tv Today NBC August 21, 2009 7:00am-8:59am EDT
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good morning. hurricane watch. storm alerts issued for bermuda as bill, a major category 3 storm, churns up dangerous waves and rip tides along the east coast. we're tracking that storm live. hero's welcome. despite a warning from president obama, a big crowd in libya greets the only man convicted of bombing pan am flight 103. after his release from prison. this morning, his attorney speaks outñi in a live exclusiv interview. and on top of the world. the dare devil standing on that plane is just 8 years old. we'll meet the world's youngest wing walker, "today," friday, august 21st, 2009.çó
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm ann curry in for meredith this morning. good news, hurricane bill is likely to stay out to sea, that's what forecasters are predicting. bad news, there's dangerous conditions up and down the east coast. >> forecasters are warning beachgers from florida to new england watch out for waves up to 22 feet and also strong rip tides. the threat is more significant in bermuda where more storm watches and warnings are in effect. bill and hillary clinton are vacationing there. a live report from bermuda and al's track of the storm in a few minutes. the murder of ans aspiring model. police in california are releasing chilling new information about how she died
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and have formally charged her ex-husband, a former star on a reality tv show with murder. with the latest on the international manhunt that's under way to track him down. plus an exclusive interview with mark lester, one of michael jackson's best friends and the god father of the pop star's three children. he's come forward claiming that he could, he could be the biological father of 11-year-old paris jackson. this morning, he is live in our studio. he's brought along his daughter, hariette, who is 15. we'll let you decide at home if you see a resemblance between paris and hariette and mark and we'll talk to mark a little later on. let us begin on this friday morning with hurricane bill getting set to bear down on the island ofb bermuda. the weather channel's jim cantore is there. good morning with you. >> reporter: good morning, to you, matt. with each high tide we lose more of the beach. that's amazing, because the storm is over 4000 miles away. at its closest, 220 miles away
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at 8:00 saturday morning. we have a lot of tide cycles between then and a lot of beach we're going to lose. residents not too worried. winds will not be hurricane force but we expect tropical storm force and that means some power outages but this is an area where airplanes do not get a chance to sit on the ground during a storm like this so all aircraft will have to be off the island and we're expecting that to be done later on this afternoon. most vacationers who wanted to get off will. some, however, will have to ride out the storm. matt, back to you. >> jim cantore from the weather channel, thank you very much. >> al is tracking the hurricane, good morning. >> good morning. 425 miles south of bermuda, 8 to 165 miles south of cape hatteras, category 3 storm, disorganized, a little, the path between bermuda and the coast of the united states. the good news is, no landfall. the bad news for the eastern part of the united states is that we are going to be looking
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at some dangerous rip currents and strong winds and we're also looking at waves. some areas along the outer banks of the carolinas, 16 to 22-foot waves. 8 to 12 foot waves saturday. into sunday as bill gets closer, you can see 15 to 20-foot waves along the eastern edges of massachusetts and new england, 9 to 14-foot waves and the dangerous rip tides are going to be a big problem. you cannot stay in that water. in fact here's what happens. this is where a rip current develops. you can see as those waves come in and they start to continue in, in a parallel fashion, the water comes in, and then out and you get caught in it, you cannot get out of that. what you have to do is swim parallel to the shore until you get out of that rip current but the best way to stay out of a rip current is not to get in the water in the first place. it is going to be rough and when we come back later, not only do we have to worry about rip currents in the northeast but major, major rainfall coming up this weekend, a real washout to talk about.
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matt? >> all right, al roker, thank you very much. now to the growing outrage in the u.s. to the release of the only man convicted in the bombing of pan am flight 103 and the celebration that greeted that man when he returned home to libya. nbc's donna dawna friesen. >> reporter: he returned home last night a free man, elsewhere, the condemnation continues. a triumphant return home, abdul baset ali al megrahi dressed in a dark suit stepped off the plane in tripoli, hailed as a hero, escorted and embraced by libyan leader moammar gadhafi's son, cheered by hundreds who waited hours for megrahi's arrival, it was a very public snub to president obama who called megrahi's release a mistake and asked libya to show some restraint. >> we're now in contact with the libyan government and want to
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make sure that if n fact, this transfer has taken place, he is not welcomed back in some way, but instead should be under house arrest. >> reporter: said to be termi l terminally ill with prostate cancer, me grae gra he was freed from a scottish jail where he was freed from a life sentence, an act of compassion, but for many of the victims of bombing flight 103 it was an insalt. stephanie better thanstein's husband was killed. >> it's ñidisgusting. every person in the uk and scotland should be ashamed of himself. >> reporter: for her and so many others, megrahi is a terrorist getting mercy their loved ones did not. there are those who believe megrahi should be free, like jim swier who lost his daughter on the flight. >> i don't think he had anything to do with the murder of my daughter. >> reporter: after his release he issued a statement saying to
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those who bear me ill will, i can only say i do not returnñi that to you. ordeal is not ended by my return to libya. it may never end for me until i die. an innocent dying man or a mass murderer set free, megrahi is back home with his family, leaving many doubts about whether justice has been served. the scottish parliament is being recalled from vacation on monday to debate megrahi's release and one is calling for inquiries into his release and conviction, saying there are still too many unanswered questions. >> dawnaen is friesen in scotland, thank you very much. to the man who successfully negotiated his release, megrahi's attorney tony kelly, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> no remorse no, admission of guilt. he continues to insist he is innocent and couple that with the images many americans and
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relatives of victims are seeing of his hero's welcome back home in libya, do you understand why there's an awful lot of pain here this morning? >> i certainly do understand the pain and unfortunately, mr. megrahi can't possibly completely empathize with that because he asserts his innocence and that assertion of innocence is not simply his, but we have had the case put into considerable detail by scottish review commission, it was me who asserted the case for a second appeal and they expressed grave misgivings about the conviction saying mr. megrahi may have suffered a miscarriage of justice. >> you're saying the scottish courts were saying more he deserves compassion because he may or may not be terminally ill, they have serious doubts about whether he had anything to do with this bombing in the first place? >> no, there are two separate processes we're talking about here, the scottish courts said to release mr. megrahi on a
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compassionate basis, the justice minister mr. mcaskil decided that. there was a criminal appeal process and that was by mr. megrahi exercising as a right to appeal or to challenge the conviction, that was exercised by him as a result of the back to the courts. >> president obama says u.s. officials have been in touch with libyan officials. they didn't want this hero's welcome at all. it's too late for that. he got it. they wanted him to be held under house arrest until he dies. is there any chance the u.s. can have that input or impact on his situation in libya? >> i very much doubt that. remember, i don't think the message for him coming to libya is being hailed as a hero, i don't think that was the message on the airport that's a
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criminal. he's been apart from his family or ten years. he is an innocent person in the minds of many people in libya and the minds of the family and he had come there to die so you see a warm welcome. i wouldn't say it's a hero's welcome at all. >> the mother of one of the victims was in our studio yesterday, mr. kelly, and she has doubts about his condition at all. she recounted the story of her own husband living with prostate cancer for the last ten years and doing well. in some ways they would like more proof of mr. megrahi's condition. if he recovers or stabilizes, does the scottish court have the right to take him back into custody? >> the release is a provisional, but the fact given he has traveled out of the jurisdiction as we would call it is beyond the perils of the reach of the scottish courts. for those who have any doubts of his condition, the scottish
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minister's falling upon the decision yesterday issued the public medical records and the reports upon which their decision is based and they are not medical reports from people who are employed by me who you may view as partisan or the libyan government, these are reports entirely independent and to say they doubt of his condition is fanciful. this is someone who basically had to be removed under armed guards to get to the hospital, run several blood tests on him, for this to be a concoction is beyond question as far as i can see. >> mr. kelly thank you for your time this morning. thanks very much. >> thank you. it is now 11 after the hour. here's ann. >> matt, thank you. now to washington and the raging debate over health care reform. president obama heads out on vacation today, not before he tried a new approach to get his message out. savannah guthrie is at the white house with more on this. good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, ann. as you mentioned with his ambitious plan for health care reform under pressure, the president is looking for new ways to get his message out. this time he took to the air waves, from right here at the white house. >> this is the mike the smerconish program. >> reporter: live from washington the president's latest push for health care, a radio broadcast from the diplomatic room of the white house. the president seizing the opportunity to correct the record. >> -- that nobody's talking about the government administering all of health care, none of the proposals coming out of the white house propose giving coverage to illegal immigrants. >> reporter: taking calls live. >> how are you? >> i'm scared out of my mind talking to you here. >> reporter: one of the toughest questions came from an obama supporter, concerned the president will compromise too much. >> i'm getting a little ticked off that it feels like the knees are buckling a little bit. >> i guarantee you, joe, we are going to get health care reform done.
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>> reporter: many liberals have been angered by recent comments from the president and his team, some see as the administration's backing off its support of a government insurance option. >> the press got a little excited, and some folks on the left got a little excited about this. our position hasn't changed. this looks like a casual crowd. >> reporter: underscoring the need to shoreñr up his own part the president later held a pep talk/town hall with democratic activists, reminding supporters they'd been written off this time last year. >> cable was 24 hours açó ñidayr obama's lostñi his no carrierri
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information via facebook and twitter. in a new book, former homeland security saek tear tomzv ridge said he felt political pressure to raise the terror alert level days beforesn[ the 2004 presidential election. several former bush administration officials are denying the claim. the alert level was not raised. it's almost the end of the road for the cash for clinkers program. the government announced thursday ther rebate program wl end monday night. sold worth nearly $2 billion in rebates. wall street is keeping an ear on fed chair ben bernanke as he delivers a speech in wyoming today. erin burnett is at the new york sto what are investors listening for today? >> hoda, this say big speech. you say wall street but yes, everyone's watching jackson hole, wyoming. all of the officials are gathered there and the fed chir what is the most important topic for our economy and global markets. they will pull back the emergency measures propping up=
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our economy. interest rates in the country are at zero. the fed has trillions of dollars supporting lending. will they get it right? that's the main topic for&jñ markets today. back to you. >> thanks, erin. a southwest airlines flight was forced to return back to the oakland airport in california on thursday, after a male passenger exposed himself to the woman silting next to him and he punched her in the face, then he stripped all the way down and thençó he ft with other passengers and crew members, the man was arrested, the woman was hospitalized with some minor injuries. it is now 18 minutes past 7:00. no word on what's the what over there, what was going on.ñr >> i think we might be smart to go right past that. everything we're thinking of ends our career. >> a rough ride. >> absolutely.jf >> thanks, hoda. >> how was your birthday? >>
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that's your latest weather. matt? >> al, thanks very much. now disturbing, new information in the grisly murder of an aspiring model. police charged that woman's ex-husband a former contestant on a reality tv show with the horrific crime this as they launch on international manhunt to find him. nbc's miguel almaguer has the latest. >> reporter: thursday police officially name their suspect. >> we now have an arrest warrant for ryan alexander jenkins. >> reporter: ryan je.r5ñ swimsuit model 28-year-oldñi picture of her marriage to jenkins in march surfaced but in june, he was charged with assaultin#&r his newlywed bride in suitcase, dumped in a trash bin outside of los angeles. >> ryani] jenkins is an animal. what he has done toñi jasmine i
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unspeakable. >> reporter: investigators say fieroe was laughing with jenkins at a poker tournament in san diego, the night before her naked body was discovered. she was strangled to death, but it was a grisly crime t(scene. family members could barely investigators< described whatd been done to her body. removed. >> after firstñ.' reporting fio as missing last weeken, detectives say jenkins a native of canada disappeared. police found jenkins' car a thousand miles away! in.z northwestern washington state. investigators say he towed his speedboat there, prompting an international manhunt. >> at this time, while we believe he has crossed into canada, we arec not 100% sure o that and there will be no stone unturned, and we'll look under every rockxd for him. he needs to understand that he's now officially wanted. >> i'm going to be the best man of your life. >> reporter: before becoming the
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focus of a real life çimanhunt jenkins starred on a vh-1 reality show where he was fiore's family members say she and her marriage with jenkins was annulled. >> jasmine was a beautiful person. she was a very caring individual, she loved her family and friends. 'q short in a savage murder. for "today," miguel almaguer, nbc news,ko los angeles. j on a friday morning is the godfather of michael jackson's childre3@ al paris jackson's biological father? mark lester speaks out for us in our studio in just a moment. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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they have alzheimer's and heart disease, diabetes and cancer. and they've heard that biomedical research offers hope, that it could control, maybe even cure, their disease. senator barbara mikulski understands the importance of innovative biomedical research, for patients, their families, and our economy here in maryland. call senator mikulski today. tell her, thanks for protecting the promise of biomedical research and the maryland jobs it provides. it's not just the future, it's life. world's youngest wing walker, a dare definite el, just 8 years old. why his mom let him did it. and a live concert.
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get colorful underwear for the family save money. live better. walmart. >> good morning, everybody. i'm stan stovall, the time now 7:26 here's a look at one of our top stories. baltimore police have three people in custody in connection with a brutal hate crime calvin lockner and stack zackary watson and emanuel miller are accused of beating james privott with a hammer or baseball bat and beat him when
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he refused to give them water and cigarettes. all three are now charged with more than a dozen offenses including attempted murder. they are being held without bond. let's get a check now of your morning commute. >> the mass transit note pen lines 513 from perryville running with a 30-minute delay. the morning commute a couple accidents southbound route 10 a crash being cleared and in the middle river area a crash to report. belair road a nice ride looking at our drive times, no delays to report at this time, 11 minutes on north and west side outer loop. we have a disabled vehicle, that's the latest. sandra? >> current temperatures are really a story.
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80 degrees already downtown. 77 at the airport. 77 salisbury. this warm, moist, muggy air mass is still in place and will be in place until it's pushed out of the area on sunday. 88-92 today. then 83 on sunday and low 80's by next week. >> check the bottom of your screen for updated news and traffic information. our next live update i
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7:30 on a friday morning, it's the 21st day of august, 2009, week end wrg it began, hot and humid in the northeast, hopefully it's nice where you are this morning but the temperatures will not stop pop sensation natasha bedingfield reporting live in our summer concert series, in just about a half hour from now. i'm matt lauer alongside ann curry who is in while meredith is enjoying time off. coming up this half hour is mark lester, the god father of his children and paris jackson's
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biological father? he is with us for an exclusive interview. his daughter, hariette, who is 15, take a look at hariette and paris side by side and decide if there is a similarity. mark will talk to us about that in a couple of minutes. also ahead getting a lot of attention from men and women who want to look younger a new anti-wrinkle treatment that looks more natural than botox we're told and lasts up to four years. we're also going to find out about the side effects just ahead. also coming up, most parents won't let their kids walk to school by themselves. would you let your 8-year-old do this? yes, that plane is moving through the air. we're going to meet the world's youngest wing walker and the mother who lets him do that coming up. >> you know if something goes wrong the kid does something wrong you know what the mother says? >> what? >> you're grounded. >> you got a laugh out of heof that's good. let's begin with one of the biggest mysteries surrounding michael jackson, is he or someone else the biological faerpt father of his children?
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nbc's jeff rossen has more. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. no question about it, mark lester had a close relationship with michael jackson. he was the godfather of michael's kids and michael was the god father to his kids but now, lester is jumping about 20 steps forward from that saying he donated sperm to michael and may be paris's biological dad. >> lisa, i want for more. >> reporter: you may not know the name mark lester but you probably know his work. >> oliver twist. >> reporter: he was a child actor and starred in the musical "oliver." more than 40 years later, mark lester is all grown up, living near london. he's a chiropractor. he's married with four kids of his own. lester was living a pretty normal life out of the spotlight until he threw himself back in with this bombshell. >> i believe that paris could be my daughter and i'd be willing to take a paternity test. >> reporter: paris as in this paris.
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>> daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. >> reporter: here's the back story, mark lester and michael jackson had been close friends since 1980, but in 1996, lester saysñr michael made a bizarre request. >>ñi michael jackson asked me ia private conversation whether i would be willing to donate sperm on his behalf. >> reporter: lester now claims he did it, donated the sperm at a london clinic. he says michael wanted kids but was anxious about sex and needed his help. lester came forward about all of it just weeks ago, and the british tabloids had had a field day. >> i believe michael's children, i would assume that the one that looks most like me is paris. >> reporter: lester didn't think twice about it until after michael's death. people kept saying your daughter, hariette, on the left, looks a lot like paris jackson, she's on the right but mark leaster is not the only one with a possible paternity connection. jackson's dermatologist, dr. arnie klein, told a judge recently he has a unique interest in jackson's kids but
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wouldn't elaborate, and there were women claiming motherhood. >> i'm declaring myself as the sole biological mother of all three jackson children. >> reporter: that's claire cruz, just minutes earlier, yet another woman, billie jean jackson told the judge, i'm the mother. it's a circus. >> we know that the kids are consuming some of this stuff in the media. we have found out that the kids do watch television. they do know what's going on, and this can't be healthy for them. >> we should mention, mark lester's ex-wife says his claims are not credible, that he cannot be the biological father, because simply the timing doesn't add up, and katherine jackson's lawyer now tells nbc news the newfound efforts appear to be self-serving, lack legal standing and do not serve the best interests of the children. as of now, at least, in the eyes of the court here in california, michael jackson was the father, debbie rowe is the mother, mostly, matt, because they were married at the time these children came into their lives.
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>> jeff rossen, thank you very much. mark lester is now joining us exclusively, mark, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so those words, self-serving, no legal standing, not in the best interests of the children, that's what the lawyer for katherine jackson says about the possibility, your claim that you're possibly paris's father. how do you respond to that? >> well i would make absolutely no claim on paris or any of the kids. it's just something that happened. it's a possibility that one or all very unlikely all but one of those kids may be mine. >> are you being coy with me here, do you know definitively whether you are paris jackson's father? >> no. >> no idea? >> no idea. and even if i was, it would make absolutely no difference to the status quo of the family anyway. >> because it would make no difference to the status quo of the family, why are you talking about it? why did you decide you wanted to speak about it? >> the story was going to go out in the uk, and it was going to
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break, i had the option of sitting back and letting it go without my input into it, and i just made a decision that it would be better for me to come forward and state my case, rather than it could be going on behind my back without my approval. >> and your family, you've got four children of your own. >> i have, and for them to hear that without me priming them would have been to say, you know, it would have been surprising. >> let's go back to that conversation that you had with michael jackson many years ago, and that's not just something that comes up, it's not like hey, mark, let's go batch a ball game and by the way, would you donate some sperm. put it in context for me. >> we had conversations on the telephone, and michael was very shy when it came to women, and he confided in me that he had found it very difficult to actually do the sexual act.
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he knew i had three, at the time, three lovely girls, and so i just jokingly said, well, look, michael, if you don't want to do t maybe i'll do it for you >> that's a different thing because if he's uncomfortable with the act of having sex with a woman he could still use his own sperm to become the biological faerpt of the child. >> exactly. >> why did he need your sperm? >> exactly. that i don't know, because whether he wanted to increase the chances of the artificial insemination. >> did he say he had some concerns about his own viability as a father? >> no, not really. he just said he was very, very nervous, and he didn't feel that he was up to actually going through the act. >> so when you did donate sperm, though, mark, did you say to him, and by the way, if you decide to use this, this actually is something you decide to move forward with, i think i
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deserve the right to know? >> no. when i gave it, i made a decision, that was it. i had given something as a gift, and i didn't want anything in return for it. that was it. end of story. >> you were married at the time. >> i was. >> that this happened. did you discuss this with your wife? any spouse would want to know it's possible their husband becomes a biological father of another child. >> correct, well my wife at the time we were having a lot of issues, and we were, although we were living together, we were living kind of almost separate lives within the household. she certainly, whatever i did, she would do the opposite. she was a difficult lady, and she didn't like the michael jackson thing, me being with michael, she didn't like the idea of, of anything, of actually me and my kids enjoying ourselves. it seemed to be alien to her,
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which is very sad. so of course, this was completely confidential. nobody knew until a couple of weeks ago. >> she has since done an interview, as you know, with one of the london tabloids. >> she has but that was expected. >> let me see if you can comment on what she said. she says first of all that the story of sperm donation doesn't work in timing or in truth, and that even you have exaggerated your relationship, the depth of your friendship with michael jackson. how do you answer that? >> well, that's what she would be bound to say. i think it's probably out of the fact that she wasn't informed that she feels that she was left out of it in some way. >> so paris jackson was born 11 years ago. >> um-hum. >> you are the god father of michael's children, he's the god father of your children. as you spent time with the jackson children and you started to see paris grow up, looking at a picture right now, here you are on one side of the screen, here's paris jackson on the
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other. did you ever look and say wait a second, i think there's a striking similarity, if you do believe there is one? >> no. i mean michael, paris is michael's daughter. michael, whether or not he's the biological father, is irrelevant. >> but is it relevant, are you possibly the biological father when you look at the split screen as our viewers are looking at it, do you think there's a resemblance? >> she's absolutely beautiful and i would be honored if that came from me. i mean she's a beautiful child, a highly intelligent kid, and as all of jackson's kids are. >> one of your children, one of your daughters, hariette, is in our studio. she's 15. >> um-hum. >> she's fine with this. i want to make sure people don't think i'm catching her off guard. i wonder if we can put a split screen up to see if there's a resemblance between hariette, again, 15, and paris, who is 11. what do you think when you see that? >> it's very difficult to see your own kids because you always see them in a different way. it's like having a tape
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recording of your own voice t never sounds the same. they both got relatively high cheek bones. i mean, there are similarities. >> but it's not an oh, gosh, moment, where you go, wow! of course. >> no, i think olivia, my younger daughter actually looks more like paris but everyone seems to have picked up on the fact that hariette has this resemblance, but i don't know. >> you've said that you'd be willing to take a paternity test. is that true? >> yeah, i don't think it's necessary but you know, i must stress, though, those kids are michael jackson's children. they're with their family, they're in the place where they should be. if i was called upon to do it, if there was any -- >> but you don't want it to happen. it's not something you would push for? >> i really -- >> to answer some question in your own mind? >> i'm the god father to those kids.
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i just really, all i want to do is to remain in contact, my family and michael's children. >> have you been in contact with them since michael died? >> sadly, not. >> why is that? >> i don't know. i guess within the jackson family, there's a lot of upheaval. this is very sudden and sad event, and i mean, michael hasn't even been buried yet. i'm hoping that, you know, when things settle down and in a couple of months maybe, that we'll be able to establish some sort of telephone contact, and who knows, maybe we'll pop over to los angeles, and i would dearly love those children to come and visit us in england. they've been to my house. >> so is your message to the jackson family, you want to continue a relationship and a friendship. you're not looking for a say in their upbringing or any monetary gain from any of this? >> no, no, not at all. i'm their god father. you know, i am the children's godfather, and i really just want -- my kids get along so
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well with michael's children, and you know, i just want to remain, you know, as friends, and to have that contact. maybe come see them once a year, who knows. i'm not saying that we phone every day, but you know, just to have some form of contact would be nice. >> mark lester, mark, thanks for being here, appreciate it. >> my pleasure. let's head out and get a check of
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- and get busy turning our doing dials up a notch? - ♪ whoo! ♪ oh! more saving. more doing. - that's the power of the home depot. - ♪ yeah yeah yeah. all free clear 2x concentrated detergent. all free clear's powerful clean is free of the ingredients you'll find in most detergents: no perfumes... no dyes... no preservatives... free clear is specially designed for people with sensitive skin and has powerful stainlifters, so you can trust it to get the job done right. free clear is the number-one detergent recommended by dermatologists... so, for a pure clean, all free clear is all you need. we're back at 7:47 with an 8-year-old dare devil, on wednesday, tiger brewer became
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the world's youngest wing walker soaring through the air at 120 miles per hour. he joins from us london along with his mother zoe. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> hey, tiger, let's talk about this, you were basically going at 500 feet, soaring 120 miles per hour. what was going through your mind? >> what was going through my mind was why am i doing this? >> why were you doing it? >> he's wanted to do it since he was a little baby. he's been asking my dad every year since he was 3 when he could go up there, he had to wait until his feet reached the wing, until he was tall enough. as soon as he was -- >> there's a reason for that, excuse me for interrupting because this is your part of your family legacy. your father, tiger's grandfather, was very into
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planes and i understand you wing walked when you were 18. give us some sort of sense about the family history. >> yeah, well my dad took his pilot's license when he was -- >> 17. >> -- 17 on his 17th birthday so he's been flying all his life, and he has a wing walking team that he's had for many years, and yes i did wing walking when i was 18 so there was no way i would have let tying doer it if i didn't know if it was completely safe. >> completely safe, doesn't look completely safe, zoe. tell us exactly what wing walk something and why you let him do it. >> well, it's actually, you know, much safer than, you know, driving down the motor way in the car or, you know, any other things that he does every day, because of what it is, there is a lot of health and safety and he's strapped in really, really
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tight, and you know, my dad, although he's a stunt pilot, is mr. health and safety, so i knew he was going to be completely safe with him. >> tiger, do you think you're going to do it again? >> yeah. >> you are? >> yeah. >> my. okay. well be careful, tiger. thank you so much for talking to us and zoe brewer, thank you. >> okay, good-bye. >> okay, good-bye. still to come this morning, how to save big on all those supplies your kids will need as they head back to school, but first these messages. we asked one woman to wash with soap.
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another with dove. if you could see the difference, you'd see soap leaves an invisible layer... of scum on your skin. dove leaves no soap scum. for smooth, clean skin, feel the difference for yourself. or sit on her bed and talk about her day. but she's ready. thanks to walmart's unbeatable prices, i was able to get her everything she needed. as well as what she wanted. letting go? mom! (mom) that's the hard part. set them up for success, for less. save money. live better. walmart.
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gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ . i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. a chinese emperor that he declared it a sacred plant. benefits... buddhist monks believed eating soy... was healthier for the body and spirit. and american farmers planted soybeans... to help revive the barren soil of the dust bowl. for thousands of years, people all around the world have eaten soy. [ birds chirping ] and today, we take that same historic bean, mix it with fruit and bake it... into soyjoy. learn more at
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just ahead, is it better than botox? a new improved wrinkle treatment that lasts not months but years. plus natasha bedingfield live in concert. even during times like these, there is a light beginning to shine again. it comes from a restaurant downtown. a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force in the economy. the reinvention of business begins with them. and while we're sure
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we don't know all the answers, we do know one thing for certain: we want to help. come see what the beginning looks like at the cleaner you feel. olay deep cleansers go beyond what the eye can see. they remove 2 times more dirt and make-up than basic cleansing. for a deep clean feeling, deep cleansers from olay.
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i don't know anything about computers and my daughter is going to college, so she needs one. - can you help me? - ( shouting ) - yes, you. - our line of next class laptops are perfect for college, and they start at just $650. are those good? 'cause i don't want to get her something - that she thinks is totally lame. - no, they're awesome. and they come with pre-loaded software so she won't have to do a thing.
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- great. she's good at that. - ( blue shirts laugh ) laptops designed for college and thousands of people eager to help. best buy. buyer be happy. live, local, late-breaking. this is wbal tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> let's get a check on our morning commute. >> good morning, everyone. dealing with a new accident. reiscterstown and hooks lane, and at white marsh, another accident clearing, a slowdown in the northeast corner.
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13 minutes for drive time, 11 minutes on the left on the upper lip, five minutes on southbound to fort mchenry. so far, no major toll plaza delays, the rest of the area looking very good. outer loop beginning around providence. and that is your latest on traffic. >> the sun is up right now. it is very warm and money -- muggy. warm, humid, scatter charts and storms. the front will try to make its way through, but it will clear the area, at least by sunday, meaning nicer, up to 82. still a good chance of showers and storms. for the start of the next work week, load-80's and dry, mid- 80's by next wednesday and thursday.
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note feel the rain on your skin ♪ ♪ no one else can feel it for you ♪ 8:00 friday morning, august 23rd, 2009, although if you listen to the sounds coming from our crowds -- >> that's very sweet of you. >> this say big crowd here. okay, could we just say it? it is really sticky here. >> we're all stuck together. >> did you see the window leading to the studio out here, fogging up, it is so hot and steamy out here that we've got -- >> like a shower. >> it really is. >> this is a two-shower day i think. >> that's right. i better get started.
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>> we got natasha bedingfield performing in actually a couple of minutes, in about a half an hour, and reminder, while we have a great show this friday, next friday, miley cyrus in concert. >> miley cyrus next friday. >> meanwhile, matt lauer along with ann curry, meredith is taking time off. al roker is here as well. coming up, tell me more about this shot that can make you look younger? >> called sculptra, an an try wrinkle treatment and there is a catch, because unlike botox, it can last up to four years. you want to make sure they do it right. there are some side effects, but we're told they're minor. we'll get to the bottom of all of this coming up. >> i always like the side effects. >> irritation and things. >> oh, yeah, you're not wrinkly but you're scratching like crazy. anyway, from supplies to computers to lunches, we're going to show you how to cut down on the cost of sending the
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kids back to school. >> you have never looked better. can i say, look at you. >> look at me. >> doesn't he look fantastic? >> 55 appeals to him. >> it does. hoda is standing by at the news desk with the headlines. >> good morning guys, good morning, everybody. today the world health organization is warning there will soon be an explosion in swine flu cases. the agency says most countries may she swine flu cases double every three to four days for several months. meantime, u.s. health officials are recommending that college students be vaccinated for h1n1, this is one of a number of recommendations being spread on college campuses via facebook and twitter. president obama is hoping to regain momentum on health care reform, speaking to supporters at the democratic national committee headquarters thursday. the president tried to counter what he calls misinformation about his plan, including the creation of what critics label death panels. the government is putting the brakes on the cash for clunkers program. the enormously popular car rebate program will end on
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monday night. so far, more than 450,000 vehicles have been sold, generating aboutñr $2 billion i rebates. the only suspect convicted in the 1988 bombing of pan am flight 103 was welcomed home last night to libyaçó with a hu reception. thousands turned out for the arrival of abdul baset ali al megrahi, after he was released al megrahi was granted añi because he's dying from cancer. two more infant deaths are prompting the consumer products safety commissionish to u another warnira=uñbassinets made by simplicity, urging parents to stop using the close-sleeper bedside sleeper bassinets because four infants have gotten strangled or suffocated. the original recall was issued a year ago. hurricane bill is bringing dangerous riptides along the eastern u.s. people in bermuda are preparing
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for heavy rain, tropical storm force winds and huge waves over the weekend. if you like to dream big and have time to buy tonight's mega millions drawing played in 12 states the jackpot a watching $207 million. in the meantime, there is one new multimillionaire from this week's powerball drawing a single winning ticket worth $2509 million was sold at a gas station in columbia, south carolina. so check your pockets. it is now four minutes past 8:00, let's go back outside to matt and ann. >> okay, thanks a lot. matt, look over here. >> oh! >> so cute.
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airport. showers and storms later this >> mr. lauer? >> you got the magic touch. lots of our favorite pho photojournalists that can mean only one thing, another good concert. natasha bedingfield in concert in our 8:30 half-hour. come up, is it better than botox? a new shot to remove your wrinkles. first these messages. who are finding more ways ts to spread their dollar further. - to bolder color in less time. - ♪ are you feeling it?
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say hello to newer ideas and lowered prices, enabling more people to turn more saving into more doing. - that's the power of the home depot. - ♪ are you feeling it? try out different colors with new 8-ounce paint samples at a new low price of only $2.94. ♪ fresh and tasty naturally ♪ a dip for you, and a dollop for me ♪ ♪ daisy just goes with family ♪ so, do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop ♪ ♪ things taste better with a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪
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if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin.
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well, are you going moisture to pick it or not?moisture. it's not ready yet. (announcer) tim and richard smucker grew up learning that you have to pick fruit at the peak of perfection if you want jam to taste extra delicious. it's getting close. (announcer) for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good.
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back now at 8:10 this morning on "today's health" a new fda-approved anti-wrinkle treatment called sculptra. here's nbc's michelle kosinski. >> reporter: a few needles to the face, several hundred dollars a session, and you have the latest break-through that doesn't freeze time, it helps you grow some of itñi back. >> lines here were very, very deep and that was the only
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product that helped me considerably. >> reporter: sculptra, similar to dissolvable stitches was first approved for aids patients who lose a lot of facial fat. now given the a-okay for looks. it makes your body produce more of its own collagen where injected and the results last years, not months. >> these lines right there, the ones your makeup sticks in and says hello, i'm a big wrinkle, that's what doctors say thisñiñ stuff is good for and also older, crepey skin, and hollow cheeks. this is a before, and after. dr. leslie bowman did the years of clinical trials for the manufacturer at the university of miami's cosmetic research institute. >> i've seen it last three years and the nice thing is at the end of three years they don't need three or four more treatments, usually one will be enough but you absolutely can make someone's face look ten years younger. >> reporter: husband and wife omar and vivian fernandez took parts in the trial and feel five years older they look better.
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>> this part tends to droop a little and if you can help it, just like if you put on powder, to cover something or blush to give yourself a little bit color, i think that's the same thing. so just to make yourself look better. >> reporter: the downside? expensive. and you don't see results right away. you get one treatment a month at around $800, and after three, you start to see your old friend collagen coming back. >> when we get together with friends, they say, what are you doing? you look -- >> reporter: here's a big caution. if you don't go to a doctor who knows what they're doing, you could get big, hard lumps that can only be removed with surgery. >> i had a patient who was treated in atlanta by another doctor who came inñr and she ha huge bumps all under her eyes that you could see, and they felt hard as a rock. >> reporter: not pretty. done right, the newest things to put back a few of those passing years. for "today," michelle kosinski, nbc news, miami.
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>> dr. raj, assistant professor at the nyu school of medicine and medical editor of" health" magazine. good morning. >> good morning. >> that was good and bad news, two to four years, terrific, not botox but on the other hand, what about these lumps? what are the side effects of this thing? >> for general people it's really very minimal. you get a little tenderness, redness or swelling around the area of injection. >> for a long time? >> usually lasts a few days, for the most two weeks. in rare cases you go l get nodules or painful bumps under the skin if you're prone to keloid you should stay away from this because it could develop scars. >> this say brand new injection. they're not going to be that many people experienced at it. >> you have to get special training for it. it has been used in europe since 1999. it's been used longer in this country for aids patients so someone who has been properly trained is a good idea. >> we've gone through the side effects.
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what are the pluses? >> the plupss are many. one is that it doesn't work right away which is a good thing because you have a more gradual, natural result, not like you walk in one day to work and everyone says, whoa, what happened to you? it's more subtle. >> you can move your eyebrows if you're angry or sad. you don't have to worry about the frozen effect. >> it's not freezing your muscles which is nice, you have some facial expression and it makes your body produce more collagen, and again that's why it's long lasting, more than a few months. the fillers get resorbed by your body but this has your own body producing more, lasting up to two to three years. >> with all due respect to the fda because they have a big, big, big, job. we know some things have been approved by the fda and only later found out to not be good for us, there's a real risk and things have been pulled back. how long do we need to wait before we can feel this is fully vetted? >> it's been around for a long time in europe. we trust our own fda more than european countries. i think you should wait a few years if you're nerve busous ab
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it. a lot of people are using this off label for awhile and it does seem to work. it's buyer beware. depends how important it is to you to get the wrinkles out of the way. >> this is probably a good way, a time to remind people, there are other ways not to have as much aging. >> sure. >> healthy ways, things that don't require this kind of stuff. >> i think prevention is the best thing to do, and first of all, sun damage is number one. stay out of the sun, especially your eyes, you get a lot of wrinkles around your eye, wear the sunglasses, avoid squinting, exercise, not smoking, these are things that will help you prevent wrinkles so you don't have to use this later on. >> one of the great beautifiers, try to find happiness. >> absolutely. >> as you obviously. dr. raj, thank you so much this morning. coming up next, how to save on supplies to computers, as we send our children back to school, after this. (miley cyrus) introducing miley cyrus & max azria.
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♪ [ woman ] ♪ early light breaks through ♪ music and dance calling you ♪ just need that mountain grown lift ♪ ♪ before you share your gift ♪ ♪ now there's rhythm and sound ♪ making their hearts pound ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ ♪ is folgers in your cup ( women vocalizing ) ♪ there's a reason ♪ for the sunshine sky ♪ there's a reason why i'm feeling so high ♪ ♪ must be the season... announcer: you get more power and more space, the world gets fewer smog-forming emissions. the 3rd generation prius. it's harmony between man,
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nature and machine. whaddya say? thank you? ♪ nick, come on! - whaddya say? - please. whaddya say? nate did it? whaddya say? he always wants a happy meal. and with apples and low-fat milk, i'm happy to get it. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ so let it whip today's "friday whip" is brought to you by mcdonald's. this morning on "today's" "friday whip" ways to save as you send the kids back to school. we have four experts standing by with great ideas.
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we have kim clark, "u.s. news" with all kinds of money saving information. good to see. >> thanks for having me. >> you have college bound students, sell the car. >> right, a lot of students say they need a car to get to a job but the colleges point out if they didn't have the car census they wouldn't need to study so hard. you save your insurance, campus park something expensive. >> gas. >> maintenance. the savings are $6,000 a year. >> living on campus in a dorm room, look for a triple occupancy room. >> one of the reasons college has gotten so expensive, dorms are a lot nicer. you see suites and single rooms. if you're willing to lower your standard of living a little bit and maybe live in a double, triple or quadruple room you can get big discounts. >> how can you save money on the college meal plan? >> you have to buy the right meal plan. if you're going home every weekend you don't need the 20-meal plan. buy the 14-meal plan and be disciplined about snacking. you order that late night pizza,
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it's $10 or $20 a night. so that really adds up. if you can eat your meals in the calf tieria, you can save money and not gain the freshman 15. >> finally, find a cheaper way to earn credits. >> people don't realize there are two tests out there widely recognized by colleges and will give you credit and these tests cost less than $100. one is called click and other dsst. you take four, five, english, sociology and save a semester's worth of tuition. >> kim clark, thank you very much. >> you bet. let's check in with hoda. >> all right, matt, thanks so much. amy, knows how to soup up the bargain basement prices from "all you" magazine. time for supply shopping. >> we're in the heat of it. as the months progress we get deeper discounts. the thing is to know when the sales start, some start midweek and some on the weekend. >> speaking of sales, realize this area right here that amy has brought us, all of this, 95
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cents. from how? >> from office depot and stores like that, having weekly back-to-school sales, 95 cents. four of these items are free, nothing is over 25 cents. it's a great deal. this sale starts sunday. >> how do you get free items? >> they're offering these folders, walk in, put them into your basket and you can get it. >> if you waited until the first day of school or after, do you think you'd find better deals than we're seeing? >> yes more high-tech items. you can wait and get a better deal. >> if you go to places you don't expect to find school supplies like a toys "r" us. >> get a backpack for $12.95 or higher you get a free lunch kit up to a value of ten bucks. 'a great deal. we have lots of styles to choose from. >> a lot of people like to buy in bulk at one of the big stores, lots of notebooks. is that a good idea? >> great idea if you want to go in with another family and split a real of paper. walmart these notebooks are 15 cents, note cards for 44 cents, target, folders for $1, pencil
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cases for $1. this is a lap desk for a little bit over $12. a lamp for $8 from target and a gorgeous japanese anime bag kids are going crazy for, showing you can have style and savings and school hand in hand. >> amy, terrific bargains. thank you so much. let's go upstairs to miss ann curry in the kitchen. >> i'm with sunny anderson from "cooking for real." making a shoe string on a budget. >> graduate your kids from pb&j and mayo and mustard sandwiches and wrap it in a healthy way. bread to me in the bread box doesn't last very long. if you don't have enough kids to have sandwiches you're wasting bread. >> this is going to last longer. >> yes, put the tortillas in the refrigerator and lasts longer. wheat is better. i have dill hummus and spread that on with lettuce,
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cranberries and roll it up. the great thing about the dill hummus, it's great to make, canned goods and canned beans, olive oil, fresh dill and it's not a shopping trip. >> stick it in the blender and you chop them up like this, you do that because i might hurt myself and you put them in, this is interesting. she puts them in these pre -- you bought something in this and wash it up and then you put your kids' lunches? >> it's a great second use for it. if we like packaging as adults your kids will love the packaging as well. let them have it in a fun little lunch. >> as you point out it's green. >> it's green and makes you feel good about your carbon footprint. you have cute rolls there. >> let's move on. you have this item here, which is basically what, a turkeyburger? >> these are my tricolor meatloaf peppers and the great thing about this is it's packed with vegetables and wrapped with vegetables. you make this the night before. the morning of, you cut out a little circle of bread and it's
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good to go. >> we're out of time but i want to quickly mention she's suggesting we freeze fruit, put them in a baggy and by the time they get to school it will be perfect. thanks so much this morning. >> thank you, ann. computers have been a back-to-school must but al, the price can add up quickly. >> sure can, but doesn't have to. we have a technology expert and dean of student affairs at columbia university's journalism school. shireen good to see you. >> good to be here. >> looking for a computer for your kid there are deals. >> you need to know what you want to do with the computer and you want to sit down and talk with your kid to see what they would like to do with it. there's high-end gaming or whether they should be looking for something that's portable and light. >> are there certain things you can do to reduce the cost of that? >> the first thing is that when you go into the store, is to have your child be comfortable with the computer so they know this model may be the right one for them and really look at what kind of options they might be on various kinds of discounts especially printer discounts and software discounts. >> these netbooks good deal?
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>> this is the del mini netbook which means not as live, local, late-breaking.. this is wbal tv 11 news today in baltimore. v >> here is a look at a top story this morning. police are looking for cellular phone video of a shooting at the inner harbor last week and, around 11:00 saturday night. two men are being treated for gunshot wounds but they are not being cooperative with the investigation. a reward of $2,000 put in. >> good morning, everyone. let's check your friday morning commute. we're almost done. just a few accidents to watch for. mount royal, and accident coming in, and in middle river, white marsh boulevard, watch for a
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crash still clearing their. you can see south down 95 from the belt way right now the 895. a little to lay on the north side. southdown to 95, and let's check of harford road. just beyond, you back down, heading towards providence. that is the latest. have a good weekend. >> a warm, muggy start after this afternoon. scattered showers and storms, 88 to 92 today's weather. after, we will be pleasant, with highs in the low-80's. we will make it through, with a good chance of showers and storms tonight and tomorrow. 83 tomorrow afternoon, with a slight chance of a morning shower. that trend, the low-80's, continues next monday and tuesday.
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♪ feel the rain on your skin ♪ no one else can feel it for you ♪ 8:30 on a friday morning, the 21st day of august 2009. we have a huge crowd gathered on this plaza friday morning, standing side by side and if they are human, they are spritzing, because it is warm and humid on the plaza. we thank them for sticking it out and sticking it out for a good reason because in a couple of minutes, we've got natasha bedingfield performing live in concert on that stage right
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behind us. >> we were all saying how lucky are we? because she really had everyone feeling so good. right, everybody? [ cheering ] >> i'm matt lauer along with ann curry, while meredith is taking some time off. mr. roker and miss kotb as well. you're going to do cooking >> mark is great to have around. i don't think i've eaten anything prepared by him i didn't like. he's going to teach us how to make a picnic and keep it simple. >> simple, simple. >> he can hear us. good ideas from mark. not three, not seven, not
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we're back at 8:35, how to cook everything today, picnic recipes, sure sandwiches will do, why not add some wild things in your outdoor meal. we have mark bittman, "kitchen express" 404 inspired seasonal dishes you can make in 20 minutes." mark is appropriately dressed in shorts for this segment. you're going to do a picnic with
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a fancy name, panzanella. what the heck is that? >> bread salad. i like to season liberally so we're going to do chopped toe day mows and add capers, olives, ancho anchovies, whatever you like. >> we're putting capers on top of that. >> i like capers. >> when you say free people are not always free because they feel insecure. what is your best advice? >> taste, that's my best advice. >> we have anchovies. i like them, not too much. you're going to like them now. we want a little more garlic. >> oil and vinegar. >> olive oil is fantastic. i baked with olive oil in a uá fantastic. >> yes. and we'll use some shaved pecarina. this is really flexible, any cheese you want, anyxd seasonin you want, and steal bread if you have it. >> what you're doing with the steal bread, you want to make the salad prettyçó tasty becaus the bread is going to soak up. >> yes, definitely. i was going to say that. some salt and pepper.
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>> did that. salt. i did the pepper. >> some torn basil. >> we mix that up. >> you're doing very well. >> and then we get the torn basil, mix that up like this and put a little plastic. that's it. >> a little tupperware. >> how much ahead of time do we have to do this? >> you don't have to do it ahead of time, you don't have to do it ahead of time at all but you can do it a few hours. >> if you do it a whole day the bread will get soggy. beautiful little salad, and it's done. panzanella is an idea, now we have some beets. >> you're really moving it along. >> i'm on a roll. you're on a roll. >> some shredded shallots. these are fresh beets, raw, shredded in the food processor. very crunchy, taste them, great. >> they're perfect. why cook them? they're hard to cook. >> they're crunchy, sweet, they're delicious. >> olive oil. >> a little olive oil, and this
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time sherry. >> why sherry? >> i like the combination, it's a strong vinegar on the beets, they're sweet so it's a nice combo. >> you've got some pita breads here. >> i also have some little herbs. >> and a little bit of parsley. happening. >> and some pita chips, you could have crackers, bread, tortilla chips. >> look at how pretty the green looks on the beets. put that in. >> do we have another ten seconds? >> we have, we have, because we want to make it perfect. so i'm going to put this in here and what would i do with this? use this to dip? >> or just put them on, you know, spread them on top or serve them on the side. >> you could crunch them in, good to eat with the salad. >> another bread salad. >> done. how did it come out? >> fabulous. >> fabulous. okay, then i'm having a bite, too. okay, now -- >> really good. >> what are we making for dessert? >> this is like beyond simple. this is store bought pound cake, mascarpone cheese, you could use
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whipped cream. spread that with a little bit of that and here we don't want to do it in advance, this is a hrubarb strawberry jam so you make the little sandwiches, do it this way, make these little sandwiches, put them in here and later on top them with that or spread some jam on the inside. >> so the cheese is something i buy out of the store, the pound cake out of the store and something out of a jar to top it on top. >> or if you have a little time you cook some strawberries and rhubarb together with sugar and get this. >> fantastic. basically what you're saying is switch it up, you don't have to make the potato salad or baked chicken. surprise your family. >> and look at the colors we have here. look how pretty this is, the beets, as you said, raw and really sharp and delicious, but look how gorgeous this is, the bread salad, nice stuff. >> mark bittman, making it eelsy as he always does, thank you so much. for more recipes that are easy check out our website at
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♪ i got a pocket full, a pocket full of sunshine ♪ ♪ oh, do what you want but you're never going to break me ♪ ♪ stick and stones are never going to shake me, oh ♪ ♪ i got a pocket ul, a pocket full of sunshine, oh, oh ♪ ♪ do anything you want you can't throw me down ♪ ♪ take me away, a secret place, a sweet escape, take me away ♪ ♪ take me away to better days, take me away, a hiding place ♪ ♪ i got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine ♪ ♪ i got a love and i know that it's all mine ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, you're mine, yeah ♪ ♪ do what you want but you're
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never gonna break me ♪ ♪ sticks and stones are never gonna shake me no ♪ ♪ you can't control me, no, no ♪ take me away, a secret place, a sweet escape, take me away ♪ ♪ take me away to better days, take me away, a hiding place ♪ ♪ there's a place that i go that nobody knows where the rivers flow, and i call it home ♪ ♪ and there's no more lies in the darkness there's light ♪ ♪ and nobody cries, there's only butterflies ♪ ♪ take me away, a secret place, a sweet escape, take me away ♪ ♪ take me away to better days, take me away, take me away ♪
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grammy nominated singer and song ware natasha bedingfield is hard at work on a brand new album, spending a lot of studio. lucky for us she stepped on to our hot, steamy concert stage. natasha, welcome back. good to have you here. >> thank you, good to be here. >> since the last time we got to hang out, you've gotten married. congratulations. >> i did. i did. >> back in may, right? >> actually in april. >> in april. are you still married? >> yes. >> it's the entertainment industry, i don't know. how is it treating you and changing your music? because you are recording right now. >> i'm writing my next album, it's nice because i'm in that kind of phase that the honeymoon
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phase, and it's kind of inspiring the music, but the album is not going to be about getting married. >> some of the songs on the last two albums were being single and independent. >> yes. >> clearly subject matter has changed a little bit. >> a little bit. i think there still should be some independent stuff because i think that part, a key to a good relationship is being interdependent and having confidence in yourself, that stuff, because you know, there's a lot of reasons to feel insecure >> we have a certain amount of nostalgia with you, because you came here when you were just beginning, and you performed here on the plaza, and it's been a real whirlwind over the last several years for you. have you been able to put it in perspective? >> yes, i mean, it really goes up and down and you have the high moments and then it goes quiet when you are writing. i feel like you guys have been there from the start. >> do you miss the attention when you're in there in the
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studio and no one's saying, well, let's play her song right now? is that a tough time for you? >> no, i kind of like it. it's like, i kind of go into my little studio and hide away and write and probably by the end of the year we'll have the next album, and i just, i'm trying to get inspired as i can, listening to other music, and it's just a lot of fun, just kind of bring that creativity to the music. >> you recorded a song done by madonna "ray of light." why that song and what is it that made you say i'd like to do that? >> madonna is a really good song writer and every person i've talked to that worked with her, she's a great performer but her songs are amazing and "ray of light" is quite fun to sing as a singer. so i've been singing it on my show, i wanted to bring it here and sing it here. >> we'll get to hear that now? >> um-hum. >> great to have you back. congratulations on your marriage. ladies and gentlemen, natasha bedingfield.
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♪ ♪ zephyr in the sky and light, i wonder do my tears of morning sink beneath the sun ♪ ♪ she's got herself a universe gone quickly, for the call of thunder, threatens everyone ♪ ♪ and i feel like i just got home, and i feel ♪ ♪ and i feel like i just got home and i feel ♪ ♪ ♪ faster than the speeding
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light, she's flying ♪ ♪ trying to remember where it all began ♪ oh, oh, yeah ♪ ♪ she's got herself a little piece of heaven ♪ ♪ waiting for the time when earth shall be as one ♪ ♪ and i feel like i just got home and i feel ♪ ♪ and i feel like i just got home, and i feel ♪xd ♪ quicker than a ray of light ♪ quicker than a ray of light ñi ♪ and i feel, woo çó
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top stories this morning. detectives are looking for the gunman who opened fire in baltimore. shots reported this morning at pennsylvania avenue. a single victim was found. no word as to condition or the motive for the attack. also, please in the southeastern district or working to solve latest murder to hit the books, shooting just after 4:30. anyone with information should call
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