tv Today NBC April 13, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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back now with more of "today" on this tuesday morning, april 13th, 2010. little gray and overcast in the big apple. not a problem though. we thank these people for sticking around. down on the plaza, i'm matt lauer, along with al roker and msnbc's tamron hall. ann's on assignment today. good to have you back. coming up, boy, this unauthorized biography of the queen of talk, oprah winfrey, is getting a lot of attention. penned by kitty kelly, what is she saying about oprah?
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kitty kelly is back today to talk more about this headline-making new book. >> big buzz on that. lot of people talking about it. another woman who seems to spark controversy wherever she goes, kate gosselin. interesting reviews of her dancing on "dancing with the stars." of course. but she's got a new book, a new reality show and what is also very sad, she's in a battle for custody of her children with her ex-jon. we'll hear from her about how she's coping with this. >> her ex, jon. not her ex-john. >> that would create another controversy. this morning joy bauer will take a look at calories versus fact. whi versus fat. which one is better for weight
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loss. on our "diet s.o.s." natalie has a check of the headlines inside. good morning, everyone. officials in west virginia say the bodies of all 29 miners killed last week have now been recovered. the last nine were removed from the mines this morning. the recovery now allows investigators to go inside to try to find out what set off the explosion leading to the worst u.s. coal mining disaster since 1970. president obama's hailing progress made at the two-day nuclear summit that wraps up today in washington. china agreed to join talks on possible sanctions against iran and ukraine said it would rid itself of nuclear material left over from the soviet era. leaders from 47 nations are pledging to work together to keep terrorists from acquiring nuclear weapons. the bodies of poland's first lady and president now lie in state at the presidential palace in warsaw. a plane crash saturday killed dozens of prominent polish
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officials. a funeral is planned for this weekend for the presidential couple. russian investigators have ruled out mechanical failure as the cause of the crash. 20 people were injured this morning when their plane skidded off the end of a runway in indonesia in heavy rain. the plane broke in half. part of it landed in a river. in maryland one police officer has been suspended after a beating of a university of maryland student was caught on tape. the tape was released on monday. the prince george's county police chief says he's outraged at the officers' conduct. people in the mountains along the california-nevada border are digging out from a string storm that dumped more than a foot of snow in the last few days. this next video is not for the faint of heart. a young girl in china by walking a tight rope as part of her father's acrobatic troupe. she performs this stunt
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suspended over half-a-dozen tigers. critics accuse the father of child abuse but he says the daughter, who is only 3, is a trained professional. back outside to matt, tamron and al. >> natalie, thanks very much. mr. roker. >> kind of a watered-down child abuse. wow, not too good. you're on spring break today. where you guys go to school? >> mercy in middletown, connecticut. >> having a good time? >> yeah. >> you look happy. i guess it's fun. good, we like that. let's check your weather, for today we're looking at big storm system working its way out of the plains. ahead of it we have a risk of strong storms back through the plains. we've got wet weather on into minnesota, wisconsin. also looking at wet weather down through texas. showers in the mid-atlantic states. clouds in the northeast. little on the cool side.
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>> good morning, everyone, i'm tony pann. we're off to a fairly quiet start. there's a little bit of rain activity, the big story is the change this in temperatures. high in the mid 50's. >> look, there's donatella walking out of the today show! we're going to track her for the rest of the day! natalie? >> al, thank you. author kitty kelly has written tell-all revealing biographies about some of america's most celebrated icons from elizabeth taylor, nancy reagan, frank sinatra among them. her latest is about the queen of talk, called "oprah the
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biography." it is an unauthorized detail of oprah winfrey's story. kitty kelly, thanks for coming back. you spent four years researching this book. you say you interviewed more than 800 people. what do you see really as the headline then that comes out to some of oprah's biography? >> we think we know everything about oprah winfrey because she appears to be so open and spontaneous, even uninhibited about her life. but i found with these four years, we don't at all. this is a woman who's got real secrets in her life. now some of her secrets real ly one has helped millions of women, and that was the taboo secret of her sexual molestation. i think that is the signature issue of oprah winfrey's show. and what she really -- a legacy
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she's going to leave. >> are you saying in this day and age of all the tmzs and vast media outlets in this world and where everything goes public almost instantaneously on twitter, that oprah winfrey is able to keep such deeply guarded secrets? >> yes, i am saying that. i am saying that. >> how? >> because she has great control and if you grow up keeping secrets, even now she makes her employees keep secrets. i even found when i was doing this book, i had to keep a secret when i went down to the town in mississippi where oprah was born and i spent three days with her aunt katherine. >> who is really her cousin. >> who's really her cousin but because of the age difference, aunt katherine is 80, oprah's now 56. and during that time with her she told me who oprah's real father was. >> you don't reveal the identity. >> no, i don't. >> why not? i mean if you reveal all of hur
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other so-called see secrecrets,t say, oprah, this is your father. >> one, because i gave my word of honor to oprah's aunt. because she says it's oprah's mother's place to do it. so mrs. esters has not told oprah, even though oprah's begged to know who her father was. again i saw the secrets. even today they're keeping secrets within that family and there's oprah herself, says you're only as sick as your secrets. >> is there really a market though for a book like this when you do, as i mention, have so many different outlets that are reporting on the real scandals that are out there, the tiger woods, the elliott spitsers, the john edwards. >> this is a life story of the most powerful woman in our society. >> it's a life re-invented who has done so much good. >> she has done immense good and that is outlined in this book.
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but she is -- she has impacted our culture more than anybody. this is a woman of immense power. nobody in the communications industry has the power that oprah winfrey does. so i think that people are entitled to get a better understanding of a woman who's impacted their life so much. >> so what are the secrets -- you talk about the sexual abuse reportedly by her uncle. but you say that some of her family members actually question whether or not that is really what happened. >> that is true. i do think that oprah's family is in denial about the sexual abuse. >> so how do you know that your sources are accurate if some of those family members are the ones that are talking to you, from her father first to aunt katherine? >> because her father and aunt katherine are like the families of other sexual abuse victims, they're in great denial. >> this was his brother.
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>> right. >> but oprah, i believe oprah and she is a woman who shows the scars of sexual abuse. >> yeah. and some of your sources for the book, as i talked about, from vernon to aunt katherine, they've received gifts, they've been paid cash before by oprah, they've benefited from her celebrity, her enormous celebrity, and oprah's even said on her show though, my family sometimes treats me as an atm machine and she's had to cut them off. so when it comes to these sources, did you at all question their credibility, are you so sure that they don't have an ax to grind? >> those sources are laid out in the book. for instance, her aunt katherine. she gets no money from oprah at all. and as she says, she wanted to tell the truth. spiders, snakes and all, that was her quote. vernon winfrey does get things from oprah. but he still has a ve vy
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complicated relationship with his daughter. her family feels that they are not treated as well as the celebrity family that oprah has created for herself. so, yes, there is a little contention. but the reader knows that. it's laid out in the book. oprah has taken fabulous care of her family. she does not like her mother. she does not give her phone number to her mother. but she has taken good, good care of her. >> what about the oprah, the young oprah, the childhood. what did you find out from the family members and from your sources who talked with you? what do we learn about that oprah? because really, you say that is the person who shaped and -- the challenges she was presented in her youth is really what got her to where she is today. >> you are absolutely right. and the first six years, oprah has described it as abject poverty, outhouses, pigs in the
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front yard. it wasn't quite as bad as that. there was something very, very valuable that oprah got for those first six years and that was being an only child. absolutely indulged and spoiled and loved by this huge family. her mother, her grandmother, her grandfather, aunts and uncles. and as aunt katherine explained, when you have that kind of time and attention directed to you for the first six years of your life, it develops a very precocious child and in oprah's case, a very confident little girl. >> when we asked question if there is a market for this book, who's that market and why do you think we would care to know oprah's dirty little secrets, as you say? >> they're not dirty little secrets. >> is this a biography though or more of an expose'? >> it is a biography. it is the story of one of the most important lives. i adore her for giving me this
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life story. it is a fabulous life story. >> she didn't give it to you. >> she did inseed give it to me. >> she didn't authorize this and she didn't give you any interviews for this. >> you know, the biggest source of information in this book is oprah winfrey herself. >> from her past interviews? >> from her past interviews. she's been absolutely fabulous. so i wrote with surely on oprah's thoughts and emotions about the things that have happened to her. >> the only thing you're holding back in this book then is what you say is the identity of her biological father. >> that's right. >> do you think you'll ever get a phone call from oprah? >> that isn't why i wrote the book. i did it without fear or favor. i don't write to appeal to celebrities. i really am trying to write a straight, accurate, honest, fair story of someone's life. no, i don't think oprah's ever going to call. but i did have the pleasure of meeting her in 1981 when she was
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in baltimore. >> and it was a good meeting? >> it was a good meeting. yes, it was. >> well, the book of course is called "oprah a biography." it goes on sale agagenerating at of headlines. ket kitty kelly, you're going to stick around and talk to kathie lee and hoda later this morning. we appreciate that. nutritional advice to get you on track to better health. joy bauer has your "diet s.o.s " and bobbi brown has great tips for us for spring makeup. after these messages. still, it was late. well... you're not gonna have to worry about that anymore. yeah, why's that? ♪ todd's a lucky man. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ that's what i told him when we talked last week. ♪ folgers in your cup
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this morning on "joy's diet s.o.s.," answering your diet and nutrition questions. is it okay to drink coffee before morning workouts? and what's more important, counting calories or counting fat. joy daughter is the author of "slim and scrumptious." got a lot of great questions. liz on skype coming in from chevy chase, maryland. liz, what's your question? >> it seems like counting calories is more important than counting fat grams. if this is true and two food items have the same amount of calories but different amounts of fat, does it matter which one i choose? >> good question. >> a great question. yes. here's why. while calories matter most when it comes to weight management, the quality of what's in your food matters tremendously when it comes to overall health.
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specifically, things like sodium and added sugar and the bad fats, saturated fats and trans fats. if when we are zoning in on fat, you don't need to pay attention to the total fat, because that's a combination of good fat which sometimes helps lower our cholesterols, it regulates blood sugar and keeps us feeling full. it is all good. those are unsaturated fats. but do you have to watch the bad fats, saturated fats and trans fat. when you look on a label under total fat you see the saturated fat and trans fat, unfortunately. so the bottom line is calories definitely matter but it doesn't tell the full story. if you have two products around the same calories, pick them up, compare the labels next to each other and look at the sodium, the sugar, the saturated fat and trans fat. the item with the less amount gets the spot in your grocery cart. did that make sense. >> yes. >> okay. great. >> so lower is better. >> lower is better.
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but for the bad fats, not for the total fats. >> now we've got a ramona on the phone from san bernardino, california. good morning. your question concerns caffeine? >> yes. i would like to know how caffeine affects my workout. is it okay for me to have a cup of coffee before my morning run? >> coffee lovers are going to love my answer on this one. thanks to the caffeine in coffee, it actually helps you to have a better workout. 9 relationship between caffeine and exercise has been pretty heavily researched. what we know is, if you drink the equivalent of a cup of coffee -- that's about 100 milligrams, it is either a cup of coffee or two cups of tea 20-plus minutes prior to a workout, it enables you to push longer and harder during your exercise routine and it also decreases how we perceive muscle pain. it is good for your workout. >> so if you have a little is good, would more be better? >> no.
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what the research shows is that it's sort of maxes out around this 100 milligram mark. so it is a cup of coffee or two cups of tea. obviously if you're caffeine sensitive, meaning that you get jittery or nauseous after drinking coffee, this is not for you. >> have you had your coffee yet, ramona? >> i'm just about to. >> give it 20 minutes, 30 minutes then hit the gym. >> thank you. >> another question from kristin in michigan. what's your question -- i'm sorry. this is out on the plaza. i'm sorry. >> hey! >> what's your name? >> jo. >> what's your question? >> i just started a side juice where you put a cap full of it in water every day. i wonder if it really works as a diet. i'm trying to lose weight. >> acai bry is incredibly healthy, it has a very high antioxidant level so it is good for overall health but there is no sort of magic bullet that helps you to lose weight.
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drink it because you like it, and because it's healthy, but not because it's blasting away the fat. >> breakfast is one of the more important meals. >> definitely. you want to eat breakfast, eat a healthy breakfast, should have high-quality carb and protein. again if you like the juice, just stay on top of the calories you are taking in and drink it because it is healthy but not because it is magically helping you lose weight. >> now our last question from kristin in michigan, what's your question for joy? >> kristin. >> did we lose kristin? we've lost kristin. well, joy, thank you so much. that worked out great. good stuff. >> thank you, al. >> little shaky at the end, but that's okay? >> everyone should send in these questions because we're here every tuesday and we're answering them. coming up, kate gosselin tells all about the divorce, "dancing with the stars" and raising eight kids. and rich moisture from aveeno, the naturals brand dermatologists trust most.
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>> good morning. it is not a club 26. here's a look as some of robert top stories this morning. the mayor is trying to close the $121 million budget gap. she says the cuts and new taxes are necessary to keep essential services in place such as police and fire officials. there will be some increases on a beverage container surcharge as well as a bad attacks, -- bed tax and taxes on hotels and
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parking meter fees. >> this is not a drill, this is real. if you do not fix the budget right away, public safety in the central services are at risk. >> she will not raise property taxes. and gov. martin o'malley has signed several bills into law. he will be banning the use of hand cell phones while driving. a mandatory 15 year sentence for sex offenders is also signed into law. here is a look at the forecast. >> it will be cooler today than the last couple of days. there will be a chance for rain showers off and on as we head into this afternoon. the mid 50's. a light jacket and an umbrella is probably necessary. a chance for rain early in the morning wednesday. it should clear up in the afternoon with a high near 63. thursday is the nicest day out
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he's not faster than anybody else. >> he's not friendlier than anybody else. >> he's not funnier than anybody else. >> in fact, he's exactly like everybody else. >> every parent thinks their little one has star potential, but do you know what it really takes to get your kid on tv? coming up a little later on "today," what every parent needs to know about breaking your kid into show busy. and the once happily married mom of eight on "jon and kate plus 8," making tabloid
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headlines, "dancing with the stars" and spending time with the kids, what she has to say about all of this in just a few minutes. beauty secrets from an expert. "today's" beauty editor bobbi brown is here to answer your questions on everything from how to get that special glow on your wedding day, to covering dark circles and even age spots. also that time to vote again. our second set of semi-finalists competing for the coveted title of "today's top dog." first up, bix. this 4-year-old prefers the piano. 10-year-old jake, a rot riler wi with a soft spot for the environment. he also has a theme song. our third seemmi-finalist, samm. she goes to weekly adoption events and blogs about it
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online. it's up to you to decide which of these three make it to the finals of "today's top dog." logon to or is exyour roet toe extext your vote. time is still available to enter your dog. deadline is april 23rd. let's get a check of the weather with al first. >> we'll show you that we're looking ahead for today, expecting to see plenty of sunshine in the gulf coast states. rain in texas. rain in the pacific northwest. southwest looks pretty good. risk of strong storms from the dakotas into the central plains. for tomorrow, heavy rain in the western half of texas. cool in new england with cloudy skies. mild in the ohio valley and
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>> good morning, everyone. i'm tony pann, it's going to be much cooler today than it was the past couple of days. otherwise mostly cloudy with high temperatures only in the high temperatures only in the mid 50's. >> and that's your latest weather. next, kate gosselin takes on her critics and her ex-husband's claims she is neglecting her kids. more after this. we use our card. ( thuds )very time i'll take this. ( crashing ) double miles add up quick. and all of those. so we brought the whole gang. one adult, one goat please. it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one.
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kate gosselin is no stranger to controversy from her television feuds with her then-husband jon to her divorce to her bitter custody battle over the kids, it's been a year full of drama. kate's now out with a new book called "i just want you to know." meredith recently sat down with her and asked her why she decided to write the book now. >> this idea actually came to me while i was driving one day. just a couple months ago. through everything that we've been through, everything that, you know, i've had conversations with my kids, i feel a lot of times i never wanted to have obviously. and i just wanted them really to know how much i love them, how much everything i do is for
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them, and it's not just a coined phrase, it is not just what i tell people, it's not a cop-out. it's truly what is in my heart and i wanted to write it down so they had advice for me, advice for the future and for always, kind of like a legacy. >> you look so emotional even as you talk about it. >> i'm really tired and i really miss them, honestly. but it was the most fun book out of all of the ones i've written. i told the publisher when i sent the letters to them they were to remain untouched and unedited. >> you really get to see in those letters the impact that your breakup with jon had on the kids. to hanna you write, over the last few years our family has changed. this has caused pain and doubt in you. it is shaken you and it has shaken each of us. to aden you write, i do not possess the skills to father you but i will do everything i can to show you the way. how are the kids doing? >> they are -- you'll juster that again and again from me, they are the eight most fabulous
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kids on the planet. they're strong. they're loving. i don't see anything negative they've taken from this. i see, if anything, i see the kids and i becoming so much closer and they're more open to me. >> do they understand the divorce? >> they do now. they've lived it for just about a year. and they don't like it. i don't think any child looks it. they still say things like, "i wish mommy and daddy could be together" and those sort of things. but they still have their same innocent love for each of us and i appreciate that. >> you currently have primary custody of the kids but jon has sued for primary custody because he says that you're an absentee mom, that you're more interested in fame than you are raising the children. what's your reaction to that? >> my reaction to that is, i'm a working mom and cameras are on me so people catch me traveling and working. i've got to work harder now than ever because i am a single mom.
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and in my heart, i'm always in my kitchen baking and cooking for my kids, and i'll always be there. it is a struggle to be here, to be anywhere. the emotion that you see is because i would rather be at home with them. >> but you feel you have to do this. >> i have to work. i have to provide for them. it's a struggle that every working mom, especially single moms go through, i am really feeling it now and it is really hard. >> he brings up in particular "dancing with the stars," that's in california, your kids are back in pennsylvania. how do you balance it all? >> i travel back an forth on the first flight as soon as the show lets me out. i'm on a plane and that's my night of sleep. i get home and i dance and i'm done by the time they're home from school and i spent the rest of the week with them. and it's difficult. i mean if i had 24 hours a day, seven days a week with eight kids it wouldn't be enough time in my book. so to minus out the working days is really hard but i make the most of every minute i do have
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with them. and i have a lot of conversations with them. they know that i have to work. they know that i have to go. they don't like it but when i'm home, we make those little spots of time really big in our memories. >> let's talk a little bit about dancing with the as far as. it's been four weeks and you're still on the show. did you think you would last? >> no. >> you didn't. >> it's just starting to hit me now that i'm really there, that this is week after week. it's truly one of the hardest things i have ever done. >> you said in the beginning you're not a dancer. >> no, i've never taken a dance step in my life. this is like talking chinese to me. the fact that i'm out there and -- just watching that freaks me out. it's been a great opportunity i've learned a lot about myself. i feel like i'm a strong person but this is like, wow. >> well, the judges have been very tough on you. some of the comedians have gone after you. does that hurt your feelings or have you developed a thick skin? >> i don't really have time to
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pay attention and i do have thick skin. people are always asking, are you upset by the judge's comments? to be honest i take the constructive part and the rest of it, i don't even remember what they say. i take a lot of criticism so -- it's their job, they're there to do their job and i appreciate that. >> let's dispel the rumors that you're a diva on the set. you don't talk to the other dancers. >> i love them. most of them i will stay in touch with. we have so much fun from the hair people to the makeup people, to all the cast and crew, all the dancers. it is like a big family unit and truly it is. actually, a lot of people that work on the show like the hair and makeup people, they're like, we love all of the groups of people that come through here but they're like from the very beginning you guys were all very close. they are -- i laugh so hard when i'm with them. like most of them are young and they're going out at night and i'm like, i am too old for that. >> the judges may have their
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feelings about you but the fans certainly keep you coming back week after week. what does their support mean to you? >> there are no words to describe it. i honestly -- i say this but i mean it -- the fans' votes, my supporters, the people who believe in me i think more than i believe in myself are the ones that are keeping me on the show because certainly it is not my dancing. and to them i say thank you so, so much for caring and believing in me. >> she seems exhausted. >> she does seem tired. you can imagine the grueling schedule, "dancing with the stars" is nonstop and when she does go home on the weekends she's not getting any rest. we'll find out tonight. >> her dancing has been pretty off but she's trying. she says she's never danced before in her life so i think it is pretty brave. jimmy fallon has a good parody of per. >> we'll hear a lot more from kate gosselin tomorrow on "today." up next, putting your best face forward with tips from
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makeup expert bobbi brown right after these messages. just to get out of bed. then... well... i have to keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy. if depression is taking so much out of you, ask your doctor about pristiq. (announcer) pristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma. telling your doctor if you have heart disease... or before you reduce or stop taking pristiq.
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this morning on "today's beauty," tips from a real beauty queen. for more than 20 years, bobbi brown has advised women on how to ens hans their own unique qualities with straightforward, no-fuss techniques. she believe in simple, flattering and affordable makeup and she's here today with all of your questions answered. erin from virginia writes i'm getting married in october. i wear makeup every day so what should do i for my wedding day to make me feel special, beautiful and different from my usual look? >> the makeup has to be a
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different style. since you like to wear enough makeup, wear a bright lip when you get married, it is great. but really play up your eyes. i suggest using long-wear formulas so you can apply them and not worry all night. >> i think you'll be crying, waterproof? >> long-wear, waterproof, layer darker and make it as dark as you're comfortable with. >> mary in boise, idaho writes, i am 68 years old. i notice that my face is developing more age spots. i use medium tint makeup plus a foundation stick. can you recommend anything else i can use since i still can see the larger, darker spots. it is hard to admit these kinds of things. how does mary correct the plaem? >> the way to cover a dark spot on your face is first lighten the color with almost a conce concealer color. there are a lot of products on the market heavier, texture coverups. do that first, then tinted moisturizer over and that's the best thing you can do. add a little bit of your
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foundation stick after that. honestly, go to your dermatologist, they can zap it and you won't have to worry about it. >> how can you make sure if you're using something under eye that it is not too light. i've seen a couple photographs where you can tell the person picked the wrong shade. >> you have to be careful it is one shade lighter than your four days. if you have really bad dark circles, use a corrector. either peach or a pinky color depending how dark or light your skin is. >> get your tissues ready. beulah. help. i have deep dark circles under my eyes. having tried many products, nothing works. i have two brown spots due to sun damage. i lost my husband four years ago and i lost my confidence in myself. i think if i could control how my face looked i would feel so much better. >> well, absolutely. >> makeup can be uplifting. >> it is. sometimes i am kind of the doctor ruth or dr. joyce brothers of beauty. but, it is so important to feel
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good about yourself. if you look pretty, you feel powerful. there's nothing that makes you look better than concealer and corrector. we can definitely get rid of those, even out your skin tone, put some blush on. you will feel better, you'll be uplifted and you will be ready to start your day. >> again, to be able to express these thoughts takes a lot of courage. when we're women, we're sensitive about these things. you don't remember the dark circles 15 years ago but now they're there. >> they probably were there 15 years ago but you have to learn how to take care of it. nothing like concealer, corrector and foundation. >> angela from los angeles -- or from bluffton, south carolina. 43, newly divorced and never used makeup. not sure where to start but i want to be as natural as possible. i currently use moisturizer with sunscreen. i'm from texas, i've been
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wearing makeup since i was 4. >> if you're a makeup virgin, start with a tinted moisturizer to even out your skin, add a little bit of concealer. just look for natural colors that blend easily into your skin. a bronzer instead of a blush. a lip color lipstick. don't forget mascara. >> angela is african-american. i think you do a great job with your range. i praise what you've done for women of color but how do you find a tinted moisturizer? >> there's only one way. apply it on your skin. if it disappears into your skin it is the right color. >> one more e-mail. i'm 57 and would like to update my look. i've gone to a department of store for advice but the end result is my face looks orange. when you go out into the real world. how can i avoid this one? >> you look so young for 57. it is unbelievable. you look great and would probably look amazing without glasses. she has beautiful skin.
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actually they're great glasses but in order to look natural with foundation, bring a mirror with you when you go try foundation. yellow in tone. not orange. it has to disappear on the side of your face. walk outside and look at yourself. >> what if you test it on your hand? >> it doesn't matter the color of your hand. it is really your face. some women are darker on their forehead and some african-american women have three different colors. it is about getting the right colors and blending them together and you are ready to go. >> you can also get a sample. >> get a sample, have someone show you and different makeup artists might apply little different colors. you're the judge. you're in control. you've got to look good for don't buy it. >> you got the power. >> thank you. back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.. some people don't notice the difference between meat and mystery when they enter... the frozen zone. with my perdue frozen nuggets, there is no mystery, just real, all white meat, made with 100% natural ingredients.
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details on the biography of oprah winfrey. how to get your kids into showbiz after your local news and weather. our director joe michaels thinks your necklace looks like wil wilma flintstone's. >> good morning. here is a look at one of our top stories. gov. martin o'malley will sign a number of bills into law following the conclusion of the general assembly. a ban on the use of hand-held cell phones while driving, a mandatory 15 year sentence prisons for sex offenders, and the
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