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tv   Today  NBC  September 30, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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bless them in their work and companionship, in share sleeping and waking, in their joys and sorrow, in their living and dying, may you constantly be at their side to guide and protect them along the way. in the name of christ, we pray, amen. you may kiss. >> we're back now with more on "today," a thursday morning. that was a couple minutes ago on the rockefeller plaza when melissa and jeremy became mr. and mrs. gephardt.
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they exchanged vows and became husband and wife. it was a beautiful ceremony despite a little bit of drizzle in the air. you know what they say, the rain means a downpour of good luck in your marriage. >> we can use that a lot. >> and we're here with mr. and mrs. gephardt. natalie mora morales is several blocks from here where the reception is going to take place. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, matt. the place settings are all ready and ready for melissa and family. you can see these personal and designer touches other than des celebrity, colin cowie. i can tell you taking a look at the menu, you guys will want to get a taste of this, smoked salmon napoleon, trufled eggs, appetizing, huh? and the signature cocktails i
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can't wbelimis and expresso martini, which is colin cowie's and we can't wait to welcome mr. an mrs. gephardt. >> we will send them down in a couple minutes. >> we have a little bit of business first. now that you're mr. and mrs. gephardt, you may be wanting to know where you're going for your honeymo honeymoon. you were shown amazing options, brazil, thailand, turks and caicos islands and portugal. the vote is in. >> who would like to do the honors, mr. or mrs. gephardt. here you go.
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>> . >> you will be going for your own private stay with a butler. >> we can't wait! >> in november. >> congratulations. we will send you off to the reception now, so enjoy that. we will meet you down there. we can't wait to see you. congratulations. >> thank you. >> let's go inside. amy is standing by. she has the headlines. good morning to you. >> good morning. congratulations to the couple. good morning, everyone. flood watches and warnings in effect from the east coast from south carolina to new hampshire with up to 9 inches of rain in some areas, part of the remnants of tropical storm, nicole. tensions are rising between the u.s. and pakistan. pakistan says nato helicopter attacked a security post killing three pakistani troops and
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pakistan blocked a vital supply route for u.s. and nato troops. prosecutors say the man who pleaded guilty to trying to set off a bomb in time square planned to detonate a second bomb later on. on wednesday, the government released a video showing what the time square bomb might have done had it exploded. he faces up to life in prison when he is sentenced next week. a huge recall involving recall involving children's chairs price fisher and children's trikes and high chairs and easy chairs and inflatable balls sold under baby play zone, baby gymnastics, play wall and ocean wonders and kick and crawl. for more information, you can logon to hollywood legend, tony curtis died of cardiac arrest.
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he was boast known for his role in "some like it hot." it was an emotional day for the pilot who landed the plane at the airport at jfk without the landing gear fully down. he said it was the most circuit thing th significant thing that happened to him in 32 years of flying. he said he was just doing his job. fred keller spent nearly a year of his retirement turning and old pickup truck into a red wagon. giant dose of nostalgia and real traffic stopper on the streets of anchorage. it is five minutes past the hour. back to matt. i don't have an explanation for that other than it looks cool. >> now, he's working on a big wheel. how's that working on your forecast? >> i need my director, joe michaels to i do my forecast. he said it won't rain. i bet him 100 bucks it would.
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he won. >> you mean 100 pieces of candy? >> yes. >> that was your head, not over it, remember that. >> tornado watch until 1:00 in the carolinas up to washington d.c., as we get a secondary area of low pressure building in the airline nas with the remnants of nicole, combining those two, you have a risk of strong storms from cape hatteras all the way to long island. we have the future cast bringing the heavy rain up along the coast and inland in the interior sections of new york and pennsylvania to new england by tomorrow and new england. we have a pretty good weekend in tap as it all moves out. we have flash flood watches as well and rainfall amounts anywhere from 3 to 7 inches of rain before it's all over sometime tomorrow night. >> heavy tropical downpours all day today.
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a tornado watch until 1:00. flash flood warnings for the afternoon as well as the coastal and that's your latest weather. amy. al, thank you, this morning on "today"'s health, scary symptoms actually no big deal. you may notice sometimes your eyelid twitches or you have heart palpitations and strange bruises but we can help you out. in most cases, you should not worry, our editor says, dr. raj, good morning. when we see these strange things, we immediately run to google, what's wrong with me? >> sure. >> what's your advice of
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patients looking up their symptoms online. >> you need to be very careful. if you're the type to get anxious, stay away from the internet. talk to your doctor because your doctor can guide you and reassure you if there's nothing to worry about. you get so much information -- >> you feel like you're going to die tomorrow? >> exactly. >> let's talk about things that r are ly normal and may seem strange as you age? >> these are bumps or nodules and are where skin rubs against skin or clothing. you can get it on your neck or armpits, totally benign and nothing to worry about. they're small. if you don't like the way they look, you can have a dermatologist remove them. >> do they increase with age as you get older? >> they do, because there's more friction. >> something to look forward to. the next thing is hand tremors. what is that? that's scary.
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sometimes you think, maybe there's something wrong with me? >> a tremor, your hand is shaking slightly, with lack of sleep or stress, usually nothing to worry about. as we get older, it can happen as well and run in families. if you are at rest and having a tremor and it persist morse than a few hours, that could be a sign of something more serious. as you get older, parkinson's is a concern and look at your caffeine intake. >> could be low blood sugar, happens to me. >> and then it's nothing to worry about. >> always and excuse to grab a snicker's bar. what about eyelid twitches? i wonder what's happening? dehydration? what is it? >> usually a sign of fatigue, eye fatigue, you can get it staring at a computer screen too long or tv, if you haven't had enough sleep before, you're getting spasming of the muscles in the upper eyelid. it usually goes away within a day or so. if it doesn't go away, you may have an actual irritation of the eye. you should see a doctor about
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that. if it's accompanied by twitching of the mouth or eye closes, it could be a nerve problem. >> what about someone who easily bruises? that's of concern for a lot of people. how do you measure that? >> if you're taking aspirin or blood thinning medicine, that can make you bruise easily. if you stop it and it goes away, that's your answer. persistent bruising could be a sign of something more serious, even leukemia. you need to talk to your doctor. and the capillaries on the surface of the skin become more fragile. we all tend to bruise a little more easily as we tend to age, otherwise, speak to your doctor. >> what about those popping joints? >> so many people have them. under 50, nothing to worry about. just the sound of ligaments or tendons running over or sliding over a joint. >> that does not sound good. >> literally doesn't sound good. it usually is not a problem. however, if you're over 50, it could be a sign of arthritis.
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a runner, could be a sign of wear and tear on the joints. if there's redness or pain or swelling, that is a sign to see a doctor. moo m >> my knees pop all the time. >> mine do, too. >> and pretty much a list of my ailments. heart palpitations. i can't even sleep on the left side, i have to sleep on the right side because my heart starts pounding so much i can't sleep. >> when it comes to your heart, you can never be too careful. you should get it checked out. the vast majority of time, heart palpitations aren't serious. could be due to stress, too much caffeine, anxiety, if it's brought on by exertion or shortness of breath, that's when it's time to worry. do get it checked out. >> or sleep on your left side. that's what i have to do. how do you know it's not the sign of something more serious? >> you don't always know. when it comes to your heart, do get it checked out. it could be a sign of abnormal
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heart rhythm or valve problem in your heart. a simple ekg or monitor will give you the answer to that. >> i feel better already, doctor. thanks so much for that great advice. coming up, they exchanged their vows and exchanged rings a few moments ago on our plaza and melissa and jeremy are ready to get this party started at 9 a.m. a.m. we head to the wedding reception at the beautiful hudson terrace, right after this. whatcha doing little bite™? trying to be big like you, dad.
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you're so good at keeping everyone full... and focused with your fiber. [ laughs ] but you already are great at doing that. really? sure. you're made with fiber, just like me. but best of all, you're the perfect size for smaller kids. [ female announcer ] give your little ones kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats little bites™ cereal in chocolate and now original flavor. they're an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size. [ doorbell rings ] oh, it's original little bite™. we're off to practice keeping 'em full and focused. yeah! we've got big shoes to fill!
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[ male announcer ] the vanilla caramel latte from maxwell house international café. the 60 calorie way to stop your world. that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched. but the love i have for strawberry shortcake, threw a curve at my curves. so i threw it right back... with yoplait light -- around 100 calories. now i love my curves in all the right places. ♪
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they believe with olay you can challenge what's possible and gave us their good housekeeping seal. for smooth, firm, younger looking skin shape up in the shower with olay total effects body wash.
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this morning on "today"'s wedding, "modern love," a beautiful reception. we're here at the terrace of the west side of manhattan, spectacular views. before we get the party started, let's take a quick turn and see what the guests will enjoy, courtesy of none other than celebrity designer, colin cowie. >> good morning. >> all of this is your vision and love this theme. >> and it has give an modern twist, too. >> what was your vision designing the tables? we started with a beautiful flat linen, beautiful for the table. >> elegant and natural. >> they will never regret using. >> exactly.
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>> and put traditional plate, square plate and we will give them the menu. i like to balance the image at the table with these place cards. anyone can make these on a personal computer. >> a way to personalize things. exactly. >> and the glass is nice and modern and tall and pungtated with the place settings. >> beautiful. and the ribbon ties back to the dresses and your color scheme as well. >> you as well. >> and matches your dress. looking at the flowers, this is a simple glass container, you can find it at k-mart and the lushness of the hydreana. >> a lot of texture and layers and people spend a lot of money on their flowers and the nice
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thing i people can see it. >> it allows you a much better conversation. >> you're saving money but with beautiful touches as well. >> on a day like today, the sun is not shining, completely appropriate. >> absolutely, adds the special warmth to the table. >> makes it look good as well. >> let's talk about this gorgeous cake america voted, by anna, from cheshire, connecticut. this beautiful tiered cake. >> these are homemade flowers. can you believe they're made by hand? unbelievably natural. >> ahead to touch them she doesn't want to know. >> and they're beautiful and smooth. the lovely thing, not only does it look good on the outside, there are four different flavors on the inside. >> wow. a surprise when you take a bite, what flavor you get. this is what we got on last week's vote. we asked viewers to personalize and more than 50% voted for the
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wish box from things remember. >> this will last forever. i'd consider having a guest book. ask each one of the guests to write a beautiful note and wish for the bride and group on 5 x 7 card and should they hit a bumpy patch along the road, they can always refer back to the loving wishes of family and friends. >> you already wrote a wish as well. >> let's go downstairs to the salon level where the real party gets started. that's the dance floor. what else do we have planned? >> a great dance floor and d.j. fabulous cocktails, each named after the bridesmaid and unity canal and dance. >> and we have a wedding song planned. you do have tips people want to save money planning a reception. ask your caterer to provide your own liquor? >> absolutely, purchase your own wine and alcohol and save quite
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a bit of money. >> if you can reduce the guest list without upsetting too many people. >> i believe it comes from great editing. >> or rsvp or e-mail saves you money. >> and it makes a more greener statement. >> if you can have the wedding on a sunday rather than saturday or during the week. >> that's when you can get the best vendors without paying a premium price for saturday. >> you have a newsletter as well with advice. >> at colin short tips to make a fabulous wedding. >> you have made already this a fabulous wedding. once melissa and jeremy gephardt make their way here, they will be treated to all of colin cowie's beauty here. >> thanks. >> thanks so much to you, colin. >> and much more on the hudson terrace and wedding party coming up right after this. i love my grandma.
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i love you grandma. grandma just makes me happy. ♪ to know, know, know you grandma is the bestest. the total package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten. ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ is to love... some people call us frick and frack. we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do [ pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you after this we're gonna get ice cream. can we go get some ice cream? yeah. ♪ and i do ♪ and i do ♪ and i do
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♪ [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... ♪ ...can lead to another. ♪ ♪ ...made with real fruit and now with more of the whole grains your body needs. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. [ female announcer ] mousse temptations by jell-o. decadently delicious. 60 calories. it's finally me o'clock. time for jell-o. try new chocolate mint sensation.
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we want to prove it. take the natural instincts challenge. get healthier color in 10 minutes. guaranteed. or, we'll buy you 2 boxes of your old color. for details, go to or, we'll buy you 2 boxes of your old color. activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia.
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back here now live at the area of the reception of the hudson terrace awaiting melissa and germany gephardt. as you can see, the bridal party
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and family and friends have already made it. good morning. we will have much more, the party is just getting started from the hudson terrace. we will hit the dance floor and tell you a little bit more about the menu. we'll be back after local news and weather. never-dreamed-possible prizes. ing from ten from a customized v.i.p. vacation, to a hollywood red carpet experience, to cooking with a celebrity chef, and more. find details on specially marked boxes of cheerios. why cheerios? because whatever you love doing, you'll need a healthy heart to do it. ♪ check this out. boo-yah! shazam! h2...o! hydrolicious! magic bananas! it's the first one click faucet filter that removes 99% of lead and microbial cysts. adios contaminos! would you like that to hurt now, or later?
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uh, what? sir, do you want heartburn pain now or later? [ male announcer ] these medicines make you choose. pepcid® complete doesn't. it's fast acting and long lasting. pepcid® complete works now and works later. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. the real andy harris. buried in his website - a promise to replace the tax code with a 23% sales tax and eliminate the mortgage interest deduction. a bush tax panel said families would pay
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$6,000 more a year. a reagan tax advisor calls it a very dumb idea. but that's not his only bad idea. harris was the only senator to vote against expanding the child care tax credit and against the state's cancer treatment program. andy harris' extreme ideas will cost us.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> still raining, a severe thunderstorm warning in effect at harford county and lancaster county. tornado warning continues for southern maryland. tornado watch for the entire area until early this afternoon. rain continues to stream northward. that is the kids all day today
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will love you when we are near and far apart, while we are young and when we are old. i love and i cherish who you are and who i am when i am with you. i pledge to always remain with you. >> i will love you on good days and in bad, whether we live in wealth or in poverty, in good health or in illness, i will love you when we are far apart and when we are sitting close, while we are young and when we are old. i love and cherish who you are an who i am with you. i love you and i pledge to always remain with you.
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>> there you have it, the moment of their i dos and how quickly they made their way over here to the hudson terrace, the now newly mr. and mrs. melissa and jeremy gephardt. you made it here really fast. >> yes. and wardrobe change, too. >> when you said your vow, how calm and confident you seemed in front of a national audience. what was that moment like for you? >> it was great. we've waited such a long time. we were just excited and comfortable with each other. that's why it was so calm. >> jeremy, you've been away on two tours of duty, afghanistan most recently. to be able to make it home for what an occasion, right? >> oh, yeah. i'm so happy. like we said, we've been waiting for this a long time and so happy it's finally here and now we're mr. and mrs. >> the rain broke almost. so appropriately timed. the skies cleared up a little
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bit, just in time. what a beautiful wedding. you two make a handsome couple. you changed out of your men's dress into our tuxedo the viewers picked for you. you look fantastic. i know you're ready to get the party started. what do you think of the hudson terrace? your first impression walking in? >> it's beautiful, my gosh. >> wait until you see what we have upstairs, all designed by colin cowie and the wonderful joshua, who will perform a wedding song for you in a little bit and you will be lighting this beautiful unity candle as well, we look forward to seeing you and your wedding guests. i'm holding up the dance floor. i will move out and let you take over. al, you just arrived here. what do you think? >> i am. everybody is getting ready, the view beautiful with the intrepid museum and all the aircraft out there, jeremy will feel quite at
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home. we look over this way, over the beautiful area, where people will be sitting and enjoying their meal colin cowie and his group have prepared. it is really, really beautiful, natalie. >> al, as i mentioned, we will tell you a little bit more about what we have planned, including the menu and signature cocktails especially made after the bridesmaids i understand, probably a story coming up. we will take you for a tour of the dance floor in a little bit. how about a check of today's weather? >> thanks a lot. the weekend ahead, our beautiful couple gets ready to start their life together, you can see their first weekend in new york, will be gorgeous, lots of sunshine up and down the eastern seaboard, showers around the great lakes. a lot of heat out west. on sunday, we have beautiful weather in the northeast, rain in the mid-atlantic states and looking at a lot of
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>> heavy rain all day today, tonight, tomorrow morning. maybe even tornadoes are possible with this tropical and that's your latest weather. still ahead, we are going to check in with the chef to tell us what we've got planned for melissa and jeremy's first meal as husband and wife. and then we are going to check out their first dance together. first, right after these messages. radiating pain everywhere... and i wondered what it was. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia,
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thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. then i found lyrica. activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass.
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no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia. everybody has somebody to go heart healthy for. who's your somebody? eating campbell's healthy request can help. 25 delicious soups with low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. because heart healthy is good for your life... and the people in it. healthy request from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie. get the sensation. so when you turn up the heat, secret turns up the protection. odor-fighting microcapsules are triggered by your body heat to release a fresh scent. for 24 hour odor protection. ♪ will save us. [ crunch ] look! [ helicopter noise ] [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] introducing new wheat thins crunch stix.
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we are back at the hudson terrace. you look at jeremy and melissa's first kiss as husband and wife. the guest are now pouring into the room at the hudson terrace. they're ready to celebrate. before the dancing gets started, natalie and i have a preview of what's up. the food. i said to melissa and jeremy, make sure you eat. that's important. joining us the chef and caterer at hudson terrace. what will we be looking at to start things off? >> basically, we tried to stay true to the theme of modern love and also because this is not a traditional time for a wedding, we decided to focus our menu on brunch. i'll let the guy that actually
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makes the magic happen talk about the hors d'oeuvres first. >> chef. >> we have fraud salad and mint. we have chocolate mousse and coffee. >> a little coffee and a little zing there. nice. >> we have a french hot dog, made with chicken sausage mustard on the top. >> and honey on the top and fruit tart and here we have a buffet. >> after that, we will have the three course meal that will be served upstairs on the rooftop. it's actually napoleon of smoked salmon bit bolini and the main course of swiss cheese with
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pro-shpro- sh pro-prosciuto. >> let's go to natalie and find out what we're drinking. >> i'm here with colin cowie, the wedding planner and designer of the reception at the hudson terrace. he has signature cocktails he prepared for the wedding guests. tell me about the specialized cocktails named after the bridesmaids. >> we have alex sas and kate. we have peach juice and schnapps. >> you want to try this. this is delicious. your bloody mary, the typical bloody mary. >> this is nice and strong. >> this is perfect for a morning wedding. >> chocolate and
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>> we are interrupting "the today show" with a special weather alert. john collins has the details. >> good morning. we are possibly going to see a lot of this kind of thing during the morning and afternoon, especially this afternoon as of this stream of moisture came up. a thunderstorm that is actually not generating lightning but on radar shows the potential for spinning out a tornado or possibly a waterspout depending on whether it is over water or land. it is in the area of annapolis right now. here is the text provided by the weather service. a tornado warning in effect for east central and are rumble county in central maryland until 10:15 a.m. this morning -- ann arundel county. severe thunderstorm capable of producing a trade of 12 miles south near south river north of 25. it is moving rapidly to the north. locations in the path of this section of the sto that might produce a tornado.
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have not had any reports of anything yet. gibson island, pine hearst, ultimately fort smallwood state park. it is moving north toward baltimore. right along the chesapeake bay or inland on the western shore of the bay. this is annapolis on the map in case you are having a hard time reading the information. here is gibson island's right here. you can see the storm activity. the strongest is highlighted in red. moving north toward rather rapidly. to the south, the intensity is not very strong right now. there is a lot of rain across the. at this stage. interesting to note, we had the lightning detection system on but there is no lightning detected from any of the activity right now. but once again, the reason we are on the air with some extended coverage is a tornado coverage in effect for east central anne arundel county until 10:15 a.m. this morning.
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this includes a lot of the water communities, right on the shore, from around annapolis no. words to near baltimore -- around annapolis north toward baltimore. this is a tornado indicated on radar, at least the potential. circulation of the macleod, a few thousand feet up. if we have not had reports of a tornado. just the threat that something could develop and come down. also because it is near shore, depending on where it decides to go -- it is not a well-defined storm. it could end up being a waterspout which could be equally dangerous especially if somebody is out in the water or near the coast line. we will give you a broader perspective of what the entire storm is doing and then begin more details for the tornado warning in just a minute. but here is sandra shaw with an overview of the system. >> we have been tracking this activity all morning. there have been numerous tornado warnings really around southern maryland and calvert and st.
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mary's county. the furthest point north, anne arundel. tornado watch until 1:00. whenever we talk of better tornado, we talk about wind shear and it amounts to a change in wind direction with height. there is that in play today because there is such a tropical mass of moisture that continues to inundate us. that is where you have the potential for rotation. if you are to gibson island all we north to annapolis, you need to take a rise of these tornado warning tips, tornadoes safety. find safe shelter, stay indoors. lois level of the home and an interior room in absence of that. stay out of your vehicle. as if the roads were not treacherous and up, look at this doppler. we slowed down to give you a real feel of the impact of the tropical moisture which has been streaming north. sort of a conveyor belt all the way from south florida up the eastern seaboard today in with
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the remnants of nicole fuelling the moisture. this line of red is really where we have seen the tornadoes and the wind shear develop. we have seen 6 inches to 7 inches of rain in southern maryland so far and almost 3 inches and bwi marshall airport with the heavy rain that start with torrential poor's around midnight last night. not just the tornado warning in effect in anne urundel county, but everyone encompassing a flash flood warning. we are already seeing pooling of water on the roads. just a couple of days ago we were in a drought situation. tides above normal and also a wind advisory with gusts this afternoon in excess of 45 miles an hour. the rainfall, though, really the real story in addition to the severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in excess of about 5 inches to 6 inches of rain and
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we've already seen that in some locations. today's forecast, again, heavy rain, thunderstorms, a 72-75 with possibility of tornadoes especially until 1:00. anne arundel county is in a tornado warning, there is a writer-indicated tornado, until 10:15 a.m.. john has more insights for you and basically what we are seeing on the radar. >> i changed the radar to show you the wins in the storm and how they are behaving. and why this warning was issued. as we look at the radar we see a few basic colors of green and blue and will receive this area right here where i am circling, that is the area of suspicion. when they issued a tornado warning based on what they are seeing on the radar -- no confirmation on the ground. what they are looking at when several thousand feet up and atmosphere and circulation within a storm cell. this is the area of suspicion, just north of annapolis and
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moving north at around 25 miles an hour right for the city. essex, if you can see it on the screen, just north of the word doppler, this whole storm cell is moving northward in that direction and there is a potential that out of this wind circulation in those cloud several thousand feet up, a tornado, formal cloud or possibly a waterspout depending on the precise location could develop and get down to the surface. that is why this tornado warning has been issued. again, with doppler radar, we have to explain it used to be tornado warnings were never issued until someone saw the tornado but now with the capabilities of doppler, we can get the word out early enough before something hits the ground and do damage. now the warnings are issued when there is suspicion that one is trying to develop. that is the object of doppler radar and that is what we are seeing now just north of the annapolis area, this circulation in the clouds, in the storms
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sell, right over the gibson island lake shore area moving rapidly toward smallwood and toward the city. in a moment i will push the radar -- to show you the rain activity going on right now. the heaviest rains have drifted north from the area that we are talking about a little bit earlier. let me put this in motion and show you one-hour work of motion. you can see the heaviest moisture streaming northward toward the baltimore area. from annapolis southward, things in that one have resell of rain have calmed down a little bit. this storm cell is drifting to the north. it is this storm cell that appears to be centered right over lake shore, drifting north toward baltimore and east of baltimore. southeast baltimore county,
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dundalk, essex. but no reports of lightning and thunder from this particular storm cell. but this is pretty much in the middle of the screen, it brought about issuance of a tornado warning from the national weather service to east central anne arundel county until 10:15 a.m. this morning. moving north at about 25 miles an hour. pretty rapidly. it is a moving target at this stage of the game. so, locations that could be impacted by this -- gibson island, fort smallwood state park. if this were to come to the surface could either be a funnel cloud, near the surface, funnel cloud or a tornado if it is over land. that is the extent of information right now except that it is moving extremely rapidly. we just heard an alarm go off.
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they may have extended this morning a little more, may have downgraded it to thunderstorm warning. we have to wait and see what the announcement is. but right now on the radar, the heaviest of the reins from this suspicious storm cell is now falling from lakeshore northward to around dundalk, which would be the southeastern corner of baltimore county. sandra has more information on this latest bulletin. >> they just extended to include parts of calvert county as well. this is really just an extension, if you will, because you see st. mary's and tauber county had a tornado warning. we added central anne arundel until 10:15 a.m. and basically now calvert and anne arundel is under the warning. the entire area is on a watch until about 1:00. we will see more of the activity likely until early afternoon.
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right now i want to throw it over to mindy basara. >> this just in from harford county public school. havre de grace elementary closed immediately. if your job has not left for school yet, keep them home. if your child has already left for school they will be transmit -- transferred to war williams elementary. they will be held there in order to facilitate a safe dismissal. arrangements are currently being made to the havre de grace middle and high school as well. more information coming in as we get it. harford county public schools, schools are closing due to the conditions. take a look outside. the beltway at old court road, south of view, the roads are extremely wet. conditions are terrible. if you don't have the had it out, don't. harford road, equally bad. people coming into the station
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talking about how terrible the traffic is. prepare for that as well. we will take a quick break and regroup and be back in just a moment and more on
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>> welcome back to our special coverage. this is the beltway at liberty road. you can see how slowly the cars are going. a terrible morning out there. john collins has more on a tornado warning in some parts of our viewing area. what can you tell us? >> the thunderstorm activity we are seeing is actually not producing any lightning and thunder, just as intense rain, but so much going on in the clouds that are circulation's being picked up by doppler radar. the circulations are things that could -- have not been detected yet on the ground or verified -- but could produce a tornado or waterspout if it is over water. our latest warning is for central anne arundel county and
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north-central carol -- calvert county, just south. it goes until 10:15 a.m. this morning. lined up right along the bay. this heavy thunderstorm activity. again, it is not producing under and lightning at this stage the producing heavy rains and wind circulation several thousand feet up in the clouds that conceivably could produce a tornado. that is what the warning has been issued. warnings don't wait until they actually see one. they issue then based on what is spotted and the radar. i will switch to the radar over to show the wind circulation. the only change in the wind direction we see our up north of arnold and south of dundalk. -directional to the south. something could crop up that is suspicious and that is why the weather service has issued this
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warning we have this line of intense storm activity running along the bay, calvert county, northward to anne arundel. at 30 or 40 miles an hour. things are moving rapidly as it moves east. if we take a much wider view, and here you see baltimore just under the banner, and they read straight down south of baltimore, right along the day, annapolis, down on south. and the storms probably are passed st. mary's county and mexican -- lexington park. a tornado warning for east central county -- anne arundel county, a special adjoining the day, and calvert county. this will remain into effect until 10:15 a.m. this morning. a shady side, londontowne,
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parole, millersville are all on the line. we have a target, north of ja rretsville. let us see what it says. a potential for some hail. that is also indication of strong, convected that wins, 1.9 miles south of -- moving 39 miles an hour. moving rapidly north into southern pennsylvania at this stage of the game. that is the only indication on our radar right now of any activity. but you can see all of this activity running right along the day, these counties on the western shore. calvert and anne arundel and even north to baltimore, eastern baltimore county and parts of
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harford county, storm cells, not producing funding and lightning but strong winds that could translate into a tornado. the warning is out for central anne arundel county and north- central calvert county until 10:15 a.m., but i would expect areas north of that, the strongest rains right now are falling right here in the southeast corner of baltimore county between dundalk and esse x, where the heaviest rain is falling. but a tornado warning is four points south of that and that will remain in effect until 10:15 a.m. this morning. sandra shaw has kind of an overview of the entire storm situation we have going on right now. >> it has been a tumultuous morning. a volatile situation. just to reiterate, to nato warning for central anne arundel and calvert county, that is the bright red. but the box encompasses the entire viewing area and that is a tornado watch, which means conditions will continue to be
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favorable that could produce the rotation needed in the upper levels of at this fair to produce tornado activity. the main issue, of course, will be the heavy rain. but first, a little refresher. if you don't know already. find a safe shelter if you are in any of the warning areas. lowest levels of your home, interior room is always good. away from windows and away from vehicles, if at all possible. if you are anywhere out on the roadways today, that is not advisable thing to do. we slowed down the doppler. it is along this line, along the western side of the day, it is where we have seen the most intense activity. numerous tornado warnings. this is the latest in a string. calvert and st. mary's, down to southern maryland, had been in the bull's eye so far of these massive, tropical rains. more than 5 inches of rain have fallen in st. mary's and how worked county and in some cases worked county and in some cases


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