tv 11 News at 6 NBC September 20, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
6:00 pm
once that baby comes, i'm gonna be stuck raising a child alone. when it comes to life on wisteria lane... will you marry me? things that seem too good to be true... does she know you killed your wife? usually turn out... get away from him now while you can. to be deadly. (mary alice) brides are sensitive creatures, and no one knows this better than the bridesmaids who have to deal with them. well, i think a 10-foot train is great, but a shorter one would be just as nice, and you wouldn't have to worry about people tripping on it. personally, i love smoked rabbit, but for a sure crowd-pleaser, you can't beat chicken. uh, sure, who doesn't love a string quartet? but if you got a band, maybe people could dance, as opposed to sway. but the one area where a bridesmaid's tact is most required involves the dress...
6:01 pm
so what do you think? she's required to wear. well, um... i'm not sure that i've ever seen this shade of green before. yeah, don't you think it'll be gorgeous with my coloring? yes, it would look perfect. for someone with your coloring. i mean, i was lucky to find these-- not easy putting a wedding together in two weeks. then why the rush? yeah, bree, i'd have thought of you as a person who wants time to plan. well, orson and i talked about it, and we just feel at our age, it's silly to wait. and with your help, i'm sure we can get it all done. well, we are happy to pitch in. oh, uh, that reminds me. i have to get a copy of the seating chart for you. gaby, you are in charge of the centerpieces. and don't worry, susan. i will think of a job for you. here's a job. how about talking you out of marrying a homicidal dentist? susan, we don't know that! all we have is some crazy woman's accusations. his wife vanished, and he didn't even tell bree. how much more proof do you need? he says he's innocent. she believes him.
6:02 pm
if we say we don't, she'll just end up hating us. well, i'm sorry. i cannot sit here on my key lime ass and watch bree make the worst mistake of her life! (bree) ahem! and what mistake would that be? well... um... honestly... yes, a bridesmaid can question many of the bride's choices. these dresses are hideous. but the groom isn't one of them. ♪ captioning provided by touchstone television, abc, inc. and brought to you by ford-- every day, someone somewhere makes a bold move. there's a car company for people like that. captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
6:03 pm
the perfect couple... we've all met them, haven't we? that man and woman so clearly made foeach other, we feel certain they're on the road to happiness. but that road has many detours, and even perfect couples can find themselves... at a dead end. (carlos) you want what?! you heard me. and i want the bedroom stereo. i want the marble console and that painting of st. augustine. you don't even know who he is. i know he matches the drapes. people, can we focus here? and i want my pearl necklace back. don't think i didn't notice that you swiped it. that was my mamá's and hers before her. i think it belongs in my family. there was a time that you thought i belonged in your family, and you got over that. stop eating my fries! i'm hungry.
6:04 pm
you know what the doctor said. you should see his cholesterol. this man bleeds baking grease. enough! you two are gonna have to find a way to deal with each other, because you are about to bring a child into this world. and divorced or not, once that child arrives, you will be bound together for as long as you live. well, in that case... have some more fries. i'll pick kayla up on sunday. whenever. just go. you and turk have a great time. oh, trust me, we will. the man is a jackhammer. ah. bye, tom. bye. see you sunday! where is she goin'? she and turk are going down to the river for the weekend. that's turk? that's the new boyfriend? unh-unh, no. hey, hey, hey, tom, please. i don't want my daughter hanging around with a guy like that.
6:05 pm
you haven't even met him. he could be the sweetest man in the world. (squeals) ha ha! ooh. more importantly, ever since he entered the picture, squeaky fromme is never around. it has been bliss. i haven't made this face... in a week. if you ruin this, so help me, i will hurt you. just look at him. look at him, please. i swear, that is a child's skull hanging from his rearview mirror. doesn't that concern you? no, i'm good. could be a monkey. uh, i think i will have the... mesclun salad. that's it? that's all you're having? (whispering) well, all the food is very expensive. you don't need to whisper. the waiter knows they're robbing us blind. you can have whatever you want. in that case, i'll have the lobster bisque and the veal with the black truffles. is that okay? yeah, that's fine. i'll just have jane moved to the v.a. hospital. oh, my god. i'm kidding. it's fine.
6:06 pm
i'll have what she's having. of course. thank you. god, i love seeing you laugh. oh, well, it's been a long time since i've been in the mood to. thank you. oh, dear god! did i squeeze too hard? no, it's my wife's parents. oh! oh, wow! oh, is this gonna be awkward? no, no, no, not unless, of course, they see us. (man) ian? awkward. jeff, renee, what a delightful surprise. (chuckles) it's so good to see you, dear. hello. i'm renee, and this my husband jeff. susan mayer. uh, doctor... dr. susan mayer--she's new to jane's neurology team. oh! i just assumed you worked in ian's publishing house. well, yes, and how--how nice that would've been, huh?
6:07 pm
um, but, no, no, i'm a... a brain specialist. well, dr. mayer, maybe i can ask you, our daughter's most recent e.e.g. showed brain spikes, but it didn't change the score on the glasgow sle. why is that? what an excellent question. and this is the, uh... spinal cord. uh-huh. and it, of course, attaches to the brain. you don't have to dumb it down for us, doctor. we've been dealing with jane's condition for years. oh, good. um, well, then let's--let's get technical. uh, let's give dr. mayer the night off. she was in surgery for ten hours today performing a craniotomy. that's exactly the procedure jane had. how'd it go? uh, well, it just-- wow! i hear my-- my phone vibrating.
6:08 pm
um, hello, uh, dr. mayer. yeah, what? you say that his brain shut off? oh, well, i'll be right there. um, stat. i'm sorry. (chuckles nervously) duty calls. orson? i moved the furniture back! good lord, bree, not again. (jazz music playing) don't you want our first dance to be perfect? there'll be 200 people staring at us. you know, bree... since that incident at our engagement party, there's been a lot of dark talk about me. well, i don't pay attention to gossip. i'm just saying i would understand if you had second thoughts about marrying a man who's under a cloud. well, no one who knows you could seriously believe that you could hurt a woman.
6:09 pm
strangers may talk, but i know the truth. really? men have lied to me before. believe me, that'll never happen again. so you trust me completely? clearly, i do. the body is unusually well-preserved because it was buried in clay. do we have a cause of death? blunt force trauma to the head. i want you to pull all the missing persons reports, cross-check against her height, age and weight. i'm also running a d.n.a. panel since we won't be able to use her dental records. why not? whoever killed her pulled out all her teeth.
6:11 pm
introducing listerine total care. everything you need to strengthen teeth, help prevent cavities, and kill germs. introducing 6 in 1 listerine total care. the most complete mouthwash. nn (a(annerououncncer)) yb mamaybneelellilineef r reded. hi (w(whi)spsperer) coththe e cooflolor r ofl l nn (a(annerououncncer)) yb mamaybneelellilineef r reded. (a (ancnnnnouc erer))w nee seionsnsatl nn (a(annerououncncer)) yb mamaybneelellilineef r reded. om frfrombe m mayaybee llllinin. ppupurere pntigigmementrr erririchcheris, , crcrisc. ho honeneney y ne fctctarr lmomostst louususciciou. w nenew r cocololor atses. sp(w(whihisp erer))ma maitybybe e itay'. w nenew r cocololor atses.
6:12 pm
(sobbing) nora? what are you doing back? are you okay? shut the door! okay. i don't want kayla to find me like this. what's wrong? turk and i had a fight. what? no! no, no, no! what happened? what happened is, turk is an ass! on the way to the river, we stopped off at this bar. and we were playing pool, and i got a little bitchy with one of the waitresses. who cares, right? i mean, who cares? it's a bar, and we all do it, right? r-right. so he tells me to watch my mouth. and i'm like, whoa! get a load of mr. two strikes trying to tell me how to act in public. and then he called me a whore. we're done. okay, whoa! whoa! take a deep breath. you don't break up with a guy because in a weak moment he calls you a whore. and then on the way out, he threatened to hit me. okay, but he didn't. he didn't. and, you know, until--
6:13 pm
oh, jeez, lynette, whose side are you on?! i'm on the side of love. you guys seem like such a perfect couple. i know. i just--i-i... you know, you don't wanna throw that all away 'cause of a little fight with no hitting. (sniffles loudly) no. it's over. i just got off the phone with turk's parole officer, and i was like, "guess who ain't in nevada no more?" click. (sobbing) i think i'm gonna have to stay here tonight. (rattling in distance) (door opens in distance) (rustling in bushes) (loud rattling)
6:14 pm
(grunting) freeze! austin? hey, aunt edie. anyway... mom just got back from her cruise to jamaica with new boobs and a 24-year-old cabin boy. ooh. needless to say, me and mr. "can i get you some more hot towels?"-- we didn't exactly hit it off. so after i broke his nose, i, uh, figured it was a great time to come visit my favorite aunt. your mom always did have lousy taste in men. so, uh, i figured i'd crash here for the night. then hitch down to mexico-- hang out, party. yeah, i'm thinking, like, no way in hell. you're gonna stay here with me until things blow over with your mom, okay? cool. thanks. oh, wait, you're 18, right? well, that's what my i.d. says. yeah, mine, too.
6:15 pm
hey, you are supposed to be on bed rest! i'm bored. well, why don't you try putting on a pair of pants? that should kill a couple of hours. (doorbell rings) hey, babe. hey, what is she doing out of bed? that can't be good for her. or the stairs. what do you want? the mediator was right. a month from now we're not just gonna be carlos and gaby. we're gonna be mom and dad, and i don't wanna be at war with the mother of my child, so, here. your mamá's pearls? carlos... thank you. and? and what? wouldn't you like to make some reciprocal gesture? fine. you can come to bree's wedding reception as my guest.
6:16 pm
thanks. where is it? here. here? you're throwing the... reception? yeah, it's our wedding present to bree. so i give you a priceless family heirloom, and in return, you invite me to a party at my house that i'm paying for? well, what kind of gesture did you have in mind? (scoffs) mmm. things i'll do for jewelry. susan, i am so sorry. dr. mayer? panic. pure panic. here. these are for ruining our first date. shh! not in front of mike! oh, look, mike, ian brought you flowers. i'll just go put them in some water. look, i-i was just trying to protect jane's parents.
6:17 pm
oh, please. they still haven't accepted the fact that--that jane isn't going to wake up. if they knew that we were on a date, that i was trying to move on, well, it would devastate them. that's a really lovely excuse, but it isn't the whole story, is it? excuse me? a part of you feels that you're cheating on her. no! well, perhaps a small part, but that--that doesn't mean-- it's all right, 'cause i feel guilty, too. that--that's why we should just stop this right now, because it's all way too complicated, and i-i think we'd both be haper if we just went back to being friends. well, i-i don't think i can do that. the--the truth is, i haven't thought of you as just a friend for some time now. maybe i shouldn't have let myself feel that way, but--but i have. and i can't go back. i'm sorry. well, if we can't be friends... then i guess we'll be nothing.
6:18 pm
(rap music playing loudly in distance) (music volume increases) (rap music continues playing loudly) (decreases volume) hey, leave that alone. sorry, i was just... turning it down. what, you're not a music fan? sure, it's just, um... got anything where a pimp isn't beating his ho? (chuckles) i'm austin, edie britt's nephew. oh. (chuckles) i'm julie, susan mayer's daughter. oh. anyway, um, i was trying to do my homework, so... on a saturday?
6:19 pm
well, make sure and take regular breaks and stop for a sensible dinner. just keep it down. you had it really loud. that's how i like it. how do you like it? you know what? you're not that hot. hey, whatcha doing? oh, i'm working on a seing chart--mwah! for bree's wedding. nora? who invited her? i did. we need to find her another boyfriend, and weddings are crawling with single men. hey, i hope you're not seating her next to any of my friends. hey, sacrifices must be made, tom. no, jerry rawlings! not jerry rawlings! yes! she gets her psycho hooks into jerry rawlings, he will never speak to me again. oh, there are other urologists in the world. go back to that other guy. the one with the cold hands? oh, it's once a year. suck it up. get a grip, lynette.
6:20 pm
"get a grip"?! i am hanging on for dear life here. you are the one that brought this little problem into our family, and the only thing i should be hearing from you is, "how can i help?" i am also putting steve hanson at her table, so you might want to start shopping around for a new golf buddy. get a grip. (cans rattling) (chuckles)
6:21 pm
hi. my name is susan mayer. your neighbor told me i could find you here. yeah? well, i was at my friend bree's engagement party the other night-- you know, when you came in and you did that whole "orson killed his wife" thing? i was just wondering if you could elaborate. he killed her. what else do you need to know? well, what makes you so sure? do you have any proof? look, i can't talk now. i get off at 6:00. my friend is marrying that man in two hours. please? okay, i-i need, um, $10 in unrolled pennies, and i need to see you count it, 'cause last time you stiffed me. after alma disappeared, the police came and searched the house. the police? what did they find? nothing.
6:22 pm
6:25 pm
and he said that the only reason orson was never charged was because they never found a body. so he was an actual suspect? he was the only suspect. oh, my god! what are we gonna do? well, you know what we have to do. that was close. the florist put three mums in my bridal bouquet, but not to worry. crisis averted. bree... we have to talk. ah, reverend. any word from the bridal party? they're still in the bride's room. you know women. they're probably in there fussing about mascara and blush. he did not hack her up and dissolve the pieces in acid! i said it was a theory. the point is, alma disappeared under very suspicious circumstances. i don't have time for this. i'm getting married now. this is your day. you can push the ceremony back an hour. now get that detective on the phone, talk things out with orson. i can't talk to orson. it's bad luck
6:26 pm
for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. you know what's really bad luck? marrying a wife-killer. if the three of you don't drop this right now, i will never forgive you. bree, we are just doing this because we love you. but... if you can honestly tell us that you don't have the slightest doubt... none whatsoever. hmm. (mendelssohn's "wedding march" playing)
6:27 pm
dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of god to join this man and woman in holy-- excuse me? could you give us just a second? is something wrong? i just need a moment. (guests murmuring) before we do this, there's something i need to ask you. what? did you kill your wife? susan talked to that carolyn woman.
6:28 pm
why didn't you tell me that the police searched your house? because it's embarrassing, and they didn't find anything. is that because you scrubbed the house so thoroughly? when i'm upset, i clean. for god's sake, bree, i swear to you i did not kill my wife. okay. proceed. dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of god to join this man and woman in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate... - hon, did you know there's a full serving of veg-- - ( clanging ) announcer: there's a full serving of vegetables in every bowl of chef boyardee. it's obviously delicious. secretly nutritious.
6:29 pm
i've had asthma for 5 years. 10 years. i used to wonder why my controller medicine wouldn't help prevent... prevent my symptoms from coming back. i just figured it couldn't get any better. and then i found out something i didn't know... i found out there are two main causes of asthma symptoms... ...airway constriction you feel and inflammation you may not. most controllers don't treat both. so my doctor prescribed advair. advair treats both main causes to help prevent symptoms in the first place. (announcer) advair contains salmeterol. salmeterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so advair is not for asthma that's well controlled on another controller medicine. advair will not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be taken
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