tv Today NBC September 20, 2009 8:00am-9:00am EDT
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thiss jack van impe presents: the truth in news and commentary. here now are drs. jack and rexella van impe. >> hello and welcome to jack van impe presents. my, oh my do we have an exciting program for you today and some of the global headlines absolutely startled me. one being how old are the 100 billion galaxies in space. 100 billion - whew! then again, role of 32 white house czars sparks the battle. and again, armed america - behind a broadening run on guns. we're going to examine that one very, very carefully believe me. but before we get into the global headlines from around the world, t me just say that jack and i were reminiscing this week about how great it was for us
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to be with some of the most wonderful ministers, greatest minisrs, of the 20th century. my how we enjoyed each and every one of them. and some of them have gone to be with the lord and yet their ministries continue on today. now here, posthoumous preaching some preachers are as popular dead as they were alive. now a couple of those, there's dr. j. vernon mcgee, we had a great pleasure of being with him. by the way, when we were with him, jack, he called you the belgian bible bombshell. >> amen. it used to be the walking bible and then the belgian bible bombshell. and that's what i hope to be today. >> all right. and he was, of course, in los angeles and here you see dr. adrian rogers from memphis. and what a man of god he was and his ministry continues on today also. and certainly to me some of these men along with dr. lee robertson in chattanooga that we were with,
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they just will never leave my mind or my hear they meant so very, very much to me and i know they did to you jack. >> oh rexella, we had some great times with some of these ministers and by the way, we held 800 local church csades, a week a pce, and then we held over 120 united crusades with all the churches coming together and 10 million attending. but i remember these were church crusades and they were two of the first mega churches in ouray and dr. mcgee had thousands attending there and wh we had a crusade with him in los angeles, during the greatest flu epidemic in history, we didn't know where to put the people. and he gave me the that title, the belgian bible bombshell. i've been called, as i said earlier, the walking bible before that. but then we were with adrian rogers and you know he and dr. criswell were the two men in the southern baptist convention, for both of them had been presidents,
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who brought in the teaching of the rapture and the tribulation and christ's return to the earth and i thk god for these men. and when we were at adrian rogers, just for a wednesday night, we didn't know again where to put the people. oh how the lord used to bless those crusades. but i said all this to talk about posthumous preaching. both of these men are still on the air along with dr. d.james kennedy. and drmcgee has been gone for over 21 years and he told e men as he was passing, look, if we have some funds le, use it up and n my through the bible series. ll 21 years later they are still running it. but something was printed in christianity today thatade me chuckle. the one who was running it apparently didn't study thprogram r the day and he put it on and they said, rember he's gone 21 years, this just happened, he said pr for dr. mcgee, he's not feeling well today. >> oh, oh, oh, oh. don't ever do that to me you guys. and anyway, it really made me chuckle.
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and i don't know, if god had taken me, where we'd be right now, but i'm going to keep it on. i've got new vitality with all the blood transfusions and i'm going to keep it up until the rapture or god calls me home one way or the other and then rexella can play some of my tapes. amen. >> no, no, no. i can hardly keep up with him i'll tell you. that's for sure. i always look forward to sharing our global headlines with you friends and here they are global headlines at a glance. there, time magazine, 40th anniversary of apollo 11, moonstruck. and of course we will never forget that great event. china's lunar probe lands on the moon. whew. they are catching up with us. they are going to the moon too. the week - next stop, mars. whoa. should the united states raise its ambitious thoughts in space? in other words, keep going? again, comet dust contains evidence
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life could exist; life could exist, beyond earth. and kepler's on a mission to discover earth's could there really be earth's out there? now who's the kepler? the kepler telescope will search 100,000 stars in the milky way 100,000 stars just in the one milky way. >> there are millions as we are going to see in a minute. >> yes. first planet in another galaxy possibly found. and once again, usa today - a better life - 10 more planets found beyond our solar system. and going on, science news - a blast from 11 billion years? now that is an artist's impression of a supernova, which scientists report observing, shows the layers of gas ejected prior to the final explosion of a star. and it took that long, 11 billion years. you know friends i said to our director just before we went on, alex, how can anody
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in the world say there is no god? god did it all. he created everything, right jack? >> dr. gitt has written a tremendous book and he is a born again astronomer and he says how can anyone study the heavens and not believe that there is a god behind it all. we don't accept that foolishness of a big bang theory. and by the way, the hadron collider is going to attempt that in 2012 to recreate the big bang and many are afraid that it could really demolish much of the world. not the end because we don't believe in that, but it's going to be a catastrophic thing and that was the collider that was used in the film featuring tom hanks on angels and demons, and that's where i got the idea for my new video and for this subject. now i think all of you know that dan brown wrote the davinci code, which blasphemes our lord jesus christ and also angels and demons. and he knew nothing
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about either one of the subjects according to the word of god. he's proclaiming doctrine of demons, i timothy 4:1 and i'm going to fight it right until god calls me home beuse they are hurting my precious jesus and he is my g. he's god in the flesh, romans 9:5. you won't get away with it forever dan brown and tom hanks. >> absolutely. and a book we can accept is the bible. that's for sure. it tells the truth. the lord jesus was the son of god, the savior of the world. let me just say so much is happening in space. the astronomers - ten more planets are found out there in the solar system, in ours ten more planets. and then a blast from 11 billion years finally caught up with us? we finally discovered that this star burst and now we all know about it. jack, so much isappening now. could some of these signs mean that the lord is coming very, very soon?
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>> if you believe the lord jesus, they mean everything. he said, just before i return fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven and luke 21 verse 25 says they will take place in thsun, mn, stars and planets, millions of the planets as we've already discussed. and then ijoel 2:30-31 anacts 2:19-20, he says i will show wonders in t heavens and the earth. blood, fire, pillars of smoke, and he causeth the terrible day of the lord in joel, but in acts he calls it the notable day because it's the time of the coming of the lord. what a great event. >> oh jack, we've gotten letters out there that so many people have written because of the suect right now that we are dealing with. could there be life in space? do you belie there could be a life out therek? >> rexella, there are literally millions of earths and i have no doubt that they will eventually
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find them. right now th have found red soil on mars and they've found water and that's sign that life could have been there. but i know one thing. satan fell from heaven and it's recorded in aiah 14:12-14, ezekiel 28:14-17, and he tooone thd of the angels of heaven with him in revelation 12:4. and he was cast to the earth. now that happened billions of years ago. you see when we talk about adam and eve, that is the restoration of the earth thatas here and i'm not going to get into all of it, but if you study genesis 1:1-2 you find there is a gap there that could be billions of years because in verse 2 the earth is without form and void. meing has happened. thers a flood d the entire world of that day is covered. the fld of noah's time is in chapter 7. it's entirely a different one. and so great men lik
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dr. dehaan, and dr. clarencearkin, dr. ofield, . donald grey barnhouse, dr. hott, who was the member of the committee that ordained me the ministry many years o, and there are just so many more that tch that this world has existed for millions of yes. i have found4 scholars who back what i say and you need to study this thing thoroughly to find out if i'm right or t. i believe i . >> so you do belie that those 100 billion galaxi out there are very, very, very old. more thai can evenmagine. >> and the angels that fell are inundating all of those different planets. there life out there, but the could also b human life as dr. clarence larkin teaches. >> we are going to be learning so very, very much more about all of this i am sure in the days ead. bulet me just say i want to encourage you
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to get this wonderful new video, angels and demons the startling truth about them. take a look. >> angels are mentioned 314 times in the bible. they were created by the eternal christ. 35% of them sinned and were cast out of the third heaven millions of years ago. their heinous sin brought a catastrophic judgment upon earth in the dateless past. 6,000 years ago the restoration of the previous earth and creation of adam and eve occurred. presently these fallen angels known as the demonia, or demons are the seducing spirits promoting the doctrines of demons in our day. soon the holy angels will wisk millions of god's children through 187 trillion billions of miles of space in seconds and 7 years later return with christ to defeat the leaders of the new world order and set up christ's eternal kingdom upon earth. for scores of additional facts, order "the startling truth about angels and demons".
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>> whew. the startling truth, absolutely there is the 800 number and there is the address. don't put it off friends. the startling truth about angels and demons and i'll send you a gift with your order and it is all about the spirit world. jack you've answered all our questions. where did the angels come from and are they still alive and will they ever die? all the rest it's wonderful. >> and everything about space. and next week i'm going to talk about einstein who talked about the blacholes in space in 1915 and you kn, perhaps a black hole could be where hell is located. i'm going to shock you with that truth. do you know th some of e black holes have sucked in 2 billi 400 million suns and it's hot up there. >> whew. so much more on here so don't putt off. there is the 800 number, there is the address. do angels really exist? my gift with your order. and now let me just say friends that our first lady, michelle obama,
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made quite a startling statement about recovery and also about change. take a look: change - barack will never allow you too back to your lives as usual. and on time magazine cover - out of work in america - why double-digit unemployment may be here to stay -and how to live with it. we now have 15 million out of work. going on, the pace of dollar's decline is seen quickening this week. it's going down, down, down. china wants to do something, china moves to internationalize the currency. they would like to have a global denomination of bonds and so forth. and the united nations wants new global currency to replace the dollar. how about that one? d take a look at this one. this truly troubles me. ery child set to have a number - a new technology will make it possible to bar code each child, who can be tracked
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from birth to adulthood, through a comprehensive child tracking system (cts). friends, jk has talked about the bar codeo very, very, very often about an implant. whoa. jack, with all of these headlines, how do you feel the nation is progressing? >> as you know we spent 16 weeks on the subject the new world order rising and sa there were seven major organizations backing it and one of them was the bilderbergs and i want to talk about them right now because they are the ones who were instruntal in creating the european union which becomes the new world order and they are instrumental in choosing the one who will become the leader of the new world order. and they say it's president obama and they are the ones who say we are going to microchip every human being on earth by 2017 and they are already beginning talk about cro-chipping all chiren and micro-chipping all the sick peoe and everything imaginable and to microchip
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all the people against terrorism. they've really got a plan, believe me. t they said we are going to do it by destroying theconomy. do you see our dollar? do you see what's happening? do you see that china and thun want to devalue the dollar? they want to throw it away and stt with a brand new system. now what's happening? it's exact what the bible prophesies. the word of god says in james 5:1-4, go to now you rich men, weep and howl for your miseries thathall comupon y. he says your garments are moth-eaten and he said all the rust of your money shall be a witness agnst you in that day because you have heaped togeth treasur you' going to lose it friends as you'll see in the next point very, very on. now, the thing is they are weeping and wailing. why? 's record in revelation 18, because of the loss of all theirncome. it's happened almost overnight and it's coming ladies
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and ntme revelation 18:, for in one hour is thy judgment come. verse 17, for in one hour so great riches have come to naught, to nothing. verse 19, in one hour is she made desolate. it's so bad at they are casting their silver in the streets in ezekiel 7:19 and their gold is ing removed, confiscated. what a mess we are in. we are headed for such and hour. the time of great, perilous, dangerous times of ii timothy 3:1. but they say we are going to go to a new system. china is behind it. the un is behind it. the eu is behind it and the bilderbergs are behind it, the microchipping of all people and that's revelation 13:16-18. he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bd to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead that no man, man might buy or sell save he that hath the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. here is wisdom, let him that hath understa count the number of this beast,
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of this antichst, for it's the number of a man and his number is six hundred, thescore and six, the infamous number used by the rock and roll groups, 666. you can also find it i revelation 14:9 & 11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20 and 20. if you accept that number at that time, and they are starting to get it ready, but we'll be gone. these will be the new believers converted during the tribulation hr from revelation 7:9-14. if you receive it, you are hopelessly lost forever, revelaon 14:11. if you reject it, you live and reign with christ for 1000 years, revelation 20:4. >> oh jack, in the midst of all these thingshat wee been reading some people write and say i am really scared, you know you just gave us hope. it's wderful to know th the lord is coming back and that we can have peace in this troubled, troubled world. oh whether it's space or whether it's income, or wheer everything that's happening, even the talk of wa in this moing's paper. the wall street journal said that obamaasow decidedot
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to put up the bases in czechoslovakia which inow the czech republic and poland. he is going to try to please putin anthe communists. god helps. we are in real trouble because even the past under secretary, under president bush, said in today's paper, i know what iran says. i know how many missiles they have. and if we do what's being planned, amica is in trouble. >> yes. wonderful to know that god is still in control, isn't ? and that jesus said let not your hearte troubled. we're going to show yohow to ve a peaceful heart in just a moment, but we received a letter here in the offi that truly blsed our hearts and encourag us and jack saiit uld be wonderful if we could share this with our viewers. so i asked him if we put it on would you please read it to our viewers there jack? >> we are not using the man's name to protect him. dear jack and rexella,
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i'm a methodist and military man. i have watched your show for years. scary things a going on in washington, dcitall the czars of obama and now enew communists as part of his leadership team. you may not have much long to be othe airwaves because it seems like he is coming after his emies. but as long as possible - keep preachinghe word. people need to hear the truth in a world full of lies and i areciat you both. >> who what a blessing. i trust that everybody out there will be prayg for the lord to continue to use our ministry around the world as long as he tarries, and we are goingo go on with some headlines and back up some of the things that this gentlemen had to say about a fear tactic that perhaps our president is using concerning health care. obama's great health scare - the president resorts to the politics of fear in selling his health program.
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again, fact - checking the president on health insurance. they say he needs scrutiny there. and obama should shift back to the middle. and oh my, oh my, the czars role - white house czars sparks the battle. and there you see some from the past, but obama has 32. where does a czar's reign end and congress' begin? good question. whoa. the tea party protesters march on washington. we all saw the thousands; the ten's of thousands, there in washington as they marched. tea party express takes washington by a storm. they protested and they wanted everyone to see why. guns at political events stir up a volatile brew. now take, if you will, a look armed america: behind a broadening run on guns. people are buying them, and buying them. you can't even get them anymore. as if things weren't bad enough,
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russian professor predicts end of the u.s. oh, no, no, no. i will not accept that. >> by 10. >> don't call it socialism - tell liberals that the u.s. is headed toward well, you know - and they laugh it off as political paranoia. whoa. jeremiah wright - the sequel, starring van jones. and we all know how he resigned. once again, frank marshall davis, notoous official of the communist party s.a. who became obama's mentor and father figure. my. and here is speaker pelosi's controversial marxist connections. >> tell them where it's found. >> all right i will jack. i got this from the monetary and economic review magazine. let me just say there is an awful lot here. jack if you could put it together for us please to help us to understand it better. >> well, when i started the subject the new world order, i started the first week
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with a comment by senator byrd, a democrat, who said we have nothing to say - we as congressmen. and newt gingrich, on the greta van susteren show said, we are maybe heading for the first dictatorship in the history of the united states of america. this man has 32 czars. a czar is one who has full control and congress has nothing to say. they are not approved by democrats or republicans. they are just set up by the president and only accountable to him. and he had a couple of them that were really characters. van jones is one who said that officials in america were responsible for 9/11. agine? how can anyone be that stupid when you've got all these pictures of all these arab murders who headed up these planes and killed these people and then even charlie sheen
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from two and half men, and he must be the half one for a half-wit, also took the same position - that 9/11 was created by americans. god forgive us for that kind of nonsense. but van jones said i'm a devout communist and here he was as one of the czars. and then there are just so many others. this mentor of his, a communist. do y know that his pastor, jeremiah wright, under which he sat for 20 years preached liberation theology? that's what pope john paul ii condemned when he went to south america because some of his priests and bishops were teaching it and it's a combination of christianity and communism. folks, the world is in a mess. we even have a man right now, because of the gun run, in russia, a professor, saying if this keeps on, america will have a civil war by 2010. we have the change he promised to give when he was campaigning for the president of
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the united states of america, and it's not for good. it's for bad. it's so bad that it's the greatest decline in his ratings for any president in history at the seventh month point. now you call yourself a christian mr. obama. then why not listen to god's word? you are being influenced by the wrong crowd. ephesians 5:11 says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. again we find in romans 16:17, mark them which cause divisions and defenses contrary to the doctrine of christ which you received and avoid them. not go to speak at georgetown and cover up christ and identify with the enemies of the cross of christ, whoever it was on your staff that promoted that idea, philippians 3:18. the bible says in ii corinthians 6:14-18, be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. for what fellowship has righteouess with unrighteousness, what communion hath lit with darkness,
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what concord hath christ with belial, what part of he that believeth with an infidel, what agreement hath the temple of god with the temple of idols? wherefore come out, come out, come out from among them and be ye separate saith the lord, and touch not the unclean and i will receive you and will be a father unto you saith the lord god almighty. oh obama get into your bible. don't listen to some cock-eyed preacher who promotes darwin like 1800 did. get into the bible and take your stand against these communists and don't try to appease russia like you just did. now we are not even going to have bases to protect our european brothers and you want to even put the base in turkey which will go with russia in the next war, ezekiel 38:7. >> oh so very well said jack and from his heart. let's pray for all those in authority that they would do what god wants them to do. and let me just say, you do what god wants you to do. open your heart to him and he'll give you peace in this troubled world. jack, show us how to be ready for the coming of the lord. >> it's simple.
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jesus died for you. jesus will save you, t you musto something. whosoever shl call on the name of the lord shall saved, romans 10:. do it right now. lord, thank you for the shedlood. thank you for dying for my sin. thanyou r being willing to save forever. i trust in you this day as my own person savior. come into my heart jesus amen. oh amen. if you prayed that prayer, there is my address on the screen, and i trust that you will write to me this week. i'll send you absolutely free this little booklet, first steps in a new direction. he will deliver you from alcohol, from drugs and all the rest and give you peace. now let me just say friends, angels and demons, the startling truth all about them. here is our announcer to tell you how you can receive it. chuck. >> to order your copy of "the startling truth about angels and demons" on dvd or vhs, have your credit card ready and call toll-free, 24 hours a day, 1-800-jvi-7777.
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to order by mail in the u. s. send your donation of $24.95 to jack van impe ministries, box 7004, troy, michigan, 48007. in canada send your donation of $24.95 to jack van impe ministries of canada, box 1717 postal station a, windsor, ontario, n9a 6y1. friend, order this priceless treasure today. rexella. >> thank you chuck. don't put it off. there is the 800 number and there is the address. make the order right now please. oh friends, we had so much to share with you today but i want to encourage your heart with a wonderful thought: you are never so high as when you are on your knees. stay on your knees. look to the lord. we'll look forward to being in your home again next week. until then remember, god cares for you. so do we. so do we. bye, bye.
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whose exclusive hair retreat has been a hot-spot for the hottest stars for 20 years, along with your host, who credits chaz himself for saving her hair, emmy-nominated actress and former president of the screen actors guild, melissa gilbert. and stay tuned for an incredible offer, available only through this program. so if you're ready to make a change in your hair, say goodbye to ordinary shampoo, and say hello to beautiful, soft, shining, controllable hair with the wen healthy haircare system. >> we do a lot to try and make our hair look great. we cut, we color, we style, we curl, we straighten, and we use tons of product. just think of everything you did to your hair this morning just to start your day. joining me today is one of hollywood's top hair stylists and colorists, chaz dean, who says that we've all been washing our hair the wrong way. we got together to talk about
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what he says is the right way to do it, with his incredible wen healthy haircare system. now, chaz, when i first met you, you told me that i had to stop lathering my hair with regular shampoo every day, and i gotta tell you, i thought that was a little bit crazy. >> i've heard that. >> i'm sure you have. >> many times. >> yes, and i'm sure you've also heard the word "revolutionary." >> because wen is revolutionary. it really is. >> it's a whole new way to cleanse your hair. but before we talk about wen, what exactly is wrong with ordinary shampoo? what's so bad about it? >> everything. anything that lathers is going to strip and rob your hair and your scalp of its natural, essential oils, leaving it dry, frizzy, fly-away, scalp issues, color loss. there's not one benefit in shampooing other than the cleansing. so if you can get it clean without stripping and robbing, wouldn't you? >> yes, yes, absolutely. so basically what you're saying is that using regular shampoo on
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your hair is like using laundry detergent on your hair. >> exactly. and what happens when you use laundry detergent to wash your clothes? the fabrics break down and fall apart. you hair's doing the same thing. it's harsh detergents that are stripping your hair, robbing your hair, and it's becoming finer, thinner, and weaker. so it's not you, it's what you've been doing to your hair. >> all right, so what makes wen different? what is the secret? what's in wen? >> it's not what's in wen necessarily, it's what's not in wen that makes it so different. there's no surfactants, there's no detergents, there's no sodium lauryl sulfate, which are the damaging, drying, stripping elements found in shampoos. >> all right, so what is in wen? what did you put in-- >> what's in wen is a perfect balance of herbs and natural oils and ingredients that actually nurture the hair, and replenish the hair. so it doesn't lather. it's not going to lather. it's rich, it's creamy, it's like nurturing your scalp every time you cleanse your hair. >> so, wen cleansing conditioner replaces shampoo? >> not only does it replace your shampoo, it replaces shampoo,
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conditioner, deep-conditioner, detangler, and leave-in conditioner. >> five products in one. >> yeah, and your hair looks how? >> oh, well, if i do say so myself. >> i love wen. i'm completely sold on this product. it's completely changed my hair from being dry and frizzy and unmanageable. now i can just air-dry, and it looks like this. >> so much softer and shinier and i can touch it. it still keeps the volume and the fullness throughout. >> i love playing with my hair now because it does stuff it didn't do before. >> no matter what type of hair-- no matter what you've heard about what you should be using for your hair, try this 'cause this works. >> now using wen, i only use one product. i use it to shampoo, condition, everything. i even use it to shave. >> my husband can not stop touching my hair ever since i started using these products. it's absolutely amazing. >> the easiest way to tell you what the wen healthy haircare system can do for your hair is to simply show you. so chaz agreed to give us
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some demonstrations of how wen works on many different types of hair. all right, chaz, you're gonna tell us ellen's story, but before you do, i want you to see what ellen looked like when she came in this morning, after washing her hair just one time with a popular brand of shampoo. look at that. >> look how flat and dull and lifeless and frizzy it looks. and that's one time with shampoo, and now look at her after shot with cleansing with the wen sweet almont mint cleansing conditioner. just one time, it's absolutely incredible. look at the difference in the shine, the richness, her color. that's one time. one time with shampoo, and one time with the wen, and that big of a difference. ellen, first of all, you do need to know, she used to be bleach-blond, long, bleach-blond hair. >> really? >> yes, s. >> i like the red. >> well, that's the first thing i asked her, "would you go red?" and immediately she said yes. now, what's the next question when you go from bleach-blond to red? color fadage. >> oh, yeah, definitely. >> does your color fade? >> no, it doesn't.
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>> doesn't fade. she's one of our models that we use all the time. keep her color on a regular basis, but her fade is just so minimal, and you know how reds fade like crazy. >> yes, they do. yes, they do. being one, i know. so, it's great for every hair type. >> every hair type-- fine hair, coarse hair, medium, curly, ethnic, wavy, african-american hair. the sweet almond mint was the first one i came out with, and i wanted it to be a crossover product for everyone across the board. i didn't want anyone left out, so i tested on every single hair type, and it's incredible. it really changes the way you feel about your hair. >> the first time i realized that my hair was in bad shape was when i started doing how do i look? and the hairdresser that they brought on for me was hector, and he said, "no, no, no, i don't--no, this is not good." so the following day he brought in a bottle of wen. he said, "this is all you need to use," and of course i didn't understand, because i was like, "well, is there a conditioner that comes with this?"
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and then when i first tried it i was like, "where's all the bubbles?" but he explained you just massage it into your scalp, and you run it through to the very ends, and then you leave it while you have the rest of your shower. now, that first day i was like, "oh, my god, look at this." it felt silky and shiny, and it just felt just like it used to when i was younger, and as soon as i started to use the product my hair started to recover and get to be much more beautiful and shiny. then people started to email in. you know, "what do you use on your hair? where do you get it cut?" and you can actually almost probably tell exactly when i started to use the product if you look back over the 100 episodes that we shot. really, just using it once and you'll see the difference immediately. >> we'll be right back with more incredible hair befores and afters. but now, here's how you can stop using your old shampoo, and get touchable, softer, shinier, healthier, more manageable,
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beautiful hair with the wen healthy haircare system. >> now there's something completely new in haircare. introducing the wen healthy haircare system by chaz dean, the favorite haircare of top, hollywood celebrities. >> now that i have wen, i have one product that does it all. i'm so happy. >> ordinary shampoos lather, using sulfates and detergents that strip the hair of natural oils, 'causing dryness, friziness, dullness, and color-fade, but wen gently cleanses and moisturizes your hair and scalp, while leaving in the natural oils, using a perfect blend of herbs and natural ingredients, adding sheen, manageability, and body to your hair, while significantly retaining your hair color. it's revolutionary haircare that takes the place of shampoo, conditioner, deep-conditioner, detangler, and leave-in conditioner, all in one, saving you time and money. based on a three-week study, 90% of participants agree that
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by using the wen cleansing conditioner, their hair was shinier, less frizzy, and had more bounce and body. and wen has been clinically proven to significantly retain color better than a leading shampoo on the market. >> this is the best my hair has ever looked. >> i will never shampoagain. >> you can see how healthy my hair looks. >> so if you're ready to make a change in your hair, say goodbye to ordinary shampoo, and say hello to beautiful, soft, shining, controllable hair, with the wen healthy haircare system. you'll start with the 30-day supply of wen sweet almond mint cleansing conditioner, perfect for all hair types. you'll also receive the wen styling cream, for extra control over your hair style. finally, you'll get the remoist intensive hair repair mask, a concentrated treatment to hydrate, soothe, and smooth dry, damaged, or chemically-treated hair. you could pay $500 or more in a salon for similar treatments, but you won't pay hundreds of dollars for wen. through this special introductory offer, the entire
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wen healthy haircare system is available directly to you for the special low price of only $49.95, but for a limited time, chaz is teaming up with guthy-renker to give you the ultimate insider price reduction. call right now and you can get the complete wen healthy haircare system, all three products, not for $49.95, not even for 39.95, but for the unbelievable price of just 29.95. and it gets even better. be among the first 500 callers and you'll receive two special free gifts--wen texture balm, an easy rub-on balm to add texture and definition to short or long hair, and this specially-designed, hand-finished, saw-cut, wide-tooth shower comb, to evenly distribute wen cleansing conditioner through your hair. the two gifts alone are valued at almost $30, but you get the free gifts and the complete haircare system, a total value of over $90 for just 29.95. and with our 60-day shine to
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the last pump money-back guarantee from trusted guthy- renker, you can try wen for two whole months. if you don't see and feel the difference in you hair, just send it back for a full refund, even if the bottles are empty, but keep the two free gifts as our way of saying thanks, just for trying wen. so call now. wen, it's all about the hair. >> what i love about wen cleansing conditioner is that it's just so simple to use. chaz, tell them how simple it is. truly. >> it is so simple. if you can use shampoo and wash your hair, you can cleanse with wen, except you're gonna receive so many more benefits. get in the shower, rinse your hair out thoroughly and completely with water, apply it to your scalp, massage vigorously for a minute or two, leave it on the duration of your shower, at the end of your shower rinse it out thoroughly and completely, and put in about a dime or quarter size back into soaking wet hair as a leave-in conditioner, and that's it. so it's your complete shower time.
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beginning, the first thing you put on, and the last thing you rinse before getting out. the more you use, the better the results. the longer you leave it on, the better the results. >> growing up as an asian woman, it was a real struggle a lot of times dealing with my hair. asian hair, as beautiful and as shiny as it is, it can be very coarse, and very unyielding. so what wen products did for me is that my hair became softer and more manageable and more flexible, and that's really important, especially being an actress, to have flexibility with my hair. i am so happy with my hair now. i love the way it feels, i love the way it smells, my husband loves the way it feels and smells, and it's really important to walk out your house feeling good about your hair. it makes you just a happier person, i think. >> for me, why wen versus shampoo is because ultimately
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the shampoo would dry my hair out, and take all the natural oils out that i'd then have to replenish by using conditioner, then the conditioner would kind of weigh it down, then i'd use product to volumize it, or to give some kind of curl to it, that would really dry it out, and then i'd use stuff to make it all oily and shiny and sheens 'cause it was dry, and it was way too many things in it. ultimately it just ended up depleting my hair. and now with wen it's like some crazy, fabulous, multi-purpose thing. i can use it as a leave-in conditioner, and the product. and it's done nothing but make my hair more supple and beautiful, and healthy-feeling, and i love it. >> i noticed the results immediately. my hair was more beautiful, more shiny, more volumous. it was really incredible. >> using wen makes your hair how it's supposed to be. i just feel like it's brought it back to its natural state. >> it was shinier and bouncier and fuller. it was beautiful. i loved it. it was great. >> i really didn't think my hair could look this good as it does now after using this product. and i didn't expect the kind of comment that i was getting from people.
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they would look at me, and the first thing they would say is, "your hair looks great." >> what happens when you give up your traditional shampoo, and try wen for 30 days? we asked a group of women to do just that. >> i just saw my before and after difference, and it was just incredible. oh, goodness, gracious me. i mean, the close-up of the hair where you could see fly-aways, and it just looked fried. it just looked horrible. and then once i looked at the close shot of the after, after three weeks using the product, it was just like this smooth, satin, silky shine to it. it was just incredible. and the color stayed. 'cause i color my hair, but i noticed that the color really held, which was impressive to me. >> i walked in. i never realized it, but my hair looked like straw. wow. my hair has definitely suffered the wear and tear from the sun, from continual use of hair dryer
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electric products. and the after picture, it's smooth, it's shiny, it's so healthy it's amazing. it feels like silk. very silky compared to that straw-like feeling that i had before. it's fantastic. >> i just saw my before and after picture and--night and day. it's a big difference. my hair was so flat and limp. it was very dry and brittle, and now it's soft, and honestly it is really supple to the touch. it has body and oomph and bounce, and it feels so good. thanks, chaz. >> i review hundreds of products per week. people are always dying to get their products in my hands. wen is a very unique product, and bottom line--it works. it absolutely has the potential to revolutionize the entire haircare industry because it's very simple. one step, one product. you don't need to clutter your
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bathroom with a million different things. and it really is the thing that works for all hair types, regardless of whether you have curly hair, straight hair, it brings out your hair's natural beauty, and what chaz dean's product, wen, has done for me, is it's made it so that my hair is alive. it moves, it bounces, and it continues to shine. >> look, i know it can be scary to try something new on your hair. i mean, it's your hair. it's part of who you are. i'm almost a borderline crazy person about my hair. i had the same colorist and the same stylist for 20 years, and before wen i had been using the same haircare products for 15 years. but trust me, once you use wen, you'll never go back to your old shampoo again, and your hair will never look better. >> now there's something completely new in haircare. introducing the wen healthy
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haircare system by chaz dean, the favorite haircare of top, hollywood celebrities. >> shampoos and conditioners? so yesterday. you wanna cleanse your hair? you wanna have beautiful hair? you have to try wen. you'll start with the 30-day supply of wen sweet almond mint cleansing conditioner, perfect for all hair types. you'll also receive the wen styling cream, for extra control over your hair style. finally, you'll get the remoist intensive hair repair mask, a concentrated treatment to hydrate, soothe, and smooth dry, damaged, or chemically-treated hair. you could pay $500 or more in a salon for similar treatments, but you won't pay hundreds of dollars for wen. through this special introductory offer, the entire wen healthy haircare system is available directly to you for the special low price of only $49.95, but for a limited time, chaz is teaming up with guthy-renker to give you the ultimate insider price reduction. call right now and you can get the complete wen healthy
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haircare system, all three products, not for $49.95, not even for 39.95, but for the unbelievable price of just 29.95. and it gets even better. be among the first 500 callers and you'll receive two special free gifts--wen texture balm, an easy rub-on balm to add texture and definition to short or long hair, and this specially-designed, hand-finished, saw-cut, wide-tooth shower comb, to evenly distribute wen cleansing conditioner through your hair. the two gifts alone are valued at almost $30, but you get the free gifts and the complete haircare system, a total value of over $90 for just 29.95. and with our 60-day shine to the last pump money-back guarantee from trusted guthy- renker, you can try wen for two whole months. if you don't see and feel the difference in you hair, just send it back for a full refund, even if the bottles are empty, but keep the two free gifts as our way of saying thanks, just for trying wen. so call now.
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wen, it's all about the hair. >> back when i was shooting 90210, which was, like, 100 years ago, chaz was working on the concept for this product, wen, and he introduced us to the concept of not shampooing our hair, and we all thought he was insane at the time, because-- "what? what do you mean don't shampoo your hair?" but we didn't realize that there was a product that was gonna cleanse our hair and condition it at the same time. i used to love to get in the shower, and, like, bubble-up my hair, you know? and have all those bubbles and suds, but i never really knew that they were actually stripping my hair, and damaging my hair, but now that i have wen i saw the results after i got out of the shower, and as i started to use it a few days in a row, i really saw what giving up the bubbles was doing to my hair. it just was more manageable than it usually is. because with blond hair that is color-treated, let's just say, um, you often can get
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really dry and frizzy, and, like, dull and lifeless, and my hair is shiny now, and usually you don't see shine on blondes, but i have shiny hair, see? look it. first of all, it smells amazing. it's so rich in emollient feeling, but it's all-natural, so i feel really good about using it on my little girls who have, you know, beautiful long hair, and they're using it now, who, too, i could never comb through their hair. now i'm able to comb through their hair. it's a lot less crying at combing time, so i love using it on my little girls' hair. >> okay, we're gonna talk about alicia's, but before we talk about alicia, let's look at a picture of what her hair looked like when she came in after first washing her hair one time with a popular brand of shampoo just one time. >> look at that--frizzy, fly-away, uncontrollable. look how dry--the color looks different. the color looks dull, flat, look how much richer her color looks. and the amazing part that you're
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gonna find out is today on her, the only thing i used was the sweet almond mint cleanser to cleanse her hair, and as a leave-in conditioner. i normally would use a styling cream, but i wanted show you something mind-blowing, that on ethnic, african-american hair, she does not have a styling product in her hair today. she only today has the sweet almond cleansing conditioner as a leave-in conditioner, and she air-dried with a hooded dryer. >> that's shocking to me. >> feel it. don't be afraid. i mean, squeeze it, touch it. it's so soft. >> here's an example of, you know, when i was disbelieving that it could work on all different types of hair-- on ethnic hairs, on hairs like mine, on thin hair, all different types of heads of hair. we have the exact same product in our hair. >> yeah, all three of us do. all three of us do, and all three of us have different hair textures. >> but all three of us look great. >> yes, we do, with wen. >> my hair is so fine that i would have to wash it every day because it was easy to mess it up, but since using wen products my hair just feels like it's
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baby hair again. it's added body to it, but it's given me back 20 years in my hair, i feel, anyway. >> before using this product it looked like i came in here with oily, dirty, dingy, hair, like i hadn't washed my hair, and i had just washed it before that photo. the only way i could style my hair before was to just slick it back, and it would stay like that, no life, and now it's just--i love it. too much bounce, too much volume. and this is what i always wanted to do with my hair. >> i mean, think about it-- every time you shampoo, you're just causing more damage to your hair. this morning you damaged your hair. think of all the damage you may be causing from years of traditional shampooing. so please stop using ordinary shampoo, and start the wen healthy haircare system right now. >> now there's something
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completely new in haircare. introducing the wen healthy haircare system by chaz dean, the favorite haircare of top, hollywood celebrities. >> it's really great, and your hair is gonna be the best it's everbeen. really, just using it once and you'll see the difference immediately. >> ordinary shampoos lather, using sulfates and detergents that strip the hair of natural oils, causing dryness, friziness, dullness, and color-fade, but wen gently cleanses and moisturizes your hair and scalp, while leaving in the natural oils, using a perfect blend of herbs and natural ingredients, adding sheen, manageability, and body to your hair, while significantly retaining your hair color. it's revolutionary haircare that takes the place of shampoo, conditioner, deep-conditioner, detangler, and leave-in conditioner, all in one, saving you time and money. based on a three-week study, 90% of participants agree that by using the wen cleansing conditioner, their hair was shinier, less frizzy, and had more bounce and body. and wen has been clinically
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proven to significantly retain color better than a leading shampoo on the market. >> it's given me so much more volume and bounce, and youcan actually see my red highlights now, it's not just dull, black hair. >> after trying wen, i don't think i can ever go back to regular shampoo again. >> i tried it, and i got out the shower and went, "something feels different. my hair feels so silky. it feels good." >> so if you're ready to make a change in your hair, say goodbye to ordinary shampoo, and say hello to beautiful, soft, shining, controllable hair, with the wen healthy haircare system. you'll start with the 30-day supply of wen sweet almond mint cleansing conditioner, perfect for all hair types. you'll also receive the wen styling cream, for extra control over your hair style. finally, you'll get the remoist intensive hair repair mask, a concentrated treatment to hydrate, soothe, and smooth dry, damaged, or chemically-treated hair. you could pay $500 or more in a salon for similar treatments, but you won't pay
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hundreds of dollars for wen. through this special introductory offer, the entire wen healthy haircare system is available directly to you for the special low price of only $49.95, but for a limited time, chaz is teaming up with guthy-renker to give you the ultimate insider price reduction. call right now and you can get the complete wen healthy haircare system, all three products, not for $49.95, not even for 39.95, but for the unbelievable price of just 29.95. and smart shoppers can lock in this incredible discount price. each new season, you'll receive a three-month supply of wen for only 29.95 per month, guaranteed. a convenient service you can cancel at any time. and it gets even better. be among the first 500 callers and you'll receive two special free gifts--wen texture balm, an easy rub-on balm to add texture and definition to short or long hair, and this specially-designed,
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hand-finished, saw-cut, wide-tooth shower comb, to evenly distribute wen cleansing conditioner through your hair. the two gifts alone are valued at almost $30, but you get the free gifts and the complete haircare system, a total value of over $90 for just 29.95. and with our 60-day shine to the last pump money-back guarantee from trusted guthy- renker, you can try wen for two whole months. if you don't see and feel the difference in you hair, just send it back for a full refund, even if the bottles are empty, but keep the two free gifts as our way of saying thanks, just for trying wen. so call now. wen, it's all about the hair. >> i noticed the results immediately. >> just the shine, the manageability, the volume-- it's ten times different. >> my hair absolutely came alive within the first day or two of using this product. >> i will never use anything again besides wen products. >> chaz, thank you for giving me
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