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tv   Today  NBC  June 6, 2011 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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now with more of "today" on a monday morning, the 6th day of june, 2011. that makes it the 67th anniversary of d-day. we'll take a moment to thank all those world war ii veteran, all veterans, actually, but the especially the world war ii veterans who served our country. meanwhi meanwhile, we have a great crowd jamming our plaza. inside the studio, i'm matt lauer along with al roker and the birthday girl, natalie morales. >> we've seen them in backyard parties but in the blink of an
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eye they can wreak havoc and cause injury, those bounce houses. this weekend another blew away with children inside. it was a scary scene. we'll take a look at the dangers. coming up, are you listening to your body? if you're feeling aches and pains, your appetite isn't quite right, sometimes minor symptoms can signal something more serious it going on. we're going to crack the code of what your body may be trying to tell you. then the confusing real estate market means we need good advice. >> that's right. especially if you're a buyer or seller. barbara corken is back to answer your questions. we're talking about staging your homes or if you need a real estate agent. as parents, we all have boys, and it's tough sometimes, whether they're just starting school or teens who don't -- lessons we can use to navigate those mine fields, raise our sons to be compassionate and confident grown up young men. we'll find out how to do it.
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>> first, a check of the day's top stories. >> one of the deadliest attacks on u.s. troops in iraq happened this morning. the military says five american service members were killed in central iraq. iraqi officials say it happened during a rocket attack. syrian police are keeping pro-palestinian fro testers from reaching the israeli border one day after deadly clashes there between protesters and israeli troops. meantime, celebrations in yemen's capital may be short-lived. officials say yemen's embattled president plans to return home and assume his duties after treatment in saudi arabia for wound suffered in a rocket attack on friday. arizona's third largest wildfire on record spread by several thousand acres overnight and is expected to grow even more today as wind and dry lightning are in today's forecast for the area. in iowa a blackhawk helicopter was used to drop sandbags on a leaking leavee threatening to flood a small
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town. court hearing for dominique strauss-khan expected to plead not guilty to charges of sexually assaulting a hotel maid, he resigned from his imf post last month. another republican has entered the race for president, former pennsylvania rick santorum formally announced his candidacy. he has enjoyed support from social conserve ties because of his opposition to gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. a popular attraction as backyard birthday parties is now coming under scrutiny after a spate of recent accidents. john yang has the story. >> oh my god. >> reporter: it was a terrifying sight caught on cell phone video. three inflated bounce houses, or moon walks, picked up by the wind at a long island soccer tournament and tossed through the air with kids playing inside. >> stay here. >> kids were being knocked over and they were just kids lying everywhere.
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>> reporter: lara ratigan was waiting to go in when they got tangled if a rope anchoring the houses. one cartwheeled along the ground. >> everyone ran over, jumped on top of them. >> reporter: police said 13 people were taken to hospitals with minor injuries. it's not the first time something like this has happened. in the tucson, arizona, area, three separate incidents since february alone. the most recent caught on cell phone video. parents and teachers evacuated the bounce house before wind whipped it around a light pole. six kids were slightly injured by debris. in february at a birthday party two sisters were in a wind-blown bounce house. >> i closed my eyes and i just felt myself bumping and being tossed around. >> reporter: her sister, alyssa, ended up on a roof two houses away. >> she was crying, she was full of blood. you know, her head, her face. >> reporter: she had a concussion and required staples to close a cut on her scalp. in april, strong winds blew a bounce house away in rockland
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county, new york. four children had minor injuries. the federal consumer product safety commission estimated from 2005 to 2007, all types of bounce house accidents sent an average of 6,000 people a year to emergency rooms, most aged 5 to 14. the most frequent injury, broken bones. they want operators to anchor item properly but not all states monitor their use, which concerns parents. for "today," john yang, nbc news, new york. >> and it was the weekend of sequels and preqeuls. "x of my men" took the first spot, "hang over2" and kung fu panda 2. >> did anybody see "hang over2"? >> i did. it's way owe the top offensive. >> yeah. >> that's a good segue.
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>> i'm not sure what kind of thumbs up. >> mr. roker with a check of the weather. >> i like way over the top. let's check it out for you. first of all, we do have that heat to talk about. talk about over the top. 92 degrees today in minneapolis. 97, 101 in phoenix -- in houston, i should say. factor in the humidity, feels like 103 in houston. 102, kansas city. 92, minneapolis. this heat will continue its march eastward. tomorrow you'll see 90s in washington, d.c., atlanta, also parts of florida. and then on wednesday we get up into the mid-90s here in new york city, chicago, back to 100s back to the southwest and west >> nice quiet start to the work week. in little bit of fog of burning off as we head through the morning. mostly sunny. high temperature of around 82.
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and that's your latest weather. natalie? ♪ body language >> no on "today's health" listening to your body, appetite changes, restless sleep pattern, vd aches and pains may be your body's way of telling us something is wrong. here to decode symptoms is laura moska and sara humphreys from "real simple" magazine which covers the topic in its current issue. good morning. as we were saying, we took a look at some common health symptoms and everything from receding hairlines to bleeding gums and sometimes patients are embarrassed to ask her doctors. that's a mistake, right? >> this is not meant to incite
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panic or paranoia but you need to listen to your body. it talks to you all the time. taking note of things like changes, symptoms you don't normally have, can make you a healthier person and head off more serious conditions. and you should always talk to your doctor. >> even if it's a stupid question, ushld always ask. let's go through the symptoms you should be looking at from head to toe, starting off with your hair thinning. in fact, effects a lot of women as we saw stories. female hair loss, it can be herdeherd er he heher herditary or hormonal changes. >> that gives us a clue that something is wrong on the inside. it could be a genetic factor or as simple as a ponytail too site. more serious signs in the hair. if you're losing your hair, women will often know it's related to menopause or to their periods. right before they get their
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periods they may start to lose hair. it can also be a sign of something more serious. iron deficiency, thyroid conditions, stress, crash diets, surgery, all kinds of things can be associated with hair loss. >> so, if it's atypical hair loss for you, time to go to the doctor. >> that's right. we normally lose about 100, 200 strands a day. if you're -- >> if you're shedding -- >> if your hair drain is clogged, it's time to say, what's going on? >> a change in the whites of the eye. you say that's a case of possible liver problems if they turn yellowish. >> whites of our eyes are an important place to keep monitoring. if they turn grayish, that can be an indication there's a bone or joint condition. as you pointed out, jaundice or yellowing of the eyes can be a very serious symptom of liver dysfunction. >> the whites of your eyes, when they get grayer, age is a factor for a lot of these things. we were wondering at "real
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simple" what is it about your eyes getting grayer, it really is just age, unfortunately. >> not uncommon, when you brush your teeth, you notice your gums bleed a little as well. when do you know there's more of a problem here? >> well, really your gums should never bleed. if they're bleeding or swollen, that's an indication there's a problem. a lot of people are surprised to learn there's a connection between their oral health, their gum health, and heart health. maybe if you're having bleeding gums, it's time to visit your cardiologist, not just your dentist. >> okay. and dry skin. i think a lot of us think it's a seasonal symptom. it can be an indicator of low thyroid as well or deficiencies as well. >> that's right. the skin is the biggest organ in our body. one of the most important karmo. when i take residents on rounds in the hospital, we actually look at the skin every morning of our patients. one thing you can do on yourself is actually just pinch your skin. >> the pinch test. >> right. we call it tinting. if the skin stays up.
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that means your dehydrated. that can be related to thyroid conditions. we also take the thumb and put it on the patient's chin and press in. if it leaves a pitting mark, pitting edema, and that can be associated with heart failure or kidney disease. skin is an important place to look. >> covers all of your body, so it's going to be a huge -- one of your largest visual organs. >> absolutely. >> next for toes, you know, i think you say look for leg and foot cramps that can be the result of poor circulation. >> yes. you know, having cramping in your legs can be a real common problem for a lot of people. it can be as simple as overuse, wrong shoe type, but a more moderate situation with cramping in the legs, some people describe it as charlie horses when they sleep. this can be an indication of a mineral deficiency, so your calcium levels, your. potassium, sodium levels, you may need to eat more bananas.
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with cramping in the legs, if it occurs when we're walking, that's a serious sign. that means tre may be a blockage and may be time to see the vascular surgeon. >> what's common, we tend to do the internet web doctoring, go on and self-diagnose if we feel symptoms. why is that some of the problems that's leading to the misdiagnosis going on? >> talk about paranoia. it's good to do research yourself, that's fine to go online to a medical resource. but see a doctor in person because you really want an accurate diagnosis and accurate treatment. self-medicating and self-treating can be dangerous. >> absolutely. thank you both. great information. still to come this morning, some explosive new details in the casey anthony murder trial as the prosecution presents its forensic evidence. up next from selling in an over 55 community to finding the right real estate agent and answer to your real estate questions. first, these messages. [ male announcer ] capri sun 100% juice,
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with a full serving of fruit in every pouch, is a choice you can respect. [ creaking ] other choices... launch me fellas. [ male announcer ] nope. capri sun 100% juice. [ male announcer ] nope. hebrew national hot dogs are unlike any other all-beef hot dog. every bite goes above and beyond the call of deliciousness. that's a big 10-4, kosher. no fillers, by-products, artificial flavors or colors. hebrew national. the better than a hotdog, hotdog. not a mammal in this household is willing to
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lay claim to its origin. but now is not the time for blame. now is the time for action. ♪call 1-800-steemer. creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... ♪ new dove visible care creme body wash. ♪ your favorites, in pieces. come on dad! [ female announcer ] it's for celebrating all our dads are. our fellow explorers... can i touch him? yeah. ow! [ female announcer ] ...personal doctors... and that's why we wear shoes. [ female announcer ] ...d our oldest, closest buds. ♪
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father's day is for us to say, "i'm so glad you're mine." come here... oh. happy father's day, daddy. [ female announcer ] now, select cards come postage paid. happy father's day, lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia every day. activia help me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. [ lane ] here's the trouble with most anti-wrinkle creams. the cream disappears but your wrinkles don't. ♪ introducing neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it has the fastest retinol formula available. in fact, it's clinically proven to smooth wrinkles in just one week. so all you have to do is sit back and watch your wrinkles go away. new rapid wrinkle repair. from neutrogena®.
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♪ brick house this morning on "today's real estate" buying or selling. today's real estate expert barbara cork rin is here, from finding an agent to staging to sell. good to see. >> you good morning, al. >> a lot of good questions. jumping right in with an e-mail from moline, illinois. sue says we'll be selling our home in the near future. how do i go about hiring a home stager and do i really need one? >> well, very few of us are capable of redoing a home to make it ready for sale because we can't walk in the buyer's shoes. i'm a total believer in hiring a home stager if you possibly can. the cost of one hiring one is a
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lot less, for the three main rooms, master bedroom, kitchen, living room, $5500 to $7500, including paining, redoing floor, buying a piece here and there. >> that sounds like a bargain. >> that's a bargain. it's good to know it's affordable for most people. what's important to know also is it's easy to find a home stager. the best sources are your local real estate agent because they work with them all the time. you should ask for two names and compare the work of each one, have them bring the photography they use. now, the other thing is, you can go on to international american home staging professionals which lists every home stager throughout the united states. that's another good way. lastly, i want to point out, they'll make a 1% difference in the sale price of your home. my practical experience is it makes more like a 5% difference. it's crazy not to consider that as an option. >> with those prices, i don't even need to be moving. i'll just hire a home stager to
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fix up my house. >> why not? i never thought of that one. >> now let's go to diane from virginia on the phone with us. i understand you have a home on the market right now? >> caller: we sure do. >> how did barbara help? >> caller: thanks so much for the question. our home is located almost equal distance from two major cities, richmond, virginia, and charlottesville, virginia. is it okay to list two separate real estate agents for proper exposure? does that mean paying two different commissions upon sale? >> that's a great idea, i have to hand it to you, i never would have thought that. you can use two agents but the trick here is getting the agents to be enthusiastic about sharing the listing and sharing the commission. the best way to do that, i would think, would be to hire two agents from the same company in both of those cities, a large agency. let them work out how they're going to slice up the commission. the typical commission, of course, today even though it's never set, is between 5% and 6%. but don't worry about that.
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you'll only pay one commission and it's a really smart idea what you just thought of. >> wow. >> i'm going to take credit for that idea. >> even you learn something. >> you bet yeah. >> fantastic. thanks. we'll go to an e-mail from peggy who sounds like she's in the real estate busy herself. she asks, how would you go about selling a 55-plus community in this market? where would you market the property to attract the most 55-plus buyers? >> you should visit the other 55-plus communities in your area and find out where those buyers are coming from. what happens in this end of the business is you get waves of buyers from different locals so you want to find out where that sweet spot is and advertise to those areas where those empty nesters are coming from. the next thing you want to do is play up the amenities. it's not about the square foot or cost per square foot so much but more about what amenities come with the package, like the pool, the golf course,
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clubhouse, things 55-plus people love. also play up the little details within the units themselves that make all the difference. things like a kitchen counter that's low enough to chop while you sit on a bench. things like that. or a master bedroom and the bath on the same floor. on the ground floor, rather. things like this attract people. pick wisely what you play up but make sure you know where those people are coming from. >> finally, we've got pam from florida writing, i want to buy a piece of property for $1.8 million. all right, pam. after i made my offer i was informed the property is a short sale controlled by the bank. i learned about $80,000 in arrear property taxes? shouldn't the bank be holding the mortgage? >> short sale is an agreement between homeowner and lender to sell the house for less than is owed on the mortgage. so, it implies a good deal. it isn't always a good deal. it depends on how you negotiate. there are absolutely no rules to negotiating with a lender different than it is with an
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individual homeowner, but the difference is, is that there's no emotion involved and you usually get a straight answer. what you pay for the home should have nothing to do with it being a short sale or not and whether or not you want to pay the taxes. it should have g to dole do with what is that home worth to you and you'll get an answer quickly from a bank, the advantage of a short sale, but take extra time thinking through what that home is worth. >> and the $80,000 in property taxes in arrears. >> it's open to negotiation or tell the lender, no, i'm not going to do that. it's making the bid in writing to the lender. >> all right, good advice. you picked up something, too. >> i sure did. i love to learn. >> love that. coming up, lessons for parents raising boys to be confident and caring men. [ male announcer ] when mike rowe heads home, his family knows what to expect. hun, mike's coming -- let's get crackin'. [ male announcer ] but what mike rowe doesn't know is that his parents have armed themselves with unquilted viva® towels.
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place looks great. [ male announcer ] mike doesn't know that every concentrated viva roll is made of strong, fiber packed sheets, making it one tough towel. but his mom sure does. wow, for me? you shouldn't have. i insist. [ male announcer ] hey, if viva can handle mike rowe's mess, just think what it can do in your home. grab a roll for yourself and grasp the unquilted difference. with aveeno nourish plus moisturize. active naturals wheat formulas target and help repair damage in just 3 washes. for softer, stronger... ... hair with life. [ female announcer ] nourish plus. only from aveeno. it's not ready yet. (announcer) every smucker learns to wait for fruit to reach the peak of perfection to make extra delicious jam. dove's new range with weightless nutri-oils. smooth away up to 100% of dry hair's roughness and frizz.
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new dove nourishing oil care. make friends with your hair. [ male ♪ nouncer ] ziploc presents ziplogic. new dove nourishing oil care. 4 lbs of sirloin, but only wrap half, i'll just throw it out anyway. [ male announcer ] we throw out over $500 in food every year. help save more of it with ziploc freezer bags featuring the smartzip seal. edge-to-edge protection you can hear. now that's ziplogic. ziploc freezer bags with the smartzip seal. get ziploc. and get more out of it. try ziploc containers with the smartsnap seal. [ female announcer ] sc johnson. a family company. and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda® you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. that's how splenda® is sweet...and more. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. meet beth, nursery school teacher. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best.
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kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia every day. so delicious activia help me feel good inside which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia still to come, the latest from the casey anthony murder trial that has people lining up for a seat in the courtroom. we have recipes for a meal with a mediterranean flavor. and randy travis will be singing about his 25 years in the record biz. first your local news. >> love that voice. wednesday meredith vieira [ male announcer ] there's a place where everyone feels at home.
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where the company, the conversation, and the food make all who enter feel welcome. a place that feels as warm with a crowd... as it does with just a friend. it's a place you'll find town house crackers. because they're part of what makes your place the place. ♪ welcome to town house. where good times reside. is this a jowl? [ female announcer ] fight the forces of gravity. stay! new roc® multi correxion™ lift with protient® plus... skin looks lifted overnight. roc® multi correxion™. correct what ages you. what gravity? time to mix it up with new philly cooking creme. it'll make your chicken creamier, dreamier, with lots of flavor. spread the love in four fabulous flavors. spoon in a little new philly cooking creme.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> good morning. looks like it is going to be a nice day today. we are still going to call it mostly sunny. temperatures top out in the lower end of the 80's. seat and you wonder if he comes back during the middle of the week. 94 on wednesday -- heat
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♪ the wedding of prince william to former kate middleton was the royal wedding of the decade. sarah ferguson notably not invited. well, sarah ferguson will be here to talk about the royal snub and other royal secrets. really? you think royal secrets? >> i think so. she's dishing quite a bit. i think her new show on oxygen -- on the own channel as well, on oprah's channel. meanwhile, coming up in this half hour, a story we've been focused on is the murder trial
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of casey anthony. now in the third week. the prosecution is presenting evidence they say proves the florida more killed her 2 -year-old daughter caylee. people are actually lining up to get a courtroom seat. we'll get the latest details from there. also ahead, as we are both raising sons, we know firsthand how hard it is to tear them away from the video games, nintendo ds, reality shows, action movies, and to try to teach them to compassionate adults. we have great lessons for parents to raise boys to be responsible men. >> we're on a ds break right now in our house. >> it's hard. i know. then we'll head into the kitchen. an easy cool, tasty dinner for a hot night. for a lot of our friends in the south, they're dealing with hot summer nights. this one has some mediterranean flash. first -- sounds like a super hero. first, we to want say hi to kathy hilton appearing in the new oxygen reality series "the world according to paris" with her daughter, paris hilton.
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good to see you. >> good to see you. >> your daughter was here with us last week talking about brooke mueller, charlie sheen's ex. this week's show, in fact, you get into it with her, telling her she has to go to rehab. >> it was the most difficult thing that i ever had to do. and i just want to say to people out there, i think that all of us know somebody that has either a drug or an alcohol problem. and it is a serious disease and it can get you -- take you to very ugly places. and i'm so proud of her for sharing this journey. you know, we talked about it before the show started. i said, you know, are you sure that you want to do this? >> on camera. >> on kocamera. because everything is going to be in the show. she says, i hope i will be able to help other people. >> this was your first real -- your first time really being in a reality show. i mean, paris has been doing these for a while.
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was it difficult for you to agree to go along with it at first? did you question whether or not you were making the right decision? >> at first, when she asked me -- you know, i was flattered. i thought, oh, well. my boys are very independent. have i a 21-year-old and a 17-year-old. so i thought, this will be fun. and then -- >> reality. >> reality, exactly. you know, they're there. >> the good, the bad and ugly of reality tv. >> some think -- every now and then, you know, maybe this wasn't the right thing. maybe paris shouldn't be doing this. maybe we should pull back a little bit. >> well, for the last year and a half, she did. and she was traveling and really just concentrating on her brand. and i don't think she was ready for anything like this. i mean, as you start diving into the show, starting this wednesday night on oxygen at 10:00, but let me say in other parts of the country, check your local listings because some people did miss it. it was on at 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00. >> okay. >> well, kathy --
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>> but she is ready for this right now. i think she has been exposed and gone through a lot of bumps in the road. >> and they'll get to see it coming up on wednesday night. >> so, we'll make the record straight here. you can catch it, "the world according to paris" on wednesday 10 bm or check your local listings. al >> it is going to be a nice day. fog of burning off as we head through the morning. comfortable and that's your latest weather.
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coming up next in dramatic new testimony in the casey anthony murder trial. first, these messages. also get a free flight. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before. what's in your wallet? lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia every day. activia help me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. hebrew national hot dogs are unlike any other all-beef hot dog. every bite goes above and beyond the call of deliciousness. that's a big 10-4, kosher. no fillers, by-products, artificial flavors or colors.
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hebrew national. the better than a hotdog, hotdog. so we seeded that into something much bigger... the home farming movement. join us at thanks, skyler. let's go to last night's highlights. look what sometimes happens with the ordinary bag. it slips. bingo, falls in. mom was mad. mom should have used glad forceflex with the stretchable drawstring that grips the can and stays in place. plus, it has the stretchable strength of forceflex. that's all today for glad tv. [ both ] don't get mad -- get glad!
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[ male announcer ] and try glad black bags -- strong for tough jobs. creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... ♪ new dove visible care creme body wash. [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. [ man ] i love you guys. [ laughs ] i mean, just, you know, the whole heist thing. just putting jewels in teddy bears. this guy's wearing a wire the whole time. right? look at that! he's wearing a wire! [ laughs ] all right, let's do this. all right? before my wife changes her mind. go. [ male announcer ] your favorite movies right when you want them. watch unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through your game console or other devices, all for only 8 bucks a month from netflix.
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no sequel for that guy. my vet thinks my insides are in mint condition. [ female announcer ] vets agree, a healthy checkup starts inside. our breakthrough iams premium protection formula is developed with vets with cutting edge ingredients for the lifelong health of your pet. [ dog ] healthy inside and out. come on, up high! [ female announcer ] iams premium protection. our most advanced iams nutrition. ever. [ dog ] i am an iams dog. ♪ woof. the murder trial of casey anthony enters its third week today. kerry sanders is joining us from outside the courthouse in orlando, florida. good morning, kerry. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. today prosecutors are putting forth their technical case. the crime scene forensics that they say prove that casey anthony murdered her 2-year-old
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daughter caylee, while outside the courthouse again today, the public is jostling for tickets for seats on the 23rd floor of this courthouse. almost every day 3 1/2 hours before court begins -- >> go, go, go. >> reporter: -- there's a race. no one is allowed on courthouse property until exactly 5:30 a.m. at that moment, from sidewalks and back alleys the curious hoof it for position. >> number one! >> reporter: there are 62 seats a day set aside for the public. spectators from across the country traveling here to see for themselves the 25-year-old mother casey anthony, accused of murdering her daughter caylee. >> it's absolutely wonderful to be a part of it. and we're really excited the public has an opportunity to be a witness to this and see the action in the courtroom. >> you can see the root poers portion of the hair is distorted. >> reporter: on saturday an fbi expert on trace evidence began to detail the prosecution's
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forensic evidence. a single strand of hair taken from the trunk of casey anthony's car, that the fbi crime lab concluded fell from the scalp of a corpse. >> one of the items showed -- had a hair that exhibit characters of decomposition. >> reporter: the defense argues that not only is the test inconclusive, that the hair was from a dead person, but that the single strand was even caylee's. >> the best we have at this point is that the hair either belonged to caylee, casey, cindy or even cindy's mother. any other maternal relatives? >> correct. >> reporter: casey now admits she waited 31 days to tell anyone her daughter was missing. when she did, the story that a nanny had caylee was all made up. prosecutors allege casey stowed her daughter's dead body in the trunk of her car before eventually dumping it in the woods near her home. >> this is my label identifying what's in the can. >> reporter: prosecutors claim they captured the stench of
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death. orange county senior crime analyst explained how the odor was extracted from the trunk of her car. >> this is the first time you've taken air samples? >> yes, it was. >> in fact, have you no training whatsoever in the collection or preservation of air samples? >> this is the first time i ever heard it being done, that's correct. >> reporter: the cans are yet to be opened in court. and it's unclear if the judge will ever allow those cans to be opened. if he does allow it, it will be the first time this sort of evidence has ever been allowed in a u.s. courtroom. natalie? >> very interesting. kerry sanders in orlando, florida, thanks. coming up next, how to raise a good man. what every parent needs to know right after these messages. my contacts are so annoying. i can't wait to take 'em out.
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how do you do it? editor-in-chief of with the woman's day" and mother of a little guy herself is here to help us out. is there a big difference when it comes to raising young men and women? >> as we were discussing, boys and girls very different. different in how they think and some action. while some parenting tips, essential you can use them and apply to girls, we really did focus on the school age boy. >> we have five tips. there are obviously more but these are the five we think are the most important. this one can be difficult, to help him manage his emotion. >> boys tend to bottle up their emotions. they see on the big screen the super man or cowboy and they're not super expressive. the first thing you want to do is get him talking. he research shows we ask girls much more often how they're feeling than boys. with boys you don't necessarily want to come out and ask question after question -- >> you want to go around -- >> you want to coax it out of them and do it over time.
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you can say, i notice how you're feeling. bring it up a little later. seems like things didn't go that well in school today, do you want to talk about it? get him to talk about it over time. >> you want to find out how he's doing and also in tip number two, lesson number two, you want to teach him empathy, how others are feeling. >> research shows, there's a huge study in michigan that showed people today are 40% less e empathic than 20 years ago. they blame that on computer, games, social networks, empathy is super important. one of my favorite tips is reading fixes. research shows the part of your brain you use to follow and process what's happening to a fictional character is the same part of the brain that you use in real life. so, every little minute he does that is exercising that brain. >> and the what-if game? >> say you're watchinging a baseball game and you see the pitcher, bottom of the ninth and all the pressure's on him. you turn to your son and say, if you were that guy, how would you be feeling right now?
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put yourself in his shoes. the more you do that, the more likely he is to carry those rules on through his life. >> number three, one we think with boys, we don't pay that much attention to, but strengthen his feeling about self, sense of self. >> this isn't about ego, this is about self-confidence. you want to skip the false praise. boys tend to focus on their talents. what you want to do is praise the effort. if he gets an "a" on the test, you say, great job, you did such a great job studying, not you're the smartest kid. the other thing su don't want to label hip. you don't want to excuse bad behavior by saying boys will be boys. what he does is say, okay, i'm a boy, i can do that negative behavior. you want to get away from those stereotypes. >> number four, you want to instill respect for others. >> respect is super important. so, the way you need to set a good example, not only in how you deal with his teachers and coaches, how often have you been on the sideline, you see some dad go crazy about a play to the coach. you want to restrain yourself from doing that because your son is going to pattern your
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behavior 150%. >> that goes right into number five, which is, show affection. >> affection is super important. now, this is the thing about affection with boys. it's all in the timing. you know, you might have had an 8 or 9-year-old who loved kisses but by the time they reach middle school, they're going, yo, stands back. but you want to still do that. a boy who grows up with affection will tend to show affection. >> i can't freeze him at 9 now where he's still kissing me? >> the other thing, al, for you, get physical. that roughhousing a son and father do actually really helps a boy to manage his impulses. >> he just knocked me on the butt with a side sweep from tae kwon do the other day. good advice. thanks so much. still to come, how to bring a mediterranean touch to your family dinner. we set our goals higher than anyone. perdue is the first and the only chicken company
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to have usda-process-verified programs for fresh all-natural chicken. [ joe ] we never have used steroids or hormones of any type, and always raised cage-free. we're trying to make a better chicken.
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this morning in "today's kitchen," the perfect dinner with mediterranean dinner. good to have you here, carlo. >> thank you very much. >> first time on the show. i hear there's a good story behind it because our executive producer discovered you. went to your restaurant, loved it. >> yes. i'm glad, actually, stopped by. i can't believe such an important person would stop in our restaurant in andover. she liked it a lot. invite me to come to new york to be on the "today" show. >> it's mediterranean cooking, you're lebanese, so all of that has that sort of infusion of the flavors. let's get started. you're starting off with a salad. >> very traditional salad. i'm going to mix all this -- >> sure. this is olive oil. >> lemon juice. i'll make the salad here. >> garlic. all of this, right? >> yes. >> some sumac, salt --
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>> what is that, exactly? >> seasoning, mild lemony. it's just lemony -- has lemony flavor. >> if you can't find it because it could be one of those specialty -- >> you can find it in your international section in the supermarket. if not, you can put some pomegranate or lemon zest. this will do it. so, you can add all this -- >> i don't know if i put enough sumac in there. >> you can put it all. >> oh, wow. dump it. >> that will make it special. >> okay. >> let's do it. >> looks very different now. >> yeah. >> that looks beautiful. so fresh, right? the mint and cucumbers, parsley -- >> gives it a nice freshness to it. >> beautiful. >> after we mix it, we're going to just pour all the bread chips on top. >> and you can buy the pita chips, too? >> you can buy it. if you don't prefer like fried
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pita, you can do just baked pita chips. >> i like that. that sumac is great. >> my wife call it perfect -- >> perfect pita sands wish? >> perfect bite. >> and salmon over here. meanwhile, tell us what we're doing with the salmon. >> salmon, we sear it on one side, give it nice crisp to it. >> and it's just -- you put salt and pepper first? >> salt and pepper first. >> beautiful golden crust on top. >> yes, very important to be crispy from outside. >> you pan sear it before you then put it in the oven. you actually put a rub on top first, right? >> yeah. i don't like to put my rub on it because i don't want my garlic to get burned. plus, when you put it on your hot salmon, it penetrate inside and gives it nice flavors. >> okay. >> so, we're going to take it off here. >> got that one. >> i'll put some rub on it. >> just a little bit of -- on
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each one, right? >> yes. >> just garlic and olive oil. >> garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. >> all right. there you go. >> going to put it in the oven. >> right in the oven there. how long will this go in the oven for? >> go like for ten minutes, 400 degrees. >> beautiful. that's pretty quick. >> yep. this is how it's going to come out. >> like this. >> and if you want to make sure your salmon cooked, you just -- push it on both sides. your finger shouldn't go inside. you feel it's a little hard. >> so it's still a little moist inside but -- >> yes. but your finger doesn't go -- >> you plated the salmon. we're running out of time here. >> yes. >> there we go with couscous, perfect side always, right? >> yes. >> where did the magic plate of couscous come from? >> the magic bowl of couscous. everybody should have one.
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>> beautiful. >> salmon here. put some sauce. >> fantastic. >> i love how you do that. >> some cilantro. >> it's all in the swoosh. >> yes. fennell and leaks. this is for garnish. >> i can see why our producer loved that. thank you so much. come back and visit us again. >> thank you for having me. >> still ahead, randy travis, josh turner performing live right after your local news and weather.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> we are off to a nice, quiet start this monday. temperatures will climb into the lower 80s.
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a few degrees above average for this time of year. as we head through the middle of the week, it is going to get hot. mid-nineties on wednesday. thunderstorms at the end of the we [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable, and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. want to save even more? call now and we'll add over 60 premium channels, including showtime, starz, epix, and more for 12 months.
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