tv 11 News at 5AM NBC September 22, 2009 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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>> special television offer from scalp med. stay tuned and find out how you can try the amazing scalp med hair regrowth system for only 14.95. that's right--try the complete scalp med hair regrowth system for only 14.95. details just ahead. >> i really can see the difference. i can see this hair coming in. >> i have hair on my head. i can brush my hair now. >> within two months, i've got my hair back. >> it's just like a second chance on life. >> no hormones, no surgery. >> there's nothing better out there. it's your own hair growing back. it's your own hair growing back. >> i can pull on it. it's not going anywhere, and i don't have a handful anymore. >> to have hair without having to go through a surgical procedure is terrific.
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>> the results were ridiculous-- they were--they were amazing. >> it's on there, and it's all great. and i love it. >> terrific results. >> i feel like i have a life. my joy is back. my peace is back. >> it was nothing short of a miracle for me. >> i'm a brand-new man. >> i've got hair on my head... ( chuckling ) thanks to scalp med. >> it works. >> it works. >> it worked for me. >> i am living proof that scalp med works. >> scalp med works. it works, it works. >> hello, everybody. i'm wendy walsh, and i'm so glad to see all of you here today. you know, if your hair is thinning or balding, the chances are you've already heard something about scalp med this past year. that's because scalp med is the extraordinary hair regrowth product that's rapidly becoming
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the most popular method for regrowing hair in the entire world. and there's one simple reason for that-- scalp med actually works. after our first show, the response was so huge that in less than a year, hundreds of thousands of people have already become scalp med users. and over this past year, we asked people to send in their stories and their pictures. and they did. one after the other. and guess what? we've invited just a few of those people here today to share their stories. they've come from all over the country to show their support for this wonderful product that has changed their lives so dramatically. but before we go any further, let's welcome back the man behind the miracle, shane malek. >> hi, wendy. hello, everyone. it's so great to be back. >> well, shane, what a year it's been! >> i know, wendy. i can't believe it. just a little over a year ago, the only people who could use scalp med were the people who came to my clinic, and now, scalp med is being used all over the world. >> it's just extraordinary, shane. you're dramatically changing
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the lives of so many people. so, what do you have to tell us today? >> well, what we did over the past year, we asked people to send us their before and after pictures, and we weren't sure if they were gonna take the time and the effort, and we even offered them prizes. well, it turns out, we didn't have to do that. we got so many letters and pictures, it's unbelievable. >> so, shane, these are people who saw our first show or found out about you on the internet and ordered scalp med and on their own, tried the product and sent in before and after pictures? >> yes, and some of the people who actually took the time and came to our clinic in nevada. >> okay, so let's see these fantastic results. >> okay. >> let's start out with sharon prather. thanks for being here. >> my hero. >> your hero. >> my hero. >> aww. you know, it's hard to imagine you with hair loss, so we--we'll just see--whoa! that's you.
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>> and that was on a good day. >> oh, wow. >> that was on a good day. >> wow. >> and as you can se i had to fight to get enough hai to get a curling iron through there to do anything up here. >> so, it really is the shape of male pattern balding, and you were doing the old combover. >> absolutely was. >> look at that. oh my goodness. how long was this like? >> um, that was about, um, what--six months? >> six months! >> something like that. >> let's look at the before and after beside each-- six months later! >> hey! i have hair. and i am a great grandmother, 64 last week, and if i can start at my age and have these kinds of results, then you ought to be able to start at any age. >> so, you had really visible results really quickly. >> this has been a total of about eight months now, but i noticed that difference within six months, so it was nothing
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short of a miracle for me, and i'm hoping that more people will try it, have faith in the product because, man, scalp med works, and i'm--i'm here to say that i'm a lifelong believer thanks to this product. >> why do you feel like crying when you see that picture? >> 'cause i always had a lot of hair, and when you lose it as a woman, you--you lose part of your femininity, no? and now i'm crying for happy 'cause that's what i look like now. >> even though i'm the president of the nevada state board of cosmetology, i'm here as a customer, because i'm so impressed. it was totally empty in here. i had nothing. nothing. maybe a little bit of fuzz. so you'd see it, and the hair would stop. now it just kinda blends all the way back. so, i'm very excited. i mean, hey, to have hair without having to go through a surgical procedure is terrific. i've been in the hair business
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for 16 years, and i've had clients using everything. i've tried everything. and, um, i've not seen anybody get results like this. no, not at all. not in a topical. the only time i've seen anybody get anything like this was from-- anything close was from a transplant, surgically. >> every time i'd start to look, and i'd notice that little spot would turn out to be-- it started to get bigger and bigger and bigger, and it really started to bother me. and my wife, seeing me go through the struggle of me not being able to solve this situation, this problem, she knew it was bothering me, you know, she had to try and help me in some way. so she advised me to go see a doctor about maybe trying to get a hair transplant. and the thing they told me totally blew me out of the water, because they told me of a solution that they said that i could get a treatment that i could put on my hair, and my hair would grow back. but the light bulb went on in my head, like, these guys right now could get me for $20,000,
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and they're trying to talk me out of it? then they must really believe in this product. and today, you know, i have no bald spot here. my hair's filling in. basically, i look at my hair, and i say, "within two months i've got my hair back." >> that's ridiculous. i can't even believe that was me. with scalp med, it showed regrowth. it showed regrowth and in places where there wasn't a patch or wasn't an area of scalp just straight skin, it showed more strength. it showed more density. hair is totally regrown. it's totally consistent, especially on the top. the results were ridiculous. they were amazing. >> okay, looking at you, young, gorgeous guy, full head of hair, i can't imagine you were ever suffering from baldness. now, tell me your story. >> well, i had a friend of mine--his son was in the back seat of the car, and he actually reached over the seat and touched my scalp and said, "you know, stu, you're balding." >> and at that-- >> how old was he? >> he was about eight years old--at that point i thought
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to myself, you know what? maybe it's time to really look into an alternative, so... >> okay, we're gonna start to look at your amazing results. so, let's take a look at a before picture. this is you? >> mm-hmm. >> okay, so that's november 15. uh, a year ago--not even a year ago. >> no, not even a year. >> wow. day one. and there's three months. wow! what a differenc look at that--in only three months! were you, like, hoing up a little mirror every other day? >> it was wonderful, it really was. it really was. i had a beautician who was cutting my hair, and she said after about two months, two and a half months, she said, "i really can see the difference. i can see this hair coming in." and at that point, i knew that i had to continue to go forward to find out exactly how full we could get it. >> uh, you need to show us that hair. am i allowed-- >> ne. it's all mine. >> can i touch it? absolutely. >> oh, my goodness! it's so thick! >> y >> that's amazing. that looks great!
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>> that's what i like about it. it's a double-pronged attack on hair lo it prevents the hair loss from progressing, and it helps you grow the hair you lost. so, you know, it's better-- you're double-teaming the hair. as time goes on, now that this product's in general wide use around the country, and you start seeing not hundreds of people but hundreds of thousands of people. so, when i see that the people using it are growing and their results are growing, literally, i like that. and that makes me feel good 'cause i'm doing my job. i think it's a wonderful product, it's a well-formulated product, safe product, well-tolerated, can treat men and women, young and old, i mean--and really with no invasive surgery. scalp med works, you know, and a year ago, maybe you heard it from me, but now there's hundreds of thousands of people that can tell you that scalp med works. it's not just me. >> wouldn't you love to not be the person in your group who's losing your hair? the difference a healthy head of hair makes in your appearance and your confidence
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is priceless. so, how much longer are you gonna wait? there's finally a solution, and it works for both men and women, and you don't have to take my word for it. as part of this special product launch, call now and find out how you can try two months of scalp med for only 14.95. that's right--get two months towards your new head of hair for on 14.95. and if you're not absolutely thrilled with your new head of hair, simply return the empty bottles. so, if you're ready to start growing your hair back, here's how to order. >> narrator: if your hair is thinning or gone, what are you going to do? prescription pills, toupees, lasers, risky surgery, or transplants? well, if none of these things have worked as well as you expected, you're not alone. millions of us have simply given up, and decided to live bald. well, you don't have to. there's something you can do that actually works-- scalp med. this simple solution is so remarkable, it's dramatically changing
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the lives and lifestyles of men and women all around the world. >> i'm getting the kind of results i would get from having surgery, without having to have the surgery. >> this is my own hair. this is my own hair thicker. this is my own curls that came back. >> there's nothing better out there. it's your own hair growing back. it's your own hair growing back. >> it grows your own hair back. the pictures and the testimonials are amazing. >> narrator: you can have a full head of thick, luxurious hair faster than you've ever dreamed possible. look younger, more attractive, and feel more confident. imagine looking at the mirror, and seeing your hair growing in, instead of falling out. ...and the best part-- no sexual side effects. just apply it on your scalp, and within a few months you'll start to see something amazing-- your hair will start growing back, fuller and thicker than you ever dreamed possible and for women,
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forget the wigs and weaves. if your hair is thinning or falling out, there's finally something you can do about it. with scalp med, you can have a full head of beautiful, thick, luxurious hair, and it's your own hair. and with scalp med's exclusive cortex-enlarging spray, your hair will look thicker the first time you use it. you'll love how thick your hair will look after a single application, and it's yours free. wigs and weaves can cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars, and what a hassle. hair transplants can cost 10, 20, $30,000 or more, and take nearly a year to show results that you may not be happy with. but with scalp med, you'll start seeing results in just two to six months, and get your own head of hair back for a fraction of that cost. call now and find out how you can try two months of scalp med for only 14.95. that's right--get two months towards your new head of hair for only 14.95. and if you'recurrently using a hair-growth product, take the scalp med challenge. simply replace what you're using with scalp med
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for just two months. you're absutely 100% guaranteed to be happier with scalp med, or you can use all of it, return the empty bottles, and keep the cortex enlarger as free gift. this offer will never ever be available in stores. call now and ask about priority shipping, or for even faster service, visit >> and, sherida, welcome to our show. >> thank you. >> i can't believe it. this was you? >> yeah. >> take me back to this time. >> during that time, that was a, um, a very insecure, um, hurting woman, that... was ashamed of who she was. um... couldn't date. couldn't, uh... i couldn't go swimming. i stopped my career.
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i, um, i was in hiding. i mean, but you see why. i suffered with this, god, for so many years, that it had basically become a part of who i was, even though i didn't want anybody to know... who i was, but i knew. >> so you used wigs or hair extensions? >> most of the time it was hair extensions, but then, because it's so time-consuming, and when i say hair extensions, not braids. i didn't have anything to braid, so it was the glue-on hair extensions. and i'd tried vitamins, i had tried, you know, everything on the market. you go in the beauty salon, and it's like, you know, "try this. this grow hair," and super-grow, and this growth, and that growth, and nothing worked. i did laser therapy, where they stimulate the scalp or whatever with laser. nothing worked. and it's funny because i had, um, i had put in a prayer request--
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forgive me-- at church. i didn't put my name on it, i just said that i wanted god to restore my hair. and i said that he gave shane the knowledge to invent this miracle product, and now here i am, so... >> look at you. ( sighs ) >> that was me. that was--i was miss black nevada. >> oh, you were? >> that was miss black nevada. >> and now look at you. >> and now it's real. >> a real beauty queen. >> a real beauty queen, not someone walking around pretending. that's one of the reasons why when they asked me if i would do it, i was like, "yes," because there's so many-- i mean, i'm hearing more-- i can talk about it now, and i can bring it up,
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and it's my testimony, you know? it's my personal testimony. i can stand up and tell anybody that there's help and there's hope out there, and i didn't realize when i started talking about it just how many people suffer with that condition, so it's just, it's a relief. it's a, um... oh, my g-- i got hair! >> yes, you do. you have a lot of hair. so in eight months, you grew a brand-new, complete, thick, head of healthy hair. >> but look at this. >> yeah, it's long. >> it's long. >> it's so curly. it's so curly that it's shrunk up, but it's long hair. so we've measured it, and how-- >> it's close to five inches. >> five inches in eight months from nothing. >> from nothing.
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i feel like i have a life. my joy is back, my peace is back. my, um, confidence is back. >> i was gonna say, you're exuding self esteem from here. you're just sitting here-- i want it to come on top of me. i'm lovin' this self esteem. >> i love it. >> you love yourself now. >> i love myself. >> and sherida is just one amazing scalp med story. this is jc on day one. now, you can see how his hair is nearly gone on top. here he is after just eight weeks using scalp med. the hair is growing in thick, and the bald spot is nearly gone. now look four weeks later. after just 12 weeks, his hair is back. and just look at how thick and healthy it is. incredible! josephine's hair was almost completely gone, but after just six weeks with scalp med, you can already see most of her hair back. this is 14 weeks. now take a look at josephine after just 24 weeks. that is a full, thick,
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healthy head of hair. she was even able to color it again. no wigs or weaves ever again for josephine. her hair is back! and look at daniel. daniel was well on his way to losing his hair. he was seriously considering spending $20,000 or more on hair transplants, until scalp med. this is daniel just six weeks later. you can already see the hair filling in. the hair is back in just six weeks. amazing. like many of us, marie had ignored her thinning hair for years, until it got to this stage, and was getting worse. luckily she found scalp med in time, because here she is looking beautiful now. look at this! marie's hair is back. now, that is incredible. so whether you're thinning or balding, in just a few short months of using scalp med, your hair will come back. your own hair, full, thick, healthy and strong. you'll look and feel young again.
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>> i believe in the product. we recommend it to all of my patients. we had done many, many, many hair transplants, but i haven't done one in over a year. we want to get you happy with the least amount of surgery. i mean, even though i'm a surgeon, it sounds kind of crazy that i'm gonna try to talk people out of surgery, but you know what? hair transplant surgery only takes hair from the back and moves it to the front. it does absolutely nothing to stop the progressive hair loss that a patient's gonna get. scalp med does two things. it prevents the hair that wanted to fall out from falling out and also takes the hair that had fallen out already and gets it to regrow. this is a great choice. it's a really great choice. >> i just want tsay one thing. it's okay to want your hair back. it's okay to want to feel great about how you look and have others see you as young and healthy and alive. so, what are you waiting for? you could see for yourself how well scalp med works. and it can work for you, too.
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it's okay. pick up the phone and get your hair back. >> narrator: if your hair is thinning or gone, what are you going to do? prescription pills, toupees, lasers, risky surgery, or transplants? well, if none of these things have worked as well as you expected, you're not alone. millions of us have simply given up, and decided to live bald. well, you don't have to. there's something you can do that actually works-- scalp med. this simple solution is so remarkable, it's dramatically changing the lives and lifestyles of men and women all around the world. >> i'm getting the kind of results i would get from having surgery, without having to have the surgery. >> this is my own hair. this is my own hair thicker. this is my own curls that came back. >> there's nothing better out there. it's your own hair growing back. it's your own hair growing back. >> it grows your own hair back. the pictures and the testimonials are amazing.
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>> narrator: you can have a full head of thick, luxurious hair faster than you've ever dreamed possible. look younger, more attractive, and feel more confident. imagine looking at the mirror, and seeing your hair growing in, instead of falling out. ...and the best part-- no sexual side effects. just apply it on your scalp, and within a few months you'll start to see something amazing-- your hair will start growing back, fuller and thicker than you ever dreamed possible. and for women, forget the wigs and weaves. if your hair is thinning or falling out, there's finally something you can do about it. with scalp med, you can have a full head of beautiful, thick, luxurious hair, and it's your own hair. and with scalp med's exclusive cortex-enlarging spray, your hair will look thicker the first time you use it. you'll love how thick your hair will look after a single application, and it's yours free. wigs and weaves can cost hundreds,
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even thousands of dollars, and what a hassle. hair transplants can cost 10, 20, $30,000 or more, and take nearly a year to show results that you may not be happy with. but with scalp med, you'll start seeing results in just two to six months, and get your own head of hair back for a fraction of that cost. call now and find out how you can try two months of scalp med for only 14.95. that's right--get two months towards your new head of hair for only 14.95. and if you're currently using a hair-growth product, take the scalp med challenge. simply replace what you're using with scalp med for just two months. you're absolutely 100% guaranteed to be happier wi scalp med, or you can use all of it, return the empty bottles, and keephe cortex enlarger as a free gift. this offer will never ever be available in stores. call now and ask about priority shipping, or for even faster service, visit >> uh, do you wanna look at some ptures? >> yeah. >> let's go back.
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that was you before you began. >> that was me-- >> i can't imagine that. >> yeah. >> who took that picre? >> i did. >> that's great. that's amazing. eight weeks later? >> yep. i had results in three weeks. >> in three weeks you had results? >> i had results in three weeks that i called up scalp med, and i said, "make it a standing order. don't wait for me to ask you to send it." it was like, "keep it coming." you know? >> keep it coming. don't wait. >> and i'll tell you, if i have to use it for life, i'm still gonna say, "keep it coming." it's as simple as that. >> let's see what happens after eight weeks. six months--check that out. am i allowed to touch it? >> yeah. there's this thing about me liking to touch men's hair. i don't know--wow! >> it's all there. >> that is totally thick. it's all-- there's no bald spot there... at all. >> that is all mine. >> that's nice. you're 66? you look young! >> almost. thanks, shane. great.
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>> it's for those people that wanna be proactive about their lives. you want to just take the aging process and just accept it? fine. maybe this product isn't for you. but for someone who wants to grab life by the horns and live it, guess what? you don't have to take it lying down. and that's what i'm telling people--there's options, and scalp med is a great option for people that are losing their hair and are constantly being told there's nothing to do for--scalp med works. you know, and a year ago, maybe you heard it from me, but now there's hundreds of thousands of people that can tell you that scalp med works. >> for the last nine years, this has been my companion. i have over 20 wigs. and if my daughters ever took pictures of me, i would just tear it up as soon as i saw them because i was-- no one was allowed to take pictures of me in the house without a wig. after using scalp med, i really started noticing a difference within two months. i could actually see the difference weekly.
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i was so encouraged after being embarrassed to go out and embarrassed to be seen out, and i thank god every day that i can actually go outside and feel proud to be the person that i am as a woman-- and a woman close to 60. so, i'm so grateful to scalp med. i just can't say enough about it. scalp med works. >> well, it-- all this, all this here. i mean, you could see right through. especially when you're sitting down and somebody's walking around-- that's what makes you, you know, wanna do something about it. i was a skeptic at first, and then i called in. i said, "what can i lose?" i'm losing my hair anyway. it took a period of maybe five months to where i said, "this is it. i'm happy." and now, that's why i'm here. 'cause i wanna let you know. it works.
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it worked for me. >> i mean, i don't know what happened. it just started coming out, coming out, coming out. i had to use wigs and weaves, and i was just so depressed. and i had to try something. and i used this product, scalp med. and it grew back. and it really does the job. i'll tell everybody, anybody i see. try scalp med. it works. >> it's your own hair, growing back from its original root, and now it's right here. all of it is here. it feels good. >> i found scalp med, and now, everything is just peachy keen jelly bean. it's just wonderful. my life is getting back together, and i know it sounds silly, but it's just-- a lot of it is because of my hair. >> there is hope out there, and it's called scalp med, and i'm using it, and i think it's terrific. >> okay, you've heard the science. you've heard from doctors, and you've seen the stories of so many people
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proving how remarkable scalp med really is. there's only one thing left for you to do, of course, and that is try it yourself. now is your chance to get your youthful head of hair back. and the best gift you could ever give a loved one is the chance to get their hair back. this is that chance. and you don't have to take my word for it. as part of this special product launch, call now and find out how you can try two months of scalp med for only 14.95. that's right--get two months towards your new head of hair for only 14.95. and if you're not absolutely thrilled with your new head of hair, simply return the empty bottles. so, if you're ready to start growing your hair back, here's how to order. >> call now and find out how you can try two months of scalp med for only 14.95. that's right--get two months towardyour new head of hair for only 14.95. and if you're currently using a hair-growth product, take the scalp med challenge. simply replace what you're using with scalp med for just t months. you're absolutely 100% guaranteed to be happier with scalp med, or you can use a of it,
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return the empty bottles, and keep the cortex enlarger as a free gift. this offer will never ever be available in ores. ca now and ask about prioty shipping, or for even faster service, visit >> this is jeff norman. he doesn't get health insurance from an employer, so he's been buying it himself for years. he's healthy, so he wonders why his rates keep going up. liz sloan wants health insurance but doesn't think she can afford it. we're assurant health, and we've been customizing plans to meet the needs of individuals for over 110 years. for instance, with our two-year rate guarantee and healthy discount, jeff will get 15% off his rate and lock in that rate for two years. for liz, we offer plans that
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