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tv   Today  NBC  July 10, 2009 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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sleepless night the first of every tear i'm gonna cry ♪ ♪ here comes the pain here comes me wishing things had never changed ♪ ♪ and she was right here in my arms tonight ♪ ♪ but here comes good-bye ♪
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>> rascal flatts. ended up another song. there is more music from the guys coming up a little later on. meanwhile welcome back to more of "today" on this friday morning. 10th day of july, 2009. out on the plaza on a picture perfect day for a concert, for anything for that matter. i'm matt lauer along with maria celeste, from telemundo who has been nice enough to help out all week long. you have any fun? >> i've been very cold but i've joined it tremendously. i'm purple everywhere. >> it is unseasonably cool today. >> of course, yes. >> by the way, if you love music today, monday more music. we have the fray here on monday morning. not just a concert by the way, they're giving away other concert tickets to some of their future shows. so if you're a fray fan, design a unique and creative sign, bring it down to the plaza. they will pick 25 of the best, and then give concert tickets to people holding those signs. that's monday, right here on our plaza. and maria, coming up in this half hour, we talked about what seems to be a dangerous deal going on in hollywood, and other cities across the country for
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that matter. apparently if you have money and some celebrity, you can go into a doctor and trade that money for prescription drugs. and in the wake of the death of michael jackson there's a concern that prescription drugs may have played a role in that. dr. drew pinski is going to join us to give us some perspective on what could be a very troubling situation. >> only ironically, it really can be deadly. >> no question. >> if your mind reacts like a pinball machine when you see a sale sign at the mall you could be headed for trouble. we're going to be talking to experts on why some people use shopping as their therapy, and if that describes you we'll give you tips on how you can get your spending under control. >> all right. a lot to get to right now. ann is wrapping up a week of vacation. natalie's over at the news desk with all the headlines. that lie, take it away. >> good morning. president obama heads to africa today, wrapping up what he called a productive three-day summit to italy. before leaving the president, first lady and both daughters visit the vatican for their
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first-ever audience with the pope. at a press conference earlier, president obama said the g-8 leaders pledged to work harder towards tackling climate change, and the global economic recovery, which he said is a long way off. four workers at a historic cemetery south of chicago have been charged in an alleged scheme to resell burial plots. officials say hundreds of corpses were unearthed, and it could take months to identify the remains. in pamplona, spain, this morning the first fatality at the running of the bulls in almost 15 years. a 27-year-old spaniard was killed when he was gored by a bull that separated from the pack and started charging at the runners. another man was gored and tossed into the air, but amazingly, he walked away from it. two other people were also gored, including an american who is in intensive care. tragedy thursday near detroit, where a driver apparently tried to get around a railroad crossing gate as an amtrak train was approaching. all five people in the car were killed.
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today, a leaner general motors emerged from bankruptcy, after being in chapter 11 for 40 days. and a big day thursday at washington's national zoo, where officials threw a panda party for tai shand's fourth birthday. the giant panda got a special cake made of bamboo and shredded beef. looks like he likes it. it's all over his face. four minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to matt and maria. so cute. >> very, cute. natalie, thank you very much. we've got al wrapping up vacation, as well. alexandra steele of the weather channel has been doing a great job. alexandra, take it away. >> a great crowd we've got here. a lot of people from minnesota, and kansas and oklahoma. all the incredible hot spots. let's take a look at the satellite and radar picture. here in the northeast for the concert on the plaza, couldn't be nicer as we look up, sunny skies, a few fair weather clouds. you can see farther to the west from minnesota down to missouri, scattered showers and storms will fire up. even the potential for an isolated tvd and some hail
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today. and you can see it right there. right in the red the slight risk for severe weather. to the southwest, temperatures warm, steamy in the deserts, and in the northwest, temperatures a little bit above average there. in the southeast, sunshine, and here in the mid-atlantic and in the >> the satellite radar combination, a little gray shading. in virginia, low clouds. a lot of sun in our forecasted. natalie, back to you. >> all right, thank you, alexandra. prescription drug abuse was once hollywood's dirty secret, the cat's certainly out of the bag.
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since michael jackson's death we're learning more about rampant abuse. dr. drew pinski is an addiction spekzist, the host of celebrity rehab with dr. drew an vh1 and co-author of the mirror effect how celebrity narcissism is seducing america. good morning. >> good morning. >> toxicology report not due back for another three to four weeks. but we've heard so much about the reported drug use that michael jackson, apparently all the drugs that he was using. bring us up to date, demerol, diprivan. >> those are opiod painkillers, highly, highly addictive. michael had a history of being addicted for opiate addiction years ago. he strugged with this for a long time and clearly had access to these things from physicians. i guess physicians, some, don't understands that when you give opiates to an opiate addict their disease is very active. >> these are powerful painkillers. diprivan is something that only is used in surgery as an anesthetic. >> the diprivan thing even caught me on guard.
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diprivan is something that's used in intensive care un its to keep ventilator dependent patients unconscious. it's used for anesthesia. used outside of a hospital, i have never heard of it. people say are you astonished? i've never heard of it. it's outlandish to have somebody prescribed and given that medication outside of a hospital. you can't imagine how bizarre that is. >> as an addiction expert we hear so much about the painkiller addiction. but this is not just a problem among celebrities. how prevalent is this even among our youth in america? >> that's where the really big problem is. quoting data from the national association school of nurses, 2500 12 to 17-year-olds will abuse a prescription medication for the first time to day. >> 12 to 17-year-olds? >> 2500 today in this country. one-third of high school seniors say they have used prescription drugs. it is a massive problem. think about it. we become very casual about it. everyone should open their medicine cabinet and you will find a sleeping medicine, an open yad left over from a dental procedure or something and our kids see that.
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they see the casual attitude. >> and that's where they're getting it? >> not the parents are negligent, we've adopted a casual attitude and we need to talk to our kids about this. >> let's talk about what's going an on as we showed an undercover report jeff rossen showed us how easy it is to get prescriptions for these powerful drugs with just having cash in hollywood. take a listen to how he used our undercover decoy and describes to jeff exactly what he was able to get. >> this is a suicide cocktail on paper. could these drugs kill me? they could kill 20 people. >> i mean, he got enough drugs to kill, as you heard, 20 people. >> yeah. >> this is pretty prevalent in hollywood celebrity culture, right? >> yes, it's prevalent everywhere, unfortunately. here's the problem. the very, very wealthy and powerful and the very, very poor have very much in common when it comes to their health care. they have trouble getting good health care. the problem is the standard of care in the health care community is the standard, because it's the best. and people that tend to become celebrities tend to think that
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they need special care. when you get special care, you get substandard care most of the time. doctors, you know, we have our own narcissistic liabilities ourselves and we sort of could be he is seusseddy the celebrity. >> if you're got somebody giving you cash. >> it's not even the money, it's this bigger than life person thinks i'm a good doctor. you could imagine michael jackson or somebody coming and saying you're the best doctor i ever had. only you make me feel good. oh, my goodness, i'm helping this guy. i'm paying you all this money to give me what i need, and you don't give me, i'm going to sell everybody what a horrible doctor you are. >> your reality show, celebrity rehab you treated jeff conaway known for his roles in greece and taxi and i told you as well as our reporter jeff who interviewed him once again that he could get just about anything he asked for. how did you then help him break that habit? >> we do what we do, we get them off the drugs. and in our world, about the vast majority of times the patient come in telling us on a scale of
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10 their pain is 20. jeff is a chronic pain patient. just by taking them off the opiate pain medication, two weeks later they will tell us almost without exception the pain is a 4 or under. the pain actually intensifies, the opiates actually intensifies the pain and doctors aren't aware of it. peccents aren't aware of it. then we confront the addiction. even in jeff's case, we got him good treatment. we confronted it actively. you have to have the active participation of the patient and even then the outcomes are not that great. >> there have been success stories, robert downey jr., britney spears. >> britney is a great example of what happens when the people around the individual are enlightened and listen to a good team, and take their advice and do something very, very difficult. the one thing people are afraid to do is risk their access or their jobs to a celebrity. in this case, imagine this, her parents stepped up and risked their access to their daughter. can you imagine if they'd done the conservatorship and the daughter had said, britney said i'll hate you, i will never speak to you again.
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they did that and did it to save her life and the woman got good care. britney is alive because of it. very few celebrities that have that kind of enlightened people around them. >> is it different dealing with a celebrity working with them to try to breaked habit? >> no, the reality is it's no different. humans are humans. but the world they live in makes it more difficult to keep them engaged in the treatment process, because they do tend to be insulated from the world, tend to be surrounded by the people who give them what they want. and what celebrities often need is confrontation, frustration. >> they need people to tell them no, which they don't get. >> exactly. they don't get that. and it's very hard for physicians to do that themselves. >> all right. and last question, i mean, what can we do to try to put this problem -- >> well, i think we can really all start in our own home. that realize that these medications in our medicine cabinets are not benign. all medications -- i grew up with a physician father who raised me with the idea that all medications are dangerous. we've got to remember that and look in our medicine cabinet and
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talk to our kids about the potential risk of things we've come to take so casually. we start there and in my plow fegs, takes a really good look at itself as it pertains to powerful people and celebrities. in interviews with my peers i say don't attempt this alone. celebrities need teams of people around them. if they don't have that, they will run amok. >> dr. drew pinsky, as always, great to have you here. still to come this morning, another kind of addiction. shopping. we're going to tell you why you are spending your money on things you may not need, and how to stop. then later, it's going the way of "today's kitchen" for some easy gourmet treats that will go perfectly with your grilled steak. there's the life i live. and the life i want to live. fortunately, there's enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections,
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leaving fewer spots. see? spotless. (announcer) finish jet dry. brilliant diamond shine every time. unlike some brands, dove has 18 times more moisturizers to care for skin. no wonder dermatologists recommend dove most. trust dove. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle... with a quick smudge of cream cheese. at least that part's easy. there's only one way to eat an eggo... your way. l'eggo my eggo. a heart attack at 53. i had felt fine. but turns out... my cholesterol and other risk factors... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done something. now, i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk...
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of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in patients with several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over 16 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i was caught off-guard. but maybe you can learn from my story. have a heart to heart with your doctor... about your risk. and about lipitor. your brain often interferes with your shopping.
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research from stanford university shows more than one in 20 adults are compulsive shoppers. oprah magazine has solutions. susan galon is contributing editor to "o" and robi ludwig is a psychologist. good morning to you both. you don't have to be a compulsive shopper to do some heavy damage at the mall. i don't consider myself a compulsive shopper and yesterday i did. why do we do that? even when we don't plan it, expect it or need it? >> it can be because in these very scary economic times it's a self-soothing mechanism. we think if i were economically secure, i would be shopping, so if i'm shopping, i must be economically secure. so it's a bit of a trap. >> and also, people who kind of self-soothe through shopping, if that's the way they make themselves feel good, then even during economically tough times, they're still going to shop, or maybe even more so, to get them to feel successful, like beautiful. whatever the case may be.
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>> it's the old retail therapy thing. >> absolutely, biochemically that it helps out to make you feel better. let's go then to what to prevent, how to do it in order not to keep doing that. first of all, don't buy everything in one store, which is what i did yesterday. >> yes, yes, when you buy everything in one store it becomes a bit of a free for all. you lose sight of how much you're spending. you think to yourself, i've already hit the $200 mark, what's another 20 and you throw near t-shirt into the pile. so it's -- >> yeah, i mean, there are stores sometimes you're getting a bargain, or you're getting lots of cheap things, and you can deny yourself, you can -- it's called denial. you just say oh, well this is only $20. this is $10. but the truth of the matter is, you should only be spending a dollar on a regular basis and still be a compulsive buyer. it's how you use the shopping. >> whether that really determines if you're compulsive or not. >> don't buy into bargains because the anticipation of getting a good deal drives you
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towards it whether you need it or not. >> how many times have we bought something that doesn't even fit that we never wanted or needed or can use, but i got it on sale. and getting the bargain is such an achievement, there's a thrill involved in that. so you have to kind of ignore it a little bit. >> right. and also we feel like we're rewarding ourselves. >> yes. >> which increases, you know, the chemicals in the brain that tell us to feel good. feel like oh, i'm being nice to myself. i'm just going to get this and everything will be okay. and of course, you know, it's a catch-22, because once you actually have the object, you lose the high. because things don't stay shiny and new indefinitely. >> another way to control the urge to overspend is to ration your willpower. and you talk about the 24-hour rule. >> yes. i have a 24-hour rule. because when in "o" we found that when you have to expend too much willpower. say you're resisting all the goodies at the food court, you run out of willpower and you're going to buy those shoes that you didn't need.
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i ask myself, okay, if i want those shoes 24 hours from now, i'll go back and get them. an hour later i have forgotten about them completely. >> so sometimes if you don't act impulsively, then you won't give in to getting that extra something that you don't need. and also, you may not want to bring credit cards with you if you have a compulsive buying disorder. because credit cards almost feels like play money. it's like fantasy. and you think you can afford things you really can't. >> especially don't use your credit cards if you're in a bad mood. >> oh, my goodness, yes. there was a study that showed people who were in a sad mood offered to pay 300 times more for an item than people in an okay mood. that's a lot. >> and that's where you know it's like an addiction because it really does fool around with the neurochemicals in the brain that help you to feel i'm okay. and there are certain medications that do address mood anxiety and compulsion that when people take it, they do find they're less vulnerable to this impulse to shop till you drop. >> and something for sure, when
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the credit card bill comes in. thank you both. coming up, one more song from the rascal flatts. but first, these messages.
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light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. now try new watermelon and cantaloupe flavors. moms know that kids need calcium for healthy growth. but did you know that to help absorb calcium, they need vitamin d? more moms choose yoplait... to give their kids calcium and vitamin d. yoplait kids, trix yogurt and go-gurt. the taste they love... and the calcium and vitamin d they need. yoplait, the one for kids.
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so i use air wick freshmatic mini. each automatic burst renews the scent. it's small and keeps my house fresh. air wick freshmatic mini. renews the fragrance with every burst. air wick. it's good to be home. ♪ pop-tarts®! i'll have a frosted strawberry... as an ice cream sandwich. ♪ chocolate fudge... on a stick please! ( crunch ) with the endless possibilities of kellogg's® pop-tarts, it's sure to be a picture perfect summer. pop-tarts®. made for fun.
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all right, prepare yourself for incredible special effects and edge of your seat suspense, without making a trip to the theater in a new two-part mini series, "meteor," scientists discover a giant meteor three times the size of mt. everest has been knocked out of orbit and is barreling straight for the earth. the all-star cast includes jason alexander and christopher lloyd. part one of "meteor" premieres this sunday at 9:00, 8:00 central time right here on nbc. >> sounds exciting. also, coming up from here, the mother/daughter team that came up with 113 things to do by 30.
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how many washes did it take cheer brightclean to get this from dingy to bright? one might be surprised. twelve. no. uh, excuse me! four? one... would think it would take that many washes. ten? man & woman: okay, we got it this time. yes? it's six. seven. why? why is... one-derfully bright, hmm? oh, one... yes, yes! hundred. cheer brightclean. surprisingly bright in just one wash. (announcer) introducing new tums dual action. this tums goes to work in seconds and lasts for hours.
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all day or night. new tums dual action. bring it on. generally speaking, men. men don't merge. the woman will sit there and wait... until there are 8 tractor trailer trucks length back there. merging would mean to come up and then go over. this is what men do. you see where i am over here? and then she'll come out at 30, 35 miles an hour. and kablam! and then we're all an hour late. the new depend brand. for women and men. hi, may i help you? yeah, i'm looking for car insurance that isn't going to break the bank. you're in the right place. only progressive gives you the option to name your price. here. a price gun? mm-hmm. so, i tell you what i want to pay. and we build a policy to fit your budget. that's cool. uh... [ gun beeps ] [ laughs ] i feel so empowered. power to the people! ha ha! yeah!
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the option to name your price -- new and only from progressive. call or click today. scientific explorations in the kitchen? bring it. it started bubbling. new bounty is thick and absorbent. it cleans the mess with less. then you know what, daddy? it exploded! pssshhh! it hit the ceiling! in lab tests, bounty absorbs twice as much... as the bargain brand. and it's more durable it was really cool. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the thick quicker picker-upper. >> good morning, i'm jennifer franciotti. 8 is 9:26.
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here's a look at our top stories this morning. prosecutors have withdrawn three subpoenas in the case against baltimore mayor sheila dixon. attorneys for the mayor argued that the state prosecutor's office was abusing the process seeking records and testimony by a gift card under their control dixon is accused of stealing did -- dixon is accused of stealing gift cards intended for needy families. the mta is -- officials say any bus or train operator found using a cell phone or texting will be fired even for a first offense. the mta says it took the action shortly after the metro washington system made a similar change yesterday. a spokesperson says the agency will inform its operators' union of the change but it will not bargain over it. let's take a look at the forecast with meteorologist john collins. >> let's take a look at the satellite picture. we are all clear here. low clouds and virginia, a few sprinkles, but the big storms
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are all off to the northwest. high and dry, very comfortable, and lot of sunshine and temperatures around the city in the day generally just in the low 80's. out to the west, in the mountains, mid to upper 70's. >> another update for you at 9:55. have a nice morning. ♪
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there's the other stuff. ♪ and then there's kraft macaroni & cheese. ♪ kraft has more cheese than those other guys. no wonder they call it the cheesiest!
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♪ >> and that was a surprise performance on "america's got talent" wednesday night, when susan padilla from houston, texas, blew the judges away with her silky soprano. the cancer survivor said the performance was a dream come true. what a remarkable voice she has. a reminder "america's got talent" airs tuesday and wednesday nights at 9:00, 8:00 central time, right here on nbc. the competition is getting
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stiffer. i'm natalie morales along with maria celeste. ann and al are off today. lester is here with a look at what's coming up this weekend. >> loet me tell you what's comig up this weekend. we're going to tell you about tag team parenting. a new reality for lots of parents with two working parents and no money for child care. plus love and food. why being in a relationship can make you gain weight and how your diet can poison your partnership. oh, joy. then the ice cream truck goes gourmet. high end chefs are hitting the road in cities all across america selling fancy desserts like chocolate mousse and creme brulee. whatever happened to the torpedo? >> no the rocket. we get those every weekend. >> we'll get a taste of that this weekend on "today." >> all right, thank you, lester. we'll be watching. talking about chefs and desserts, maria, you're going to be cooking a little bit. >> i'm getting my apron ready. we'll have a chef here to show you everything about steaks in
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your main dish weekend. especially side dishes, very suitable and delicious side dishes. >> that's the hard part. i've got the steak down, chicken is the other part. what do i serve with it? plus one more song from the country crooners rascal flatts. first, though, let's get another check of the forecast and for that we turn to alexandra steele who is in for al. >> hi, guys. >> it's been fun having you here. >> thank you. the story, of course, all the heat around the country. other than right here in the northeast, although saturday will see pleasant temperatures here and then saturday night some rain moves in. but earlier in the day, the slight risk of showers and storms in western new york and western pennsylvania. and in the southeast, of course, you can see that's a toaster there popping out. hot conditions from georgia to the carolinas. of course, record heat from texas to oklahoma and kansas and missouri. and then on sunday, warm today and tomorrow in the >> good morning, lots of sun out there this morning.
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stormy weather stays out to the west, so our forecasted a -- across the board pretty decent weekend for much of the country. >> you've been really good to us. we've had fantastic weather. >> we didn't have to stand outside on the rain in the plaza. >> come back and visit us more often >> thank you, alexandra. up next, 113 things to do before your child turns 13. right after this. announcer: there's a place called hidden valley. where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough.
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hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. now rediscover the delectable taste that can only come from hidden valley, the original ranch. dinner with the girls tonight. mmm... mexican, or italian? i really want dessert tonight. i better skip breakfast. yep, this is all i need. ( stomach growls ) skipping breakfast to get ahead? research shows that women that eat breakfast, like the special k® breakfast, actually weigh less. the special k® breakfast, now in blueberry. so why skip? when you can eat all this... and still weigh less. victory is... sweet.
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and still weigh less. could be home to bacteria. but, lysol disinfectant spray can also be used on soft surfaces to kill 99.9 percent of bacteria. lysol. disinfect to protect. ♪ you don't have to be a witch either, it's true ♪ ♪ you just have to love a fun, tasty dinner ♪ ♪ and wearing some of that dinner on you. ♪ ♪ you just have to love a fun, tasty dinner ♪
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new sunnyd smoothies. as much calcium and vitamin d as milk... and a taste so creamy, smooth and bold, they'll love getting calcium and vitamin d... to help bones grow. new sunnyd smoothies. the years leading up to 13 can be tumultuous, so the drama, mean girls, crushes, tons of trend obsessions. so to help 'tweens make the most of those precious years, terry mccloud and her daughter brittany collaborated on 113 things to do by the time you're 13 with tips from your fave celebs and 'tween insiders. and they survived working on it together. terry, brittany, good morning. brittany, before you really even thought about this book you actually wanted to do 100 things before you turned 13. you're now 14. but terry, that actually kind of got you thinking, there's a book here, right?
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>> right. when she came up with me to the list of 100 things, i flashed back and remembered the mean girls and the gossip and all the crazy drama. it's a tough year. i think as a parent you want to protect your child. so i thought, what a great gift to do sort of a guidebook to surviving your 'tween years. and also put in a lot of fun because you don't want to make it too serious and too heavy. >> this is a mom/daughter collaboration. but writny you wrote a lot of the book yourself. >> kind of not really. we both, each other -- >> i did a lot of the core writing of it. and i would actually turn to brittany and say would you really say something like that? and she would correct my lingo a lot. >> let's hear some of the ideas that you had, and brittany, on your list and how they contrast to your mother's. you say number five on the list is play truth or dare. be the daredevil, you say. i'm not sure mom likes that one. >> no. >> number 13, make a massive sundae and pig out. that is the favorite on my list.
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write a fan letter to your favorite star. eat dinner in reverse. start with dessert, then your entree and finish with your appetizer. >> that's the funnest. >> i have to agree with you. and paint each of your toes a different color. so in general, what would your advice be for a 'tween? >> my advice to a 'tween is definitely just to have fun and be yourself. and ignore all the gossip and mean girls. just have fun. >> and good advice. terry, taking a look at some of the things that you added, and again you're giving that more motherly point of view is travel outside your hometown. number four on the list. keep a journal. hang with your mom. >> hang with your mom is important. >> even though they're probably not into that as 'tweens. know and practice good manners. and as you said, say no to gossip. so everyall your advice to 'tweens? >> and i think the most important thing, when you're younger is to try to figure out a talent and go for it and not be afraid. because i think when we were younger we had so many hang-ups and we're worried that we're not going to be able to worry about our friends and what everyone thinks of you and be inspired,
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learn to say no. and just be appreciate you and look in the mirror and like what you see. >> and you're a producer for "access hollywood" so you were able to get some interviews with celebrities who are teenagers themselves and you had taylor swift contribute, and she is number 14 on the list, discover your talent and work on it. we know brittany has really worked for hers. >> well, taylor swift is definitely amazing. at age 10 we discovered her talent of singing, and at age 11 she drove with her mom to nashville to like, even though she got rejected, she still -- >> she kept knocking on those producer doors. >> she kept doing it. >> and at age 19 she was a star. >> exactly. >> number 33, make a friend outside your neighborhood. >> right. >> and i think that's an important lesson for everyone. sell nan gomez basically said don't judge. try to remember that just because they look like you or don't live in the same neighborhood doesn't make them less of a person. try to be kind to all. >> great piece of advice.
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and number 94 from the the trilight vampires ashley green and rachel lefebvre, develop interests outside school. >> the twilight girls talked about how they both experienced mean girls growing up. and they were both isolated. sat at a lunch table by themselves. stories we hear too often. then they both side they tried to put being popular outside their head and look where they are today. one of them said she was never in the popular group but was class president. >> there you go. was it stressful working to the as a mom/daughter team, brittany? >> well, we did have our moments, definitely. but i found out that my mom haddon inner 'tween. >> oh, yeah? the mean girl 'tween? but you want to work on another one? >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, there's so much to say about 'tweens and teens. and we got a 16th birthday coming up. we'll have 116 before 16. >> well, again, 113 things to do by 13.
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terry and writny mccloud, thanks so much for coming by. coming up next, we're going to go into "today's kitchen" for the perfect sides to those perfectly grilled steaks right after this. is the price you pay. tag get a 2009 pontiac vibe for $13,708 after all offers. or get 0% apr for 60 months on most 2009 pontiac models! all are backed with the best coverage in america, including a 5 year/100,000 mile powertrain warranty. get some excitement while you still can, during the pontiac summer closeout. visit (woman) vibrations. (announcer) turn on new pulse peection vibrating mascara from maybelline new york. woman) the breakthrough. (announcer) our exclusive motor inside pulses the brush 100 times a second. maximizes each lash like no hand can. beyond length... beyond volume... to a truly fwless fan of lush, perfect lashes. just turn it on.
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for fabulous feet or your money back. dr. scholl's for her™. en't yof bleach accidents? new spray n' wash bright and white is your safe bleach alternative. it does the job... stop-- don't do that! without the accidents. add it with your detergent to help whiten and keep colors bright while the resolve power gets rid of stains. trust spray n' wash bright and white. i'm working on my digestive health. whatcha eatin'? yoplus. it's a yogurt for digestive health. here... blackberry pomegranate. i can't find my hand. (announcer) yoplus... a delicious alternative for digestive health... ...from yoplait. this morning in "today's kitchen," side dishes to complement your grilled steak. if you're ready to try a new spin on that predictable salad and corn than hot chef david walter has something for you.
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he's the executive chef at s.w. in las vegas. >> thanks for having me. with all the current events these days, you know i thought i'd bring a current event of my own and it's summer vegetables. nothing is better right now in the summer than the ripe vegetables that are just from the field. these are the things that we need to kind of put around everything that we cook. whether it be great steaks like we do at f.w. at winn or a piece of fish or anything off the grill. >> we're going to start with corn and tomatoes. start with corn. a corn dish. >> this is a really cool zish. you know, i like to use the corn custard. it's a sweet corn custard that we make with jalapenos and white onions. so the onions are in here. if you just add it, here's some blanched corn that i have here. add the onions in. >> which i'm afraid, it's not the typical onion, it's a sweet onion that looks like a regular onion. >> you're right. it will kind of play on the sweetness of the corn. then some jalapenos, some
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chapped gore lick, ground coriander and cumin also goes in. some egg yokes, and heavy cream. and you're just mixing away, and you want to get that kind of mixed up. then we're going to either use a regular blender, or something like this, which is a stick blender. it's very convenient. hang out with that for a sec. so we're going to blend this until it's smooth. it can be a little bit coarse but you want it realively smooth. watch the dress. watch the dress. >> and you guys watch. >> and that's about it. so you want to kind of pulse it. it's smooth. it's got a little texture to it. we bring this around. we can come back here. let's do this. much easier. so we have these here. these are disposable aluminum cups. they make life really easy. you knock it out once they're cooked. a quick spray of canola oil.
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pour of that in there. >> the mixture we were just doing. >> and you cook any sort of like custard or pudding like this in a water bath. and we're going to put this in a 300 degree oven. for about 40 minutes or so. and i have some that are already baked. you want to grab those? >> okay. >> watch the dress. >> thank you very much. for keeping that in mind. and voila. >> and voila. and out they come. so, again, to test that these are done, it will feel firm. it will have some firmness to it. you just want to separate these from the edge. and knock it right out. nice and easy. >> we decorate them like that? >> see that's the great thing about it is the sweet corn, it's kind of the medium and then we can add different things. spring onions that are charred on the grill. summer squash. white asparagus and green asparagus. little squash again.
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and porcini mushrooms. this is the medium and we're adding fun things >> and they go along great with the salad you made with different tomatoes. >> everybody sees a big, red, ripe tomato. that's a lovely tomato. but at the same time there's tomatoes such as these yellow or golden tomatoes. heirloom varieties that have all different flavors. and this is simple. this has so many different flavors. you just have to leave it alone and allow the tomatoes to kind of act on their own. and there's different flavors. and this is the real, rich, beefsteak tomato. >> it looks and probably tastes a little different. i love that you put them with onions and you're going to make some croutons. >> sure. with bleu cheese. >> that fantastic homemade croutons. thank you david for all those recipes. up next one more song from the rascal flatts. but first, this is "today" on
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fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today.
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[ speaking spanish ] >> thank you. >> it's a great time. >> and still to come, how to save hundreds on your groceries with hoda and kathie lee. especially if they're shopping. but first here's one more song from rascal flatts. ♪ ♪ i can hear the truck tires coming up the gravel road ♪ ♪ and it's kind of like nothing's on the radio ♪ ♪ two steps on the front porch i hear my doorbell ♪ ♪ she used to come right in now i can't tell ♪ ♪ here comes good-bye
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here the last time ♪ ♪ here comes the start of every sleepless night the first of every tear i'm zbona cry ♪ ♪ here comes the pain here comes me wishing things had never changed ♪ ♪ and she was right here in my arms tonight ♪ ♪ but here comes good-bye ♪ ♪ i can hear her say i love you like it was yesterday ♪ ♪ and i can see it written on her face that she had never felt this way ♪ ♪ one day i thought i'd see her with her daddy by her side ♪
9:52 am
♪ and violins would play here comes the bride ♪ ♪ but here comes good-bye here comes the last time ♪ ♪ here comes the start of every sleepless night ♪ ♪ the first of every tear i'm gonna cry ♪ ♪ here comes the pain here comes me wishing things had never changed ♪ ♪ and she was right here in my arms tonight ♪ ♪ but here comes good-bye ♪ ♪ why's it have to go from good to gone ♪ ♪ before the lights turn on yeah and you're left alone ♪ ♪ oh, but here comes good-bye ♪
9:53 am
♪ yeah ♪ ♪ but here comes good-bye here comes the last time ♪ ♪ here comes the start of every sleepless night ♪ ♪ the first of every tear i'm gonna cry ♪ ♪ here comes the pain here comes me wishing things had never changed ♪ ♪ and she was right here in my arms tonight ♪ ♪ but here comes
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good-bye ♪ ♪ ooh >> good morning, i'm jennifer franciotti. it is 9:54. here's a look at our top stories this month. a baltimore county soccer to to the soccer coach faces new charges of sexually soliciting a
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minor but charles freidel was arrested after a 14-year-old girl alleges that he said. record texture herself on. she was the sister of one of his players. families of steve mcnair will not dwell on -- they will focus on his positive influence on those he touched during his football career. a private funeral will be held in hattiesburg, mississippi.
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9:57 am
>> now for a look at the beautiful forecast coming here is meteorologist john cullen. >> we have had a string of nice days, -- john collins. >> we have had a string of nice days, one more. in parts of virginia, some sprinkles. not much of the big deal. stormy weather to the west, but that will catch up with us, but not during the day today. a big area of high pressure keep as high and dry. rain chances to the south, and rain associated with the front out to the west, but will not be coming in during the day to day. this will be tomorrow's weather. for today's forecast, a high in the low 80's. partly cloudy skies. on saturday, a little warmer, a bit more humid with a thunderstorm chance in the afternoon and evening. dry weather sunday. >> thank you for joining us. we will see you for 11 news at
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noon. noon. - subway. eat fresh! - eat fresh! when you wanna kick it up with zesty chipotle sauce. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub only subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered with zesty chipotle sauce... and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh! ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not!
9:59 am
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