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tv   Today  NBC  October 7, 2011 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning. strange twist. have the parents of that missing 10e-month-old baby in kansas city stopped cooperating with police, and did the girl's mother fail a polygraph test? >> we can't do this alone. we need everybody's help. >> this morning they're speaking out to tell their side of the story. outrage and anger, protest against wall street and corporate greed spreading from coast to coast as vice president biden admits the mood in this country and the strength of the republican party could cost him and his boss their jobs. >> oh, absolutely, absolutely, it's strong enough to beat both
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of us. >> but is he simply trying to portray his ticket as the underdog? and comeback or insult? democratic rival takes a jab at senator scott brown for claiming he had to pose nude back in 1982 to help pay for college, leading to this dig from the senator. >> have you officially responded to elizabeth warren's comment about how she didn't take her clothes off? >> thank god. >> now women's groups are giving him a big dressing down today, friday, october 7th, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm ann curry. good morning, everybody. we expect the parents of a missing baby to do everything
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they can to help find their child which is why it's so surprising police in kansas city, missouri, say the parents in this case stopped talking to them. >> they made that statement in a news conference last night and the irwin family was watching leading them to release a statement saying they have cooperative since day one. let's get right to nbc's peter alexander, in kansas city for the latest on the investigation. peter, good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. it is day four of this investigation and a lot has changed as you noted overnight. police now say that the parents of little lisa irwin are no longer cooperating with authorities, but the parents say they are cooperating, that they are available to talk with police, but they say authorities told lisa's mom that she failed a polygraph test, that police are trying to pit mother and father against one another and even accuse lisa's mother of trying to kill her daughter. just hours after lisa irwin's
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parents made yet another desperate plea for their daughter's safe return -- >> please bring her home. we need her. we are not a family without her. she's everything to us. >> reporter: this announcement from kansas city police. >> they've been cooperating, its eight been very helpful. tonight they decided to stop talking to detectives and i don't have to illustrate how that, you know, affects the investigation. it speaks for itself. >> reporter: police would not offer details but now say lisa's parents, jeremy irwin and deborah bradley, are no longer working with investigators. >> they were maybe one of our best bets to help find this child, so yeah, our door is open and it doesn't help the investigation. >> reporter: but hours after the police announcement, jeremy's sister, baby lisa's aunt, spoke publicly on behalf of the family, denying they are not cooperating. >> we want the public to know we have never stopped cooperating with the police. we've been cooperative from day one, and we continue to assist
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the police with the investigation. >> reporter: when we spoke to the couple thursday morning they were still searching for answers. >> the only thing i can think of is maybe somebody wanted a baby and she -- i hope that's what it is. >> reporter: lisa's parents also reveal new details about what they say happened early tuesday morning when jeremy says he returned from an overnight shift at 4:00 a.m. and first discovered his daughter missing. they say the front door was unlocked, a window open and the lights in the house were on. the parents also say three cell phones were gone, as was their 10-month-old daughter. >> it's like they just walked in and just disappeared. >> reporter: who would kidnap a baby? the national str fcenter for mi & exploited children say baby abductions are rare. >> normally it's taken from the hospital infant or passed off by
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its own. >> reporter: could the kidnaper have climbed into the house through the only window without a screen, walking down the hall, snatching baby lisa from her crib and slipping out, or did the intruder slip through the front door? investigators continue their frantic search thursday lifting manhole covers and returning to this deadly wooded area near the home to make sure they didn't miss any possible evidence. early i asked whether they had any involvement in their baby's disappearance. did you do anything with your daughter? >> god, no. >> reporter: jeremy? >> no. >> no. >> just need her back. >> please bring her home. >> reporter: police insist there are still no suspects in this case, that it is an active investigation, but matt, they took down the crime scene tape around the family's home late
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yesterday and also shut down their mobile command center that was only a short distance away. matt? >> peter alexander, thank you. lisa's parents, deborah bailey and jeremy irwin, are with us now. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> i have to say that unfortunately i have covered way too many of these cases over the years of missing children, abducted children, children who have gone missing for one reason or another and i have rarely seen the police come out and make a statement like the one they made yesterday, saying the parents have stopped cooperating, without having a reason to do so. so why do you think they've made this statement? >> we were at the station yesterday, being interviewed again, and i just had reached my, i just had reached my boiling point and i asked them, i said, guys, i can't do this anymore today.
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i need a break. i can't answer any more questions. then we asked to leave, and then the next thing we knew, it was the press conference yesterday evening, so it was -- >> well talk to -- >> completely -- >> let's back up an hour. how would you describe the demeanor of the police prior to you reaching your breaking point and boiling point, was it an aggressive questioning? was there cooperation prior to that point? how were they treating you? how were you responding to them? >> yesterday, the gentleman that was interviewing me was very nice and once i expressed to him several times that i wanted to leave, he went ahead and let me go. the other day it was a little bit different story, but just,
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we just want to make sure that we tell everybody that we're, you know, we're still cooperating, we're still talking to the police. we're doing everything we can to try to find lisa and bring her back home. >> debby -- >> our number one focus is her above all else no matter what it's her. >> what was your experience with the police? what kind of questions were they asking you and what was the level of aggressiveness of those questions? >> they, the same thing, with jeremy, they were really nice yesterday, and but it wasn't like that the first time, and we understand that, we don't have any hard feelings. we're not mad. we know that this is what they have to do, so we totally
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understand. >> do you feel that in some ways by making this statement publicly, calling you out in some ways publicly, they are trying to pit one of you against the other? >> possibly. it doesn't -- we don't care. we don't care what anybody says or thinks or, we don't care what they think. i mean, our concern is to find lisa. to find our lisa and bring her home, because that's what we want, and i don't care what we have to go tlou ghrough to get . >> a couple other direct questions. have both of you taken lie detector tests, polygraphs, as part of this investigation. >> i have. i volunteered. >> what were the results of that? >> i have not. >> they said that i failed, and i continued to say that's not possible. because i don't know where she's at. i did not do this, and --
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>> did they say specifically what question you may failed on? >> i don't remember which one it was, but they just kept saying i failed, i failed and i said that's not possible, and i mean, what do you say when someone tells you that and you know you didn't do anything. >> jeremy you have not taken a polygraph? >> what could i say? >> no. i have not. >> have you been asked to? would you be willing to? >> i have not been asked to. i'd be willing to do whatever it takes to bring my daughter, lisa, home, where she belongs, if that's what it takes, that's what we can do. but we're still looking for her.
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>> let me ask you one blunt question, jeremy, when you look at debby, do you have any suspicions there's anything she's not telling you relating to the disappearance of lisa? >> none whatsoever. none whatsoever. we've been asked that millions of times, and there's no doubt in my mind that she had anything -- there's no way she could have had anything at all. >> and debby, the same question for you on jeremy, do you have any doubt in your mind that he hasn't told you something? >> no. he's a good father, and he's good to me, and he loves her, and everybody loves her, but, no. there's no way. we don't know, which is why we need everybody to continue to
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look for her, and help us in any way that they can, and because she's, we want her home. we can't do this alone. we need everybody's help. and we appreciate everything that the police department has done. we appreciate everything that everybody has done. this is not, we are not angry. we are not -- we, we just want our daughter home. that is the only thing that we care about. i don't care what is said. that's all we want done, and we want to thank everybody who has helped us so far, and the fbi, the kansas city police department, all of the search and rescue, the center for missing children. there's been some amazing people that have just come out of nowhere and put time in looking for her. >> right. >> we are extremely grateful, and we just ask that everybody please continue to look for her, and pray for her safe return.
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>> i just want to say in closing that i know it's a difficult time and as a parent i apologize for having to ask some of the questions that we ask, but as you know, that's part of a situation when a child goes missing, and we hope the best for lisa's speedy return. deborah and jeremy, thank you very much. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you. >> and now here's ann. >> all right, matt, thank you so much. now let's make a turn to politics and president obama's full court press to build support for his jobs plan. this as the protest that started on wall street over corporate greed are spreading from new york to cities all across this country. chuck todd is nbc's chief white house correspondent. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. the president has been pulling out all the stops, done speeches in swing states, news conferences and later today he's enlisting secretary of state hillary clinton. in his latest attempt to create a sense of urgency that will
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urge congress to pass i had jobs bill the president tried another tactic, a white house news conference. >> what i've tried to do is say here are the best ideas i've heard, not just from partisans, but from independent economists. these are the ideas most likely to create jobs now and strengthen the economy right now. pass the bill. >> reporter: the president has tried a number of ways to rally public support for his $450 billion jobs bill. >> debate this bill, pass it, get it to my desk. >> reporter: polls show he's still struggling. >> there's nothing radical in this proposal. there may be some skepticism that i personally can persuade republicans to take actions in the interests of the american people. that's exactly why i need the american people to try to put some pressure on them. >> reporter: but the pressure was applied to him as well thursday, when the wall street protest came to washington. >> where are the jobs?
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>> reporter: but he tried to empathize with them. >> i think people are frustrated and you know the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works. >> reporter: the vice president compared this protest movement to the tea party. >> the tea party started why? t.a.r.p. they thought it was unfair, we're bailing out the big guys. what are the people up there on the other end of the political spectrum, saying the same thing. >> reporter: he said that could translate at the polls next year. >> the american people are dissatisfied for the state of the nation at the moment. that all by itself is enough to make you the underdog. >> is it strong enough of a republican party for its nominee to beat this president. ? >> oh, absolutely, absolutely, it's strong enough to beat both of us. >> reporter: more on this hillary clinton event, there is a jobs council meeting that's
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something that the president usually chairs, well, secretary of state hillary clinton is chairing it today, the topic how to get more foreign investment into the united states so that's the hook to include who is now the very popular secretary of state. ann? >> chuck todd, thank you. david gregory, moderate of "meet the press." good morning. >> good morning. i don't think anybody's trying to sugar coat how vulnerable the president is because of this economy. it is what it is. the historical headwinds for this president and vice president as they position themselves for re-election, they say we have a better approach in a difficult economy, a better approach than the republicans who as the vice president noted would still be strong enough to defeat the president under the
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circumstances. >> the vice president used underdog. is it possible this is part of an administration strategy to mobilize its base? >> i think it is. there's no question they're trying to communicate as chuck just mentioned the urgency of getting out and mobilizing the vote. they know that they need young people, minority voters, they need the key elements of their base to come out strong and latino voters, they have to rely on the elements of the base when they know there's a lot of middle of the road voters who are not going to vote for this president perhaps just because of the economy, and if there's no movement, the president doesn't really expect that he's going to get this full jobs bill through. so there's not a lot of movement. they at least have to rely on the idea there will be an alternative. >> meantime, newt gingrich earlier this week described this anti-wall street movement, this occupy wall street movement, suggests it should be seen as a black mark on president obama's
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record. is there a lesson for the democrats for the president in how the republicans dealt with the tea party in terms of how the president could maybe mobilize these anti-wall street demonstrators? >> well, you raise a key point. how does the president try to harness this anger, this sense of unfairness about the economy, about income and equality in this country, about the middle class, stagnating for the past years. it manifests what people are anxious and angry about but at the same time it allows the president to drive a populous message. the vice president, too, talking about banks being part of the problem, complaining about the fees that bank of america is charging on atm use. here the president wants to say look, i'm on the side of the middle class here. i want more fairness in our country. the republicans want to take you backward. >> fresh from your interview with the vice president, good
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one by the way, you'll be in chicago and i understand you've got some special guests there? >> we'll be talking about the economy with rahm emanuel, former chief of staff of the president and now mayor of chicago, also paul ryan. a special edition from chicago sunday. >> "meet the press" david gregory thank you so much. let's swing over to the news desk. savannah is in one more time for natalie with the headlines. >> good morning again, everybody. wall street all eyes on the new unemployment numbers out today. mandy drury is at the new york stock exchange this morning. good morning. >> good morning and happy friday. yes, the september jobs report is the biggest focus here on the home front, as it sheds light on just how strong all week the labor market is right now and remember, back in august, there was zero net new jobs created. as for what's happening on the stock market, well we've had a pretty good rally over the past three days and the s&p index returned to 6% so we wonder, can we stretch it to four days? might be a good weekend to go for a drive.
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average national gas prices down to $3.39 a gallon, versus $3.44 a week ago. blood tests checking for prostate cancer will no longer be part of routine cancer screenings. this is the same task force that took credit for telling women to forego breast cancer screenings yearly. one in six men develop prostate cancer and more than 200,000 received that diagnosis last year alone. in washington it was a particularly poignant navy retirement ceremony for former astronaut mark kelly. his wife, congresswoman gabrielle giffords was on hand to celebrate at the nation's capitol and turns out she's lucky she was there. vice president joe biden had trouble pinning the legion of merit on kelly but give fords
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had no problem pinning the highest award on her husband' label. biden remarked "gabby did it better than i did." this was giffords' second trip to washington since she was shot in january. this year's nobel peace prize winners were announced this morning. three women will share the honor, ellen johnson sirleaf was interviewed by matt. now back to matt, ann and al. >> congratulations to all of the women and for ellen johnson sirleaf the courage she showed and she's really something, very brave woman. >> you're a brave guy, too. >> yes. >> not so brave. i don't have to be brave with a beautiful forecast for the northeast. unfortunately our friends in florida going to have a different story as we look on the radar, i should say on the satellite and surface map, rip
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currents and heavy rain in florida, strong storms from the texas to the stroll plains, rain in the pacific northwest and northern plains as well, beautiful day in los angeles, plenty of sunshine and >> good morning. typical cool this morning but the sunshine is out. stormy weather bank is off to the west. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> al, thank you very much. just ahead new developments in the case of the missing woman in aruba. the attorney for the prime suspect says his client is sitting in jail because of the natalee holloway case. first this is "today" on nbc.
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still ahead, senator scott brown spars with a potential challenger over his nude photo shoot in 1982. plus we'll talk to kim kardashian to talk with us and co-host our fourth hour. back to my old office. t it kee i think it might be broken. or maybe it's trying to tell you something. yeah, but what could it be -- oh! i left my 401(k) at my old job. and i left a jacket on the back of my door. but i think the line's talking about my 401(k). leave a 401(k) behind? roll it over with the company that's helping more people reach retirement than anyone else. call or come in for a free portfolio review today. [ girls ] good. ♪ ♪
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thank you! ♪ phew! [ ernie ] we make our cookies the way only keebler elves can: with a little something extra. so every bite can be uncommonly good. >> good morning, everybody did and stan stovall. here is a look at one of our top stories this morning. dozens of people are waking up at the inner harbor this morning. they camped out in the square for the occupied baltimore protests in hopes of drawing attention to their demands. another baltimore assembly is scheduled for later tonight. time to get a check on the morning commute.
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here is sarah caldwell. >> pretty nice friday morning as the head out on the roads. a few things to watch for. accident southbound 29 at the 1 03 on ramp. originally reported at 100 -- this is where we are hearing it is. a at liberty road old court road, randallstown. delays on the west side but not as bad. scott adams wrote at cockeysville, a crash and further south one clearing at 424, davis and bill road -- davidsonlille road. sunshine could play a role as well. but a switchover to a live review of traffic at the white marsh area. not bad at all. when to get closer to the beltway you will tap the brakes just a bit getting to the 895 split. >> good morning. the sun as out this morning. 46 degrees at the airport. humidity is up and the barometer is way up. at the moment the winds are
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calm. the eastern part of the country in great shape. dry except for florida. a little story out west. the storms get in here next week sometime. but today sunny skies, seasonably mild. a 70-75 for the high. beautiful weather and right into the weekend. a sunny skies right through sunday. 76 on saturday for the high. 80 on sunday. 81 on monday. by tuesday night into wednesday and thursday, ranging anza's kick in and temperatures stay in the 70's for a high.
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7:30 now on this friday morning, it's the seventh day of october, 2011, and these fine folks are getting an early jump on the weekend of the day of sightseeing starting in midtown manhattan. we're glad they decided to visit us from rockefeller plaza. >> it's stunning outsitede, we' in sight for a great stretch of weather. a senate race in massachusetts has turned ugly and personal. >> during a debate a potential democratic challenger took a
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shot at scott brown when he posed nude in a magazine to pay for school. what he said is causing controversy. kim kardashian will be live in our studio to talk with us and also going to sit in for kathie lee on our fourth hour with hoda. as we mentioned spain's 85-year-old duchess of alba tied the knot to a younger commoner, coming up, why the world is fascinated with her and her big day. plus we'll look at how the world is marking the life and remembering steve jobs. let's beginning with the latest on the disappearance of a maryland woman in aruba. a new search is being carried out as the prime suspect's attorney speaks out. nbc's josh mankiewitz is in
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aruba. >> reporter: good morning. it's been nine weeks since robyn gardner disappeared. police are hoping a new round of searches will uncover something, even a small clue that might help solve this mystery. search dogs combed the shoreline of aruba's desolate south side all week. looking for clues about what happened to robyn gardner. specially trained cadaver dogs were brought in from the netherlands. the couple met online more than a year ago. gardner disappeared august 2nd during their vacation. giordano is now the prime suspect in the case and remains locked up in aruba's kia prison. we spoke with his attorney jose
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baez on thursday. >> this whole case has been one tremendous nightmare for him and i think it's fairly clear that he has done nothing wrong and that there was no crime. >> reporter: last month, police conducted an elaborate re-enactment of what giordano says happened when he last saw robyn gardner. police used stand-ins, used the same type of clothing and same rental car and went down to the exact same beach. gary giordano claims the couple left the restaurant in the late afternoon. he says they went snorkeling, and gardner was pulled underwater. giordano told police he ran out of the water to save his own life. he denies any wrongdoing. >> there's eight official statements. >> correct. >> do all his statements match up? >> absolutely. >> gary has been consistent and truthful from the very beginning, and he's going to continue to be truthful and he's
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doing his best to get through this. it's a nightmare. it's a complete and total nightmare. >> reporter: investigators say the re-enactment confirms their belief that gary giordano is not telling the truth. >> gary, over here! >> reporter: giordano's lawyer believes his client is being punished because police in aruba never solved the mystery of natalie holloway. she's the alabama teenager who came here to aruba on a high school graduation trip in 2005 and never returned. the case made international headlines. no one was ever charged, and her body was never found. >> gary is not joran van der sloot, and robyn gardner is not natalee holloway. these are different people with different situations and gary should not have to pay for what law enforcement or the government did here or did not do in another case.
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>> reporter: now one more thing we've learned here, the prosecutor's office tells me evidence teches have processed the rental car that giordano and gardner used during their time in aruba. unfortunately they weren't able to get to the car before it had been turned back into the rental car agency, which means the car had been cleaned before techs went over. it is difficult to get blood stains out of anything. luminol was used and the word from the prosecutors said there was no blood detected in the car. gary giordano continues to say there was no crime, there is nothing wrong. the investigation continues. >> thank you so much. a programming note to tell you on "dateline" a young woman's strange disappearance with a train. now to a senate battle in massachusetts that's turning personal and the controversy stems from the incumbent's nude
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photo spret nearly 30 years ago. nbc's capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell has the details on this. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. not every senate race gets this kind of national attention but consider that scott brown has often been named the most popular elected official in massachusetts, according to polls, so it was only a matter of time before that centerfold from way back when would become an issue and a punchline in 2012. well, it started, the insults have begun in massachusetts. rarely do two simple words cause such an uproar. >> thank god. >> reporter: was that just a snappy comeback or a personal insult from republican senator scott brown aimed as potential democratic challenger elizabeth warren. it all goes back to this in 1982 brown bared it all for cosmopolitan magazine. he said he needed the money for tuition. you were a cosmo guy.
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i'll never confess, a photo that won't ever go away. this week in a democrat's debate that nude centerfold was mentioned in a question to warren. >> to help pay for his law school education, scott brown posed for "cosmo." how did you pay for your college education? >> i kept my clothes on. >> reporter: brown's campaign says warren's answer was offensive and an insult. on a bozston radio show wednesday the senator jabbed back. >> have you officially responded to elizabeth warren's comment about how she didn't take her clothes off? >> thank god. >> reporter: some democrats and women's groups angrily said the comment was more suited to a "frat house" and a dig at warren's appearance. a race getting personal. >> i'm not sure that elizabeth warren's remark was entirely innocent but there's been a real towel snapping to scott brown's campaign so far. >> reporter: brown's upset victory to succeed ted kennedy
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stunned democrats who want desperately to knock him out in 2012. warren, who worked for the obama administration as a consumer watch dog, has never run for office before. >> i'm going to do this. i'm going to run for the united states senate. >> reporter: brown's campaign labeled warren elitist. he defended his 8'80s centerfied in the interview. >> let them throw stones. >> reporter: thursday warren brushed it off. >> you don't care to dive into the waters? >> i'll survive. >> she says "i'll survive." there are six democrats trying to win the nomination to challenge scott brown and elizabeth warren is just one of those. there were a couple of women in the senate republicans who did back up scott brown. kelly ayott of new hampshire and susan collins of maine said no one should make fun of how he had to pay for school because he had a humble background.
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>> kelly, thank you very much. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> beautiful morning. 37 and 33rd birthday, where is mom? >> she's there. >> went down there to go on tv. >> oh, no, mom, where are you? oh! let's check your weather. mom, where'd you go? o oh, first we have a risk of strong storms ahead of a front, stretching from texas all the way to the plains, rainfall, you can see the radar is already firing up. we are looking at anywhere from three to five inches of rain, some areas picking up eight inches of rain over the next few days and texas, we've got a little bit of a high pressure bringing that wind onshore, and that's going to mean for some rip currents, low pressure will develop there, over the next 72 hours, look at the rainfall amounts, anywhere from three to eight inches of rain in parts of texas. mom finally got here! yeah! yeah, mom! that's w
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>> good morning. typical cool this morning but the sunshine is out. stormy weather bank is off to the west. >> and of course we're coming up for the weekend and you know what that means? the favorite night of the week, it's sunday night football night in america. this is a good one. we've got the packers, flying into the falcons, it's a replay of last year, out to our weather, doesn't matter, they've got a dome. cloudy, temperatures in the 60s, on sunday night football night in america.
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matt? >> all right, al, thank you very much. coming up next, the fascination with spain's duchess of alba and her wedding to a commoner 25 years her junior, right after this. edith and elle. i was the first-born... i got married first... i had children first... and i'm the first to get this haircut. i was the first to get a flu shot. you didn't make an appointment yet. don't need one at walgreens. strolled right in and got my flu shot early from my walgreens pharmacist. they're all specially trained. so now i'm number one. it only took you 77 years. [ female announcer ] arm yourself with a flu shot from all walgreens and take care clinics. walgreens. there's a way to stay well.
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happy birthday to you. and my wish is for a world with less cancer and more birthdays. back now at 7:43 with the latest royal wedding in europe that's getting a lot of attention. nbc's kevin tibbles is in london with details. kevin, good morning. >> ann, you know we've covered the odd royal wedding over the years but this one is really odd, and it's got tongues a-waggin' in spain. ♪ on her wedding day, the duchz of alba made her way to the chapel in salmonique pink. who is she you ask? maria del row air issia francis cha james e. da silva is about
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as blue blooded as one can get, more titles than any other noble including queen ease liz beth and money, her estimated worth $5 billion. first marriage way back in 1947 was hailed as the most expensive ever, now she's tied the knot again in a much less extravagant affair. >> i like this love story because it just proves you're never too old for love and of course, really if you think about it, looks needn't be a hindrance either. >> reporter: the duchess is 85, the man who stole her heart is a civil servant who at 61 years of age is old enough for young enough to be her son. >> she's very independent and it has caused some trouble in the spanish public opinion but at the same time, people like it. >> reporter: speaking of kids, the duchess's own children and grandchildren are very upset with the whole spkectacle even though she promised all of her
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wealth will still go to them, when we talk wealth, castles, painting by the masters and christopher columbus' first map of america. you won't see that on ebay. apparently the pair met some 30 years ago and it was love at first side. the duchess seems to have had a little shall we say help to keep up appearances. in fact after walking down the aisle the duchess did much more than simply keep up. she and the new hubby paraded for the crowd outside the private chapel and the duchess laid down some of her best nlamenco moves. >> if you look at the groom's face she looks happy, she looks stunned. >> reporter: the couple can't seem to get enough of one another and spain just can't seem to get enough of them. you know, i said it was a salmonique pink but ann i think
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more of a dusty rose that wedding gown there and best of luck to the happy couple. >> nice fashion sense on your part, kevin tibbles, thank you so much. coming up next we'll switch gears and give you an update on how the world is mourning the death and celebrating the life of steve jobs, right after this. [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
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no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. wait a second... with olay challenge that. new regenerist wrinkle revolution... relaxes the look of wrinkles instantly, and the look of deep wrinkles in 14 days. ready, set, smooth... regenerist. from olay.
7:49 am
that will change your life... for the first time ever... a toothpaste. crest 3d white. if beauty editors notice, who else will? crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. it's your fault. naturally blame the mucus. try advil congestion relief. it treats the real problem, reducing swelling due to nasal inflammation. [ male announcer ] advil congestion relief. (male ancr) swelling due tjennie-o nflammation. hitting the road, traveling l across the country win over people everywhereing th the burger that's as leanon. as it is delicious. (woman) the flavor is fantastic. (man) that's turkey? this is amazing!
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it's juicy. (man #2) it's very surprising, the flavor is really good. (man #3) i think people will love it. (ancr) enjoy your burgers cooked thoroughly 165 degrees. i gotta get some of these. enjoy your burgers it's time for a better burger. so get on board and make the switch. look for jennie-o at a store near you and join us at as you might imagine the public outpouring has been enormous as the world rerlz steve jobs, the genius behind apple and the company's most innovative products, died wednesday. george lewis is at apple headquarters in coupupertino, d california. >> reporter: condolences pour in from across the world, not surprising to a guy who made technology irresistible to millions worldwide. as the remembrances pile up outside apple's headquarters and at one of the houses owned by
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steve jobs, and online, where a new word, isad was coined, people around the world are moved by the passing of steve jobs. >> it's comparable to the day that princess diana died because steve jobs was one of my heroes. >> he opened our minds. we saw the world differently. >> reporter: in atlanta, many learned of jobs' death on one of his gadgets. >> i heard about steve jobs' death on my macbook pro. >> on twitter. >> on my iphone 4. >> reporter: "time's" seventh appearance on the cover, athis s they were trying to find enough superlatives to describe the legacy. >> he might go down as the top ceo of any company in the history of any business.
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>> reporter: this from a former apple worker. >> this is a man from literally birth seems to have been an entreprene entrepreneur. >> reporter: steve jobs founded apple in 1976 along with steve wasniak. >> a lot of people are in tears because he brought them so much good in their life. >> reporter: jobs left apple in 1985, came back 11 years later, reinvented the company, and turned it into a $350 billion goliath. >> this is where the world's going. >> reporter: turning out hit product after hit product. >> so all of these things, one after another after another, home run, home run, home run, and there's only one babe. >> reporter: a tough act to follow, as apple now tries to plot its future course without its founding genius. a site that tracks social network usage at one point there were 10,000 tweets per second
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coming in about steve jobs. matt? >> it's amazing. george lewis in cupertino, thank you very much. just ahead, kim kardashian in the studio, we'll talk about her lavish woman and adjusting to life as a newlywed, after your local news. i didn't understand it. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means, i can feel better and do more of what matters. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling.
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>> good morning. i'm mindy basara. time now for a check on your morning commute. here is sarah caldwell. >> still tracking several accidents and delays falling into place a little late. southbound 29 at a 103 on ramp at ellicott city, old court and liberty road should be wrapping up, outer loop delays 795 down to edmundston and north side from harford to the harrisburg expressway, and looking at inner loop delay around green spring,
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36, heading toward the jfx and jfx, but we did 28th. a crash at o'donnell street. and harrisburg expressway, heading south down from middletown to mount carmel. a live in view of traffic, baltimore pike away from us, outer loop, not to bad going down to 40 the prior to that slow going beginning at 795 -- 795. tapping the brakes on the north side at harvard. the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> i call it sunshine on the traffic camera pictures. 89% humidity. barometer rising. of the wind is calm. most and portly, the sun is out this morning. a big area of high pressure setting overpaid reaching to the mississippi valley. as everything march slowly eastward over the weekend, we get into the warmer air. it is nice today.
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forecast, 70-75. sunny skies. seasonal temperatures. northeast winds at 2-7 miles an hour. seven-day forecast shows the warming trend texas to the mid 70's said it -- saturday. 81 on monday. 81 on monday. we s
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bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at welcome back. we're back with "today" at 8:00 on a friday morning. it's the 7th day of october, 2011. we have a huge, huge crowd out here on the plaza. we're always happy to see that, pretty morning, a little chilly. i'm matt lauer along with ann curry and matt lauer. ooh la-la, look at our studio. kim kardashian is here to talk about anything she wants to talk about, including her recent
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marriage and she'll share some footage as part of the special behind the scenes event. she's also co-hosting our fourth hour along with hoda today. >> that is right. also coming up this morning, have you ever noticed as you get older, you sort of shrink? you lose some of your height? >> it's true. >> we're going to tell you about why that happens and what it means about your health. >> meantime, natalie morales is on assignment. samantha guthrie is standing by at the news desk. >> good morning, everybody. in the news the parents of a missing baby girl in missouri denied they have stopped cooperating with police. on thursday the police said they refused to answer any more questions. early on today the father said he simply reached a boiling point during an interview and the mother revealed she had taken a polygraph test and police told her she failed. the parents say baby lisa irwin
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was stolen from her krip late monday or early tuesday. president obama is trying to raise the stakes in his battle over his $450 billion jobs bill. at a white house news conference thursday he warned congressional opponents to do something to create jobs or prepare to get run out of town by angry voters. republican leaders are holding fast in their opposition to the plan which cuts payroll taxes but increases taxes on the t wealthy to pay for it. the. the responded to the new anti-wall street protesters in new york, w washington and othe cities, saying they're expressing the frustrations of the american public. the president says he believes people are upset some of the same people behind the financial crisis are fighting efforts to crack down on abusive practices. today marks ten years since the start of the war in afghanistan, the longest war in u.s. history. to date more than 1,800 u.s. soldiers have died and more than 13,000 have been wounded. the war on the taliban and al qaeda has cost american
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taxpayers more than $400 billion and afghan stability remains fragile. nato says plans to hand security control over to the afghans is on track for the end of 2014. the american dream of owning a houseay be slipping further and further away for some. new census figures show the rate of home ownership in the past decade had its biggest drop since the great depression. now for a look at what's trending today, our quick roundup of what has you talking online. fans are tweeting concerns this could be d-day for "the simpsons." fox tv says the show's act investigate must agree to drastic pay cuts or next season could be the last. mind you fox has moved the deadline twice before. prince harry arrived in the u.s. last night, he's here for a two-month helicopter training force in california and arizona. and tmz is the place to see tom cruise who of course danced to fame in "is rky business"
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taking part in a dance battle at a friend's wedding last weekend, looking like he's got all the right moves but unlike the movie kept the pants on. now back to al with a check of the weather. >> thanks so much, savannah. what's your name, ma'am? >> mitchell, bea mitchell. >> what is today your birthday? >> no, she's sweet 16. i'm sweet 87. >> i need to see some i.d. >> i got it, i got it. >> you look fantastic and so do you, young lady. by golly. i'll have what she's having. let's check your weather and see what's happening. albany, georgia, walb, nbc 10, partly sunny, breezy, 86 degrees, and you can see we've got a spin there going along a frontal system bringing rain and showers, thunderstorms to tfrom
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plains states into texas where we'll see heavy rain coming into the pacific northwest. eastern third of the country spectacular, with the exception of the southeastern atlantic >> we start a local this morning but the sunshine is out. high pressure dominates the way -- dominates the weather into the weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. ann? >> al, thank you so much. as i stand in front of these beautiful women we're on their bucket list, kim kardashian is in our studio, she'll be talking about her wedding, married life
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and her future coming up right after this. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. that's why i buy new charmin basic. it's very reasonably priced. plus, it's two times stronger when wet versus the leading competitive brand. new charmin basic works for my bottom line. and my bottom.
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new charmin basic. against new kellogg's fiber plus caramel pecan crunch. really? 35% of your daily fiber. chocolate lava cupcake. [ indistinct conversations ] mmm. that's great cereal. mmm. this is fiber cereal? it's great cereal, but...cupcake. ♪ [ female announcer ] kellogg's® fiber plus™.
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taste the plus. [ female announcer ] kellogg's® fiber plus™. hershe y's bliss.male announcer ] kellogg's® fiber plus™. one square inch of incredibly smooth rich chocolate. one square inch of joy... fun... indulgence... one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss. [ boy ] hey, i thought these were electric? uh, it is, yeah, it's a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? well it still takes gas to go farther. but you're not getting gas. true. not this time. uh, don't have to gas up very often. so you have to go to the bathroom? no. yes you do. thought these were electric? yes, it's a uh, a chevy volt.
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so what are you doing at a gas station? aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyyy! [ beatboxing ] ♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there are things major medical doesn't do. aflac! pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ even helps pay deductibles, so cover your back, get... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ] about a month and a half since kim kardashian walked down the aisle, her lavish wedding ceremony. every single step captured by reality tv cameras. this weekend fans will see how it came together on kim's fairytale wedding, a kardashian event. take a look. >> better than all right, it was
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so good. >> i'm stuffed, so full. >> we got to get a time where we can sit down and give her some cooking lessons. >> you know what i tell every young bride is she should spend more time in the bedroom than in the kitchen. >> ha ha. >> that's what he told me, and i can six kids. >> hello, kim. welcome back. congratulations. >> thank you. >> you were here in january, talking about one of your shows. do you remember what we talked about, being young, wild and single in new york. >> that didn't last long. >> what happened? >> i don't know, i always set the goals for myself, i'm going to be single, i'm just going to spend time with myself and enjoy being single and every time i say that, it never lasts. >> just swept away? >> yeah. >> was it a blur, a whirlwind? >> it was. it was so -- i don't know how we did it. i always say i seriously have such respect for my wedding planner, sharon. i don't know how she does this as a living. it was so stressful. >> there are a lot of details. >> so many details.
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>> you've been married for a month and a half now. >> um-hum. >> what's the biggest fight you've had so far? >> probably for chris to pick up his clothes off the floor, like your typical issues. >> you didn't know that before you got married he was a guy who was going to throw his dirty underpants in the corner? >> i think he was acting like he was such a clean, neat person and i was acting like oh i'll clean up if you leave it on the floor, don't worry, i'll fold it. now it's like -- >> all bets are off, guard is down. >> yes. >> but he's treating you withal in a month and a half? >> yes, absolutely. >> because you call me if he's not and i'll go over there. >> he's a ja. >> and i'll call someone a lot bigger than me to take care of him. what is the most important thing you've learned about him in this month and a half other than the dirty laundry thing? >> just that he's such a good person, and you know, we're just having a really good time. i mean i think our adjustment to living, we never lived together before we got married, so we
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learned a lot about each other. >> what is he learning about you? >> probably that i am so ocd, like a neat freak that it's probably so annoying. >> you've mentioned swomewhere, if you marry you, you marry the whole kardashian family. its eight a nice family, you g guys have been here all week long but it's not that easy for an outsider. >> we are filming "kourtney and kim take new york" and living in one sweet with kourtney, scott and mason. we have the whole upstairs to ourselves but it's definitely probably not your ideal living situation for newlyweds. >> he's a real hero. >> yes. >> baaing to tck to the wedding reports that mason, who is kourtney's son. >> my nephew, yes. >> stole the show. >> he absolutely did. he is so cute and i didn't know
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this but when kourtney was walking down the aisle she tripped and she grabbed him and mason took the willow, ran to kourtney and then ran back to scott. as she was walking back down she tripped down the aisle and everyone went oh! >> so cute this little kid. every wedding there's one guest where the morning after the wedding the husband and wife wake up and say why did we invite that person? who is that person in this one? >> i have no idea. >> come on. >> but i did, i just was really like think being it and i was like wait, i didn't see this person there at the wedding, i didn't see this person and it was so much going on, i wish i got to spend more time with people. >> when are you going to have kids? that's what everybody wanted moo he to ask you? >> i think we're going to wait. >> a week, two weeks? >> at least a year just because we don't know where he's going to be playing. >> right. >> so we have no idea where we're living. we have to figure that out first before we have babies. >> what is more daunting, life
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as a newlywed or the prospect of hosting the fourth hour of the "today" show with hoda? >> the fourth hour with hoda absolutely. >> are you looking forward to it in. >> i am, yes. >> you'll also take part in our beer stein holding contest. did you know about this? >> i do know about it. thank god i went to barry's boot camp out here. my arms are ready. >> you have a five pound stein of beer, we're going to have a competition on the plaza, see who can hold it outright or upright. >> i don't think i'll do so good. >> no? you're a good sport, you'll try it. >> i'll try. >> good luck with owe da also. >> thank you. >> good luck with marriage. congratulations. >> thank you. >> "kim's fairytale wedding" premieres sunday, 8:00 p.m., and mormon night on e! our sister network. back with much more ahead, but first these messages. so i took my heartburn pill and some antacids.
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we're having mexican tonight, so another pill then? unless we eat later, then pill later? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later... late dinner, pill now? aghh i've got heartburn in my head. [ male announcer ] stop the madness of treating frequent heartburn. it's simple with prilosec otc. one pill a day. twenty-four hours. zero heartburn. no heartburn in the first place. great. gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. [ female announcer ] introducing kleenex cool touch tissues.
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the only tissue that actively releases a cool sensation to soothe a sore nose on contact. kleenex cool touch tissues. a cool new way to soothe. that will change your life... for the first time ever... a toothpaste. crest 3d white. if beauty editors notice, who else will? crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. helping strengthen our bones. caltrate delivers 1200 milligrams of calcium
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and 800 iu of vitamin d plus minerals. women need caltrate. caltrate helps women keep moving because women move the world. caltrate helps women keep moving a lot of peo and those people are what i like to call wrong. take metamucil. sure it helps you keep regular, but it doesn't stop there. metamucil is the only leading fiber supplement with psyllium, which gels to help remove waste and reduce cholesterol. it can multi-multitask. it's so 2012. look at it! it's doing over a million different things right now. metamucil. ask more of your fiber. [ male announcer ] it's always having a reason,
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from the smallest details to the big decisions. and putting everything through everything before we stand behind anything. doing things right has always defined what we do. and now it defines how we ship. announcing free shipping. ♪ no minimum order. no end date. from l.l. bean. back now at 8:18 with the latest on a brutal attack that started with an exchange of text messages between teenagers. wayne tracy who turned 17 years old tomorrow is charged with attempted murder for kicking a 15-year-old in the head leaving her brain damaged. in a moment we'll talk to his mother exclusively why she believes her son is not the bully he's been made out to be. first nbc's kerry sanders is in deerfield beach, florida, with more on the story. kerry, good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, ann. this has been one of the most egregious cases of bullying but as you listen to the story of a boy whose brother committed suicide and violent attack on a young girl, for the first time you'll hear wayne tracy's parents allege that he, too, was being bullied. >> what color is that? >> reporter: josey ratley is alive today is perhaps a miracle. she was 15 years old when wayne tracy viciously beat her senseless, repeatedly kicking her in the head with steel towed boots. josey was left brain damaged. >> i only wanted to yell at her and when i saw her everything just -- >> reporter: wayne admitted his actions and when left alone in the interrogation rooms he scolded himself in the person. >> you're stupid and you're going to hell. it's your fault. >> reporter: he's charged with attempted murder in the first degree and faces 30 years in
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prison. until now the only story that's been told is wayne was home sick getting text messages from someone at school he had never met. wayne had shown up at the end of the school day in a rage to exact revenge for what was in the messages. his close friend, kayla manson, 13 years old pointed out her best friend, josey. kayla denies she did anything criminal. documents from the investigation revealed the full exchange of text messages, for two hours 15 minutes the back and forth, josie why do you like little girls, rapist? wayne, i will mess you up. you will regret crossing me. josie, ha, ha, i bet you don't know. when josie texted just go visit your dead brother. >> it's a bullying situation? >> who is the bully? >> who started the nasty e-mails? >> i believe josie bullied
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wayne. >> she's the bully? >> i believe she did. >> this week, wayne's lawyer filed an insanity defense, and the prosecutor stunned the courtroom when she said josie's condition had improved to the point she now has the ability to answer lawyers' questions in a deposition. >> she is not 100%, i don't think josie will ever be 100% but she is doing amazingly well. >> reporter: and now there's this revealing fact that we found buried in court documents, the steel towed boots wayne wore that day, the shorts, pants and jewelry he put on, all of it belonged to his dead mother, michael, who had committed suicide. wayne discovered his brother, his idol, hanging from a tree just five months before this text message attack. >> he ran over to her, and like all noise stopped. he just did not know what he was doing at that time and became very angry and it just escalated and built upon itself. >> reporter: if those text messages are the trigger, are you blaming the victim?
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>> when the bully becomes the victim the bully disappears. >> reporter: wayne's stepfather and mother -- >> it hurts. >> reporter: say but for that text message visiting his dead brother none of this would have happened. in a letter he writes "i hate that i did that to someone, especially a girl." >> i would want her to say to wayne i'm sorry. >> do you have any sympathy for josie and her condition in. >> i know she'll get better by god. i believe that. >> reporter: we couldn't interview wayne tracy because he's in jail, but in that letter to nbc news he does write "if my brother hadn't killed himself and i hadn't seen him like that, i wouldn't be in jail right now. more importantly, josie wouldn't be hurt." we reached out to josie's attorney, who issued a statement which said in part, "this is a classic blame the victim situation." ann? >> kerry sanders, thank you so much. wayne tracy's mother, donna powers is joining us exclusively along with her son's defense attorney russell williams.
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good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> it was hard for you to watch that tape. >> yes, it is. >> you are here to fight for your son, wayne? >> absolutely. >> even though it's a tough time. >> it's very tough. >> his 17th birthday is tomorrow, he's going to spend it in solitary confinement and also monday is the anniversary of your other son's suicide. >> yes, it is. >> yet here you are and i wonder if you could tell us about this letter that we've been hearing about, that wayne sent to one of our producers. he expressed regret for what he did to josie but he said "my brother was the father figure in my life. i took his suicide a lot harder than i thought. i thought i could suppress it and move on and not deal with it. the image of him is still with me. i think about it every day." do you believe that he was in such a state of rage that you can understand to some degree
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the intensity of his emotions that day? >> give me a minute here to get it together. >> he was in a state where the wayne tracy that donna as a mother knew wasn't him. it was not wayne tracy at the time. it was somebody else. he wasn't in his right mind. >> see, michael was his best friend. wayne, it was like a mentor to wayne. and now we were hurting, we were both hurting. i didn't realize now today how much it had affected him. >> you say that while you feel sorry for what's happened to josie, you also feel that she bullied wayne. >> it's very horrible what they went through, and it's horrible where my son and what he's going through. i don't know josie.
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i don't know her family, and to say she's a bully may not be the correct words, you know? i just feel when this texting was going on, she knew what happened to michael and for them to text and wayne asked her stop, please don't go this way, to send such cruel messages, it's mean. it's horrible. i don't know if that's a bully. maybe she antagonized him for edged him on. i don't know the right word there. >> the attorney representing the family is saying this is a classic blame the victim kind of scenario, and in this position you're taking, russell, that this was an act of insanity, and as a result wayne should be innocent, isn't an insanity defense dependent upon having something happen like this? this attack happened four hours after this text message, and
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also on top of that, he had told his friends what he was going to do. >> that's a part of the associative disorder that the doctor has, the experts have talked about, and based upon the disassociation disorder, that's what basically occurred, lack of memory, awareness, identity perception. >> i'm so sorry >> good morning. i mindy basara. let's get a final check on your morning commute with traffic pulse 11. >> still kind of busy in terms of incidents. a spill in sykesville at oakland mills road at liberty. delays still on the west as you make your way down from 795 in the outer loop. inner loop traffic backed up
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from green spring to the jfx and south delays board no.. fifth avenue, was for an accident 132 and 175. powder mill road -- fatal crash bayfront road at solomons rolled in deale, anne arundel county. we will have over to john. >> i like a sunny picture of the baltimore national pike at the beltway. 48 at the airport. 89% humidity. 30.42 is the barometric pressure and the winds are calm. dry overhead. a nice, warm flow of air in the central u.s. only in the 60's overnight last night and the central part of the u.s. ahead of the storm system. this storm of angela gets into the area but it will not be for a few days. it looks like we shoot right
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through the weekend in great shape. 70-75 for the high. saturday and sunday, the son continues. 76 saturday, 80 on sunday. 81 on monday. arrange dances by tuesday night into wednesday. it out there and enjoy the weekend -- raising chances by tuesday night.
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8:30 now on a friday morning, tgif, everybody, the seventh day of october, 2011, and guess what? we decided to celebrate with a little bit of an oktoberfest this morning, a friendly competition involving hoda and kim kardashian. >> and jenna wolfe.
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this is [ speaking in foreign language ] a bavarian contest, you hold a stein of beer five pounds, out parallel to the ground. you can't tip it or spill any beer. that's who wins. >> my vote is for kim kardashian. >> guess what? we are mad for meatballs, that's right. we're searching for the best meatball recipe in the country, to enter go to our website and submit your original recipe along with a video or photo of your dish. bobby flay will be here november 3rd to crown the champion. deadline wednesday, october 19th, king or queen of meatball. >> can we all have a taste test? i think that would be the best thing.
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>> yeah. >> let's get a check on the weather, al. >> let's show you what's happening. fall foliage near peak around the great lakes and peak color in northern new england as well as we check your weekend out, saturday we've got heavy rain from texas all the way into the central plains, heavy rain down in florida, showers moving from the pacific northwest and then sunday, sunday! we're looking at beautiful weather in the northeast, mid-atlantic state, heavy rain with rip currents, down in florida more rain from texas all the way up into the plains, some showers in the pacific >> good morning. typical cool this morning but the sunshine is out. stormy weather bank is off to the west.
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>> and one of our pals, mr. paul winter, video designer, 38 years at nbc. >> correct, sir. >> and the last day is sunday? >> the last day is today. >> today? >> yes. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> i've known paul since we started together in local news. >> that's right. we did doppler radar. >> all the best, my friend. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. it's been a pleasure and it's been a trip, a wild trip and i loved every minute of it. really has, thank you. >> good to see you. all right, all right, paul winter, very nice. hope your weather is always like spring, paul. now let's say hello to uncle willy. >> ahh! i'll let you in on a little secret, smucker has a new product called orchard's finest. unbelievable. wait until you taste it. happy birthday making smucker's
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as the jam jar spins about and we have meta ilten from cedar rapids, iowa, 11, attributes her longevity to having a wonderful sense of humor and makes everybody smile, laugh, giggle, scratch. anyway, good luck to you and happy birthday. margaret hintz of des moines, iowa, 107. secret to longevity is having good genes, that's what they say, anybody i ever talked to, that's it, it's in the genes. anyway, she has a wonderful education and contributes to having a great marriage and everybody loves her and takes care of her. here's mildred, i love that name, mildred, mildred eastman from brunswick, maine, 103 years old, lives independently and loves to bake her own bread, and everybody in maine makes blueberry muffins, they're unbelievable. good stuff.
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a little hot butter, ooh, and smucker's of course. ray evans, irvine, california, is 100, and he loves to work in his garden, especially proud of his roses. grows some beautiful roses. glen and lois osgood, no relation to charles, centerville, minnesota, 75 years they've been married, they love one another very much, and they love their large family, too. they're all happy. we have martin and grace mabee, and they're from lafayette, new jersey, how about that, another anniversary, they've been married 75 years and they enjoy doing crossword puzzles together and the secret to a happy marriage, never fight. that's it. now back to new york. >> thanks so much, willard. coming up next we'll get silly and try get to beer stein
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holding, as you just saw kim kardashian and hoda are giving it a shot and so will the rest of us right after this. this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back on a friday morning with a sport that involves nothing more than holding a stein of beer parallel to the ground but it is not as easy as it sounds. we've got some people who are going to give it a try in a second. first a little more on this oktoberfest tradition. this is oktoberfest, a time for beer, beer, and more beer, but not just the kind you drink. no, we're talking about the beer you compete with. the rules, straightforward. >> if you spill the beer, you're out. number two, you must hold your beer straight out, parallel to
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the floor. >> reporter: the name of the game a little tougher to grasp. >> muss -- mon >> muss krkrudstemmen. you hold it by the stem. >> reporter: at beer house this is a weekly event. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> extend your competing arm and here we go. first minute is always the easy minute. extended arm, you fr you ha've bring it up, one morning. you're out, sir. >> they told me five pounds holding it out like that, it would be like nothing. it was harder than i thought.
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>> he is gone. >> we lost another one. we're down to two contestants. we are done. the champion. >> for those willing to raise your glass, a piece of advice from an expert. >> close your eyes and it's all mind over man. ♪ >> here to kick off our competition is lenny coyne, head judge and masskrugstemmen expert. good morning, nice to see you. >> good morning, matt. >> how are you? >> good. >> we've got a celebrity panel on this side along with some "today" show employees, and real life competitors on this side, including some past champions. >> yes, we do. 2010 national champion vlad in the back. >> cool. we'll get you started. this is not as easy as a lot of people think aboit is.
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>> not at all. >> is this a three, two, one. >> pretty much. we do it in ger nman. [ speaking in german. ] >> as we walk up and down the line what are the judges looking for? >> stretched out parallel to the floor. >> what happens if the stein dips a little bit, they get a warning? >> usually they do get a warning. >> what happens, one warning and you're out? >> in this case we'll do that, yes indeed. >> is this a case of mind over matter as we just heard the story or the big guy normally wins. >> come on kim, we're at 30 seconds. >> in most cases the big guy has not won and it's a surprise to everyone. >> take a look at some of our competitors in this section as particular, who stands out as a potential favorite. >> oh, right here.
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and over here. >> one down. >> kim's down. >> done. we're up on one minute right now. wait a second. look over here. is that a light beer? >> i'm going down. i'm going down. >> anybody -- oh, and hoda kotb is down. next champion here? how are you doing? >> he's doing beautiful. >> how is his form? >> perfect, got his hand on the side, hand straight out and one more thing. >> what's the record, jenna? >> spilling and ñiout, okay. >> the "today" show staff how is he doing? >> hand in pocket, is that allowed? >> al roker is still up. >> you see the beer shaking, mind over matter. >> roker is going down! >> look at this.
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roeker er ier i er ier i er ie. >> he's down. >> jenna wolfe by the way holding steady. the elbow okay? >> straighten it out girl. >> straight. arm straight. >> all right, we've lost some more back here. what is the running clock right now? 2:18. >> doing beautiful competitors are down here. is there a ladies division and man's division? >> jenna's down. >> jenna's still up. >> wait her arm is bent. >> ann, i think you've got to have it parallel. >> she's above. >> see -- >> oh! jenna wolfe! >> whoa, jenna wolfe can't hold
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her beer. >> our contestants are doing beautiful over here. everybody look. >> look on, ann. come on, ann! >> does it bother you when someone talks to you while you're competing? it does, okay. do you have a little itch right here? uh-oh, we have shaking going on here. oh. >> we are down two. >> the entire, ann has been genuinely held. >> i'm bending. i want to just drink it. >> we have two people left. >> what's your name, brian? you're shaking a little brian. hang in there, just you and one other guy. it's vlad, the past champion. it would be no crime to lose to him. coming up 3:50. brian and vlad.
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look at your posture. you're like a statue. is it starting to get heavy, vlad? it is, okay. brian looks like a rock down there. >> bring it up. >> brian is now hyperventilating, i want you to know this. root them on, guys. 4:30. >> he's got to bring that arm up. bring it right there, keep it straight there. beautiful. >> what's your record, vlad? nine minutes? it's only a four-hour show. brian, what's your record? what's your record, brian? >> what's your record, brian? >> 8:38. >> 8:38. >> we've got lots of shaking
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going on here. >> the world record is 20 minutes. >> bring that arm up. >> 20 minutes is the record. >> whoa, he's down and we have a winner. way to go, vlad. nicely done. what was the winning time? 5:06. congratulations to vlad, who defends his championship, congratulations to the "today" show competitors. lenny, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> that was a lot of fun. happy oktoberfest everyone. this is "today" onnen inning. nbc.
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it's hispanic heritage month. this morning up close and personal with one of the most
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spain us spanish women on television. lillian, you sat down with christina legge? >> you can't get much bigger than oprah, but in the hispanic world for decades, christina has also created her own media empire and now she's part of our nbc family. >> hi, "today" show. >> reporter: she has amused millions with her wit and savvy star quality and this sunday a new star-studded show on telemundo. >> congratulations on the new show and welcome to the family. >> reporter: among her first guests latino superstar pit bull. at 12, cristina fled cuba to start a new life in america,
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went on to become a one name brand with her radio network, magazine, furniture line and television studio. some refer to her as oprah with sal rah. >> we want to rent a studio in chicago and she goes this lady bills herself as oprah. that's not true. >> reporter: when the show hit its 15-year milestone an univision oprah acimagined cristina's impact. >> you not only amused, enterta entertained your audience but you've inspired the spanish language television. >> if you got on cristina's show, you're going somewhere really fast or been there for a long time and you're a big star. >> reporter: best friend gloria estefan says it's the hard-hitting interviews and unapologetic way tackling taboo
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topics that made her stand apart from the rest. what is her greatest contribution to hispanics? >> cristina put other image out there, people talking about so many subjects that weren't talked about in the hispanic world, like for example aids. >> i felt we had a bottle of champagne and unkorkd it. wow! >> reporter: celebrity guests like arnold schwarzenegger. >> arnold. >> reporter: now cristina is after the other woman, his alleged mildred baena. you're also working to get mildred on the show. >> i would love to know what happened because i think arnold is still in love with his wife. >> reporter: a wife, mother and grandmother, as she prepares for this new challenge cristina says family values are key to her success on and off the air. many latinas as myself learned it's not just possible to succeed and also have a family. that's an important value.
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>> you got it. if you can't put your arms around a career when you are 6'5", i know because i'm 6'3", if you do not spend time raising a family you'll end up with nothing. >> cristia says her show will have a more global outlook, more hollywood stars and a good dose of controversy. here is the good news, for all those english speakers out there, palate will be closed captioned so everyone can enjoy the same. >> thank you so much. she seems fascinating. >> she is. coming up next, great homes from around the country for under $250,000. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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sometimes you get competitive with people around you. >> yeah? >> hoda is co-hosting the fourth hour with kim kardashian, just walked here in a dress. i tell you -- >> i don't think it's because she's competitive. she's a beautiful woman, got to match. >> talk about your little black dress. >> stop it. >> apparently he's got the vapors. >> by the way, after that beer stein thing, kim goes i finally came in first at something, putting the beer down first. >> that's a good line. >> it's a lot harder than it looks. >> look at roker. >> ahh! >> my elbow was like bent,
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disqualified right there. >> mine was too bent. >> you bent your elbow a few times. >> she wished it was a bottle of wine. >> i wished it was a chugging contest because then i'd have a fighting chance. >> this guy is amazing. what did you say his record was? >> like nine minutes. somebody in the line said the world record is 20 minutes. >> he had a can of spinach right before. >> normally the people who do that competition have a couple beers first to take the pain away, you know? >> that's true. i didn't think about that. >> it would have been a lot more fun. just ahead, why do you get shorter as you get older and what that says about your overall health. >> we'll get to that. first your local news and weather. i have a bruise.
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>> good morning. i'm mindy basara. it is 8:55 a.m. of baltimore county police are searching for two armed men who allegedly broke into a town
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house and the woodlawn area sometime before 8:00 yesterday morning. investigators say the victim was investigators say the victim was
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>> good morning. what a beautiful morning? the sun is out, and little cool but it will warm up during the day. high pressure has cleaned out the eastern part of the u.s. stormy out to the west. it will take a few days for it to get here. sunday, seasonably while. 70-75 for the high. great for
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