tv NBC Nightly News NBC August 20, 2009 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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on the broadcast tonight, out of prison. a convicted terrorist blamed for the deaths of 270 people in the lockerbie bombing is set free. why? kennedy's wish -- the senator looks to the future and makes a request. iving a bargain. a major development in the cash for clunkers program. growth industry, teenagers helping others put food on the table. they're young people making a difference. also tonight, what today's new rules on credit cards will mean for you. new rules on credit cards will mean for you. "nightly news" begins now. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good evening. in for brian williams, i am ann curry. one of the world's notorious terrorists convicted in the bombing of pan am flight 103
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which killed 270 is free tonight and home in libya. a private plane sent by libya's president mow mar qaddafi carried him to a hero's welcome in tripoli. scotland announced it was releasing him for compassional reasons and then steeled itself for outrage which came. dawna friesen joins us from outside the prison where the terrorist was held in scotland. dawna. >> reporter: he spent eight years of a life sentence here in the scottish prison. and tonight al-megrahi left here a free man. a decision scotland's justice department said he knew many would disagree with. al-megrahi dressed in white on his final steps to freedom. terminally ill with prostate cancer he was released on compassionate grounds by the justice minister, a decision met with outrage at the highest levels. >> we have been in contact with
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the scottish government. indicating that we objected to this. and we thought it was a mistake. >> reporter: 270 people died in the lockerbie bombing, 189 of them americans. after a massive investigation, and lengthy trial, megrahi was the only person convicted. jack and kathleen flynn lost their 21-year-old son, john patrick in the bombing. >> the word compassion should never be used in the same sentence with mr. megrahi. >> bert aberman lost his brother tom. scotland's justice secretary says he knows the bereaved will never forget let alone forgive. but scottish law allows terminally ill prisoners to be shown compassion and that's what he did with megrahi. >> no compassion was shown by him to them. but that alone is not the reason for us to deny compassion to
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him. >> reporter: the justice secretarysulted doctors. who said megrahi has less than three months to live. >> reporter: after boarding his flight home, megrahi who always maintained he is innocent and was appealing his conviction issued a statement. to those victims relatives who can bear to here me say this -- >> reporter: there are those who support megrahi's release, jim swire lost his daughter flora on the flight. >> i think there should always be a place in any nation's behavior for compassion. >> reporter: innocent dying man or mass murderer set free, megrahi's release leaves many doubts about whether justice has been served. but when he arrived home in tripoli tonight wearing a dark suit, hundreds of cheering supporters were waiting for him.
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it was expected megrahi would be celebrated on his return to libya. most people there don't think he is guilty, think he was a scapegoat. and few seem to be heeding the state department's warning that his return be kept low key. that he not be made into a hero. ann. dawna friesen tonight. dawna, thank you for your reporting on this story. a secret cia plan has come to light that puts the controversial private security contractor blackwater back in the news. there are reports now that the cia hired employees of blackwater in 2004 intending to have them help track down and kill top al qaeda members. more on this tonight from our chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell. >> reporter: the firm that used to be called blackwater was already under fire. five of its guards are still awaiting trial on voluntary manslaughter charges for killing iraqi civilians in baghdad two years ago. a sixth pleaded guilty. blackwater was ordered out of iraq last january. the company changed its name to xe, but man of its guards were
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rehired by a security firm and are guarding u.s. officials in iraq and afghanistan while the renamed blackwater is still being paid millions for air operations in afghanistan, and government use of its training camp in north carolina. why would the cia outsource a top secret operation to what many call a rogue company? >> we really should be focusing on why can't the u.s. government put together a program to find these terrorist kingpins and take them out in a legal way and that's really the issue. >> reporter: officials say blackwater helped train agents to track al qaeda in london and paris outside of war zones. but quickly ran into diplomatic roadblocks. >> the idea that we would give contractors the authority to use lethal force abroad in friendly countries where there could be enormous blowback as the cia blik likes to say strikes me as cr y
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crazy. >> reporter: this man was in charge of counterterrorism for the cia and the state department for three years after 9/11. who hired him when he left? blackwear it. tonight blackwater operating under its new corporate name did not respond to requests for comment. the company and its former ceo are still under federal grand jury investigation in north carolina for potential crimes in iraq. but today former cia director, michael hayden defended the outsourcing. >> we do not use contractors to carve out something we do, we want to deflect responsibility for. that is simply wrong. >> reporter: still critics say the cia was trying to protect its reputation by hiring contractors to do its dirty work. andrea mitchell, nbc news, washington. today was election day in afghanistan and all eyes were on voter turnout after repeated threats from the taliban that would stop at nothing to disrupt the election. our chief foreign correspondent richard engel is in afghanistan and reports from kabul on what
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happened. richard. >> reporter: good evening, ann. there were 135 attacks across afghanistan today. 26 people were killed. and all of the violence and threats from the taliban scared away many voters. >> reporter: at kabul's mosque, voters only trickled in. taliban threats and attacks kept many away. especially in militant stronghold in eastern and southern afghanistan. in helmand, 11 rockets exploded near polling stations and militants attacked a police station outside kabul. nearby, some afghans said they feared the taliban would slit their throats if they voted. low turnout in southern afghanistan and kabul could hurt the front-runner, president hamid karzai. they're his base of support. karzai is relying on voters like
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nebi, a 35-year-old day laborer. in his one room home in kabul he said he is willing to defy the threats for his children. >> translator: i'm voting for the peace and stability of my country he said. >> reporter: but when nebi arrived at the center he was the only one voting. turnout was high in the relatively safe north and west of afghanistan. here many back karzai's main rival, foreign minister abdullah, abdullah. high turnout improves chances of forcing karzai into a run-off election this fall. as ballots were being counted tonight it seems violence and intimidation didn't stop the vote but may have inadvertently guaranteed another election. both karzai and abdullah called today's election "imperfect but nonetheless successful." initial results could come as early as saturday. ann. richard engel in afghanistan.
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thank you so much. senator edward kennedy has been battling cancer for more than a year now. but there was news today that made it clear that he has not stopped looking ahead. kennedy has been senator since 1962, and now he wants few do something about how his successor will be chosen. the story tonight from nbc's kelly o'donnell in our washington bureau. hey, kelly. >> reporter: good evening, ann. it's 15 months into his battle with brain cancer and senator edward kennedy made a significant political move. he sent the message that it is okay to begin a public conversation about the future of the senate seat he has held almost 47 years. senator kennedy, the long-time sailor still heads out to sea. and kennedy the long-time public servant has begun to chart a new course. in this letter to the massachusetts governor and top legislators of both parties, kennedy urged a change in state law saying as i look ahead i am convinced that enabling the governor to fill a senate vacancy through an interim appointment followed by a
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special election would best serve the people of our commonwealth. right now, the law says a vacant seat would remain empty for about five months until a new election. the massachusetts governor lost the power to fill a senate vacancy during the presidential race in 2004 when state legislators feared that if democrat john kerry had won republican governor mitt romney would have named the successor. today, massachusetts republicans don't want another change. >> the law should be the law. the rules should be the rules. and everybody should play by it. >> reporter: kennedy advisers say the senator's request is motivated by his passion to see health care reform pass. in a razor-close vote, one vacant seat scud make the difference. >> what kennedy has done with this letter is to make it feasible, indeed, necessary for other people to talk about a succession plan that they would have been too embarrassed to do if he hadn't raised it himself. >> reporter: ann, today aides stress that the timing of
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kennedy's letter is not a sign that his health has suddenly deteriorated. the senator never mentioned his cancer in the sometimes emotional letter. aides also tell me kennedy's wife vicky has no interest in being considered for his seat. ann. kelly o'donnell tonight. kelly, thanks. president obama was pitching health care reform again today including an appearance on a conservative radio talk show. he was asked about the back and forth this week over government run public option component which white house officials seem to back away from earlier in the week. >> the press got a little excited and some folks on the left got a little excited about this. our position hasn't changed. we think that the key is cost, control, competition, making sure the people have good quality options. if we are able to achieve that, that's the end that we are seeking. the president went on to say that he believes no matter how it is achieved change has to happen. calling the status quo unsustainable. there is word from washington that the cash for
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clunkers program will end monday, four days from now. the popular, multibillion dollar program, which has already been extended once is coming to the end of the road less than five weeks after it began. nbc's tom costello now joins us from washington with more on this. tom. >> hi, ann. good evening. likely to be a busy weekend at dealerships. car owners can get up to $4,500 for trading in a clunker for a new more fuel efficient car. well at 8:00 p.m. eastern time monday all that application paperwork must be submitted the program comes to an end. >> thank you for big a westfield ford. >> one of the most successful short term economic stimulus programs. the white house today said it is time to start winding down the cash for clunkers program. >> it has been successful beyond anybody's imagination. >> dealers and the government have been overwhelmed. as of today the cash for clunkers program has recorded more than 457,000 dealer transactions worth $1.9 billion in rebates.
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>> the benefits are really twofold, it's gotten the consumer back into the show room. it's gotten dealerships in better financial condition and helped the manufacturers as well. >> the government admits it has processed fewer than half the rebate applications. and many must be resubmitted by 8:00 p.m. monday after the forms were filled out incorrectly all leaving most dealers out thousands even hundreds of thousands of dollars as they wait to get paid. in sarasota, john tubersky sold some 50 cars under the program. >> we have well over $250,000 invested. so we think that, hopefully soon, we will start to get some more of the money. we are confident the government will come through. they have just been a little bit slow. >> reporter: today the president insisted the dealers will get their money. >> i think this is actually a high class problem to have that we are selling too many cars, too quickly, and there is some backlog in the application process.
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it is getting fixed. >> reporter: of the $3 billion budgeted for this program the government has only paid out $145 million. critics say the government should not be involved in this kind of a program, buying used cars they call it a giveaway. ann, back to you. tom costello, thanks. when "nightly news" continues on this thursday evening -- big and dangerous. hurricane bill is churning in the atlantic and is threatening big waves and rip tides all along the east coast. later, the kids who are bringing new meaning to the term making a difference for themselves and their neighbors.
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and then there's the twin-turbocharging, 365-horsepower-generating, ecoboost™ engine in the all-new ford taurus sho that has the thirst of a v6 with the thrust of a v8. we speak car. we speak innovation. introducing the all-new taurus sho from ford. drive one. megrahi hurricane bill continues to churn in the atlantic though not expected to make landfall. strong waves and dangerous rip currents are predicted along much of the east coast for the next several days. at the moment this big storm is heading towards bermuda. and jim cantore of the weather channel is in bermuda for us.
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hey, jim. >> reporter: ann if you look at bermuda, 20 miles. shaped like a small j with a dot on the top of it. the dot is where the airport is. getting from the main island to the airport will be nearly impossible tomorrow. already within 48 hours of its closest point you can see some of the huge waves that are already coming in and running up the beach and beginning the erosion process. the beach i am standing on here will not be here when the storm goes by. the evacuation process here is basically for people that want to leave the island. the airport is going to be shut down. when we get aircraft in tomorrow. once it leaves that will be it friday afternoon. two cruise ships supposed to leave saturday are leaving a day early. vacationers bermuda are getting their vacation cut short. >> thank you for the warning. something to keep in mind this hurricane season. the government said this summer's average global ocean temperatures are the warmest they have been since record keeping began in 1880. some of that is because of the national el nino effect and some
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attributed to global warming. the warm water temperatures feed hurricanes but for swimmers it is a paradise. the water temperature in maine this week was a balmy 72 degrees. when "nightly news" continues this evening, tough new rules for credit card companies and what that means for you. you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. prepare your mouth for a battle against germs. protect your mouth right with crest pro-health rinse at night. it kills 99% of germs that cause gingivitis, plaque, and bad breath, without the burn of alcohol. for a healthier mouth that's cleaner in the morning.
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of asthma-related death. so advair is not for asthma that's well controlled on another controller medicine. advair will not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be taken more than twice a day. talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of advair. if you take advair, see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. if you're still having symptoms ask your doctor how to help prevent them with advair. (announcer) get your first prescription free and save on refills at advair. now you know. real food at the right price! this is the primo stuff. one appetizer and two premium entrees. just twenty bucks-every day. genuine food. generous portions. genius price. 2 for $20! only at applebee's. this is another. new total blueberry pomegranate cereal gives you 100% of the daily value of 12 essential vitamins and minerals.
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plus the bold new taste of blueberries and pomegranate with crispy whole grain flakes and crunchy oat clusters. total, a truly delicious way to get vitamins and minerals. how are you getting 100%? visit and get a free sample. news on the economy tonight. the foreclosure numbers are getting worse. the mortgage bankers association said today the percentage of loans either past due or in foreclosure reached a record 13.2% in the second quarter this year. in addition, more than half of the delinquent loans were prime mortgages, evidence that the crisis has gone beyond subprime borrowers. the first phase of a new set of rules for credit card companies went into effect today. part of an effort to protect consumers from some practices congress said were unfair. nbc's trish regan joins us with more on this.
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hey, trish. hi, ann. we have seen credit card companies raise rates ahead of today's changes. hopefully that will stop. beginning today credit card companies are going to have to mail your bill out 21 days before it is due. this will give consumers an extra week to avoid any late charges. the other big change, ann, they must give you 45 days notice before they raise your interest rate. however this only applies to fixed rate cards not to variable rate cards. majority of card out there are actually variable rate. consumers should also know they have the right to reject an increase in their rate and pay off an existing balance at the current rate. additional changes are coming in february of 2010. some include the fact that credit card come pans are going to have a whole lot harder time marketing to college students. because anyone under the age of 21 is going to need a cosigner for a card. finally one of the biggest changes that will happen next year. banks will only be able to raise
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your rate on existing balances if you are 60 days late. i want to upon the out this bill does not prevent the credit card companies from shutting off your card altogether or from actually limiting your amount of credit. banks are saying they need to have that flexibility to shut off cards or to reduce credit limits. given that the economy is in such a tough state. a lot of change. thank you for making it clear for all of us. on wall street, stocks gained more ground. the dow finished the day up just under 71 points. when we come back, these are not your garden variety teenagers. but they have planted seeds that are making a difference. cator-l, radar-sensor-linking, blind-spot-penetrating side mirrors of the all-new ford taurus. so what doesn't show up in your mirror, can still show up on your mirror. we speak car. we speak innovation. introducing the all-new taurus from ford.
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drive one. from the northeast, try our new garlic-roasted... maine lobster and crab bake. or from the south, try our new orleans... wood-grilled shrimp jambalaya. ends soon. at red lobster. and i'm joni. we've been best friends since we were two. we've always been alike. we even both have osteoporosis. but we're active. especially when we vacation. so when i heard about reclast, the only once-a-year iv osteoporosis treatment, i called joni. my doctor said reclast helps restrengthen our bones to help make them resistant to fracture for twelve whole months. and reclast is approved to help protect from fracture in more places: hip, spine, even other bones. (announcer) you should never take reclast if you're on zometa, have low blood calcium, kidney problems. or you're pregnant, plan to become pregnant or nursing. take calcium and vitamin d daily. tell your doctor if you develop severe muscle, bone or joint pain or if you have dental problems, as rarely, jaw problems have been reported.
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the most common side effects include flu-like symptoms, fever, muscle or joint pain and headache. nothing strengthens you like an old friendship. but when it comes to our bones, we both look to reclast. you've gotta ask your doctor! once-a-year reclast. year-long protection for on-the-go women. that's why i use covergirl's simply ageless makeup with olay regenerist serum. a department store brand can glob up in lines and actually make you look older. simply ageless makes you look amazing. from olay and easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl.
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if you worry about america's young people, you need to see our next story. it is about teenagers, sowing the seeds of hope for people in need. and nbc's kerry sanders reports from palm beach, florida, they are making a difference. >> reporter: this is a garden of lemon grass, rosemary, hot peppers and basil. seeds planted this summer by a group of unlikely teenage
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farmers sprouted something more than vegetables and herbs. there is a bumper crop of confidence. >> it's fun and now i seeing anything is possible. >> reporter: did you think you would be successful? >> not at all. especially not at 15 years old. >> reporter: on a small plot of land in a neighborhood where 86% of the residents live at or below the poverty line. ♪ >> reporter: some of the older kids at the boys & girls club in palm beach county wanted to earn money. >> we sent out a parent survey. most parents said they struggle to get food on their table. >> radish? >> yes. i'll take the mangos. >> we decided to build our business, healthy nutritious food at low cost. >> reporter: boy did it take off. >> here is a cabbage. >> this is the kind of shopping i like. you tell them what you want they put it in there. >> reporter: for $30. >> lettuce, cabbage. string beans. >> reporter: shoppers at the rise and shine co-op leave with at least double what they get at the grocery. >> 90 cents. >> reporter: to meet demand the kids supplement their garden
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buying wholesale. >> they're seeing the whole cycle. and i mean that just broadens their horizons. >> reporter: a real business with real dollars but the excel spread sheet does not reveal the whole story. >> it is not all about making money it is helping others that really don't have it. >> tomatoes, yes. >> my budget is very tight. and this makes it a lot easier for me. >> good morning. >> reporter: quietly guiding the kids there are mentors. >> they will tell you every one of them that they're going to be successful. >> reporter: and you say -- >> i say they're going to be successful. and i'm going to say i knew them when. >> reporter: a business growing profits beyond any balance sheet. >> onions? >> carry sanders, nbc news, palm beach county, florida. that's our broadcast for this thursday night. i'm ann curry in for brian williams. and for all of us here at nbc williams. and for all of us here at nbc news, thank you and good night.
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