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tv   Today  NBC  October 25, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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about now it's monday morning, the 25th day of october, 2010. it could be 78 degrees today in the big apple. there's some even in their t-shirts because the weather is supposed to be so nice. matt and al are making their way to california for a very important thing with maria shriver. we'll be talking about that girl who couldn't stop hiccupping? we spoke to her so many times a few years ago here on "today,"
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but now she's been arrested on charges related to a murder in florida. so we're going to be talking about that. i know you're pretty surprised about that? >> she made national headlines for her medical condition. and buyer beware. we're going to show you how thieves could be stealing your money this upcoming holiday season and how to protect yourself from five common holiday scams. and later in "today's" rel estate, we're answering some of your questions about refinancing and how to price your home to sell. barbara corcoran is here with all those answers. people are really confused about this housing market and what to do. >> and you and i are in coats, even though it's kind of warm today, on that topic of coats, what you should be looking for when you're shopping for a
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winter coat. and we're going to try to find the right coat for your shape and your bank account. >> nice. and also coming up, we have got the new natalee morales. >> good morning, everyone. severe weather is possible today in the southeast from the same system that brought reports of at least three tornadoes sunday in texas including this one in the south of dallas there. in rice, texas, several homes and a school were damaged. there's a worsening crisis in haiti where cholera has spread to the capital of port-au-prince. it has already killed 250 people elsewhere in haiti. until now cholera has not been seen in haiti for 50 years. president obama will campaign in rhode island and attend a fundraising denver. republican national committee chairman michael steele says voters are tired of the way democrats are running the federal government and will likely give republicans control of the house and possibly the
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senate as well. 19-year-old jennifer mee is under arrest for first-degree murder. according to police mee and two others were involved in an armed robbery in which the victim was shot and killed. she is the teenager who had hiccups for five straight weeks back in 2007 and came to be known after being seen here on the "today" show as hiccup girl. gas prices are up again, according to the lundberg survey, they're up 5 cents a gallon in the last two weeks. indonesia's most active volcano is spewing so much smoke and ash, it could erupt at any time. paranormal activity 2 was number one at the box office over the weekend, taking in more than $41 million according to early estimates. jackass 3-d was second and red was third. there was a big surprise over the weekend for two georgia homeowners when they saw something moving under the cover
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of their backyard swimming pool. when they pulled the cover back, they found a neighbor's buffalo hanging out near the shallow end of the pool who had been on the loose for two weeks. that's a surprise, all right. it's now four minutes past the hour, let's go back outside to ann and tamron. >> al made sure we got a chance to look at what the weather is, and here's al now. >> let's check out your weather and show you what's happening for today. we're looking at strong storms in the southeast, including atlanta. more rain and snow in the rockies, we have got some afternoon thunderstorms as well. working their way through the upper mississippi river valley. that's what's going on >> it looks like the chance for rain will be increasing as the head through the debris of the time we get into late morning and early afternoon hours, showers will roll
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. >> and that's your latest weather u natalee? al, on "today's" consumer, shopping scams. the official holiday season doesn't j doesn't get underway for a couple of weeks, but they're perfecting their strategies now. thinking about the holiday shopping season, is it safer still to go to the stores or is it better shopping online. >> you think you would be is safer shopping at the stores, but there are risks to both. online it's really getting bad. last year complaints to the
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internet crime complaint center were up 22%. so you really have to beware, a lot of the crimes we're seeing are mutating and changing, they're getting more clever. >> one of the things we're hearing more of is smishing. phishing is like a variation. >> a bank or some other official sending you a letter and they say give us your information. they send you a text message and tell you to call the 1-800-number, you call the 800 number and you get into a voice response system and they sound very official. and they clear out your account. >> how can you protect yourself? >> if you get an e-mail or a text message or get on one of these voice response systems, don't call the number that they give you, call the number on your bank statement or on the back of your credit card. so that way you can always protect yourself.
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>> you can talk to your bank as well before you engage in this activity. >> find out if they need the information. if not, you know it was a scam. >> sometimes when you go in to buy a gift, you choose to buy a gift card and you say the over the counter strip gift cards, thieves can actually steal the information on those cards and then use them to shop? how are they doing that? >> you know how you go into the supermarket, you're in a rush, you're going to a party, you're picking up a gift card. you grab a card and go. thieves go with a scanner and read the card and when you buy it, they go and spend the money before you do. >> last year we did a survey and one quarter of americans still hadn't spent their gift cards after a full year. so that gives them lots of time to use it. >> buy the gift cards behind a
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customer service desk, inspect them to see if there's been any tampering done. >> if you give a gift card, give them a receipt. >> that's right, so if they have any problem they can get the money back. >> i have done reports on this one, the skimmers at the atm machines. that's happening more and more. we're sticking our cards into the atm. >> you want to be observant, be aware, a lot of times what they'll do is put card readers inside the slot that you put your card in. they'll also have a hidden camera so they can take pictures of your pin number while you're plugging it in. and they have got all the information they need to clean out your account. >> and they buy those fake magnetic cards and they make their own? >> that's right. it's really bad right now, it's happening a lot. what you want to do is be observant. is there anything sticking out of the card slot? you also want to avoid nonbank
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atms which are at risk. >> will your bank eventually give you that money back? >> most likely, yes. >> but after a thorough investigation, it will take some time, right? >> yeah. >> another things that people may not be aware of is credit card charges, usually in small amounts. why are they small amounts? why don't they take just one lump sum. >> they are betting that you're not going to pay attention. maybe you scan your credit card statement every single month, you see a small charge, maybe under $10, it has a corporate sounding name next to it, an 800 number, maybe you even call the 800 number, you might get a message saying please leave a message, we'll call you back. but these charges tend to happen over and over and over again. and you might not catch on until -- if you see a charge you
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don't recognize, even if has some generic name next to it that sounds legit, make sure you call your credit card kane. >> scams with membership programs, what kind of programs are we talking about? and how are consumers getting ripped off? >> if you have ever shopped online, odds are you have come across one of these scams. you get a message, ann ad that says save $10 on your next order, and you're very tempted, you click on it, and before you know it, you're automatically into some program and you're getting charged every month. what you really got to do, if you see a message like this while you're checking out, read the fine print and definitely, again, look at your credit card and see what kind of charges are coming up on them. >> great information. lisa free man, thank you very much. if you're buying, selling or
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refinancing, barbara corcoran is answering your real estate questions coming up. how to find that perfect winter coat, how to get the right look for your figure and what's hot for fall. but first these messages. put i. oh wow, it's going to be great. i think i'm going to cry. [ laughs ] it's gonna mean so much, because i've made it. you know. i'm going to realize "i did it". and nobody can take that away from me. [ man #1 ] it's sort of bittersweet, only, because it's the end of something that i've put a lot of time and a lot of effort into. but it's also the beginning of something new. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ]] score delivery pizza... hut! hut! [ grunts ] ouch! [ male announcer ] ...minus the delivery price. for fresh delivery taste without the delivery price, it's digiorno.
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new aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers, with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on, to even skin tone in four weeks. new aveeno tinted moisturizers. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. go to philips sonicare is the number 1 recommended power toothbrush by dental professionals
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it's no wonder philips sonicare is the toothbrush america loves switch now and if you're not 100% satisfied, we'll give you a full refund. the cinnamon, the sugar, the crunch. but i am the only one who's been really hard at work on the t-shirt, the bumper sticker and the handshake. high...and five! i could use a little help from my cinnamon sisterhood.
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this morning on "today's" real estate, we are answering your questions as to whether you should invest in a new property or buy an older house. barbara corcoran is here to answer your questions. the first topic is, the first question is from jane in marietta, georgia. she's actually joining us live via skype.
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good morning. thanks for answering my question. i had listed my three bedroom two bath ranch house here in georgia, one is very popular because of the school district and the location is very good. it's been listed for three weeks. but i'm wondering is it because the price is considered too high or is just no one looking for my house at this time? >> barbara, it's been three weeks, that doesn't seem like a long time. what's going on here? >> three weeks is a very long time for jane. but because mostly she's only had one buyer. it takes today 18 usually showings to get every single bid. sear so if you're not having 18 showings, you're not going to get any bids. the important thing is that jane lists her house properly. the best way to go about it is to ask her broker for the last
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12 sales, i don't mean listings, i mean sales. and see if her home is a competitor in the list. also many, many sellers today also include incentives like closing costs included, free maintenance for a year, some incentive and it's smart to include that in the very front of a listing rather than wait until you're in negotiations. >> some people use them as a bargaining tool. >> what happens is when it's a bargaining tool at the end, the buyer has the advantage. what you want at the front end is to draw the buyers in. >> jane, best of luck to you. good morning, what's your question. >> caller: i'm looking to invest some money in real estate. i would like to buy a property in an up and coming neighborhood, and wait until time is right to sell it for a property. are there any areas left in new york, the new york metropolitan
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area that are good locations for real estate investing and is it really a good time to invest in real estate given the market? >> that's the magic question. carmen, you are one brave soul to even be thinking about doing it now but let me commend you for that. because no one can really figure out where the bottom of the market is, but everyone agrees we're least near the bottom. and that's as good as you can do when you're an invest. every single market that was up and coming before the bubble burst will be up and coming again and it will recover like gangbusters. you better be sure that you're get ready to get in there and hold on for five years if you're going to be a real investor. but please don't hesitate, get out shopping. >> >> up and coming, but the question is when will these areas about up and coming again. >> the minute people start marching into the market, the
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coverage in the new york city area is always at fast speeds and then what was up and coming is immediately up and coming again. >> carmen, thank you, we have an e-mail from a viewer. my husband and i have a condo in florida. the condo today is worth about $150,000, we have a mortgage balance of 234,000 which is is interest only, our primary residere residence has plenty of equity and as a lower rate. >> the truth of the matter is you should leave your primary residence alone, it's like borrowing from pete tore pay paul. why create one big mess when you have one mess that's segregated in florida. the best thing to do if you have a 5.75% rate, you can refinance that one. keep the florida resident
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separate from your main residence. >> in state college, pennsylvania, she's joining us via skype. what's your question? >> we recently sold our house and took a financial hit. we're now looking for a new home and wonder what options we have to put 5% or 10% down and have closing costs. >> that's a good option. >> you have to have 7% down to buy anything in today's market. the days of 5% down are over. >> you need 3% for closing costs. this is what i would suggest. an fha loan you need 7% down, 1% or 2% for closing costs, and in today's market, ask for these closi closing costs from the homeowner. you're still going to have to come up with 7%. >> thank you. >> good luck. and finally we have got another e-mail from wilmington, delaware. what do you think is going to happen with the market? how soon do you think it will
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take things to get back on top. i was laid off from my banking job this year and have gone into the banking business. i have always work ed in bankin my whole life. >> the big difference is commission basis, you've got to be comfortable working on a commission basis, don't worry whether you're going to make money in this market. because brokers make money as long as there's activity, good markets, bad markets, they still get their commission, the real question is are you comfortable with working on commission. the old boy network is shot, nothing's really working, so you couldn't have picked a bad time. but make sure you feel comfortable on a commission basis. >> i know a lot of women who went into the real estate market as a way to supplement before the bust and thought it is a good way to balance raising the
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kids and making some money. >> it's a misnomer, even in the best of markets, getting into the marketplace as a part-time person never works, people never make money on that basis, it's a full-time career, you've got to get in with both feet. >> and if you u have real estate questions for barbara, you can head for >> some of the most popular sweet treats from the pages of the "new york times." and we have a howling halloween party for you with costumes for your four legged friends. [ crowd cheers ]
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[ male announcer ] score delivery pizza... hut! hut! [ grunts ] ouch! [ male announcer ] ...minus the delivery price. for fresh delivery taste without the delivery price, it's digiorno.
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aren't you a little, like, old to be trick-or-treating? [ robotic voice ] it is a growth spurt. fair enough. [ male announcer ] you're never too old for a smooth, delicious milky way caramel. to cover up flaws and make skin look pretty but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% of women saw improvement in their skin's natural texture, tone, or clarity. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics recommended most by dermatologists.
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we knew the perfect place to go. man: cheers, everyone. i guess i did okay. i knew they'd love him. introducing olive garden's two new sacchetti dishes. stuffed pasta pouches filled with four italian cheeses. with herb marinated chicken breasts in a garlic cream sauce. or with savory sauteed shrimp. both served with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. it was a great time. and good practice for my parents. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. coming up, here's a hint to help you start shopping now.
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plus new classic recipes of sugar plums dancing in your head. >> but first your local news and weather. female announcer ] ever worn your clothes in the shower? if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> things will be pretty quiet all the way through this morning. once we get into the afternoon, the rain will catch up to us. not a bad idea to take an umbrella with you. rainshowers this afternoon and into the evening with a high gear is 72. gear is 72. 20 percent cited jets
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imagine denying a pregnant woman the choice of health care providers. only one senator voted with big insurance over pregnant women: andy harris. protecting our bay? harris was the only one to vote against cleaning up toxic waste sites. he always sides with the polluters, one of the worst environmental records in the senate. and harris was the only one to vote against extending education for special needs kids. no wonder his republican colleagues think he's too extreme. we can't afford his extreme ideas. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message
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wait a minute, doc. are you telling me you built a time machine? out of a delorean? >> the way i see it, if you're going to build a time machine out of a car, why not do it in style in -- look out. >> a classic scene from a classic movie, now 25 years later, the cast is getting back together right here on "today," so we're going to be catching up with michael j. fox and christopher lloyd and the man
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behind the theme song to the movie, huey lewis, all here tomorrow on "today." meanwhile coming up in this half hour, we're going to be talking about something we're all going to be thinking about soon, our winter coats. if you haven't gotten around to buying one, now is the time. we're going to show you how to get one at the right fit at the right price. something i always think about, delicious recipes that made the cut in the essential "new york times" cookbook. one of them the most requested recipe in the times cararchives? >> really? >> it's a purple plum. >> when they come on your tree, there's so many of them, you got to figure out what to do with them. >> save me a slice, all right? also here in rockefeller plaza. there's a beautiful photographic display of how mexico is celebrating two important
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anniversaries in its history this year, mexico reveals, and we're going to take a look. but first let's get another check of f the weather from mr. roker, al? >> let's take a look at what's going on as far as your week ahead is concerned. wet and warm in the eastern half of the country, chillier, for the midweek period we expect below normal in the plains and the pacific northwest. still wet along the eastern seaboard and we're going to see the rain taper off in the northeast. more rain and mountain snows in the the pacific northwest with below normal tempera >> we are off to a quiet start, but rainshowers are going to catch up to us as we head into late morning and early afternoon. thickening clouds.
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>> and that's your latest weather. coming up next, how to get the most for your money when shopping for that perfect winter coat. right after this. [ crowd cheers ] [ male announcer ] score delivery pizza... hut! hut! [ grunts ] ouch! [ male announcer ] ...minus the delivery price. for fresh delivery taste without the delivery price,
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it's digiorno. well, are you going to pick it or not? it's not ready yet. (announcer) tim and richard smucker grew up learning that you have to pick fruit at the peak of perfection if you want jam to taste extra delicious. it's getting close. (announcer) for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving cream works quickly to activate sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals fast for relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise.
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only from the makers of tylenol. [ female announcer ] pure, wholesome ingredients make new simply breads and biscuits a delicious addition to the family. simply... new from pillsbury. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night pillsbury ham and cheese crescents with just a few ingredients, you have an easy to make dinner. they're crescents for the other 364. try them tonight. [ baby crying, teapot whistling ] everything's fine. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. safe on wood. hard on germs. clorox disinfecting wipes. i don't lie about my age. my skin does. avon introduces anew platinum. the first with paxillium. designed to help restore cell shape... skin looks more
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anew platinum. call 1-800-for-avon to find a representativeoday. for a very minor dinner table infraction. and while i'm up here he's helping himself to my unguarded kraft macaroni and cheese. have you had enough? [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni and cheese. you know you love it. this morning on "today's" style, how to shop for coats. t the weather is getting chili so here are the secrets for choosing the perfect coat.
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>> you can find every conceivable kind of coat at every conceivable price. when you begin this sort of shopping, you want to start at a department store like this, you can be sure to find not only your size, but also your style. start shopping now. there's a good chance to everything that you want will already be sold out. most of us make a mistake of buying a coat that's too small because they're shopping for a jacket at a time when they're not wearing a winter's worth of layers. be sure you're accounting for all that bulk when you're finding the perfect coat. >> you're probably going to be wearing this coat every day, so take into consideration what your normal wardrobe is, do you wear suits or dresses or jeans? make sure that when you shop for your coat, you're wearing something of that type because your coat and your outfit
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roughly need to match. >> thank you so much for doing that taping for us. >> thank you for having me. >> let's take a look at three trends, a puffy coat which is notoriously hard to buy because you don't want to look like michilin man. on the topic on the puffy coat. we have got our first model which is joan. >> this one is warm and light weight. this one is from gap and it's really nicely priced. you can see, there's diagonal cuts in the front. that's when you get that bulk. >> i like how it makes a little -- turn arrest for a second, that's kind of cute. >> and it's very flattering to help create that nice silhouette. >> and good for layers. >> and joan, take off your coat, you can see that she's wearing all these layers underneath and that's where you really want to
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bulk up. you can see, that's a sweater that's warm and it fits her in the shoulders, but it has the slouchy fit so it lets her wear lots of things under neat of that plat shirt. and then just basic jeanses. >> i like it. >> and a long camel coat, which seems to be the coat of the season. >> and it's one of those coats that comes back almost every season. >> it's $188. and it's the sort of thing that you're going to be able to turn to year after year. if you're a professional and you wear just boots, this is the sort of coat that elevates and polishes your look. this is great for real women who have curves. it fits her right in the shoulders, that's absolutely the key, to never be big in the shoulders, she can cinch it up
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in the waist and get lots of things underneath and create that hourglass shape. >> i have seen this coat in the magazines, but the color is sort of quiet. >> it can actually look like it's -- >> again, that shoulder hitting right at the shoulder is absolutely essential and then you can go for a roomier coat and wear a lot of things under neat it. here she has an inflating turtle neck under neat the blouse, that's sort of sneaking in those extra warm layers. >> i like it and the price is very good. you said $188? >> from where? >> french connection. >> thanks so much, you did a great job, thanks so much. pretty girl. another big trend is a vin ta vintage inspired coat. >> it can be hard for a petite woman to find a coat that doesn't absolutely drowned them. it's fitted through the waist
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and it squares out into an a 'loin. >> you should be thinking about something not too long, you should also be able to see the hem under neat it, so it doesn't look like you forgot to put your pants offen. >> i hate that look. >> that's never a good thing. >> you can see that she has some shape under there and it's just sort of fullthrough the security. skirt. >> it's a great way to get a coat without spending a fortune. >> vintagy, did we make up a word. >> i think we did. >> thanks to all of our models. >> coming up on "today's" kitchen, two delicious recipes
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that are perfect for our holiday get togethers, one involving plums. right after this. risk with my cholesterol. but i was stilh anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more... and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. along with diet, lipitor has been shown to lower bad cholesterol 39% to 60%. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. let's go, boy, go! whoo-whee! if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor.
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we helped keep your skin clear. now we have a solution for wrinkles. neutrogena anti wrinkle with retinol sa smoothes even deep wrinkles. it works...beautifully. neutrogena. we pretend high-heels don't hurt and that we can handle anything life throws at us. but there are times that we need a moment to remember. we're only human. that's more than enough. your moment. your dove™. your moment. discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at restaurants. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake. no, i've actually lost weight... [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. [ wife ] babe... i gotta go.
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[ female announcer ] yoplait, it is so good. [ male announcer ]] score delivery pizza... i gotta go. hut! hut! [ grunts ] ouch! [ male announcer ] ...minus the delivery price. for fresh delivery taste without the delivery price, it's digiorno. ♪ [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... ♪ ...can lead to another. ♪ ♪ ...made with real fruit and now with more of the whole grains your body needs. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. aveeno hair shines in real life. new aveeno nourish plus shine with active naturals wheat smooths damaged cuticles for 75% more shine in one use. real shine, for real life.
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yours. [ female announcer ] new aveeno nourish plus shine. making a purple plum tort. it was actually tested 1,400 recipes to put it all in there. >> good to have you here.
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in the end you have a book that's 932 pages? >> yes, it will take you a while to cook. >> and this purple plum tort, this is the most requested recipe in the archives? >> that's right. >> it's so simple, it's four steps. >> yes, you have the sugar and butter inside? >> yes, and they're creamy and we're going to add eggs. and flour and salt. >> does it matter what order you put this in? >> no, that's the beauty of it. you can kind of just toss this together. >> it's so easy. most of the ingredients you have at home, except for maybe the plums. the plums are what makes it special. so does it matter what type of plum you use? >> i have only used -- i like the oval italian plums. but you can use any plum you want. you can do it by hand, you can
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do it in a mixer. >> for how long. >> just until it comes together and until it starts looking smooth like that. and this is supereasy. you just put the plums, skin side up. my favorite thing. and it just kind of brightens the flavor. and then you bake it. >> all right. >> stick it in the oven. >> and this is your -- >> and this is your plum tort. you want too try it. >> and these are made here? >> the popovers are as you can
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see just kind of fluffy. it's just like york shire pudding. i'll let ann help you with this. sure. looks like you've got two cups in there? >> two cups of milk. and then butter, melted butter. >> how much? >> the whole thing. and then flour and salt and then whisk. if you can serve, you can make both of these. >> you can stir it, you can do this? it's awesome. this is a recipe from 1966, by the way. >> recipes go back 150 years. what's great about the "new york times" is they covered every major trend, every major chef and all of those recipes. >> a lot of history there. >> you need a special kind of pan for this?
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>> this is a popover pan. you don't have to use a popover pan. if you have one, you can put it out. it's probably been collecting dust. and you can also use a muffin pan. >> they're going to pop over on top. >> that's why they're called popovers. >> that is one big popover. >> yeah, exactly. how do you serve these. >> you can just eat them as is. eat them kind of like you would -- >> you can also serve them with roast beef. >> so they're not york shire pudding because you're not cooking them in bacon or beef. but they are a very similar recipe. >> it's the same batter. >> it's called the essential "new york times" cookbook. i'm going to have a bite of this. and still to come, we'll be
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talking to shaun white in this broadcast, the two-time olympic gold medalist. we'll let you know more coming up on nbc.
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bob ehrlich is desperate, and he'll say anything to get elected. negative attacks the media have repeatedly called "dishonest" and "total malarkey." and why can't we trust bob ehrlich? because he raised taxes and fees by $3 billion then denied it... because he says he's for us, but made $2.5 million at a special interest lobbying firm. and ehrlich says he'll cut education again if elected governor. bob ehrlich-- a career politician we really can't trust.
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this year mexico commemorates boat buy centennial and the declaration of independence. rockefeller plaz is holding revealing mexico week with the best starting today and john mack has some photos on display. john, good to have you here. it was a ten-year long journey, but some important people and some regular faces around mexico. >> in this book we have portr t portraits of people around
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mexico. it's a huge mix of mexican people. the whole spectrum. >> what did you learn in your journey over ten years? mexico has had a bad rap in the last couple of years. >> we're trying to bring mexico into the fold for all the right seasons. it's not in international attention for the right reasons. we have a week of exhibits here in rockefeller center. autograph signing, a soccer star at 6:00 tomorrow, a book signing here at the bookstore on wednesday. if you go actually to revealing, you can actually buy this book and see the updated news and events for the week of celebrations. 100% of the net proceeds of this book goes go to foundation in mexico. that's sort of our offering to mexico. and for the writers who ben stein is a german writer.
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>> in that time visiting all 31 states in mexico, what impressed you most? >> i think what impressed me most was everyone who i spoke to, everybody in the book, all the taxi drivers, the bus drivers, everybody, they wanted more for their country. >> we hope this will give them more. thanks so much. john mack again, revealing mexico. hoda and kathy lee coming up next. two holiday costumes for your pooches, all that and more right after these messages and your local news. tuesday on "today," a back to the future reunion. michael j. fox and his co-stars together again, live on "today," only on nbc.
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cooked numbers, false attacks. the truth? frank kratovil is ranked one of the 10 most independent members of congress. frank kratovil does not follow anybody's party line he looks at his district, his family, the community, and that's the important thing to him. endorsed by the chamber of commerce, the nra, veterans, and police officers. as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics, in washington i've tried to do the same. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> it looks like things will be quiet as we head through the rest of the morning. once we get into the afternoon, clouds will be thickening up.
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rainshowers will catch up to us during the afternoon and evening. while the day, high temperatures in the low 70's. 75 but the high tempera hi there, i'm ian wright and i'm investigating what makes aruba so happy. oh my word, that's fantastic. ♪ row your boat gently down the stream... ♪ i'll tell you what; it's not aloe vera the main export. it's happiness. i haven't even got bait on the end of mine. i don't care; it's just nice sitting here. you're getting it. you're getting it.
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