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tv   11 News Today  NBC  May 4, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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>> a fall in veteran makes a long journey home to maryland six decades later. find out how he was finally found an reunited with his family. >> you best pak and amber alert for your ride to work. will the storm clouds still with us all along -- you best pack an umbrella for your right to work. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. >> and i am stan stovall. thank you for joining us this morning. >> you can save time. shower and commuters at the same time. kill two birds. >> i guess you have to stay off the phone if you hold an umbrella of. >> changing channels on the radio at the same time. >> give yourself a couple of extra minutes this morning.
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a solid area of rain from the eastern shore back into the mountains. you'll run into the rain under way to work or school. give yourself an extra few minutes. there is some batches of heavier stuff. that will be with us all morning. the rain will taper off sometime around 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. today. we should make up to about 62 degrees if we get the sunshine to pick out later today. the rain will be with us all the way through lunchtime. the seven-day forecast is coming up in just a few minutes. >> that rain is going to make for a difficult ride to work into school. we have one accident in pasadena along long point road. there is a closure in the westbound direction. traffic alternating the spam. watch for delays. police activity at crofton street. fire activity is the issue.
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eastern avenue, watch for the debris in the road. in reisterstown, 140, there's a single lane in each direction. eight minutes on 895 south down to the harbor tunnel atolls. tall minutes on the outer loop west side. still in good shape despite the rain. give yourself extra time. this is harford road. so far, not showing any delays. we are seeing the rain, that is for sure. this is white marsh. that runs smoothly down to the beltway northeast. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> the navy seals that ran the raid that led to the death of osama bin laden are back in the u.s. for a debriefing. >> kate amara explains how the account of that raid has now changed and whether we'll ever see a photographic proof of the
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inkatha leader's death. >> the white house has updated its version of events but hasn't decided whether to go public with voters of bin laden's body. osama bin laden was not armed when he was shot and killed in a raid on sunday. but he did put up resistance. that's according to new details released by the white house. >> bin laden's wife rushed the u.s. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed. bin laden was then shot and killed. >> the administration offered a revised narrative to explain events at bin laden's compound in pakistan and blamed the fog of combat for contradictions from earlier official accounts. >> and obviously, some of the information came in piece by piece and is being reviewed and updated and elaborated on. >> the white house is still considering whether to release a photo of bin laden's body. >> it's fair to say that it's a gruesome photograph. >> cia director leon panetta told the associated press he thinks a photograph will be released. but some worry the images could
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provoke more anti-american sentiment. >> i just don't see a need to do it. the dna has been dispositive. people may still doubt that. therefore, there may be cause. i don't know. >> others believe it would help convince doubters that bin laden is dead. >> there's no doubt we got him, and let's not have conspiracy theories develop. as for what i've heard of the pictures, they're not ghoulish. they're not going to scare people off. they're not offensive. >> in washington, i am kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. >> should the president decide to release those photos, with the impact be both here and abroad. jennifer franciotti joins us in the city -- in the studio with some opinions. >> barbara mikulski and dutch ruppersberger are each of their respective chamber's intelligence committees. both have said they have not seen the pictures. both lean to keeping the photos
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private. mikulski is expecting a briefing later today. groupers pervert or is it released would make bin laden a martyr. leon panetta police a photo will be released. -- ruppersberger believes beverly snout would make bin laden a martyr. a child psychologist says parents of teenagers and of younger children should try to shield their kids from these pictures even though many are used to seeing graphic violence in movies and video games all the time. >> because the video games are a man-made event. even though excessive exposure of it makes in some children's minds that this is real life and that needs to be corrected by adults on a constant, daily basis. >> if the pictures are
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released, doctors say for kids 12 and younger, it is important not to overload them with too many details. reporting live in the studio, jennifer franciotti. >> thank you. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. do you think the president should release those pictures of osama bin laden's body? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> george bush is declining in invitation from president obama to join him as he visits ground zero tomorrow. the president will be traveling to man had to meet with families of the 9/11 victims. the white house issued the invitation to the former president. a spokesperson said mr. bush prefers to remain out of the spotlight. >> three suspects are in custody in connection with a double stabbing. the unidentified victims were stabbed multiple times during a robbery on the 1300 block of
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walter's ave. no word on their conditions this morning. the search continues for whoever robbed three people in a laundromat. this is a surveillance picture of the account. the sheriff's office said a woman was knocked to the ground as two men rushed into the building and robbed her. anyone with information on the case should called metro crime stoppers. >> a not guilty verdict in the case of a baltimore police officer accused of kidnapping two teenagers and stranding them from their home. a judge exonerated gregory hellen of all charges against him in the incident. on monday, two of his fellow officers were convicted of charges of misconduct. gregg bernstein was disappointed with the decision. >> in essence, what he said was that police officers are never
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able or not capable of ever kidnapping anyone or false imprisoning someone, which just makes no sense. >> attorneys for the other officers said they will appeal the client's misconduct conviction. the retrial of two teenagers accused of setting a pit bull on fire continues. there are charged with animal cruelty and mutilation of an animal. they set fire to a dog in a southwest baltimore alley in 2009. the burns on the dog were so severe she had to be euthanized. >> a teenager has pled guilty to lesser sex offense charges. prosecutors are expected to seek against the teenager, kadeem santiful.
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the case against another teenager will begin later. another central and august 60. >> there was an accident in baltimore county that send a victim to shock trauma. this was on german hill road. police say a woman was hit by a garbage truck. the truck then ran over her again as the truck backed up. >> and fought world war ii -- a ii veteran waswar confirmed. yesterday, the body of robert bayne will be buried in dundalk later this week. >> 52 degrees on tv hill. coming up, the morning's financial news in the bloomberg business report. >> usually boy scouts are right at home in the woods.
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find out what these scouts find themselves in need of rescue and what th. >> some florida high school students will be getting more than detention. >> we have some rain out there this morning. we will check the seven-day forecast in just a few minutes. >> that soggy start making free difficult commute.
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>> welcome back.
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52 degrees downtown. we have five general schools that are closed this point. chesapeake high school is closed. chesapeake bay middle school is closed. lake shore middle school and folger mckinsey elementary school is close this morning -- not because of weather but because of an accident because some power outages. i think sarah will talk about that in just a second. you can check that out on our website, go to [unintelligible] . five-- five schools in general account but closed because of power outages. the range extends from the eastern shore down to the mountains. let's take a wider viewpoint we can see the back edge of the rain coming into garrett county. this will be several hours before this clears out. we will do well to rain this morning. then i think we will seek a peak
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of the sunshine. we can see some breaks in the clouds on the other side of the mountains. after 2:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m., we will get some sunshine to sneak through the clouds. yesterday we are in the 80's in the afternoon. upper 40's and low 50's this morning. 48 at the airport. you will want to take at least a light jacket along with the umbrella. rain is likely this morning. maybe some sunshine will break through the clouds. high temperatures in the low 60's. tonight, clearing and chilly. temperatures drop back into the 30's in the colder northwest suburbs. seven-day forecast -- a nice day tomorrow. we will make it up to 67 with some sunshine. there will be a slight chance for a rain shower on friday, saturday, and the sun appeared if you have outdoor plants, i would not worry about that.
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the average high is 71. we will get back into the 70's by monday and tuesday. 6:15. let's check the roads with sarah. >> a busy start. the rain coming down and impacting your morning commute. in pasadena, westbound mountain road remains close. traffic is getting by alternating on the eastbound side. b.g.e. crews are trying to repair the power lines. there are some schools affected because of a power outage. for more information, go to our website. conowingo avenue in jessup, we are attracting a new accident. on the beltway or 95, the jfx, all these major roadways continue to move pretty well despite the rain. there is some debris at the road in reisterstown at route 140 and hanover pike.
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traffic and it looks like a delay is developing on the outer loop on the northwest corner of the beltway at old court. we will see 95 at the fort mchenry. southbound traffic building just a bit. no significant delays at the toll plaza. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. back to you. >> thank you. thousands of residents in seven states recover from last week's deadly tornado outbreak. it is flooding that is threatening thousands in the midwest and mid south. order as far as the eye can see it in parts of tennessee. the governor has requested $10 million in federal funding. no reports of any deaths from the funding. a troop of boy scouts are home safe and sound after a five-day ordeal. no one had heard from the scout
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troop since last thursday when they arrived in southwest arkansas. high water kept them from leaving the area. helicopter crews from the spotted flashlights and there were retrieved yesterday morning. a group of teenagers are accused of paying for mystery meat with funny money. they are accused of passing the counterfeit cash and a cafeteria and local convenience store. they used resume paper to make the phony bills and a face counterfeiting charges. >> blackberry is throwing its search engine's hacked into the ring with bing. their new products will use bing. microsoft has about 14% of the
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domestic search engine market while google has about 66%. new desktop models from apple are hitting the shelves. an average blu-ray disc to transfer in about 30 seconds. the new imax will start at $1,200. denny's say costs are on the way up but customers may not notice a big price hikes. jane king has more in the bloomberg business report. >> denny's first quarter profits fell as severe winter storms kept customers away. denny's expects commodity costs to rise even more this year. price hikes will be minimal, just 1%. fedex to pay $8 million.
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they blamed security as a reason packages to government agencies were not delivered on time. that was in order to keep the government from collecting on its money back guarantee. fedex and admits no liability. good numbers on the services industry today. on friday, the big jobs report. exxon mobil weighing on things today. a big drop in crude oil prices. losses for legg mason. the cbo said costs tied to its bond unit are expected to rise by $74 million this fiscal year. legg mason was downgraded by analysts this morning. i'm jane king for wbal-tv 11 news. >> many of us have laptop computers and use them every day. if your laptop becomes too hot,
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that is not something you want to ignore. >> a laptop case gets so hot that it can cause a serious problem. >> i opened the door, the smoke billowed out. >> bill hughes will never forget that day. a fire was burning inside his home. he and his wife lived out of a hotel room while repairs were made to was home. >> it was in extremely stressful situation. >> a laptop computer caused this fire. >> i never thought it could start a fire. >> what do investigators have to say about this fire? i will of that investigation tonight at 11:00 p.m. >> 47 degrees on tv hill. >> talk about a turnaround. keith mills tells us how a
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picture puts his name in the record books. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. hope you have them.
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning para not ideal weather for your morning commute. it is causing some problems.
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we have a couple of accentor it was bound mountain run closed in pasadena. there is a downed pole and wires -- we have a couple of accidents. westbound mountain road closed in pasadena. five schools are closed in that area. if you go to our website, we'll give you more on that. in terms of what is going on elsewhere, conowingo avenue, we are tracking an accident and looking at some delays starting to form on southbound 95 approaching the northeast. debris atsome hanover pike. this is old court. there is that the late developing in the outer loop. this is traffic by the fort mchenry atoll. southbound traffic still moving well at the fort mchenry tunnel. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> good morning. rain to contend with this morning.
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it is cooler than yesterday. most of the rain is light to moderate. we could see some heavy rain up 95 in eastern baltimore county and into harford county. keep that in mind if you travel along 95 in the next 15 or 20 minutes. the rain will be with us all morning and into the early afternoon hours. we could seek a peak of some sunshine later today. high temperatures in the upper 50's and low 60's. we have some better news in the seven-day forecast. here is keith mills. >> thank you. i wish i had better news with the orioles. the orioles open a three-game series with the royals. the bullpen does not get it done. they lose 6-5 to kansas city. down 3-0.
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jeff francoeur admirers that baby. luke scott a miers this pitch. 5-5 in the sixth. the leadoff guy gets what. you cannot win games when you walked the leadoff guy. jeff francoeur flies to nick markakis. gordon scores. ball game. royals win. in chicago, the first no-hitter of the season by that time, francisco liriano of the twins. white sox, no hits in the not part adam dunn is the better. two outs in the ninth. a line drive. the no-hitter for liriano from the dominican republic. the two ordered 64 in major league baseball history.
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1-0 the final period lebron james of the miami heat plane as well as any team in the playoffs. the fans were flaunting red, white, and loblue. of salt on thes boston celtics. no chance in stopping this. heat by four in the fourth quarter. in the end, they are too good. it gets deflected to lebron james. miami over boston and lead the series 2-0. the caps lose again last night. they have to win time for their season is over. >> much more to come in our next half-hour of 11 news today. >> included a controversy over whether to release pictures of bin laden. i'm jennifer franciotti.
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details are next. >> some local students get out and get down and get some help from a familiar face. hat be?o could the
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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back. i am stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thank you for joining us this morning. tony pann has a quick look at today's forecast. >> good morning. a grainy start for us on this wednesday. it looks like the rain will stick around for several hours -- a rainy start for us. temperatures in the upper 40's and low 50's. we're shooting for a high temperature of only 61 degrees. we were in the 80's yesterday. seven-day forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> to show or not to show? >> jennifer franciotti joins us
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in the studio to examine the ethics in impact of that decision. >> maryland's congressional delegation is weighing in on releasing the voters. both believe it should wait. >> i'm going to get a more thorough briefing tomorrow. but right now i think we need to be prudent. we need not to gloat. but really remember that justice has been done. >> in my opinion, it's about whether or not we make him a martyr. we do not want him to be a martyr. >> cia director leon panetta believes a photo will be released eventually, but that call, he says, is up to the president. some worry even a censored photo of a bloody bin laden is too graphic for the public, especially children. a child psychologist said parents of teenagers and younger children should try to shield their kids from the photos, even though many of them see graphic violence in movies or video games often. >> because the video games are
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a man-made event. even though excessive exposure of it makes in some children's minds that this is real life and that needs to be corrected by adults on a constant, daily basis. >> particularly for kids 12 and younger who may see the pictures, it is important not to overload them with too many details about what happened. reporting live, jennifer franciotti. >> maryland's slots palaces have brought it $13 million just in the last 30 days. officials report the hollywood casino is the big winner taking it $10 million for the state. the casino and ocean downs $0.3 million, the most successful month today. they have generated $77.1 million in revenue since september. >> the mayor honored some of the
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city's most outstanding women yesterday with the announcement of this year's top neighborhood moms. the top moms were sorted by the baltimore city high-school choir. this is the fourth year of the contest which recognizes women who lacked a strong role models in the neighborhoods. >> these women sweep their blocks daily, help elderly neighbors during frightful weather events, and bring people together so their community for rise. they serve as an example of how one should live their life and how to be a constructive member of a community. >> debts, do not feel slighted. there is an event to honor you, too. >> a maryland teacher got to spend a day at the white house to be at the top over her house. president obama congratulated michelle shearer during
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yesterday's teacher of the year ceremony. the president said she represents all teachers who are committed to their student, who challenge them academically and personally. >> per specialty is taking students who are normally under represented in science, students with disabilities, even students to say formalist and equations are not there thing, and helping them discover the scientist within. >> parents support economic involvement are essential in ensuring the success of our students. technology is essential to improve the quality of our schools. our students need innovative teachers and visionary leaders to move public education forward by working together. >> she a one. taught at the maryland school for the deaf.
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congratulations to her. >> michelle obama helped launch a program, a national effort to get schools to take the lead. that is what happened across the nation yesterday. tim tooten has more on the big event that got kids moving. >> from glen bernie to edgewood, students obeid the national command -- let's move. the goal is to put more students on the path to healthy living. it all began with dancing at 42 minutes before the hour across the nation. the sounds of beyonce and her song "move your body." students realize what they are doing is for a good cause. >> how they want us to get into more stuff in school. >> it was fun and a kind of hard
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at the same time. >> it didn't take much for "let's move" to catch on at this high-school. among them are sarah caldwell. students in baltimore city also took part in the planned event. >> hopefully it will influence kids around the world to get moving. >> michelle obama may surprise visit to a washington, d.c., area school, dancing with students. she is challenging schools to combine being active and eating more healthy foods. another familiar face. >> it was amazing that kids showed up after school to learn the entire routine. >> students are eager to do their part. organizers say it is up to local schools to move beyond today. tim tooten, wbal-tv 11 news. >> who is the better dancer,
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michelle obama or sarah caldwell? i'm kidding. several maryland schools took part. see how they got down at and you can watch the videos. >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> i am going to have to go what michelle obama. she was fantastic. so were the kids at edgewood high school. let's look get your commute. it has been kind of busy. the roads are wet. westbound mountain road is shut down. you can get by in the eastbound direction in pasadena. b.g.e. crews are trying to repair a downed pole and some wires carry there is a power outage and loss of schools are closed. we have five of them. conowingo avenue, watched for an accident.
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another one in annapolis. a west side accident at liberty road block in the left lane and causing some delays. you can see the delays caused by that accident stretching back to around stevenson in the outer loop. 95 at the fort mchenry still looking good at this hour. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> i think you did just find this morning. the pc thing to do is to say it was a tie. we could see some heavy stuff over on the eastern part of the viewing area. parts of harford and cecil county, you guys could have some heavier rain. the rain will stick around until early this afternoon. we might get a peak of the sunshine later this afternoon. upper 50's and low 60's. a nice day tomorrow, 67. a slight chance for rain share
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friday, saturday, and senate. a wet start fresh bullish be much better driving home. >> let's say it it is a tie. >> 62 degrees on tv hill. who says household chores have to be dull? one man puts a spring in his step when it comes to staying sharp. >> we are still taking your answers to our water cooler question of the day. do you think the president should release those pictures of osama bin laden's body? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to
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this is the aircraft logbook. we have to write down everything about every flight. with so many new southwest flights, that's a lot of ink.
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i filled up three of these this month already. kinda like the little black book... of all the cities we've dated. [ male announcer ] starting june 5th, fly southwest airlines' new nonstop service from bwi airport to new york newark for just $69 one way. is "camera crew" two words or one word? [ laughs ] you should know. you're the camera man. [ ding ] >> you probably have not seen
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irony of fancy pants. and man decided to spice things oning.n on learniir customers enjoy the show. this is fancy ironing. advises against trying this yourself. the carriage temperatures of 400 degrees. >> i wonder how many times he burned himself. a polar bear cub is in need of a new home. the female cub was rescued on friday from alaska.
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officials say the first sought the club seven weeks ago and feared she was orphaned. the couples stay there until a home is found. >> i will take her until it reaches 100 pounds. 6:41. 47 degrees on tv hill. new details of the raid on osama bin laden's compound that is changing his story of what went down sunday night. >> we have some rain to contend with on this wednesday morning. better news in the seven-day forecast. 50 degrees at the airport.
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>> welcome back. the retrial of twin brothers
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accused of burning a pit bull to death gets underway this point. the trial against travers and tremayne johnson ended in a mistral back in february. prosecutors say they set fire to a default later named to phoenix in may of 2009. the burns to the dog were so severe she had to be euthanized. a teenager accused of raping a girl has pled guilty to lesser sex charges. prosecutors are expected to see 8 cents of 7 to 10 years at a roller rink. police say they took turns holding down the victim and raping her in a room used to store party supplies. the case against tracy hinkins will begin later. speed cameras will be coming to howard county. the project is expected to cost
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under a million dollars. speed cameras or an intrusion of privacy, say some. >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> kind of a rough ride for you if you're heading to work or school. let's get you up to date. the biggest problem is on the west side of appeared we have an accident at liberty and it is taking up the left lane. down to 12 miles per hour approaching that scienter we will keep you posted on that. conowingo avenue in jessup, an accident clearing. another one and was not mountain road and long point road. watch for closures westbound. chavez alternating on the eastbound side. there is a power outage in that area -- a live view of the delays that are developing because of this west side accident. it is almost at a standstill in
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the outer loop that stretches back to before reisterstown road. this is greenspring, where we're seeing some slowing. it is not bad at greenspring on the outer loop. inner loop traffic looks good heading towards the j.f.x. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> the rain is not helping with the traffic situation. this will be with us through the early afternoon hours. this is mostly light rain. we could see some heavier stuff over in the eastern suburbs and back up into cecil county, some moderate to heavy rain. either way, it doesn't matter which direction your heading, you'll run into the ring at one point or another. take an umbrella and take a jacket. it is cooler than it yesterday. we can see the back edge moving into garrett county. several hours to go before this
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line moves off to the east and off the shoreline. then we will get a peak of the sunshine later this afternoon. breaks in the clouds bacchant west virginia and western pennsylvania. that will help out with temperatures. right now it is chilly and it will stay that way as long we have -- as long as we have the showers around. we might be able to sneak into the upper 50's and note 60's once the sunshine breaks out later this afternoon. it will be cundiff breezy. that will make it feel even corporate high temperature between 58 and 63 degrees. the skies were clear tonight and temperatures drop back into the upper 30's and 40's for most of you. a nice day coming up tomorrow after a chilly start. 67 with sunshine. the weekend may not be as nice.
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there is a slight chance for a rain shower each day. most of the day will be dry. those clipper storms will be coming in. temperatures will stay in the 70's and we give back into the 70's or early next week. mother's day is coming up on sunday with a high temperature of 67. >> damaged but not defeated. the head of the ca says osama bin laden is dead but the fight against al qaeda it is not over. tracie potts has more. >> this was a highly classified briefing. >> lawmakers who heard how the u.s. tracked down and killed osama bin laden called the story riveting. >> they walked through point by point and the bravery involved, the planning, the decisiveness of the president. >> the white house is now correcting some details, saying bin laden resisted, but was unarmed. top officials are debating whether to release photos of
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his death. >> this is an issue that we are taking into consideration, is that it could be inflammatory. >> inciting the taliban and other islamic groups who already vowed revenge. >> i continue to worry about a lone wolf, an individual who's been radicalized and begins to mobilize. >> analysts insist the world needs proof that bin laden was killed. >> i have seen those photographs. we've analyzed them and there's no question that it's bin laden. >> meanwhile, pressure's mounting on pakistan to explain how bin laden hid for years, virtually in plain sight within their border. it's a delicate balance. the white house calls pakistan a key partner in the fight against al qaeda. >> i think one clear message has gone out to the world -- there's no place to hide. >> we'll probably hear more about this today in a previously scheduled hearing on terrorist threats to america's mass transit systems.
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from washington, i'm tracie potts, wbal-tv 11 news. >> should the president decide to release the focus of bin laden's bonnie? jennifer franciotti is live in this tip was some opinions from politicians and mental health experts. good morning. >> barbara mikulski and dutch ruppersberger are each on their respective chambers' intelligence committees. both say they've not seen the photos. both right now are against releasing them to the public, at least for now. some think the photos are too graphic. a child psychologist said parents of teenagers and young kids should try to shield them from the pictures. congressman dutch ruppersberger is concerned that by showing the pictures, it would make a martyr out of bin laden. back to you. >> thank you. that brings us to our water
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cooler question of the day. >> this morning we asked -- do you think the president should release those pictures of osama bin laden's body? >> we will post more of your answers on the front page of 6:53. >> we will come back and check on the weather and traffic together before you head out to start your day.
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>> we have an accident does blocking the left lane in the outer loop 3 11 miles per hour on average and maybe even worse closer to the accident scene. watch for those delays. they stretched back to reisterstown road and it is getting worse. southbound 95, an accident that is off to the side. another one grain crops in pasadena, was bound mountain road at long point road. you're getting by on the eastbound side. that is an issue because of the downed power lines. b.g.e. crews are on the scene. watch for local power outages. go to our website for more on the school closures. this is the west side.
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nobody is moving in the outer loop. it is a mess. >> the plans are starting to look very lush -- the plants are starting to look lush. >> the blooms are blossoming. rain will be worsewith us off ad on till the afternoon. it is in the low 40's -- upper 40's and low 50's. sunshine to mark and back up to 67. don't forget, tune to am 1090 to hear traffic and weather together on the fives. >> i think heard walter brennan said that once. >> you are dating yourself. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we have no idea what you're talking about. >> we will be back with a live update at 7:25. >> have a good day.
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>> follow breaking news and weather any time at, and stay connected with us and stay connected with us on facebook and twitter.
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