tv 11 News at 5 NBC September 21, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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now it's her daughter's turn. melissa rivers is here. >> plus, stylist ready seven days a week.ak we're rolling out the red carpet. plus -- all new "wendy" starts now. >> hi, i'm nina picket from sommerset, new jersey. and live from the big apple, this is "the wendy williams show." on today's show, red carpet melissa rivers, fashion week's hottest trends and juicy news about chloe kardashian's engagement. how are you doing? >> wendy: how you doingin'? óñót >> and here's wendy! [ applause ]
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>> wendy: nina, nina, nina! >> it's so nice to meet you. >> wendy: you look wonderful. >> we're both tall. >> wendy: no, we're not both tall. >> we're both doing the tall thing! no, i'm not fall. >> wendy: so, nina, tell everybody why you're here. >> well, on january 1st, i started a website called 52 weeks to find him. and i'm 43 years old. i have never been married, and this is my year to find my husband. >> wendy: okay. >> so it's been 37 weeks. and there's some good news and some not-so-good news. >> wendy: the not-so-good news is that there are only 15 more weeks in the year and out of 30 dates, you have only gotten two seconds dates -- >> four second dates. >> wendy: and no third dates. >> no third dates. >> wendy: so where did you find the good news in that? >> the good news is i have met
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some really amazing men. it affirmed my belief there are single men who want to get married, who want to be in a committed relationship. i haven't found him yet but 30 dates is 30 more than i went out last year. >> wendy: one thing she's doing is putting herself out there. >> i'm having a good time. it's not just about getting a rung on my finger. it's about really enjoying this journey. after a while, it gets exhausting and you get tired and i just need to find a way to make it fun and exciting. it's been amazinamazing. >> wendy: is all of the feedback on your blog positive feed back, like you go, girl? >> 90% is. there's always haters out there. >> wendy: yes. >> there's always going to be. >> wendy: hi, haters! yes. >> you know what i'm talking about. >> wendy: yes. >> but mostly i get a lot of women but i get men, too. and they're all saying, you know, either they're married and they have been where i was and they're saying, you continue to go. i was in your position and you'll make it. or single women saying i have been sitting on the couch every
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friday night and i have been watching you and you're having fun. i will go out there too. >> wendy: i think your energy is up and good. and guys love that. you look perfectly cute. i would suggest you keep doing it and take the time limit off of it and just have fun. >> i say if by the end of this year if i don't find him, it will still have been the best year i ever had. >> wendy: you're not going to go back into hibernation, are you? >> i did say at the end of the year, there were consequences which i really felt i needed. if i don't find him by the end of this year, i'm going to take a year off at pursuing love. >> wendy: you will be back in the game at 44? >> yes. >> wendy: think twice. she's cute. we will help you find that man. listen, if you would like to score a date with the fabulous nina, all you have to do is go to my website,, for more information and keep us updated on your progress. it's nina, right? >> nina. >> wendy: they spelled it high phonetically. >> it's a city in wisconsin. >> wendy: n-e-e-
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>> n-e-h. >> wendy: it's time for "hot topics." i know what you mean with that spelling. it did throw me off. i remember when i was a kid, i wanted to be different. i didn't tell my parents this but i started writing my name on my papers, this must have been sixth great, judneyie. how you doin'? [ applause ] look, i'm glad you guys are here, but let me just say this, you're going to be so disappointed in me but this is the kind of girl i am. i was too busy this weekend and i did not watch the emmys. i walked in and out of the room. i know they were doing the red carpet on e! i count on the red carpet this
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coming weekend and i'm too cheap to have the full cable in the kitchen where i was doing all of my cooking so i was not able to see the red carpet. and then the actual emmys. i didn't see all of them but i saw a lot of highlights, like many of you all did. i thought justin timberlake looked cute and neil patrick har i. i love, love, love him. and he was the host last night. neil patrick harris. it was on cbs. so vanessa williams, our friend to the show, she lost out for best supporting actress, as did stacey morgan, best supporting actor. but to me they're both winners. "30 rock" won like everything, including best comedy. everybody watches "ugly betty." and why was victoria rowell from "the young and the restless" there in a weird barack obama dress? what was that, vicky/victoria? well, it certainly did get her the attention she was looking for. and i love, love, love the hair.
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by the way, she used to date 50 cent. and tried to -- i used to have a red carpet series of specials on vh1, and so she walked down the red carpet alone one time and i saw ferrell up there, you know, up the red carpet. i said i'm going to hook up with ferrell, okay? and i don't think that ever ended up happening. but she puts herself out there, nehna and that's what you have to do. >> i'm try 1234g justin timberlake won for guest hosting "snl," as he should have. he's always been really good, right? [ applause ] i -- i like how he gets along with everybody. you know, if there was such a thing as an ambassador for race relations, you know, in entertainment, you know what i mean? somebody said he had s-curl in his hair last night. [ laughter ] anyway, mimi from "housewives atlanta" hosted the preshow with jay manual from "top model," and
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she had on red lipstick. and when i say it was red, it was fire. because i was walking in and out of the room. if you follow me on twitter, then you know i was twitting all day yesterday. i unplugged -- i put the plunger in the toilet. i made two different entrees. because i like to get my cooking for the most part done on the weekends, at least my entrees and i do my vegetables during the week as requested. also, this past weekend was like the last full weekend if you're like me everything annal having everything paid by the first of the month. do you do that? so i love the feeling of after you pay the bills, like after the show today, i will take myself to the post office. i don't pay anything online. i have my stamps, my envelopes, the bills, rip and tear. put them in the shredder, the whole bit. so i was doing that and wig repair. i went for a bike ride. tonight is parent/teacher night at the school. i was thinking of just keeping this outfit on. [ laughter ] hello, teacher.
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which, ps, i won't. i was joking. parent/teacher night. a lot of parents are going for that right now, parent/teacher night. do you do this? when i go to parent/teacher night and all of the other parents are around and everything and i always ask the teacher, okay, here's my cell number. pull out your rolodex if you can. let's make an appointment. i like to go in and talk to the teacher one on one. sometimes parent/teacher night, everybody is vying for the attention of the teacher. the woman is president or most popular woman in the school. everybody is vying for attention. so i like to have those little side meetings. anyway, so, how are you, sir? >> i'm fine, wendy. how are you doin'? >> wendy: aren't you stylized today. >> i wanted to comment about the looks, more about the hair. justin timberlake was a little juicy. >> wendy: his hair was juicy. >> more about mimi. i love her on "housewives" but i'm kind of waiting for some new
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hair. >> wendy: well, did you not like her in short hair? >> i don't. sometimes she has like a little thing of wave going on on "housewives," and that's all right. but the best part about wearing a wig is being able to change it like a hat. >> wendy: she says it's not a wig. she says it was a weave. >> she does say that? [ laughter ] >> wendy: that's what she says. we love you, mimi. by the way, thank you so much for my secret shot out at the alma awards over the weekend. they are like the oscars. >> it was vh1 divas. >> i got my people confused! >> wendy: shout out to george lopez. they co-hosted the alma awards on abc on friday night, honors latino achievements in television, film, sports, music, walking in and out of the room. didn't quite focus. but i did see some of the highlights. by the way, george lopez is about to have a new talk show on november on tbs. he's very popular in hour house.
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we love that "george lopez show" me and my son and we watch that to death. eva longoria, she gives good show. she changed seven times, including her hair, which i love! let's take a look at some of the pictures. here she is in white dress. boom, bam. ow. then eva in the champagne dress. i love that. eva in the off-the-shoulder shimmer. by the way, she was styled by our guest today, robert verde. there she is in the silver sparkly. and her stylist robert verde is here to give us the spring -- this is my favorite right here. look how big her breasts are. [ laughter ] i'm going to ask for you girls sometimes -- you don't want implants. you just want to juj them up a little bit sometimes. i will ask how she did that. you know who else does that look, and she's a flatsy, too and i'm not saying that's a bad thing. paris hilton has two little mosquito bites but sometimes she really does, you know, take it
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there with however she does it. "desperate housewives" premieres this sunday. i can't wait. i miss the girls. [ applause ] and i've missed -- i've missed the consistency in my sunday nights. like i do all of my house mom stuff over the weekend and sunday nights at 9:00, that's absolute, you know, "despate housewives" time. hi, boys. >> hi, wendy, how you doin'? >> wendy: how you doin'? >> hopefully you saw drew barrymore last night. she was wearing monique lily. i thout she looked gorgeous. >> wendy: i thought she looked gorgeous. >> i would have loved to see her win the award for "grey garden." she was amazing in it. >> wendy: i bet you she watches this show. doesn't she seem just messy enough. how you doin', drew? next time you're in new york, stop by. before -- thank you, you guys. before we talk about divas, you know, kim kardashian had a wardrobe emergency last night on the way to the emmys.
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all right. i wasn't exactly watching, but i follow her on twitter because i follow all of those kardashian girls on the twitter and then they follow us. her zipper broke and she had to be sewn into her dress. kim, your zipper broke when you were here on the "wendy" show and you had to be shown into your skirt. i have to say, the dress fit her like a glove. maybe that's a so in thing. look at that. body down. and her hair is snatched back. can you ever look horrible? i mean, even -- and the answer is no. even when she twits and she's got absolute scrubbed face and she's taking her own twitter picture, she might be home, she still looks beautiful. but i can tell you what, miss thing, you've got to hurry up and do something. because if what i hear that khloe and lamar are married, you've been -- >> engaged. >> wendy: they were in vegas this past weekend, right? >> allegedly they're engaged. >> wendy: here's the thing,
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kourtney is pregnant and she hosted the preshow with the emmys. kim was supposed to be there but she was getting the wardrobe malfunction test. there was one point kim was the one with the man in love. now pregnant kourtney is allegedly pressuring scott to put a ring on it and make it work. she's seven months pregnant. she looked really good last night. and khloe is with lamar. did we already show that picture of lamar and kourtney -- khloe? look how beautiful they look. he's leaning into her. the body language. he's leaning into her. she's leaning into him. she's not showing her teeth, which means she's hiding something. i took body language at northeastern university. that is one of my favorite courses. what is not said is often way more powerful than what is being said. okay. so, okay, go, you guys. be happy. look, vh1's diva concert was on
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thursday night. it was hosted by paula abdul. she did a dead-on skit of ellen. i thought it was so great. ellen twitted in after, and ellen -- where's the ellen quote. i don't have it. here it is. here it is. "paula, you're hilarious. you left me some big shoes to fill. unfortunately, i don't wear high heels. nothing but love for you, too." yeah. you know who really shocked me as being perhaps my favorite performance at divas? sheryl crow and that miley cyrus and then india and adel. oh, my gosh. all right. so neny, bethany and kim presented an award and neny did the official greeting of"the wendy show." take a look. >> hey, diva lovers, how you doin'! [ applause ] >> wendy: thank you, neny. thank you.
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but, i know, that song indy did, i was thinking, what is she going to perform? she doesn't have new music out that i know of, and then she performed one of my favorite songs for her. "i went because i'm a queen." that's an inspirational song. there are certain songs along that vain that are cheering songs for girls. but i thought adel and indy and they put their own spin on each one of their performances. i thought they were great. miley cyrus, you know what, you're nothing but 16 and we all were -- i'm not going to be so hard on her anymore. she was cute. she was doing it. you know what, if i was 16 again and had someplace to wear fishnets and a too fast for my own gaage gown, you know what, d probably wear it, too. [ applause ] you know, especially if my parents are going to co-sign,
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right? so "divas ""w"divas" was really. now, who saw mariah on "oprah" on friday? [ applause ] i love the two guys who won the trip to new york, and they were just throwing themselves on the stage. and ps, mariah, i noticed all of the new extra. i like it. i like it. was i the only one that noticed even in black, mariah looked heavier than usual? she's voluptuous, gorgeous. i liked the old hair. that was the first hair she was wearing when she first came to us as a famous person. i thought that she looked great. looks like she's -- mariah, it looks like you're getting a lot of work done to your face, though? what is that? what do you have going? i know. but i'm just saying, is this part of the weight down here or is this fat transfer or -- just asking. but i thought you looked great. and i like the cat suit.
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then again, that's the kind of girl i am. all of my girlfriends said it's time for you to grow up and mature. i say keep it young. keep it kitty. we like it like that. and apparently so does nick, who so who cares! what did i just see, brendan? did i see a two-minute mark, 30-second mark. it's time to go to commercials. we have another round of "hot topics." more juicy "hot topics" up next. [ applause ] ( folk music playing )
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we're shopping for car insurance, and our friends said we should start here. good friends -- we compare our progressive direct rates, apples to apples, against other top companies, to help you get the best price. how do you do that? with a touch of this button. can i try that? [ chuckles ] wow! good luck getting your remote back. it's all right -- i love this channel. shopping less and saving more. now, that's progressive. call or click today. [ applause ] >> wendy: the crotch on my panty house is down to here. shot out to all of the tall girls. you feel my pain. hey, everybody, welcome back. sometimes for juicy "hot topics." i wanted to show you the picture of katherine heigl from "grey's anatomy."
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there she is with her husband josh and new baby from korea. there she is. terrific. the namy's name is nalya. cute, cute. i didn't realize she, katherine, has a korean sister. but, i want to show you another sister. okay, this other picture is of maya, who is walking with her crazy hairstylist -- i'm sorry, her crazy clothing stylist. the reason i say crazy is because, all right, first of all, she's going to be on "dancing with the stars," the new season which begins tonight. but the stylist -- and i'm sure everything was very, very expensive if that matters, but he just looks dirty. dirty! [ laughter ] dirty. look, head-to-toe dirtiness. yeah. how you doin'? we will see you tonight on "dancing with the stars." everett brown with "dancing with the stars," she was here friday on the couch chatting with us
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about a blind date. i didn't know she meant right after the show but take a look. do you cast your line? do you date? you seem to be in circles of a lot of cool people. >> you know, i'm starting to date, this is awesome. this thing tonight i'm a little nervous about. i'm just going to government it's a blind date. "essence" set it up. >> wendy: "essence" magazine? >> yeah. they went through their bachelors for tonight. >> wendy: we have her on the phone. hey, girl. >> hey, wechndy! >> wendy: i'm glad you called. what did you wear on the date? i wore what i wore on your show. i went from the show to the date. and wendy, you know how i was proud of my heels? i tripped when i saw him. literally fell into his arm. he thought it was romantic. i thought it was a doofus. but it happened. >> wendy: i like it. it immediately leveled the playing field. this big actress. what does he do for a living? what does he do? >> he's a poet and he's a
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professor. >> wendy: ooh, nice. >> i know, he's a really nice guy. >> wendy: i take it since you went right after the show you had on your tv makeup, still? >> i did. i wore my tv makeup. i went in fully beefed to this date. >> wendy: damn. where did you guys go? >> you know, this cute little steak house that was right around the corner from where the "essence" ofoffice is. i can't the name of it but they had really good sliders. wendy, i hadn't eaten all day so i literally inhaled in like three sliders and a crabcake in like two seconds. >> wendy: what did he have? >> he had like tuna tartar. he's really fancy and i'm not. he had tuna tartar and i inhaled little burgers. i was so embarrassed. >> wendy: tuna tartar. are you going to get a second date? what was it like? >> he was really nice and it was just great to not be invisible. because you know as a curvy girl sometimes in l.a., you feel invisible. but he actually liked my curves and was really complimentary. so if i come back to new york, i'm definitely going to see him
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again. >> wendy: oh! so where are you now? >> i'm in l.a. on the set of "community," and she just called me for rehearsal. i said i got to talk to wendy. you all got to wait a minute. >> wendy: yes! tell joel i said, how you doin'? >> i will do that. >> wendy: and good look with all of the dating. >> thank you. ly keep yi will keep you postedw things are going for me. >> wendy: next time a sexier outfit. that was good for daytime talk. not a date. >> i got to show a little skin? >> wendy: just a little something. >> i will give a little ankle next time. >> wendy: take care. everybody, check her out in "community" thursday nights at 9:30 on nbc. which pregnant celebrity refuses to give up wearing her six-inch heels? you'll find out in one more "hot topic" coming up next, melissa rivers! [ applause ]
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[ applause ] ♪ >> wendy: shout it out! thank you, audience. okay. our first guest most recently starred on "celebrity apprentice" where she left with a bang. and she's here to give her take on the red carpet fashions and so on and so forth. her mother joan was here and melissa had the opportunity to give joan, her mother, a piece of her mind during her comedy roast on comedy central. take a look. >> two, i haven't had much sleep. i had a terrible, terrible
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nightmare last night that i was at my mother's funeral. the worst part was, i was 75. [ laughter ] >> wendy: love it. please welcome melissa rivers! [ applause ] ♪ >> and my mother. okay. >> wendy: what do you have there? >> first of all, a gift for you from my mother. she's are her new favorite necklaces. you can wear them together or separately. these are so cool. look at this. you take them and you twist them. >> wendy: i have seen her sell these -- >> yes, these are you from her. she called me this morning and said make sure i bring them. >> wendy: thank you so much. >> because i can't give you hair. it's attached to my head. >> wendy: this is another thing. thank you, joan. i'm keeping this. i'm not giving them to my mother. you used to have one of these. >> i did. >> wendy: we'll talk. >> all right. >> wendy: first of all, it's great to finally meet you. >> well, thank you. >> wendy: second of all, you know melissa is probably one of
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the only women in hollywood who doesn't wear extensions. >> because my mom popped hers out and gave them to you. >> wendy: yes. >> and that's nice. you never go to someone's house empty handed. it's just rude. even if it's something small. when i do cut my hair, i can't do that. >> wendy: well, it's beautiful. >> i talked to her this morning. she's out of town on qvc. make sure you take wendy a gift. >> wendy: do you want a drink? >> absolutely. >> wendy: cheers to you and your mom. it's 9:30 in the morning here in new york. but it's drink-30 someplace. how is it? it's wine and vodka. >> it's good! >> wendy: yeah. >> when you are were talking about parent/teacher, i have cooper. how old is yours? >> wendy: mine are 9 and 8. >> aren't you glad you go? >> wendy: there would be a lot to explain. plastic surgery for one.
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inappropriate and appropriate dressing for another. melissa, unbeknownst to what people think, you're just a botox girl. you haven't gotten stuff down? >> no. everybody made such a big deal during "the apprentice" and it's show me someone in that cast who hasn't seen the better end of a botox needle. i can't remember her name, made a big deal out of it. i do my crow feet and my lines on my forehead. manage, you put lotion on your face. and i've had my boobes done. because after i had my son, i was flat-chested to start with and i was bent over in the shower shaving my legs after i had my son, and i thought this is absurd. it's like chicken cutlets, disgusting. >> wendy: ever since you can do something about it. >> so i went to a b. >> wendy: do you go to your mother's surgeon? >> no, i have a friend -- it's great to have friend in the right places. she's a plastic surgeon. lisa, need some help.
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people say it's not natural. i said i want them back to where god intended to be. that's where they were when i was 18. i put them back. god put them there at one point. >> wendy: you mentioned college education. >> no, i'm an l.a. girl. >> wendy: you were raised in l.a.? >> l.a. since i was 3. >> wendy: i thought you were a new york girl. >> no, everyone think that's. >> wendy: where did you go to college? >> university of pennsylvania. >> wendy: did you graduate? >> yes. >> wendy: was it tough? >> yes, but i had a good time. >> wendy: didn't we all! >> as we all say team act pro. we did a semester in academic probation. we all did. if you didn't do a semester in college on academic probation, you didn't have fun. [ applause ] it's true. >> wendy: okay. so now back to you and your love life -- >> back to it! >> wendy: we were going to briefly mention -- >> i'm divorced, yes. single mom. >> wendy: you're a single mom. >> and he's now on his second divorce. >> wendy: oh. >> and has a baby with the -- i
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guess maybe cooper's ex-stepmother, but the mother of his half-sister and he has a new girlfriend who's 20. but, now here's the amazing thing, we get along -- we all get along better now than any of us ever did when any of us were married to each other. >> wendy: i'll clap to that. that's a good one. >> i get along with the ex-wife. i get along with the girlfriend. i get along with my ex-husband. >> wendy: so you have a new boyfriend? >> i have a boyfriend. >> wendy: i look in "life & style." i was looking for pictures. jason's his name? >> jason. >> wendy: how long have you been with him, meliss? >> i guess about -- the hair is very beyonce today. >> wendy: it is big. >> i like it for parent/teacher. >> wendy: root-ness. >> please. my roots are showing so badly right now. no, we have been very private. but i have always been very private about it. i live a very different life than my mother. hers is very out there. >> wendy: we love that, though, about her. >> yeah. >> wendy: and i love your guys relationship. i understand that your boyfriend, though, is a hedge
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fund guy. >> well, he works at a hedge fund in the mornings, but last october when everything went in the toilet, they came to him and said, well, you have a choice. can you either cut your salary and half and become a equity partner or go find a new job. he said i would love to be an equity partner and he was a professional tennis player for a while. so he went back and started teaching a little bit of tennis and that's how we met. >> wendy: would you get married again? >> you know what, when people ask me that, i lose sensitivity in my limbs, in my extremities. >> wendy: got you. you want more children? >> i would love more children if i didn't have to be pregnant. that's the hitch in it again. the marriage thing is like, you know, the walls close in. i can't feel my hands. >> wendy: you seem to have a really good relationship with your mother, and you guys really just were, to me, the dynamic duo, ledge ardz legendary red workers. i miss you guys. >> thank you. you know, you got to leave the party while the party's still go. >> wendy: yes.
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>> we did the party. and now it's different. >> wendy: it is different. >> it's not as exclusive as it was when we were doing it. >> wendy: you guys did make it feel real special. so last night were the emmys? >> yes. >> wendy: who did you love? >> first of all, i was following you -- i was following you on twitter. >> wendy: uh-huh. >> and i'm on twitter. i'm not melissa rivers, i'm mel rivers. but i think i had the wrong one. hi no why the -- idea you were cooking. i i'm on a plane and i got to look at photos this morning. when i got here, i know you had a picture of christina applegate. >> wendy: amazing. >> she always looks pretty, doesn't she? >> she has such a great sense of style. and it's such a lovely person. >> wendy: shem she seems like would be. >> we do a spin class together and she's hilarious. she is hilarious. >> wendy: who else? blake lively a lly in versace. >> beautiful dress. why is such a fresh, young girl dressing so much older. there are times she can wear
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that. >> wendy: she whory. i love it! >> she's young and fresh. >> wendy: she's dressed like a desperate woman in her late 30s? >> yeah, yeah. >> wendy: or 40s. >> whatever, 50s in some cases. or 50s claiming the 30s. that's hollywood. >> wendy: there's nothing wrong it it. but, jay, it is vava boom. i heard you can't wear red on the red carpet? >> you can wear anything you want. >> wendy: do we have to go to the break? damn it. >> oh, the question was going to be originally -- why don't you do the red carpet anymore? because i have to deal like this. it was supposed to be shar jackson, walking the red carpet. >> wendy: shar was there. i couldn't figure out why. >> i don't know. but why was shar jackson there. >> wendy: she needs press. >> seriously. it's supposed to be about hon honoring television. >> wendy: she's going to be on "celebrity fit club" again.
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melissa's working on a book -- >> it comes out february 2nd. >> wendy: please, make sure you -- >> i will. it's about a red carpet mom who doesn't have to be on the red carpet. any time the spotlight, good, bad and indifferent, son you and how to handle those situations. >> wendy: got. thank you so much for being here. it was so nice to meet you. come back when your book is out. up next, everybody, fash trends you don't want to miss from new york's fashion week. [ applause ] ♪ since arthur's been eating purina one, he has blossomed... into an incredibly strong, healthy cat. his coat is incredibly shiny and soft and very thick. everybody thinks he's the most handsome cat they've ever seen. [ woman announcing ] purina one for indoor cats...
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[ applause ] ♪ >> wendy: all right, everybody. we're back. so every fall new york city's bryant park turns into a fashion frenzy. the hottest designers from around the world showcase their line for the spring. and here to give us a front row look at what we want for spring of 2010, from mercedes-benz fashion week is style expert robert verdi. welcome. >> thank you, thank you. [ applause ] >> wendy: now, robert, sometimes you say the name, they don't know who that is. but as soon as you see the bald man with the sunglasses -- >> exactly. >> wendy: that has been your signature since forever. >> yeah, since i started in tv. i just think they make me look less bald. everybody thinks it's like an affectation, but i'm just really bald if i don't have them on. >> wendy: would you like a wig? >> this is my version of a wig. >> wendy: you know what, you have been styling eva language gora forever. >> for five years now i have
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been working with eva. >> wendy: you do a wonderful job. >> thank you. >> wendy: i love this style here. >> oscar de la renta. >> wendy: and what have you done with her boobs? >> she's a 32a. she's tiny. you want to wear them now? >> wendy: yes. >> here are her boobs! any girl can get this. here's what you do, girls. you have to get this -- you know a lot of girls try these bras that don't always do it. >> wendy: yes. >> so you lap them on the side and you pull them together -- >> wendy: gotcha! >> and whew, oh, oh, you can get some stuff in there. >> wendy: now you know. that there looks like a nice handful, you know. compared to what she normally has. >> wendy: yes. >> she's tiny. >> wendy: how tall is she? >> 5'2", 96 pounds. and she's never done anything to alter -- she's a natural, gorgeous beauty. >> wendy: i like her. who else do you style? >> i work with kathy griffin, kristen wiig. i have worked with fantasia, hugh jackman, terrence howard. i do men and women.
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[ laughter ] >> wendy: of course! you brought us some video from the hottest shows from fashion week. >> i did. >> wendy: this is showing us what's hot, everybody, for spring. >> the big trends. >> wendy: from spring. let's take a look. >> this is mark jacobs. everybody wanted to see what mark jacobs is doing. >> wendy: ruffles. there's a gi jane geisha girl happening with him. you saw undergarments like madonna did in her heyday. belted jacket is big. >> wendy: stop. what is that at the bottom? what is this at the top? >> those are shoes and that's a head. [ laughter ] >> wendy: and the stuff -- what is this? >> i think it's just a squikirt. what is it made out of it. >> wendy: yeah. >> layers of frilly ruffles. lettuce like. >> wendy: sometimes when you look at fashion week -- you can keep it going. sometimes when you look at fashion shows, you tend to take
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things too literally. this jacket by itself -- >> that's what you have to do. you have to take the cues. the designer show an expression what they are feeling that season but what you need to do is take the cues, fabrics of the season, silhouettes. transparencies and cutouts are huge. >> wendy: mark jacobs. this is michael kors now. >> michelle obama. >> wendy: freeze! >> asymmetry. >> wendy: asymmetry is still in for spring. i love it. >> wendy: a modern version of the chiff dress. michael kors has a way of keeping the american tradition in faction of making great spor sportswear but makes it exciting every season. >> wendy: he does affordable stuff as well. >> that's a big trend incidentally, the wristlet. >> wendy: i see the exposed zippers. >> asymmetry. and the classic look is back. >> wendy: freeze! >> chanel imam. >> wendy: she was with ryan at
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some point. he's a singer. he's a hot face. this jewelry was big for about a year and then i put it away. >> you're like me. keep it. bring it back. this is the time to bring it back. >> wendy: what is this? >> this is percent spa purse sp. we are seeing a lot of cutouts. >> wendy: the bondage dresses. >> bondage dresses. >> wendy: some are say -- >> more woven. it's not just the bandages we are used to seeing and it's neutral. we are used to seeing these in color. you will see the palette is very spa spare. >> wendy: and they're very short. >> very short. this girl is a partygoer. she's a girl in clubs all the time. she's always looking for a date. she's looking for a guy who has more in his pocket than the guy she's sitting at dinner with. >> wendy: okay. a gold digger. >> and i love her. i want to be her. >> wendy: all right. let's take a look at max -- >> max asyria.
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very token white. very simple straight lines, body slimming, not tight. falls away from the body. >> wendy: where are the colors we're supposed to be looking for? >> a lot of neutrals for spring. and actually a peekaboo blue that's coming. a lot of blue on the runways. all various shades of turquoise, royal. that seems to be the popular r color with all of the designers this season. >> wendy: the cutouts. >> see, it's all beaded around the perimeter. that was kind of the mood there. and very -- >> wendy: i love this! >> it's great. handkerchief asymmetry at the bottom. >> wendy: crop pants, what's the jeans look? >> there's no rule. you have to wear what looks good on your body. the great thing is all designers he create a really huge variety within their own individual collection so all women can actually be satisfied. nod to "mad men" with the sort of 1940s glam. here's a nod to katharine
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hepburn. sexy clothes tailored after menswear. this is based on havana in the 1950s, so it has a socialite feeling that she was a risk woman traveling around the world. >> wendy: i see lace, lace. >> this cutout and reassemble -- this isn't really the best example of it but there is a lot of colledging, different dresses put together. ruffles again very popular. >> wendy: ruffles, ruffles, ruffles. >> yeah. >> wendy: now, if you are a larger-breast woman, like myself, i have the ruffles up here today and i don't know how this is reading on tv. >> it looks fabulous. i saw it backstage on the monitor. >> wendy: it does? my boobs don't look too big? >> you always look good, wendy williams! >> wendy: thank you, robert. i want to thank you for being here as well. if you would like to take a look at fashion videos, go to my website, wendy ps robert's provided us with them. thank you so much. >> you're very welcome. thank you. >> wendy: "ask wendy" is next. show and tell
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party. if you're in the new york city area and would like to be part of my life audience, go to for tickets. i'll see you soon. [ applause ] ♪ >> wendy: welcome back. it's time for "ask wendy." thank you, audience. i've got a lot of questions, by the way, about my clothes. you can always go to my website,, for the details. how are you? >> i'm fine, wendy. >> wendy: good. >> i have a friend when we go shopping, she always wants to buy the same things that i pick out. >> wendy: of course! u have got great taste. look at you! >> thank you. but then she beats me to the punch and calls me a few days later and says, by the way, that party we're going to this weekend, i'm going to wear those fabulous earrings that we
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bought. how would you respond to that? >> wendy: i would tell her. straight talk on the show makes for great understanding. i think you can say it very nicely without ending the friendship, but that's not fair. why do you go shopping with her? [ laughter ] yeah. i mean -- >> i know, i'm going to make up excuses from now on. >> wendy: you know what, you do light shopping and heavy lunch. see -- >> or i don't buy anything. >> wendy: or you don't buy anything. and then you also don't point out what you love and then you go back and buy it. that way -- if you do it that way, you'll never have to say anything to her. >> got it. thank you. >> wendy: well, thank you! oh, wow. more "ask wendy" after the break. [ applause ] ♪ she's gonna be fine, we did find this.
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[ applause ] ♪ >> wendy: so we're back, and it's still "ask wendy." how are you? >> how you doin'? >> wendy: how you doin'? >> i'm good. my name is heather. i'm 28 years old. my question is, i have a 7-year-old daughter. i live above my parents. every time i go out or do anything, they're calling me y is she wearing that? why is she doing this? where are you going with her? and my mother parades her around like she's her child. then they won't watch her. i don't know how to approach them without my mother having a
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stroke. >> wendy: so your mother has a difficult time looking after her when you go out socially. >> right. >> wendy: and -- but when she is looking at her and you're not around -- >> it's like -- >> wendy: she won't. >> she play it's off. she's going to get her nails done. and if people ask, she doesn't say she's the grand mother at all. >> wendy: this is difficult. don't think what you're talking about is something we haven't been to as mothers at some particular point in some incarnation of our mothers wanting to do it better than us. if i were you, i would plan on moving as soon as you can get -- as soon as you can get it together. that might be this year or might be next year or the year after. i think the first part of doing separation with your parents and owning your own life is to not live under their roof, even if you're paying them money. >> right. all right. thank you so much. >> wendy: i wish you well. >> thank you. >> wendy: we'll be right back with one more "hot topic" next.w
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we always have a great time here. if you would love to be a part, website, the tickets are free. the fun is a whole hour. it's wonderful. we have time for one more "hot top topic" ea." earlier i was asking you which celebrity refuses to stop wearing her seven-inch heels. here we are. heidi klum. heidi said she will continue toa wear her heels until she gives a birth, and that will be in threa weeks. but heidi's been wearing heels since forever. if anybody knows how to work seven inches and pregnant, it'só her. tomorrow on the show, stephanie pratt from "the hills" is here, along with a hot performance from shaun kiwn kin. i love you for watching. see you on the next "wendy." ♪ -- captions by vitac --
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