were 34-year-old brian moran was cooking meth, much to the surprise of his neighbors. >> no strange vehicles. no weird smoke. i definitely would have noticed. jason: the officers were part of a task force assigned to finding meth labs. >> i figured that they were doing while stuff over there for couple years. it has been hush-hush. other than that, they have map to trouble. jason: the task force rolled up
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>> crystal meth is not something you want to get involved with, and if you do, repercussions happen. jason: that repercussion has warren behind bars, facing charges for cooking the drugs. investigators spent hours cleaning up the mess. >> the last five or six years, they have been doing meth all around here, you know? and we are kind of sick of it, the neighborhood. jason: we did some digging into warren's criminal history. we only found traffic violations involving out call he now sits behind bars facing much worse serious -- involving out the hall now sits behind bars facing much worse charges. jason marks, 10 on your side.
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