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tv   Today  NBC  October 14, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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we're back today on a thursday morning, 14th of october, 2010. we're enjoying the last little bit of sunshine today in new york. maybe get a couple more hours before the clouds roll in. mr. roker tells us -- >> you're going to get wet today. a meg galopolis to portland, mae today. >> the good news is you get to use the word megalopolis.
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you don't get to do that too afternoon. you're talking self help remedy. >> diy health care for everybody. sometimes you wish you could stop a sneeze or get your significant other to stop snoring or stop hiccup, put down that pillow. we will show you simple things you can do to relieve yourself of the most common health nuisances. >> by the way, that's not a pillow. >> those aren't my hands. >> this is a good movie. >> it really was. >> a part of every school year, parent-teacher conferences, i have mine next week and we will tell you whether elementary school, junior high school or high school, what you should talk about with your school's teacher. >> unemployment very high and a lot of people out of work. you may be curious, what are the best jobs in america right now and moving ahead, what are the industries that show the most
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growth in the future. not just college kids but people now forced to change their occupations in the wake of the current situation. we will look at the best jobs in america and this is not on the list even though it is a pretty cool gig. >> a look at the headlines, hi, ann. >> thanks, matt. a look at the news, all 33 miners trapped underground in chile more than two months are safe this morning and back above ground. natalie morales has more on the flawless rescue. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. there's a real sense of peace here at "camp hope," probably the first peace they have felt in the last ten weeks. the families that remain here are starting to pack up, getting ready to go back home and get back to their lives with their loved ones, all 33 miners now safe. mission accomplished, just before 10:00 p.m. local time wednesday, the shift manager,
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luis urzua was the last man out. even before he knew if they would survive, he helped his men survive the first 17 days on just two days of food. like a good captain, you left last says chile's president. urzua told the president, i'm proud to be chilean. frs captions paid for by >> in the end, the remarkable rescue took less than 24 hours. florencio avalos, the first man out and his 7-year-old son's tears brought the world to tears. and 27-year-old richard villarroel got out just in time, his wife at home having contractions. one miner had his love life played out in the tabloids. yonny barrios was met not by his wife of 28 years but his
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mistress of 10. his wife chose not to come to the rescue. barrios was known as "the doctor," a trained emt, the one who monitored the men's health everyday. mario gomez hat health problems underground. at 63, he was the oldest of the group. he made it out okay. i spoke to his daughter. it was so beautiful, like a re birth, she said. now, the family is back together. the world has come to know who they are, especially this man, now known as "super mario." he practically burst out of the capsule, telling the world, i met god, i met the devil, god won. 33 times, the chant kept coming. frs >> chi-le! chi-chi-chi! le-le-le!
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>> the rescue now complete. and they proudly held up a sign saying "mission accomplished." now, people here say they do believe in miracles. now, over the next 48 hours, the miners will remain at the local hospital for observation. if they don't need any further medical treatment, they will be allowed to go home to get back with their families and make up for lost time. ann. >> natalie, thank you so much. a state department official warned today and alleged terror plot targeting europe is still active. he says there is no reason to cancel a travel alert for americans first issued 11 days ago. that warning advised americans living or visiting in europe to use extra caution at transportation hubs and popular tourist sights. new figures show a record number of home foreclosures has happened in the third quarter of the year, up 22% over the last three months over the same time last year. more than 70 people are
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under arrest coast-to-coast in the biggest medicare fraud case ever and accused of trying to cheat medicare out of $163 million. a teenager in nepal is standing tall after he was named the world's new shortest man. at just over 26 inches tall, the 18-year-old with the body of a toddler, khagendra thapa magar was given the intelligence certificate as the world's shortest man. they can't explain why he's so short, took it as a great honor and next year will serve as good will ambassador for nepal. it is now six minutes past the hour. i will check on the weather with al outside. >> i'm inside now. let's take a look and show you what's happening. your weather for today. we have this nor'easter keeping an eye on and low pressure along the interior of new york state and coast of the north carolinas and will work its way up the coast tonight, bringing heavy
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winds, strong rain and we have beach erosion possible with this situation. moves up the coast tomorrow. the rain will continue, wind gusts 50 to 60 miles an hour, along the new england coast, rainfall amounts generally an inch to 2 inches, some areas albany to boston, up to burlington may see up to 3 to 4 inches of rain before it's over and why we have flood watches in effect for new york state and new england out >> things are going to change as we head to the day. a lot of rain, and will be breezy and chilly. high temperatures
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this morning on today's health, simple ways to heal yourself. if you want to ease the pain of a shot, lessen the burning of heartburn and maybe even stop your spouse from snoring, dr. carey peterson says you can do it all with a few simple steps, a board certified internist and women's health contributor. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> we're getting ready for flu season and people will be getting flu shots. i guess for some people, the shot itself can cause problems. how do you lessen the pain for that? >> so many of my patients are afraid of getting vaccines, here's a trick, take your two fingers and put them above and below where the needle will trick you and press firmly. it confused the pain receptors
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and they're confused and doesn't feel as sharp. >> what about a good spank, and -- >> that works, too. it distracts you. if you stimulate another area to create pain, you won't feel the original spot, like rubbing your shin if you hit your shin. >> a lot of people eat a big meal at night and shouldn't do to begin with and get the burning sensation in their chest. without using drug over the counter or medicine, how can you relieve that sensation? >> lie on your left side when you go to sleep at night. >> why the left? >> when you have reflux, which causes the heartburn, the acid in the stomach goes in the esophagus and burns it. the natural curvature of the esophagus is it goes down to the left and if you lay on your left side it maintains the curvature and prevents the acid from going up. if you lay on your back j it straightens that curve. >> you get more acid reflux? >> that's right. >> good.
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you don't have to take anything, if it gets worse, you would obviously. snoring, a big problem, according to the national sleep foundation, sfloring affects approximately 90 million adults. >> big problem for people that snore and their spouses who can't sleep next to them. one thing to try, lie on your side. >> it doesn't matter which side? >> either side. when you lie on your back, what happens is the tongue, when you're sleeping, it relaxes and slides to the back of the throat and can obstruct the airway. this is very common in people who have obstructive sleep apnea and overweight. you lie on your side, the coung can't fall backwards. sometimes tricky when you're sleeping to stay on your side and maybe wedge yourself on pillows to maintain your position. >> those aren't pillows! but of course, you said the operative thing, really, if you want to do this, get rid of this, you want to lose weight, probably? >> that's the optimal thing to do, not always easy, but the first choice. >> how do you prevent yourself
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from crying? >> not always appropriate to cry on certain occasions. what you can try is purposely clear your throat and then swallow. when you clear your throat, it interrupts the mechanism between the nasal passages and throat that creates the crying. when you swallow, the tongue presses against the soft pallet and prevents you from crying and distracts you because you're focusing on something else. >> that's cool. hiccup, you get them and seems like you can't get rid of them. what's your solution? >> when the diagram contracts n involuntarily. when it contracts, the vocal cord snaps close and creates that characteristic hic sound. a lot of people think they have a solution. this is a good one, take a really really deep breath, hold it for 10 seconds. when you think you couldn't have gotten any more air in, take another breath, hold it for five seconds, one more time, third
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breath in so you're completely expanded for five seconds and then you let it out. >> or passed out. what this does, immobilizes the diaphragm contracting involuntary and relaxes the spasms and also causes carbon dioxide levels to build up and terminates hiccup as well. >> the one i used for 20 years, you need help, put a finger in each year and have somebody hold a glass and you drink water as long as you can, knocks them right out. >> sounds like a good one. looks silly but a good one. ear popping. what causes that and how do you work that out? >> the middle ear and outer ear are supposed to be the same pressure. if you go on an airplane and the atmospheric pressure changes, it puts pressure on the middle ear and causes pain. you want to pop up the tube that connects the throat to the middle another, called the eustachian tube, by yawning, simple, just yawn, it will pop
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it right open and equalizes the pressure. another thing some people try to do, i would not recommend, a lot of people squeeze their nostrils and then blow. >> why don't you want to do it? >> if you do it too hard, it will force fluid into the middle ear and can be damaging. do it gently and yawn. >> what if you feel like you're going to faint? >> if you are standing in the subway too long, feel too hot, pressure goes down, cross your legs, squeeze your thighs and contract your an come to mistakened forces the blood to the heart and head and raises the blood pressure and the fainting spell sensation passes. >> dr. peter son, thanks so much. great advice, we appreciate that. coming up, how to ace your paernt-teacher conference, questions you should be asking. keeping you ahead of the curve with celebrity hair trims with our stylist. first, these messages. r! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste?
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isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia.
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this chicken tortilla soup has such a wonderful zesty quality. that's the chipotle and cilantro. it's one of our new mexican soups. it reminds me of guadalajara. a special man. his delicious soups. sheila? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. that advertise flights for 25,000 miles? but when you call... let me check. oh fudge, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! [ freezing ] i can't feel my feet. we switched to the venture card from capital one -- so no more games. let's go see those grandkids. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at [ loving it ] help! what's in your wallet?
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this morning on "parenting today," making the grade when it comes to parent-conferences. many schools will be making a conference for parent and teachers and it usually lasts less than 10 minutes. are you prepared? an educational psychologist and today contributor, michelle, good morning. >> great sitting back. >> feeling very official. >> this is a very timely topic for many parents. how important is it for us to be prepared when we meet the teacher? >> critical. you have just a short amount of time. you want to maximize that time. this is your opportunity one-on-one with the teacher to find out how your child is doing, do your homework.
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>> speaking of that, 10 minutes, at the high school level, two or three minutes seeing multiple teachers, do you really expect to get an idea how your child is doing? >> you will get a cliffnotes version and find out if there is a problem and how things are doing. you need to be prepared. start by doing your homework. find out your child's grades before you get there. how do you do that? go online and look it up or go through their backpack and look at the pattern. not looking at one test score, across the board, what does it look like? know the teacher's agenda, expectations, field trips ahead of time. a time waster if you start talking about that one. the third thing you really want to do in life, you want to ask your kid, hey, any concerns you have? but the key question, anything i should know that the teacher will tell me we should probably talk about now so there aren't any big surprises. >> that's good. should you let the teacher talking when you first go in there?
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>> no. let the teacher do the talking. walk in and listen. you want to have her set the agenda. if you do have a problem, you can still look at -- a 20 minute conference and i have 10 minutes. now, i will open up at the end of 10 minutes and put my two cents in. >> at the end of the conference, say, you should keep an open mind, listen carefully. i'm sure they appreciate that. keep the conversation on track and take notes. >> yes. look at keep the conversation on track. it's real easy to get off focus about the upcoming field trip or your own past experiences with the kid. don't. stay on track. write down a couple of key points you want to remember to share them either with your child or your parenting partner. >> what about social and behavioral issues? >> you definitely should bring them up, particularly if there's a problem. how does he get along with other kids? is there any behavior problem? if the teacher notes there is a problem, push the pause button on and say, can you tell me a little more?
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you want details to find out when it's happening and where it's happening and start to resolve it together. >> what if your child has been complaining about his or her teacher and you know there may be a problem, how delicate a conversation is that? >> first of all, leave your whole perspective outside, walk in with an open mind and then give the teacher a little bit of the hmm, let's see how it's really going point of view. you want to start in, if there really is a legitimate concern and your kid is trustworthy, you can bring it in starting with the we. here's the facts, what can we do together to solve it? >> if there is a problem, how realistic you can solve it in a period of time? >> you won't solve it. what you will do is your goal before you leave that classroom, get the first step in writing, what are we going to do and when should we meet the next time there is a problem so there is a follow-up. you want ongoing progress with
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your child. >> they should be willing to e-mail if your child is acting out, say, e-mail me, i support you. teachers probably want to feel that support from you as parents? >> they do want that support. you have to ask the teacher, what's the best way to contact you. each teacher has a preference, find out what it is. make sure if there's a problem, there is a fiscal low-up, this is your kid's education and you can make the most of that short amount of time in that conference. >> thanks so much. still to come on "today," if you're looking for a job or career change, the top 10 best jobs in america. ♪ this one thing i'll eat, any time of day ♪
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pancakes! ♪ from dawn 'til sunset, i'll never walk away ♪ ♪ blueberry pancakes are so good ♪ [ male announcer ] bisquick. pancake lovers unite. but when i take four pork chops and sprinkle on a packet of hidden valley ranch, i get something that's anything but traditional... ranch pork chops. [ male announcer ] hidden valley ranch. mix it up. [ male announcer ] hidden valley ranch. well, are you going to pick it or not? it's not ready yet. (announcer) tim and richard smucker grew up learning that you have to pick fruit at the peak of perfection if you want jam to taste extra delicious.
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it's getting close. (announcer) for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. [ male announcer ] it's outlast lipstain from covergirl. [ drew ] light as air lipwear that does what a lipstick can't. with one sold every 15 seconds, it's the #1 selling lipstain in the u.s. [ male announcer ] outlast lipstain. from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. we knew the perfect place to go. man: cheers, everyone. i guess i did okay. i knew they'd love him.
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introducing olive garden's two new sacchetti dishes. stuffed pasta pouches filled with four italian cheeses. with herb marinated chicken breasts in a garlic cream sauce. or with savory sauteed shrimp. both served with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. it was a great time. and good practice for my parents. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit. fortunately, there's senokot-s tablets. senokot-s for occasional constipation associated with certain medications. find the relief that's right for you and get a $10 rebate at
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still ahead, the best jobs in america. >> fall hairstyles. [ quinn ] my name is quinn, and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise
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and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> this morning of the storm is taking shape and eventually it will be off the coast of the atlantic throwing right back at us. rain is coming in from the west. things will release it to spin off during the day to day. high likelihood of grain. high likelihood of grain.
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cooked numbers, false attacks. the truth? frank kratovil is ranked one of the 10 most independent members of congress. frank kratovil does not follow anybody's party line he looks at his district, his family, the community, and that's the important thing to him. endorsed by the chamber of commerce, the nra, veterans, and police officers. as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics, in washington i've tried to do the same. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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oh, my god. what's going on with that? >> i was in the store yesterday, trying these on. an alarm went off. we all went out of the store and i didn't feel like waiting around, so i will return them today. >> why didn't you just wear your own pants today? >> then i'd have to carry these around. now, i don't have to carry them. you wear the pants instead of carrying the pants. makes sense. >> playing the long-suffering wife. cheryl is taking on a new role as executive producer of nbc's
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new show, "school pride," a proactive series shows communities coming together renovating their aging public school. she will be on tomorrow to tell us about it. >> i'm excited about it. coming up in the next half hour, if you're one of the millions of people unemployed for a long time, you may be asking where are the jobs? we have the best jobs in america and high paying positions and the growth potential. if you're looking for a new hairstyle to go along with your new job, we'll show you celebrity styles easy to do yourself from a stylish side bun to sleek pulled back ponytail or casual braid. our hairstylist to the stars will show you how to get the hottest looks at home. >> i'm going with the michael chickless look. an apple a day won't keep this family away, if only keep
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john scotto away. the scottos are back, taking advantage of apple picking season with three great recipes for fall. >> i have three bags of apples in my house. >> we went apple picking last weekend and have lots of apples. >> how about them apples? >> very nice. >> do you have a check of the weather? >> i do. let's show you what's going on, as far as your weekend is concerned. showers in northern new england, still windy along the northeast coast an showers to the central plains, sunny and hot elsewhere and sunday sunday, we're looking for more rain in the southwest, sunny and cool in the pacific northwest. nice and warm from texas to florida and mild in the atlantic coast and northeast finally >> good morning. we expect periods of rain, especially later this morning and into the afternoon. it will be kind of chilly, with
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high temperatures only in the up that's your latest weather. coming up, the best jobs in america. first, these latest messages.
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i don't lie about my age. my skin does. introducing anew platinum. an avon breakthrough. the first with paxillium technology. it's designed to help restore cell shape... skin looks more contoured...sculpted... re-defined. even your jaw line. anew platinum does it. and only avon has it... with a love it or return it guarantee. want it? get it. call 1-800-for-avon or go to to find a representative today. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us.
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this morning on "today"'s money, the best jobs in america. at 9.6% unemployment, it's hard to find a good jobs these day. there are some industries that will add more quality high paying jobs than others. what are they? editor of "money" magazine, good morning. >> good morning. >> you put together data from the labor of statistics. >> we put together what jobs will grow the most, what paid well and did a survey of 40,000 americans, asking do they like their jobs and what do they like? >> you think best jobs, something that is a passion, something that pays well, maybe even a rock star but none are on the list, such as rock stars and athlete, right? >> we put if there are fewer than 10,000 nationwide, they all require bachelor degrees and
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good jobs and you have a chance. >> you also looked at growth and how we're moving forward and so many people in the midwest trained in factory jobs and have to retrain and look for new ways to make a living? >> exactly. you do need a bachelor's again and we gave bonus points for those that didn't require more education than that and easy to enter. >> you looked at growth in a 10 year range. all industries are predicted to show 14% growth. >> that has the average predicted by the labor bureau and we picked those higher than that. >> one would assume you're speaking of someone in their 20s? >> also, we look at a lot of people in mid-career, i've been downsized or my career isn't going the way i want it to, what else would we consider? >> management consultant, what is that? >> it parachutes in to help with
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business strategy. it's growing because a lot of companies are outsourcing and need expertise on a limited basis. >> do you need a college degree in this? >> a b.a. and some people have mbas, not required. >> physician's assistant, i have to admit, i asked during a commercial break, is that a secretary? what is a physician's assistant? >> it's a new thing. the dr. is bad man, the physician's assistant is robin, does work for him, can do tests and consult with patients. >> it's a new thing? >> a growing thing. i haven't encountered one before. the great thing is you make half what a doctor does, $90,000 a year is the median. the training is only a couple years after your b.a. >> the top pay is $124,000. the 10 year growth is 39%. >> number one best job in america is software architect. whats is that? sounds like i have to go to school a long time to become one
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of those? >> they basically do the blueprints an engineer would follow. >> what kind of training do you need? >> you need a b.a. but on the job training is enough. you don't necessarily needed an advanced training beyond a b.a. >> the rest of the top 10, any surprises on this list? >> physical therapist, i thought was interesting one, with the aging population, something, wow, people will need for aches and pains and help. way up there. >> another interesting category, highest paying job on the list. anesthesiologist, $290,000! >> the top seven on the list were all doctors. anesthesiologist, isn't that crazy? >> no wonder you have so many parents who want to raise a doctor. people will find great use in it. best jobs in america. thank you very much. a great pleasure to have you on. thank you. coming up, fall hair trends with celebrity stylist right
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after this. mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit.
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but when i take four pork chops and sprinkle on a packet of hidden valley ranch, i get something that's anything but traditional... ranch pork chops. [ male announcer ] hidden valley ranch. mix it up. [ male announcer ] hidden valley ranch. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie. get the nsation.
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[ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] got a cold? [ coughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] confused what to get? now robitussin makes it simple. click on the robitussin relief finder at [ nose blowing ] [ male announcer ] click on your symptoms. ♪ get the right relief. ♪ makes the cold aisle easy. the robitussin relief finder at it's that simple. and eating well means getting enough whole grain and calcium. general mills big g is the only leading line of kid cereals with at least 8 grams of whole grain and a good source of calcium. help your kids get more of what they need,
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with general mills kid cereals. this morning on "today"'s beauty fall hair trends, a look to fit every style. a "today" show contributor, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> every fall we see new trends. where does the inspiration come from? >> the biggest inspiration is hollywood. all about hollywood hair. women look at movie stars and celebrities with great envy. >> i want to be like that. >> yes. the thing i want them to know,
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it's available to them. you can do it yourself. >> we will show them how. you have the first trend, the messy side bun. let's show the inspiration, audrina patridge, shows us the look. you think no way can i do this, you say, you can. and tina is here to prove it. >> when ever audrina wears her hair up, this is how she wears it, unique to her and set a trend and wie're seeing more an more girls wear their hair like this. the first thing is use a foam gel, don't have to blow it straight. wrap it in an elastic or twist and twist the hair around and put in these clips here. >> i get nervous when bobby pins are involved. >> put them in. even i can do it. >> does it have to be thick or thin hair? >> the thinner the hair, the more back combing you have to do. twist twist twist, if it is less
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than perfect, you want it messy. >> it should not look perfect. >> and pair it with striking eyes. >> absolutely. if you notice j t, the key this season is this color. we have this purpose purply co. it is color on the eyes. >> and a sleeked back ponytail. jennifer lopez does the pictures of her with her slicked back hair. there she is. anyone can pull it off. it does look spectacular and so elegant. >> the difference between this ponytail and one we all do in the morning, i don't do it. i don't have the hair to do it. if you were to do a ponytail, twist it back and put in a scrunchy or something. if you look at it or j.lo, she combed it back, texturized it with foaming gel, blew it
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straight, doesn't have to be this straight and covered the elastic with a natural piece of hair. >> and bobby pin in place? >> a twist and one little bobby pin to finish. the great thing about this hairstyle, you can wear it by day or in the evening. >> it always looks good. i love that. >> also notice the makeup, very creamy, all done by amy oak, very clean. this is right on trend. lips are matte this season, very good. >> i like it. let's see a photograph of actress. i would completely mess this up at home. i would completely mess this up. what makes this braid unique? >> we had the boho look. what she did here, instead of having the two braids to the side and hidden under the hair,
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notice, again, asymmetric, to the side. the deep side part is one of the biggest trends of the fall. the braid shows all the way down, comes down between the very tip. this can be worn onto here, we have the hair straighter, can be worn in curly hair, wavy hair and lifts the hair up and off the face. again, the smoky eye is gone, big on trend, close your eyes for a second. >> gold. >> gold. >> all that glitters is gold. can any age. i would think this is a younger hairstyle. am i wrong? >> the whole thing about being age appropriate with hair and the big fear is young from the back and old from the front, it depends how you age. you to have see with your face shape, what works for you. >> that's good advice. there are no rules. thanks so much. next, the scottos show us their apple recipes for the
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fall. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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in "today"'s kitchen, family of hot chefs and john scand tho from the restaurant. move down. apples. they're at their peak right now. >> trust me. great things. kids go back to school, we have to go apple picking. now, what do we do? >> right. we have a restaurant that has an autumn salad with bibb lettuce, bib spinach, salt and pepper. >> nice mix of greens. >> salt and pepper and add dried cranberries. >> sweetness and tart. >> little walnuts and gala
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apples, the main ingredient. >> wry do you like gala? >> it's sweet and i love the crispiness of the skin. we will mix in gore gon gonzolae and apple cider and add more gorgonzola cheese. >> walnuts in there? >> yes. >> thank you very much. >> we have the roscioto with apple, a wonderful combination. >> it's wonderful combination. i have olive oil, and butter and granny smith apples. >> are granny smith more tart? >> they're cut and they work with this dish. >> wow! >> then we will put cinnamon.
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>> which tastes delicious. >> john, you want to mix instead of standing there? >> i'm looking at her. she's beautiful. >> thank you. >> al -- >> yes. >> now, we're putting in some apple brandy. >> i thought the rule with risotto was slow and low. >> i can't cook because i'm looking at you. risotto. okay. >> so is it slow and slow? >> tender loving care. >> tender loving care. >> do it nice. put the risotto in. >> keep staring. >> we blend init in. this rice has been pre-cooked. >> it's your wife. >> now, i have already heat upped the chicken stock and
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apple cider. now, you add -- >> ladle it in? >> ladle it in and keep stirring until the risotto is absorbed. >> and the am smell is amazing. >> of course, because i did it. now, i added chicken stock and sider and will add sparkling wine. >> wow! >> keep stirring. you have to spend a lot of time. don't leave the stove. at the end, i add goat cheese, some more apples. >> then i will finish -- >> then it will look just like this. >> elena always gets the shaft. kids can make these. >> great to make with your kids. we are doing streusel apples. i cored my am and i used cortland but you can use roma.
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almonds, cinnamon sugar, maple sugar, flour and butter. >> you chop it up and let it crumble? >> we core the apple, stuff them. >> like a spoon or something? >> there's also a technique. i'm doing something. we top each apple with a pad of butter because butter makes everything better. >> exactly. >> we will heat ts at 400 greg f -- degrees, an then we cook for 45 minutes. we pour apple cider and maple syrup and let that cook down. once it's done, we remove the apples, take the juice and heat it up in the pan. it gets this nice -- >> just like a candy apple. >> exactly. then we top it with the caramel. >> where's the whipped cream?
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>> yummy! this is low calorie, right? >> well, sure. >> anthony, marion and john, elaina. i like it. our recipe on the website. >> coming up, your local news and weather. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. the real andy harris. his past attacks have been called deceptive, his new attack, false. harris voted for deregulation increasing our electric bills by 72% it's not surprising,
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harris always sides with the big guys. he opposes cracking down on wall street and supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. harris even opposed making big insurance cover cancer screenings. andy harris' extreme ideas will cost us.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal tv 11 news update. >> a storm is taking shape and
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it will eventually crank up near the coast. it keeps growing grain at us, off and on again, through the day. 56 to 61 for a hybrid shower chance tomorrow. we will see sunshine over the weekend. weekend. bob ehrlich is desperate, and he'll say anything to get elected. negative attacks the media have repeatedly called "dishonest" and "total malarkey." and why can't we trust bob ehrlich? because he raised taxes and fees by $3 billion then denied it... because he says he's for us, but made $2.5 million at a special interest lobbying firm. and ehrlich says he'll cut education again if elected governor. bob ehrlich-- a career politician we really can't trust. and i'm investigating what makes aruba so happy. oh my word, that's fantastic. ♪ row your boat gently down the stream... ♪
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i'll tell you what; it's not aloe vera the main export. it's happiness. i haven't even got bait on the end of mine. i don't care; it's just nice sitting here. you're getting it. you're getting it.


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