tv Teen Kids News NBC September 26, 2009 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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teen kids news is about to begin -- here's what's happening. checking the clues, solving the crimes. i'll report on a cool subject some kids are taking in high school. how good are your manners? i'll have a report on things you should know but may be afraid to ask. we've discovered a museum with the most unusual collection of musical devices you've ever seen -- or heard. >> and it all starts right now - on "teen kids news." >> welcome to "teen kids news," i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm jessica. here's our top story for this week.
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>> watching detectives do their thing makes for great tv and movies. it also makes a great class to take in school. after all, forensics is science. felipe reports. >> they look like actual crime scene investigators. but these are teens. they're taking on the csi challenge -- a science competition created by real life detectives. >> what happens in the real world, they're expected to know it and be able to practice it here. >> teams of high school students work together to solve a make believe murder case. >> the actual crime scene is from the roaring '20s. >> a gangster has been shot. investigative teams use forensics to find the person who pulled the trigger. >> if i didn't do biology, i probably wouldn't know what i was doing. >> forensics combines science, math and curiosity to help solve a crime. >> first we number off the evidence that we think is valuable.
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the collectors take the evidence and me and my partner we do the fingerprinting. >> these teens have been studying forensics in high school. they've learnethatngeing a detective is a lot more complicated than looking under a magnifying glass. >> forensics is a lot of thinking outside the box. this is not simply class work and knowledge and memorization and knowing. it's looking for what doesn't belong. what should be here, and isn't here. what's missing. and those are the type of thought processes that a lot of times students have. >> popular tv shows like "csi" have students taking a closer look at forensics. scholastic is hoping its new book series on the subject will get more kids reading, and learning. >> feature interviews with forensic scientists, they get to go behind the scenes with a forensic dentist or criminal profiler or fingerprint examiner and learn about the career. >> the books in "24/7: science behind the scenes" also look at real life cases. believe it or not, a piece of
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cheese can send a robber to jail and it did in texas 1954. >> a convenience store robber took a bite out of a piece of cheese and left it behind. when forensic detectives found the cheese, they had their most valuable piece of evidence. >> because his bite mark was in the cheese, they were able to create a mold and they were able to match that up to his dental records and he was caught, just by a piece of cheese. >> back at the csi challenge, students use the same skills to examine a piece of cheese found at their crime scene. it sounds easier than it looks. >> i'm gonna be honest with you. this is a lot harder than tv. it's a lot of work. they're done in 45 minutes, minus the commercials. this is an all day thing. >> but it's all worth it once the crime is solved. the top scoring schools win more than $200,000 in scholarships. jessica. >> thanks, felipe. the old fashioned light bulb might be making a comeback. in recent years there has been a push towards more energy efficient light sources.
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want to be successful? along with hard work and talent, you also need to know how to make a good impression. as jenna reports, that means minding your manners. >> when it comes to good manners, most of us know the basics. the basics when it comes to manners would be definitely to say "please" and "thank you" and "excuse me." >> good manners can make a big difference in the impression you make. "thank you." "you're welcome." >> i'm glad i was so polite, because that lady is an expert on etiquette. and she's going to give us some tips.
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>> hi. you must be jenna. i'm cindy post senning. >> nice to meet you ms. senning. >> notice i made eye contact, shook hands firmly. and just three shakes were enough before i let go. >> i think they have a table for us over here. >> you can say that cindy post senning has good manners in her genes. her great grandmother was emily post -- america's most famous authority on proper etiquette. >> it started she grew up in new york city and was a part of society. in new york city during her time, she looked into customs and manners of the time and figured out what was really essential and wound up with an 800 page book that was way more than what she expected. >> part five of that book covers dining and entertaining. and the dreaded formal dining table.
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all these plates and glasses. how do i know which one's mine? >> cindy post senning -- >> the pat answer is well your bread plate is the one on your left. but you might not remember that and you might be seated at a table like this and not be sure which one is yours and i have a little trick for you. you just take your thumb and you index finger of each hand. make a circle like you're making an okay sign put your other finger straight up. tell me what letter that looks like -- >> "b." >> sure and that "b" would stand for bread. which would be the side your bread plate is on. your other hand now looks like a -- "d." and that would be for drink and those are your drinks on your right hand side just up above your knife and spoon. >> you can even do the "b" and "d" in your lap if you don't want anyone at the table to see. so is there anything i need to know about eating soup? >> first off when you eat your
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soup you do spoon away. people think that's awfully silly but it's just so you don't dump the spoon in your lap if you happen to slip. and the same thing goes with tipping the bowl. people often ask if we can tip the bowl to get the last bite or two when we're at the end of it. you would want to tip away from you so you wouldn't tip into your lap by mistake if you slipped. >> spaghetti is a favorite for a lot of kids. but how do you eat it without making a mess? >> it's sort of a nice dish you can have. there are three ways you can eat spaghetti. one grab a few noodles and twirl them against the side of your plate. or two twirl against a spoon. >> now the final way is to simply cut a bite size piece with the side of your fork. cut them down to she are a manageable size. here i have a nice bite size piece i can pop into my mouth
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>> between bites, put your utensils on a plate, not on the table. and -- >> at the end of the meal, when you're finished place your fork and spoon as if it says 20 past four on a clock. and that's a cue to the waiter that you're done eating. >> you can learn more about these do's and don'ts, at >> all of these rules make etiquette seem so stiff. is it really like that? >> it really isn't, and you know it isn't really isn't all about these rules. the important thing is that you have a good time and that you enjoy each others company. >> after all, good manners is really about being considerate. i'll get this. >> oh no, i'm the one who invited you. and the one who does the inviting does the paying. >> and never argue with your elders. okay! i'm jenna for "teen kids news."
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>> time to play guess the president. you get four clues and 20 seconds to check your knowledge of white house history. without much formal education, he became a lawyer in his teens. as a major general in the war of 1812 he defeated the british in the battle of new orleans. he killed a man in a duel for insulting his wife. his supporters became the modern democratic party. and when they partied to celebrate andrew jackson's victory washington was shocked at the mess they made at the white house. but our 7th president was a popular reformer, the first frontier man to lead the country. after two terms, he gave a farewell speech warning against paper money. that's ironic because nowadays you see him on every $20 bill. >> hey, sports is next so don't go away!
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she invented the two handed backhand and is a tennis hall of famer. now, she's teaching teens how to rule the court. joey has more -- >> lots of kids like to play tennis, but there's a big difference between shining at your school or club or local park and hitting the world stage. that's why these players come here to the evert tennis academy, in boca raton, florida. it was started by tennis champion chris evert and her brother john. >> we both are partners in this academy and we just wanted to give back. and where i can help is my wisdom, because i've been on the tournament tour, i know how to deal with pressure, i know how to deal with what happens on a big point during a match. >> that expertise comes from years of experience. chris started playing professional tennis when she was just 16. since then, she's won 18 grand slam titles. and was ranked the number 1 female player in the world
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seven times. she says the key to becoming great is dedication. >> you have to work on technique, mentally you have to work on staying calm and how you react to pressure, what advice would i give? if you really want it then you dedicate yourself to it. >> even when they're not at the academy, these students are working hard on their game. >> i play all week, except mondays and i play usually three hours a day and do fitness for maybe an hour and a half. when i'm not playing tournaments as much anything from two to four hours of tennis and one to two hours of fitness. >> but don't worry if you don't want to go pro, chris says you can still find a place at the academy. >> any type of player can come, i mean you can come in the summer, you can come for a week even if you're a beginner, you can come if you're an intermediate or an advanced. >> as chris evert says, you don't have to be a champion to enjoy this sport.
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>> this report is brought to you by dreamworks animation susan murphy is the beautiful blushing bride-to-be whose world gets turned upside down right before the "i do's." >> susan, you're glowing! >> the trouble starts after susan is hit by a meteorite filled with a rare and powerful element. it mysteriously causes her to grow into a giant! >> what's happening to me? >> the military captures the ginormous girl.
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>> but i'm not a monster, i'm just a regular person! i'm not a danger to anyone or anything! >> stuck in a secret government compound, susan discovers she's not alone. >> gentlemen, i'm afraid we're not making a very good first impression. >> at least i'm talking! >> first new monster in years. can't we get a wolfman or mummy, you know just someone to play cards with! >> bonding time is cut short when the monsters are needed to defend the earth. >> welcome, we are here to destroy you. >> i can't fight that thing. i can't even -- i'm never -- i'm hyperventilating! does anyone have a giant paper bag? >> but it doesn't take long for susan to embrace her new identity and help save the world from alien invaders. "monsters vs. aliens" the box office smash breaks-out on dvd and blu-ray september 29th.
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and, there's more available the world premiere of an all-new 3d adventure, "b.o.b.'s big break." >> i'm benzalyine bi-carbonate or you can call me b.o.b., whichever's easier! >> b.o.b. is back and funnier than ever in monstrous 3d as he and his sidekicks try to escape from the crazy general w.r. monger. >> it's going to be the best day ever! >> for "teen kids news," i'm elizabeth. >> it's time for word! test your vocabulary by finding the real definition amid the fakes. let's start with "excess." does it mean -- to delete or remove? or is it a noun that means failure, the opposite of success? or an amount or action beyond what's necessary? excess is an amount or action beyond what's necessary. as in, "kids news displays an excess of talent." now let's try adamant.
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a male insect inflexible? or a very hard material? actually adamant can be both a noun meaning a very hard material and an adjective meaning inflexible. you could say "she's as adamant as adamant about her opinions." but would you want to? now, uncanny it means either non-metallic container weird and mysterious or not from cannes in france. uncanny means weird and mysterious. it's just uncanny that you got that one right! let's review, "excess" -- an amount or action beyond what's necessary. "adamant" -- inflexible or a very hard material. "uncanny" -- weird and mysterious. and that's word for this week!
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[whistle blowing] visit... girl: my name is emily, and in 7 years... i'll be an alcoholic. all: hi, emily. announcer: kids who drink before age 15 are 5 times more likely to have alcohol problems when they're adults. so start talking before they start drinking. [baby coos] when life's this hard, graduating can be even harder. but you can help jose and the students in your community make it through by visiting
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that's it. >> time for one of our reports on "cool moves." this one is being tested at england's heathrow airport. it's called p.r.t., for personal rapid transit. the battery powered car takes you from terminal to terminal along its own guided track. it's kind of like a taxi with no driver. >> you might have been to a museum that features history, art or science. but erika found a museum that moves to a different tune. >> in this museum is one of the world's largest, and most unusual collections of mechanical devices and figures. murtogh guinness was the person who collected all these objects. there are over 750 mechanical musical instruments and automata.
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>> so what exactly is an automaton and what is a mechanical musical instrument? and what is the difference between the two? >> okay, an automaton is an animated figure, a person or an animal. and the word automaton comes from the greek automatose -- self-moving. so that helps explain it a little bit. a mechanical instrument is really a regular instrument that operates automatically. >> mr. guinness's wish was that his entire collection go to a museum, like this one when he died. he wanted the public to be able to enjoy it as much as he had. of course, with such a huge collection, not every item can be displayed at once. >> right here in this exhibition we have about 150 objects on view. instruments and automata were really were created for entertainment. you have to think back to before ipods, and cds and radios. and now, we have music everywhere. but, there was a time when, if people wanted music, they had to play it themselves, or they had to sing a song.
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>> this certainly is a good way to avoid becoming a couch potato! >> the characters that you can find in the world of 19th century automata are just vast and amazing. we've got entertainers like musicians, gymnasts, magicians, cooks and teachers, seamstresses, we have animals, crocodiles, lions, bears, rabbits, lots and lots of monkeys that are dressed up like little aristocrats from the 18th century. so it's just vast subject matter. >> music is a technology that's ancient. there was baron von kemplen in germany, who made a famous chess playing automata that travelled the world, and played end games of chess against very famous individuals, including napoleon. >> this violin-piano combination is just incredible, and one of my favorites.
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just imagine how difficult it must have been to design a machine consisting of two different instruments that play songs in harmony with one another! >> can you please show us how some of these musical devices work? >> sure, i'd be pleased to. this first piece is very similar to what mr. guinness started his collection with that his mother bought in paris, france -- it's a pop up singing bird. you move the little lever to the side. >> i've brought some other component parts on the larger size automata. this is similar to the type of clockwork motor you'd find on the inside of the body, or inside, hidden in the base compartment. there's a spring driven motor that you wind up, and the governor controlled the speed, and you'd have shafts turning different cam. and these cams are cut pieces of brass that show different profiles. they actually control the animations -- whether the head
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turns from side to side, the arms move. i've brought a few different component parts from automata, including this head which shows you to a certain degree what the animations are. simple linkages on the inside that, when pulled by the cams and levers down below, make the eyelids blink. >> in the comb of a music box, a typical swiss music box, this is a similar old original comb, in sad shape, that doesn't have the rest of its box now. but it shows you the individual teeth much like a keyboard on a piano. the smaller ones are treble, the very high notes, and it goes down to the base notes, which actually have added weights on the bottom, to get deep down low notes. and these teeth are actually plucked by a rotating cylinder. and here's an example of a cylinder with very fine pins. that hold musical programming.
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this is a typical cylinder music box, using that same technology. this dates from about 1865, made in geneva, switzerland. >> whoever said good things come in small packages must have seen this exhibit! >> we're very proud, because, to see a collection of this caliber, this wonderful, this depth, you'd have to go to japan or europe. but it's also a fantastic way to learn about the past. these are really like time capsules. they're like windows onto time and they help us understand how people in the past experienced, listened to, loved music and animation, and had it in their very own homes. >> with more than 150 musical machines in here, i could keep myself entertained all day long! for "teen kids news," i'm erika. >> that's all for now, but we'll be back soon with more "teen kids news." >> thanks for joining us, and have a great week!
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