tv Today NBC August 4, 2009 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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we're back with more of "today" on a tuesday morning. the 4th day of august, 2009. those folks right there are all waiting for the chance to become extras in the new "sex and the city" movie. they want to join carrie and charlotte andamantha and miranda in that new film which starts shooting very soon. >> i can see him. >> they're going to hang out
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with the stiletto sporting city slickers of the silver screen. say that five times fast. time to check in with amy robach how is down there to find out how things are going in just a moment. meanwhile out on the plaza on a beautiful day, i'm matt lauer, natalie morales and al roker. >> i'm guessing those guys are not there for the casting call. >> they're in the line. >> i think they're there to meet all those beautiful ladies. >> to pick up the other actors? >> it's not a bad place to go. >> a strategy. >> there's one guy who probably doesn't want to be there anymore. the case of this married guy in wisconsin who was targeted for revenge by some of the many women who was allegedly involved with at the same time. they were a little creative with some krazy glue, yikes. the mind boggles how did things get carried away? we're going to ask an expert. >> very delicate situation. plus you guys i don't think can relate to this. but for the ladies, when you go to the gynecologist it can be a very -- how do i get this tease
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coming up? >> well, if you've ever laid there wondering is this a normal procedure. >> we do that all the time. >> well, we're going to tell you when to talk to your doctor about whether or not the behavior crosses the line or not. and whether it's time to look for a new doctor, as well. >> all right. also if you were in the nesting mood, elizabeth mayhew is here and show you how to change the look of your home for as little as $5. sounds too good to be true. let's go inside, ann is standing by at the news desk. >> hi, guys. good morning once again, everybody. in the news, former president bill clinton is in north korea today hoping to win freedom for two american journalists. he arrived this morning in the capital and was warmly greeted with handshakes and flowers. he is negotiating the release for laura ling and euna lee who were sentenced to 12 years hard labor in june for entering the country illegally. dhahran confirmed that three americans detained last week were under arrest for illegal entry and are now being questioned.
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the two men and a woman were picked up by border guards after they reportedly crossed into iran from iraq while making. this morning, in thailand, a plane carrying 72 people skidded off the runway and crashed into a control tower while landing in bad weather on a resort island. the pilot of the bangkok airways flight was killed, more than 30 people were injured. health officials in china say at least three people have died from namenic plague, one of the world's deadliest infectious diseases. the deaths all took place in one northwestern farming town which has now been sealed off. taliban militants fired at least nine rockets in a neighborhood in kabul this morning. some landing near western embassies including the u.s. embassy. at least one person, a child, was wounded. the taliban is vowing to disrupt afghanistan's presidential election which is happening later this month. four men are facing terror charges today in australia, where authorities say they have foiled a plot to attack a military base with assault rifles. police say the suspects have ties to a somali group linked to
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al qaeda. today the senate considers whether to extend the popular cash for clunkers program. the frame which pays consumers to trade in old gas guzzlers for more fuel efficient cars ran out of money in its first week. the house has already approved money to keep the program going and earlier on this broadcast, republican senator lindsey graham predicted the senate will also approve the extra money. and today marks president obama's 48th birthday. white house spokesman robert gibbs says it is business as usual for the president, who is having lunch with senate democrats. gibbs also joked that the lunch is at the white house because chuck e. cheese was booked. happy birthday, mr. president. it is now four minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to natalie, matt and al. happy birthday. >> thank you very much. nothing but net. we love it here. you're from schwenkville.
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>> yes. >> are you the schwenks? what's your name? >> jason. >> he can't even remember which one is which. >> and marissa. >> and stacy >> all right. nice to see all you folks. i'll say hi to you, too. what's your name? >> morgan. >> let's check your weather, see what's going on. for today, we've got some strong storms working their way, severe weather possible from kansas city up to cincinnati, on into columbus, ohio. down to nashville. you see those storms are starting to fire up now. some pretty good ones now in central ohio, as well. s aalso in to northern missouri. rainfall amounts in some parts of central indiana on into >> > mercury will rise to a high of about 91 degrees today. a mix of sunshine and clouds. on the shores of ocean city, of late day sea breeze. a good beach d
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and that's your latest weather. ann? >> all right, al, thank you. this morning on "today's" woman, signs you may need to change your gynecologist. if you've ever felt your doctor has done something out of the ordinary during your exam, well you're not alone. the editors of cosmopolitan magazine invited its readers to share their personal experiences, and nicole is cosmo's executive editor and dr. hilda hutchinson is the clinical professor of on stek ricks and gynecology at columbia university. what gave you this idea that you wanted to poll your readers to find out what they had to say about their experiences. >> because we get letters all the time from young women, asking, is what my gyno did
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normal? you feel so vulnerable and exposed on that exam table it can be very hard to know, is that something they should have -- my doctor should have done? is it unusual? young women can feel very confused about it. so we get so many letters we decided to do a big article. >> normally a young woman, less experienced at some of these exams, but they're also maybe less likely, perhaps, to speak up. that's a possibility. >> absolutely. >> so there is a vulnerability there that we certainly need to recognize. >> there's a power dynamic. >> one of the letters you got my gynecologist gave me a rectal exam. i've never had one of those before. is that a normal situation, doctor? >> oh, it's absolutely essential part of the pelvic examination. and here's why. it may be the best way to detect a tumor on your ovary, because the ovary may fall back behind the uterus, and through the technical exam you can detect that, as well as anal cancer and colon cancer. >> so that is important. that's normal. >> it is important. but it's a normal part of the exam, just like the doctor said.
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but for a young woman who's never had this before, it can be very shocking. and the best gynecologists will tell you what they're about to do and why they're about to do it before they do it. >> you know, that's a very interesting point. because i think sometimes especially when doctors are running around, they may not take that time, and that in itself may be reason to change your gynecologist. i mean you want to be able to communicate if at all possible. for even things that are perfectly normal for them to do. another patient writes my m.d. was called out of the room briefly and when he came back he touched the doorknob with his gloved hand and didn't change it or wash it before touching me again. this might be a moment where you need to say something. >> we've got letters about that. letters about the doctor picking up their cell phone with their gloved hand. touching the knob of a cabinet. doctors are pretty notorious for not washing their hands. surveys show they wash their hands about half the time they should. >> doctor, you want to weigh in on this? >> i don't know about that. because we certainly teach doctors to wash their hands with
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each encounter. before and after -- >> but if they do this sort of thing? >> a patient has to feel that they can speak up. >> absolutely. >> and say, you know, let's take a break, doctor, i'd prefer that you change your gloves and wash your hands because we proceed. not in a confrontational, manner, though, but just, because sometimes the doctor's busy, as you said. but just to say, i would appreciate it if you would change your gloves. >> you shouldn't have to, with your doctor, and that if your doctor is not conscientious about hygiene you might consider changing. >> right. but you also -- okay so people listening can measure both those arguments. the next reader we're going to talk about says, right before my doctor was about to start my pelvic exam, she invited a bunch of medical residents to come in and observe. >> well, this is -- doctors do have an obligation to teach medical students and residents, but the first obligation is to the patient. >> so she should have asked for permission? >> absolutely should have for permission. >> and you can say no.
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>> and the patient can say no. >> so if that happens to you and you aren't given that opportunity, what would be the best advice you can give in terms of how you should respond. >> change your doctor. >> but you can also say at that moment -- >> please speak up. >> no, i don't want this to happen. >> absolutely. >> all of you can go out of the room now. >> and the main lesson here for women is that you must speak up. you cannot just lie there and let things happen to you. >> absolutely. >> if you feel anything happening that's making you uncomfortable, say something. >> here's something that might make everyone uncomfortable. in the middle of a routine pelvic exam, he whipped out his camera and said he had to take a picture of me below for my file. hmm. >> yeah, there's no -- >> is there anything legitimate? >> there are only circumstances of taking a picture, if a woman is having an abnormal pap smear and take a microscoop and look at the cervix. we might take a picture of something abnormal on the cervix. that's the only instance i can
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see taking a picture. >> and that instrument would be very different. >> it would be obvious. >> and not a personal camera they might have. there's really no interest -- >> no indication for taking the camera out and taking a picture. >> sounds kind of bizarre that that would happen. >> the next one is about being asked very intimate sex questions. now on this i would think that these are important. would you agree that this is important and you have to be honest? >> absolutely. the best doctors ask personal, intimate sex questions, because your sexual functioning is a fairly important part of your overall health. and the patient has the right to say, i prefer not to answer those questions if it makes her feel uncomfortable. >> right. and what the doctor should not do is to pass any sort of a judgment. >> absolutely. >> to give her personal opinion about the activity, or to talk about his or her own sexual activity. those are the things that -- >> bottom line, good message to young women, old women, women of
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all ages, take charge. >> absolutely. >> take charge. you're in charge. you hire the doctor. he or she works for you. advice. and coming up next, why four women sought revenge against one married man, and then later, high style at low cost. unusual uses for everyday items to create a new look for the home. ♪ (announcer) introducing new tums dual action. this tums goes to work in seconds and lasts for hours.
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all day or night. new tums dual action. bring it on. try the first great-tasting, zero-calorie... natural sweetener borne from the leaves of the stevia plant. truvía. honestly sweet. find it at your grocery store. how many washes did it take cheer brightclean to get this from dingy to bright? one might be surprised. twelve. no.
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uh, excuse me! four? one... would think it would take that many washes. ten? man & woman: okay, we got it this time. yes? it's six. seven. why? why is... one-derfully bright, hmm? oh, one... yes, yes! hundred. cheer brightclean. oh...rollerblading. you poor thing. skiing accident? um...mountain biking. mmm. snowboarding? hang gliding! respect. hard water stains, huh? (announcer) cleaning hard water stains with the wrong product can be painful. the leading all-purpose cleaner doesn't. for lime, calcium and rust, lime-a-way is a must. this summer, clean your grill with new easy-off barbeque grill cleaner. good. ( laughs ) ( gasps ) do you hear that sound? they're popping! - really?! listen. - ( laughs )
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ahhhhh... mmm. where'd the sound go? even when they've stopped popping, is it in your tummy? they haven't stopped working. now, every box of kellogg's® rice krispies® cereal... has antioxidants and nutrients... that help support your child's immune system. ( laughter continues ) well, now to the story about those four women in wisconsin who allegedly tied up a cheating husband before applying krazy glue to some of his sensitive body parts for revenge. the women which include his wife may be facing up to six years in prison. here to put some perspective is former host jeanine pirro and robi ludwig. we can kind of snicker a little bit. let me start with you jeanine,
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the cliff notes version of what really happened here. how these three women allegedly teamed up in this scheme. >> the one apparently called one of the girlfriends and said by the way, he's married, and there are several of you out there. one of the girlfriends lured him to a motel and said she's going to give him a message and a rubdown. but she ties him with sheets, blindfolds him with a pillowcase and then she text messages all the other women and they come in, and they threaten him, one of them punches him. he had bruises, and one of them superglued his penis, according to the complaint, to his right leg. >> a little bit hearkens back to the lorena bobbitt, this time krazy glue. >> that's right. they're charged with false imprisonment, sexual degradation as well as assault and they face up to six years in prison. what's interesting is that they took the gun, the cell phone -- i'm sorry, there's alleged use of a gun. they took his cell phone, his wallet and his car. there's no charges with that. they apparently threatened him with a gun and there are no charges for that. we'll see if that's coming down the road. >> sounds like they could be facing a lot stiffer charges.
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could be up to six years in prison. >> right. >> and i mean, how -- >> i don't want to laugh. but this guy was, you know, we were saying -- this guy was so bad that, instead of the women competing with each other, they kind of realized this guy is -- >> including the wife. >> including the wife. in fact, she was kind of the team leader. she said listen, i know this guy is a dog, he's doing this to all of us, let's get him back. and so he almost created a sorority of womanenhood where they all banded together. >> it's not technically a crime of passion. >> well, it is. >> that's where women kind of snap, though? >> i think it is. it's a crime of passion but it's with a group of women. >> but then there's plotting and planning involved. >> well because this man basically betrayed all of these women. he humiliated them. he made them feel powerless. so what they did was they needed to all band together in order to
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feel that justice could be served. this is what they needed to do in order to feel -- >> at the end of the day, in terms of justice being served, he clearly was a two-timer, fitch-timer here. but what charges could they have filed against him? practically none. >> that's the problem. when you feel the law can't help you out, and can't punish the person appropriately so. >> they want revenge. >> certain people say then i'm going to take matters into my own hands because it's only fair. >> yeah. >> and so these women were seeking fairness, and this is what they did. >> so the man here is the victim, though hard to feel like -- >> but he's also a victimizer. and he's a victimizer in such a cad-like way. >> the guy was a cheater. >> a con man. >> he wasn't taking money. but at the end of the day the criminal justice system will identify him as a victim. these women will be identified as criminals. and what we're seeing now in society is women committing more violent crimes than we've ever seen before. >> why is that? >> well, you know, because women are dangerous. they can be dangerous.
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>> but you know, we see it in teen gang violence with women assaulting other women and actually killing other women. and more people are going to prison and they're not being seen as maternal, soft mothers who don't deserve to go to jail. they're being seen as women, human beings, as capable of violence as men are. >> we're going to leave it there. jeanine pirro and robi lud wug. >> he messed with the wrong women. >> apparently too many of them. coming up next, have man olos will travel. garth, you're up. hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing? ( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son. dad, mom says the boys gotta go. personalize your card by uploading... your own photo at what's in your wallet?
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♪ or play in fountains of sugar on a hot summer day. water is the pure choice. so, embrace the pure life. nestlé pure life. all the delicious raisins. i like the crunchy flakes and the granola clusters. you know, that's why it says "crunch" on there. yeah, but raisins are before "crunch" on the box. even "bran" made it before "crunch." yeah, but look at how big the word "crunch" is. i mean it just dominates the box. i like the box because in the middle of the word... "kellogg's®" is "ello," like a british greeting. "ello govenor." three tasty ingredients, one great combination. ♪ raisin bran crunch®! ♪
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from kellogg! announcer: from nature comes green works. natural plant-based cleaners without harsh chemical fumes or residue. because green works products are made by clorox they clean with the power you expect. and they're made with natural ingredients. now try new green works natural laundry detergent. it leaves no harsh chemical residue and you can trust it to remove tough stains. green works, naturally. as much calcium and vitamin d as milk, and so creamy smooth and bold, they'll love getting calcium and vitamin d to help bones grow. ♪ bigger (look at me) ♪ ♪ better (see me go) ♪ ♪ stronger(let it show) ♪
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(announcer) new smoothies from sunny d! this is another. new total blueberry pomegranate cereal gives you 100% of the daily value of 12 essential vitamins and minerals. plus the bold new taste of blueberries and pomegranate with crispy whole grain flakes and crunchy oat clusters. total, a truly delicious way to get vitamins and minerals. how are you getting 100%? visit and get a free sample. carrie and the gang from "sex and the city" are hitting the streets for a sequel to the blockbuster movie. thousands of folks want to get in on the high fashion action. today national correspondent amy robach is at the open casting call here in manhattan. hey, amy. >> hi. i'm indeed, al. we've had a lot of fun. in fact, since we last saw you
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about an hour ago the crowd here has more than doubled. lots of people wanting to get in on the action. we have the professional actors in a line over there. and we have the nonprofessional actors that perhaps hopefully one day will be professional actors and actresses in this line right here, and so we started talking with everyone, and if you're willing to stand out here for hours and hours and hours for just a small chance at being a blur in the background, tell me why you decided to come out today? >> just for fun. to be part of the new york thing. i've only been in the city for about two weeks. >> you're from north carolina. >> yes. >> do you know what they're looking for today? >> i know that from the casting ad, socialites, club goers, soccer players, model types. >> what do you think your chances are? >> pretty good. because we're in the line. >> i want to bring you in, because you got here at midnight. you were the first person in line. >> mm-hmm. >> what were you thinking? you were the only person here in line. >> i thought there was going to be a lot of people. i thought it was going to be one
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of those things like, for "american idol" like that. the line would be ridiculous. but i came and there was like nobody here, and so i was just hanging out. >> maybe you'll get picked for extra effort and getting here early, remember i. we should mention al, it is not just women in this line. we have a couple of men. paul is here. paul, i'm curious. what kind of role do you think you could play in "sex and the city" 2? >> i'm in construction. maybe i could fix one of the girls' toilets or lights. >> mr. fix-it. al, what do you think about having paul come over to your apartment and fix something? >> are you watching a different show? what are you talking about? >> it's a woman's apartment, amy. thank you so much. >> still to come -- >> yes. >> all right. we've got some sweets after your local news. no surprises.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. gov martin o'malley is scheduled to announce plans for two transportation projects today agreed to will announce the plans for the metro purple line in bethesda this morning, and then it david collins will join him for the train ride back to baltimore, where he will announce the red line routes. we will have continuing coverage of the announcement tonight at 5:00 and 6:00. the baltimore county council will vote on a bill that, if passed, will allow speed cameras to be installed near a dozen schools. they say that they are a cause division way to crack down on speeders, but opponents call the cameras invasive and question whether they are a safety measure or a revenue generator. if approved, the cameras could be seen as soon as october.
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>> we will see a sizzling high of 91 degrees at the airport. partly cloudy skies. when you combine it with the humidity, people feel much higher than. we are getting more of a suddenly flow, or teach at humidity today. this will be dipping through late tomorrow afternoon. it will bring a chance of scattered showers and storms late in the afternoon, early evening. highs in the upper eighties to low 90s. >> we will have another update at 9:55.
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glossy spread in harper's bazaar. we're going to have a first look at the glamour shots of ms. boyle like you've never seen her before tomorrow on "today." the glam makeover. good for her. she deserves it. >> absolutely. >> and coming up here on "today," we're going to be talking about decorating on a budget. >> that's right. everyone today is looking for a few ways to save some bucks. doesn't mean that you have to give up giving up on your home and giving it a new look. elizabeth mayhew is here with a few great ideas for common objects or uncommon decorative flourishes. like traffic cones. >> meantime, you know, when you hang out with a good-looking person sometimes you can get into a pickle. now we've got both of them because we've got tyler florence and a lesson in pickling. weiss going to tell us how we can savor our summer flavors all year long. >> i've always wanted to try to do that. not pickling, but even just like canning. >> oh, i recommend it. it's actually an all-day activity, canning. and you know, you know, i did
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it, like, i'm not sure if i did it well because i tried to eat everything right away. >> nobody died. >> well, things like botulism you've got to worry about. but anyway, let's tell us whether we have to worry about the weather. >> thank you very much. we're here until thursday. don't try the veal. >> or the canned broccoli. >> we'll show you for today -- >> plums turn out very well. >> air quality alerts here in the northeast. record highs in the southwest. temperatures finally starting to cool down a bit in the pacific northwest. tomorrow, we've got a risk of strong storms stretching from the mid-mississippi river valley back into the central plains. sunny and hot out west. mild in the northeast. lookok >> hi between 87 and 91 degrees. partly cloudy and more humid today. 50% chance of late day showers and
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and that's your latest weather. >> thanks a lot, al. before we get pickled we'll find out the low-cost second rating tricks. welcome to chili's. start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. for a second course, choose two entrees from over 15 chili's favorites, like our big mouth bites -- the mini burgers with giant layers of flavor. or a half-rack of our triple-basted baby back ribs. then save some room to share a decadent dessert. a lot of bold flavors, for a limited time only. chili's -- go-gurt is specially made to freeze and thaw by lunch time? so kids can have their favorite yogurt in their lunch box go-gurt. freeze it.
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thaw it. eat it up. if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. ♪ [ female announcer ] arthritis targets your body where it's weak. where it's vulnerable. ♪
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tylenol arthritis works with your body to block the pain, without interfering with certain high blood pressure medicines like aleve sometimes can. ♪ so you don't just feel better, you feel better knowing doctors recommend tylenol more than any other brand of pain reliever. ♪ new pencils, new books... new backpack... looks good. just trying to look our best. eh, gonna take more than looks. from what i hear, ms. haskins is a toughy. oh, we had a good breakfast so we're ready. gonna be another great year, huh guys?! you bet your 8 layers! yeah! long-distance high 5! oh, careful! hey, watch it. start the school year with an excellent source of fiber. a clinical study showed kids who had a filling breakfast... of kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal... had 11% better attentiveness... compared to kids who missed out on breakfast. ( shouts ) keeps 'em full. keeps 'em focused.
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this morning on "today's home," high style, low cost. do you wish you could maybe get your house to look like those in the magazines? elizabeth mayhew is contributing editor at "southern living" magazine and she is here to show us how to do it. >> hello, al. >> we're going to save some cash here. you say once of the easiest ways to change your home is to save fabric. and you say to buy it by the bolt. >> buy the by the bolt, particularly there places that have discontinued fabrics, there's a great website called you can get bolts and bolts of fabric. >> how much yardage is in a bolt? >> it totally depends. so when you place the order make sure you find out how much is left on that bolt. we ordered about nine yards from this website. and with that, there's so many things you can do. think about it.
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fabric is the number one way to transform a house, whether it be pillows, placemats, your shades. >> always go to the pillows. >> you throw them and it totally transforms. really you can save money that way. >> and you can pile them on the bed. and take a half hour to get them off the bed. >> we've got a history there. >> you say typical household items you can use to transform. >> these are in a building supply store. they are terra-cotta drain pipes. be careful, because they tacked it down there. all we did was whitewash them. and when you stack them, you can either glue them together for a free-standing wine rack or just stack them in a cubby above your refrigerator. this is a book shelf from pottery barn. you just stack them and it gives this great-looking geometric wine storage. they're great for wine storage because they stay cool. and whitewashing you just take a little bit of water and add it to white paint. you can see some of the terra-cotta here. this is a stylish thing to do. >> one of the easiest ways to dress up a piece of furniture is with thumb tacks.
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>> these are not thumb tacks, they're upholstery tacks. this is from an editor at "southern living." we shipped this here from alabama right from her house. all she did was painted an old dresser. >> you took the stuff out. >> painted and old dresser and then with a pencil she just made a free form squiggly design and then with a drill just predrilled some holes and you take these upholstery tacks. they are hundreds for $5 and you can use them to really adorn and embellish everything. i think it gets a great, geometric, interesting look. go to the glue gun. when in doubt go to the glue gun. this is a lamp shade. for a kid's room, take all the buttons that you have left over. >> a button jar. >> and just do something fun. again, just trim the edges of it. doesn't take very long to do. >> now you say one of the great things you can do is a wall-to-wall calendar. >> well, you know what? everybody has a big wall usually in their kitchen and you want to create a hub of information. >> right. >> so that your kids see it, so that you see it. one of the things we did is we took cork and you can buy this
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for a dollar something a yard. you just glue it to your wall the way you would a wallpaper and then we took, this is a graph cloth, and you just apply that over the top. now one of the reasons, you don't have to do this, but it's nice because you never see the holes once you're going to put tacks in it. and let me just show you what we did. this is some of the paraphernalia. you can see on this screen that we just took -- we made eight strips using grokgrain ribbon and you just line them up. different walls you're going to have different measurements. and here using an 8 1/2x11 piece of paper as our guide we just spaced them so that they were even. and you use those same upholstery tacks that i showed you to, you know, to tack them in in the most important places. and then what you're going to do is you're going to do a horizontal grid, so again using that same piece of paper as your guide. and every little intersection you're just going to put one of those upholstery tacks going
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across. you're going to do six rows down and obviously you might want a friend to help you do this. and then for the next, what we did is we took yad highsive -- or this is velcro and just attach it to labels and numbers so it makes it easy to take them off every month so you can redo your calendar. and get your kids involved in this. it's like a fun project for everybody. all we did for the labels for the, like these are labels that have the numbers on them. all we did was we did those on the come suitor, play with different fonts, played with different sizes. and then -- oh, you like doing that? >> yeah. >> and here you can see the upholstery attached. and you're just going to, when the whole calendar is done you're going to have the wall calendar and you can put all your invitations, and your dates. >> so almost nothing? >> for almost nothing. just a little time. it's a little time. >> and a little elbow grease. elizabeth mayhew, thank you very much. coming up next, you might want to make some time on that calendar to read a new murder mystery set in florida. calendar to read a new murder mystery set in florida. we'll have the details.
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flushable moist wipes... check your own sensitivity profile at two thirds of women have sensitive skin - maybe you're one of them? you know they don't call this a lab for nothing. the sparkly flakes. the honey-baked bunches! the magic's in the mix. my favorite part? eating it. honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful. honey bunches of oats. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize. pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. new honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches. beautiful.
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♪ i'll never forget the day i read a book ♪ >> this morning on today's hot summer reads. the latest from author dash ra sharp, called mama rides shotgun and it's getting terrific reviews. deborah comes from a very talented family. she is the wife of nbc's very own kerry sanders. >> good morning. >> the better half. >> exactly. >> fun to get to meet you. what i love about the novel is it's set on horseback. something you're very familiar with. but this is through florida, this part of florida that a lot of us don't know very well, the cattle country. and it's set on this six-day mission or the women setting out on an adventure on a six-day camping trip? >> quite an adventure. i actually did the six days myself, so i can speak to pretty painful experience. >> not the horseback riding so much but more so the camping, right? >> the carving was incredible. i thought everybody was going to be roughing it so i brought my
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little pup tent, sleeping back, and some of those cow pokes have rvs and satellite tv. >> but you did your research. you got on that horse and you traveled the cattle country, and the 110 mile ride. now this is what mama and her sisters are doing. tell me what happens during the adventure? >> mama is actually getting married. she's trying matrimony for the fifth time. she decided they need some country gal bonding time. of course the trail turns to murder and things go horribly wrong. >> like an agatha christie novel. >> exactly. >> there's murder, romance, lots of danger for them, right? >> mm-hmm. >> there's the full gamut of mystery. i know you're a former "usa today" reporter. so, as we said, you did your research for this, and this is really sort of that romantic setting, but a lot of what you're trying to bring back is a focus on the parts of florida that tourists don't often get to
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see. >> yeah. >> and you even say that, you know, that the cattle country is being overtaken by developments called the eagle trades where there are no traces of eagles just about. is it really important for you to preserve this side of florida that is now getting lost? >> right. i do think it's important. it's not just the tourists that don't know about this part of florida. actually some natives don't know that we are a very important cattle producing state. we've had this tradition forever. the cowboys still work the cattle like they used to, from horseback. and it's an incredible way of life. but it's threatened. >> yeah, it is threatened. so much overdevelopment there. i know you have two sisters. kind of like me. and your mom is 94 years old, is that right? >> yeah, mama is 94. >> did you draw from your own life to make these characters come to life? >> well, i always tell everybody in my family that only the character's very best qualities show up in the book. and those are the qualities that i draw from them. bad stuff doesn't show up in the book. but my mama is funny.
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she doesn't complain at all, but the mama in the book likes to drink a little wine, she likes to gamble a bit, she's been married multiple times. she said i don't like the 250i9le of that first book. mama does time? people are going to think i'm in prison. >> i think i like your mama. and the mama in the book, too. >> there you go. >> so is mama the real character in the book? or is maize the one who is the star? >> mama thinks she's the main character. but maize is the main character. i had to do that because she's the center. the stable center that all this craziness resolves around. a little bit of mama goes a long way. so a little bit of mama goes a long way. >> there's a lot of humor in the book. a lot of great adventures. so good times all around. a great read. >> thank you so much. >> deborah, great to finally meet you. our best to kerry, too. the book is equalled "mama rides shotgun." up next, tyler florence's plan for keeping summer flavovo
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>>this morning in "today's kitchen," how to pice summer vegetables with hot chef tyler florence, the host of food netwk's "tyler's ultimate". you say, tyler, we can can. >> yes, we can ca i love at. it's summertime, it's all about ally capring the flavors of the farmer's market. if you go to the farmer's market this weekend, check out the copious amounts of fresh fruits and vegables comingrom the farms and make the mos of that. do something that i call old american-style cookery which is can being and preserving. this is what america useto do before we had refrigeration. >> this is a very smart thing in this economy. you can save a lot of money b canning. let's remember, then, beuse our grdmothers did this. i would think probabl most people in our generation never diit. >> so what we're going to do is make a brian. en you pickle,ou have a ckle a any vinegar brian. 50/50 wer and apple cider vinegar. this is my favorite recipe.
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50/50 water a vinegar. then fresh cumin. >> the whole thing? >> we' going to make a big tch. >>ustard seed >> coriander. >> and then some clove. >>clove. >> niclittle spices. >>nd some peppcorns. >> and sugar if you wan to balance out. >> sugar. >> and bay leafs. >> all of tse b leafs? >> all right. so this is going to go in. simmer ts for probably 15 or 20 minutes just to ince the avor and then cool it bk down again. so ck it and cool it. this is wt it looks like after 10 or 15inutes after it completely cools. >> no salt? >> you know, i'm glad you brought at up, that's the whole point. so sal very, very iortant. so wha we have here, we have pickling salt. ich is actual similar to kosh salt but finely ground. and wh w have here is two cups o pickling salt. >> a lotf salt. the thing about it is we can use any kind of salt. >> you can use kosr salt.
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>> but the picklin st is better. >> this is gng toook and cool. taste the bria ihink it's really tasty. >> it i very spicy. vinegary,t's fresh, right? >> yes. >> let'sut this in the flav, okay. now e next thing y want to think about when you're pickl g pickling, and canning, is to actually take care of sanitizing your rs. >>ight. >> so i've got a nice big jar, ce big pot of water. take t jars, p them in the ter. mmer for half an hour. take the out a let them cool on a drying rack so they're nice and sanitized. >> you need a deep pot. and also these ball jars are still available? >> hardware stores. u can also pk them up at my website. a lot o real stuff there. take aook at this. this is an old fashioned technique. you've got the rg here and the gasket seal which i going to go on top. you can kind of fill it up with everything. we've got carrots, cauliflower and al se radishes.
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and what you want to do is really kind of decore this stuff, too. isn't this beautiful? >> that is lovely. >> this is wild fennel pollen from marin county, califnia. okay. >> you can use this. you can u flowering dill. >> okay.ut raw cook them? >>hat's the great thing about ckling i actually preserving them so wt we're going to dos we're going to actually keep them nice and crisp with the vinegar and the brian. so we've got some fennel, all right 've got some -- >> come onin. >> natalie, how are you? great. >> so we've got cucumbers, fresh fennel, cli flakes and put the brian right on top. and then we're going to put the gasket and the seal right on top andut these into the water, the same pot we sanitized the jars withnd simmer them about tenminutes. we're not cooking them as much as creating a littleit of heat inside the jar because you want at to cool back down again, so that's going to create the sale.
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you pull this on loosely, pop it into the water, let this simmer for about ten minutes. >> and you're saying that could last a year? it couldast a year. >> yes. >> if you grow tngs in your garden, gr all this stuff. >> and soany peoe a doing this now. >> so many people are doing it this year. when money is tight, youreate really wonderful crafts, you can give your family, your friends. >> really good. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in
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baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here's a look of some of our top stories. anne arundel county police are investigating a car crash that killed a brother and sister just before 6:00 last night, where police were called to the scene near bristol. authorities said that the sister, in her 50s, was driving a car that lost control, had a sign, flips, and careened into nearby woods. the 57-year-old brother was a passenger, and both died at the scene. the sun was flown to hospital with life-threatening injuries. a baby boy was killed, and her mother was pushing the stroller when they were hit by a car could the child was pronounced dead. the woman was rushed to shock trauma in serious but stable condition. the 18-year-old driver was not
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>> let's take a look at the forecast with sandra shaw. >> we will heat up pretty quickly. 87 to 91 but later on this afternoon. partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies. these market conditions will hang around tonight as well. mostly cloudy after midnight. this age of a front that will get through tomorrow afternoon. tomorrow afternoon, a 50% chance
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of scattered showers and storms. some could be strong. calming down on thursday. saturday and sunday, a comeback, with august temperatures. 93 on sunday. >> we will see you back here for 11 news at noon. there's the other stuff. ♪ and then there's kraft macaroni & cheese. ♪ kraft has more cheese than those other guys. no wonder they call it the cheesiest!
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