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tv   Today  NBC  August 21, 2009 9:00am-9:59am EDT

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a month after a $3500 government rebate and no down payment. go to for details. ♪ we're back now more of "today" on a friday morning, the 21st day of august, 2009. you're looking at a happy crowd enjoying the afterglow of a great concert, maybe that's just per separation. >> i was going to say. >> natasha bedingfield putting on a great show on the plaza. if you missed it, more music to come from the sultry songstress. >> she looks sultry now. >> matt lauer along with ann curry and al roker, and coming up in this half hour we're going to talk to mark lester. remember him, the good friend
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and godfather of michael jackson's children, three children and now he says there's a possibility he could actually turn out to be the biological father of that lady right there, paris jackson. there's mark on the right, and paris on the left, is there a similarity? we'll let you decide, as we talk to mark in this half hour. >> on a lighter note, you guys spend a lot of money on facial creams to make sure you stay beautiful and probably asked yourself, am i really putting my money in a place where it really needs toñi go? in other words, do these things really work? a medical doctor willñr come on the show in the next half hour and ta about what really works, what doesn't work, for example things that make your eye lashes grow longer. >> yes. >> do they work? we'll find moout more coming up. you smell like guacamole, or tortilla chips. house hunting, we'll tell you anything from $200,000 to $500,000, what it will get you from hawaii to virginia.
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>> you know how we track the adoptions of the dogs? >> yes. >> do we track the sale of the homes? >> we should. >> can we find out, if people take advantage of the deals because they're great. get on that! >> i'm going right now! >> okay. >> let's get a check of the headlines of the day from hoda kotb filling in at the news desk. >> this will be the last weekend for car shoppers to take advantage of the cash for clunkers rebate offer. the federal program ends monday night because it used up so much of the $3 billion in funding in a month. the world health organization is warning today of a major surge in swine flu cases over the next few months. thursday health officials urged college students to get vaccinated in the fall and advised them to stay out of classrooms if they have flu-like symptoms or fever. preliminary results of afghanistan's presidential election could come as early as tomorrow but final results are not expected for two more weeks. the freed lockerbie bomber is back home in libya today,
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greeted last night to a hero's welcome. abdul baset ali al megrahi was released by scottish authorities thursday because he's been diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. a spokesman for donald rumsfeld is calling a claim by former homeland security tom ridge nonsense. in a new book ridge says he felt fo pressure to raise the nation's terror threat level days before the 2004 presidential election. the level was not raised. an unruly passenger aboard a southwest airlines flight was arrested thursday after police say during the flight he exposed himself to his seat mate, punched her, and then fought with other passengers and crew before disrobing entirely. the flight out of oakland, california, was forced to return to the airport. and they are ready for their close-ups. the public got its first look at four lion cubs at the virginia zoo in norfolk, thursday. cuddly and cute but the largest just started eating raw meat for lunch. they're lions, after all
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>> it is three minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to ann curry >> hoda kotb, good on. somebody else doing a good job besides this little girl waving is al roker. >> we got all of these natasha bedingfield fans over here. let's show you what's going on out in the atlantic, latest on bill and you can see, 385 miles south of bermuda, 820 miles southeast of cape hatteras, downgraded to about 115 miles per hour, barely a capital goir 3, moving northwest at 17, path of the storm will bring it early saturday between bermuda and the eastern united states, good news, doesn't make landfall in bermuda, picking up two to four inches of rain for the eastern u.s., what we've got to watch for, dangerous rip currents, large swells. bermuda may see waves as much as 40 feet along the south coast, and then on sunday, bermuda's waves die down but strong waves start to fire up as you get along new england. rip currents the big problems as the waves come in, the strong waves, the water takes it out, because of course, it's got to go somewhere, and as it does, it
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creates these really dangerous rip currents, only way if you get caught in the rip current, get out of it, swim >> warm and humid today, '88 and '92, scattered showers and storms ahead of a front going fully into its direction. once it gets look i've trapped ann curry between jimmy murragn. can't get away. >> i like to hang with people. >> let's go back in to matt. >> thank you very much and ann as well. mark lester is a chiropractor outside of london, he's married with four children. he also happens to be a good friend to michael jackson or was
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and he is the godfather to michael jackson's three children. now, he's claiming he could be the biological father of paris jackson. i got a chance to sit down with mark earlier this morning and i asked him how he responds to katherine jackson's lawyers claims that lester's claims are self-serving with no legal standing. >> well, i would make absolutely no claim on paris or any of the kids. it's just something that happened. it's a possibility that one or all, very unlikely all, but one of those kids may be mine. >> are you being coy with me here? do you know definitively whether you are paris jackson's father? >> no. >> no idea? >> no idea. and even if i was, it would make absolutely no difference to the status quo of the family anyway. >> because it would make no difference to the status quo of the family or the status quo of the family, why are you talking about it? why did you decide you wanted to speak about it? >> the story was going to go out
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in the uk, and it was going to break. i had the option of sitting back and letting it go without my input into it, and i just made a decision that it would be better for me to come forward and state my case, rather than it could be going on behind my back without my approval. >> and your family, of a got four children of your own. >> i have, and for them to hear that without me priming them would have been to say, you know, would have been surprising. >> let's go back to that conversation that you had with michael jackson many years ago, and that's not just something that comes up, it's not like hey, mark, let's go watch a ball game and by the way, would you donate some sperm. put it in context for me. >> we had conversations on the telephone, and michael was very shy when it came to women, and he confided in me that he had
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found it very difficult to actually do the sexual act. he knew i had three, at the time three lovely girls, and so i just jokingly said, well, look, michael, if you don't want to do t maybe i'll do it for you. >> that's a very different thing. if he's uncomfortable with the act of having sex with a woman, he could still use his own sperm. >> exactly. >> to become the biological father of the child. >> exactly. >>why use your sperm? >> that i don't know, whether he wanted to increase the chances of the artificial insemination. >> did he say he had some concerns about his own viability as a father? >> no, not really. he just said he was very, very nervous, and he didn't feel that he was up to actually going through the act. >> so when you did donate sperm, though, mark, did you say to him, and by the way, if you decide to use this, if this
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actually is something you decide to move forward with, i think i deserve the right to know? >> no, when i gave it, i made a decision and that was it, and i had given something as a gift, and i didn't want anything in return for it. that was it. end of story. >> so paris jackson was born 11 years ago. you were the godfather of michael's children, he's the godfather of your children, so as you spent time with the jackson children, and you started to see paris grow up, we're looking at a picture. here you are on one side of the screen, here's paris jackson on the other. did you ever look, say wait a second i think there's a striking similarity if you believe there is one? >> no. michael, par sis michael's daughter. michael, whether or not he's the irrelevant. >> is it relevant -- are you possibly the biological father, when you look at that split screen right there as our viewers are looking at it, do you think there's a resemblance? >> she'sñi absolutely beautiful
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and you know, i would be honored if that came from me.ñr i meanñi she's a beautiful ñu$i she's axdñri highly intelligent and as all of jackson's kids are. >> one of your children, one of your daughters, hariette,çó is our studio, she's 15 and she's fine with this, i want to make sure that people don't think i'm catching her off guard. i wonder if we can put a split screen up to see if there's a resemblance between hariette, again, 15 and paris, who is 11. what do you think when you see that? >> it's very difficult to see your own kids because you always see them in a different way. it's like hearing a tape recording of your own voice, it never sounds the same. they both have relatively high cheek bones. i mean, there are similarities. >> but it's not an oh, gosh, moment, where you go, wow! of course! >> no, i think owe liveia, my younger daughter, looks more like paris, but everyone seems to have picked up on the fact
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that hariette has this resemblance, but i don't know. >> you've said that you'd be willing to take a paternity test. is that true? >> yeah, i mean, if it was necessary but you know, i -- i must stress, though, those kids are michael jackson's children, you know. they're with their family. they're in the place where they should be. if i was called upon to do it, if there was any -- >> but you don't want it to happen. it's not something you would push for? >> i really -- >> to answer some question in your own minds. >> i'm the godfather to those kids. i really, all i want to do is to remain in contact, my family and michael's children to be -- >> have you been in contact with them since michael died? >> sadly, not. >> and why is that? >> i don't know. i guess within the jackson family, you know, there's a lot of upheaval. this is very sudden and sad event, and i mean, michael hasn't even been buried yet.
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i'm hoping that, you know, when things settle down, and in a couple of months maybe, that we'll be able to establish some sort of telephone contact, and who knows? maybe we'll pop over to los angeles and -- i would dearly love those children to come and visit us in england. they've been to my house, and -- >> is your message to the jackson family, you just want to continue a relationship and a friendship. you're not looking for a say in their upbringing or any money, any monetary gain from any of this? >> no, no, not at all. i just love -- i'm their godfather. i am the children's godfather, and i really just want -- my kids get along so well with theirs, with michael's children, and i just want to remain, you know, as friends, and to have that contact. maybe come see them once a year, who knows? i'm not saying that we phone every day, but you know, just to have some form of contact would be nice. >> again that was mark lester, and still to come, the doctor's in. she's going to tell you what
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works and what doesn't when it comes to beauty products but up next we'll take you inside some of the houses around the country that could be yours if you're looking. that's right after this. lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. go-gurt is specially made to freeze and thaw by lunch time? so kids can have their favorite yogurt in their lunch box go-gurt. freeze it. thaw it. eat it up. it's not ready yet. (announcer) every smucker learns to wait for fruit to reach the peak of perfection
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to make extra delicious jam. en't yof bleach accidents? new spray n' wash bright and white is your safe bleach alternative. it does the job... stop-- don't do that! without the accidents. add it with your detergent to help whiten and keep colors bright while the resolve power gets rid of stains. trust spray n' wash bright and white. revlon introduces the first one-step food proof lipcolor... with a conditioning topcoat built right in and patented colorstay technology™. in 20 brilliant shades. all in one single step... new revlon colorstay ultimate liquid lipstick. all in one single step... every day special. fancy feast introduces an entirely new way to celebrate any moment. fancy feast appetizers. simple high quality ingredients like wild alaskan salmon, white meat chicken, or seabass and shrimp in a delicate broth, prepared without by-products or fillers.
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new fancy feast appetizers. celebrate the moment. new fancy feast appetizers. ♪ there's only one word for this ♪ ♪ it's bliss ♪ only one word describes chocolate this creamy, this rich, this indulgent. bliss. hershey's bliss chocolate. it's not just chocolate. it's bliss. has progress taken us to a better place? i'd say it's taken us for a ride. honestly, what thanks do we owe progress? we're up to our necks in landfill, and down to the wire in resources and climate change is out to get us. that's why progress plays no role inside post shredded wheat. here, we put the "no" in innovation. post original shredded wheat is still just the one simple, honest ingredient
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which naturally comes with vitamins, minerals and fiber. all we did was make it spoon size. did we go too far? good morning on "today's real estate" house for sale. if you're in the market, barbara is ready to show you what's out there. first of all, barbara, there's a lot of conflicting signs out there. are there reasons to be optimistic now? >> there's a tiny reason to be optimistic. what's happened for the first time in six years, we actually had prices go up. don't get too excited, by half a point in the last quarter, but up, and a lot more houses are selling so people are keeping their fingers crossed. >> let's shuffle off to buffalo, we'll head upstate buffalo, new york, the house you found for under $200,000. >> this is a good deal this house, in an up and coming area, full of art studios and restaurants and the place in the town that everybody wants to be.
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60% of the people in buffalo are single and this is perfect for single or a couple moving into this house. it's an historic 1920s bungalow. you should appreciate it's energy efficient, radiant floor heating and solar hot water and the gleaming beautifully refinished new floors. the kitchen has granite countertops and everything has been brought up-to-date so there's nothing left to be done. >> it's on a small lot, a lot of homes are on either side. ways to make it a little more private? >> that's an old neighborhood and the houses are back-to-back and the easiest way to make that private is you can't add more land but what you could do is put a little white picket fence to separate from the neighbors. >> the solar stuff on the top, is that a priority for people now? >> can i tell you the truth?çó it's expensive to put in. people love it when they do it but the new buyer is never willing to pay extra for it, for ve crazy reason. >> columbia, missouri, in a good location, lots of students in this area, asking price $244,000.
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>> right in columnbyia, the cost of living is way beno the national average. they hardly have any foreclosures. the only people that did any lending in the big boom of real estate were the local banks so they're conservative. the home prices as a result are up 6%. how many people could say home prices are up 6%? this is a beautiful, brick home, meticulous condition on a large lot, custom tile work throughout, the living room has a wood burning fireplace that opens right into the dining room, which people like an open living, it's a pleasure to be there, an eating kitchen, breakfast bar, back splash with new appliances and the masters bedroom has walking-this closets and tub and it's a big bang, a lot of house, and it's a perfect condition house as well. >> all right, now let's go a little american history, plymouth, massachusetts, a house under $400,000. >> this is a place for people with big funny hats first landed
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so the whole area is filled with history. it's 40 miles south of boston, that's an old yellow colonial own a quiet cul-de-sac street. ta has a huge wooded lot, easy access to the beaches and shopping and i love that inviting, that's called a farmer's porch in that part of the country, they call it a farmer's porch to welcome your friends. it has arch windows in some of the major rooms, shiny wood floors, formal dining room, a lovely kitchen with an updated eating area and glass doors out into the backyard and the bonus in this house a lower level accessory apartment, people call a granny flat so you can stuff your in-laws down there if you don't like them. >> and then nail up the door. no. the house is yellow. a lot of people that's a strong color. >> it's a strong color. in america on a colonial house the number two choice after white that people prefer. put it on a modern ranch and it's going to be god-awful so it has to be on the right style house. >> columbus, wisconsin, this is a large one, five bedrooms, just under $400,000, built in 1925.
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why do you like this one? >> i like this house because it's large and the price is good $399,900. the previous family that lived here raised 12 children in this house. >> wow! >> they had room to spare, a full five bedrooms and a few doors down from the very famous johnny depp recent movie "brothel," sorry, "public enemies" movie, where the brothel scene was and that's caused a lot of attention on the neighborhood and increased the value of the homes in the neighborhood. >> it looks like an old english home. >> it's an old english home. they haven't ripped out anything that was beautiful. they simply refurbished it and most of the old english tudor don't have bathrooms, this has five bedrooms and bathrooms. >> it's right next to madison, wisconsin. >> it's a youthful town with values growing up. >> an area we normally don't get to, hawaii, for $475,000. >> everybody dreams about moving to hawaii. i think at some point in their life, and i've been looking for
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a good house in hawaii that's affordable, for a long time and i finally found one, not just a house, it's a special house. it's called in this part of the country, it's called a round-about house and it's literally round. when you look into the interior, all of the rooms are very bright, and this is just like living in a treehouse. see how high it is up? >> um-hum. >> everything is totally private. you're only two blocks from the pacific ocean. there's a beautiful porch, one of two porches. it's totally open, a new kitchen and i think that price of $475,000 for hawaii prices is a really good deal. >> we got to say aloha, barbara. >> thanks for traveling with me. >> anyway, still to come, one more song from natasha bedingfield but first these messa messages. they're protected. oh, ladies. let's say you have osteoporosis. i do. you could be losing bone strength. can i get it back? (announcer) ask your doctor how to help treat osteoporosis with once-a-month actonel. actonel is clinically proven to help
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increase bone rength to help prevent fractures. so you can get back some of what you lost. do not take actonel if you have low blood calcium, severe kidney disease, or cannot sit or stand for 30 minutes. follow all dosing instructions. stop taking actonel and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or severe or continuing heartburn. these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. promptly tell your doctor if you develop severe bone, joint or muscle pain, or if you develop dental problems, as serious jawbone problems have been reported rarely. the more you know about osteoporosis, the more you'll want to ask your doctor if once-a-month actonel is right for you. (announcer) if you can't afford your medication, visit to find out how the alliance for better bone health may be able to help. has progress taken us to a better place? i'd say it's taken us for a ride. honestly, what thanks do we owe progress? we're up to our necks in landfill, and down to the wire in resources and climate change is out to get us. that's why progress plays no role inside post shredded wheat. here, we put the "no" in innovation.
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post original shredded wheat is still just the one simple, honest ingredient which naturally comes with vitamins, minerals and fiber. all we did was make it spoon size. did we go too far?
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billy ray cyrus will join us. >> after your local news and weather. show and tell
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you weren't always my favorite day. with all the pet hair in the air, i'd spend class preoccupied, bothered by itchy eyes. but now i have new zyrtec® itchy eye drops. it works fast, with just one drop, to relieve my itchy eyes from allergies for up to 12 hours. no other allergy itchy eye drop works faster or longer. which is good, 'cause there's a lotta paws to shake. with new zyrtec® itchy eye drops i can love the air™. (announcer) find it in the allergy aisle next to other zyrtec® products.
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(announcer) find it in the allergy aisle ♪ yes, you're lovely... ♪ what do you think? hey, why don't we use our points from chase sapphire and take a break? we can't. sure, we can. the points don't expire... ♪ there is nothing for me... ♪ there's no travel restrictions... we could leave tomorrow. we can't use them for a vacation. you can use the points for just about anything. i know... ♪ the way you look tonight ♪ chase what matters. get your new chase sapphire card at in the fridge it's a light and fluffy mousse... ...but put it in the freezer... and... ...voila! yoplait whips becomes a luscious frozen treat. yoplait whips, it is so good.
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>> live, local, late-breaking. >> here is an acquired top stories this morning. a dozen members of the football team are recovering this morning after succumbing to a sweltering temperatures yesterday during a football practice. a first responder turned to the football field. a makeshift triage center. all students collapsed, 12 of them, in what was described as heat exhaustion. a hefty chunk of positive reinforcement for alonso from school directors. because of rising performance, he has received an incentive in addition to his salary. your forecast for today is another muddy one. very hot, as well, going to feel like the mid-90's. scattered showers and storms are
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firing up, with more son today. the front is moving in our direction. in the meantime, a trough of moisture over the mid-atlantic. that is the best way to describe the weather pattern over the next day or so. then for the next couple of days, cooler, drier, 82 by sunday.
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♪ always going to be another mountain ♪ ♪ i'm always going to make it move ♪ ♪ always going to be an uphill battle, sometimes i'm going to have to lose ♪ ♪ 16-year-old sensation miley cyrus stormed into the spotlight a few years ago as hannah montana, not looking back. now we're looking forward to her being live on the plaza to close out our summer concert series next friday on "today." meantime, we have the lovely and talented natasha bedingfield. do you think you can use cream to get rid of stretch marks or can you use the eye
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lash growing device, can they make your eye lashes grow longer? we'll talk to a real live medical doctor. >> oh. >> i hate watching shots on tv. >> insections in the face. >> we'll find out if those things work. >> very important question of our time. also coming up, you may have heard of this ""inglourious basterd basterds" kristof wallace, you've got to meet him, he's fantastic. see that movie after you watch the "today" show in the morning. >> on the weekends. >> we have a lot of stuff coming out, this weekend the obamas, heading out for their martha's vineyard vacation, an expert guide to the great things to see and do and eat there. will the obamas indulge? we'll try to check that out. you may buy the best coffee beans but are you ruining them
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with the wrong coffee makers? we'll do a taste test to find out which coffee makers brew the best coffee. >> also, i decided to try the newest trend in sight-seeing, called a running tour. these are happening all over the country. they take you around the city, and you run about eight miles. >> that's not cool. >> there's all of us running on the brooklyn bridge and the tour guides have to be multitaskers, running and sweating and explains the sights and sounds of the city. >> was it cool, like a quick little one mile? >> eight miles, not so great. >> look forward to it, you guys. let's get a check of the weather. >> you'll be running in the rain drops if you're touring in the northeast over the weekend and new england saturday. we're looking at sizzling weather through the southwest, record highs in the plains and sunday look for more rain in the northeast and new england, sunny and hot throughout the southwest, down into texas, and also inn
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>> 89, very warm and muggy today. scattered showers and storms, especially this afternoon in baltimore. not so bad on the beach, but blazing and that's your latest weather. coming up next, your beauty regimen what, works and what doesn't, right after this.
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d you say motor oil? i've tried these, without success. spray 'n wash max has a new and improved formula it has resolve power to break down tough stains better than the competition! it even outperforms the others on these dried-in stains! finally! (alistair) trust resolve power. forget stains.
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dinner's ready! let's eat. (announcer) today, there's i can't believe it's not butter! it has no trans fat, 70% less saturated fat than butter, and less saturated fat than smart balance. i can't believe it's not butter! announcer: there's a place called hidden valley. where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable.
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now rediscover the delectable taste that can only come from hidden valley, the original ranch. this morning on "today's beauty" skin secrets revealed. the straight talk on what works and what does not when it comes to your beauty routine, dr. deborah watenberg. welcome. so many myths out there. you never quite know what's the right thing to buy. >> so myths come out, medical myths are here to stay because they're sent down from people of importance in your life, your mother, father, grandparents so they're hard to get rid of. >> we'll play the game, fact or fiction. so here is the first question for you. natural products are better than all other products. is that fact or fiction? >> that's not true. >> fiction. wow. >> fiction because just because
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something says it's natural does not necessarily mean it's better. the word natural is not regulated, there's no strict definition and so any company can stamp the word "natural" onto its product and boom, they'll sell lots and lots of product. the bottom line is just because it's natural doesn't mean it's better and just because it's a chemical doesn't mean that it's bad for you. what's important is to find ingredients that work that are efficacious and have research behind them, whether it's natural or synthesized in the lab is irrelevant. >> you look at the different creams. some say face cream and some say body cream. the question is fact or fiction, body lotion should not be used on your face. >> that's actually true. >> you should not use it. >> you should not use it. >> why? >> the reason really is because now the companies have figured out ways to make these creams better and if you use a body lotion on your face you're not getting the benefit that you should be getting from your face cream. face creams are designed acording to skin type, is your skin dry or oily, acne prone, maybe it will have an ingredient that prevents brown spots or
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wrinkles. you're not getting the active ingredients put into the facial moisturizers. >> if you don't have your face cream n a pinch? >> it's not going to hurt you for the most part but it's not going to give you the benefit you could get from some other creams as opposed to hand creams and face -- foot creams for example. >> yes. >> those sometimes contain ingredients that might hurt your face because they're designed to get rid of the callous on the skin and lactic acid might be irritating. >> next one, fact or fiction, applying foundation in an upwards direction will prevent wrinkles. >> okay, that's a really big myth. there is no evidence to support that the direction you apply your moisturizemoisturizer, fou going to make much of a difference. what's important is that wrinkles form because of the environment and genetics, the sun exposure. >> smoking. stuff like that. >> whether awe ply in a counterclockwise direction or clockwise direction is really irrelevant. >> here's a very interesting
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one, a lot of people here use these types of products, those different lash-growing products. can they lengthen your lashes? is that fact or fiction? >> this is fact, and it's really an amazing fact. these new products that are on the market have been shown to actually increase the length of your eye lashes, darken them and make them thicker. there are lots of products on the market so you need to be careful because some of the ones that are over-the-counter are not fda approved and you want to look for the one that is fda approved called latief. it's been tested shown to be effective and it words. side effects are problematic, it can cause eyelid irritation and discoloration of the iris, the color around your eye. if you have light eyes you want to be careful. use this under the guidance of a physician to make sure, because if that color changes it's permane permanent. >> kathie lee is using one of the rapid lash, her lashes are crazy, crazy long, it's working that like that. >> worksñi well. >> we'll look at her eye color soon. at the end, can creams cure
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stretch marks? fact or fiction? >> that'sñi actually not true. >> stretch marks are yours. >> stretch marks are yours. they're scars, don't goñi away with some creams. look for products like retinae or receipt knol, some glycolic acids will fade them out. when the skin stretches is doesn't always bounce back. >> great advice. thanks for clearing up the anys for us. thq's more on how to care for your skin on our website, the stars of "inglourious basterds" is downstairs, after this. great. yea, mom you're the best. i thought you would like it. so, how are your classes, are you enjoying them? (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. we can't wait to get you home. i love you mom. i love you too. we'll see you soon.
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choosey moms, choose jif. this is another. new total blueberry pomegranate cereal gives you 100% of the daily value of 12 essential vitamins and minerals. plus the bold new taste of blueberries and pomegranate with crispy whole grain flakes and crunchy oat clusters. total, a truly delicious way to get vitamins and minerals. how are you getting 100%? visit and get a free sample. visit do you know what you want? i do. what i really want is my foundation to match my skin. now i can turn a dial and look, there's my perfect shade. revlon custom creations.
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this shade's mine. go get your own. disinfecting wipes. they go beyond ordinary wipes because they have two different sides. a scrubbing side with built in fibers that lifts tough messes and a wiping side that kills 99.9% of germs. lysol. disinfect to protect. what makes a hershey's bar with almonds pure? pure happiness. ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you... ♪ pure delight. pure delicious chocolate with almonds. pure hershey's. all the delicious raisins. i like the crunchy flakes and the granola clusters. you know, that's why it says "crunch" on there. yeah, but raisins are before "crunch" on the box. even "bran" made it before "crunch." yeah, but look at how big the word "crunch" is. i mean it just dominates the box. i like the box because in the middle of the word... "kellogg's®" is "ello," like a british greeting. "ello govenor." three tasty ingredients, one great combination.
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♪ raisin bran crunch®! ♪ from kellogg! did this sweater stretch. or is it a mini dress? ok, maybe not that hard. now i've learned to keep my clothes looking like new... ...i wash with woolite for all fabrics. (announcer) woolite won't cause stretching. and it keeps fibers strong. light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. light & fit. great taste, fewer calories. actor christoph wallets stars in "inglourious basterds," plays a nazi soldier whose mission is to eliminate a renegade band of yewish soldiers. >> finding people is my specialty so naturally i worked for the nazis, finding people. some of them were jews but 200?
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just a name that stuck. >> you have to admit t is catchy. >> do you control the nicknames, out of the pa a patchie and the little man? >> the german's nickname for me is the little man? >> and as if to make my point i'm a little surprised how tall you were in real life, when you're a little fellow but on the surface just little. >> christoph, good morning. >> good morning. >> colonel hanz landa is nicknamed the jew hunter but how do you get inside a character like that? >> you don't. there was one little thing snipped off at the beginning of this scene we just saw, i'm a detective, a very good detecttive. so you know, i found that more interesting than the nazi bit, because you know, the uniform sort of conveys enough nazi, and
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i'm more interested in the details that are behind that uniform. >> and this piece that was written by director quentin tarantino is to layered, your character is the most complicated and he says if you had not walked in the door and auditioned he would not have made this movie, he's been working on for ten years. that has got to be high praise. >> yes, it is, and to a degree, where it's beyond me commenting on it, what should i say about it? it makes me blush, brings tears to my eyes. >> you're humbled by this whole thing. >> not necessarily humbled. i'm realistic about it, you know. quentin wrote this thing. it's his baby. it's all his vision. it's his, you know, quentin is incarnated cinema, and finally he works on this for ten years and finally puts it together, and i get the chance to participate and contribute as
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much as i can. what else can one expect? >> well, i think that what's happened is that we now know he made the perfect decision, because "usa today" is basically says you dominate the movie. we've got "l.a. times," you give an unforgettable performance. "the new york post" says you steal the show. you won an award at the cannes film festival for this. this has to be a bit overwhelming for you. >> a bit? it's totally overwhelming. >> first you were skeptical of the movie. >> well, not -- i'm not skeptical of the movie at all, you know. i think it's a fantastic treat on every level in every respect. i was a bit skeptical after my first reading the script, because i didn't, i couldn't imagine how to put all of this together. you know, there's so much in it, and again, on every level of consciousness, energy, story,
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characters, so it kind of exploded in my face. >> i cannot tell you how good you are in this movie. we want to say this is not a movie for children. it's an intense movie, quentin tarantino movie. ironically you come from four generations of people in theater >> yes. >> you're not still really sure whether you are to be an actor, is that correct? i did get that right? >> yes, in a way you do, i'm afraid. skepticism i find a very helpful approach. overwhelming apriori enthusiasm very often results in, you know, an enormous backlash, so i guard myself against backlash. >> listen, don't worry, christoph wallets waltz, i woul surprised if you did not get an oscar nomination for this. great to meet you. >> thanks for having me. >> "inglourious basterds" opens today. coming up one more song from
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natasha bedingfield.
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last-minute labor day getaway ideas. >> and kathie lee and i will catch one billy ray cyrus. >> miley's dad, yes. still moun one-more song from natasha bedingfield. >> have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ ♪ i am unwritten, can't read my mind, i'm undefined ♪ ♪ i'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned ♪ ♪ staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window ♪ ♪ let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find ♪
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♪ reaching for something in the distance ♪ ♪ so close you could almost taste it ♪ ♪ release your inhibitions, feel the rain on your skin ♪ ♪ no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in ♪ ♪ no one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips ♪ ♪ drench yourself in words unspoken, live your life with arms wide open ♪ ♪ today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten ♪ ♪ içó break tradition, sometime my tries are outside the lines ♪ ♪ we've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but i can't live that way ♪ ♪ staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window ♪
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♪ let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find ♪ ♪ reaching for something in the distance, so close you can almost taste it ♪ ♪ release your inhibitions, feel the rain on your skin ♪ ♪ no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in ♪ ♪ no one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips ♪ ♪ drench yourself in words unspoken, live your life with arms wide open ♪ ♪ today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten ♪ ♪ staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window ♪ ♪ let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find ♪ ♪ reaching for something in the distance, so close you could almost taste it ♪ ♪ release your inhibitions
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♪ feel the rain on your skin ♪ no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in ♪ ♪ no one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips ♪ ♪ drench yourself in words unspoken, live your life with arms wide open ♪ ♪ today is where your book begins ♪ ♪ feel the rain on your skin ♪ no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in ♪ ♪ no one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips ♪ ♪ drench yourself in words unspoken, live your life with arms wide open ♪ ♪ today is where your book begins ♪ ♪ the rest is still -- whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa joets oh, oh, oh, uh-oh ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, oh,
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oh ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah the rest is still unwritten ♪ live, local, late-breaking.. this is wbal tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> a 46-year-old mother of three is suing baltimore county and two police officers after she was taste in front of her
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children during a traffic stop. in august, officer said she was driving erratically down bel air road. she says she accidently knocked the officer's flashlight out of his hand, and that is when the traffic stop of violent. >> burning, snapping kind of electricity going through your stomach. i basically said, i cannot believe they tased me. they wanted me to take a sobriety test, and i said, no, i was out of it. >> she says she was tased again as police tried to handcuff her. police charged her with assault and driving under the influence, but charges were thrown out, saying there was not probable cause and police used excessive force. police officials would not force. police officials would not a dull metal clanking sound. bear groans.
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nicest day of our weekend. think you for joining us. see you back here for the 11 news at noon. it's never too early to start saving up for christmas. get your christmas club card and use it... to start saving up now... and we'll add a 3% bonus to your card -- just in time to shop for christmas! yes, the christmas bonus is back! one more way to shop your way, only at kmart and sears.
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