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tv   11 News at 5  NBC  August 12, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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can. start where you are right now. bye, everybody. thanks for watching. [applause] [captioning made possible by king world] [captioned by the national captioning institute] >> this is wbal at 5:00. >> the big story tonight at 5:00, maryland state police have arrested a man who they say plan to have sex with an underage girl. >> christopher fowble arrested this morning. we are live a druid hill park with war. >> he set up a meeting here, but he left in handcuffs.
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it was on line in a maryland to chat room that state police came across a 30-year-old christopher fowble. he is now charged with soliciting sex from a minor. >> part of the task force mission is to investigate cases on line that may deal with sexual solicitation of miners. in this particular case, there's an under trevor -- undercover trooper posing as a 13-year-old girl. it was solicited by a 30-year- old man who was looking for sex. >> investigation started in june. the investigator began chatting on line with fowble. most of the conversations were sexual in nature. >> their graphic undertones to the conversation that ensued online, at one point, the 30- year-old even said he would offer money for services. >> he is accused of making
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arrangements to meet the person he thought was a 13-year-old girl at druid hill park with the intention of having sex with her. he was arrested at the park tuesday. the documents graphically describes statements he made during the chat sessions. after his arrest, he willingly told investigators he did chat with a 13-year-old female from columbia, maryland, and arranged to meet her for sexual encounter. no one answered at his home in northwest baltimore, but one neighbor says he has known fowble for many years and finds all this hard to believe. >> he has always been a quiet guy. he would mind his business. he never bothered anybody at all. it is actually amazing to even hear that. >> he was taken to central booking here in baltimore. he is charged with solicitation of a minor, and if convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.
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reporting live, barry simms. >> tonight all charges have been dropped against a man of dark -- charged of rape. in may 2008 he was arrested and charged with raping a woman in charles village. charging documents state he was identified from a photo lineup by the victim. today, all 11 counts against said marlow humber were dropped. >> a shooting, a stray bullet, and a woman watching tv in her living room hit in the shoulder. it happened last night in cherry hill. john sherman joins us live from city police headquarters with more on the story. >> police insist this was a random, accidental shooting. the police commissioner has known the victim for years. >> it is absolutely ridiculous that people are still suffering this way. >> this is cherry hill community
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leader shirley folks'home, and this is the bullet hole. last night, a random shot passed through here and into her shoulder. >> incredibly unfortunate and horrible that miss shirley is sitting in her house and she gets hit by stray bullet. >> he came to know mrs. shirley during his time leading the southern district. >> here is a lady who has dedicated a big chunk of her adult life to making the neighborhood say for -- safer. we are going to get on top of this and hold those responsible and accountable. >> as to speculation she may have been targeted for past support of the police, the commissioner says there is simply no evidence. >> she is a great partner to of us. people need to be clear. this is not a case where she got hit because she had a good relationship with anyone. she got hit because some knucklehead inspiring
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indiscriminate shots over something stupid, and she gets hurt. >> as soon as she is up to it, he expects a call. >> that is what miss shirley is going to direct us to do. she will be bugging us as soon she gets back on her feet. she is concerned about the health of the whole community. >> the wound was not life- threatening, and shirley was released today. police have not released any information about the suspect in the case. >> on doppler this afternoon, we have seen some heavy showers pop up in the region, some producing heavy downpours. particularly on the eastern shore and parts of queen anne's in caroline county getting hit hard now in the northern part of the county. that moves over into central delaware.
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very heavy rain there, the possibility of several inches bonding and flooding in low- lying areas on the maryland- delaware border. flood warnings up for parts of queen anne's, caroline, and kent county in delaware for the next hour. there are thunderstorms and amounts to our west, approaching as the evening wears on. unsettled weather continues for the next couple of days, with storms and the forecast. we will see how it plays out in just a couple of minutes. >> democratic senator ben carter held his first -- his third town hall meeting this afternoon. college officials and the washington county sheriff's office increased security. it was hoped anger over the issues had settled down to a more civilized discourse. we are live in hagerstown to see what happened tonight. >> what we witnessed was that the anger, the confrontations continued here in hagerstown
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today. afterwards, organizers and law- enforcement officials told us the event was, than they had expected. >> it was the tale of two crowd, the line outside to gideon -- the line to get in, but no shouting. >> this country is by the people and for the people, not from congress and the president. >> wouldn't you say the people have been sitting on their butts for quite a few years? >> a few minutes before, senator ben cardin told supporters he hoped the capacity crowd would honor the spirit of the town hall meeting. >> i am looking forward to an opportunity to answer concerns and give information about what is happening in health care reform. >> inside the hagerstown committee college auditorium, the tide turned. it started with a mad dash to the microphone, and then tempers flared as the question and answer with cardin began.
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>> i am not going to vote for any bill that adds to the national debt. >> almost in the crowd of 40040 stayed seated and respectful throughout the event, there were some who clearly came here intent on disruption. afterwards, we ask them why. >> there was a bunch of us. we tried to be civil at the start of this, and then they blow smoke up your rear end, and you get aggravated. you cannot take the lives. >> senator card and's hard sell on healthcare reform continued in this area. immediately after the meeting, he went to hannover for an event at the tri-state community health center there.
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>> the federal reserve says the economy is slowly getting stronger and decided to leave key interest rates untouched. analysts say any recovery is vulnerable to relapse if the crisis in consumer confidence is not cured. >> the federal reserve left interest rates unchanged wednesday, a sign the central bank believes the u.s. economic activity is leveling out. key factors, the recession may have hit bottom, include medium home prices up one -- of last quarter, and growing stability in the financial sector. the committee says it expects inflation will remain subdued, but the optimism is guarded. the fed will keep a close watch on other indicators, driving prices for commodities that are tied to the global economy. for the fed to avoid a double- dip recession, timing will be
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everything. >> they have to pull back quickly and be fleet of foot, in terms of not moving the economy the other way, getting an overstimulated, which would cause hyperinflation, which would be ruinous in a separate way. >> a numbers game on the surface, but for millions of out of four americans and businesses teetering on bankruptcy, it is a game of survival. in july, jobless numbers showed some improvement, but businesses are still cutting costs. economists are concerned how long it could take for the unemployed to find jobs. >> consumers are still struggling with sluggish income growth, higher unemployment, higher taxes, and a lot of concerns about the loss of wealth in the stock market and the drop of their home values. >> the real recovery will not be felt until the crisis in confidence list and consumer spending shifts into gear.
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>> analysts say as countries like china, of their own economic downturn, consumers in the u.s. can expect energy prices like gasoline to go up. >> a special reception at the white house today honored the newly appointed justice of the supreme court, sonia sotomayor. president barack obama introduce stir in the east room. she was sworn in saturday as the first hispanic and third woman in the history of the u.s. supreme court. she expressed her gratitude for his nomination and for the opportunities the country has given her. >> it is this nation's fate in a more perfect union that allows a reporter rican girl from the bronx to stand here now. [applause] her family and other justices also attended the ceremony. >> still ahead, canada is getting ready for the upcoming winter olympics. why that country will especially want to go for the goal.
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>> they say a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, and less use while the spoon. see what happens when you use utensils to clear food from the back of your throat. >> what this community mean? it means a lot to me. >> after 130 years, an eastern shore tradition comes to an end. >> if you are homeless and baltimore county, this is where you come for health care. coming up, why some feel making a homeless healthy is good for the overall economy, and all healthcare reform talk is so important. >> coming up, helped by agra got a howard county men in trouble a howard county men in trouble for it illegal dumping. geico's been saving people money on car insurance for over 70 years. and who doesn't want value for their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it?
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umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. this bar is an excellent source of fiber. there's no fiber in this. tastes too good. there is fiber. [ chuckle ] no. i can't taste the fiber in this chocolate. they have 35% of your daily value. hmm. oh, samples. hmm. autobahn. wackenschdol. fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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>> believe or not, the 21st winter olympic games are just six months away now. the city of vancouver is in the final stages of preparation. the news are all finished, including the crown jewel, the richmond oval, also completed on time. a new airport and the city subway system will be done to help transport 100,000 passengers a day. financing the games has certainly been a challenge with the change in the economy. >> at this time would be talking
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about budgets and finances and making it work, but that is the reality. we are getting it done. >> canada has never won gold while hosting the olympic games is to previous times. wbal-tv 11 news is your official olympics station. we will broadcast the games in their entirety. >> in tonight's ago medical alert," when of the largest groups of americans diagnosed with the swine flu is not living here in the united states. the largest number show 67 american troops have been diagnosed with swine flu while serving in iraq. the u.s. military is providing weekly updates to the iraqi health officials. there have been outbreaks on military bases here in the u.s.. recently, 100 cadets were diagnosed at the u.s. air force academy and kuralt -- in colorado. a new heart pump is in limited use right now. it is offering new hope for one
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man who suffers from congestive heart disease or over 10 years. but not many patients are excited about getting an implantable defibrillator and pacemaker, but charles is. a couple of weeks ago, he came to baptist medical center essentially at death's door. a defibrillator was not the priority option. >> he said he went back in, i would have died immediately. >> he is referring to comments by his doctor. >> this is three bypass grafts, each one may be 90% of colluded. his heart function is only working and 20%. we really needed all the support we had. >> as he clung to life, the doctor found the heart pump, and within eight days, the newly fda-approved device arrived.
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it is about the size of a pencil eraser. >> the pump itself is this little piece within the grey colored area of the catheter. the next two renditions will be a pediatric version for our pediatric patient population, and then another device for the right side of the heart. this really is just the beginning. with this device, we have expanded the borders of what we can do. >> clearing his of blocked arteries, so that he can receive an implantable defibrillator and pacemaker. >> he did not have to go out of his way to do what he did. i am thankful for a doctor who cared enough to research it, or i would not be here. >> that is pretty incredible. the doctor says the heart pump is preferred in some cases because it is less invasive and safer than an external heart pumps. in his patient's case, it was his best option for survival.
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we have probably all heard the phrase, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. the images you are going to see take that to a new level. x-rays show what can happen when you try to use utensils to clear food from the back of your throat. a 50-year-old egyptian man was trying to remove a wishbone that was stuck in his throat when he accidentally swallowed his spoon. doctors were able to certainly remove it without any complications. they never did get the fish bone. >> now, your forecast with chief meteorologist tom tasselmyer. torrential amounts of grain being indicated by age the doppler on the border of maryland and delaware, moving into kent county. that is where the heaviest rain is, moving to greensboro and up into the western sections of delaware. there are heavy showers in parts of southern cecil county.
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it is a rough afternoon for some spots on the shore, with heavy storms extending itself into dorchester county. some flooding in low-lying areas over that way on the eastern shore, with visibility extremely reduced. showers popping up between baltimore and washington. that will slow down the commute along i-95 in some spots, and storms coming in from the mounds out of hagerstown. the potential is there forced heavy showers and storms through the afternoon and into the evening hours. it has cooled off a little bit. we started this week with readings getting close to 100, but a little cooler today. mid 80's in some spots, but temperatures have dropped into the 70's in cambridge in salisbury. once again, the setting sun will not enter the thunderstorm threat. there'll be some isolated
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showers around the region through kennecott and even through the early morning tomorrow. we are stuck in a pattern that will take a few more days to break. 72 for the overnight low tonight. this front just got south of us and is beginning to stall. a little weather disturbance in the upper atmosphere that is keeping this from active. we will have to wait for it to washout, which will take a couple more days before the high pressure gets in there to clear things out. tomorrow afternoon, another round of scattered thunderstorms. friday there are very few thunderstorms indicated at 2:00 in the afternoon. friday may feature a little more son and better weather to be outdoors, but we will not be able to completely eliminate the threat of a storm friday or saturday. it will be slightly drier and the thunderstorm chances will come down for the end of the week. northeast wind, look for highs
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below normal tomorrow at a chance for afternoon showers or thunderstorms. average waves around 1 foot or less, and they water temperatures in the low 80's. the next half-hour, we will give you an update on whether it will become a tropical storm or not. around the bay, low 80 with 8 thunderstorm and the same at ocean city. temperatures cooler than normal, right around 82. serve temperature is around 76. dick surface temperature. -- surface temperature is around 76. the same scenario holding into monday, tuesday, and even wednesday of next week. >> a recall for a video game recharge stations. problem that could lead to a fire. >> from rescue to recovery to rescue. hundreds of people feared dead
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after a typhoon are found alive. >> the trash police are cracking down on illegal dumping. that story coming up. >> carroll county has the pressburg -- a prescription for overcrowded schools. at 6:00, how manchester has responded. explain.
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oh yea, well for 6 months, customers get all three: fios tv, internet and phone for just $79.99 a month. oh, all right, see... you're just moving your fingers, aren't you? i gotta cut my nails. (announcer) now get three amazing fios services for the price of two. tv, internet, and phone for only... for the first 6 months. it all adds up to one incredible deal from fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home, for razor sharp tv, america's top rated internet-- now even faster, and crystal clear phone service. all for just... for 6 months. it's like getting 3 services for the price of 2. that's a $180 savings over six months for the best in home entertainment. don't miss this unbeatable value 3 great services, for the price of 2.
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call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v this if fios. this is big. >> as part of that city's
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cleaner, greener, baltimore, they are cracking down on public dumping. >> this is a multi agency effort involving the department of housing, the health department, and dpw. >> take a look over here. this is a nasty mess, and we have seen scenes like this all of this city. the city is just saying no to illegal dumping like this. >> here is they will call delivery and a delivery number. >> code invest west -- code enforcement officer dick's through trash, takes pictures, antiques through trash. >> late at night, they all come late at night like 3:00 in the morning dumping trash. >> they will be more likely to talk to you about people who are dumping and who is selling drugs
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on the corner. >> edward says he sees the illegal dumping here just about every day. >> it is on the back of his truck, and he will go on his motor and stop real fast, and it just flies off, and did they take off. >> it is a special unit cracking down on illegal dumping. it has answered 200 complaint calls. illegal dumpers face jail time and or $10,000 fines. >> we have issued 250 citations in relation to the dumping or other crimes we have come across in relation to that. currently we have six individuals charged for illegal dumping throughout the city. >> to of those charged brought their trash from out of town. one from barbara county. another man from howard county was caught because of some very personal information don't along with his trash. >> we were tracing through his
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prescriptions for viagra and an anti-depressant to get sick you hire someone to call for you, they must be licensed. if you are an unlicensed hauler and you are they are caught dumping your degree illegally, you could be fined $250. to report illegal dumping in the city, you are asked to call 311. >> still ahead, passengers stranded on a plane with no food, no water, and no restroom facilities. who is asking, no airline some tough questions after passengers were kept on a plane over night. >> war trauma over myspace. -- more of the drama over myspace. >> is a tradition unbroken for more than a century, until now. more than a century, until now. dealer: during the autobahn for all event, you can get great deals. it's perfect. i just want to make sure it's the right decision.
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>> for many jewish families, the late days of summer can lead to thoughts of the coming jewish new year. things will be different in one town this year, a tradition dating back more than 100 years is coming to an end. >> it is only a building, and a small one at that. >> i will be celebrating the holidays in a crowd of people. >> in this place, memories do not die, even after people do. >> that is your brother. >> this was my family. this was our bench. my dad sat where i am sitting.
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>> it is a feeling that starts every year in late summer, ritual in tradition, community, and comfort. >> you get that feeling, the jewish holidays will be here soon. cracks in kokomo city today, the signs of change lurk behind too many cities, and the size of what was, fades more each day. >> if you look around, you can see what it once was. >> howard is not just one of the last members of of the conversation the accommodation of israel. he is a sociology professor. >> this is a busy place. it was the center of business. >> one of those places was and is mark's family department store in the middle of market street. >> that is the grand opening from 1933 when my grandfather opened the store. i am third generation in the business.
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>> the highway comes then, and people just move away. there is nothing going on here. >> it was wal-mart's arrival that made this family store focus only on bridal. long before mark was born, it was these railroad tracks that brought such vibrant life here, the trains and the big steamships making it the bustling center of eastern for commerce and culture. >> they used to say you could not walk the streets on saturday night with all the people. >> in that crowd of people, the few isolated jews scattered across the eastern shore came together, a tradition unbroken for 130 years, until now. >> community means a lot to people, and it means a lot to me. >> now we discover the railroad tracks. the train comes once a day, if that. yet even in a town where things have been slowing down for decades, tradition can be a hard thing to stop altogether, but
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here, that is exactly what mark is doing. it has been on his mind since he took of the synagogue more than a decade ago. >> 13 years ago when we were discussing it, we were thinking, one of these days we would not be able to keep it going. >> the idea of having a community is good for people. something that is bigger than yourself and that you identify with. >> this year, they will have to find new communities to celebrate the new year with. there will be no sharing of news of the year gone by with friends. >> people don't care. >> you remember the good times. life goes on, and things change. >> mart is literally the last
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jewish man in town, but he does not fault the younger generation for leaving. he says sometimes think that happen are not good or bad, they are just things, and that is ok. it has to be, because time will not allow any other way. >> here is a look at some of our other top stories at this hour. baltimore city police are investigating the shooting of a neighborhood activist. police say she was sitting inside her home and hit by stray bullet last night. it happened just after 9:00 on carver street. john sherman will have more on why police commissioner is taking it so personally. our crews were called back to the scene of a fire in queens down after it restart. the three alarm blaze yesterday afternoon destroyed the home. the family was not home at the time, but the two dogs were
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there, and they are now being treated for injuries. the fire caused an estimated $1 million in damage. no word tonight on what caused it. >> today is national health care for the homeless day. one maryland clinic is finding health care a big factor in moving people off the street and into homes and jobs. jennifer has details. >> bottle bozeman is getting his first checkup after having hernia surgery -- donald bozeman. he says for him, it has made all the difference. >> it is health care that i have been meeting for the last few years. rex the clinic is located inside the eastern family resource center. the only homeless clinic in the county opened 1.5 years ago, providing acute care, urgent, and chronic care and everyday health services for the homeless. >> we are seeing a lot of patients who were homeless as a
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result of the housing industry, people who had drugs and construction and home improvement and the moving industry. -- who had jobs in construction and home improvement. >> is estimated there are 8000 homeless people. this clinic treats about 750, almost 20% of which are children. it ran it -- it runs on a federal grant and donations. when health care reform is in the spotlight, she believes universal health care is good for everyone. >> our experience in this clinic is that addressing their healthcare needs would make a very big difference in their lives. it would help them get house and get gainful employment. >> for dan, getting his health care needs addressed is making a big difference in getting back on his feet. life without insurance has been frustrating. >> is very frustrating, when you are used to it for 35 years and all of a sudden you lost it, it
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is frustrating. >> still come at 5:00, everyday airline passengers and forget their possessions. how to make sure if you get them back. >> at 6:00, new information in the case of the shooting of a 5- year-old girl. does he get the suspect an alibi, or only add more questions about the gps system supposed to track him? x and update on that deadly typhoon in taiwan. hundre
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>> 700 people or missing following a typing in taiwan have been found and rescued. the typhoon hit the island over the weekend. the typhoon unleased the heaviest flooding the country has seen in half a century. it hampered helicopter rescues, and hunt for many more appeared very beneath the rubble. 66 people have been confirmed dead. no one knows how many are still missing. >> school districts across the country are struggling to balance student privacy with
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social networking. a 16-year-old and burleson, texas, got into trouble for content on her myspace page. her mom appealed and the penalty was overturned. today when the school district officials determined that the team's rules and the school's rules work to date regarding on- line content. she will stay on the team. the team will revise its rules for the next school term. x the ravens preseason kicks off tomorrow night when they take on the washington redskins. >> today, fans really got into the spirit. we will show you how. >> an ordeal for airline passengers in minnesota turns to talk of a new law in washington. that story is coming up. >> heavy showers and thunderstorms on 80 doppler, and some spots have flooding rains. we will check the 7-day forecast. in baltimore right now it is
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>> here is a look ahead what we are looking at 4 6:00. a series of town hall meetings in hagerstown. some committee growing pains have forced carroll county grow up -- school officials to respond in a big way.
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>> the government's transportation she is demanding answers from continental airlines. why was a plane full of passengers slept on the runway for over six hours over the weekend? this incident put pressure on congress to approve a passenger's bill of rights. >> dozens of passengers stranded
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overnight in a cramped regional jet, just yards from an airline terminal in rochester, minnesota. that is 6 hour ordeal is now under investigation by the u.s. transportation department. secretary ray lahood is demanding an explanation from continental airlines and its regional partner, express jet. continental has called the incident a " completely unacceptable." the passengers were using language a bit stronger. >> it was a horrible right. >> when i went into the restaurant, it did not flush. >> this incident is renewing calls for a passenger's bill of rights. the airlines have already promised to try to limit tarmac delays to three hours. passenger advocates want an actual law. >> treat people like humans, not like cattle. that is really all that passenger rights is seeking. >> bills are currently making their way to the u.s. house and senate. >> consumers have no rights when they walk onto an airplane.
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congress has been considering for years passenger rights legislation, but the airlines keep striking it down. >> for now, passengers will have to hope the airlines get it right. >> i cannot imagine being stuck on a plane all night long with her, and i am surprised there was not an all-out mutiny on that plane. next these big corporations making all this money. it is protecting us? >> a push for legal rights, to make sure passengers are not left to fend for themselves and the teacher. said pat -- supporters are hoping congress might pass a bill of rights as early as this fall. >> now, you are into whether forecast with our chief meteorologist. out into the mountains to our west, scattered thunderstorms are popping up through the afternoon. the heavy storms have been on the eastern shore. now we are showing heavy rain in
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parts of cecil county, with heavy downpours coming out of a storm that drifted up out of kent county. it is pouring down rain in part of cecil county. south of there, storms rolling out caroline county over into delaware. estimates indicate 5-6 inches of rain in over an hour. a storm has popped up drifting toward the bay, clipping parts of baltimore city and eastern baltimore county. then we have the storms and amounts as well. the possibility of what weather off and on throughout the night. the weather service has issued flood warnings for some of the heavy rain moving into parts of new castle county, southern new jersey, and watches are up in amounts to our west were some of the storms are beginning to develop again. all that rain has not hit the airport or the inner harbor. high temperatures in the upper 80's, ranging from the sydney's
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in the mountains -- from the 70's in the mountains. a little warmer on the beach at ocean city, where it is 85. don't expect much clearing, and mostly cloudy sky. scattered storms, 65-72. it is all being created by the transition from a hot air we had earlier in the week being slowly push away, and high-pressure trying to come in. the front will linger along the coast, generating more scattered storms tomorrow, probably even friday and saturday. from 2:00 on friday afternoon, very isolated, so the deeper we get into the weekend, fewer folks will see that thunderstorms popping up in the afternoon. the weather pattern may improve and allow better conditions for getting outside.
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highs of 77-83, northeast wind on the bait with average wages of 1 foot or less. just after midnight, the high tide at fort mchenry, and another just before noon tomorrow. it is trying to become an official tropical storm, but the winds are holding at 35 miles an hour. wind speeds have to get up to 40 miles an hour to become a tropical storm. the first name on the list is anna. it will make a turn to the north and begin to weaken, getting into cooler air and stronger upper level winds. it should become the first official tropical storm of the season in the next couple of days. 82 degrees around baltimore tomorrow. 85 on friday. it and is isolated storms on friday and saturday, with weekend temperatures in the mid 80's.
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>> they cpsc is recalling more than 200 batteries recharge stations. they mostly are for batteries for nintendo wii. you should contact griffin international for information concerning returns and a free replacement. it is an inside look at the lost and found about one of the nation's biggest airlines. you might be surprised that the things passengers leave behind, and the challenges the airline faces in trying to reconnect people with their very expensive and unusual items. >> inside a dallas warehouse, southwest airlines collects all the things passengers forget when they get off the plane. as i am amazed at how much stuff is in here. >> is pretty amazing. >> they have racks of codes,
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crates full of car seats, enough books to fill a library. and a pile of electronics that will blow your mind. the airline finds about 5 ipod every single day, 150 month. gets a lot of people to put their names in them, but you would be surprised how many do not. >> they have hundreds of cell phones. trawls lester lost his on a southwest flight last month. >> it slipped out. >> when the airline could not find it, lester called us, and we call southwest. workers at the lost and found power of all the black bones in the been to figure out which one was his. -- all the black phones. >> the call me back in an hour and said we have your phone and we are shipping it out fedex. >> pink almohads, and some of the most unusual item she would never expect to see that behind in the overhead bins. is anyone missing a megaphone?
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the no. 1 lost item, sunglasses, all cameras in your carry the most seminal value. the airline recently reconnected and groom with a victim thousand dollars engagement ring he left on a plane. >> i understanding is, he did make his proposal and a young lady did accept. a few days later, a couple of fruit baskets turn up at my door for my employees to enjoy. >> capacitors call to track down the things they lose. only about 10% or reconnected with their owners. >> the general public does not expect that there bible things were turned in, so it is disarming beauty that they are valuable things were turned in. unclaimed property winds up at the salvation army, and weeding donations made by people in a hurry. >> we have learned how busy we are as americans. >> the people who work at the lost and found say the best thing you can do to protect your property is put your name on it. take a business card to your
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computer and enter your name into your phone or ipod. they see your name or number, they will call you before your stuff in up on the shelf. >> for more on travel troubles, log onto our website, also a new way to treat migraine headaches. click on medical alert to get information about a medication that you inhale. if you are tempted to ditch the family vacation, you might want to reconsider. click on "project economy" to find family vacations for under $1,000. a man is facing six months of jail time for yawning. you can click on weird news and find out why he was found in contempt of court for yawning. >> a brand new school opening in carroll county. we'll take you inside manchester high school. >> is football time. the baltimore ravens take on the
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washington redskins, and fans are certainly showing their
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this if fios. this is big. >> amar night is the battle of the belt way bribery. there will be a lot of emotion. there is always bragging rights going on, even though it is just an exhibition game. >> it is the redskins. fans from both teams are getting into the spirit. >> bright and early this morning, ravens and redskins
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fans of work of lined up in glynn bernie. the fans are here to get their ravens are redskins tax. >> there were more redskins fans and reagan stands. the reasons might be reagan stands have been able to get their license plates for the last three years. -- reagan's fans. they just aren't making redskins tex. >> this is the first time maryland has ever issued tax dedicated to the washington redskins. >> the few ravens fans, it was a little lonely. >> i got here early, and there was nothing but redskins fans here. i am down here to support my team and get my tags. >> at 8:30, that opened the door, and the fans filed in. it was first-come, first-served. the play cost $55, a portion of the money goes to the ravens hall community foundation.
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when they got their tags, these were some happy fans. >> we stopped at a coffee shop, fell asleep, woke up, and there was someone in front of me. >> a ravens than a redskins fan walking out together, side by side, getting along. that will not be the case thursday night when the ravens take on the redskins in an exhibition game. >> our coverage of the preseason opener starts tomorrow night at 7:00. the game is at 7:30. you can watch them both live right here. >> tomorrow night, we will have to separate those two guys. >> here's a look at what is coming up at 6:00. >> i am live at hagerstown community college for senator been carting got an earful from his constituents.
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>> of baltimore man sends out chat messages. now he is in jail. we'll have details coming up. >> the perfect alibi, where a new layer of confusion? questions raised by what we have learned in the case of the shooting of a 5-year-old girl. live, local, latebreaking. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> democratic senator ben cardin holds another town hall meeting at hagerstown community college. >> it was hoped that anger over the issue had settled down to a more civilized discourse. kate is live in hagerstown with more on today's meeting. >> president obama may have one maryland, but this is not obama country. washington county went for republican john mccain by a vote of 55-413%, a conservative of 55-413%, a conservative courts that was


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