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tv   Today  NBC  February 27, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning. breaking news. a massive earthquake strikes chile this morning with a magnitude of 8.8. tsunamis have been triggered and there deaths, injuries and destruction to report. we will have the latest. snowed in after a record busting winter storm clobbers the northeast. it's a weekend of digging out with the threat of another storm on the way. a polo 8 disqualified and bounces back in another and extending his mark as the most decorated winter olympian this
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february 27th, 2010. >> announcer: this is a special edition of "today" at the winter games with lester holt live from vancouver, british columbia and amy robach live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. covering the final weekend of the winter olympics. >> i'm amy robach here in new york at studio 1 a. a major story unfolding in chile. a magnitude 8.8 earthquake in the middle of the night forcing people from their beds and taking cover. >> we are also hearing word of tsunamis. we should point out here covering this final weekend of the games, there was tremendous interest in what happened. we will visit with the athletes,
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but the big story will remain this earthquake in chile and the aftermath. >> they declared a state of catastrophe and early reports put the death toll at over 70. they fear the number will keep growing as daylight takes over and they can assess the damage and what they are facing. buildings have collapsed as far away as santiago, 200 miles from the epicenter. there have been 25 aftershocks from 5.2 to 6.9. the quake triggered a tsunami, warnings have been issued along the coast of south america and hawaii is under a tsunami warning as well. it's affecting a tremendous amount of people. >> the anchor of telemundo has been following developments. good to see you. looking at the pictures, it looks like the old buildings have been damaged.
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i know you have been to santiago. can you give us a sense for the construction, modern versus older buildings? >> good morning to you. the best way of comparing santiago, the capital about 136 miles north of where this city of concepcion. it's similar to a paris or london, an old city with monumental buildings. the city was founded in 1550. that gives you an idea of how long people have been living in these areas. concepcion is a city known as being the college town of chile. four universities are there and a number of different programs and universities throughout the world with exchange students and i was speaking to a source about
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five minutes ago telling me they have been able to speak with family in the capital of santiago and some of their family, young people were heading in a car to concepcion overnight and they haven't been able to reach them. it's not unusual in an earthquake. the president declared an area of disaster. chile sits smack dab in the middle of the circle of fire. the reason it's called that is about 80% of all of the earthquakes that occur day in and day out around the world occur in this area. santiago and chile had a number of earthquakes in their history. some larger than others. the largest recorded in recent times in 1960, a 9 on the richter scale. they are used to earthquakes, although nobody can get used to an earthquake. the fact is that the newer construction is all been handled
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under a strict code. for example, the earthquake in january in haiti which was a 7 on the richter scale killed 200,000 people. so far it's 78 deaths. this number, trust me, is going to grow. >> these are very early pictures, most of them before the sun came up. we expect to learn a lot more quickly. thank you for checking in. amy, back to you in studio 1 a. >> lester, thanks. jen ross is based in santiago and felt the earthquake and the many aftershocks and joins us on the phone. you are from the epicenter and felt the impact of the earthquake. me where you were and what happened. >> we live here in the capital and santiago got about 7.5.
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the epicenter was further south in the city of concepcion where it was about 8.5. it was quite strong. we were asleep in bed and it hit at 3:34 in the morning. the bed started to shake and tremors are quite usual. santiago is a seismic city. i thought it was a tremor and soon my husband said oh, my god, it's an earthquake. we could hear things falling in the living room and i ran out of the room to my daughter's room to pick her up and we stood in the door frame which is the emergency plan that you are always taught about and we never had to use. it was really scary at that point because you are in a door frame and the whole apartment is shaking and the walls are moving and the floor is moving and you can hear things falling all-around you. everything is dark because the
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electricity went out and it lasted a long time. for an earthquake it was about three minutes of shaking. >> i can't imagine what that must be like living through three minutes probably felt like three hours. i know daylight is just breaking, but have you had a chance to assess the damage in and around where you live? >> yes. the first thing we could see because we have emergency lights in the apartment in case of something like this. there were cracks in the walls of our apartment. downstairs in the lobby, there chunks of ceiling that has fallen on to the floor and cracks in the wall, but pieces of concrete. all buildings here are made with concrete and are built to with stand earthquakes. that doesn't mean there won't be damage. there is structural damage, but our building is fine and
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withstood the last earthquake in 1985. other buildings around the city in santiago we have been hearing had more danger than have actually completely collapsed. that's not usual. particularly in a country that is built for strong earthquakes. further south of course the damage increases. two hours further down from santiago there is a city that is about halfway between the capital and the epicenter. downtown core has been shaken to the ground essentially. >> i want to ask you about the aftershocks. i know there have been dozens. how bad are they and how is your family faring? i know you said you have a baby. how is your family handling this? >> my daughter was obviously really shaken during the
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earthquake itself. she was talking and talking about things falling and we were able to get her back to sleep. she just woke up now so she slept through the aftershocks. there has only been one stronger and that he was recently in the last half hour or so. the rest of them you kind of wait. you feel it shaking and we say it's shaking and look at each other to see if this is one where we have to make a dart for the door frame or our daughter's room. it's really monto have a lot of anxiety about shaking after an earthquake. it will keep shaking for the next few days. we know that. in fact, it's pretty common that after a major earthquake you can feel like it's shaking even after it isn't. >> we wish you and your family the best. thank you for talking with us. we are glad everybody is okay.
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>> thank you. >> let's turn to ginger we have. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. when you have an earthquake there is often tsunamis and warnings. warnings now for hawaii. it's close to home here. all shores will be affected. the estimated arrival time just after 11:00 hawaiian standard time. when you have a warning in any type of weather, it is imminent. we will be watching that. advisories issued for the california coast. this is going to reach all the way up and create havoc. moving on, we will of course track the indicators throughout the morning, but it's good to know how this happens. after an earthquake starts, the energy pushes up and the earth goes like this. it moves and energy rushes up to
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the surface. you don't see a wave first, but once it hits the incline in the beach, that's where the huge wave comes from. that's a brief explainer and we will be tracking more on the tsunami and the earthquake too. >> let's head to the news desk where melissa francis has more headlines. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the latest on the record-setting storm that pounded the northeast on friday. nbc is live in new york's central park with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, melissa. record-setting snowfall amounts throughout the region here in central park as well. 20 inches. it's all very pretty and it's also a burden, making life around here for millions very difficult. it's the 4th major snowstorm in a month and one more the region didn't need. across the new york area, people struggle to keep up with the falling snow.
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in the north, heavy snowfall took out power lines across the northeast, leaving more than a million without electricity. travel was treacherous. a 20-mile stretch of i-84 was at a stand still for hours, strappeding hundreds of motorists in their cars. >> we haven't moved an inch and it's over 15 hours. >> you never know what to expect. you always have to be open for anything. >> the major airlines were in business, but more than 1,000 flights were canceled at new york and new jersey's three airports n. hampton, new hampshire, firefighters continued at the scene of a blaze fuelled by winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour. it destroyed an entire block. no one was injured. all this comes at a huge cost for cash-strapped towns and cities with snow removal budgets in the millions. >> we anticipated $11.5 million. we will easily go over $15
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milli million. >> some meat the best of it. back here in new york, more than a million school kids got a head start on the weekend. >> i just want it to snow for two weeks long. >> reporter: the 4th time in six years new york public schools were closed. today it's all about the clean up, but with the record-setting snowfall aims it could take some people days to clean up and get back to normal. melissa? >> it is beautiful at least. thank you so much. seaworld will reopen their killer whale show for the first time since a trainer was killed on wednesday. animal handlers will no longer swim with the orcas until an investigation into what happened complete. the funeral for dawn brancheau will be held on monday. a week after announcing he would run for reelection, david paterson is calling it kwits. a newspaper report criticized
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involvement in a domestic abuse case with an aide. he said he did nothing wrong. he took office when eliot spitzer resigned in a prostitution scandal. now back to amy and ginger. >> ginger sze is back with a check on the forecast. you have a lot to talk about. >> i have been blessed in the weather world, but not for everyone else. this storm is put down by the earthquake and tsunami warnings, but we had a storm and it's sitting on top of the tri-state area. it is not producing that much. we have scattered showers and the breeziness will give us a break on monday. believe it or not, another storm headed this way by the time we reach wednesday. mountain snows and rain going to be a problem with the tsunami advisories for southern californ
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>> a lot of clouds today. temperatures are close to 40 for the high and we will probably in the northeast, breaks of sun between the snow showers. 41 for new york city. we will continue to watch the storm in the northeast and we will continue to give you earthquake and tsunami warnings. >> lester here in vancouver and we'll cover that, but there is other news we are watching. a lot of americans following a big night for team usa in vancouver. bring us up to date, jim. >> only two days of real competition left. the race for the medals is on
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and once again american short track speed skater a polo ohno was making history. >> he is racing for his 8th and he is in the 3rd. >> ohno anchored the relay team into 3rd place for the bronze behind south korea. earlier ohno could have won another silver in the 500 meter race and was disqualified by judges who ruled that the american caused this crash, pushing the canadian in front of him. he disagrees, but accepted it. >> my hand is up to protect myself from running into the back of him. it's like a cushion. the usa tied the winter olympics record by germany in 2002 in salt lake. with records, he broke his own
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record as the most decorated o limp yen in u.s. sports. the race for gold is a four-way battle between canada, germany, the u.s. and norway. the athlete everyone is still talking about only won the bronze. canadian figure skater joanny pulled off the skate of her life days after her mother died of a heart attack. she said her mother would have been proud. >> she raised me to have that strength and go through anything in life and proved it to me by what happened here this week. >> in men's hockey, they brushed finland and canada held on to set up the dream gold medal final, canada versus the united states on sunday. >> one nation conspicuously ab cent for a gold is russia way
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down the tables list with only three gold medals so far, triggering rage from russian politicians and fans back home. >> thank you very much. we have special guests here who have stopped by in the shadow of the cauldron. the short track relay and they won bronze earlier this week. good morning to all of you and congratulations. this is the first time you have seen the cauldron. how does that happen? >> it's a lot of away, but this is the best view you could ask for. being this close is incredible. it lights the olympic spirit. >> let me mention to you, you have two medals. you won the silver in the 1,000 medal. incredible race. what were your thoughts? >> i was so ex-static that it worked out the way it did. i felt like it was the first time in the olympics and i felt in control like i was racing my
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race. >> let's talk about the relay. you guys finally medaled in a sport that has been difficult. >> it is hard to medal in the relay because everything is at your top speed. any passes made they have to be perfect or else there is a good chance something can go wrong. >> things do go wrong. you thought you were in 4th place. me what happened. how did you end up with the bronze? >> korea ended up getting disqualified and they crossed the line first. when the race was done, we had our heads down and thinking what just happened? this past year we have come away with silvers and bronze and then we went to our coaches afterwards and we were sitting there waiting for the final standings and they called that korea was disqualified and usa got bronze. i cried and i laughed and --
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>> what's that like? the south koreans weren't happen. there was controversy, but that happens. >> that's definitely the sport. that's the nature of the sport. we have been in races where we have fallen and gotten disqualified, but i think every country feels at times they get call and disqualified for something they didn't think was a good call. >> give me a senz of what in the village is like. 32 medals is incredibly well. is it big party? >> it is. it's amazing. everyone has a medal almost. everybody worked so hard and we are all excite and worked hard for it. we are all very happy and everybody is very supportive and it goes up and down and training and back and forth. it's all very supportive. >> are you coming back in 2014. >> yes, definitely. >> listen, congratulations.
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will you be here for the closing? >> yes. >> we will see you. congratulations again. >> thanks. >> let's go back in studio 1 a. >> the white house social secretary is stepping down. rogers was criticized in november ann uninnovated couple managed to crash the first state dinner. savannah guthrie has more. >> reporter: 14 months after making a glamorous entrance, white house social secretary desiree rogers is exiting. >> desiree came to the president and the first lady to give them her decision. >> reporter: a long time personal friend from chicago, rogers was an accomplished business woman and harvard mba when tapped to run the social office, telling the "wall street journal," we have the best brand on earth. the obama brand.
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the possibilities are endless. >> these jobs are tiring. no one can put a time limit on how long is enough time. >> reporter: organizing 300 events including an awards ceremony at the white house, she gets a high profile, posing for vogue after arriving and attending new york fashion week and the state dinner was poised to be her greatest success story. until -- the saga of uninvited guests accidentally admitted by the secret service exposed her in social office procedures. testifying none of her staff were at the check points that night. >> if somebody at the office did it the way they had in the past, they wouldn't have gotten in. >> washington counts society pages, calling for her resignation noting she attended
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as a guest. >> she had come to washington with sleeves rolled up, but not anticipating the rough treatment. >> reporter: the contenders to replace rogers is the chief of staff to the trade representative. for today, savannah guthrie, nbc news, the white house. >> a polo's
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apolo an ton ohno live, local, latebreaking. >> good morning. it is 7:26. here's a look at our top
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stories. no word this morning said a suspect and carjacking in northeast baltimore. it happened around 2:30 friday morning in the 1300 block of stone what road. police say a 23 year-old man shot in the chest during the attack. he was dressed to johns hopkins hospital. he was listed in critical condition. the rural services were held yesterday for the security guard killed last weekend in downtown baltimore. police say 37 year-old james ball was on duty at the bank of america plaza in downtown charles street when he tried to start -- stop a fight. one of the people in the fight pulled down and fired. police have no leads in this case. a maryland mayor his two dogs were killed in a raid on his home can proceed in his lawsuit. back in july 2008, a swat team
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raided his home after smuggler sent a package containing marijuana into this town. officer shot and killed the family's two dogs. police later cleared him and his family of any wrongdoing. he is mayor of berwyn heights. local health officials are preparing for a third wave of the h1n1 buyers by offering free of flu shot. the vaccination clinics open this morning at 10:00 and run until 4:00. they're open to the public. if you live in baltimore county any transportation, you'll be provided free of charge. to find the super saturday clinic nearest you, go to our web site. stay with us, we come back, we
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>> our temperatures are right around 30 degrees. the storm is still spinning over new england. snow showers still over our area. flurries and snow showers still in the forecast for this morning. take a look at what the satellite picture with the map shows. here is the low pressure center. it will actually move backward during the day today and get it centered over connecticut. it is not really going anyplace and we remain on the edge of that storm. in other storm to our south heads out to sea. today's forecast statewide, clouds, some sunbreaks. we still have a chance for a snow shower in the area. heavier snow is out in western
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maryland. highs are near 40. >> thank you for joining us. we will have another update in 25 minutes. we are back on this saturday morning, this 27th day of february, 2010 with a look at the name burning brightly in downtown vancouver. i'm amy robach in studio 1a. coming up on today, we have breaking news. a massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck central chile early saturday, shaking the capital for over a minute. buildings have collapsed and phone lines and electricity are down. people are wandering the streets right now. at least 78 people were killed, but the number is expected to
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grow. there tsunami warnings as far away as hawaii, the south pacific, australia, and asia. we will talk with an eyewitness to the earthquake this a bit. >> reporter: it has been a tsunami so be on the warning for it. we are trying to figure out where it will hit. my youngest son is studying in santiago. anxious moments. we heard from him and he is on a weekend trip north of there, but they left where they were on a beach side place and they went to a bus station because of the world of tsunami and then told it was okay to go back and i told him there still warnings. a lot of communication is down. we are concerned about all those in santiago and areas near the epicenter. we will be covering that extensively over the next hour and a half. we want to talk about what's happening in vancouver. apolo ohno basked in the cheers
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of a crowd of a final night of competing at the games. the 27-year-old bounced back from disqualification in the 500 to anchor the u.s. to a bronze medal in the relay team. we will meet the team fresh from the olympic win. happy to have them here. amy? >> a correspondent with time magazine is in santiago and joins us on the phone. good morning. you were outside the time that the earthquake hit. me what happened. >> reporter: i was in a bar in a popular nightclub in santiago. the earth started moving and there was a scramble for the door of the bar. i was outside on the patio and people were getting up to the window as well. there was a lot of broken glass and what could have turned into a stampede towards the exit was
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gated. a young man recognized the situation and that people might get crushed and told everyone it was locked and everyone turned around and moved in a different direction on to the street. that was my initial experience. >> how long did the actual earthquake last in your recollection? >> it felt like an awfully long tile. certainly enough time to think what's going on. this is an earthquake. it's not stopping. at least four or five seconds, but as you can imagine, it felt like a lifetime. >> i imagine you have gone back to where you are living. have you seen damage? initially you didn't see the damage, but have you seen any since then or what's it like where you are living? explain to me what you are living initially?
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>> i'm seeing the hotel and financial center was evacuated. no major cracks through the walls being but they had an m l engineering team and guests were huddled in the lobby and there was a strong aftershock and that sent us topsy turvy towards the exit to the street. as i was trying to make my way back to the hotel, dirun into a banker in santiago on business. he was in a cab on his way back to the hotel. a church collapsed and the debris shattered the bonnet of his cab and cut him on the face. he then got out of the cab and said he couldn't see anyone injured, but started moving away
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from the scene. several other people were talking about a church collapsing. that's it for an earthquake of this magnitude. >> we wish you the best as you make your way through this tough time in chile. thank you for joining us and giving us your account of what you experienced. >> thank you. now for a look at the weather and ginger we have from wmaq who is following this tsunami indicator after the quake this morning. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. along the california coast and through hawaii is where we have warnings. in hawaii. if california as if that's not enough, you have thunderstorms moving through southern california where we have the bare land. problems in the works as far as mudslides and the tsunami advisories. look up northeast. people are getting afraid of the snow. they are saying no more! the storm is still on top of us, but will drop light is now
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shores approximately one to three itches on top of what you have depending on your location. that moves out as the weekend progresses. it will be cold and breezy and sunshine there down to texas. it's stationary and it will bring more excitement to the northern plains soon. heavy rains in southern california today possible. an interesting mix of weather throughout the nation. you look in florida and you get an ide >> that storm will continue to spend over new england all weekend long. we will be on the south east edge of the storm and snow chances are look for san francisco to make it to about 60 and the mountains
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are in the 40s. you will get snow eventually as well. that's a wrap up of the weather. lots to talk about. >> thank you. coming up next the dramatic finish to the men's speed skating relay. we will meet the bronze medallist. first these messages. chilled. sweet! [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. more ways than you ever imagined. [ male announcer ] flakes. shakes. cakes. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda® starts with sugar. tastes like sugar. but it's not sugar. it's... [ male announcer ] savory. crunchy. yummy. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda®. america's favorite no calorie sweetener. ♪ a little encouragement changes everything. molly es muy muy intelligente.
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(announcer) side effects were generally mild and included headache. viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds and coughing. ask your doctor about symptom relief with nasonex. and save up to $15 off your refills. go to for details, terms and conditions. back here in vancouver, a wild night and short track full of disqualifications and spills and suspense, everything that makes it is sport akin to roller derby on ice. the men skated brilliantly to a bronze medal. good morning and congratulations to all of you. i was there last night, j.r. it looks like organized chaos out there. does it feel like that? >> it wasn't supposed to be that crazy as it was last night. usually it's pretty calm.
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>> pushing off to the next 1 and trying to figure it out. they were strong relay teams. how did you gain this? >> the goal was trying to get to the front. we wanted to get out of the way. we got a tough starting position being 4th. we had to play it from the back and tried to save our legs and made sure we had good exchanges at the end and save legs for the end. it worked out well. >> i have become a short track fan since torino and jordan, i'm curious when you guys decided to make the moves. it's 45 laps. this is a marathon. >> it goes by much quicker than you think and you are like oh, crap, it's done. we weren't the ones who made the move. it was the canadians. we had to be dealt 4th place and
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make our move into 3rd and tie for 2nd place and put our man in the right position. >> you guys all did individual races as well. how often can you train in the relay? >> back when we were training in salt lake, we tried to practice every day. coming to vancouver, we have to share the practice time with the other countries. we haven't had the opportunity to practice in the relay like we did back in our own facility. i feel like we adjusted well to training times and facilities. >> returning back to you, you have two bronze medals too. apolo is not with us today, but you added bronze to his silver. what were your thoughtss we may have seen his final race as an olympian? >> it was awesome to be part of that and share that as a team.
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we are all satisfied with our performance and happy to take one home for the usa game. >> when you came to the olympics, what is it about being here that changes the game? we don't see the sport all year. you guys are doing this month in and month out. >> trying to find peace amidst the chaos. they are trying to find rhythm and peace. the craziness that's happening around us. >> i blame all of you guys as my voice is crack. we are back after these messages. strip? ok. absolutely! where's the music? ♪ i have a lot of uffiness at night. allergies. i was just diagnosed with a deviated septum. here's how it works... [ female announcer nasal congestion limits air flow but breathe right's patented reflex action gently lifts open nasal passages to help you get more air. oh, yeah. yeah, you're right. i'm getting more a oh, wow! that's pretty nice. [ woman ] if your nose could talk right now,
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>> we are back in vancouver. usually associated with soring high above the mountain tree tops, but vancouver brought the great outdoors to an urban setting six stories high and 500 feet across. [ screams ] it's hard to know if her ear-shattering scream was out of fear or relief, considering she waited in line for eight hours all with 18 seconds of pure adrenaline rush. >> it was an awesome experience and i loved every second of it. >> what is typically experienced in wilderness settings has gone
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urban. a zip line. smack in the middle of the action in downtown vancouver. >> first time we have done it in urban landscape. i think from day one, people showed up to lineup. >> this is for my bucket list. >> they and night, rain and shine, people are coming out in droves to be part of this olympic insurance. no ticket is required, just a lot of patience. >> we have been here for 3 1/2 hours. >> we have 6 more hours to go. >> the average wait time is somewhere in the seven-hour range. passing the time is an olympic challenge of its own. ♪ >> they play cards and read and eat. 15 minuting about the room
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breaks are allowed and they get giddy as they wait for their turn. >> the stairs were the worst part. there is no right or wrong way to zip. you can spin, turn upside down, two hands, one hand. no hands. anything pretty much goes. the only thing you have to remember is to keep your eyes open because unlike this line -- the ride is over before you know it. while it won't earn you a medal, you may feel like a winner. if you listen carefully, you might hear the screams. would you do that? >> i get upset when i wait for 15 minutes at the grocery store. i have zip lined in costa rica
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and i didn't have to wait. >> i wanted to do it about but i wasn't going to jump in line and i wasn't going to wait seven hours. there is always next time. a lost other cool things. we will take a break and be back with more.
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it helps you keep the lights on... ...and it knows when to turn them off. achievement: is all around us. a part of our very lives. at pnc, we help make achievement happen. pnc. for the achiever in us all. coming up, we have the latest on the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that hit chile. >> the last full weekend of the olympic games comes to an end, but first these messages. ominat. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. it was very interesting that you could smoke on the first week. (announcer) chantix is a non-nicotine pill. in studies, 44% of chantix users were quit during weeks 9 to 12 of treatment, compared to 18% on sugar pill.
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it is proven to reduce the urge to smoke. i did have an unopen pack of cigarettes in my purse and i said, "what the heck, i don't need these..." ...i said, you know, "bye, i don't need you anymore, you're not my crutch, i don't need a crutch." (announcer) talk to your doctor about chantix and a support plan that's right for you. some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice agitation, hostility, depression or changes in behavior, thinking or mood that are not typical for you, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. talk to your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which can get worse while taking chantix. some people can have allergic or serious skin reactions to chantix, some of which can be life threatening. if you notice swelling of face, mouth, throat or a rash stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away. tell your doctor which medicines you are taking as they may work differently when you quit smoking. chantix dosing may be different if you have kidney problems. the most common side effect is nausea.
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patients also reported trouble sleeping and vivid, unusual or strange dreams. until you know how chantix may affect you, use caution when driving or operating machinery. chantix should not be taken with other quit smoking products. with the chantix and with the support system, it worked. it worked for me. (announcer) talk to your doctor to find out if prescription chantix is right for you. (announcer) talk to your doctor to find out
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shakes off dry winter skin with 2 separate ribbons. the white ribbon that cleanses and the body butter ribbon that moisturizes continuously leaving skin satiny smooth. goodbye dry winter skin. >> live, local, latebreaking. good morning. it is 7:55. here's a look at our top stories. gov. martin o'malley is in iraq
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this morning on a pentagon sponsored trip to visit troops from maryland. the governor said it was a goodwill mission to the troops know they're not forgotten as the american presence in iraq wind down. >> i had an occasion to meet some of those the ones to keep together the communications for command and control and the war fighter and you'll be glad to know that they had a big task force raven's banner on the front of their part of the compound here. it has been a good experience and it makes you appreciate just how much other people are doing for us. >> the governor will return to maryland tomorrow. city police are still investigating a shooting and carjacking -- carjacking in north east baltimore. it happens in the 1300's -- 1300 block of stone what road. he was rushed to johns hopkins hospital where he was listed in
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critical condition. a second passenger suffered cuts to the face. family and friends gathered friday to say a final goodbye to the security guard police called a hero. funeral services were held yesterday for 37 year-old james ball. he was on duty at the bank of america plaza on charles street in downtown baltimore when he tried to stop a fight. police say someone pulled a gun and opened fire. they have no leads in this case. it is super saturday in baltimore county. local health officials are preparing for a third wave of the h1n1 by offering fleet slingshot. the clinics open this morning at 10:00 and run until 4:00. if you live in baltimore county and need transportation, that will also be provided free of charge. define the super saturday clinic bears do, go to our web site. -- to find the super saturday clinic nearest
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>> we have a mix of clouds and sun this morning at with temperatures right around the freezing point. the snow is still spending over new england. some are moving into more of it -- northern maryland. take a look at the map. the storm center will continue over new england today and moved to the southwest. we will see it -- we will still be under its influence. more storms to the south, this one will miss aspirate and other storm mid-week next week. we will have to deal with that on the east coast. today's forecast calls for that son cloud mixed.
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not really looking for any significant accumulation. >> thank you. thank you for joining us. we will have another update in 25 minutes. we are back on a saturday morning, february 27th 2010. >> i'm amy robach in rockefeller plaza in new york. we have been talking about it all morning. bricking news this morning. a massive earthquake in haiti overnight, lester. >> this was so big, i understand it's 500 times the energy of what we saw in port-au-prince in january. just to give you an idea, more modern buildings in santa yago, but the damage will be great.
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>> it was a magnitude of 8.8 at the epicenter. that was in south central chile that was 200 miles southwest of the capital. a tsunami hit the easter islands and there were warnings as far away as hawaii, australia and asia. the warnings are still in effect. the quake killed at least 78 people and they expect the number to go up throughout the day. the damage is heavy and buildings collapsed. there have been strong aftershocks. the president declared a state of catastrophe. >> communications have been difficult out of there. the worst earthquake ever was in chile in 1960. we are covering the olympic games. this will continue and we will be monitoring throughout the hour. >> we top the turn to a former
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"american idol" contestant who joins us from chile 90 miles from santiago. you were up when the quake happened on the 6th floor of the hotel. what did it feel like? >> that's right. it felt surreal. one minute i'm on the computer typing away and the next there was a very abrupt shaking and rumbling that started. it was more like a swaying kind of shaking and it turned into an up and down all-around shaking and things were falling off the walls and the hotel was really shaking. >> what did you do? had you been in an earthquake before and did you know where to
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go to find safety? >> i did. i grew up in l.a. half my and i have been back there for the past years. we are used to tremors and things like that. i knew immediately to go to the doorway. luckily in my room there is a double doorway. i went to the room to the doorway. with my door open, i was shouting to anyone who would listen, get if the doorway and get out! earthquake! the shaking subsided for a second. there was no one else in the hall ways except my neighbor and i saw him come out and look behind me so it looked back at me. he took off and dartd towards the stairs. i did the same. i tried to wait to see if people came out of the rooms, but they were evacuated by then. i made a mad dash and got out
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safely and unscathed. >> you are located 90 miles southwest of santiago. are there concerns about any possible tsunamis. have you heard about a warning following the earthquake? >> yes. many warnings main low from the states. we have been tuned into the radio and the warnings that they had for tsunamis here have been lifted. we are only a mile and a half inland from the beach. we are relatively close to the water. the tsunami warning has been lifted. things are relatively calmer now. >> we certainly wish you the best, elliott. thank you for sharing your story with us. elliott yamin. for a along at other stop stories we go to melissa
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francis. >> good morning. today is clean up day from the record snowstorm that slammed the east coast. live in central park with more, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, melissa people are busy digging out after the noreaster that dumped record snowfall throughout the region. they are counting it in feet, not inches. up to feet in upstate new york. crews have been working to restore power to up to a million people who lost electricity during the storm. after hundreds of flights were canceled, airports are getting back to normal. if you are flying in or out of this region today, you will do well to check with your airline to make certain your flight is not delayed. back to you. >> thanks so much. embattled south carolina governor mark sanford is closer to a divorce. a judge said she will grant jenny sanford's request. they split after the governor
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admitted an affair with a woman. the social secretary desiree rogers resigned who was criticized for handling of the administration's dinner where a virginia couple crashed the party. tiger woods losing another big endorsement. the maker of gator ead. he apologized for infidelity. now back to amy and ginger. >> ginger we have of wmaq is here with a check of the forecast. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. we can turn to the forecast away from the earthquake for a moment. ohm for a moment because the storm on top of us. it is over for the most part and you can see the heavy snow is over. the this was the 4th largest snowstorm since 1869. very impressive. you may get to three inches and the spin still over the
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northeast and it will loosen and go off into the atlantic. west to the coast and go oh, wow. tons of rain and snows. mudslide action there and still the tsunami advisory. there the warn suggest back for hawaii. if you want more rain you have to go south to florida. temperatures only in the 60s and a little >> a lot of clouds today. temperatures are close to 40 for the high and we will probably going into the minnesota area for the coolest weather and 31.
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that is a look at the forecast. lester? >> ginger, thanks from here in vancouver. a big night for the americans as the winter games enter their final weekend. we have the latest from jim. good morning. >> with two full days of competition left, the race is on for the most medals. american short track speed skater apolo ohno was making history. . >> ohno anchored the 500 meter relay for 3rd place in the bronze behind south korea. earlier ohno could have won another silver in the 500 meter race. but was disqualified by the judges who ruled the american caused this crash, pushing the man in front of him. ohno disagrees, but accepts it.
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>> my hand is up to protect myself. it's more of a cushion. >> team usa is guaranteed at least 36 medals, tying the record from germany in salt lake city. with eight medals, he broke his own personal record as the most decorated olympian in the sport. the race is a four-way battle between canada, germany and norway. canada is talking about the who won the bronze. joannie rouchette fount the way to pull off the skate of her after her mother died of a heart attack. she said her mother would have been proud. >> she raised me to go through anything in and she proved it to me by what happened here this week.
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>> in men's hockey, the american squad crushed finland. they set up the gold medal final, canada versus the united states on sunday. meanwhile, that was absent was russia. three golds so far that. triggered rage from russian politicians and fans back home. some politicians are calling for a complete revolution of russian sports. that sports machine that has been so famous in the past to avoid embarrassment of this kind in 2014. >> those of us of a certain age remember the rivalry. you have been here all this time. what stands out as the memorable moments? >> it am cans as no surprise that joannie rouchette. years from now people will be talking about this extraordinary performance of a woman who
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managed to find days after fining out her mother suddenly died of a heart attack, finding the strength to pull off two performances, a short and long form and we saw her brick down after the first reaction. the first attempt and the 2nd time she went around and managed to control her emotions, but still even at the press conference, she said her mother was present with her. she wasn't sure how, but she felt the strength and felt her pride in having performed so well. >> sheer felt during the moments it wasn't about canada or the u.s., but people understanding and feeling and empathizing. appreciate your report here. we have a big weekend ahead. want some coffee? >> i do. usa. >> still to come, bob costas after these messages. okay, sweetie, open wide and say "ahh."
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♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh ♪ ahh [ male announcer ] at ge, we've dedicated some of the best minds and the most advanced technology to bring better health to more people. it's an idea we call healthymagination and we think it just might catch on. ♪ ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh supports your health in 4 ways it helps your natural cleansing process helps lower cholesterol.
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promotes overall well being and provides a good source of natural fiber try metamucil, in powders, capsules and fiber singles. well, i'm kinda sick. are you gonna go in there coughing or you going in a man? it's what you want. it's what everybody wants. (announcer) halls. a pep talk in every drop.
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this morning on the medal count, team usa leads with 34 and germany 27 and canada in 3rd place with 21. as the vancouver olympics move towards the finale, i sat down
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with bob cost'ses to talk about his favorite 2010 olympic moments. >> a long history of women's medals at the platform and ladies's figure skating ended. we saw alpine combined. is that the headline? >> i think the headline is likely to be the largest medal haul in u.s. olympics history, exceeding the 34 that were won in salt lake city. america really had no contenders and they came close to macing out. >> who are the dominant athletes? >> if i had to pick one athlete, i would pick kim yu-na, the figure stater. >> one of the greatest performances i have ever seen. >> it was a tremendous performance, but this one
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automatically immediately vaulted her into the greatest female figure skaters of all time. >> with the category he wins it on his 2nd and the 2nd run is something he didn't have to. >> he is head and shoulders over the competition and he is inventing the sport. he did not just compete the competition, but he pushes the sport forward. that doesn't have a lengthy history. kim yu-na put herself in a discussion that goes back the better part of the century. >> all the memorable moments of the olympics, what are the things you stand out? >> unfortunate ly it's the man dying in the luge practice. a lot of these sports are by definition dangerous. you need a high level of brave skpree it crosses the line into recklessness. that's one of the things that
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will stand out. the other thing is the canadians were wonderful hosts. there always things and glitches where one arm doesn't come up. >> it feels like old news. >> it does. the weather didn't cooperate at times and they had trouble with the ice and the speed skating. overall i thought they stamd wonderful games and the character of the people, the people are so kind and genuinely proud. >> what do you take away from the lindsey vonn story? she won the bronze and comes away with that and yet there is this controversy as julia mancuso does well. has it diminished either? >> they each did well. every olympics has a handful of athletes that are built up beyond others to create interest. it's a business. lindsey vonna because of
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excellence and she is photogenic. >> hockey is the undercurrent of the games. we are in canada. first usa and the canada showdown and the ladies. for canadians, is hockey going to divide the games? >> common knowledge if they can have one gold, as much as they applauded the in women's hockey is the 1 in men's. to get it they had to beat the united states in the loss from earlier this week. that would be the one event in which a silver would feel like a defeat. they had the players around town with the silver medals. especially in a home olympics. >> we will see that gold medal game of course on nbc tomorrow. i should point out when they
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were watching ladies's figure skating, it's amazing how we become experts every four years. judging the sports. you were a gymnast for a while and you had expertise. >> it is one of the things where i'm amazed at how effortless they make it look. look at that triple axel. you do become an expert when you listen to the experts talk about what's phenomenal. i don't think it was a hard thing to figure out there were no mistakes on the ice by the women. that was tremendous to perform under such pressure. >> it makes me want to get back into the gym. i feel so out of shape. we will take a break and we will be back
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>> still to come on today, the hard facts about frozen meals. not all are created equally. how to make tastey and healthful choices. >> after the games, can there be new glory from old olympic sites? first these messages. ♪ we all share. ♪ we all create. ♪ and we all get dirty. try new and improved all with more cleaning ingredients. all's trusted, powerful stainlifters help get your whole wash incredibly clean. and costs up to 40% less than the leading brand. for all your laundry, it's all good. and costs up to 40% less than the leading brand. sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
8:23 am
but my allergies put me in a fog. so now, i'm claritin clear! claritin is the clear choice because it works great on all my allergies whether it's dust, mold, pollen, or pets and it won't make me drowsy, cause i want to be alert when i'm working with animals. for me claritin works so well sometimes i even forget i have allergies which helps me focus on what's important. is she going to be okay? yeah. she looks good. in my life, i only live claritin clear. indoors and out. would we eat better? [ rewinding ] at hellmann's, we search for the best sources to make our mayonnaise. we use eggs, vinegar and oil rich in omega 3. ♪ for the quality that could only be hellmann's. hellmann's. it's time for real. and, now introducing hellmann's light. it's made with 100% cage free eggs. [ male announcer ] say hello to the can-doers.
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♪ the budget masters. the knockout artists who are finding more ways to spread their dollar further. to bolder color in less time. say hello to newer ideas and lowered prices, enabling more people... to turn more saving into more doing. that's the power of the home depot. try behr premium plus ultra, it's paint and primer all in one, and rated number one.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. >> good morning. it is 8:25. here's a look at some of our top stories. the investigation continues into
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a shooting and carjacking in northeast baltimore. police say a 23 year-old man was shot in the chest around 2:30 friday morning. the shooting happened in the 1300 block of stone would road. he was rushed to johns hopkins hospital. a second passenger suffered cuts on the face. so far, there is no word on a suspect in this attack. there'll services were held yesterday for the security guard killed last week in downtown baltimore. police say 37 year-old james ball was on duty at the bank of america plaza in downtown charles street when he tried to stop a fight. police say one of the people involved in the fight pulled a gun and opened fire. police say they have no leads in this case. a judge has ruled that a maryland mayor whose two dogs were killed in and what we did in a raid on his home can proceed with his lawsuit. a circuit judge denied motions yesterday by the county and state to dismiss the lawsuit. it was back in july of 2008 when
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a swat team raided his home after smugglers sent a package containing marijuana to his home. officer shot and killed the family's two dogs. police later cleared him and his family of any wrongdoing and said that the delivery was likely part of a scheme. he is mayor of berlin heights. local health officials are preparing for eight third wave of the h1n1 virus. it is the super saturday event. the vaccination clinics open this morning at 10:00. they're open to the public. if you live in a baltimore county and need transportation, that will also be provided for free of charge. to find clinic nearest to you, go to our web site. stay with us. stay with us.
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>> it has been a quiet morning so far. we have had some snow flurries and snow showers in the area. the storm continues to spend over new england and that will be there all the day long. -- be there all day long. we will not be as windy as yesterday. there is the storm's center, near boston. it will move back to the southwest is a little bit during the day. by sunday, it will start pulling out to sea and pulling away from us. we will continue to be on the southwest edge of the storm so we will not be as involved as yesterday. strom to the south will miss us early in the week. a storm now coming into the west in the middle of the week will be moving toward the eastern
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seaboard. our forecast for today, just a few flurries and snow showers. some sunbreaks in the clouds. high temperatures are expected to be right up among 40 degrees. >> tha we are back on this saturday morning, february 27th, 2010. thank you for coming out on this cold winter day. i'm amy robach. lester is in vancouver the last full weekend of the 21st winter olympic games. coming up, we will have the latest from chile and the 8.8 magnitude earthquake. it caused a lot of damage and cost quite a few lives as well. >> i think one of the most horrible things is the tsunami warnings that went as far as ant
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artica and hawaii and we are continuing to get more information. we will talk about american flyers as we shift our attention in vancouver. vonn, bode, mancuso and some of the alpine team coming up. we will look back at the team usa athletes and how they expired and a record number of medals here in vancouver. >> it's quite an olympic game. the games are officially coming to an end with closing ceremony tomorrow night. we will take a look back at the sites of previous games and find out what happens to all of the venues once the olympic name goes out. i think the answer will surprise you. city figured out how to do it well and make it lucrative. >> some of the follows they built have worked backwards. what would it be afterwards. they are taking playbooks in the other cities. they looked at that report coming up. >> some have done them well and? sm not so well.
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we will see the right way of going about making the city great for tourists. let's get a check of the weather from ginger we have from our chicago station wmaq. good morning, ginger. >> good morning, everyone. we have a plethora of birthdays. a pair here. young ladies 18 and 50. you are obviously 18, right? >> i'm 50. >> you are from? >> brookfield, ohio. >> right on the line close to pennsylvania. birthdays all the way down. thank you for being brave to come out here on this chilly day in the northeast. it will be chilly weather-wise. the storm on top of us although it will release the pressure so to say and move off into the atlantic. you can see numbers and from yesterday, we had inches and inches of snow. speaking of weather, we had vancouver and things are going on untilclosing ceremonies.
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in whistler morning snow showers and then cloudy as they wrap up the games. a big birthday here on the plaza. more big yea from everybody. i am so happy to be out here. very much loved in this chilly weather. amy? >> that storm will continue to spend over new england all weekend long. we will be on the south east edge of the storm and snow chances are minimal mary the hi way up. 40s and it will feel like the 30s if not the 20s. a bit of a wind chill.
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one last one. i'm giving you guys extra time. >> as we told you, is you and-a-halfy warnings have been issued for hawaii and beyond. live from honolulu where they have a tsunami warning for the entire state. good morning. give us a sense of what authorities are telling residents and tourists to be prepared for in the coming hours. >> it is 3:30 here and they are just starting to get the word out that people need to get prepared. the big thing is at 6:00 a.m., we have a statewide emergency siren that will go off on all the islands that reaches most of the state. we have air patrol planning to fly over to let campers know they need to head to higher ground at 6:00 a.m. the first wave is expected to hit at about 11:20 this morning.
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we have some time to try to clear out everywhere along the coast. >> you had tidal surges in the past, but no major warnings like this. the last major is you nam to hit the big island was in 1960. is hawaii ready and prepared for this? >> that's the big question. it will be the big test. the civil defense has been preparing for something like this for sometime. they do all kinds of drills and training, but we haven't had a state-wide tsunami alert of warnings since 1964. the last tsunami that hit hilo in 1960 killed 61 people and it's very isolated just to hilo. just time around, thinking the tsunami could wrap around the state and not just the south-faying shores, but the way the tsunami works to the north. even waikiki and the tourists are feeling they may have to head up to the 3rd floor.
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>> i know you have been working around the clock. it's 3:30 in the morning and we will let you get back to your job. we appreciate it. we'll be right back, but first these messages. priority. i mean i got a family, too. i got a mother, a grandmoth, kids, nd we all drive in tse cs. i am 100% confident in the product. male announcer ] we're grateful to technicians like ronny who are helpings provide you with fe and reliae vehicles. for mo information, please visit provide you with fe and reliae vehicles. when your eyes are smiling... you're smiling. and when they're laughing... you're laughing. be kind to your eyes... with transitions lenses. transitions adapt to changing light so you see your whole day comfortably... and conveniently while protecting your eyes from the sun.
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ask your eyecare professional which transitions lenses are right for you. transform drinks you want, into cold medicine you need. introducing fast crystal packs. a new way from alka-seltzer plus to... get cold and flu relief in a taste-free, fizz-free powder. alka-seltzer plus. combination of seven tantalizing flavors your cat craves. friskies signature blend. feed the senses. signature blend. while i was building my friendships, my family, while i was building my life, my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. she said plaque buildup in arteries is a real reason to lower cholesterol. and that along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol, it raises good.
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crestor is also proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. while you've been building your life, plaque may have been building in your arteries. find out more about slowing the buildup of plaque at then ask your doctor if it's time for crestor. announcer: if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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back in vancouver, they are fast, disciplined and dedicated. from the downhill tote slalom and nordic, these athletes have won a record number of medals in vancouver. joining us from the road in whistler from the athletes who are pushing the limits. >> good morning and nice to visit with you. it has been a dominating performance for alpine skiers in the games. consider this fact. the american alpine skiers have eight medals to this point, more than twice as many as this country. more than they had in torino, salt lake and nagio combined. team usa skiers know they have
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big personalities. they now have big performances to match. >> you have depth and insurance and they were ready to rock. >> led by bode miller, lindsey vonn and jaulia mancuso. they brought new records. bode's was good enough for a hat trick, medal of each. bronze, silver and gold. vonn captured a pair of medals including the downhill before failing to finish in other events. breaking up along the way. her long time teammate and rifle julia mancuso beat the games with two silvers as an encore to torino gold. andrew ranked 41st and stunned the first with a bronze if his olympic debut.
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nordic has been around for a long as the games themselves. this courageous band of brothers snapped that streak. >> the united states has never been here. >> earning an historic silver as a team. he got a silver as an individual and finishes and two in the individual events. how did the americans achieve such staggering success in many invested in the teams, including a state-of-the-art training center? utah open just last spring. >> it takes a goal to get a gold. that's a fact in sports and in business. >> as these games wind to a close, the americans have reasserted their place with the best in the world. how is this for olympic
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perspective. so far the americans have 34 medals. compare that to calgary where they had just six through the entire games. weather permitting, bode miller could be back on the podium today in the men's slalom. >> here's amy. >> lester, thank you. this morning on eat this, not that, frozen dinners were made to make our lives easier, but not necessarily healthier. the author of eat this not that is here to show us what to look for in the frozen section of your grocery store. let's start with the most important of the day, breakfast. i never know which 1 to pick. they never seem like any are good for you. >> nothing like a snowstorm to get to you appreciate a well-stocked freezer. we have two delicious breakfast sandwiches from jimmy dean. he is going through the dual personality disorder. you have to canadian bacon and
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honey wheat sandwich. just a couple hundred calories and a few grams of fat. you come over here to this sausage, egg, and cheese and you are getting 420 calories. you are getting 29 grams of fat and a half a day of saturated fat. when you see sausage, that means we don't know what the heck is in it either. don't eat it. >> it tastes so go. that's the problem. >> if you make this one slop every day for breakfast, you will lose 20 pounds this year. >> that's all i need to hear. let's go to frozen entrees. they are not all created equally. >> we have the stouffer's baked chicken breast with mashed potatoes and gravy and has 250 calories. now you come over here to healthy choice and only don draper can come up with a chicken dish, namely healthy choice for a dish that is as much sugar as what you get in a
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butter finger candy bar. this is 28 grams and the stouffer's has two grams. on top of that you are getting 440 calories. if you go with the baked chicken over here to eat this, you save 200 calories and 26 grams of sugar than if you go with the healthy choice. >> i would think the healthy choice and the broccoli and the mashed potatoes and gravy this one would be wo hould you name it weet and sweeter. >> pasta dishes, you make them at home and they are easy. >> not all pasta is bad. if you use your noodle and control your portions. have the bird's eye e. three-cheese chicken. this is great with under 400 calories. 377 and 11 grams of fat and five grams of saturated. you go with the chicken alfredo and fettuccine, you are getting
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630 calories and 30 grams of fat and almost a day's worth of saturated fat. alfredo, remember it's bad. it's choice and oil and cream. do not invite alfredo to dipper. . >> let's talk about frozen pizzas. >> they are doting digiorno. one is traditional and is thin and crispy. here you are getting 30% more fat and 30% more saturated fat than with the thin crust. you definitely want to go with something like this. salt the roads to this or serve it to an enemy. >> dessert. i never thought you could get a healthy dessert. >> you have a klondike bar with 22 times more saturated fat.
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the breyers has 140 and this has 250 calories. this is 11 grams of saturated fat and this has a gram and a half of fat and a half gram of saturated. fewer ingredients means it's better for you when it comes to dessert. >> great information and i will pick one of these up. it doesn't look so bad. up next, what happens to the olympic venues after the name goes out? you has been surprised. [ music throughout ] [ male announcer ] achievement: starts small...
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...and dreams big. achievement: loves staying close to home... but isn't afraid to stretch its legs once in a while. achievement: makes big moves... ...and takes baby steps. it helps you keep the lights on... ...and it knows when to turn them off. achievement: is all around us. a part of our very lives. at pnc, we help make achievement happen. pnc. for the achiever in us all.
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the olympic games from los angeles and sydney to seoul, atlanta and the name burned brightly. once the games leave, what happens to the venues left
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behind? in their shadows, torches glow. within their walls, magic moments. and on their grounds, historic feats. but after the closing ceremony and the name goes out, olympic gold can lose its luster. >> for the 17 days, this is really sort of a global epicenter. >> many of the stunners become an eyesore, taking up space in cities trying to recover from hosting the game. >> the host cities take major financial burdens that can take decades to pay off. >> the bird's nest, a tourist attraction after the games is struggling to make money.
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>> it costs upwards of $10 million a year to run the stadium. >> stadiums from montreal to athens are working to find the after and many are falling in disrepair. >> there is a big price to be paid and lots of problems to have a stadium sit around. >> city had success holding on to the olympic glory and made money in the process. >> the venue is continually bringing athletes and the economy is built around that. >> lake placid, home of the 1932 and 1980 winter olympics has become a model of success for other host cities. >> what kind of olympic experience do they get? >> lake placid's legacy is that one of the things is they keep the venue in operation. >> it's a training ground for the serious competitor.
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>> we have 10 or 11 athletes and some of them have an excellent opportunity. >> an opportunity for the rest of us to steal a piece of olympic magic. that has to be an amazing thing for the athletes skating on the same place. >> the speed skaters and they get a shot at skating or eric hiden who won a medal or a hockey player. >> to them, that's as good as gold. >> lester is thinking ahead about the venues. the host will be made into a community rengration center with basketball and other facilities. they got ahead of this. what can be a problem for many sites and many cities. >> i had a chance to visit and it's a great facility. a funny story which a lot of
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people may not know. when they were building it, the architects and the construction people and the organizers may throw in gold-colored $1 coins to wish good luck to the canadian teams. that will be a part of the laughing legacy. >> we will see if that helps them tomorrow night. we'll be right back, but first these messages. i had chronic muscle pain all over. and i was so tender to the touch-- but i didn't know why. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia. and then he recommended lyrica... fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain.
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lyrica is fda-approved to help relieve the unique pain of fibromyalgia. so now, i'm learning what a day is like with less pain. lyrica is not for everyone. tell your doctor about any serious allergic reaction that causes swelling or affects breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. lyrica may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a very small number of people. some of the most common side effects of lyrica are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. do not drink alcohol while taking lyrica. you should not drive or operate machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. could your pain be caused by fibromyalgia? ask your doctor about lyrica today. outside: light, crispy, zero grams trans fat. inside: juicy, tender, white meat chicken. golden indeed. that's what we're made of. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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announcer: there's an easier way. create your own business site with intuit websites. just choose a style, then customize, publish and get found. sweet. get a 30-day free trial at [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. but with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms so i'm ready by the time we get to the first hole. and that's good because the competition's steep today. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air.™ >> that's going to do it for us. thanks to melissa francis and ginger we have. jay leno returns to the tonight
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show and we will find out what to expect his first night back on the air. >> plus apolo ohno reflects for the first time in the vancouver games. i will be back for nightly news and complete coverage of the massive quake in chile. until then, so long, everybody. # >> live, local, latebreaking. >> good morning and welcome to saturday morning. here's a look at some of our top
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stories. two people are recovering after they were shot during a carjacking in northeast baltimore. it happened early friday morning on the 1300 block of stone would road. he was rushed to johns hopkins hospital where he is in critical condition. there is no word on a suspect or a motive. >> local health officials are preparing for a third wave of the h1n1 buyers by offering free flu shots. it is the second super saturday event. the clinics open this morning at 10:00 and run until 4:00 and they are open to the public. if you live in baltimore county any transportation, it will be provided free of charge. define the clinic nearest you, go to our web site. -- to find the clinic near issue, go to our web site. >> martin o'malley is in iraq this morning on a trip to visit troops from maryland. the governor says it is a goodwill mission to let the troops are not forgotten.
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>> want to keep together the communications for command and control on the war fighter and you'll be glad to know that they had a task force raven's banner on the front of their part of the compound here. it is a good experience and it really makes you appreciate just how much other people are doing for us. >> the governor will return to maryland tomorrow. >> the next, we have the answer to your pet questions. >> a maryland lottery joins us to tell your best ticket choices. >> a big storm is still spending over new england. we're still on the edge of it. we'll talk about the forecast.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> welcome to saturday morning. >> our top stories in just a moment. why take a look outside. >> today is going to be one of those days where the weather cannot decide what it wants to do. that storm is still sitting up there. there are some storm clouds in the area now. let's take a look at the doppler radar. a mix of cloud picture in there. a mix of cloud picture in there. southern


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