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tv   Today  NBC  September 23, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks and billionares don't need help. middle class marylanders do. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good morning. nice friend and facebook founder mark zuckerberg agrees to donate $100 million to a school district. sheer generosity or a way to divert attention? doctors find a giant tumor in a pregnant woman and cut her lower body. too hath hot for sesame street? a new duet has some parents outraged. is it too much for the youthful
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set? we'll let you decide today, thursday day, september 23rd, 2010. welcome this thursday morning. i'm meredith vieira. >> i'm matt lauer. if you're mark zuckerberg, you can give away a lot. he has give in a way a lot. >> he now lives in new york state. he has given away $100 million to a school district in new jersey. i will tell you about the timing of this gift, just before the much anticipated movie of the creation of facebook that portrays zuckerberg as a backstabber. also ahead, the debate, charges back and forth, today is the day some of the new health care rules will actually take
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effect. i'll tell you what they mean for you and your family coming up in a little while. new details on the round the clockwork in chile to rescue the trapped miners on the ground for six weeks. americans have played a key role in getting the miners out southeastern than expected. natalie will join fours a live report. what is it like to be a member of a polygamist family, in a live interview on the "today" program. ann curry is back at the newsdesk. good morning. >> good morning. in the news this morning, president obama makes a major speech before the u.n. assembly today, challenging world leaders to support an israel-palestine peace deal and if they do, it could mean the independent state of israel by this time next year and could help developing countries. instead of short term solution,
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he said the focus is more on diplomacy and investment to help nations prosper. nato confirms a taliban commander has been captured who purportedly helped supply money and weapons. and an egg farm apologies for salmonella that led to a massive egg recall and another takes a fifth amendment. and containing up to 5 million containers of powdered similac, infant formula that may have been contaminated with insect parts. we will have more on the blockbuster reorganizes and tries to keep its store opens. and a huge gift from facebook founder mark zuckerberg. this huge gift comes from zuckerberg as he's facing huge
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publicity from a new movie. >> that's right. it's expected to be very critical of him. some are questioning the timing, $100 donated to new york schools. it is very large. he is worth an estimated $2 billion. the gift apparently is going to cause new jersey to have to cede some control to newark. the state had taken over control in 1995 because the schools were being so poorly run as a result of this gift, or as part of this gift, actually the mayor of new jersey is actually going to take back some control. the deal is expected to be announced on oprah winfrey's show on friday. but, again, a lot of questions, given the facebook founder has no actual ties to newark, new jersey, he actually was raised in westchester county and now lives in california and some question the motive. >> hopefully, this money will do
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some good. thank you so much. a close call monday during a severe storm in pittsburgh when high winds hit an office building that used to be a church, knocking the steeple inside the building, where it almost hit a woman's desk. she was away from her desk at the time and no one was hurt. dramatic, you don't see that everyday. it is now 7:04. back to meredith and al. we had severe thunderstorms last night. >> came rolling
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>> good morning, off to a fairly quiet start on thursday with a couple of thunderstorms near by. a 30% chance. otherwise, it will onlyis that's your latest wester. matt. thanks so much. to politics, president obama addresses the united nations today as the gop addresses a new plan to deal with the economy and health care. msnbc's chief white house correspondent, chuck todd is here. >> the president is here, annual gathering of world leaders of the united nation. politics looming over everything. november mid-terms. while he's here, republicans are going to a hardware store in
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virginia to unveil the 2010 version of a contract with america they call their pledge to america. >> reporter: today, republicans will try to recapture what a young firebrand named newt gingrich did six years ago with his contract with america, convince the american people republicans deserve to run congress. their updated plan, a pledge to america focuses on five major areas, jobs, government spending, health care, national security and reforming congress. >> the president's been fond of playing class warfare politics, preying on the emotions of fear and envy might make for good politics but it's divisive and rotten economics. >> democratic house speaker, nancy pelosi said in a statement the pledge to america shows republicans want to return to the same failed economic policies that hurt millions of americans and threatened our economy. republicans pledge if they win control of congress, they will, among other things, make the bush tax cuts permanent, hold
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weekly votes on spending cuts and repeal and replace the president's signature legislative accomplishment, health care reform. >> doing something he hasn't done in a while, the president talked about health care wednesday, challenging republicans on the repeal pledge, why they want to get rid of something he believes will save the country a trillion. >> it doesn't make sense. it makes sense in terms of politics and polls. it doesn't make sense in terms of actually making people's lives better. >> reporter: the president also gave his first of two scheduled united nations speeches followed by a major democratic fund-raiser wednesday night, where he was confronted by a handful of protesters. >> want us to talk about what's at stake in this election, because the people that potentially will take over, if we don't focus on this election, i promise you, will cut aids funding and every priority you
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care about. >> reporter: after the interruption he returned his focus to the mid-terms and theme that brought him into office, change. >> the last election was about a changing of the guard. this election is about guarding the change. >> the president today, matt, is going to go over to the clinton global initiative where he introduces the first lady, michelle obama giving a keynote at the global initiative with president clinton. >> chuck todd, i appreciate it. let's swing over to meredith. >> more from nbc, tom brokaw, good morning. let's start with this pledge to america republicans will unveil today. unlike the contract of america that had the full support of republicans, there are only 12 that have signed on so far. what does that tell you about the shape of the party right now? >> i think they're trying to catch the tea party wave and capture the magic of 1994. they don't address some of the toughest issues still before us, medicare, social security and
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fail to point out a lot of the programs they protested against started in the closing years of the bush administration when hank paulson was trying to keep the economy from going over the cliff. take health care, for example, 17 1/2% of our gdp. no question about it, this health care bill is problematic for a lot of people. what are the answers? not just repealing it. the games are well under way. i've been doing this for a long time, meredith and never seen so many plates moving at the same time without having a key sense where they would end up. >> have you seen anything like the tea party? >> no, i haven't. you think about it, nine, 12 months ago we didn't know about the tea party. the power of the internet cannot be overstated. the first rule of politics is don't let the opposition define you. the tea party is using the internet, their people are motivated, passionate, turning out. >> about obama. >> guess who used the same technique to get elected president of the united states, president obama.
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and finds himself where bill clinton is saying he has to start pushing back than he has so far. >> this is a very right time in america. >> the recession is over meantime and a lot of people say you could fool me with that one, i don't have a job and my house might be in foreclosure. what do you say to those people? >> that this is difficulty. this is a jobless recovery. the market is doing well primarily because companies have piled up a lot of cash. interest rates low. our boss pointed out when we rad recoveries in the past, oil was $17 a barrel, no japan or china and baby boomers at the peek of their spending power and now at the peak of their taking power. a lot of states, california particularly are in deep trouble. more cutbacks to come there. everyone has to take a deep breath. we all got in it together and have to get out. >> in your travels, what are you hearing from people? >> i hear a lot from main street people voted for obama and feel
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like he's turned his back on them. that's the voice i hear across the country. they don't feel connected to him. they were quite excited about him. they had some questions but they thought he was their best choice for hope and now they feel like there's a disconnect between what's going on in washington and the problems they have everyday. >> now, everybody is talking today about mark zuckerberg and his donation of $100 million to the newark school system and the timing coming out critical about him. what do you think a gift like that really means? >> i think it really represents a couple of trends. these people are making so much money in it and the new technology. i spent yesterday afternoon with bill gates, giving a half a billion to improving teaching techniques in america. mark zuckerberg, whatever his motivation is giving $100 million to cory booker in newark, so he can take control of the newark schools and have a more responsive school system. whatever his motivation, i think we probably ought to stand back
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and say, how do we get in on this and how do we improve our education because mark zuckerberg, bill gates, all the people in that technology know education got them to where they are. if we're going to compete with india and china and all the emerging countries in the world, we have to do a lot better on that front. three cheers for mark zuckerberg. he can probably save money on his wardrobe. he only wears a hoody and black jeans. >> thank you very much. it is 7:13. here's matt. now to a sex scandal involving the leader of one of america's best known mega churches, bishop eddie long is being accused of using jewelry, cars and cash to lure three young men into sexual relationships. just outside atlanta with the details on this, ron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. eddie long is one of the most popular and powerful ministers in this country. he built a thriving empire in the atlanta area and some of his
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staunchest reporters say he is being charged with something he is not guilty of. >> somebody needs to celebrate that moment. somebody needs to bless god for that. >> reporter: he's hosted presidents like here at the funeral of loretta scott king, martin luther king jr.'s widow. he previouses to thousands of his mega church outside atlanta and counseled the president during the monica lewinsky scandal and outspoken opponent of homosexuality. but today, eddie long, who called himself "bishop" stands alone in the hot spotlight sued in civil court by three male members of his church for sexual coercion. no criminal charges have been filed. they say long introduced them to his world of luxury, private jets, rolls royces, plying them with gifts, even putting them on the church payroll while pressuring them into having sex. >> the bishop was grouping young
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men to be at his disposal. he finds them at 14 or 15 years of age. he starts to get a relationship with them at that primary of time when a young man is really searching for his identity. >> reporter: the men's attorney said long sent another young member of his church not involved in the lawsuit this picture of himself dressed far differently than his usual tailored suits. he has denied to speak publicly. but spoke through his lawyer. his spokesperson denied a shakedown. there are a lot of things being said out there but before rushing to judgment on bishop long in the court of public opinion. i really do hope that you would look at guys who are throwing mud and just consider the source right now. >> reporter: members of the church put the number at 25,000 include popular atlanta d.j., frank, who also defended his pastor. >> as a friend and extended family member, i have loyalty.
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i'm loyal to him and his family. i am standing by his side, through this and even afterwards. >> reporter: part of the debate between supporters and detractors is motive. one of the accusers, 20-year-old maurice robinson was arrested over the summer in connection with a burglary at long's church. the case is still pending. there was talk today mike eddie long might talk to the media about these allegations. a spokesperson says that will not happen. >> in decatur, georgia. thanks very much. it's 16 after the hour, once again, here's meredith. there is word rescue for the miners trapped in a chilean mine is ahead of schedule. natalie has made her way to the mine in copiopi, chile. >> reporter: good morning to you. you can see all the activity at the drilling site behind me. three powerful drills working 24-7 to try to dig a rescue
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tunnel to the mine they're making good headway for the rescue. >> reporter: it's a new day for camp hope, the families waiting since august 5th, the day their family crumbled into the mine that swallowed their loved ones. crown raleigh, known affectionately feels it's his duty to help here. the kids need happiness, he says. life goes on here, as best it can. spirits remain high as they cling to letters from their loved ones brought up almost daily from the mine. nearly a half mile below, and for 50 days now, the miners are trying to get on with their s subterranean existence. they know getting out safely is as much up to them as it is to their rescuers. they've shown nothing but
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resilience. even finding their own way to celebrate chile's independence day this past weekend. but good attitudes aren't enough. the key to their survival, daily deliveries, thanks to doves, through a 3 inch shaft, brings them food three times a day, medicine and vitamins. to maintain normalcy, the men mimic a routine of day and night with lamps. they communicate regularly with their families. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: on wednesday, the loved ones of alex vega celebrated his birthday, celebrating through a hook-up. they have even been sent cigarettes and projector screen, allowing them to watch soccer and movies. work also helps. the men have shifts where they help clear the rock from the drilling. where heed da-- wednesday, they
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recovered a part of a drill that had been detached. >> so far, they're helping this operation, giving us tips what they're seeing down there versus what we're seeing on the surface. >> reporter: brandon is one of a small group on the surface racing to help the miners. he has experience in a rescue helping pull out the miners from the mine disaster in pennsylvania. >> it's close to our heart and we wanted to come down here and do something. >> reporter: late last week, their drill, known as plan b, was the first to break through the chamber where the 33 had been trapped. >> everyone on site started hugging. it was a defining moment. >> reporter: just like quecreek, the chilly rescue plan will entail sending a bullet shaped steel capsule expected to be completed by next week, 8 feet long and only 21 inches in diameter, big enough to pull the men to the surface. for the families keeping a daily
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vigil here, hope, a new day will bring them one day closer to their loved ones. the lead engineer says the earliest they might expect a rescue now would be the first week of november, although some family members are hoping it could be even sooner than that. perhaps a best indication that rescue capsule is expected here next week. >> natalie, how far down have they been able to drill so far? >> reporter: as i mentioned, there are three competi competing -- three drills here now actively working on the site. one of those drills has actually made it more than halfway down, into the mine shaft where they are. a lot of progress being made here. there are high hopes it could be sooner than the christmas time frame they had been talking about earlier. >> their spirits are quite amazing. natalie morales, thank you so much. >> reporter: amazing, sure. the pregnant womans who lower body had to be cut in half
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to remove a large tumor. both she and her baby are doing fine. we will be talking to that woman. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead, what's it like to be a member of a polygamous family? we'll ask this man and his wife's. and katy perry and what has some parents upset. we'll talk about that after the local news and weather. that i want to do completely on my own -- i like to discuss my ideas with someone. that's what i like about fidelity. they talked with me one on one, so we could come up with a plan that's right for me, and they worked with me to help me stay on track -- or sometimes, help me get on an even better one. woman: there you go, brian. thanks, guys. man: see ya. fidelity investments. turn here.
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ancr: on september 2nd we took over a restaurant just for a day. then we made lunch for the neighbors. thousands of turkey burgers on us. to show people there's a burger that's as lean as it is delicious. it's really good. he loves the turkey burgers. if i can give her something that's good for her and lean, i'd totally make this for her. ancr: make the switch. look for jennie-o at a store near you.
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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal 11 news today. >> good morning, i am stan. it is time for a check on the morning commute. >> good morning. there is plenty to talk about. it is busy as far as incidents -- wrapped 22 x 75, an accident to avoid their. also, one still clearing here.
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near alameda and cold spring, another accident. there are delays on the north and west sides of the absolute. --e's what else to watch for at west georgia there is a downed tree. and also storm-related problem at the chapel. southbound 83 developing some delays. it is 19 minutes on the northeast of dilute, five minutes on this and near the split down towards 695. the live picture shows that volume is picking up on the west side, some delays approaching 795 towards a edmundston. we will switch to a live view of the traffic on the beltway -- bw even running smoothly down towards nurse reread. that is the latest. here's a check on your forecast. >>, watching some rain from the
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northwest suburbs. from the northern part of frederick county. you could see some rain in the next 20 minutes. most of the will have a dry wine commit. the forecast will be warm and humid day, mr. of sunshine and clubs. the highs in the upper 80s -- mostly sunny and clouds. it will call into the 70s over the weekend. there could be some showers, especially on sunday. >> you'll find
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7:30 on a thursday morning, the 23rd of september, 2010. smiling faces on the plaza. this first full day of fall feels much more like the first full day of summer, temperatures in the 80s today. more in a couple minutes. and alongside meredith vieira, major changes in health care take effect today. despite the fact we've been talking about this for it seems like years now, today is the day some of the provisions of the new health care legislation take
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effect. how will you be affected if you get your insurance through work or pay for your own insurance, answers to those questions coming up in a couple minutes. also ahead, a rare look inside the daily life of a polygamous family, the browns, one man, four wives and 16 children, are the focus of a new reality show getting a lot of attention. we will meet them coming up. also ahead on monday, we sit down with president obama for an exclusive live interview that will kick off "education nation," to look at the state of education and improving it. we want your questions for the president. submit them at our website at and submit your questions live, a full half hour live from the white house. meanwhile, let' begin with an amazing story, a pregnant woman whose lower body had to be cut in half to survive what was an untreatable cancer. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. janet olson was 31 years old and
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pregnant when doctors told her she had a rare form of bone cancer. her only shot at life was risky surgery with major consequences. doctors performed the groundbreaking procedure documenting it with video and provided it to nbc news. janet olson is a mother of two with a survivor's story. she was pregnant with her second child and started having back pain. >> it was pretty brutal pain that started out with i guess what a lot of people have in pregnancy but it got worse very very quickly. >> reporter: she went to see doctors in their native canada, she news was shocking. janis had untreatable bone cancer in her pelvis, a tumor the size of a woman's hand. doctors said the only way to get the tumor was to cut off the lower part of her body and put her back together again. the risk was enormous. janis would lose one of her legs
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and no guarantee her remaining leg would be okay. >> their goal was for me to survive, to see my babies grow. >> reporter: surgery could not be done while janis was pregnant and she had her baby delivered early by c-section. her son, leland, was born healthy but janis had a tough road ahead. her family traveled to the mayo clinic in minnesota. and they practiced on cadavers. >> she was the first person we tried it on. >> reporter: doctors called the pelvic construction pogo stick rebuild performed in two separate operations. during the first procedure, the surgical team removed janis' left leg, half of her pelvis where the tumor was located, her tailbone an left spine. in the second operation, they took the top portion of the leg removed, rotated it and secured it to her pelvis. then, they shifted her right leg
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and pelvis and attached it to her spine. the cancer removed, anjanis was able to find new ways to get around. she has a prosthetic leg with her left side and even goes s w snowmobiling with her family. >> i'm driving and a sign of my rehabilitation. >> reporter: she is cancer-free and looking forward to a long and fulfilling life. >> if it wasn't for the mayo clinic, i wouldn't be here today and my baby wouldn't know me and my 4-year-old forgotten me right now. >> there is a chance the cancer could come back but right now, she's living a happy, healthy life. >> thank you. good morning. you talked to janis, who went through this ordeal last night. how is she doing? >> i spoke to her last night. she's terrific. 3 1/2 years out and a real list.
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she knew this would be a big surgery. because she has kids at home. there is no option. i'm a mom. i'm willing to go to the mayo clinic and do something they have never done before. >> they only did this on a cadaver. >> a pelvis is a funny struckture, you don't think about it, what our babies pass-through and leg bone goes through. you don't think about it. if you think about it, it destabilizes the whole lower body. the idea they took a piece of the amputated leg and sort of put it back into sort of as an anchor, that's the pogo stick part, to reanchor this. the fact this piece is coming out right now, that part is the lower spine, really means her right pelvis has nothing to attach itself to. you have a spine and a right leg and nothing. this piece of bone they just reinserted allows the pelvis to be feuds to the lower spine. so her right leg had to be moved in a little bit.
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when that happened, she had some nerve damage to her leg. but this at least gives her some stability. this is a partially functioning right leg. she can bend it at the knee. it does have some areas of numbness. it functions reasonably well. when she puts the prosthesis on, her big bucket you saw, it gives her two pieces, two legs to balance on. she can move with crutches, she prefers a walker. around the house, she really stays in a wheelchair most of the time. >> how risky was that surgery for her? the risky of it is a big surgery. the headlines say a woman cut in half like houdini. what they really did was take off half of her lower body. the risk, it's never been done before. a huge surgery. every surgeon will tell you, we can take out anything. the real challenge is how do you put somebody back together. that's what makes this novel and makes this so courageous. she has an sarcoma, an
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aggressive tumor of the bone. they will still follow her very carefully at the mayo clinic. it allows this woman, one, to have a life, and two, reclaim her am bulation to the best of her ability and very brave on the part of the doctors that they both trust each other, what can be done. this is a real leap of faith on her part. >> she wanted to be there for her kids. >> she is really a cool woman. you will enjoy meeting her. >> we will be seeing her tomorrow. thank you very much. >> janis will be joining us live tomorrow on "today." now, a check of the weather from al. today's weather is brought to you by centrum ultra, women's multivitamins. >> was that don nash? wow! don nash. very nice. let's check your weather to see what's going on. not quite the dolce tones of jim bell. not bad. we're keeping an eye on the t p
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tropics. 60% cyclone developing with low pressure and may affect the eastern seaboard in the next week or so. afternoon temperatures, we have warm air up and down the eastern seaboard in the mid-mississippi valley, summer-like rather than fall-like, risk of strong storms in the upper mississippi valley and upper midwest and rain in the upper midwest. plenty of sunshine in the northeast. a slight chance for a shower or thunderstorm, otherwise,
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that's your latest weather. >> all right, mr. roker. thanks. the gang's all here. we want to talk about something. a new duet featuring katy perry that has some parents calling foul. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> so apparently what some people are upset about is perhaps the outfit katy perry is wearing, along with this iconic television character, elmo, with the cleavage. i've gone completely wishy-washy on this. my first reaction was maybe it's not right, the more i look at it, i don't think there's anything wrong with it. >> i don't either, to be honest with you. i think children have seen those. almost like a ballerina's outfit. >> that was kind of a cartoon character already.
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>> i think what was probably more offensive to some people is when elmo was in the silk pajamas smoking a cigarette. >> you're joking? >> however, i joke. i don't know. i think that's people picking a fight there. >> we should call elmo for an interview. he was running from her. i know my 21-year-old son has been watching "sesame street" like crazy. i found that fascinating. >> there you go. what do you think is a video too risque for "sesame street"? logon to >> we will get an earful. a lot of people do not find that okay. >> in that case, i think it's offensive. >> wishy-washy. meanwhile, up next, a major health care change taking effect today. you need to know right after this. for an off-road vehicle, ask about the skid plates. ask if they're a full-protection five-piece package. ask if they're solid steel.
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or...don't ask. but you'll find out eventually. ♪ and then there's most complete, like what you get from centrum ultra women's, the most complete multivitamin for women. it has vitamin d, which emerging science suggests supports breast health, and calcium for bone health. centrum ultra women's. it's pretty cool. [ woman ] you just feed your check in. feed the money right in. no deposit slips. no looking for an envelope. i have an image of my check right here. i can get a picture of the check, on the receipt.
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it even tells what kind of bills i put in. [ man ] you just put the bills right in. it even did the math for me. -four twentys. -a ten. -two fives. -a hundred bucks. -it's all right here. ♪ i'm done, i'm outta here. [ male announcer ] quick and easy deposits. with atms from bank of america. ♪ quick question... what does she see in him? well, his scrubbing surface is 30% larger these days. [ spray bottle ] yea, that was rhetorical. [ liquid cleaner ] one more thing, he cleans three times more soap scum per swipe than you, so ha. see, i don't think you know what rhetorical means. oh look at this, this is where he says "i'm mr. clean, i don't just clean, i bring out the shine, too!" ding! [ liquid cleaner ] what was that? [ spray bottle ] that was the noise a shine makes...or so i'm told. i've never actually done it. [ male announcer ] remove three times more soap scum per swipe
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with the new mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber. we're back now at 7:43. this morning on today's health, health care rules, several provisions of the health care reform law kick in for you. what does that mean? cnbc bertha coombs is here. good morning to you. we've been talking about this for years. today is when we see some of
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these changes taking place. give me the headlines. what will people see? >> the whole plan starts in 2013, when people can buy into it. a lot of protections and expanded coverage start today on the six month anniversary passage of the bill. one of the big ones is no more lifetime limit on insurance benefits. this is important for people with hemaphilia or cancer. you can't max out. the yearly limits are more generous, up to $750,000. also, the big one a lot of people have looked at, now, you can keep your adult child up to their 26th birthday on your plan. 30% of young adults between 18 and 24 are uninsured because a lot of them don't have jobs that pay them insurance. >> let's stop here. i know this is something you think universally, people should say, great, let the employer put that child on the plan. you think there is a way you should actually compare costs
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because you may be able to get a high deductible policy outside your employers plan and save money? >> exactly, depending where you live. i talked to a number of analysts who say you should crunch the numbers here. employers make you pay more out of the pocket, more of the cost for that dependent care, particularly if you're adding back a young adult, depending where you live, you might be able to get a high deductible plan cheaper in a state like california, for example. >> preventive care also becomes covered under policy. if you buy your own insurance, the same three big provisions apply. any other changes? >> also extra protections. on preventive care, that includes not just annual exams, mammograms, colon ost tomys, baby visits and child immunization visits as well. free now, no co-pays. if you buy your own insurance, there are also new protections in terms of children with pre-existing conditions, can't
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be denied insurance. if you look for a policy only for your child, you may have a more difficult time finding one of those. a lot of insurers worry they will only have to cover sick children, so they will not offer that. they will give it to you if you do a family plan. >> real quickly at the end, i want to give tips of yours, way to save money. stay in your network, that always helps you save money. drugs, use generics. >> use gernernernics and mail s orders, rather than 30 day prescription, get a 90 day prescription. >> and take advantage of the wellness incentives. >> and tax-free savings plans, flexible savings plans if you are on your employers or a high deductible that say you pay more out-of-pocket for the benefit of lower premiums but you can save with health savings accounts have the benefit those roll over
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and can boost your health dollars by 30% because you're not paying tax on it. >> thanks. i appreciate it. 7:46. up next, the beauty bandit learns her fate for allegedly stealing cosmetic treatments. first, these messages. e healthc. gangs were prevalent. violence was all over. families were falling apart. you can't raise children in a community like that. people had been talking about things, but not doing anything. hi, mr. canada... how are you? i'm doing great, how 'bout you? right here on 119th street. if we could fix this block, then we could fix the next block, then we could fix the next block... we promised parents, if your child stays with us, i guarantee you that child is going to graduate from college. failure is simply not an option. the sixty...the seventy... the eighty... the ninety-seven blocks which ends up being 10,000 children. we start with children from birth, and stay with those children until they graduate. if you really want to have an impact that is large,
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now some of your favorites have 25% less sugar than before and delicious all natural flavors. so you can be amazing. does your breakfast make you amazing? so you can be amazing. sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. challenge the need for such heavy measures with olay. new regenerist micro-sculpting serum for firmer skin in 5 days. pretty heavy lifting for such a lightweight. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist. now to south florida where the so-called "beauty bandit" finally had her day in court. nbc's reporter is in a plastic
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suite in behar bore where they have to get paid up front or they may not get paid at all. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. the american society of plastic surgeons estimates as a nation last year, we spent $10 billion on surgeries. as you'll see, the cost of going under the knife sometimes is so deep, often the patients who come in on tables like this have the procedures even though they cannot afford the cut. with a blank ankle monitor strapped just over her matching stiletto heels, the so-called beauty bandit paraded into a miami-dade court to be judged. her appearance before this bar on charges of grand theft, identity theft and fraud. prosecutors say 29-year-old maria christen, obsessed with her looks, systematically visited various south florida plastic surgery clinics, getting
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botox injections, sculpting her look. the price of beauty, more than $5,000. every time, she cut out before paying. >> this is the first time i had anybody accused of stealing botox. her lawyer says the deal offered by prosecutors was picture perfect. restitution to the doctors, a $500 fine and community service. >> i'm just glad i'm off my house arrest and can move on with my life. >> reporter: the unemployed beauty bandit still faces charges in another jurisdiction, although on her facebook page which has dozens of photos, some not appropriate for television, she claims that plastic surgery patient, who nipped out after tucking her wallet deep in her purse was a look alike, not her. >> her features are very unique. i could see her in china and i know that it was her. >> reporter: her monitor is off. like cellulite, there's no promise it won't come back. the terms of her sentence
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require strict attention. the beauty bandit offered no excuses. but her lawyer did try to explain. >> everybody wants to look fabulous. >> reporter: the doctor uses this surgical suite here was also tripped by a group of bandits to the tune of more than $50,000. the fbi investigated. often this is how the scam works, the patient shows up with a false name. when the doctor wants to take the before photograph, i'm sorry, i can't do it, i'm under a modeling contract and after the procedure, they slip away, no evidence and no way to find them. >> dead beats are dead beats. thanks. just ahead, the inner workings of a polygamous family. we'll meet one man and his four wives. >> and we'll take to tina fey. first your local news.
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as a mom i believe books brighten a child's future. so join the sunnyd book spree. when your child's class collects 20 labels... they get 20 free books! go to and help us make classrooms sunnier. words alone aren't enough. my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross.
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bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right.
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but basically, i'm a runner. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated, because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done ts before. and unitedhealthcare's database helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal 11 news today. >> good morning. the time know is 7:56 a.m., and time to get a check on the morning commute. >> there are still some problems out there. first, if you are traveling at 222 and 275 in cecil county, all lanes are closed with an accident there. also, in the city, we are watching the maximum being cleared at alameda and cold spring. on the north side, 11 miles per
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hour, approaching awe-95, and looking at west side delays and on the jfx southbound. watch for new exit near beaver road, and a downed tree here. 33 minutes is your drive time on the out to loop. 12 minutes here. on the inner loop towards the delays developing there. things are barely moving at old court. here's a live it view at harford road with heavy delays towards the harrisburg expressway. here's a check on your forecast. >> good morning, a few light rain showers on hd doppler. nothing of any consequence. it will probably die out of the next 30 or 45 minutes. there is more of a chance for
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this afternoon to have showers, and it will be a warm day. we will be in the low 90s on friday, dropping back to the 70s over the weekend. stan? >> be sure to check the bottom of your screen for updated
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morning, 23rd of september, 2010. we're on the rockefeller plaza roof. good to have you. we talk about the return of "30 rock" tonight. >> fifth season. they said it wouldn't last. >> it did, though. >> it has. >> also ahead, if you like the program "big love," we will meet a polygamous family, a guy who
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has three wives and about to add a fourth way of to the fold. >> they did, actually, they got married in may. >> it's a complicated existence. we will be talking to them about that in a little while. >> the thing we always worry about is the self esteem. bobbie brown is here to show us how to tell our daughters to accept how they look on the outside but the beauty within. and the headlines with ann curry at the newsdesk. >> thanks a lot. good morning. president obama is sharing his vision for an independent palestine estate before a major address at the u.n. assembly and saying they will never know true security and the palestinians never know the dignity of state hood without the peace talks resuming this month and urging others to support the solution of an independent palestine within one year.
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troubled schools in new jersey are about to get a huge gift from facebook founder, mark zuckerberg. with a net worth of $2 billion, he's give an gift of $100 million for the schools there. in san bruno, california, the number of deaths from the explosion, three deaths and four other people still hospitalized. an egg farmer owner is offering and apology and he and the others promised a skeptical congress on wednesday, they have changed the way they do business. tom has details now. >> reporter: within minutes of appearing before congress, the man at the center of the salmonella egg recall issued a very public mea culpa. >> we apologize to everyone who may have been sickened by eating our eggs. >> reporter: members of congress had little patience for austin
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jack and his son, peter. the video on the way documents dead hens and dead mice and manure. >> the conditions in your facility were not clean, not sanitary, filthy. >> this is a very big operation. we have a certain way we go about running it. >> reporter: meanwhile, the president of the second iowa farm involved took the fifth amendment when asked to testify. >> i respectfully decline to answer the question. >> reporter: the salmonella outbreak is said to have sickened 1600 people and thousands more in 22 states. >> i'm angry they have gotten by with it and haven't cleaned up their act. >> reporter: with investigators zeroing on their iowa farm, they're suggesting someone else, a feed provider may be responsible for the salmonella but also promising to clean up
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their own farms. tom castello, nbc news, washington. cattle isn't thing on thing they round up in texas. this more than 500 pound alligator was found living in a pond on an east texas ranch. wildlife officials used a lasso to pull him out. he's now been sent to a private farm for rescued reptiles. it is something you don't see every day. now, let's go outside to matt and meredith. >> yes. a check of the weather, al. >> that's right. we're here. the british school of chicago, loud. i didn't know they had a british school in chicago, a lot of british students in chicago. they don't sound british. they sound american to me. all right. let's get your weather. columbus, ohio, nbc 4, partly sunny and warm, 89 degrees.
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as you can see for today, a risk of strong storms in the upper midwest. record highs in the ohio river valley, into the gulf coast, sunny but cooler in the northeast. tomorrow, we have rain in the upper midwest in new england, showers in central texas and clouds in the pacific midwest. record highs move into the mid-atlantic and >> good morning, everyone. ibm tony -- i am tony pan. that's your latest weather.
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>> when we come back, one man, four wives, we'll talk to them right after these messages. rise and shine! [ man ] ♪ today the world looks mighty fine ♪ [ women ] ♪ pop-tarts happy sunshine time! ♪ [ man ] ♪ grab a pop-tart and you might just start ♪ ♪ to sing songs like a meadow lark ♪ ♪ stretch and yawn ♪ blow a kiss to mom ♪ cause pop-tarts mornings are the bomb ♪ ♪ so, rise and shiiiiine
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the medicine in advil is their #1 choice for pain relief. more than the medicines in tylenol or aleve. use the medicine doctors use for themselves. one more reason to make advil your #1 choice. [ water runs ] [ female announcer ] new chef boyardee whole grain beefaroni. [ whispering ] now with whole grain pasta. shh.
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♪ i was young and i was stupid ♪ i had just turned 17 ♪ a harmonica and a box guitar ♪ ♪ in a canvas-covered wagon stuffed... ♪ [ male announcer ] while the world's been waiting on the electric car, maybe the whole time, the electric car has been waiting for this... the wattstation from ge. it's going to change the way we get to where we all want to go. ♪ i didn't think much of it till i took it apart ♪ that advertise flights for 25,000 miles? but when you call... let me check. oh fudge, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! [ freezing ] i can't feel my feet. we switched to the venture card from capital one -- so no more games. let's go see those grandkids. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at
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[ loving it ] help! what's in your wallet? we are back at 8:09. these days, families include single parents, step parents, single moms and two dads and one series is about to document one man and multiple wives. sist ster wives takes you into the relationship of one man and three wives and the addition of
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wife number four. >> 20 years ago i married meri and then janelle and 16 years ago, i married christine. i fell in love and then i fell in love again and then i fell in love again. >> they're live with us. good morning to you all. >> good morning. >> this is the kind of lifestyle most people would not embrace and certainly don't understand. let me start with you, kody. you did not come from a plural family as it is call. your dad was not a polygamist. what led you down this path? what made you choose polygamy? >> it was faith based. part of a faith belief. i followed through with it and this is kind of where it landed. >> you started with meri, the first woman you married. your dad was a polygamous and you understood this lifestyle. >> yes. >> this is technically the only
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legal marriage you have in the state of utah. the rest of the marriages are not considered legal or not? >> no. >> meri, you get into this situation. did you assume other wives will come? >> at the time we got married, we both knew it was something we were going to live. this is a lifestyle we were adopting. >> after you, there was janelle and then christine and then robyn, you came a little bit later, so i will hold off on you a moment. all of you chose to accept it. why did you want multiple wives? beyond religion, tell me specificly. you had meri, obviously, you were happy. >> i know you're asking kody. it's faith, a faith decision. we -- anyway. >> what is it they say? >> faith is about family. it's about working together and overcoming our faults, and raising beautiful children and having a happy family and
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respectfully, we interpreter it and many of our friends interpreter it the same way. >> i like to call it accelerating personal development. dealing with a lot of challenges. >> one way to put it. once you have been watching the series, i was given three episodes to watch. so the viewers understand, the three of you -- we'll get to you in a second, robyn. for 16 years, you all have lived in one home together. it was after you had married all three women you actually all started having children. now, we're up to 13 kids. explain to me how the house functions on a day-to-day basis. meri, you like the way things work? >> i do. i do. i like the way it works. you know, as far as our interaction, the kids have all been raised all together, as a family, and they just interact really well together. they're siblings and they love each other. i don't know. it just works really well. >> we didn't all live all together all the time.
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before we lived in the house we live in now, we asked the kids what they wanted. we said, do you want to live in three separate houses or do you want to have one big house? they were all like, one big house! they really like it. it really works well for us. we have three separate apartments in the house, but we all still live together in that house. >> the children now attend a private school, that's not correct? >> no. they did attend private school. >> now, we're all in public, except for one. >> except for one. the number one question you get asked, i think i know what it will be, christine, about people who don't understand the lifestyle. >> they ask us. how do you make it all work? what about jealousy? >> what about jealousy? >> jealousy is a natural feeling everybody feels. as long as you know who you are, i think all of us, every woman needs to feel confident in who they are. that's really how you handle anything. >> for me, for my own
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experience, jealousy is almost always an insecurity, something i'm insecure about is causing me to feel bad. i had to really find my own voice, be able to embrace who i was as a person and enjoy my strengths and be able to recognize everybody else's strengths, too. when you become confident in who you are -- >> you don't need anyone to tell you you're okay. >> yeah. i feel like i -- >> sharing -- >> the question is how can you share one man, all three women? >> it's not sharing, it's like you are getting -- he's a really great guy because he knows how to do this. in order -- it's like you get this part of this really great awesome person. it's not even like you have a quarter. >> i don't feel like -- it's family. >> how does it work, to get to the nitty-gritty. every night, do you stay with a different wife?
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>> yeah. we have to schedule, rotate through a schedule, so everybody gets their time. we try to be fair with the time, try to be fair with the relationship and we function very well together. the group of us actually do things together. >> when you came into the picture, robyn, about a year ago. >> yeah. >> at first, the other ladies, based on the series, weren't so sure because they had this nice zen going and you particularly expressed some of your frustrations and worried. there was a jealousy about her. why worry? everybody else was fine, when she comes along, it's just one more wife. >> honestly, i was shocked, too. it was so hard for me. you see that more when you watchsist ster wivwatch "sister wives." it surprised me, too, because i've always been secure in who i am. >> you have to understand, christine is awesome, so sweet. >> it surprised me christine
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struggled. >> it reshuffled everything, a group basket upset. it changes things. you have to sort of discover yourself again or rediscover yourself. >> find out what your strengths are again. >> the thing is when you have -- christine was married last, that was 16 years ago. it's taken a lot of the 16 years to be able to grow together and become so comfortable with each other. then, yeah, when something else is thrown into the mix, things will shuffle things up. >> what about your kids, one of your daughters in the series says this right out, she says when she gets ready to make a decision, she does not want to be in a plural family. >> i encourage that in my children. i had to make a choice. i didn't grow up in this faith. i chose the faith as an adult. i want my children to have that same choice. i think we all talk to our children. i talk to my children about choice and consequence in a way my parents never discussed with me because i want them to understand that any choice,
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whether it's who they marry, what religion, what school, they all have to have -- you have to be able to be comfortable with your choice and accept the path that put you on. >> kody, you're in sales and early on, you say, the one thing you've been trying to do is basically keep your lifestyle secret from the general public. you've blown the cover obviously, why did you decide, i am going to go forward with this. a lot of people will look at this and go, whoa, it's not my cup of tea. >> i'm not trying to sell it to the world. when you're in a closed society, you feel kind of -- >> oppressed. >> oppressed. exactly. >> it's dangerous. we're hoping that we can create more transparency for those in our faith. there is a lot of fear in our culture about the government. sometimes people in those instances, where there is things going wrong, they're more afraid of the government than they are of the perpetrator or whatever
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is going on. we hope we can open this up. >> there is a lot of bad media about polygamy and this way of life and hoping to dispel this and say, hey, that's not us, that's not our family. >> okay. i have to point out at this point it is illegal. we have to point out. kody, thank you so much, meri, janelle, christine and robyn. "sister wives" premiers on tlc. up next, "30 rock." credit card rewards are always good in theory. sometimes i would get rewards, sometimes i wouldn't.
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this one card i had -- there were all these rules. rules and restrictions. oh, and limits. [ scoffs ] forget about it. but i love this card. bankamericard cash rewards credit card. 1% cash back on everything i buy. period. no limit to the amount of cash back i can get. no hoops to jump through. simple. [ male announcer ] the refreshingly simple bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. i love my grandma. i love you grandma. grandma just makes me happy. ♪ to know, know, know you grandma is the bestest. the total package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten.
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♪ to know, know, know you ♪ is to love... some people call us frick and frack. we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do [ pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you after this we're gonna get ice cream. can we go get some ice cream? yeah. ♪ and i do ♪ and i do ♪ and i do ♪ and i do li'm luke myers. if you want to be incredible, eat incredible. anncr vo: eggs. the incredible protein. 0 to 60? or 60 to 0?
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[ tires screech ] the quarter-mile, or a quarter-century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving? to us, performance is not about doing one thing well. it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters. the best or nothing. that is what drives us. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers on the c-class. pestora. tina fey and the cast of the emmy award winning "30 rock" returns. and the show is back for its fifth season as well. as wen ter the fifth season of tgs. remember, no one ever thought we would make it this far. >> that was actually an oversight. jenna has crazy stuff in her contract that kicks in now. >> like what?
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>> eye contact. everyone must make eye contact with miss maroney all time. she also gets a producer credit. that makes everyone feel more important. like ast ashton curb -- or secry of state hillary clinton. >> did you feel like this was not a reality? >> i thought i will have a dvd i can show my friends and we're here five years later. >> were the doubters thinking it was too much baseball or inside new york city or new york centric for the rest of the country? >> yeah. it really is more about this office and people that work together and how much they care about each other. yeah. i think that was the concern in the beginning. also, we're all very old. >> wrong demographic? >> wrong demographic. >> because you are a performer, people think, she's the star of the show. you're at heart a writer. that's what you do.
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when you hear and win the awards and emmy's and golden globes, that's not why you put the show on the air but it has to be a nice bit of positive reinforcement? >> sure. i think it helps us survive a couple years, to have that kind of recognition. we're always grateful when anything like that comes our way. >> this season, the show did not win the emmy for best comedy show. >> no! >> does that serve -- she weeps openly on the show. does that light a fire under the staff? >> for me, going to the emmy's, it was just thrilling that there's so many new shows people are excited about. comedy succeeding is good for everybody across the board. i didn't really sweat it. i think we have always a fire, a constant fire. our staff works really hard. we work ourselves to death. >> at the end of last season, you worked yourself to death with matt damon. >> yes. >> a little romantic interest for your character. is he back? >> he is back on the season
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premier tonight, plays a guy named carol, a pilot i'm dating, which, of course, makes complete sense. he's really really funny and we're so grateful he is back. >> are you at the stage with the show, tina, where agents for stars are calling you guys? >> we have always been very lucky, some people will approach us. matt did actually come up us to at the s.a.g. awards and say, i want to be on the show! okay. >> little did he know you'd take him up on it. >> okay. >> i was reading about you, as popular as you are and have achieved a level of success few people have not, you're not on facebook and do not tweet. >> i do not tweet. >> why and -- neither do i, by the way. >> writing is work and i don't want to drop half-baked things into the universe all the time. i don't know how anyone has time to do all this. i have a kid, i'm at work.
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i don't have time to type what kind of sandwich i had into the computer and into the universe. >> don't you worry if you're out there tweeting, everybody who would read it would expect you to be hilarious with every single tweet? >> it would be too hard although steve martin is tweeting now and it is really funny? >> so you follow it? >> i was looking it up and it was really funny. >> so you're a closet tweeter. >> i didn't mean to offend you. >> you took part in the opening sequence, which was hilarious, what's it like to do something like that? >> it was really fun. we were doing nerds in a high school show. we were backstage, jon hamm, jorge from "lost," practicing over and over. it actually made the weekend fun. there i am, 40 years old, dancing. look at jon hamm, what an idiot. >> he was here the other day.
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congratulations on coming back. good luck tonight. 830. >> 830. >> 7:30 central time on nbc. just ahead, teaching teens about beauty from the inside-out. >> i will do that. >> you do? >> i will do that. >> your local news and weather. >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal 11 news today. >> good morning. i am mindy basara, and let's get a final check on the traffic. >> still some problems s though russia is not quite over yet, 222 is shutdown at 275 the next an accident is clear and at alameda and cold spring. at beaver road, the routes are closed due to a crash. blue mountain also has a problem. there is a downed tree here.
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20 minutes on both your west and east sides on the beltway. once get onto the jfx, it is filling up quickly down into the city. here is a live with you. here's what it looks like at old court. -- this is a live view. we will switch over to the live view with some delays on the inner loop towards a by-95. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> good morning. we're picking up some sprinkles on hd in doppler, nothing of any consequence. later in the afternoon, once again to the heat of the day, there could be a few thunderstorms, 30% of the chance. the bigger story is the heat, highs in the upper 80s to near 90. the average height is 76. tomorrow will be the hottest day from the next week, making it up to about 93. over the weekend it will cool
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off down to the 70s. there could be some rain early on saturday morning. there's a 30% chance of rain on sunday, so there could be some rain during the raven's game. >> we will have another update at 8:55 a.m.
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[ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last. bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side.
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thursday morning, the 23rd day of september, 2010. it's another beautiful morning here in the northeast. we have temperatures in the 80s today, even though it's the first full day of fall. out on the plaza with these
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nice people, i'm matt lauer with meredith vieira, al roker and ann curry on the end, coming up with important information for women and ovarian cancer. >> this month is ovarian awareness month and connie needham opens up about her battle with the disease and how to recognize the symptoms and what you can do to reduce your risk. also coming up this morning, talking to bobbie brown. she has a new book out targeting teens and involves also a survey that found that a lot of teenagers when asked where beauty really comes from, had the right answers, that it comes from the inside. we'll get to some of that coming up. you know what happens in one week. >> what? >> right here on the plaza, melissa and jeremy getting married. that's right. we need you to pick their wedding cake. check out the options on our website at or or
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text your votes. >> they look good. >> there is a new comedy debut on, called outsource. ben rappaport is one of the new stars of the show. how are you? nice to see you. congratulations. ben's character in the show works for a company "this is my dream job" an american novelty company that make s cushions. how did you get that job? >> i auditioned. >> tell me a little bit more about the show. >> it starts out, i come into work one day and find out the whole office has been fired. it's empty. my boss goes, well, you can have a choice, you can get fired, too, or go to india and run the cal center, so [ speaking foreign language ] he goes to india and runs the cal center. >> is it true the actors get together and perform karaoke as
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a group? >> before we shot the pilot, the producer sent us to correia town in l.a. and made us sing songs our character would sing and send an ad along to make sure we stayed on task and didn't just have fun. it got out of hand. >> it worked? >> yeah, it did work. at the end, we are singing "we are the world." >> kumbaya. >> strange. >> you just recently graduated from jul yard and did off broadway. you were working as a caterer when you got this gig? >> i was. >> this is really a great story. >> thank you. i was working on a broadway theater selling expensive water bottles to people. i was catering at parties with models and fashion people. try serving a model a cocktail. >> and apparently, you're also kind of a bit of a socc soccer -- because you
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actually-you guys -- we ran into each other a couple years ago back at julliard actually. yeah. the "rolling stone"s came and played a surprise concert at julliard, i was coming out of class and i had tights on. >> so did matt. >> yeah. he was down the hallway. >> can i take a picture with you? he beckoned to you. >> he beckoned to me. >> can i take a picture with you for my mom? she's a huge fan. he was nice. there's the picture, yeah. >> congratulations. "outsourced" premiers tonight on nbc. we wish you the best. >> thank you so much. >> at 9:30 central time. let's check the weather.
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>> let's see what's going on. a check of the roker weather for saturday. we have sunny, mild conditions along the eastern seaboard. severe rain in the pacific northwest and sunday, looking at wet weather through the southeast into florida, rain in texas. specific northwest getting a slight chance for a shower or thunderstorm, otherwise, and don't forget, you can get your weather any time of the day or night at
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online but you can only get willard right now. uncle willie! >> reporter: how sweet it is. this is the time of the year, leaves begin to change, get an apple and make a pie. happy birthday from smuckers. take a look, if you will. we're always glad to say hello to reverend elizabeth walton, california, 101, became a minister at 91 and she still serves as co-pastor. god love her. how about that? jenny diaz, from clear wwater, florida, attributes longevity to her belief that age is just a number. 107. jerry sutton of elkin, maryland. she -- he is 100 years old today. owns and operates a motel he's had for years. some of his customers go back to see him and stay at the motel.
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florence ehlert of alpharetta, georgia, 106 years old, takes mow medicine. rode a motorcycle when she was 105 and will do it by herself next time next year. and kitty weaver, 100 years old, climbed up the great wall of china at 84. a beautiful lady, well respected lady. dorothy walley of colville, washington state. 100 years old, opened up a mobile blood center and received all kinds of awards for that. frances robinson, 101 years old, secret to longevity, drinking a glass of pia. not a bad idea. likes to laugh a lot. now, back to the great city of new york, the big apple. >> thank you so much, willard.
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in our last hour, we introduced you to kody brown and his four wives part of the tlc show, "sisters wives" and polygamy. if you'd like to ask any questions, send them in. and bobbie brown has secrets for us. tax on everything you buy?
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that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. old gibbs canning company.
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today these factories are full of dot com businesses. and now my job is helping maryland create new economy jobs. training new math and science teachers investing in our institutions of excellence pioneering new cyber security jobs and giving an old gm plant a jump start building electric motors. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know i'm fighting for you. back at 8:40, this morning, "today"'s health, ovarian cancer. with early detection, it is 90% curable. one of the women impacted by the disease is actress connie needham, former star of the hit show "eight is enough" and the face of the women's cancer foundation. >> when i was first cast on
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"eight is enough." it was so exciting. i was 15 years old, sophomore in high school. >> it was the first television work she had done. not long after she was married and started a family. taking a break from acting, connie chose to focus on her children. more than 25 years later, now divorced, connie faced a life changing diagnosis. >> i noticed my energy level dropping. i started to have some bloating i thought at first, because it was so gradual, i was just putting on weight because i was getting older. finally, i started to have a little trouble breathing. that sent me to the doctor. >> connie had an ultra sound and with that came the devastating news. >> in may of 2009, i was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. >> she was scheduled to have a complete histrectomy, followed by months of chemotherapy.
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>> i called my mom. that was especially hard. the final conversation ahead to have was with my daughters. i was able to explain what was going to happen, what was going on, what i had, at the same time, there was no reason to think the worst. >> her surgery was a success and fortunately for connie, the side effects from the treatment were manageable, allowing her to appear on "today" last march. >> i african-american feeling fantast . >> i am feeling fantastic. the treatment i was having at that time allowed me to recover enough to feel pretty good. i had my last chemotreatment on july 21st of 2010. >> two months later, connie is back on track and cancer-free, but still under doctor's care. >> today, i feel fantastic. i feel like myself again.
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i feel excited and motivated and emotionally fantastic. physically, i need to get back in shape. >> and her message to women fighting ovarian cancer today? >> there is hope. there is amazing progress. people are getting better. let goodness in. >> today's contributor, dr. rosh, good morning to you. what is ovarian cancer. >> it occurs when cells in your ovary overpopulate, get a genetic mutation that causes them to grow uncontrollably and can spread to other parts of the abdomen. >> until recently, it was known as a silent killer and some of the symptoms are non-specific and by the time you realize you have ovarian cancer, it may be out of control or spread. what are the warning signs? >> research has shown they can
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be very vague. >> like bloating? >> exactly, bloating or feeling of abdominal fullness, seeing your abdomen get bigger, abdominal pain and urinary frequency and things that could be signs of depression but also early signs of cancer. >> if you have these symptoms, at what point should you go to the doctor and at what point do you direct it to the doctor. >> people can have bloating for years and if it persists, talk to your doctor and tell him about your family's cancer history, and ask for an ultrasou ultrasound, the best way to detect it. >> talking about family history, connie has two daughters, are they more likely to develop it because she has it? >> they are. the point is test it because there are certain specific
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mutations, braca 1 and 2. and there are colon symptoms that elevate your risk and important to talk to your doctor about all the types of cancer in your family and whether that raises your risk? >> the general treatment? >> radiation and chemotherapy. >> there are success stories and connie is one of them. what is the news on the horizon when it comes to this disease? >> the good news is we're becoming much more aware of these early symptoms. both doctors and patients are more aware and if you treat it early, you have a good chance of surviving. >> any ways to prevent it? >> taking oral contraceptives. >> really? >> and having one child reduces your risk of ovarian cancer, breast-feeding reduces your risk or if you had a tubal ligation, that also reduces your risk. >> dr. roshini raj, thank you.
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how to get teen girls to embrace their beauty and stay true to themselves.
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this morning on today's beau beauty, getting young women to be comfortable in their skin. bobbie brown sitting down with five young girls to feel beauty about what they see in the mirror. ♪ . >> how many of you guys have even worn makeup before? how old were you when you first started? do you remember? the first time you wore it out of the house? >> i started wearing mascara to school in 6th grade. >> i was 9 years old. >> my mom this is one that introduced me to makeup. i would always watch her. >> i have three brothers.
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it's not like girly in my house, i guess. with my friends in 7th grade, i started knowing what i had to do and got my makeup done at the mall. >> i was a dancer so i performed with makeup on and spoke to my mom about what she thinks would be like good for me to wear to school. she says to keep it natural. >> i first wore in it 6th grade. i woke up really early to put on black eyeliner and mascara before school. and i remember being really excited about it. >> everyone here has like ridiculously perfect skin. >> thank you. >> what was that snicker? >> i like my skin but i find some flaws. >> i want a different nose. >> why? >> i don't like my nose. >> turn to the side. it looks like you bought that nose. what do you think when you look in the mirror? >> i really like, like my eyes.
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>> beauty comes so much from someone's energy and spirit and how they look. for me, i like to empower young girls or women to make themselves look like themselves but better. >> why wear makeup at all? just like you're wearing earrings or a necklace, makeup expresses your personality and about feeling good and helping other people feel good. >> bobbi brown is out with a new book, called "beauty rules." lifetime essentials and life lessons for teens. >> it's surprising how yong some of these young women were when they first wore makeup. >> i was in 7th grade. >> i was in high school. >> girls are bombarded with so many images daily and unrealistic images of beauty and what you should look like. girls are more curious, as
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mothers teach their girls what to do instead of telling them what not to do, it's not a big deal. there's nothing wrong with a touch of makeup. >> you also make this big point, it's not how you look but who you are. it's what you're saying. it seems like a confusing message. >> it's not. i really believe the better you take care of yourself, the better you feel. wearing a little makeup, there's a reason i'm wearing a little makeup going to the grocery store, i'm not going to a party, but appropriate, covering with concealer on a blemish for a teenager, feeling good when you walk in the door. there's enough angst when kids are young with their friends and everything. you don't want the look to take over, you want to feel good and empower the girls. >> you're saying being conscious of the pressures on this age group is part of the - the -- nevertheless, you commissioned a survey, more than 1,000 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 were asked questions.
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two-thirds of them said self-confidence is one of the key attributes to making a woman beautiful. >> but young girls are also getting that message, that you care about. >> i was so surprised and so happy when i heard. i could not be happier girls and women now are starting to realize, it's okay, be who you are. we're a very powerful gender and we can do anything. you have to start young to know what you can accomplish and be who you want to be. yes, i'm a makeup artist, not about what you're wearing on the runway, about your everyday life, how you feel good about yourself and empowering yourself. that's what hits a nerve. >> in this book, as you're targeting the youngest audience you ever talked to. >> my last teenage book is 10 years old and decided to write this one because so much has changed. the messages has not but this has. >> what has changed? >> first of all, the internet,
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facebook, they see more, know more, more sophisticated. about being age appropriate and doing the right thing and about loving your freckles, loving your curly nose. the book is full of makeup and beauty tips. the underlying message is you can see your semifinals in these girls. they're not one model in this book, girls i picked up on the streets, waitresses, friends' daughters. you can find yourself in this book. if you feel good about yourself and are comfortable, that's the biggest gift anyone can give their daughter. >> especially for girls who are not comfortable, this is a message they need to hear. >> how many girls feel comfortable, i grew up as a teenage girl and i don't have daughters to deal with it, i have three boys. and it's easy to assume your smart friend, athletic friend is better than you are. >> who is this? >> gosh, that's me in my bedroom
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in chicago. nice. purple and pink. >> bobbi, we love you no matter how you look and who you are. the book is called "beauty rules."
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bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side. just ahead, we will talk to
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the brown family, one man and his four wives. >> and what airlines are charging to check bags. >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal 11 news today. >> good morning. here is a look at one of our top stories. the baltimore city police are on the hunt for a group of suspects behind a group of armed robberies. over the last few months seven robberies have been pulled off at the mall, most recently at a jewelry store where the suspects made off with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. arrest warrants have been
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>> let's take a look at your
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forecast with tony. >> there will be a slight chance for a shower or thunderstorm as we head through the day, but the big story is the temperatures, back to near 90 degrees this afternoon, while the average height is 76. we will keep it going to mars, jumping into the mid-90s for friday, with the chance of thunderstorms -- will keep it going. it should clear up later. if you're going to the ravens game on sunday, a 30% chance of showers, the high near 75. the best chance for rain will be mid next week. be mid next week. today these factories are full of dot com businesses. and now my job is helping maryland create new economy jobs. training new math and science teachers investing in our institutions of excellence pioneering new cyber security jobs
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and giving an old gm plant a jump start building electric motors. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know i'm fighting for you. bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage.


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