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tv   Today  NBC  December 16, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television back with more of "today" on thursday morning, december 16, 2010. temperatures barely going to get above the 30-degree mark today. is that really true? wow. >> bone-chilling cold. >> it really s we have been in a real winter snap here andinter hasn't even technically begun yet. >> tuesday. >> yeah? >> first full day of winter. >> something to look forward to. >> we can't complain. out in the midwest, they have been dealing with this. >> and florida. i'm matt lauer, natalie morales, al rocker. in this half hour a local weather report we are a rising
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career here in new york city may be in a bit of trouble after police say she filed a false police report claiming that she was assaulted by a would-be rapist in central park. investigators say she has now admitted to making all up. so, what happened? we will have the latest in a live report. also going to be talking about a serious problem of chronic loneliness it affects millions of americans and of course this time of year it can be especially tough, but there are ways to overcome it and get yourself to a happier place. we will have helpful advice coming up. something we are all too aware of, getting the so-called 40 wink withes of sleep cab little hard, especially with all of our busy lives. as you may have heard here yesterday there is a new study that finds beauty sleep is not an old wife's tale after all, you actually look better the more you rest. i would need about a week with, i guess. other health benefits as well. dr. nancy snyderman will be here to answer your question. >> i think he just insulted you.
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first, natalie with the headlines. london's high court ruled that wikileaks founder julian assange can be released on $300,000 bail. it rejected an appeal by prosecutors who wanted assange to remain in jail until an extradition hearing next month. assange was arrested in britain last week and is wanted in sweden on a sex crimes warrant. police say the gunman who killed himself tuesday after firing shots at a florida school board meeting has circled the shooting date on his calendar some time ago. his wife says clay duke was a gentle giant, upset that she had lost her teaching job. an army doctor who refused to serve in afghanistan because he doubts that president obama was born in the united states pleaded guilty wednesday at his court martial. lieutenant colonel terry lincoln now faces up to 3 1/2 years in prison or a discharge and loss of benefits. new mexico governor bill richardson arrived in north korea this morning after a stop
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in china for a diplomatic mission to ease tension opts peninsula. tinnitus or ringing in the ears is a growing problem, affecting 50 million americans and doctors say they are seeing a major increase in the condition in children as young as 12 years old. experts caution against listening to head phones at a high volume for more than two hours at a time. a rising star in the new york world of broadcast news has been suspended for allegedly filing a false report claiming she was assaulted in central park. that is where nbc's mike taibbi is this morning. >> reporter: heidi jones' career was on the rise, an avid fitness buff and a distance runner did a lot of her running in central park. this is where she claimed someone tried to rape her. heidi jones made it the big time, forecast the weather on abc's huge new york tv station, often filling in on abc's
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nationally broadcast morning show with, "good morning, america." >> this is heidi jones is here. >> reporter: her facebook page and run with heidi website she reports about her prowess as a long distance runner but nowhere tell fans what police say she told them, that an hispanic man had twice confronted her, first back in september when he grabbed her as she xbroged and tried to rape her and three weeks ago near her apartment where he she says he harassed her again. but police say they weren't so sure. after all, two days after the alleged rape attempt in september, heidi wrote on her facebook page, "good day, how recast, gobble, gobble." day now, police sources confirm for nbc news that when jones was confronted with inconsistencies in her story and the fact she waited two months to tell it
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that she basically made it all up. the local wabc-tv newscast reported that jones is now off the air. >> heidi jones, a wabc-tv meteorologist faces misdemeanor charges for filing a false police report. jones faces fines and jail time if convicted. wabc has suspended jones pending the outcome of an internal investigation. >> reporter: jones' critics have ll. ady taken to her facebook this is inexcusable. you are a disgrace. fire her and put her in jail. nes reportedly made up her story to win with sympathy because of personal problems. jones lawyer, paul callen, urges folks not to jump to conclusions and says she will plead not guilty to any criminal charges against her. she could face a year in jail on each charge of falsifying a police report. natalie? >> mike taibbi in central park. thank you, mike. in case you were wheerngtd pope was up to today, take a look, things got a little wild at the vatican when acrobats performed for the papal audience
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them got a standing ovation from the pontiff, as you see there. apparently, they were a big hit with the nuns. very nice. turn it over to al now. >> i like it. weather for today, natalie, winter storm warnings from fargo, rockies, all the way into the mid-atlantic states. winter storm -- went wither weather advisories stretching there as well. all part of a complex system bringing snow, icy conditions and rain all the way from minnesota to virginia. rain -- snowfall amounts, we are talking anywhere from throw to six inches of snow, up to nine inches in central west virginia. lighter amounts as you move to the south and a little bit to the north. that >> are expecting us know today. -- expecting snow today.
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on today's daily dose, are you getting enough sleep? according to the centers for disease control, more than 70 million americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders. guess what, it can have a major impact on your health? nbc's chief medical editor dr. nancy sniderman is here with answers. it is a big deal. >> is a big deal and getting worse. i keep every five years as we do this, we will get the message, but we don't seem to be getting the messages. >> our lives are getting busier and busier. what are the common sleep dised orrers? >> sin some nia. the first is not getting enough. a lot of different reasons are, insomnia, sleep apnea, stop
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breathing ten seconds a night. restless leg syndrome, people used to not take seriously but which can now be treated and narco help circumstance the sexy one, people stop what they are doing, seem to fall to sleep and go on with the normal daily lives, most people top of that list, insomnia. >> new study released from sweep sweden -- >> british medical journal. shows the myth about beauty sleep may not be a myth at all. >> this is interesting. they took 23 people, young, healthy people and basically sleep deprived them and took people who were just normal, average people, show them sort of presleep and postsleep deprivation photos and said what do you see? >> let's take a look. >> there was a difference. >> we have got the before and after photos. take us through that. >> so on the left, you see a guy who looks pretty robust, he is fine. maybe be not particularly clean shaven but eyes are wide, eyebrows are up and then sleep deprivation, everything starts to sag. i did this at abc news ten years
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ago, producerses moved into my house, 36 hours, they kept me awake, i did a video journal and i said i'm fine, i feel great, do little tasks, what was most stunning to me was to look at how my face changed over 36 hours. i lost color in my face. every wrinkle showed up. my eyes got sunken. i looked sallo. >> that is work at abc. >> look how much. i'm here. go kaboom boom. makes a difference. anybody out there worried about how they work, get eight hours. >> a good night's sleep. >> yeah. >> view arers, first of all, our first question from a view here joins us via skype. say hi to sonia from vandenberg air base in california. good morning, sonia. did you get a good night sleep last night? >> not so much. >> okay what is your question for dr. nancy? >> hi, soap ya. >> hi, how are you? my question for you is i have
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two young children and time to actually go to sleep at night, i find myself really struggling to fall asleep. is there anything that can i can eat during the day to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer? >> you are in the sleep fragmented category of any young mother. you duke a mother just delivered to one who still has children who may sometimes go to sleep willingly and other times i not so willingly, you are going to find it is a little bit more of a challenge. a couple of things, a power nap in the afternoon when the kids are asleep might actually help you get into the evening. and then really start to fix fixed times for your children and make sure that you sort of set the time shortly thereafter. a couple thing for the bedroom, get the tv out of your bedroom, get the computer away from yourself, all that work think you need to do after you put the kids to sleep. find some turn off time so all those l.e.d. lights really have a separation from and you the time you go to bed.
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your bed should be used for nothing more than sleeping and sex and nothing else. your computer, all those electronics elsewhere. and if you have an alarm clock with a very bright display, consider turn iting it away fro you. >> swim a tougher time than men? >> men can fall asleep doing anything. are you kidding me? >> almost anything. now rk, barn on the phone. what is your question? >> caller: i'm 38 years old who struggles with sleeping about three times a week i think it maybe stress related. i find myself relying on tylenol p.m. to help with the sleepless nights r there any medications that safe to take for sleep? >> you hit the nail on the head when you talked about stress and tough talk about the basic thing what is the stress indicator? do nothing more than this simple task. sit down with a pose of paper and pencil and write down the stressors of your day. usually, you can figure out what the stressors and take them out if you were reliant on a short
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sleep -- short sleep aid, tylenol p.m. or some of the over-the-counters are fine when used in moderation. interestingly it is the acetaminophen in the tylenol that over a long period of time or use too much of it may pose somewhat of a risk. then, yes, very good prescription aids. they are not meant for every night use. so you have to be very smart and use them really when you need to. for a lot of people like us who travel we use them to get over time periods, but i think the big thing for you is to loop become to the beginning of your question and that is the stressor. >> caller: thank you. >> good luck, barn, good night sleep to you. dr. nancy snyderman, thank you for the info. >> always. coming up next it cab serious problem this time of year, helpful advice if you're suffering from -- later, diet? helping you grip your holiday style. but first, these messages. - ( audience applauds ) - hey, you're supposed to be a vegetable!
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there's a full serving of vegetables in every manwich. announcer: surprise. every manwich has a full serving of wholesome vegetables. manwich. meat your vegetables. of wholesome vegetables. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us.
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progresso. oh yes hi. can you please put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a sec. another person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. ♪ well, it feels so good [ female announcer ] when you have a softer bath tissue, you can enjoy going more... while still using less. introducing new charmin ultra soft. new charmin ultra soft has an ultra-cushiony design that's soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. [ both ] ♪ soft to the touch... [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. new charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go. this morning on today's
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health, chronic loneliness age cord to be the new aarp study, 44 million adults over the able of 45 suffer from chronic loneliness, an overwhelming sense of emptiness and solitude, even amongst friends and family. so how can you cope? psychoanalyst gail saltz is a today contributor and nancy zbram vice president and chief of aarp, the magazine. good morning to you, ladies. >> good morning. >> chronic loneliness, gail, first, explain to us how it's different than depression. >> right. >> the winter blues a lot of people experience this time of year. >> loneliness can be exacerbated this time of year because of holidays and expectations, have the loved ones around you and be very connected. they can overlap. loneliness certainly can cause depression, blue mood and difficulty getting going but it can be very separate. you can feel lonely for a day. you can feel lonely in an ongoing way, you can feel loan any an ongoing situation. a feeling of being bereft, empty, so on. a longing. but it is not the same as this
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chronic, low mood of depression and it is not a dsm-iv diagnosis, not considered a diagnosis, as major depression s. >> nancy, you-all did the study and the article. and you category -- you stay is being actually becoming an epidem epidemic. who is it affecting? >> rising dramatically. we surveyed 3,000 people over the able of 45 and 35% reported being chronically lonely. that's up from 20% of ten years ago and it doesn't make a difference your gender, your education, your race. it really doesn't discriminate. and it really points to the fact that society pays a lot of attention to the financial and medical conditions of older people but not so much attention to the social situation. are people isolate and what can we do about it? >> and you say -- typically, you are seeing it more in people over the able of 45. what are some of the other things that -- if you were to put a profile on who might have this, who does it affect?
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>> the big surprise -- the big surprise, excuse me, is that loneliness actually decreases as we get older, so it peaks in your 40s and 50s. the baby boomers right now tend to be the loneliest group. 43% of people 45 to 49 are chronically lonely and the numbers are about the same when you are in your 50s. by the time you hit age 70, that drops to 25%. >> that is an age group i imagine a lot of changes, kids going off to college, maybe some of you think about early retirement. does that affect you? >> the workplace has become inescapable. the economy, people are working longer for less money. so it is all work and no play. the other thing is electronics, people are not unplugging. as we know, facebook is no substitute for face time. the' like being on a diet and eating celery, it fills up nut short term but the long term, leaves you a hungrier. >> chronic loneliness doesn't
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necessarily mean you are not surrounded by people. you can be surrounded by people you love and still feel this, right rite? >> sometimes that is the worst lonely feeling of all, patients in a marriage and feeling incredibly loanly, the mar san not functioning, they feel like they are supposed to feel these feelings but instead, they feel kind of isolated and diskecked. this time of year, people go to holiday parties and feel incredibly lonely because even though they are surrounded by people, they don't really feel connected to any of these people. they are not having an intimate relationship, they don't feel somebody they can trust who really knows them and gets them and accepts them for them. >> let talk about how we can deal with overcoming some of this loneliness. what are some -- obviously, making some social connections. >> volunteering is a good idea. >> yes, it is. >> first of all, you have to know that you are lonely. sometimes people have these sad, disconnected feelings and they don't understand they are lonely, 'cause they are at party and surrounded by people or on the computer and i think i have these people out there in the internet world. you have to identify that that's
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the feeling that is going on and then why is it happening? that's very important. so is it social ankle night? a lot of people have social anxiety and hard for them to reach out and connect and that requires a different kind of intervention than if the problem is you're newly widthed, you're newly divorced, something happening in your life, lost your parents, empty-nesters, odd loss and you haven't figured out how to get through that and replace those people, so to speak. >> nancy, i know recommendations in the article, par it 'tis pay thing in group activities, volunteering. >> social groups, again, volunteering. >> force yourself to -- >> so simple and educate yourself, the most powerful tool of all, i think. >> it is s and therapy, if the issue is you're very socially anxious or haven't gotten over a grieving situation and figured out how to make the next move. >> ladies, important topics, thank you for bringing it to our attention, read more about it in the aarp magazine and on of our one see the as well. coming up, great toys to fit
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every budget, but first, these messages. ♪ [ grandma ] okay. ♪ ah. then we will all do it together. treats. teets...teets...teets... yeah. look at this. [ female announcer ] it seems like the best family traditions always start in the kitchen. ♪ rice krispies®. happy holidays.
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♪ [ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch. makes vegetables delectable. and now make lettuce a real salad with hidden valley salad kits. everything you need all in one bag, like garlic croutons, lemon pita bites, parmesan cheese, and caesar dressing. turn plain lettuce into a hidden valley salad. it will with natural instincts. it's clinically proven. 80% of women agreed that natural instincts made their hair feel softer. want feel good color? get 10 minute natural instincts. it's all good.
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get 10 minute natural instincts. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint patty. get the sensation.
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our 2010 toy drive giving away almost $20 million worth of goods to families suffering this year. helping us out right now, michael north, the president of party life. good to sigh. >> nice to see you, al. >> what do you have for us? >> very happy to be proud of the drive, our fifth year being part of the drive and we are taking the stress out of children who are looking to give something to their parents. so, this is a unique positioning that we want to help the kids give something to their par. >>s and take a little bit of stress. >> michael north and all the folks at party life, thank you so very much. we appreciate that. >> thank you. >> and don't forget, you can donate online here on the -- i should say you can donate online, or come to the plaza or innocence experience store until december 22nd. still ahead on "today," we
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have got a lot more, including the fantastic chicken under a brick. and who doesn't like chicken under a brick? somebody go get me a brick. but first, here is your local news and weather. lucy, i missed you. ♪ [ gasps ] this is for you. thanks. ♪ cool. ♪ [ chuckles ] whoa!
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♪ [ chuckles ] i love this part. yeah. me, too. [ lucy gasps ] [ female announcer ] this year, hallmark has all new ways to say it.
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[ fem♪le announcer ] this year, ♪ you can find your feet and you can find your way ♪ ♪ you can find yourself in bed at the end of the day ♪
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♪ you can find some fun on a tropical isthmus ♪ ♪but you'll never find my... ♪ you can find it in your heart to be patient with me ♪ ♪ you can find a new star for the top of the tree ♪ ♪ i don't mean to be coy and i don't mean to be vicious ♪ ♪ but you'll never find my christmas ♪ >> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> good morning. clouds, temperatures in the 20's. storm on the north edge of this. that is a snowy part. more snow to the south, last to the north. heaviest snow to the south of us. 27 to 30 for the high. you know what i want for the holidays? do tell. true love. true love is a myth. [ gasps ] you're a myth! excuse me? [ female announcer ] it's the thought that counts. and the gift.
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safeway. ingredients for life. start with cookie dough. add sugar. then hershey's kisses milk chocolates. [ son giggles ] [ female announcer ] fun. easy. [ child ] wow. [ female announcer ] at with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon...
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now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. that smells scrumptious. yummy! smells delightful. awesome! i'm not smelling anything. [ female announcer ] everything for holiday baking. just add love. safeway. ingredients for life. >> taking one for the team, swallowing a bug for bereakfast there. way to go mark. >> what happens when you are on live tv, folks. just about time to look back at all the fun we have had. you have been here for a lot of it. if you haven't, well, we have got the -- whoa. naughty puppy. take a look back at the year that was tomorrow on "today." i will remember that one. >> well, meanwhile, coming up in
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this half hour, we have got just nine shopping days left to -- >> nine days. >> nine. that's right. >> all the people are panicking. >> you have got to pick up the perfect toy for the little ones on your list, guess what we have help for you, whether you feel like splurging or pick a little something up, we have the best bet, no matter what price you want to spend. all right. also ahead, all that glitters is gold or silver or sequins, but adding a little shimmer to your holiday party outfits doesn't have to be expensive. bobby thomas, our diy genius will be here to show you how to make some easy and cute ways to dress up your style. >> all right. plus in today's kitchen, from under a brick to on your plate in no time. we are going to show you a simple and delicious chicken dinner, chicken dish for dinner tonight. all you have to do is go out to your house and chip out a brick from the front of your house. fantastic. >> that is exactly it. i don't know what it will do for your house, any ways it will taste good. a check of the weather for us? >> we sure do.
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take a look for today, we have got wet weather, the pacific northwest, icy conditions your way, speaking of icy condition, this is the mouth of the cuyahoga river right on lake erie, cleveland, ohio. this thing is completely iced up. it is a lighthouse and that's also a navigation marker. >> wow. >> completely encased in ice. almost doesn't look real. unbelievable. amazing stuff. that's what's >> snow showers today, one to 3 in. generally. beginning like at about noon until the early evening hours. until the early evening hours.
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>> that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. coming up next, adding spark tole to your holiday. more diy, after this. a place for friends, family, and your husband's trademark victory dance. [ cheering ] now the crowd is gone. and all that remains is the stink. [ dog barks ] but you're ready because febreze air effects cleans away tough game day odors in the air. sweat-socks, chicken wings, garlic dip. and leaves a light fresh scent. febreze air effects. just one of the many ways to keep your home fresh with febreze. all day friday and saturday, get countdown to christmas doorbusters at sears. these small kitchen appliances are only nine, ninety-nine after mail in rebate. save up to seventy percent on fine jewelry. plus, this forty two inch zenith plasma is only four twenty-nine, ninety-nine. sears. be the santa you want to be.
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we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a sword, a...
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oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet? we always make time for just us cousins. like the other night at olive garden. hey susan, you gotta tell the aunt jessie story again. -yes, you do! -ok, ok. joe: love that story. try olive garden's two new scaloppini dishes. pan-seared chicken breasts in a lemon-herb glaze. or sauteed pork
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in a creamy white wine sauce. both served with asiago filled tortelloni. with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. this is like being back at the kids' table. [ laughter ] olive garden. when you're here, you're family. this morning, adding shimmer to make you shine at your holiday celebration. editor of's bobbie thomas is here with two affordable options, buy it or diy it. good morning, bobbie. >> good morning. >> this is the time of year we can sparkle from head to toe. >> what girl doesn't love gliter? >> only do it this time of year. >> you look amazing this is a zahra dress that everyone in the
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studio has been raving over, only $99. >> well, okay there we go. shoutout to zahra. okay. meanwhile, tell me about the glittery -- >> glittery nail polish so many e-mail about the nail polish i have been wearing. "burlesque" is the movie, teamed up with op toy create the grim ender's shimmers collections, doing so well, a great way to get a little dazzle on your finger tips i. >> lip gloss, too? >> max dazzle zoos great lip gloss, see glitter everywhere. even this is a great -- not a fragrance, it is actually little shimmer dust. >> wow. amazing. >> wonder slus a great illuminating tonic for your hair. but if you don't want to buy it, if you have a little loose glitter, diy it. add a little pinch of glitter, this was $2 for all the colors, add a pinch of glitter, hairspray in a travel size bottle, a great way to add extra shine to your hair, especially for new year's. >> clear nail polish. >> if you just add some clear nail polish to your fingertips i
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and then take some glitter and literally just sprinkle it on. that's how i did my nails today. >> wow. >> really easy and a top coat and you are done. >> beautiful. okay. now here to the shoes. shoes. >> you can wear sequence and sparkles. >> and everyone, i love rachel by rachel roy at macy's, stuart weitzman, gap getting into it all of these are great options if you want them. however, you can diy it. >> right. if you are bobbie thomas, you can. not me. >> i wanted to share at home that you know hairspray actually the best way to make the glitter stick. >> oh, really? >> really cool and you can even use -- >> go ahead. what do i do? rubber cement? on an old pair of shoes, scuffs. >> anything it is great and then you can just add the sequence or glitter but for some of these to get the designs, just use masking tape that is how i got the cap toe on this shoe, this
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shoe i created a design with the masking tape, then i have so much fun, over the top, glitter and sequins, look at that. >> look at that. >> so much fun. >> beautiful. don't have to worry about sequence falling off now and again? not a shoe that is going to last. >> to keep the glit and sequins on, find at your local craft store, a clear finish by chyron or something like that keep it on, a couple dollars go to michael's, very easy to find. >> great. i'm continuing my shoe here. probably a good idea to get a shoe color that is sort of close to it? >> that is what makes it look sophistica sophisticated, stick with neutral tones, the navy, the gold, i like that could you do hot pink or red like dorothy but might be a little too much. >> talk beautiful stockings, too, these are buy it. >> glitzy. offers this great tight that looks like it has a crystal tattoo for around $20. >> beautiful. >> i had fun with a pattern pair, i got inspired by the
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runways, and these are crystal tattoos you can get at the store for $2 to $5. either break them apart like i did and just make your own design or -- >> they just stick on or you glue them on? >> stick right on and they will stay all night. here is something for you to play w. >> okay. >> you can literally -- >> i didn't know i had to be crafty. i'm not crafty. >> you will notice it really sticks right on it won't come off. it can make your own design. >> great. >> also use a glitter spray or some of these 3-d pens to make more intricate designs. >> okay. now denim? even denim is sparkly. these are guys? okay. matt lauer we got a pair of jeans for you. >> bee squared has been selling out the guys and -- >> are you kidding me? >> no. they are glitter, they are little drops of glitter, use glitter spray, but there is glitter everywhere. okay, last but not least, blazers a great way to add spark toll a dress. >> you made these? >> i made all these.
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this one is from piper line. that is from macy's. these are great buy its but easy to add bling this is trim. none of these cost me over -- $10 or less. buy a -- >> at the craft store? >> and you add it, like this jack tote lapel, you can slip that on if you want while i show this get the trend that looks like the fabric, light weight. >> it fit mess. >> and i want to show one more trick. these are just some appliques, little epaulettes, $2 each. you could just use this hem tape and stick it to your shoulder. >> like michael jackson. >> a great way that is temporary, come off your blaze tender is great. >> you are a seenious, as i said, i tell yarks i stand by my word. bobbie thomas, diy genius. up next, whether you want to spend $10 or $50, the best toys for every budget, right after this. [children screaming]
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[growl] i met my husband here. i got to know my grandkids here. we've discovered so much here together. but my doctor told me that during that time my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why i'm fighting my cholesterol... with crestor. along with diet, crestor does more than help manage cholesterol, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough. crestor is also proven to slow plaque buildup in arteries. crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. i love it when we're here together. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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you don't get 100% daily value of any vitamins. unless you do this. but total is the cereal that gives you 100% daily value of 11 essential vitamins and minerals and crunchy oat clusters. total. are you getting 100%? a $100 cream. flabbergasted when we creamed a $500 cream! for under $30 regenerist micro-sculpting cream hydrates better than 23 of america's most expensive luxury creams. fantastic. phenomenal. regenerist. is "the farmer's vegetable patch," right? there's a full serving of vegetables in every manwich. so you're made of vegetables, yet you're eating vegetables? exactly. [ male announcer ] every manwich has a full serving of wholesome vegetables. manwich. meat your vegetables.
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♪ that comes fromove a little green leaf ♪ables. ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my skinny jeans zipped in relief ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only listerine® that gets teeth two shades whiter. and makes tooth enamel two times stronger. get dual action listerine® whitening® rinse. building whiter, stronger teeth. ge♪ i gotta make this holiday glow, like a light bulb ♪ ♪ ♪ tie it all up in a big shiny bow. i'm a "home for the holiday" superhero ♪ ♪ mrs. claus ain't got nothin' on me. i'm dancin' circles ♪ ♪ around the christmas tree.
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this morning on today's holiday gift guide, great toys at every price point, whether the kids on your list have been naughty or nice. sure nice, santa is here to bring something special. stephanie oppenheim from toy is here. >> hi, al. >> good to he see you steph. >> happy holidays. >> happy holidays to you, too. toys ten bowl, under. >> bumpy ball, 10 or less. bumpy ball, explore, play with them on the floor. they are crazy cars, you hit them, they light up. big kids, small kids, they have small parts. >> all right, $15. puzzles? >> puzzles i love, thomas the tank, big balloon puzzle, kids play with them after the holidays are over. i like that. >> orders up. >> game, a fun game, has a bell to play, our testers loved it
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from the people who brought us banana grams this is zip it. i love saying zip it. a great word game. you have to make words fast against other players and zip it up. good take-along for the holidays. >> 20 bucks, choices widen out. >> hard tore me to pick them on our list. dr. seuss what's in the cat's hat game, kind of like a 20-questions game for school-aged kids. this is my best. spin art, a blast, it has frequencies, very cool. under 20. >> play doe? >> you can put play doe in that as well. >> cool. >> this is the jewelry tree from creativity for kids. put it together. it is a really pretty thing to decorate in their rooms and they can make jewelry as well. >> this looks cool. >> beautiful. these are record a story. guess how much they miss you and the night before christmas, not a child or make a keepsake because you travel a lot and want to be there for bedtime
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story. >> 30 sfwhunchs the boys playing with city blocks. this year, come in hot colors and coloradoers, open-ended, put them in the basket for the coffee table. >> what is the age range? >> 4 and up and then put them with these toys, these are planimals. from all over the country. make and break challenge, very different type of game, visual discrimination, you have to make these designs but you can only use this, no hands. >> afterwards, have chinese food. >> exactly. russell toes, heard about dolls this year, you and i, these are sweet, big animals and they are not gender specific. i love them. >> 40 bucks? >> 40 bucks, the step to kitchen, the best in the category, beatrice is playing with over there a lot of opportunitieses for cause and effect and making things happen. >> right. >> "star wars," light saber with real are sound effects. i my you would like t. >> that is going to get old. >> and then you can take them off and you can duel.
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>> oh, great. >> great fun. now we are talking big-ticket toys. now, here i like the play mobile wild african safari but also a lego city no full body scanner here but a lot of fun to play. little role playing. and finally, we have a wonderful old-fashioned stroller from caroll. >> becomes a baby carriage? >> a carrier in one. >> everybody had a good time and got it all n stephanie oppenheim, thank you so much. and a thank you to all of our helpers, you guys were terrific, very nicely done. everybody played together nicely. >> very nicely. >> up next, somebody get me a brick, 'cause we are making chicken under a brick. that's it. there's no brick in there. there's just chicken, baby, but
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this morning in today's holiday kitchen, under a brick. the name maybe strange but it is a classic comfort italian dish and a real crowd pleaser. john delucie is the executive chef and owner of the royal restaurant at the raleigh hotel in the south. newest restaurant, congratulations. >> thank you very much. the lion. >> the royal. >> you are busy. >> it's a busy guy. >> tell me about the royal. >> the royal is in the beautiful raleigh hotel. >> south beach. >> and though not very warm there right now -- >> no, i know. >> great to be there, a lot of fun. >> all right. great. >> back and forth from miami to new york. >> tell me about this dish. this is something that is sort of a classic italian. >> yes, this is -- well, we -- you know, go to your house, pick out a brick, like al said, cover it with foil. so easy. i took it, a beautiful, organic, hormone-free all-natural chicken. >> right. >> and i have just some garlic. >> split down the middle, right? >> all the bones, except for the thigh and the leg bone he is.
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>> keep that in there? >> nice to cook things on the bone. >> split it like that add the herbs and garlic in there. what kind of herbs did you use? >> rosemary and garlic and some salt. >> wow. >> and some fresh pepper. and -- >> the smell is unbelievable here. awesome. >> you look very glamorous today. >> i can cook. i'm glamorous for you. >> very nice. >> great. >> and you can see here, show you the skin is just flawless and beautiful. i want to keep it that way. >> you want to have the skin, you want it to get the flavoring and the crispiness? >> the crispiness the key to this dish what the brick will do. i will put this in here, should sizzle. just like that. >> love that sound. >> what i want to do also, i want to add a little bit of butter at this point. >> okay. didn't give me butter that is okay. >> a little more butter, more flavor. >> that guy, right on top. >> you there go.
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>> you hear that sound? >> you just lay it right on top and let it go for a bit? >> let it go for a bit. going to go for about 15 or 20 minutes, medium heat. you can see here, we move over a little bit, this is what it should look like. >> that's great. >> nice. it has flattened out. >> flip it both sides. >> i'm going to go into the oven, ready to go cook it, show you what it might look like if i can do that right over, not screw it up. >> there you go. >> see how shiny and crispy? and to go with this, we are going to prepare a gratn a japanese mandolin. i had milk steeping, i put in some thyme, some cinnamon, some cardamom pads and you can do this for me -- nutmeg. >> are regular milk, extra zest? >> yeah. >> right there? >> and you get all the flavors of the holiday. >> right. okay.
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potatoes? >> i peeled them, really thin. i have the mandolin, very, very careful. i have gotten many stitches over the years with this mandolin. >> oh oh. just layering -- and this is something you do in little casserole dishes? >> exactly. use this cast iron here. >> okay. >> running out of time. going to lay it on there. create a couple of different layers? >> exactly. add the milk. >> add the mill income there and show you what it looks like over here. >> hello. hello. >> speed it up. >> come on, people. >> our chicken with a brick. >> you added the rosemary, too. >> squeeze lemon on top. >> yeah. >> here is the potatoes. >> john used an organic brick. >> yeah. >> organic house. exactly. going to say that. >> john delucie, thank you. we are going to dig right in. my gosh this is great, happy holiday to us. i will visit you in miami. >> please, do. >> stars from "the little
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fockers" with teri polo and blythe danner. [ female announcer ] safeway talks the main course. mmm. you smell that? yeah, wait. what is that? love. smells like ham. [ female announcer ] serve a main course brimming with comfort and joy. safeway. ingredients for life.
9:56 am
♪golden morning family's smiling♪ ♪gonna be a special day anncr: for the perfect start to the perfect day, i always choose land o'lakes all-natural eggs. from hens fed a rich, whole-grain diet with no added antibiotics or hormones. ♪pure and simple always natural♪ ♪our best eggs say land o'lakes♪ land o'lakes all-natural eggs. where simple goodness begins.
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i love eggnog, i love gingerbread, i love pumpkin pie. i love everything but those blinking lights. oh yeah, right in my eye. [ female announcer ] if it tastes like the holidays, we've got it. safeway. ingredients for life.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> cloudy, in the
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