tv Teen Kids News NBC December 5, 2009 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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begin. here's what's happening. celebrities can be victims, and so can you. i'll tell you how to recognize relationship abuse. we'll visit a town where people are singing for a cause, to fight cancer. i'll introduce you to a different type of duck! do you want to be the first one to get those concert tickets? stay tuned. join me on a college tour, and find out what you should be looking for! >> and it all starts right now
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en "teen kids news." >> welcome to "teen kids news", i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm jessica. here's our top story for this week. when it happens to celebrities, it makes headlines. but violence in relationships happens every day, everywhere. felipe reports on what's called relationship abuse, and what to do about it. >> i have one friend, and she went out with this guy for a year, and he abused her. it started off slow at first. you know, throwing, grabbing, shaking. >> he became physically abusive with me a few months after we had begun dating. >> here's the sad fact.
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57% of teens know someone who has been abusive in a dating relationship. that means physical abuse, and hurtful words, too. >> there's also emotional abuse, where you can talk to somebody and make them feel very bad and stuff. >> constantly telling someone that they're worthless, they're ugly, they are fat, skinny, whatever the situation may be. >> one apparently abusive relationship made headlines. the rihanna-chris brown story was especially disturbing. we look at them as role models, and who we want to be and who we want to become. shockingly, follow up surveys found a lot of teens blamed the victim, saying she must have provoked an attack. that's the kind of thinking programs like this one are trying to change. the healthy teen relationships conference featured advice from teens who found their way out of bad situations. >> i really hope they wouldn't make the mistake that i did, that they wouldn't hold it all inside, that they would be able to find help from any place they could get it.
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could get it. don't ever be afraid to speak up. you know, definitely do what you have to do to get out of it. >> there are women in this video, but we refer to them as girls. >> the conference also explored the way teens are surrounded by unhealthy messages. >> how does a male introduce somebody he's dating? >> girl. >> this is my girl. how does she introduce him? >> he's a man. >> this is my man -- not equal! >> the students also learned about how to recognize abuse and to realize that boys can be victims, too. >> the warning signs for relationship abuse are any kind of controlling behavior. when one person wants to control the other person, wants to tell them who to hang out with, what to wear, how to act, when they are calling them constantly wanting to know what they're doing and who they're with and
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when they're going to be there. >> the teens here are peer leaders who will bring what they learn back to their own high schools. and they say they have learned a lot. >> today's conference about relationships was a life-changing thing. a lot of my friends, they are not in healthy relationships, so i wanted to come see how it's -- how a healthy relationship should work. a healthy relationship is based on equality, and an unhealthy relationship is based on power and control. >> here's some good news. there are a lot of places teens can turn if they, or someone they know, is in an abusive relationship. you'll find links to more info on our "teen kids news" website. thanks, felipe. you may have heard that more kids are overweight these days. but you might not be aware of one of the reasons. crime. an international study found that the more parents worry about the safety of their neighborhoods, the more they keep their kids indoors. that means more tv, more snacking and less exercise. >> stay with us. there's lots more still to come
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another take? revlon doubletwist mascara. a revolutionary 2-in-1 applicator that combines a thickening brush with separating combs for massive volume and remarkable definition. revlon doubletwist mascara. it's worth a double take. cancer is a terrible disease. it claims the life of one person every minute. but a connecticut teen is working to change that statistic. siena has the story. ♪ ♪ >> what do these celebs and
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these teens have in common? they're all singing for a cause -- to fight cancer. nicole giusti is on a mission. she's the driving force behind her town's commitment to finding a cure. >> my personal connection to cancer is mainly my mom, because she has multiple myeloma, which is like a blood cancer. over the years, nicole saw her mom go through the challenge of chemo therapy and the joy of seeing the cancer go away. >> nicole has always been aware of cancer, having grown up with a mom that has it, but i think that over time she also saw the impact it had on her friends. >> one of my closest friends, molly, lost her dad to a brain tumor last year. so that was, like, really hard on her. >> that's why nicole joined forces with her classmates to do something about it. they hosted a community concert to raise awareness about the disease.
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they called it "one town one voice." >> one town one voice is kind of like showing our support for our town like coming together as a community, but the proceeds from it are going to stand up to cancer. >> "stand up to cancer" was established to raise money to help accelerate the pace of groundbreaking research that will get new treatments to patients more quickly and save lives. >> students from every school in new canaan pitched in. some sold stars commemorating cancer patients. some performed. others read testimonials about their loved ones. >> over the past year, i've watched my family struggle with this tragedy and realized how much we need to appreciate each other everyday. >> even a special song was commissioned for the event. >> we wanted to write a song that would pull people together in the town and unify the town and have it be something that would emotionally lead up to raising money for a great cause. ♪
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raising money for a great cause. in all, 200 teens participated in the concert! >> and just knowing that so many people care and so many people want to help, it just feels amazing. >> now that's something to sing about. president rutherford b. hayes became president in 1877. he and his wife lucy had a big family, and a brand new invention called a "telephone." >> the rutherford b hayes' had one of the first phones in america. it was the first phone in the white house. and their phone number was kind of easy to remember. it was the number one. >> the hayes family also started a white house tradition by moving the annual easter egg roll from capitol hill. originally the egg roll was
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called "the capitol egg roll" and eventually they cancelled it because it was ruining the grass. >> there was all this stuff wrong with it. and so the hayes continued the tradition, except for on the white house lawn. >> and more than 130 years later the eggs still roll on the white house lawn every spring. i'm lily for "teen kids news." sports is next, so don't go away!
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it's a sport that's been around since the 1800s, but as tyler tells us, it took a long time to become popular. >> that's right, mwanzaa. we're talking about synchronized swimming. in the 1940s the sport was introduced to the world through a series of popular hollywood movies starring ester williams. but it wasn't until 1984 that it became an olympic sport. meet the westfield aquaducks. they're a competitive team of synchronized swimmers. the girls turn this into this.
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don't be fooled. it's not as easy as it looks. the workouts are intense. >> we're in the weight room, we go downstairs and use the treadmills, the bikes, stair- steppers and we do lots of laps and sprints in the pool. >> imagine holding your breath and running up and down the stairs five or six times. its very difficult. >> i'm dead tired sometimes. but the hard work is worth it. once you get in it, there's like no way to get out. you just learn to love it so much, and it's so much fun. >> so what is synchronized swimming anyway? swimming anyway? synchronized swimming is gymnastics, it's flexibility, it's endurance, it's ballet and competitive swimming. all of that pretty much wrapped
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up into one sport. >> one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. >> the complicated routines require so much practice, the swimmers run through the moves before they even get wet. >> what you see them doing behind me is land drilling, where they go through their routines on land which helps them remember it. then they hit the pool. >> to help them with their breath control, the girls do some serious training in the water. >> we do four overs and unders -- which is a lap under water, you flip, turn, you come up. you do a lap of freestyle and you flip turn and go under. you flip turn and go under. the hardest thing about synchronized swimming would have to be holding your breath for that long while your moving so much under water. the girls can compete in up to three events at a meet. there's the solo competition, the duet, the trio or they can compete with the entire team. >> synchronized swimming is scored on a lot of different things, when you're swimming your routine they're looking for your execution, they're looking for how you're performing
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something, what your height is, how much of your body is outside of the water. a ten is the perfect score you can get the olympics very rarely but sometimes get 10s. >> keeping the beat with the music is also key. >> we have underwater speakers, so we hear the music b.them they're really loud, and then we have speakers above us so that when we come up from the water we can hear it, too. >> but, it's not just about precision. the girls have to look good while they're competing, too. >> well, in our hair is knox gelatin, which is, you know, you just make jello out of it, add hot water. we put our hair up in a bun and just kind of coat it up and just keep going so it keeps our hair back when we're in the water, so it's not all in our face. and we look good. and for make up, we usually just wear waterproof make up. >> and although there's no technical rule about smiling, the girls says it helps. >> it's just easier to smile when you're doing something really hard, it just takes your
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mind off it. >> i don't know if i could smile through those routines! i'm tyler, and that's sports for this week! new studies found millions of kids have levels of vitamin d that are too low. that puts them at risk for bone problems. part of the solution, getting outdoors more. sunlight is a great source of vitamin d.
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when families start thinking about college, quite often they hit the road. nicole says you can get a lot out of seeing a college in person, if you know what to look for. here's her report on college and you. >> these college students are walking backwards for a good cause. getting you to know their school. all around the country, college tour guides show off the highlights of their campuses. most people on the tour also
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attend an information session at the admissions office. but then they head outside for the inside scoop. >> to be able to paint this rock, you have to be able to stand out here from midnight one night, to the next. and after midnight you can then paint the rock. >> taking a tour of any university or college gives you a great perspective on what student life is going to be. student life includes not only life inside the classroom, but life outside the classroom. >> of course, you can find a lot of information from websites. but a picture can't show you what it actually feels like to be there. >> that's actually an important thing, i think, for students to realize when they're walking around a college campus is to sort of imagine what it would be like to be here, what kind of vibes and sensations you are getting back. >> okay, i'm going on the tour. what advice would you give me? >> i would definitely tell you to be aware of your surroundings. look at the buildings, ask questions about areas that
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you're interested in. >> questions such as what does a dorm room looks like? and how's the food in the cafeteria? of course, tour guides can tell you about academic life, too. >> they can answer some questions about classes, about professors. they can talk to them about what it's like to live on campus. really gives a good feel for what it's like to be a student there. >> they're informative, entertaining and they're the face of the school for potential applicants. so tour guides are chosen very carefully. it's not an easy job. >> you have to think on your feet, you have to be able to deal with over involved parents, you have to know a lot about the school and be excited about being here because otherwise, you know people won't buy it for a second if you're faking. >> taking a tour helps you focus on other things to consider when choosing a school. for example, do you like cold weather? or is warm weather more your style? if it's possible, try to see a college when classes are in session. that way you can see other students and even sit in on a
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class. >> the best time to take a tour is probably either the spring of your junior year, the summer just before your senior year, or the fall of your senior year. >> does it hurt your chances of getting in if you don't take the tour? >> absolutely not. for some students it's easy to get here for others it's hard so we don't hold it against a student if they haven't been able to visit campus. >> that's a good point. the school of your dreams might be many miles away. so if your family is visiting a different part of the country you might want to check out a college there, even if you're only just starting high school. and don't be shy about asking questions. remember, the tour guides want you to admire their school, and if you wind up attending, that means they've done their jobs well. >> it's really cool, because when you run into people that you've actually given tours to, and it's an example of the fact that you actually made a difference in somebody's college decision that they actually chose to come here in the end. >> here's some advice from
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friends who have already been through the process. as soon as you can, after you've finished your tour, write down your impressions. don't rely on your memory. after you've been to three or four schools, it's hard to remember specifics about each of them. it's time to play word! pick out what's true from among the false definitions. start with this word -- bipartisan. it means either an actor who plays both male and female roles. representing or supporting two parties. or an artist who uses only black and white paint. >> bipartisan means representing or supporting two parties. as in "the candidate received bipartisan support because she was the only one running." how about this adjective -- pre-emptive. it means either ready to be emptied. pertaining to the geologic era
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between 2 and 3 million b.c. or acting to prevent or replace something that's expected. pre-emptive means acting to prevent or replace something that's expected. i thought my classmate might cheat so i covered my paper as a preemptive measure. and how about porous? full of holes or pores. continually flowing. or needy as in "poor us." >> porous means full of holes or pores. get plenty of calcium or your bones will be thin and porous! to review, bipartisan -- representing or supported by two parties. pre-emptive -- taking action to prevent something that's expected. porous -- full of holes or pores. and that's word for this week! hey, mark. hey, mark. hey. where've you been? i lost my cat. aw. that's not right. yeah. so i made this cat magnet to try and get him back.
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>> there's nothing worse than finding out that your favorite band is in town after the tickets are all sold out. keep on top of things with a website called it allows you to see when and where the hottest concerts are taking place. on top of that, the site can scan the music you have on itunes, see what bands you like and tell you when those groups are performing nearby. all you have to do is worry about what t-shirt to wear to the show. for more information, you can visit here's something your mom won't want to hear. researchers found that when you hurt yourself, swearing actually helps sooth the pain. but they didn't check whether it also works to just say "ouch" really loudly. some friends went out fishing in florida. they got more than they wanted, when a shark jumped into their boat. the creature was almost six feet long and the boat was small.
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but the friends were able to put a rope around the shark's tail and throw it back. this is one case of being glad the big one got away. >> this report is brought to you by ralph lauren. >> what's one of the most difficult things about finding the right gift? >> i know a lot of my family members don't like to get the wrong gift and they feel insulted if we get them something that's not meaningful. >> you don't want to feel like you're the person who's giving the gift that everyone else gives. so it's hard to think of a creative gift but something that the person would still like. >> i love shopping, but for other people, yeah, it's hard to go from store to store. >> ralph lauren has a great gift giving idea. it's unique, and you won't have to run around to find it. >> we're really excited about our ralph lauren custom shop. it's available at and it basically offers a wide variety of engraving service, monogramming as well as embroidery. the create your own is a new feature that we're excited about that enables you to customize basically anything you purchase
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on the site. different colors, different shapes, logos. there's also five different monogramming options that are available. that's exactly what danielle is doing. >> i wanted to create a shirt for my dad, and i wanted to do something more than just simply take it off the rack or shelf. >> by logging on to, danielle is designing a classic fit create your own flag polo. and she's using some elements that are important to her dad. >> i used the italian flag so that it would remind him of the summers that we used to spend in italy. >> once she clicks on her order, the shirt will be made exactly as she wants it, at the ralph lauren high point facility in north carolina. items ship from the warehouse within two to four days. >> by holiday shopping online, you have a lot less hassle and a lot more time for homework. i'm carina for "teen kids news." good-bye. that's all for now, but we'll be back soon with more "teen kids news." >> thanks for joining us, and have a great week.
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