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tv   11 News at 5AM  NBC  September 21, 2009 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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by thane direct. >> hi there, folks. i am mr. t, and if you're like me, you love great-tasting food but hate spending hours in the kitchen. what if you could whup up a tasty meal without your oven, stovetop, microwave... and without your pots and pans? and, of course, it has to be low-fat. sounds too good to be true? that's what we're about to discover. >> announcer: every day, it's the same old thing: what's for dinner? did you forget to defrost again? or are you stuck with dry, rubbery microwave meals? or unhealthy fast food again? and how about the hassle of cleanup? well, those days are over! introducing the revolutionary flavorwave turbo, the breakthrough miracle oven that cooks all your favorite fresh and frozen foods to perfection, up to three times faster, with less fat and virtually no cleanup. with the flavorwave turbo, you can take frozen-solid foods right out of the freezer, and in just minutes, you'll be savoring
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incredibly delicious meals. the flavorwave turbo is so versatile that it bakes... broils... roasts... toasts... grills... steams... browns... fries... reheats... and more. >> well, i don't have to worry about taking something out of the freezer and thawing it for the rest of the day so it can be ready for dinner. with the flavorwave, i just take it out of the freezer, it's really fast, it's really easy, and it tastes great. >> i don't use any fats or oils in the flavorwave turbo, and that's quite surprising, because you don't need them. it cooks all the juices in. you don't need extra garnishments on it. it just comes out wonderful. >> announcer: the secret behind the flavorwave is the unique combination of halogen, convection and infrared technology to quickly cook food evenly and thoroughly from the inside out. it's the same superior culinary system utilized by five-star restaurants, but now you can have it in your own home. look: conventional cooking methods leave your food soaking
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in fat and grease, but the incredible flavorwave cooks without any extra fat or oil, plus its tornado-like airflow actually forces off excess fat, making your food leaner and healthier than ever. best of all, when you're done, it virtually cleans up after itself. no wonder the flavorwave turbo received the prestigious cooking club of america seal of approval. roast juicy turkey... mouthwatering steaks... savory chicken... and grill the best seafood you've ever tasted. even bake delicious cinnamon buns in minutes. now anyone can make healthy and delicious meals that look great and even help you lose weight, faster and easier than ever before, with the incredible flavorwave turbo oven. now, to learn more, let's join actress and tv personality darla haun, along with her very special guest, tv action hero and american icon, the one and only mr. t! >> aah! >> oh! [cheering and applause...]
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[laughs] you could have used the doorknob. >> sorry, darla. a hungry guy like me just couldn't wait that long. when you invited me to a delicious home-cooked meal, one that would keep my waistline beautiful, what can you expect? >> oh, that's o.k., mr. t. we'll eat in just a few minutes, just as soon as you pick what you want. >> darla, are my eyes deceiving me or am i looking at the frozen food section at the supermarket? >> well, i didn't know what you'd want, so you get to choose from chicken, steak, burgers, fish, ribs... >> but these are all frozen solid. [knocking] i pity the fool who tries to get this down. i want to eat right now, not in a few hours. how long do i have to wait? >> in just minutes from the time you pick what you want. >> you're joking, right? >> just humor me, mr. t. >> o.k., i'll take a nice, juicy, medium rare steak. >> o.k., now, that's the spirit. how about a potato and corn on the side? >> that's even better. >> perfect. now, i want to
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introduce you to our professional cook. this is the flavorwave turbo oven. >> this is the cook? >> this is the cook. >> that's cool. >> and it's so compact and convenient, you're gonna keep it on your counter and use it every day. i just put my food in and i'm gonna put a little seasoning on the top of your steak so it'll be extra yummy. now, mr. t, please do me the honor of wearing this apron, because you're gonna be cooking too. >> this is the strangest dinner invite ever. you want me to cook? are you sure? >> yes, because it's so easy. you just set it to cook and you're off the hook. you just set it to 400 degrees for only 16 minutes. now just push down on that handle and you're cooking. >> don't you have to defrost this first? won't it be raw on the inside and burnt on the outside? >> no defrosting, and you'll notice, no preheating either. >> that's fast! look, ma, i'm cooking! [both laugh] >> now watch as our time-lapse camera shows how quickly
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the flavorwave cooks your frozen steak to perfection in just minutes. [bell dings] dinner's ready, mr. t. let's see. can you smell that? >> yes, i can. >> it looks great and browned beautifully on the outside... >> i've been waiting. oh, boy. >> it's perfectly done. >> mmm... mmm! this is delicious! my taste buds is goin' wild. you were right, darla, it was fast. >> and all without added fat. it's so impressive. you can take brick-hard frozen food and put it right in your flavorwave. not only will it be cooked perfectly in just minutes, your food will also be tastier and juicier than ever before. >> one of the things i like most about being able to see the food cook is to really see that it's done and the progress of, for instance, the chicken breasts that i've made. you can see them sort of sizzling, the juices going and just getting brown and it was moist and juicy inside and just
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perfect on the outside, so it really was delicious. >> i use the flavorwave turbo oven every single day. it replaces a lot of the normal appliances that i used to use, and now i just have one oven that does everything. >> it cooks your food so quickly that you're amazed. and i found that the juices were still there, the flavor was delicious, all natural... i mean, you couldn't get by the flavor. it was just so noticeable. >> well, i don't have to worry about taking something out of the freezer and thawing it for the rest of the day so it can be ready for dinner. i love pushing that handle down and watching it go. with the flavorwave, the salmon recipe came out beautifully, just flaky and fresh and really moist inside. it's really fast, it's really easy, and it tastes great. >> you know, i love steak, and it's so easy to just come home, take a piece out of the freezer, put it in the flavorwave, cook it, and one, two, three, you're ready for dinner. the food tastes so good. it's like it seals in the flavor. and then you take it out of there and put it on your plate. you cut into it, it is so moist,
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so juicy, so tasty, you think it came out of the finest restaurant somewhere. >> behind the flavorwave turbo is a combination of three different cooking methods at once. first, the halogen heating element browns and sears food, sealing in the juices. second, penetrating waves of infrared light, the same used in five-star restaurants, cooks food from the inside out. third, the convection fan moves the air around, speeding up cooking time and distributing the heat evenly, so food is always cooked to perfection. take a look-- see how it swirls around like a tornado? >> wow. >> well, that does the same thing when it's cooking. >> that is so cool. so instead of turning the food, you're turning the air. >> exactly. see, the tornado-like airflow actually forces off excess fat, making your food leaner and healthier than ever. >> i love it when a plan comes together, darla. [both laugh] >> now, let's go make
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some guiltless country-fried chicken and french fries. >> i thought you said it would be good for my waistline. >> don't worry, mr. t. i'm not gonna add any extra butter, fat or oil. >> wait a minute, darla. you can't cook fries and fried chicken without oil! >> oh, yes, you can... in the flavorwave oven. because, remember, i told you it's gonna be guiltless. now, i've already prepared this chicken by dipping it in egg whites and rolling it in breadcrumbs and placing it in the flavorwave... and i'm gonna use my handy-dandy flavorwave tongs to add my french fries on top, with no extra oil. and all you do is set it to cook at 400 degrees for 20 minutes and you're off the hook. check out how the halogen heat browns everything so quickly and evenly. [bell dings] now, mr. t, look at those french fries. let me take them out and, mr. t, i'd like you to try one, and you tell me if you can't tell that
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those were not cooked in five pounds of splattering grease. >> mmm, they're so golden brown and crispy. it's good, darla. >> uh-huh, that's because the flavorwave seals in the flavor. >> mmm. >> now look at this, mr. t. this is how most people cook. they add grease and oil to their food, and if you look, your food is actually reabsorbing that fat. >> that's disgusting. >> and look, mr. t. this is all the oil, fat and grease that we didn't have to use. >> who'd want all that in their body? [bell dings] >> now, this is something unique to the flavorwave turbo. you couldn't do this in a regular oven, mr. t. this is my own version of seafood paella. i started with some rice and some chicken broth on the bottom and put my seafood on top. we have scallops, salmon and shrimp. and all of these recipes come in our flavorwave recipe guide, plus you'll also get this handy cooking chart that tells you exactly how long it takes for
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fresh or frozen food... even the thickness of each cut of meat. and it's so remarkable that the prestigious cooking club of america, with over 600,000 members, tested the flavorwave and awarded it top ratings and its seal of approval. now, we all want our kids to eat healthy, right? check this out. roasting vegetables actually makes the vegetables sweet and tender. look, they're perfect! >> that's right, boys and girls. it's always good to eat your veggies. >> and another thing about the flavorwave, mr. t, is that you can reheat your pizza with no soggy crust! >> there's nothing worse than reheating pizza in the microwave. i love crisp, crunchy crust. why microwave when you can flavorwave? >> that's right. plus it also cooks frozen or freshly made pizzas beautifully. and look at this, mr. t. the flavorwave even cleans up after itself. you just add some water and soap and you're done, or, because it
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has tempered glass, you can just pop it in the dishwasher. >> oh, so no scrubbing, no messy cleanup... i like this. >> announcer: every day, it's the same old thing: what's for dinner? did you forget to defrost again? or are you stuck with dry, rubbery microwave meals? or unhealthy fast food again? and how about the hassle of cleanup? well, those days are over! introducing the revolutionary flavorwave turbo, the breakthrough miracle oven that cooks all your favorite fresh and frozen foods to perfection, up to three times faster, with less fat and virtually no cleanup. with the flavorwave turbo, you can take frozen-solid foods right out of the freezer, and in just minutes, you'll be savoring incredibly delicious meals. the flavorwave turbo is so versatile that it bakes... broils... roasts... toasts... grills... steams... browns... fries... reheats... and more. the secret behind the flavorwave
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turbo is the unique combination of halogen, convection and infrared technology to quickly cook food evenly and thoroughly from the inside out. it's the same superior culinary system used by five-star restaurants, but now you can have it in your own home, so everyone can make tasty, healthy and delicious meals faster and easier every day of the week and without heating up your home like with your regular oven. look: conventional cooking methods leave your food soaking in fat and grease, but the incredible flavorwave cooks without any extra fat or oil, plus its tornado-like airflow actually forces off excess fat, away from your food, into the bottom of the bowl, making your meals leaner and healthier than ever. roast juicy turkey... mouthwatering steaks... savory chicken... and grill the best seafood you've ever tasted. even bake delicious cinnamon buns in minutes, or dehydrate to make your own jerky and dried snacks. the flavorwave turbo is compact
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and convenient, taking up about the same amount of space as a toaster oven. it's perfect for r.v.s, boats, apartments, even backyard barbecues. best of all, when you're done, the flavorwave virtually cleans up after itself. with its shatterproof, tempered glass, it's completely dishwasher-safe, and it's backed by the flavorwave one-year replacement warranty. professional infrared convection ovens cost over $5,000, but you won't pay anything near that. not 500, not even 300. the flavorwave has sold for up to $249, but today you won't pay even that. only through this exclusive television offer, you can get your very own flavorwave turbo oven for the incredibly low price of just four payments of $39.95. when you order, we'll also send you the flavorwave high and low racks to cook multiple items, including complete meals, all at the same time... and the handy-grip tongs to remove food easily.
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plus we'll also send you the flavorwave easy-flip recipe guide, with over 50 healthy and easy-to-make recipes... along with the flavorwave cooking chart, showing cooking times and settings for dozens more of your favorite foods. but there's more! when you order today, you'll also receive the incredibly versatile 5-in-1 turbo slicer. slice, grate, chop, julienne and shred vegetables, fruits and cheese in an instant to make perfect salads and delicious desserts in half the time. a $50 value, it's yours free-- just pay shipping and handling. but hold on-- call and order in the next 20 minutes and we'll drop one entire payment. that's a total value of over $300, now for the amazingly low price of just three easy payments of only $39.95. we're so sure you're going to love your flavorwave that we offer our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee: if the flavorwave isn't everything we say it is, send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, but keep the 5-in-1 turbo
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slicer as our free gift to you. when you call, be sure to ask how you can upgrade to the turbo platinum with digital controls and how to get these incredible flavorwave accessories for a very special price. so forget about your oven, grill, stovetop, microwave and toaster oven, because the flavorwave turbo is the only cooking appliance you'll ever need. join the almost half a million people who have already ordered their own flavorwave oven. call the number on your screen right now to get yours for only three easy payments of $39.95. and remember, you'll also get the 5-in-1 turbo slicer for free. the flavorwave turbo comes with our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee, so it's risk-free. it's not available in stores, so call and order your flavorwave turbo oven right now. [♪..., applause...] >> everyone loves the flavorwave turbo. it combines the speed of a microwave, the browning
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and crisping power of an oven and the taste of a gourmet restaurant. >> i'm impressed with the results i got in the flavorwave turbo oven. i produced a better-quality meal in one small, self-contained, easy-to-use unit than with three or four industrial pieces of equipment in my kitchen. >> the flavorwave works three different ways. first, we have halogen lighting, and that's gonna give you your color and your crust on your meat. it also has convection cooking. that means it forces the air around so you do not have to rotate your food. finally, it uses infrared, which actually cooks the food from the inside out, and that's what makes your food so moist. it does not let the juices escape and it does not dry out your product. >> it's actually wrong to leave, uh, raw products to defrost on your counter, because the bacteria has time to multiply. the more it multiplies, the more the risk that we have of becoming ill and the food becoming contaminated. the flavorwave turbo oven eliminates that time and that risk. >> in top restaurants around the country, they use infrared
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ovens, and it gives you the ability to cook at a faster rate while at the same time retain moisture. what's nice about the flavorwave turbo oven is that the infrared light allows you to do the same at home, with the same quality and the same taste i would get in a high-end restaurant from a commercial oven. >> now come over here, mr. t. do me a favor and add that water to the flavorwave turbo. >> all right. >> thank you. >> now what we gonna do? >> check this out. in just seconds, it gets the water swirling around. that's how it cooks your food so evenly. >> wow, look at that just going around like a whirlpool, just swirling. >> uh-huh, and see this great handle here? you can actually use your flavorwave as a serving dish-- no serving bowls necessary. you'll have fun cooking up a storm with your flavorwave. look at this: stuffed chicken breast with roasted red peppers and garlic. >> ooh... >> and all i did was season and stuff breast fillets and cook
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for 18 minutes. see how juicy and beautiful your meat comes out? >> and remember, it can start off frozen solid. >> that's right. you can stock food in your freezer and at a moment's notice put it directly into your turbo. speaking of which, how about a barbecue? >> i love barbecue. >> i know you do. you can start with a tangy red sauce-- i've added a little vinegar, molasses, pepper, garlic-- and you are off. so, you just put your lid on, set it to cook... >> and you're off the hook. >> just think about it, mr. t. you can grill and barbecue and it doesn't smoke up your kitchen. >> mmm, darla, that looks finger-licking good. i'm starting to get hungry again. >> oh, that's good... because with the grill plate, grilling is just as easy. with the flavorwave, you can grill up a storm. >> look at all those delicious grill marks. >> isn't it beautiful? i have flavorwave hot dogs, burgers, flavorwave chicken, vegetables, flavorwave ahi,
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and vegetable kabobs. >> you can never put a kabob in a microwave. >> no, i'd hate to see that. just think about it. you can take the flavorwave outside. all you have to do is plug it in. you don't have to buy a barbecue. >> mmm, you can barbecue and grill any season of the year. i feel sorry for all those folks out there grilling in the chilly weather. >> oh, i know, and i just hate cleaning the grill-- it's an awful mess. and here's another thing. see this? this is the optional expansion ring, for when you have larger groups or family gatherings. you just add this and it increases your capacity. you can cook entire turkeys, no problem. >> i like that. you can cook an entire meal for your whole family or just for yourself. >> anything that you can cook in your oven you can cook in the flavorwave. i've done cornish hens and it doesn't burn on top, it cooks from within, and it was moist, delicious and the fat just dripped right away... and it's just very healthy for you. >> i don't use any fats or
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oils in the flavorwave turbo, and that's quite surprising, because you don't need them. it cooks all the juices in. you don't need extra garnishments on it. it just comes out wonderful. >> you can just turn on the timer and then walk away and you hear the bell go off and you're like, "is it done?" it only took us... >> both: 14 minutes. >> we didn't even have to turn it over. it was amazing because you see the, the fat dripping off and... oh my... after it was done, it tastes really good... >> it tastes really good. it was crispy, the way we like it, and we looked at each other, just... >> both: mmm... >> we were gnawing on the bone, you know, 'cause it tastes real good. >> it was good. >> i really like the fact that the flavorwave defrosts frozen foods, so that way if i forget to take something out of the freezer in the morning, then i can just put something when i get home immediately from the freezer into the flavorwave turbo and i can start cooking. >> baking in the flavorwave is so much fun, because you can see everything happening. you watch it right there through the glass, you can see it raising right in front of your eyes, you open up the top and, oh... the aroma of the cinnamon rolls, it just takes over your house... it was just a lot of fun,
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something that you can do, you know, with your kids, and it doesn't take up a lot of time. >> my flavorwave turbo oven is so easy to clean. it has a self-cleaning feature. it just makes my life so much easier. it saves me so much time. >> come on, let me show you my own invention. [laughs] here we have what i call "asian fusion bass". so i've started with a piece of bass, and now i'm putting in the high rack with some fresh veggies on top. go ahead and drizzle the soy sauce over the veggies and the fish, and i'm gonna drizzle sesame seed oil. >> mmm... >> gives a great flavor. i'm gonna top with some sesame seeds, which also add flavor as well as they look very pretty... and all you have to do is set it to cook... >> and you're off the hook. >> the flavorwave bakes the fish evenly while infusing the flavors from the sauces, making one tasty meal... presto. >> you know, darla, i think i'm falling in love with this flavorwave turbo.
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>> announcer: join the almost half a million people who have already ordered their own flavorwave oven, the kitchen breakthrough that cooks all your favorite fresh and frozen foods to perfection, up to three times faster, with less fat and virtually no clean up! with the flavorwave turbo, you can take frozen-solid foods right out of the freezer, and in just minutes, you'll be savoring incredibly delicious meals without heating up your home like with your regular oven. the flavorwave turbo is so versatile that it bakes... broils... roasts... toasts... grills... steams... browns... fries... dehydrates... reheats and more. no wonder it received the prestigious cooking club of america seal of approval. roast juicy turkey... mouthwatering steaks... savory chicken... and grill the best seafood you've ever tasted. even bake delicious cinnamon buns in minutes, or dehydrate to make your own jerky and dried snacks.
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the flavorwave turbo is compact and convenient, taking up about the same amount of space as a toaster oven. it's perfect for r.v.s, boats, apartments, even backyard barbecues. best of all, when you're done, the flavorwave virtually cleans up after itself. with its shatterproof, tempered glass, it's completely dishwasher-safe, and it's backed by the flavorwave one-year replacement warranty. professional infrared convection ovens cost over $5,000, but you won't pay anything near that. not 500, not even 300. the flavorwave has sold for up to $249, but today you won't pay even that. only through this exclusive television offer, you can get your very own flavorwave turbo oven for the incredibly low price of just four payments of $39.95. when you order, we'll also send you the flavorwave high and low racks to cook multiple items, including complete meals, all at the same time... and the handy-grip tongs to remove food easily.
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plus we'll also send you the flavorwave easy-flip recipe guide, with over 50 healthy and easy-to-make recipes... along with the flavorwave cooking chart, showing cooking times and settings for dozens more of your favorite foods. but there's more! when you order today, you'll also receive the incredibly versatile 5-in-1 turbo slicer. slice, grate, chop, julienne and shred vegetables, fruits and cheese in an instant to make perfect salads and delicious desserts in half the time. a $50 value, it's yours free-- just pay shipping and handling. but hold on-- call and order in the next 10 minutes and we'll drop one entire payment. that's a total value of over $300, now for the amazingly low price of just three easy payments of only $39.95. we're so sure you're going to love your flavorwave that we offer our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee: if the flavorwave isn't everything we say it is, send it back for a full refund of the purchase
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price, but keep the 5-in-1 turbo slicer as our free gift to you. when you call, be sure to ask how you can upgrade to the turbo platinum with digital controls and how to get these incredible flavorwave accessories for a very special price. so forget about your oven, grill, stovetop, microwave and toaster oven, because the flavorwave turbo is the only cooking appliance you'll ever need. join the almost half a million people who have already ordered their own flavorwave oven. call the number on your screen right now to get yours for only three easy payments of $39.95. and remember, you'll also get the 5-in-1 turbo slicer for free. the flavorwave turbo comes with our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee, so it's risk-free. it's not available in stores, so call and order your flavorwave turbo oven right now. [♪..., applause...] >> welcome back. i am mr. t, and i've been learning about the amazing low-fat cooking pro,
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the new flavorwave turbo. it cooks faster than anything you will ever experience, and with less fat and calories. it's so convenient and compact, i'm sure you'll use it every day. >> i have a surprise for you! >> it's not my birthday! >> it had to be your birthday sometime this year. [laughter] >> you're not mistaken about that, darla. >> now, you're not gonna turn down a piece of this triple layer chocolate brownie cake, are you? >> i pity the fool who would do that... let me have a piece! >> [laughs] i made it myself. i poured batter into a cake pan and baked the layers in the flavorwave for only eight minutes. when they were done, i just stacked them and frosted the whole thing. that's the great thing about the flavorwave, mr. t: it actually bakes easier and faster than any other oven. you can make hundreds of things you can't even imagine. >> mmm. >> is it good? >> mm-hmm! yeah! >> now, here, mr. t. this is for being such a super-duper good sport and a flavorwave turbo oven expert.
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>> oh, darla, you shouldn't have... but i'm glad you did. now, enough of this jibber jabber. it's time for you to pick up the phone and order your very own flavorwave turbo oven. stay healthy, america, and call now. [♪..., cheering, applause...] >> you can cook steak, you can cook hamburgers, you can cook lamb and pork and barbecued ribs that are delicious... you can cook all these things in this unit... and they all taste so good. >> it's really fast, it's really easy, and it tastes great. >> announcer: there's only minutes left for you to join the almost half a million people who have already ordered their own flavorwave oven, the kitchen breakthrough that is going to completely change the way you make meals forever! remember, call the number on your screen in the next five minutes to get your own flavorwave turbo oven for only three easy payments of $39.95. when you order today, you'll also receive the incredibly versatile 5-in-1 turbo slicer. a $50 value, it's yours free--
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just pay shipping and handling. the flavorwave turbo comes with our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee, so it's risk-free. it's not available in stores, so call and order your flavorwave turbo oven right now. [♪...] >> the preceding was a paid presentation for the flavorwave turbo, proudly brought to you by thane direct.
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