tv Today NBC September 7, 2009 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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cient life is the good life. not the start he wanted. president obama dealing with the sudden resignation of a top aide as he begins a vital week for his presidency. why jaycee? new details on what may have led to the kidnapping of the california woman held captive for 18 years. this morning, what nancy garrido, the woman accused along with her husband in the case, has reportedly told investigators. and stay out of the water. several massachusetts beaches closed to swimmers after two great white sharks are tagged off the coast of cape cod. the first, ever, in the atlantic ocean, and it's all left thousands of holiday beachgoers a little scared "today," thousands of holiday beachgoers a little scared "today," september 7th, 2009.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television and welcome to "today" on this monday morning. i'm natalie morales on this labor day. >> i'm lester holt. matt and meredith have the morning off. natalie, happy labor day to you. >> we're laboring away. >> cape cod great white sharks. didn't we see this movie? >> i'm struck with fear. i'm thinking'o i have a triathl in a couple weeks, not in cape cod but in the atlantic ocean. i'm pretty scared. >> that's part of the atlantic ocean. >> exactly. yeah. i'm hearing that theme music definitely as i practice my swim. >> we'll tell you more about that story coming up. also this morning, with sliding poll numbers and shrinking support for its health care reform plan, some critics are calling this a make-or-break week for president obama. it's already off to a rough start following the resignation of his administration's environmental advisor, van
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jones. h his controversial statements had become a liability to the ed administrati administration. a florida man went to a bank. the teller told him they'd need his thumb print. but steve has two prosthetic arms, therefore no thumb prints. he'll tell us what happened next. with the rush out to take advantage of labor day deals today for a new car, a step-by-step guide of what you should do before stepping foot on the lot, tips that could possibly save you thousands of dollars later on. let us begin this morning with the start of an all-important week for president obama. nbc's mike viqueira is at the white house. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. as the president prepares for the all-important speech to a joint session of congress on wednesday concerning health care, he must first deal with the resignation of a top aide on environmental policy and the
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flap over a planned tuesday's speech to the nation's school children. the president begins his week with an unexpected controversy. >> and a climate crisis. >> reporter: van jones, a relative unknown as the administration's point man on green jobs, resigned at midnight saturday after conservative internet outlets reported on his past ties to leftist organizations and a quote from a california newspaper where jones described himself as a communist in the early '90s. fox news host glenn beck mounted a public campaign against jones. >> is it not reasonable to ask for answers on this? >> reporter: here, jones is critical of former president bush's energy policy. >> but the president of the united states sounded like a crackhead when he said that. little bit more. >> reporter: and there were these racially charged comments. >> and the white polluters and the white environmentalists are
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essentially steering poison into the people of color communities. >> reporter: more recently, jones offered this assessment of republicans. >> they're [ bleep ]. >> reporter: then news last week that jones had signed a 2004 petition suggesting that the government had a role in the 9/11 attacks. finally, jones resigned. in a statement saying he's the victim of a "vicious smear campaign." but the jones flap isn't the only diversion that the president faces this week. his address tomorrow to school children has raised objection. >> i'm more afraid that this is a socialistic idea of getting to kids when they're young. >> reporter: but the white house says the speech is simply about staying and succeeding in school and dismissed concerns of parents who plan to keep their kids home. >> that's just silly. they can go to school, they cannot watch. it is going to be an 18-minute speech. >> reporter: it all comes as the president prepares for his biggest test yet -- an address wednesday night to a joint session of congress on health
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care. aides say the president will now step forward with details. but it is his stance on the so-called public option that will be the focus. >> he believes the public option is a good tool. now it shouldn't define the whole health care debate, however. >> reporter: natalie, later today, parents and teachers can see that speech planned for tomorrow to school children when the white house posted it online and also later today, the president travels to cincinnati where he gives a speech to the afl-cio, another key ally in the fight over health care reform. natalie? >> mike viqueira, thanks. u.s. secretary of labor hil hilda solise will travel with the president to cincinnati. happy labor day to you. for a lot of people out there, it is not such a happy labor day. as you know, 216,000 people lost their jobs last month and the nation's unemployment rate now stands at 9.7%, that's a high in
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the last 26 years. what do these numbers indicate to you about the state of the recession? >> well, i look back at where we started from in january and i do see a stabilization occurring. we do see that our job loss has actually gone down this last month from 216,000, where we were this month, to january where it was well above 700,000. it's certainly not somewhere where we need to be right now. we need to keep improving and i think that everything we're doing, everything in our tool box that we can utilize to help put people back to work to give them job training or unemployment insurance are items that we're going to be providing them as we work through this. >> of course, not included in that number, the millions who have pretty much given up their job search or taken part-time work instead, or have chosen to retire early. the underemployment number jumped to 16.8% last month from
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16.3%. so what encouragement can you give these people and where are the jobs to be found? >> well, i would first of all say that we understand that there's this number of unemployed is very unacceptable and we can see that there are many, many families that are affected and what i would like to say this labor day is, don't be discouraged. come in to our one-stop center. we have 3,000 across the country. come visit our offices. get to know our staff. figure out if you need to plan out a new job, a new career, get into a you this education program. there's lots of financial aid. the pell grant program has been extended to help people get that assistance to go to a community college or get additional training. >> madam secretary, when might we really expect a turnaround or could it possibly get worse before it gets better? cot nation's unemployment number hit 10%? >> well, you know, most
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economists have predicted that it will go up to about 10%. but you can see sectors where there are improvement. you asked me earlier where the job growth will be. we are investing money in green technology, green jobs and we know that much of our training dollars will be going out later on this fall. >> naturally, if people are worried about their jobs and they don't have the money to spend, it goes hand in hand, consumer spending goes hand in hand with an economic recovery. so what does this say about the economic recovery then if job creation isn't there? we we >> well, i think from my perspective, a lot of the recovery moneys that we have made available haven't been fully utilized yet. in fact, we'll see some of that -- more of that money coming out later on this year. so we expect the recovery program which was intended to be a two-year cycle to kind of work its way through. so i think the public has to be patient. i know there are several elected
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officials in new york and in florida, both republican and independents, who agree that the money that we have made available has stepped stabilize, it's actually helped prevent job loss. so, yes, it is a hard time. we know that. but we want people to understand that we're on their side and we want to do everything possible to help them get back into a job or get a better paying job and look to the future for new careers. we'll help them do that. >> labor secretary hilda solis, thank you for spending part of your morning with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. happy labor day. >> thank you. now for more, here's lester. thanks. let's bring in john harwood, cnbc's chief washington correspondent. john, good morning. >> happy labor day, lester. >> happy labor day to you. i'm sure the administration would like to be talking about jobs, the economy and health care. we'll talk about that in a moment. but van jones, a name most of us have not heard of, is now the talk of the town. it is kind after rule of thumb in washington, as you know, if there's bad news you try to bury it. this announcement of his
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resignation came out late saturday night, early sunday morning in the middle of a holiday. what's that tell you about the level of worry at the white house over this? >> well, it's an embarrassment for the white house. any time you've got to cut somebody loose from your administration, a lot of americans are going to look at that and say, hey, something was wrong there. this is a victory for conservatives who have been trying to call attention to all the controversy in his past. and that became simply baggage the obama administration couldn't afford to carry right now where they've got so much on their plate, including this health care plan. >> they've distanced themselves from his comments about republicans and that letter he apparently signed calling for an investigation into whether the bush administration allowed 9/11 to happen. but let me ask you about the vetting process. if this administration had gone back and looked at his record, would he have been appointed in the first place? >> well, i think that's a good question. and there's a different level of vetting that occurs when somebody's got to go before the united states senate, have a nomination hearing, get questions from both sides, as opposed to people who are just able to be hired directly into
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the white house. and i think that is a somewhat less rigorous process and that's what we see with van jones. the bases of both parties, democrat and republican, have people who are very zealous who are sort of on the edge of the spectrum and some of those people get pulled into administrations. but when a spotlight gets shown on some of the statements that van jones made, like that outrageous suggestion that the u.s. government had something to do with 9/11 purposefully, you simply can't defend that kind of statement. >> the president's going to make his big speech in prime time on wednesday, as you know, addressing congress and the nation about health care. let me play a little bit of what bill clinton said. this goes back to 1994. then we'll draw some comparisons. here it is. >> if you send me legislation that does not guarantee every american private health insurance that can never be taken away, you will force me to take this pen, veto the legislation and it will come right back here and start all over again. >> john, do you think we just
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heard a preview of what the president's going to say on wednesday? will he threaten veto? >> not quite, lester. i tell you what, president clinton wishes he had a chance to veto health care legislation. they didn't even take a vote on the floor in either chamber of congress on his plan. i think the president has -- this president has taken the view that he's going to let congress work. but now's the point, especially that the senate is behind the house. they haven't gotten moving through the finance committee. he wants to try to set some parameters so people know where this thing might end up. the senate tends to be the place where we find out what the political marketplace will bear and we don't yet know when democrats turn away from those bipartisan negotiations which don't seem to be going anywhere exactly where that's going to take this piece of legislation. i think that's what the president wants to do, sit out some parameters in particular for the senate and house members will react to that. he's in much better shape in the house. >> john harwood, thanks so much. >> thanks, lester. it is coming up on 7:13.
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here's natalie. thank you. now to the nationwide election held in afghanistan last month. and allegations of fraud have now led to thousands of votes being thrown out. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel is in kabul with details. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. these allegations of fraud continue to grow. they give you an idea of the mood here, one western election observer told me that afghanistan didn't have a vote at all, he said cynically, but an exercise in ballot stuffing. election officials say they have now received almost 3,000 complaints of fraud, including nearly 700 considered serious enough to impact the outcome of last month's vote. so far, more than 4 million votes have been counted. almost 75%. >> mr. hamid karzai has received 2 million. >> reporter: president hamid karzai appears close to victory. but the leading opposition candidate, abdullah abdullah
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says karzai supporters rigged the vote, especially in the taliban-dominated south. abdullah and election observers have released videos showing ballots being checked en masse for karzai and boxes being stuffed after the polls were closed. in southern afghanistan, tribal elders say karzai took advantage of taliban threats that kept voters away. "in my district nobody went to the polling station," said one elder. but now 20,000 votes were counted for karzai. in kandahar, a similar story. u.s. military officials estimate only 5% of voters cast ballots. roughly 25,000. but mysteriously, 350,000 ballots were turned in. "the new york times" reports karzai supporters also established as many as 800 fake voting centers. a tainted election which directly impacts the 68,000 u.s. troops here. a record number of american troops were killed in july and
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august in afghanistan, some on missions preparing for the vote. and the long-term impact could be even worse. the elections were designed to make the afghan government more credible so american troops can hand over the mission. but widespread allegations of fraud have weakened the government's credibility. in his tally center, abdullah abdullah told me without a legitimate partner, the united states cannot succeed in afghanistan. >> it is survival of this country. >> reporter: and then accusations of hypocrisy. the united states blasted neighboring iran and president mahmoud ahmadinejad for allegedly rigging elections there in june. but in afghanistan, the official american reaction has been a deafening silence. in an interview today, president karzai said he's being unfairly targeted and that in any developing democracy, there will always be cases of fraud. natalie?
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>> richard engel in kabul, thank you, richard. now we want to get a check of the rest of the morning's top stories. with that we'll say good morning to amy robach who is filling in for ann at the news desk. good morning. today iran's president said his country will continue with its nuclear program and will never negotiate on what he called iran's obvious rights. president mahmoud ahmadinejad said from iran's standpoint, the nuclear issue is finished. the international atomic energy agency now says it is locked in a stalemate with iran over its nuclear program. there is a big concern on campus. swine flu. an outbreaks at some u.s. colleges are severe. more now from nbc's jeff rossen. >> reporter: at washington state university, this weekend's football game was overshadowed by a massive outbreak on campus. 2,000 suspected cases of swine flu after only two weeks in session. student volunteers are handing out free flu kits, including a
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thermometer, painkillers, sport drinks, hand sanitizer and tissues. students at other colleges are catching on, too. >> now i wash my hands after everything i do and use purell, too, which i never used before. >> reporter: it is affecting 77 colleges from mississippi to kansas, colorado to virginia and the vaccine won't be available until next month. >> my kids are going to get this vaccine when it becomes available. we have very high confidence in the safety of influenza vaccination. >> reporter: at emeory universiy in atlanta, school officials opened a separate dorm for infected students. no class. their food delivered. it is the modern-day quarantine. the kids call it "club swine." >> i'm very worried about missing classes because it's basically the first week of classes. >> reporter: a new worry on college move-in day. this may be a long school year. jeff rossen, nbc news, new york. a dramatic rescue in the philippines where a crowded ferry turned on to its side
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sunday, then sank. at least nine people died. but amazingly, almost 1,000 were rescued by other boats in the area. and horrifying moments sunday at an air show in italy where a small plane crashed as spectators looked on. the pilot was killed, the other person was injured. world stock markets are higher this morning. wall street meantime is closed for labor day. and police in mississippi are investigating the deadly crash of a van carrying prison inmates. the van's driver was killed sunday when that van flipped over. ten people were hospitalized, three in critical condition. two american brothers arrived in london over the weekend two months after they left florida in a 21-foot power boat. it is the smallest power boat ever to cross the atlantic. and in massachusetts, some popular beaches on cape cod are closed to swimmers after several great white sharks were sighted in the area. biologists were able to tag two of them. both as big as ten feet long.
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it is 7:18. back to natalie, lester and stephanie. that's all i need to hear to stay out of the water. >> my worst nightmare, rigig >> outside our door, definitely a change in the weather pattern today. mostly cloudy skies in contrast to the nice sun that we've been experienced. 76 and a slight chance of showers, justy slight chance. rain should be light if we see it later this afternoon. we'll remain cooler than normal.
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>> lester, over to you. stephanie, thanks. now to the latest in the jaycee dugard story and the california woman now home after a kidnapping ordeal that lasted 18 years. thousands turned out sunday for a celebratory parade through the streets of dugard's hometown. nbc's lee cowan has details. >> reporter: good morning, lester. the town of jaycee dugard's hometown of south lake tahoe certainly gathered in her name before but they were mostly sad affairs designed to keep hope alive that she would be found. can you imagine this weekend's gathering was a much happier affair, but everyone there realized that the road to jaycee's recovery is still a long one. jaycee dugard's favorite color.
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18 years ago jaycee disappeared. many feared forever. but now -- >> elation. it was wonderful. i don't think in my wildest dreams i ever thought we would be having this kind of a parade. so it's a wonderful moment. lots of joy. >> reporter: as many as 2,000 people joined in. neighbors, teachers, even jaycee's former classmates. and they all remembered how their lives changed that day. >> it is a really tight-knit community. it kind of opened everyone's eyes, like this can really happen. >> reporter: as for local law enforcement who spent years trying to track jaycee down, there was a lesson. >> complacency is not an option for us anymore. any time there is hope, we've got to keep hope alive. >> reporter: the new hope is that phillip garrido, the registered sex offender and convicted rapist accused of holding jaycee captive is brought to justice.
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he and his wife face a laundry list of federal charges to which they've pleaded not guilty. but a former prosecutor with knowledge of the case says garrido's wife told investigators they picked out jaycee specifically because she looked cute, and then followed her to the bus stop the following morning. going to school in south lake tahoe was never the same. >> first thing that happened was awareness. first thing that happened was everyone within the community banded together and changed our way of life. no child was given a chance to walk alone to a bus stop or left alone. >> reporter: jaycee's 18-year ordeal is unimaginable to everyone -- except an unfortunate few. one of them is shawn hornbeck, the missouri boy kidnapped back in 2002 and forced to live with his captor for more than four years. in an interview with "people" magazine, he predicts dugard is going through much of what he did, including guilt that she didn't try to escape. you're brainwashed, he told the magazine. it is as simple as that.
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both phillip garrido and his wife nancy are being held without bail. they could be in court next week. the last time they were in court, they both sat expressionless. still ahead, the young brothers just 12 and 13 at the time convicted of killing their sleeping father with a baseball bat will speak out about that brutal crime for the first time anywhere. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ spread a little joy and see ♪ ♪ need a little happiness to be living the life with me ♪ ♪ just ahead, a warning you need to hear before opening your door to a door-to-door salesman. plus pop sensation sean door to a door-to-door salesman. plus pop sensation sean kingston live on our plaza. they're setting it up right now! ane is it true? are there really going to be cranberries? yep, i can see the boxes, and there's definitely yogurty clusters in there too! i think this is a 24-hour store.
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introducing kellogg's® raisin bran extra! with cranberries, almonds and yogurty clusters, it's raisin bran with so much extra. ♪ raisin bran extra! it's a mouthful of awesome! >> good morning, everybody. i'm stan stovall. the time now, 7-26. hoords a look at our top stories this morning. police in anne arundel county are searching for the young man allegedly responsible for attacking a woman in a park. we're told the woman in her 40's was walk ago long a trail at john downs memorial park over the weekend. the victim says she boy having trouble with his bike. she says when they went past him, he came up behind her and grabbed her around the throat. the suspect fled the scene when another man came up the same
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trail. >> maybe they need a little bit more safety out here. i mean, like, put some patrol on the trails. because there's really nothing out there. you just -- you really don't know. >> the suspect has been described -- excuse me, the victim zribled the suspect as an african-american male, about 15 years of age. he was last seen warring a blue and white-striped shirt. anyone with information is asked to call police. baltimore county police believe they have put an end to a series of increasingly violent assaults at a parkville bank's a.t.m. that comes with the arrest of 19-year-old calvin rodney butler of parkville friday night. police say butler confessed to the crime after he was arrested at his home. they also recovered what they believe to be the weapon used to commit a pair of armed robberies and a sexual assault at a bank of america branch last july and august. he has been denied bail. let's get a check now on the weather forecast. sandra saw, what's it going to look like? >> you know it's going to be a lot grater than lately. we've been so spoiled with all the beautiful days. it looks like clouds will roll
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in today. temperatures right now in the 60's. it looks like 66 out at the airport. 68 downtown. 60's on the eastern shore. 70's down in ocean city. but check it out. we do have a slight chance for seeing a little bit of light rain later on this afternoon in central maryland. with the cloud cover, it's 76 degrees our forecast high. looks like 76 in southern maryland. 75 and a little bit blustery down in ocean city. going to be a stalled out system, giving us a chance of showers through friday, clearing by the weekend. >> thank you very much. be sure to check the bottom of your screen for updated news and information transfusion. our next live upcat 7:55.
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labor day morning, september 7th, 2009, unofficially the last day of summer. but after today. no need to be sad. we're celebrating the morning with a live concert from sean kingston in just a bit. he's got a big, big crowd this morning. i'm lester holt, along with natalie morales. matt and meredith will be back tomorrow. in this half-hour, a warning about a scam that could come knocking. >> i'm sure it's happened to you before, maybe someone shows up at your door selling magazine subscriptions. that salesman or woman could pose a real danger to your
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family. we'll tell you what to watch out for. also ahead, the man who was prevented from cashing a check at his wife's bank because he couldn't give a thumbprint. thing is he doesn't have thumbs because he was born without arms. he'll tell us all about that experience coming up. plus, if car shopping is on your holiday to-do list today, don't leave the house just yet. we'll tell you what you could do that could potentially save you thousands of dollars. we want to begin this half-hour with two of the youngest children ever tried as adults for murder. the case of alex and derek king sparked a lot of controversy back in 2001. two brothers just 12 and 13, looked even younger, accused of killing their father with a baseball bat. now they are speaking out for the very first time. here's "dateline nbc's" keith morrison. >> reporter: the question was so disturbing back then. still is. how does a child go so wrong that his life leads to this?
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>> i made sure he was asleep. i got the bat and i hit him over the head. >> reporter: that was 13-year-old derek king, confessing that he had killed his sleeping father. his 12-year-old brother, alex, said he was behind it all. >> what followed was a strange and troubling legal case, what was the motive? were these boys really responsible? in the search for answers, prosecutors targeted a convicted pedophile named ricky chavez who had cared for alex. >> he let us smoke weed and play his games and stuff. >> reporter: and according to alex, rick chavez did far more than that. was he also the one that did the killing? >> not guilty. >> reporter: a jury said no. the king brothers went to prison as young teenagers, and most
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people back then will probably agree that no good would ever come of them. that was then. today, the brothers are out of prison and they have a lot to talk about. alex, the younger brother, has been embraced by a family he met while he was locked up. in fact, both brothers have received a surprising amount of help from strangers. derek is still getting his footing, but says he owes them a huge debt. >> i want to be able to show them that all their effort and all their energy wasn't in vain, that they spent their time and their life for a good cause. >> reporter: in these exclusive interviews, alex and derek king face questions about their father and his death. >> it's a memory that i have. it's one that i haven't let go of and i don't think i want to. >> i made a horrible mistake in
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my past. i -- i understand that and i accept that. but that's not who i am. >> reporter: and as they struggle to make sense of the past, they talk about astonishing opportunities they've been given. new lives they never thought they could possibly have. >> i am so grateful. i thank god for giving us a second chance. >> you can watch the full interviews of the king brothers tonight on "date line" at 10:00, 9:00 central time right here on nbc. >> it is a fascinating story. i remember when that happened back in 2001. let's get a check now of the weather from the weather channel's stephanie
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>> we're going to be sock in addition very moist weather pattern beginning today. want a complete washout, but certainly gray skies today, mostly cloudy, slight chance of afternoon showers. so keep your eyes in the skies during the barbecues. >> for your shopping forecast 24 hours a day, go to now to the innovative tool that's helping police departments all across the country nab fugitives. you. nbc's ron mott explains. >> reporter: to catch a fugitive in hollywood is usually a big
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production. >> i want a search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, hen house, out house and doghouse. >> reporter: but in the real world, say from the comfort of your own house, comcast makes it as simple as point and click. >> in the hunt for fugitives. our best weapon is you. >> reporter: it is called "police blotter on demand." >> call with your tips. >> reporter: a free cable tv service offered in 20 metro areas around the country, and it's hauling them in. more than 80 suspects so far, people like salvador husband in atlanta. >> a viewer saw husband on television, saw the profile, had information on where he was located. >> reporter: he was located in this house, hiding in a kitchen cupboard. last month he was convicted. such outcomes are why comcast says it launched the "policej-/0
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back now at 7:42. this morning on "today investigates," buyer beware. it is probably happened to you, a stranger knocks on your door selling a magazine subscription. should you buy it? janice lieberman, a consumer reporter and contributing editor to "reader's digest" is here with the answer. >> good morning, lester. pictures are very powerful. they say the money from your subscription will help fund their education or a charity. better business bureau and attorneys general across the country say sometimes that pitch is a complete lie. >> you see lots of moms and their kids with strollers. >> reporter: alicia says her
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neighborhood outside raleigh, north carolina is the perfect place to raise children. >> you see kids coming home from school, school buses driving by. >> reporter: so it's not unusual for a stranger to ring the doorbell. >> open up the door and it was a young girl, trying to sell some magazines. >> reporter: alicia says she once purchased magazines from a door-to-door sales person but never received them, so she told the girl she wasn't interested. that's when the sales pitch took an unlikely and alarming turn. >> she called me a liar. the woman actually lifted up her fist and came towards me. i was very nervous and i was home alone. >> reporter: home alone with her two kids and a third on the way. >> i was extremely pregnant, nine months pregnant. at that point i immediately shurt tshut the door. >> reporter: it was so upsetting she actually went into labor. mother and baby were fine. it wasn't until the drama settled she learned the company the girl worked for was under investigation with the better business bureau. >> we're seeing crews being
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moved from city to city. they've come up with sophisticated, emotional appeals that are obviously working for them. >> reporter: in the last year alone, the bbb has received more than 1,000 complaints nationwide, and now more than 50 magazine sales companies are under investigation. >> they'll use the name of a local church or the local school or even a local neighborhood to try to give credibility to their pitch. and then when you dig a little bit deeper, you find out that it is all a lie. >> the whole idea of the magazine sales is all one big lie. >> reporter: and he should know. he recently worked for a traveling magazine sales crew. >> what was the spiel that you gave to get into someone's home? >> i would tell them, i would say i was from a small town. i'm just trying to give something back to my community. there was this one person, i told him i wanted to go to culinary arts school and that's what i was going to use the money towards tuition to go. it is all a scam, just one, big, giant scam. >> reporter: he's speaking out so others won't become unsuspecting victims.
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>> i scam people out of their money and i feel bad for that. >> reporter: often magazines never come. other times they actually do arrive. but you've still been victimized. after being duped into believing the proceeds went to help a student or charity. but it's not all bad news. plenty of door-to-door magazine sales are legitimate, but you should always do your research before making a purchase. >> it is really relatively easy to check these guys out. you can do a google search, check with the better business bureau, check with your local police to see if they do have the right licensing. >> reporter: after her harrowing experience, alicia now proceeds with caution. >> i actually will not buy anything from another sales person, magazines or not. >> the better business bureau says like any good scam, there are plenty of legitimate people out there, so don't be scared, just be smart about making those purchases. >> you want to do a nice thing. somebody comes to the door, maybe it is a legitimate cause. but how do you determine that? it is not very easy to say
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excuse me while i call the bbb. >> first of all, it happened to me. i actually bought the magazines and i did get them but i overpaid for them. he was very convincing. he came and he said all your neighbors, he showed me their names. i said how could i not? i was sort of pressured into it. but after doing this report, i realize i should say, just let me think about it, let me look it up. you're probably better off writing a check to your favorite charity and buying a magazine the more conventional way. i learned the hard way. >> janice lieberman, thanks. a step-by-step guys to saving thousands of dollars on a new car. what you should and shouldn't do at the dealership. but first these messages. ( jet pack powers up ) ( men vocalizing ) announcer: the super grain nutrition of quaker oats.
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power yourself with the limitless possibilities of instant quaker oatmeal. introducing listerine total care. everything you need... to strengthen teeth, help prevent cavities, and kill germs. introducing 6 in 1 listerine total care. the most complete mouthwash. bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you. what will you get back with your cash back? it pays to discover.
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the lotion with a unique formula - effective 24 hours a day lightweight and fast absorbing. turn dry skin into skin that feels great all day. with smoothing essentials. only from eucerin. nail down 39 bucks as the price... for installing stainmaster carpet. in any house, in any number of rooms. let's lower prices on over 100 styles of stainmaster. so we can quit tiptoeing around our dreams... and get on with turning more of them into reality. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot.
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right now, get new lower prices on stainmaster. and the installation, for your whole house, only 39 bucks. he better not be on the bed. you know you're gonna need it. why not stock up now? get everything you need for fall cleaning and fall allergies at an unbeatable price. save money. live better. walmart. new aveeno nourish plus. active naturals wheat formulas proven to target and help repair damage in just three washes. - building shiny, strong... - hair with life. announcer: new aveeno nourish plus. to buy raisin bran extra! i'm surprised nobody else is here for the big debut of the almonds. oh, guys, i can see it! they're setting it up right now! is it true? are there really going to be cranberries? yep, i can see the boxes, and there's definitely yogurty clusters in there too! i think this is a 24-hour store. introducing kellogg's® raisin bran extra!
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with cranberries, almonds and yogurty clusters, it's raisin bran with so much extra. ♪ raisin bran extra! it's a mouthful of awesome! this morning on the "secrets of future today," ufos. there are some true believers out there who say we are not alone. here's nbc's keith miller. ♪ hey mr. space man >> reporter: movies made in entertainment with man's oldest questions -- are we alone in the universe? there are hundreds of ufo sightings on the internet. even the vatican has embraced the idea of visitors from outer space. >> they would also have god as the father. therefore, we could say that they are our brothers or
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sisters. >> reporter: some of the sightings are out of this world. others may have been secret experimental aircraft. but there are some that defy explanation. dick pope says the truth is out there. for three years, he worked on a ufo project for the british department of defense and only last year the agency released many of its secret ufo files. >> there are many, many cases where ufos over the years have been seen by both commercial airline pilots and indeed military pilots. those are the cases that i find particularly compelling. >> reporter: like this one where a u.s. air force pilot was told to shoot down a ufo. >> we're airborne chasing this thing. first orders they gave me was to fire. i'm sure it was some kind of a flying saucer.
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>> at least one should say there is a potential threat. >> this had is the hangar where the alien craft was brought to and eventually the bodies were put in here in their coffins. >> i grew up in rockville. >> reporter: apolo astronaut edgar mitchell says there's been a ufo cover-up going on for more than 60 years. >> a flying dish has been found. >> reporter: he says the most famous and controversial ufo case in america was real. >> i was told by two or three what i call the old-timers, that, yes, this was a real incident and there was a real spacecraft. i went to the pentagon, told my story and got subsequent confirmation that, yes, my story was correct. >> reporter: but other researchers like brian appleyard who was made to see a ufo under hypnosis says it may be all in the mind. >> it is a quite weird thing.
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once you start looking at it you realize all the time above us is this extraordinary either black missile, it is a blank canvas. >> reporter: at hat creek, california, the most ambitious project yet to discover if we are not alone. funded by paul allen, co-founder of microsoft, the allen array uses radio telescopes to eavesdrop on the universe. >> we are listening for signals that are being created either naturally or engineered far beyond this planet. >> reporter: so far, not a peep. hmm. in that case, i guess we better keep watching the skies. for "today," keith miller, nbc news, london. >> you a believer? >> listen, i've lived in new
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york and los angeles a lot of my life so i believe in aliens. but yeah. still ahead -- i'm going to get letters. >> yes, you are. a special labor day concert. >> yes, you are. a special labor day concert. sean kingston coming up. sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin.
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you can learn to switch off hungry. join weight watchers now and get a free month of meetings... and all you'll need is 45 minutes a week to turn hungry off... and turn weight loss on. hurry registration's free too. weight watchers. stop dieting. start living. ♪ (whistle blowing) (announcer) with it's huge commercial grade drum high-performance motor and new power wash cycle the maytag bravos cleans your toughest loads proof that only a maytag, is built like a maytag zipline-- terrifying. my husband, robert, robert made me come. he dragged me up here.
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>> good morning, everybody. i'm stan stovall. the time now, 7:56. here's a look at some of our top stories this morning. no word this morning on what set off a house fire that swept through an east baltimore home last night. fire crews arrived on the scene at about 9:30 last night at the 2200 block of ashland street. fortunately, firefighters were able to extinguish the flames within a half-hour, and there were no reports of injuries. a freak boating incomes dundalk resulted with a boater in the waters, the boat on fire, and a neighborhood in the dark without power. police say a 25-foot sailboat
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strk a live power line as it traveled up the creek. that shock sent the 63-year-old boat operator into the water while the power surge sparked a fire on the boat. it also cut the power to the surrounding neighborhood. there were three other people on board the boat at the time, but they weren't hurt. the boater, however, was taken to bayview medical center after he swam some 150 yards to the shore. let's get a look at the forecast now for labor day with sandra shaw. >> i can tell you, stan, we'll see more gray skies today in contrast to the nice sun we've seen so far this labor day weekend. light shans of showers as well, not a great chance, but maybe light shower activity later this afternoon. we're only going to be 76 in baltimore today, and the winds pretty blustery down in ocean city, not so a great beach day. we are wedged between two systems. we have high pressure to our north. that's bringing in all this moist frewer the atlantic ocean with the easterly flow. an area of low pressure, strong low down over the carolinas, and we're right between the two. the low being blocked by the high, so it's going to stall out all week long, keeping the clouds around and keeping that
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who cares? jell-o sugar free pudding. every diet needs a little wiggle room. 8:00 now on this monday morning, september 7th, 2009. we have a nice looking holiday crowd out on the plaza this morning. they're going to be treated to a live concert from sean kingston in just a few minutes. great looking group of people. thank you for coming out this morning. i'm natalie morales, along here with lester holt. the whole gang, matt, meredith, al and ann, will all be back tomorrow. we're laboring today, along with
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everybody else here. we have the story of a man who went to the bank to cash a check on his wife's behalf. they asked for i.d. in the form of a thumbprint. he says "i can't give it to you" because he has two prosthetic arms. were there other options? he's here along with his wife to talk about what happened. >> i imagine the bank feels pretty bad about the situation. also ahead, last-minute recipes that you can pull together in a pinch on this labor day. if you have unexpected guests stopping by, like i do, you can plan ahead. >> you know i'm coming by. nvite you. a little bit later on, how to re-invent your life during mid-life. one woman decided to take charge and she actually hit it big by doing so. before we get to all that, we want to get a check of the news. amy robach's sitting in for ann at the news desk. good morning. it is a working holiday and a critical week ahead for
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president obama. he will speak today at the afl-cio labor day picnic in ohio. it can offer a glimpse into wednesday night's address to congress on health care reform. the president is also defending tomorrow's back-to-school speech to students which critics call indoctrination. his environmental advisor resigned over the weekend, van jones was linked to a petition suggesting a government role in the 9/11 attacks. a new show of defiance today from iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad. he vowed iran will not halt its nuclear development program or negotiate what he called its nuclear rights. the u.s. and its allies have threatened iran with economic sanctions if it does not agree to talks by the end of the month. thousands attended a sunday parade in south lake tahoe, california to celebrate the return of jaycee lee dugard kidnapped from that town 18 years ago. marchers said jaycee's rescue also freed the town from two decades of fear and suspicions.
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ten people were hospitalized sunday after a private company's inmate transfer van crashed in mississippi. the driver was killed. another tragedy sunday. this one at an air show in italy where a small plane crashed as spectators looked on. the pilot was killed, the other person was injured. survivors claimed there were not enough life jackets aboard a sight seeing boat that sank over the weekend in gubulgaria. the can'ten is in custody accused of overloading that boat. officials are warning san francisco-oakland bay bridge may be closed for a fifth straight day tuesday. investigators found a crack. a final destination held on to the stop spot at the box office. during the first three days of the holiday weekend, it took in more than $12 million. "all about steve" was second and "inglourious basterds" was third. 8:03.
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back down to lester and natalie on the plaza. >> let's get another check of your holiday forecast. with us once again, stephanie abrams. >> so far we've been gorgeous all weekend lofpblgt today, limited sun. in fact, slight chance some of showers, 76 degrees. we have an easterly flow with east winds off the ocean, so not a great day in ocean city. only 75 with showers around. that is going to take you
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back at 8:09 with the story of steve valdez, the tampa, florida man went to his wife's bank to cash a check and was told to combat fraud they needed a thumbprint. the problem, steve was born without arms. he's here with us now along with his wife. good morning to both of you. thanks for coming here. steve, go back to that day. you went with a check from your wife, little less than $2,000 to her bank to cash it. what were you told? >> i was given an option by the tellers that you can either bring your wife in to cash the check or you can open up an account. i said, well, you know, neither
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is really acceptable right now so could i speak with the branch manager. branch manager came and reiterated the same thing to me. >> that because you couldn't give a thumbprint, you couldn't cash a check without your wife's presence. were you the first to call attention to the fact you didn't have thumbs? >> no. they actually brought it to my attention. they told me on the the teller line, well obviously you can't give us a thumbprint so let me check and see what your options are. that's when they came back with the options and when i questioned those options, that's when the branch manager came -- >> had you cashed a check before successfully at this branch? >> no. i have cashed checks with other banks with similar policies without a problem. the branch manager will come out, look at the two forms of photo i.d., initial the check and i go on my way. >> that's what you would expect to happen this time. did you even mention that option, look, i have two forms of i.d. to show you. >> i certainly did. >> it was a no go. >> they said they checked with their back room operations and
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this is their policy. >> lori, what was your thought? >> he called and said don't ever send me to your bank ever again. i asked him what happened. he told me. i said, you know, very calmly, well, let me call and find out what happened. he said never mind, i'm back in my office. i called and the branch manager got on the phone with me and i told her that my husband had been there. she said, yes, i'm the one that he spoke with. i said, he had two forms of i.d. and she said well we gave him two alternatives. he could bring you in -- i said not an option, i'm working, i can't leave. or he could open an account. i said well wouldn't he need identification to open an account with you? she said, well, yes, but then we'd get to know him and -- >> circular argument here. >> right. >> so there was no -- nothing settled at that moment. bank of america issued an apology last week. let me read that statement. "this is an isolated occurrence and does not represent the bank's policies for accommodating customers or non-account holders with
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disabilities. we have ensured those policies have been underscored with all our associates across the bank." so what is their policy? was there a way they could have handled this? >> well, certainly there is a way. but bank of america will not produce those policies and tell anyone exactly what they are. they're just saying, well, it is the discretion of whoever is the branch manager and whatever. and that is not in accordance with federal law. you have to have alternative policies. >> what was -- in all reluctant to go public with this or did you feel there needed to be a message sent here? >> lester, this is the first time that i have ever gone public with anything related to this. i've either accommodated myself or have been accommodated throughout my whole life with things like this. but when it hits you in the face like this and you have no other alternative, you start thinking, you're not the only person in this country that cannot give a thumbprint, for example. and there is a serious problem here, violation of federal law. >> lori, have you changed your
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business or are you still with them? >> at this particular moment i'm still with them. >> do you accept their apology and do you feel there will be a change or at least that the policy will be understood by other employees from now on? >> i hope so. because i think the thing that was really important to me was, you know, to know that there wasn't a policy in place and the branch manager was very flippant. i said to her, you should be ashamed of yourself and embarrassed. she said well i'm neither. i knew then that there was a real problem, because that's a really flippant kind of comment to make -- >> did you ever get to cash the check? >> no. what i did was i went to my bank, deposited the check, let them put a two-day hold on it and it went through. >> all's done on that level. we appreciate you both being here, steve and lori valdez, thanks for sharing the story. we appreciate it. up next, how to re-invent yourself to make the most of mid-life right after this. with unbeatable prices on tresemmé tres two hairspray
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beauty costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. and i was so tender to the touch-- but i didn't know why. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia. and then he recommended lyrica... fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is fda-approved to help relieve the unique pain of fibromyalgia. so now, i'm learning what a day is like with less pain. lyrica is not for everyone. tell your doctor about any serious allergic reaction that causes swelling or affects breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. lyrica may cause suicidal thoughts or actions
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>> announcer: "today's woman" is brought to you by splenda. just what's good. this morning on "today's woman," re-inventing yourself at mid-life. amy robach has one woman's story. >> for clair cook, turning 45 wasn't the beginning of the end but actually the start of something new. when it comes to making the most out of mid-life, she seems to have it all figured out. when it comes to following her dreams, you might call 54-year-old clair cook a late bloomer. some nine years ago she seemed to have it all -- a devoted husband, two beautiful children, and a great teaching job. >> i just really, really knew that i wasn't happy on the outside. >> reporter: her biggest regret -- not having the courage to pursue her life-long dream of becoming a writer. >> it is the thing i wanted to do my whole life and i think it
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was maybe that mid-life wake-up call that one day you just say, i don't have forever, and if i'm going to do it, i better get going. >> reporter: and get going she did. clair started writing. her first book was scribbled out on legal pads during her daughter's swim practice. >> i remember the exact ah-ha moment. i was really watching swim practice with a whole bunch of swim moms thinking we really need to get a life here. from then on, instead of going into the practice i sat in my minivan and wrote. >> reporter: and at 45, clair began the next chapter of her life. as a published novelist. >> this was my guilty pleasure. was really sneaking time to write. >> reporter: her debut book "ready to fall" came out in 2000, but it was her second book, "must-love dogs" that landed her not only on the best seller list but also on the big screen. >> come on, girl, you can do this. what? >> reporter: clair came full circle from the classroom to the
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red carpet. at the age of 50 you were walking down the red carpet. what was that like? >> i had a blast. i did 35 interviews on the red carpet. it was just hilarious. it was just fun. i enjoyed the whole experience. >> reporter: she credits her maturity with her success. it almost probably was sweeter at 50 than it would have been at 20. >> at 20 i would have been a mess. for me the gift is this is the career i almost didn't have, and i'm enjoying every single second of it. >> reporter: and she's hoping it's contagious. heading up workshops encouraging other adults to follow their dreams. is it ever too late? >> i don't think so. i'm 54 years old and this is the happiest i've ever been in my life. >> reporter: and now cook has just finished her seventh novel, "wild water walking claw." she hopes it will be a movie as well. susan crandall is the contributory "more" magazine and author of "thinking about
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tomorrow re-inventing yourself at mid-life." susan, good morning. did you a similar thing mid-life as well. you walked away from a high-paying job as editor in chief at "more" magazine to have this good life as well. >> i did. yeah. i called the new life one-third the money, three times the fun. my life is richer in a lot of other ways. >> you probably don't look back much which i guess is important. >> yeah, i think it is important because you can get caught up in what i call rear-view mirror syndrome because you can always think about what it is that you've been giving up. you can't see ahead as well to what's coming. >> for those who are watching this, who are inspired and want to do this, what is that moment? clair talked in the story about having that ah-ha moment. but how is it that you do get started? >> if you're lucky you do have that ah-ha moment that kind of launches you into the new phase. if you're not so lucky, maybe you have this simmer of discontent or itchiness but you have to make the pot boil yourself. and usually it's fear that's
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holding you back. so the thing to do is to do something that gets you out of your comfort zone. for me who was the last person picked on every sports team in high school, it's doing something athletic. but it could be speaking in front of a group. it could be a small thing like going out to a meal by yourself. just something that shows you, you can do something you didn't know you could. >> you mention that the change can be really scary for a lot of people especially given this economy. if you don't want to turn your life upside down necessarily, you say that one of the things to watch out for is that you're not experiencing re-invention envy, that you're not always thinking the grass is greener. >> yeah. if you see your friends changing and blossoming, you can feel a little left behind. and maybe the thing to do is to get together with a friend or two and have a re-invention brainstorming session. it could be an afternoon, it could be a whole weekend. talk about your life and see whether you really are right for
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a change or you're actually pretty happy. >> and whether or not you have to make a complete change, of course, is part of the concern, i imagine, for some. as we mentioned in this economy, taking that risk can be very scary. you don't have to do it all in one day. right? >> in fact, it can be very smart to take small steps and make sure you're on the right track. if you want to teach, maybe you could teach english as a second language first. if you want to start a business, maybe there's a small way to do it in your spare time. volunteering in a new industry that you would like to be in. so look for those ways to test drive your dream. >> of course, there's always finding a part-time passion, a hobby. there's -- there are ways to, as you say, try out and test market what it is you want to do. >> yeah. clair cook wrote her first novel in the van in her spare time and it transformed her life. >> that rear-view mirror syndrome. be careful of that and don't get
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stuck looking back and saying "what if?" >> or "what am i giving up?" because wonderful things will happen that you couldn't have imagined ahead of time. >> susan crandall, it is a great story and great for you as well. thank you. now here's lester. natalie, thanks. wednesday is 9-09-09 and opening day for a new animated film with a fitting name -- called" nine." here's gene shalit. >> good morning and welcome "the critic's corner." five years ago, 33-year-old shane acker made an 11-minute animated short he called "nine" and it won an oscar nomination. someone evidently said, if it's that good at 11 minutes, it will be ten times better at 80 minutes. that's wrong. numerically and as it turns out, artistical artistically. the new inflated "nine" is diluted. it is a shrivelled "three" or
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"four." what's best is the animation. >> so much thought, the details. >> it instantly suggests that tim burton is on the premises. not so good, the story's premise. yet another film of the world wrecked, humans dead or fled, machines rule with an iron hand. but a dying frankensteinian scientis scientists creates some itsy-bitsy beings. the picture degenerates into an action flick. brave number nine persuades the other numbers to do a number on the iron monsters. explosions. clamor. i dare you to do -- this could
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have been much better than it is. when it was over, i wished they had tacked on that 11-minute original. would have been fun to see, and also to see if less is more. and that more or less is the "critic's corner" for today. still ahead, live music to get you into the holiday mood. >> sean kingston will take our concert stage right after your local news and weather.
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>> good morning. i'm lisa robin son. here's a look at some of our top stories. officials in howard county are trying to figure out the cause of an accident that killed one motorcyclist and injured another. it happened around 6:00 last night along westbound 1 s hundred in columbia. police say one man died on the scene, the other is being treated at shock trauma. three members of the baltimore city police department are on suspension amiths reports that they allegedly tried to quns a rape victim tonight file a report. police say the three officers took the initial statement of a woman who said her daughter had been raped last tuesday in the 3900 block of garrison avenue. but it wasn't until officers on the following shift took a second statement that a report was filed.
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>> any allegations of police not taking reports are taken extremely seriously. the commissioner has zero tolerance for that, so this is what we here. internal affairs has a lot of work to do, loft interviews, lot of people to talk to. i don't want to say anything that's going to prejudice that process, but we're definitely going to look to see to mack sure our procedures were followed appropriately, and until then, officers have been suspended pending the investigation. >> both the officers and the sergeant have been suspended with pay while the investigation continues. now let's get a check on the day's forecast with sandra shaw. >> i wish our streak of sunny days would continue, but actually, we're going see clouds and a slight chance of some showers this afternoon thanks to an easterly flow off the atlantic bringing in a lot of moisture. right now, we're looking at 68 downtown. 68 at the airport, and 64 in easton. we're only headed for a high in the mid 70's today. it looks like 76 with gray skies forecast. slight chance of just a little light rain this afternoon, so blust eary down in ocean city today, not a great beach day with showers lingering as well. it looks like we'll have a
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♪ 8:30 now on a monday morning, it is labor day, september 7th, 2009. we have a party out here on rockefeller plaza this morning, a great crowd, some great music ahead from pop singer sean kingston. i understand he has some surprises up his sleeve. maybe a guest will be standing by him this morning. we'll find out about that coming up a bit later on. >> we mentioned it is a party. i like to point out the fact that there actually is a dance
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floor. >> yeah. not the typical stage here. >> all right. coming up, we'll be talking about the search for the elusive way to lose a couple pounds here, there. we get bombarded with so much information what to eat, what not to eat. question is what's true and what's not true, what works and what doesn't work. we'll tell you what you should actually believe, talk to a nutrition expert joy bauer coming up. outside of the cash for clunkers program, this has been a tough year for car dealers. if you know what you're doing when you look for a car, that's to your advantage. we'll tell you what you need to know to potentially save thousands of dollars. >> you're like this, you've got
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>> later this week, we could see some heavy showers. today, just a slight chance of a little light rain activity, but mostly cloudy. we are seeing our weather pattern change, and we're going to stay cool and moist all week long. 75 to 79 this labor day. >> you can always check your forecast at thank you, stephanie. still ahead -- some delicious last-minute treats for your
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hey there, this is your lamp. why don't you show the lady how romantic you can be by turning me off? you'll set the mood while using a lot less energy. maybe later you can hook me up with a cfl. it will show how much you care for the environment. [announcer] learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at,
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where you'll find plenty of energy-saving tips. ahhhhh. the passion. we're back at 8:35. for this labor day, the job market is on the minds of millions of americans. the latest figures show 216,000 jobs were lost in august, pushing unemployment to 9.7%. harvard professor bill george says government leaders and ceos are approaching the problem all wrong. his latest book is called "7 lessons for leading in crisis." bill, good morning. the headlines lately have been bottoming out of the recession, light at the end of the tunnel, even at 216,000 job losses, we're losing them at a slower rate than we were before. what, in your view, is being missed in all of this as we start to talk recovery? >> this is economist speak. the financial crisis is largely
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behind us. but the jobs crisis is getting worse by the day. and i'm very concerned. we've lost twice as many jobs already in this recession, as in any other recession the last 60 years. >> your focus is right now we're spending too much time trying to save jobs. you believe we should take it a step further to create jobs. how do you do that? >> we've put trillions in wall street and not putting any money into creating jobs. we are instant gratification focusing on short term. we need to focus on long term, creating jobs through better manufacturing, through research, better education, high-tech manufacturing. these are places we can create new company formation. we need to help small business owners who really need that help. >> but the assumption is that some of these jobs we've lost will ultimately come back. you're talking about on top of those. and by the way, is that a false assumption that some of these jobs will come back? >> i'm not convinced they're going to come back. that's what's worrying me. a lot of companies are becoming much more efficient.
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i think the way they'll come back is creating new companies, new jobs and exporting our products overseas. if we can unleash american creativity. american workers are the most entrepreneurial, creative in the world and we need to focus on that, not just short tn term satisfaction. >> what you talk about sounds like it needs to be a huge national effort. if you're going to start new industry, this is something that's going to take huge investment and almost a natural will. do you see any of that on the horizon? >> no, i don't. i think the president needs to get behind this and i think business leaders and the administration need to work together to create. how are we going to do this? we know how to do this. >> companies need to re-invent themselves. >> absolutely, yes. >> you talk about an example with pepsi in terms of re-inventing. explain it. >> in 2006, they realized the obesity crisis was upon us, they had a water shortage, diabetes and pepsi wanted to get out in front of that. create healthy foods. that's what they've been doing the last three years, shifting
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pepsi steadily in that direction. that affects all americans. >> do you think we have not really accepted the reality of the unemployment crisis right now? are we looking at as a short-term one-time thing and not looking at the bigger picture? >> in my book i talk about facing realities. first thing we have to do. but we're at risk of a jobless recovery. we need to restructure our whole economy to get focused on creating jobs, not just saving jobs. >> jobless recovery meaning the stock market is up, home sales starting to show some pickup. other things around it. >> but every family i know has either lost a job or facing some kind of crisis. when i wrote "7 lessons," it was to talk about universal lessons that affect everyone personally, professional. how do you deal with these things because i see leaders and families not dealing with them. >> we love to make historical contrasts. is there anything that me roars what we're going through right now with a recovery that may be jobless? >> i don't think so. when we come out of this recession the economy's going to
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look totally different than it did before. that's why i think the closest thing to it would be the '90s when we focused so much on creating new companies and we really had american industry really rolling in the late '80s throughout the '90s. i think that's where we need to be with incentives for long-term investment, not short-term investment. not just wall street investments but main street. >> the book is "7 lessons for leading in crisis." bill george, have a good labor day. next, sean kingston live in concert. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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good morning, dan. what's going on? hey, guys, where the heck is dan? strange -- he used to eat cereal every day. i heard he eats breakfast out now, man. he what? i feel so cold. and alone. dan! dan! dan! dan! now everyone can afford a hot breakfast to go. buy a coffee or any delicious dunkin' beverage and get our new sausage biscuit for just 99 cents. because it's breakfast, not brokefast. america saves on dunkin'.
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by putting an end to paper medical records, we have ushered health into the digital age. saving lives, sometimes when seconds count. managing chronic conditions. making amazing new discoveries. and, oh yes, saving a lot of trees. kaiser permanente. thrive. >> announcer: the "toyota concert series" on "today," brought to you by toyota. toyota, moving forward. what better way to kick off your labor day bash than with an outdoor concert. singing his double platinum
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smash hit, "beautiful girls," ladies and gentlemen, sean kingston. ♪ you're way too beautiful girl that's why it'll never work ♪ ♪ you'll have me suicidal, suicidal when you say it's over ♪ ♪ damn all these beautiful girls they only wanna do your dirt ♪ ♪ they'll have you suicidal, suicidal when they say it's over ♪ ♪ see it started at the park used to chill at the dark oh when you took my heart ♪ ♪ that's when we fell apart 'cause we both thought that love lasts forever ♪ ♪ they say we're too young to get ourselves sprung oh we didn't care we made it very clear ♪
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♪ and they also said that we couldn't last together ♪ ♪ see it's very define girl one of a kind but you mush up my mind ♪ ♪ you walk to get declined oh lord my baby is driving me crazy ♪ ♪ you're way too beautiful girl that's why it'll never work ♪ ♪ you'll have me suicidal, suicidal when you say it's over ♪ ♪ damn all these beautiful girls they only wanna do your dirt ♪ ♪ they'll have you suicidal, suicidal when they say it's over ♪ ♪ it was back in '99 watchin' movies all the time oh when i went away for doin' my first crime ♪ ♪ and i never thought
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that we was gonna see each other ♪ ♪ and then i came out mami moved me down south oh i'm with my girl who i thought was my world ♪ ♪ it came out to be that she wasn't the girl for me ♪ ♪ see it's very define girl one of a kind but you mush up my mind ♪ ♪ you walk to get declined oh lord my baby is driving me crazy ♪ ♪ you're way too beautiful girl that's why it'll never work ♪ ♪ you'll have me suicidal, suicidal when you say it's over ♪ ♪ damn all these beautiful girls they only wanna do your dirt ♪ ♪ they'll have you suicidal, suicidal
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when they say it's over ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, make some noise. let's go! ♪ when the night has come ♪ and the land is dark ♪ and the moon is the only light we'll see ♪ ♪ oh i won't be afraid ♪ no i won't be afraid ♪ just as long as you stand stand by me ♪ >> everybody put your hands in the air let's go! ♪ stand by me ♪ oh stand by me ♪ oh stand stand by me ♪ stand by me ♪ now you're way too beautiful girl ♪ ♪ stand by me
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sean kingston's latest hit "fire burning" is one of hottest songs of the summer. now the 19-year-old is getting to release his second album tomorrow on september -- rather, it's called "tomorrow" on september 22nd. sean, good morning. good to have you here. >> thanks for having me again. it is definite lay huge blessing. >> it is amazing to see your success. you got your start on youtube -- myspa myspace. how did that happen? >> i got signed up on myspace i kept hitting on my producer, jr, like yo, please get me a deal. i was hitting him up like seven times a day for like two weeks.
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he replied. rest was history, he flew me out to l.a., heard my music and just fell in love with me. >> a lot of the new music on this cd is personal. personal stories. "face drop" based on the personal experience you had that you were underappreciated. tell me about that. >> definitely. there was a time and place when i was in high school, i used to always look like -- i used to always want the hot girls, the popular girls in school. you know how that goes? >> i know. >> i tried to talk to a girl, she was like the most popular girl in the school. it was like she doesn't want to talk to me because i'm overweight and chubby. she didn't want to have nothing to do with me. i feel like i always wanted to write a situation with that song. nowadays girls should be judging guys on their personality, instead their image. >> here's the deal. she's buying your records now. >> all that doesn't seem to matter so much anymore. >> that's what that is about. >> you have great clab rags on this album. good charlotte, benny king was just here.
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how did you get these people to come along and agree to do this with you? >> i mean you know what it is, man, it is basically about hooking up with talented people. people recognize my talent. i'm 19 years old, write all my own music. so it is a great thing to connect with other people. i feel like this album is definitely a transaction and the growth, this album is the hope of the future. gout to get this album, september 22nd, sean kingston. >> buddy, you are on your way. you're there. >> i got to do what i got to do. all i want to do is make great music. have people in the industry know sean kingston putting out great quality stuff. right now we're going to do my brand-new single off the sophomore album "tomorrow," september 22nd. "fire burning." ♪ somebody call 911 shawty fire burning on the dance floor whoa fire burning fire burning ♪
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♪ what a -- kingston let's go hey ♪ ♪ shawty got that super thing hotter than the sun in the south in spain got me soon ♪ ♪ as i walked through the door my pocket started tickling the way she drop it low ♪ ♪ that thang got me want spend my money on her her ♪ ♪ she get it pop it lock it drop it that birthday cake got a candle ♪ ♪ need to blow that crazy flame away now take my red black card and my jewelry ♪ ♪ shawty is cool like the fire cool like fire ♪ ♪ somebody call 911 shawty fire burning on the dance floor whoa i gotta cool her down ♪ ♪ she want bring the roof to ground on the dance floor whoa ♪ ♪ she's fire burning fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ that little shawty's
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fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ she's fire burning fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ that little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ fire burning fire burning ♪ ♪ that body is a masterpiece the order is one in every hundred years ♪ ♪ but it ain't no doubt i'm taking it home home ♪ ♪ little mama is about to change she'll be on covers over the world ♪ ♪ she get it pop it lock it drop it that birthday cake got a candle ♪ ♪ need to blow that crazy flame away now take my red black card and my jewelry ♪ ♪ shawty is cool like the fire cool like fire ♪ ♪ somebody call 911 shawty fire burning on the dance floor whoa i gotta cool her down ♪
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♪ she want bring the roof to ground on the dance floor whoa ♪ ♪ she's fire burning fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ that little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ she's fire burning fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ that little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ she got that fire in the dance that'll make them fellas run around hey ♪ ♪ no exit from the dance floor so them boys want more hey ♪ ♪ she got that fire ♪ she got that fire ♪ she got that fire ♪ she got that fire >> put your hands up. put your hands up. put your hands up.
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♪ she get it pop it lock it drop it that birthday cake got a candle ♪ ♪ need to blow that crazy flame away now take my red black card and my jewelry ♪ ♪ shawty is cool like the fire cool like fire ♪ ♪ somebody call 911 shawty fire burning on the dance floor whoa i gotta cool her down ♪ ♪ she want bring the roof to ground on the dance floor whoa ♪ ♪ she's fire burning fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ that little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ she's fire burning fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ that little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor ♪ ♪ somebody call 911
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stories this morning. a 9-year-old girl is being treated at johns hopkins children's hospital after nearly drowning in south baltimore sunday afternoon. fire officials say she fell near port covingtone on light street t. happened 12:45 sunday. it's not clear how long the girl was underwater. there's also no word on her condition. anne arundel county police have identified those remains that washed occupy a pasadena shore over the weekend. turns out they aren't human after all. officials from the medical examiner's office say the two feet and partial limb recovered near the creek as a result are animal, possibly that of a bear. state police say they have seen similar cases to this before. they tell us that when bears are stuffed and mounted, tax dermists often skin and cut off the animal's feet, then republican move the claws, making the remnants resemble human feet. we're back in a minute
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>> now let's take a look at the forecast with sandra shaw. >> fortunately, we're going to see kind of a gray day today, mostly cloudy skies, and a slight chance for afternoon hours. should be light rain around baltimore. 76, a cooler high than wee seen lately, as we've seen plenty of sun, gorgeous conditions sense the start of september easterly flow making for a pretty rough day on the beach with showers around and mostly cloudy skies and blustery winds. lacks like the easterly flow will continue as there's a stalled out low pressure area to our south. it's going to continue through friday. we look like we'll clear out by the weekend.
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