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tv   11 News Today  NBC  August 18, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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with 11 news today right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> good morning. >> thanks for joining us. >> we will get to cover big story in just a minute. we would give a check of the forecast right now. sandra shaw is on her way to new york to fill in for kelly. >> yes. we are going to be dealing with scattered storms in the evening hours. if you patchy clouds starting to move in. temperatures right now still 76 degrees downtown. 72 degrees at the airport. 77 degrees in ocean city. an increase in costs by at lunchtime.
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as far as weather is concerned, it should not impact traffic. what do you have before us? >> whether is not impacting traffic. we have a downed tree in owings mills. we will keep an eye on that to see if any delays develop. we have a water main break on southbound bel air road. automating traffic northbound which will cause some big problems -- and they are alternating traffic northbound which will cause some big problems. and an accident in glen burnie. the inner loop and out of luke are moving fine.
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a bit of a shot -- inner loop and outer loop are moving fine. a beautiful shot as the sun rises this morning. >> a weekend shooting is the latest of a series of violent incidents as of the past few months. there are safety concerns that violence could impact tourism. our reporter is live downtown with more on that story. >> the weekend violence and nonstop some people from going to the inner harbor last night or from going to the orioles game. it is the day-to-day business that could be affected by such incidents as. that is what people are worried about when jeopardize in tourism dollars. were shot inside of the pavilion. some are concerned about the long-term impact because police may not fill say that the harbor. the violence playing out is symptomatic of a larger problem. >> things have gotten better, but this weekend and has
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brought the situation to a head. we need to make sure that we address it very seriously and forcefully as we move forward. >> over 14 million people visit the harbor every year. they are cracking down on troublemakers. the mayor may do some spots safety checks herself. reporting live downtown, wbal tv 11 news. the trial for a baltimore man who admitted to throwing his son off the bridge may be delayed for several months. the defense requests the drop the postponed until november 10. he is charged with first-degree murder and child abuse. an insanity plea.
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cardin says he plans to wedding proposal. he used a helicopter to a proposed to his fiancee. he popped the question. now city police are investigating whether the incident was a misuse of resources. he says he should have used better judgment. >> emanuel spent several years in prison for his involvement in -- a man will spend several years in prison for his involvement in a child pornography ring. he had over 100 movies on his computer. and a 22 year-old man was stopped after he was reportedly acting suspiciously. they found explosives in his backpack.
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he is sentenced to prison year terms. his attorneys are planning to appeal. >> authorities are charging one man in the death of a person on a military base. he is being extradited back to the u.s. from germany. he was arrested by fbi agents in working as a -- in 2007 working as a man's man. >> city officials are trying to have some cars race in baltimore. the city council is backing a plan to get and car rates on the streets of baltimore. some city leaders are seen big
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dollar signs. >> we can have a lot of money come in from hosting the event three days straight. >> it would occur on streets as russels russell, pratt and conr. that brings us to our watercooler question of the day. what do you think of the idea to bring an irl indy car race through the streets of downtown baltimore? email us your response to there are new twists and turns on a contentious fight on health care. obama says nothing has changed on his government insurance option. and some democrats call it a no- go.
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the line started early for a health-care town hall yesterday. that was in orlando. >> the health-insurance industry is ripping off americans. >> by dark, police kept crowds in check, almost 10 times as many people showed up that could fit inside. >> i am not going to let them what may have a meeting. he is my congressmen, and i am entitled to talk with them. >> the gentleman tried to field questions. >> the public option whether we have it or do not have it. backlash. >> it could lead to socialized medicine. we have had it for several years. it is called medicare. most people like it. the comparison came as president
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obama -- >> president obama promised veterans better. and deliver your benefits sooner. i know you have heard this for years, but the leadership and resources we are providing this time means that we are going to be able to do it. health care. an open letter was sent to pharma. drugmakers have pledged billions of dollars to the overhaul. they are trying to get a reform measure passed. one representative of burgess pharma to join republicans. in washington, wbal-tv 11 news. >> coming up, some troubling news for people hoping to get a
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vaccine for the swine flu this fall. that story's coming up. >> the waters around for are turning up some dangerous weather. we will have some of the latest on that. >> and lots of cash is being traded for this car. it is not a clever. it is the world's most expensive car. we will tell you how much it sold for when we come back. >> another hot and humid day is ahead of us. we will what is it to lead? at pnc, it's doing what most benefits our customers.
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whether that's building more certified green buildings than anyone on earth. creating online banking tools for the next generation. or making a 10 year, $100 million investment in kids. it's how we've always done business. and will for a very long time to come. pnc.
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>> good morning. 76 degrees. humidity in the atmosphere. it will be a sticky start our day. the she did humidity will give us some thunderstorms later on
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this afternoon. if you patchy clouds right now. the haze is lowering the visibility right now. 76 degrees downtown. ocean city in at 74 degrees. the high pressure is in control. it is bringing up some of the leftover moisture from the tropical storm that caused problems down in florida over the weekend. it is going to be heading our way. another hot and humid day possible for tomorrow with some scattered rain showers. out in the tropics, things got very busy over the weekend. hurricane bill is a category 2 storm. it is between the east coast and bermuda. this weekend, we could see some rough surf in ocean city.
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be careful if you are planning a beach trip this weekend. it could become a category 3 storm. we need to watch him very closely. 91 degrees-95 degrees for your highs today. many of these storms will be isolated today. we could see some heavy rain as windsor of the southwest. -- as winds are out of the southwest. 85 degrees around them. across the state, we're dealing with chances of rain showers. temperatures are in the low 90's. 84 degrees and in the maryland mountains. your seven-day forecast shows a another pattern with plenty of humidity. scattered storms on wednesday.
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storming through friday and saturday. sunday will be 80 degrees with sunshine. plenty of sunshine on monday at 84 degrees. >> owings mills, we have a downed tree. all lanes are blocked on one road. and water main break in nottingham. southbound bel air road is closed. alternating traffic on the northbound lanes. we will see a back up. a disabled vehicle at falls road. we are still dealing with that accident in glen burnie. the alternate is ritchie highway or 97. a live look at the beltway shows things are moving fine. an accident on the outer loop on the shoulder but not affecting traffic. that is the latest.
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over to you. >>. tropical storm claudette pack a punch. many residents were left without power as a result. one man died from the storm. harkin bill continues to gather strength to the caribbean -- hurricane bill continues to gather strength in the caribbean. a 42 year-old man was stopped by police for allegedly speeding. when he tried to get his license out of his back pocket, officers tackled him. other officers arrived and beganhe was tasered three times. he had bruises, cuts, and suffered permanent damage to his thumb. >> attorneys for the late michael jackson's say she may
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sue his personal physician. authorities are still looking to see if the doctor illegally provided drugs that caused his death. joe jackson says he plans to bury his son on michael's 51st birthday. >> three men are in custody in possibly the largest identity that scheme ever prosecuted in the u.s. one man allegedly stole more than 130 million credit and debit card numbers. prosecutors say the scheme took place from 8 suspect -- from 2006-2008.
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the winning bid for this farrago came over $5 million. -- ferrari came over $5 million. thus did the latest from all straight. investors hope of homebuilders will help them recover from some of the losses from yesterday. here is the bloomberg business report. >> good morning. all eyes on the housing market this morning. builders probably broke ground on homes in the fastest pace last month. the housing market is healing. wholesale prices fell last month due to weak demand and low energy costs. consumers may still have a rough road ahead if foreclosures and job losses are expected to continue into next year.
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investors speculate the global economy is not expanding fast enough. the bloomberg marilyn indexes falling. -- merrill lent indearyland ind. sighs of relief at general motors. it is boosting car production due to the cash for clunkers program. it is considering adding more ships. sources say that chrysler is planning to make more trucks. wbal tv 11 news. >> stomach cancer is one of the
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toughest cancers to diagnose and treat. a well-known breast cancer treatment is showing some signs of success in doing just that. it is showing promise for a disease that is often caught in later stages. >> we found that similar receptors in stomach cancer cells are similar to ones in other cells. >> oncologist are excited about the use of this drug. it is getting them one step closer to the handling the disease. services say they will only have instead of the 120 million
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anticipated. they hope to ship out doses every week after that until the government gets its full order of 195 million doses. another check on weather and traffic is straight ahead. >> thousands of homeowners are finding now that their mortgage company is having problems. find out next about that. >> do not forget to e-mail us your answers to the watercooler question of the day. what do you think of the idea to bring an irl indy car race bring an irl indy car race through the stre
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announcer: during the autobahn for all event, you can get great lease deals. i love it! i just want to know it's the right move. me? thirteen days in the future. you get a deal on the car you always wanted. scheduled maintenance is included, it's all good. what's the future like? you love your new jetta. and the suit? you like it? no...i love it!
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sure, pal. let's just find a good spot. [ dramatic music plays ] a big day at the beach with the legendary taste of dunkin' donuts coffee on ice. this looks like a good spot. you kin' do it. america runs on dunkin'. treat yourself today with an authentic caramel swirl iced latte.
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>> good morning. here's the latest on traffic. we are still dealing with some of the same problems we have been dealing with all morning. a downed tree in owings mills. a water main break in nottingham, southbound bel air road is closed. the ossining traffic is northbound there. -- they are alternating traffic northbound there. glenn burnie, the accident as close crain highway in both directions. the alternate is ritchie highway or 97. here is a live look at the beltway. there is an accident on the outer loop to the shoulder. it is not affecting traffic. they relied on 95. -- very light on 95. >> we are dealing with a little bit of haze and humidity outside. a lot of heat and humidity is
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expected today. we are expecting rain showers late afternoon. let's take a look on our satellite picture. most of the clouds are off down to the south and west. 71 degrees at the airport. temperatures in the mid 70's this morning. by lunchtime, a few more clouds are expected. it is going to be sticky. more showers are expected this afternoon. they will be isolated. we will get more on your forecast coming up in just a bit. problems. the federal government has taken action against taylor, dean and whitaker, a florida-based mortgage company which has about 9000 people in the baltimore area who have the mortgages through them. >> the federal housing administration stopped the
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company from writing any new insured mortgages from the fha. now they are wondering who holds the mortgage. federal government. >> they have seized files. they do not know what they are after. they pulled their lending license overnight. >> the company failed to submit an annual report. an independent -- and an independent auditor discovered some suspicious transactions. there are concerns of fraud. they were subject to examination the past year. housing and urban development has proposed debarment of the chief president of the company. maryland and 13 other states sanctioned the company. they reached a $9 million settlement after questioning their underwriting standards,
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and internal control procedures. >> they are no longer originating or processing loans in any jurisdiction. >> that is what customers get when they call the corporate headquarters. they held the loans of more than 9000 maryland homeowners. those that try to contact the customer service line are getting a busy signal. the company's suspension earlier this month forced about 1000 employees out of work. maryland state regulators say the company still has about 150 people trying to handle calls. >> the company has assured us that no late fees will be charged for the next 60 days, and no negative credit reports will be done in the next 60 days. >> attempts to reach them were unsuccessful. bank of america is taking over the servicing of most of their loans.
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if you have any questions about payments, you can find answers on our website at click on i-team. reporting from the studio, wbal- tv. >> there is much more to come in the next half-hour of 11 news today. >> weekend violence has some concerned about the future of tourism dollars at the harbor. details are next. >> another hot and humid day is expected. we will tell you where you can expect thunderstorms in the forecast. >> here are last night's winning lottery numbers. the lot. the lot.
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cash for clunkers is available at your chevy dealer. with more eligible models to choose from than anyone. if your clunker qualifies to be recycled, you can get a $3500 or $4500 government rebate. and just announced! if you qualify for the clunker rebate, you may also qualify for 0% apr for 72 months. that means you can buy a '09 malibu for $271 a month after a $3500 government rebate and no down payment. go to for details.
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>> good morning. welcome back to 11 news today. >> thanks for joining us. we have a quick look at the forecast. >> we are starting off with a good deal of heat and humidity.
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another hot day is ahead. mid 7's in some locations. -- mid 70's in some locations. an increase in clouds with some afternoon and evening thunderstorms. but 11 ligature full seven-day forecast coming up. >> the big story this morning is downtown violence. >> many are worried that the city's crown jewel is in jeopardy. our reporter is live with that story. >> weekend violence has some more about the day-to-day violence. this area relies on tourism dollars. downtown baltimore had a rebirth several years ago. the harborplace transformed into a place of culture and leisure. a place designed to lure in the
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locals, tourists, and others. one person watched the vision unfold as she works for the baltimore office of tourism. >> you do not have to sit inside a restaurant. if you were working downtown, outside at a cafe near the harbor. it is a great place to jog. >> this past weekend, two people were shot inside of the pavilion. >> we have always had incidences at the harbor. they were not very frequent. they happen occasionally. they happen in other places in the city. this is not the first time nor will it be the last. >> some are concerned about the long-term impact of businessesoe long-term impact of businesses around the harbor. address this very seriously as we move forward. >> police have stepped up their presence at several checkpoints. they say this is just a result of some other problems.
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lies in saturating the area with more people. >> i think the one thing i would personally like to see is the return of more events that bring a mass of people down to the waterfront. >> officials estimate that more than 14 million people visit the harbor every year. police will have to look out for trouble makers. the mayor is promising to make spot safety checks herself. reporting live at the harbor, wbal-tv. >> officials say they received one tip on the whereabouts of a 20 year-old man who escaped. he was being transported thursday night when he uses handcuffs to choke a deputy. if you have any information on his whereabouts, call the county sheriff's office. a double stabbing in college
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park as claimed the life of one man and let another man injured. it occurred 4:00 a.m. monday. two men were wounded. one man died. >> a recent carbon monoxide scare is causing some hotels -- a hotel a pretty penny. it did not assault co detectors which is required by a town law. it will not be allowed to reopen until the detectors are installed and certified. another hotel has been fined $2,000 for a similar scare that affected a family of six back in june. officials are trying to buy back some underuse licenses. -- under used tdsedused license.
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they want to reduce crowding in the day. and one veteran hitter is no longer an oriole. juff -- they are trying to decide on a permanent replacement. and a top-notch pitcher has been added to the ranks of one team. steven strasbourg will get $50 million over the next four years making him the highest-paid draft pick in baseball. good news for washington. they signed the no. 1 pick last year.
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>> here is the latest on traffic. we are dealing with some of the same stuff we have been dealing with all morning. a downed tree is blocking lanes on the road. southbound bellaire road is closed. they are alternating traffic on the northbound lane. that could cause some problems with an increase in volume and congestion there. an accident in glen burnie is closing roads. we will give you a live look at the beltway. things are moving just fine on pulaski highway. everything is fine north and southbound on this highway. that is the latest. over to you. >> it will be another hot and
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humid day outside. here is a look at radar right now. some increase in clouds. we will start with the sunshine. more plows by lunchtime. some isolated showers are possible this afternoon and evening. a few downpours could be possible. we will talk about how long this storm weather pattern will last later in the forecast. >> thank you. coming up, best friends of man need a place to beat the heat. we will tell you of a place later. >> i have the details of a new pall -- new poll out today on health care. the story is coming up. >> we're still taking your
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answers to the watercooler question of the day. what do you think of the idea to bring an irl indy car race through the streets of downtown baltimore? email us your response to when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the event as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur.
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>> cell phones are able to do just about anything. but one cell phone almost burned a man's house down. he does not understand how his phone sparked a fire on his
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guest unit. it has happened on multiple locations. the customer team is investigating the issue at maytag. >> love knows no bounds or species. this person is caring for the piglet. the south cannot produce enough milk for the baby pigs. and some ducklings' have been adopted by others. they are following their surrogate mother around the farm. very cute. maybe they can take the ducks here.
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the annual pop a plunge is occurring. about 70 dogs jump in and as women. $7 for each dog into the water. the money goes to the humane society. >> maybe you can provide them goggles. >> still dealing with the same few things we have been looking at all morning. the delays, but we will give you a live look outside coming up. >> rain showers and thunderstorms later on this afternoon. currently a beautiful shot of the harbor. 71 degrees at the airport. your forecast is up next. your forecast is up next.
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♪ tell me who's watching. ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ (announcer) it's right here. it's easy. ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ it's the money you could be saving with geico.
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>> a state delegate says he plans on reimbursing the city's police to permit for their role in helping him pop the question to his fiance earlier this month. he used a city boat and helicopter to stage a scene for his proposal. he says he should have used better judgment. an internal investigation is under way. the trial of a man accused of throwing his son off the side of a bridge will not take place for several months. his son died.
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the trial has been rescheduled for november 10. he entered the equivalent of an insanity plea. and city officials are wanting and an indy style race through the streets of baltimore. the yvette could ever again more than $20 million for the region. -- the theevent could bring in 0 million for the region. that brings us to our watercooler question of the day. here are your answers. i remember a bicycle race that ran through downtown baltimore. that was a great event. >> they have to repair the city
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streets such as pot holes before something like that could happen. we will pose more of your answers on the front page of our website at >> growing concerns about health care as the white house tries to clarify its position on a public option. our washington bureau reporter has more on the story. >>the poll shows more americans among seniors. >> non-partisan parties found that confidence in insurance coverage and affordability has dropped more than five points in july and mainly among seniors eligible for medicare. health care may be raising alarm bells fort seniors. >> i cannot afford to have it taken from me. >> it is not measured opinions president.
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there are concerns over whether the president might be changing course over a public option. >> says there has been so much misinformation about health insurance reform, let me say this. one thing that reform will not change is veteran health care. >> he mentioned it during his speech to veterans on monday. he says the white house has not shifted position. some democrats say a reform plan is doomed to fail. >> which cannot bring down the cost unless there is a public competition. >> without a strong public plan, i think it would have a very difficult time getting to a 18 votes. >> house speaker nancy pelosi is still strong support for a faces numerous obstacles. lawmakers return to capitol hillwbal tv 11 news.
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>> why the dow back from the white house? -- why the dial back from the white house on a public option? >> they are trying to reassure more liberals in their base. >> thank you. >> good morning. we had that downed tree in owings mills that we're dealing with. a water main break in nottingham. auctioning traffic in the northbound lane. watch out for that. the disabled vehicle on i-95 southbound. we are checking on that for you. an accident in glen burnie closing the highway dungeon both
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directions. police are hoping to get that clean up by 7:00 a.m. we will keep you posted shortly to see if that happens. the beltway at liberty road, the volume is picking up. the fort mchenry tolls are looking good. sounds like it'll be a good afternoon for the pool. >> lots of heat and humidity. a few clouds across the south. temperatures in the 70's down the east coast. 71 degrees at the airport. 74 degrees in ocean city. it will be a hot and humid day. a high-pressure is in control.
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some leftover moisture is. to get pumped in. things will get more south side. whenever we have this much needed humidity, we have to talk about the rain showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening hours. a chance of rain showers as we get into the late afternoon and evening tomorrow. we are talking about hurricane bill. it has over 100 opera hour winds. it is category 2. it is expected -- 100 miles per hour winds. it is expected to get to a category three. anywhere here in the red zone will be fair game of getting hit. we will be watching it. is the first major hurricane of the season. we are watching this system closely. afternoon showers and
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thunderstorms today. the most likely will be isolated. the cal ripken world series -- it is a good day for baseball. a chance for some isolated thunderstorms around 5:00. i do not expect any problems with the game. stay temperatures in the upper 80's and low 90's. your seven-day forecast shows the same pattern for wednesday and thursday. it is of thunderstorms in the evening and humid. a stronger system moves through on friday and saturday. a beautiful day shaping up sunday at 80 degrees. more sunshine for your monday at 84 degrees. >> time for the last look at our big story. recent violence downtown is causing concern for and safety. our reporter and joins us live with that story.
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>> we in the pilot did not seem to stop people out this weekend. it is the day-to-day tourism business that has people worried. were shot inside of the pavilion. some are concerned about the long-term impact because police may not fill say that the harbor. the violence playing out is symptomatic of a larger problem. the mayor is asking police to step up patrols. she may be doing her own safety spot checks. wbal tv 11 news. >> why america's kids are fat. find out what you can do to help pack a low-calorie lunch. and the truth about fast food and more. that is on>> things have gotten better, -- that is johon "
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oprah. >> on the today show we will talk about her regain bill. and the murders of those lot of parents with a 17 children. one of the children witnessed the brutal crime. we will have more on that story. and an exclusive interview on the original winner of survivor. he is speaking out for the first time after being released from prison on charges of tax evasion. some of the personal items of michael jackson is about to be put up for auction. we have some of them on -- in our studio. his famous glove, we will tell you about that and much more when we start this morning. >> just ahead, another look at traffic and weather. stay with us.
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>> what is going on out there? >> it is the same stuff i have been talking about for the past two hours. we have a downed tree in all lanes mills -- boeing's mills. -- awnings mills. glen burnie, an accident there. the highway is closed in both directions. a live look of the beltway. traffic is picking up quite a bit. we are not seeing any delays
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just yet. southbound traffic moving just fine on the i-95 area near white marsh. >> how was the weather so far? >> we will continue to be hot and humid. increasing clouds during the late afternoon. some thunderstorms during the late afternoon and evening hours. isolated storms. >> sandra shaw is on her way to new york so she does not have to deal with that today. she will be on regis and kelly tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. filling in for kelly. >> she will be on twitter. you can check that out. >> we have a live update at
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