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tv   11 News Sunrise  NBC  July 6, 2009 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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southwest side of the beltway. drive times, 11 minutes on the northeast side. a same ride on the west side. about five minutes from the 895 split. let's give you a live view. looking very good on the ramp toward the city. no problems to report on the j.f.x. this morning. an easy ride on the harrisburg expressway as we check a live view approaching the beltway. that's the latest on traffic pulse 11. mindy and stan, back to you. >> our big story. baltimore county police and the m.t.a. want to know what two teenage boys were doing moments before they were found laying on light rail tracks. >> one of the boys was killed, the other remains in shock trauma. jennifer franciotti joins us with more details. >> good morning. it was sunday afternoon when an m.t.a. worker made the discovery, two teens lie tweng the tracks not far from the lutherville train station.
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the light rail system was ground to a halt after an m.t.a. worker made a grewsome discovery. >> about 3:15, of our inspectors found two bodies. the two males have only been described as being in their late teens were found lying between the two rails south of the lutherville train station. >> we are fairly confident they were not passengers. we just don't know what circumstances led them to laying on the track. >> both teens were in kit cel condition. one of them died a short time later. none of the conductors reported seeing or striking anything. >> we are inspecting every one of our trains to see if there is any hint of an accident or a collision or coming into contact with a human, because, you know that would easily show. >> we heard this big thump but we didn't know what was going on. so the train stopped. i asked the driver what was the problem. he just pretty much said, well, you know, there's just something
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wrong with the circuit break but he wouldn't tell us whether or not somebody was hit or not. >> m.t.a. officials say this is still a very accountive investigation. anyone with information is urged to give them a call. live in shock trauma, jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you, jen. a 19-year-old remains in critical condition after being stabbed shortly after the downtown fourth of july fireworks display. police say 33-year-old derrick thornton got into a fight with a group of people around 10:30 near the intersection of baltimore and charles street. when the fight broke up two people were injured. >> we had a 14-year-old male who sustained superficial cut wound or knife wound to the chest. he was transported to hopkins hospital. he was very uncooperative with police. at this point we don't really know much about what caused the fight. >> police have yet to file charges. >> president obama begins a week-long frip overseas -- trip
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overseas today. his first stop, russia. he'll meet with the russian president. we get more from nikole killion from washington. >> after years of strained times both leaders hope to make progress on several fronts. and a senior u.s. official seas that includes a deal which could be announced today on nuclear arms. president barack obama arrives in russia today with a key objective to reset relations with the soviet nation. as he sits down with russian president me medvedev this morn, he tells a russian newspaper "i believe americans and russians have many common interests, interests that our governments recently have not pursued as actively as we could have." >> both presidents have an interest in having the relationship improve. the problem is there are still mower issues. >> one of the core issues to resolve, arms control. according to u.s. and russian officials both leaders are poised to sign an agreement to reduce their nuclear warheads. >> we are seriously interested in cutting the offensive nuclear
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arsons if that is possible. >> deep divisions remain over a controversial missile defense system. and there are still rifts following the conflict last year between russia and georgia. there's also the issue of iran. >> the russians don't control what goes on in iran anymore than we do. we have to be careful not to expect the russians to do something we can't deliver on. >> russia's president says he's hopeful for a new chapter in cooperation. we expect to hear more from both leaders later this morning in a news conference. in washington, nikole killion, wbal-tv 11 news. >> still trying to figure out whether the sudden resignation of alaska governor and former vice presidential candidate sarah palin will help her political future or end it. the alaskan republican stunned many when she announced she would be leaving office. yesterday palin posted on her facebook page that she was leaving to answer a higher calling. republicans just wonder if she's
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joined the ranks of several high-ranking republicans who have flamed down in the public stage. palin's resignation will take effect july 26 when she'll hand over power to her lieutenant governor. she still stands to make millions through a recent book deal and upcoming public speaking. e-mail your response to >> tomorrow morning a public memorial will be held for pop icon michael jackson at the staple center in los angeles. police say they're bracing for a crowd of possibly hundreds of thousands of people. 11 news reporter lee anne greg has latest. >> fans from around the world will fill the same arena where michael jackson spent his last nights reherszing for his comeback tour. 1.6 million signed up for the random drawing of 17,500 tickets to the memorial service. the lucky ones will be able to collect their tickets today after this e-mail notification
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went out sunday telling them they've won. some will get a seat in the staple center, others at an adjoining theater for simulcast. >> you can see why this is so amazing for us to be a part of history and to be there for a man who we've admires. really everything that you've done in terms of entertainment. >> a service expected to be a part of concert tribute. >> there's a lot that we still don't know about what's going to happen at the memorial. this is a major challenge to put together thousands of celebrities and thousands of regular people. >> as preparations continue, law enforcement is bracing for the onslaught of fans. as for the investigation detectives have executed search warrants and want to talk to at least five doctors who tried to determine if prescription drugs played a role in jackson's death. but the focus tomorrow will be on the service. the pop legends' contributions and the celebration of his life. >> meanwhile, the jackson family
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is planning a private service in hollywood hills. sources say that could happen as early as tonight. from los angeles, i'm lee anne greg, wbal-tv 11 news. >> 5:37. 60 degrees. getting proof that age is just a number. >> how the age you feel may be the only number that matters. >> and are we dealing with any delay? we'll let you know. we'll check on the major roads when we come back. pa
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my two granddaughters are my life. they always ask me, grandma, take me here, grandma, take me there. but with my occasional irregularity i wasn't always up to it. until i discovered activia and everything started to change. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute. my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia >> welcome back to 11 news today. 695 at wilkins. we're look at mid 60's downtown. lower 60's out there. here's a look at what we're seeing temperature-wise,
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statewide. bottom line in the constant, cooler than normal when you consider it is july 6. 57 in westminster. only 53 degrees right now in york, pennsylvania. but in contrast with the urban heat island effect, always a bit warmer. 66 downtown. 58 or so around b.w.i. marshall. mid 60's on the eastern shore. you can clearly see where there's a frontal boundary to our south over virginia and north carolina. and disturbances around south carolina this morning as well as showers and thunderstorms. for us, we're in a dry sloth. another lovely day. high pressure building in. unlike yesterday where we saw variably cloudiness, we're go fog see mostly sunny skies today. beautiful sky conditions. 84 to 88. 87 is our normal high this year. so we're right in the normal range. however, we're not going to be contending with the humidity. it will feel quite pleasant. mostly clear, remaining cooler than normal. 68 or so downtown. over to you.
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>> in this morning's "mack lert," depending on whether you have a son or a daughter may play into how you encourage exercise. a recent study of nearly 700 parents and their kids suggest there are still some gender differences in how we encourage our sons and daughters to exercise. for the most part parents who stress the importance of high intensity team sports had more active children. boys were given more strenuous schoars like yard work and moving furniture. also, families with more children place greater value on girls being active. >> if you feel younger than the numbers of candles on your birthday cake, you're not alone. a new survey finds most people said they aren't old yet, n matr their age when asked what old is most 20-somethings said 60. stan's laughing. middle-age said 70.
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seniors said old is not until 75. the senior seems to have a great attitude about aging among people 65 to 74. 21% said they felt old. only 35% of those over 75 said they felt that way. >> i could see how that works that way. i remember when 30 -- >> i know. i used to feel the same way. so old. i'd love to be 30 again. 5:42. 60 degrees. coming up, big money is up for grabs for two colorado students. we'll explain. >> and you're look at a live picture, 95, north of 895. up next, we'll update traffic and weather together. stay with us. what are you doing for lunch?
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how about beer-battered shrimp and chips... or one of our coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad combinations? eight dishes that fit into your lunch hour... starting at just $6.99. at red lobster.
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>> it's always amazing how people try to squeeze out just a little more. come back on monday, still go i got another hour. >> i think they made the right idea. there is nothing going on as far as traffic. it's very light. so if you want to plan your departure this morning, it's looking really good. you can see we're at 66 miles per hour on the northeast corner. 62 on the j.f.x. and about 57 miles per hour on 95 heading toward the ft. mchenry. switching over to the some of the other speed sensors, west side looks really good. no problems on 795 or 70. a live view of the southwest corner at wilkens avenue. so far moving very well. inner loop away from us toward 95, toward 795. it is problem-free on the rest of the major roadways. that's good news. 95 north of the 895 split checking out fine so far this
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morning. that's the latest on traffic pulse 11. now let's get another check on the buses and the trains. >> good morning once again. still showing some diversions on the buses lines this morning. the 17 line continues to be diverted. we have the 22 line diverted at university and 41st. we just added 36 line. be prepared for those diversions. light rail and metro continue to run problem-free. then on the penn lines we have train 503 running with a 15 to 20-minute delay. all other trains are running problem-free this morning. for the m.t.a. transit team, i'm vanetta brooks. >> thanks. it's difficult to get back into the routine but something to look forward to weather-wise. mostly sunny, high near 87 with low humidity. you can see the clear scan over state of maryland. clouds to our south because of a disturbance. that's spinning over the carolinas. low pressure to our south. however, it's along a stationary
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boundary. it will continue to be pushed off into the shore, off into the atlantic. high pressure will dictate our weather pattern today meaning lots of stability and comfortable conditions. a light northwest wind as well. we're look at only 63 in york, pennsylvania. this is really unusual for the month of july. 66 downtown. you ahead out to b.w.i. marshall and we're looking at only 58 degrees. very refreshing. a great start to the day. a little more humid, 72. dew points are also very low. typically this time of the year to give you some perspective, we're in the mid 60's. sometimes in the upper 60's to 70's. this is a springlike reading, as far as the humidity level goes. not a lot of moisture. it's going to be a beautiful day today. the high in the mountains only 82. mostly sunny skies as we head over to central maryland. it looks like in baltimore we're going to reach a high of about 87 degrees today. that's normal for this time of year.
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we're right on the mark for today. as we head over across the bay to ocean city it looks like a high of 83 with a high u.v. index. on the shores today and on the bay it looks like winds variable at about five to 10 knots on waters of the chesapeake. one foot or less waves. really a pretty calm day with mild water temperatures. mild air temperatures. yesterday we only hit a high of 77 degrees. we should be 87. 10 degrees below normal yesterday. the low is 62. no precipitation. a dry start pretty much to the month of july. 101, the record back in 1999 on july 6. and 1979, 51, the record low. 65 is where we should be. we'll be in that range. some suburbs in the lower 60's with clear skies. a front will move in tomorrow and stall to our south. the system that is currently to our south will be out of our neck of the woods but will remain, the disturbed weather, to our south over the carolinas. no threat of rainfall today.
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maybe an isolated shower tomorrow but it isn't very likely. it looks like basically partly cloudy skies. wednesday we bring in a random chance of an isolated thunderstorm in the afternoon hours. if we check out wednesday throughfully, we're even cooler. 76 for thursday. by the weekend, more humid weather and more typical weather for this time of the year. >> thank you. the high school prom was more than two months ago but two colorado students stand to make $9,000 in scholarship money for what they wore to the big dance. it's a wardrobe even macgyver would be proud of. >> you're going to be in a lot of pictures when you make your own colorful prom clothes. >> spent more time taking pictures than on the dance floor. >> you're going to be on the news when these outfits are finalists in an international competition. >> almost entirely made of duct tape. >> designing the suit and dress
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for the stuck it prom contest. >> it was fun. not many people really believed it until they touched it to make sure it was duct tape. >> her work. >> we cut out everything individually and then taped it on. i worked from the second i got home from school. >> it took nine hours a day for a month. >> hard to get on? >> with the help of her friend. they turned the everyday household do-it-all duct tape into a work of art. >> different layers. it's not exactly versatile material. it doesn't breathe at all. >> and discomfort. >> i feel like an astronaut. >> it was a little tricky at first but i got used to it. >> that's as far in that direction. i don't care how i feel as long as i look good. >> now they need the public's help to win the contest. they're looking for the most online votes not only for the scholarship money but also for the notoriety. >> sort of famous. >> and the look everyone wanted a picture of.
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>> i like the peacock motif. >> much better to look good than to feel good. >> absolutely. 5:51. 60 degrees. an oriole standout finds out he's headed to the all-star game. keith mills joins us with the sports wrap-up. >> plus we'll look at our "watercooler question of the day." >> and a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. good luck.
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>> time to get to one of our answers to the "watercooler
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question of the day." >> do you think governor palin's resignation helps or hurts her political future? >> keep e-mailing those responses to we'll read more in the next hour and post all of them on the front page of our website. >> good morning, everybody. even the news that adam jones made the american all-star team and another 4-0 lead was not enough to push the toarlz a win. 9-6. they waste another lead, lose another game to the angels. but things started out well. brian saunders -- brian roberts off joe saunders, first batter of the game. his eighth home run. first of three r.b.i. for brian. early lead in the sixth. it was tied 5-5.
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folks, this is a poke. home run number three for matt. he had three hits. 7-6. but, again, the bullpen can't get it done. chris ray walks juan rivera with the bases loaded. he walks another guy with the bases loaded, 9-6. the angels win. bases loaded walk. the orioles in seattle. tiger woods in bethesda. final round of his tournament, the at&t national. and tiger staring down this birdie and knocking it in. fifth hole birdie puts the heat on everyone. mahan is ready. ties a course record. that birdie ties him with tiger at 12 under. on 16, tiger unties it. 20-foot birdie. and final found, 67 to win by one shot. tiger woods wins the at&t national, his third win of the year. now, not to be outdone, his
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buddy roger federer, a five-setter, four hours 15 minutes, beat andy roddick. >> that was unbelievable. >> he's now the most winning male player? >> 15 grand slam events, passes pete sampras by one. who's most dominant, tiger or roger federer? we'll talk about that. first time i've ever heard stan speechless. >> it's a tough one. i'm not a tennis player. not very good golfer either. [laughing] thank you. here's a look ahead to our next hour of 11 news today. >> are you struggling with those student loan payments? how a new income payment option may lighten the load. >> a former raven remembered. 11 sports pete gilbert looks back on the life and career is of steve mcnair.
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>> and couples who have each other's backs. meet a man who carried his wife to victory. >> and i say tiebreaker between federer and tiger woods. what an awesome match. andy roddick held his own yesterday. we are looking at activity to our south. >> we'll let you know if any delays have formed.
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>> mystery on the light rail tracks. i'm jennifer franciotti. a live report is straight ahead from shock trauma. >> i'm brook hart in washington. president obama visits russia today, ready to announce agreement as he hopes -- and he hopes improved relations. >> what do you think of alaska governor sarah palin's sudden decision to step down from office? is it a step toward her ti


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