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tv   11 News Today  NBC  October 10, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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pleasant weather and it is gorgeous outside. this is as good as it gets this kind of year. october has got off to a dry start. lee in the 50's out towards the western counties. -- mainly in the 50's. there are some areas of fog. as you head out, be careful and to be aware of some of those delays. we will see lots of sunshine this morning. we will warm up past 80 into this afternoon and into the 70's through the evening hours. now we go to traffic with sarah. good morning. >> not dealing with anything in the ways of delays. 57 miles per hour southbound on 95. a smooth ride as you make your way around the beltway. 57 on the west side. a nice start on the harrisburg
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expressway. 56 miles per hour coming down from shawan road and moving smoothly on the j.f.x. into town. southbound 95, 8 minutes down towards the harbor tunnel. 95 south, only 10 minutes. this is traffic on columbus day. later volumes so not in terms of delays on the west side. the key bridge is checking out ok on the east side of the beltway. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. back to you. >> thank you. a woman remains behind bars this morning and charged with starting a bizarre fight. >> her weapon of choice -- bleach and ammonia. kim dacey is live with more on the story. >> good morning. this walmart was evacuated on saturday morning.
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police say 33-year-old theresa jefferson got into a fight with another woman that spiraled out of control. authorities said she had an ongoing conflict with that woman. during the fight, police said jefferson threw bleach and ammonia on the woman. 19 people were taken to the hospital. only one was seriously injured. wal-mart employees cleaned up the mess. hazmat crews came in to make sure that it was safe. >> the problem was, with bleach and ammonia in a closed environment, they can be strong irritants to the eye and to the respiratory passages. so, from that standpoint and the fact that we were getting a lot of calls from throughout the store, we decided that it was best to call the hazardous materials team and evacuate the store. >> in a statement, wal-mart said this isn't the type of behavior they would expect from the people in their stores and apologized to the customers for
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the inconvenience. theresa jefferson was arrested and faces first- and second- degree assault. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. a hiker is recovering this morning after falling 30 feet in catonsville. the man was hiking through patapsco valley state park when he lost his footing and went over an edge. a special basket was needed to rescue the manned. >> we had six fire stations represented in the rescue. they were very well-trained and were able to rescue and bring the patient up back up the cliff and transporting him by land up the set of steps here. >> the victim was taken to shock trauma with not life threatening injuries. >> a man remains in serious
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condition following a shooting in the pimlico neighborhood. he was shot multiple times sunday morning near belvedere avenue. no word on a suspect or a motive. a similar fund is on after a shooting in west baltimore. somebody shot a man in a leg. he is listed in stable condition. >> something smelled funny during a routine traffic stop. it was marijuana. the driver and his passenger are both charged with possession with intent to distribute and are out on bail this morning. thousands of people are participating in occupy will street protests. kate amara has more on how their voices are being heard on capitol hill.
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>> it still lacks a unified message, but it is clear this movement is taking root well beyond new york. >> occupy wall street. >> as the occupy wall street protests enter their fourth week, there is no end in sight. the demonstrations have spread to cities across the country, gaining support and momentum through social media. >> i think it's really about grass-roots democracy. >> it's more real, it's more powerful than i ever could have imagined it. >> the movement that started by targeting corporate greed and social inequality has now evolved to include unemployment, the environment, and in the nation's capital, the war. reaction from official washington has been mixed. house democratic leader nancy pelosi says she supports the message to the establishment. >> we cannot continue in a way that is not relevant to their lives. people are angry. >> some republicans blamed president obama. >> some of them are there because they don't have a job,
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yes. but the fact of the matter is, why aren't there jobs? go and picket the white house. >> experts say these protests could become a liberal counterbalance to the tea party. kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. >> a testament to america's declining trade power in kansas city. 117 and the cargo containers have been stacked so they spell out usa on one side and iou on the other. hold an's cabinet will emergency meeting to discuss filing crashes -- violent clashes. christian say that during the protests come at the military used heavy-handed tactics against them.
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a journalist had decided to join the resistance. matthew vandyke dressed in fatigues and standing alongside rebel fighters. officials say they are concerned for his safety. administrator says many services are now available online. wait time have dropped to 20 to 22 minutets. essex office has the longest lines. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. what changes do you think should be made to improve service at the mva? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> 6:07. 56 degrees on tv hill. good news for used car shoppers.
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>> a kansas city community rallies in support of a missing infant. dirt's of strangers are springing into action -- hundreds of strangers are springing into action. >> we are looking for relatively calm weather across the mid- atlantic, sunshine, and warmer temperatures. changes are coming up in the middle of the week. >> we are monitoring the area
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>> welcome back.
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6:10, 64 degrees downtown. it is much cooler as you get outside the city. 53 in hagerstown. 55 in westminster. 55 in parkton. 59 in annapolis. we have some areas of fog. kent county, those schools are being delayed by an hour because of the fog. you could see if you slowdowns if you encounter some low visibility. we have a few high clouds pushing into the area. this will allow some sunshine into the day. it will be a bit hazy. high pressure is in control. it's still consume that trend even as we head back into the
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work week, but there are some big changes coming up. we do have a storm system that is around florida. a secondary storm is coming in from the west. these will push into the east and that will allow better rain chances from wednesday and beyond. enjoy this weather. we have mostly clear skies. 83 in central maryland. parts of the eastern shore into the mid 80's. we're expecting cool this morning. lunch time, mid 70's. 80's this afternoon with sonny unny r -- wunn weather. a few clouds start to push it late into the night.
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a storm system will eventually be heading our way with increasing clouds into tuesday and pretty rainy into wednesday. rain changes continue thursday and friday. >> good morning. we will check your morning commute. we do not have a lot to talk about. when accident at frankfurt avenue on the east side of the city. -- one accident at frankfurt avenue. 54 on the west side outer loop as you make your approach to interstate 70. 70 checking out 57 miles per hour eastbound. this is 70 at 29. delay free east and westbound. this is white marsh. southbound traffic building just slightly as you make your approach to the beltway northeast. a smooth start on the north
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side. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> thank you. dozens of people gather for a vigil for a missing infant in kansas city. someonein's pares say broke into the house and kidnapped lisa up from her crib. police say that the parents are once again cooperating with authorities. the foot of rain dumped over central florida leaves many homeowners stranded. many yards were completely submerged. one man did some cannot waterskiing. more storms are forecast -- one man did some canal waterskiing. a twister touched down in texas, tossing a crunching postal trucks. the path of the tornado was more than a mile long.
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one man was killed in a car accident. >> days after announcing the new iphone, sprint is launching a new network to accommodate what they hope is a surge new customers. there will stop selling phones that use the clear water network. they will switch networks to a faster network. if you're hoping to get the new iphone 4s, you better have preorder id. t. first round of preorder is sold out in the first day. 200,000 phones were sold in the first hours. you can still order the new iphone online. netflix strikes a deal for more contest. they will stream shows from amc networks.
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that will bring popular shows en.e "madm m " about 1 million subscribers dropped the service over the summer. jane king has the bloomberg business report. >> if you're looking to buy a car, used cars are getting cheaper. although disruption of new vehicles was disrupted because of the earthquake and tsunami. prices are easing. price is at the pump are also on the decline 00 prices at the pump are also on the decline. about $3.30 for regular.
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t tories on the european debt crisis -- continued worries on the european debt crisis. if your stock in your hotel room and wants to rent a movie, that will cost you more -- if your stuck in a hotel room and wants to rent a movie, it will cost you more. it can cost you more than $18 plus tax. at the new york stock this change, i'm jane king for wbal- tv 11 news. >> he sang "love me do" and said "i do" for the third time on
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sunday. paul mccarthy got married. the wedding took place at the same spot where paul mccormack married his first wife back in 1969. -- paul mccartney. fox has struck a deal with the voices of "the simpson." they had insisted on a substantial pay cut on the part of producers and voice actors. no word on the specifics of the deal. may have been it one hit wonder immortalized in australia. -- falco. climbed to the number-one spot on the u.s. spots. died in 1998 in a car accident.
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>> 6:18. 56 degrees on tv hill. one of those rare events on a monday. light traffic on a monday. >> you might be surprised to hear the final score of the sunday night football game. keith mills has highlights. >> don't forget to e-mail us your response to our water cooler question of the day. what changes do you think should be made to improve service at the mva? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. not bad out there ban. have an accident on the quayside at frankfurt avenue. 55 miles per hour on southbound 95 down from the white marsh area. problem free. speeds around 57 on the west side just past 795. up to speed as well. the j.f.x. is in good shape and so was the harrisburg expressway. we start near 295. south batch ever cares more volume in the southbound
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direction. -- southbound traffic. we're starting to see some brake lights in the southbound direction as you travel down towards the beltway. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> good morning. it is columbus day. a lot of the government workers have the day off. the kids still have to go to school. it will be around 60 degrees. there are some areas of patchy fog. county schools have a one-hour delay -- kent county schools will have a one-hour delay. that is the latest on the weather. is mills has sports -- keith mills has sports. >> that look like my class with nobody in it.
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the ravens report back to work this week. the ravens have a half-game lead in the afc north. the houston texans lost to the raiders one day after the death of al davis. was remembered in houston. -- he was remembered in houston. houston started early. this was a touchdown. 34-12, houston leads. raiders win. texans are 3-2 on the year. the green bay packers remain unbeaten. the big defensive end for the falcons did not play. no score early on. 7-0.
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packers scored 25 straight. aaron rodgers, one of the best quarterbacks. jones goes for a 75-yeard touchdown. 25-14, the packers win. the packers and the alliance of lions are the only unbeaten teams. game one to the brew crew. the brewers came back to win. ryan braun homers. 5-4 st. louis. prince fielder is playing out of
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his mind. 6-5 milwaukee. the brewers are not done. yuniesky betancourt -- he hits a home run. theywin 9-6. game two of the american league series was postponed because of rain. >> this is a great event tonight. purple evening when the players turn out to say thank you. the event is so that but you can see jennifer franciotti's reports tonight. >> they always have a good time. >> you are not allowed to come.
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>> find out what caused a police officer to open fire over the weekend. >> 8 walmart is evacuated and 90 people are said to a hospital. -- a walmart is evacuate. >> more reaction from the campaign trail on mitt romney's religion. >> a smooth ride so far on the major roads. we will update you on one accident in
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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to 11 news today. we're trying to get organized. we have a method to our madness. i am mindy basara. break out the flip-flops. >> it was a beautiful weekend. i wore a dress.
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54 right now at the airport. some areas are starting off with some fog. take it easy as you have on the roads. there could be low visibility. it will be cool start out the day. there are some big changes coming up in the seven-day forecast which includes some rain. >> thank you. walmart is back open for business after a bizarre fight breaks out between two women that sent 19 people to the hospital. >> kim dacey joins us live with more of what caused the store to be evacuated. >> the walmart was shut down for a couple of hours as crews were brought it. police have arrested the suspect.
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>> i wasn't really scared, but i have a baby, so i had to get out. >> shoppers at this washington boulevard walmart store were evacuated saturday when a fight between two women spiraled out of control. around 11:00 a.m., police say theresa jefferson, who had ongoing conflicts with the victim, followed her into the store to settle a score. >> a suspect grabbed whatever she could grab from the aisle at the time, and she ended up grabbing bleach and a bottle of ammonia and poured these on the victim as she was assaulting the victim dowm on the ground, continued to pour these on her. >> all of a sudden, they started saying that they needed to evacuate the store. >> the condition of the woman who was attacked is unknown, but 19 other shoppers were treated for their exposure. only one was seriously hurt, with bleach in the eye. officals say walmart employees cleaned up the mess, but hazmat crews came in to assess the area and make sure the store was safe to reopen. >> the problem was, with bleach and ammonia in a closed environment, they can be strong irritants to the eye and to the
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respiratory passages. so, from that standpoint and the fact that we were getting a lot of calls from throughout the store, we decided that it was best to call the hazardous materials team and evacuate the store. >> 33-year-old theresa jefferson now faces a laundry list of charges, including first- and second-degree assault, theft, and malicious destruction of property. walmart said this isn't the type of behavior they expect from peoples in their stores and apologized to customers for the inconvenience. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> a police officer is on administrative leave following a deadly shooting. police say the officer was hope street where he counted a man with a gun. the officer returned fire, hitting the person several times because they are in stable condition. the suspect and the victim were
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previously married. the detective is checking to see if there were any previous domestic violence incidents between them. >> the suspect died at the hospital. the name of the officer and the victim have not been released. >> the national aerospace museum 0 reopened yesterday. to roger protesters attempted to demonstrate against a droned exhibit -- 200 protesters attempted to demonstrate against a drone exhibit. >> it will then allegedly left her child on the side of the highway. police say she left her son on the shoulder after an argument and then drove off. she did not contact 911 to save
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her child was missing -- to say her child was missing. >> a religious controversy has erupted on the campaign trail. tracie potts has more on the morgan controversy that is creating headaches for rick perry. >> the dallas pastor who said mitt romney is part of a cult is defending his comments about mormons. >> they have their own founder and their own religious book outside of the bible. that makes them a theological cult by definition. >> he also said mormons aren't christians. opponents of mitt romney say it is a non-issue. test for't have a people when they go into the white house. >> we do believe in tolerance and liberty for all americans. >> it will not help us boost the economy. >> john huntsman called it a ridiculous side show.
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>> i have no idea what people are spending political time on this issue. >> rick santorum said mitt romney -- >> is pretty consistent in the values i share and that is what he should be judged on. >> voters are smart enough to separate their beliefs. some say questions about his faith will come up again. think he can get the nomination. >> mitt romney did not address these comments directly. in response to another speaker, mitt romney said that kind of poisonous language hurts the cause. tracie potts, wbal-tv 11 news. >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning to you. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. a few problems in the past few minutes. we start in edgewater. we have an accident.
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the bay bridge and check matt ok. a problem on the inner loop of the key bridge -- watch for delays. frankfurt avenue, watch for a crash. so far so good on the north side. not tracking any significant delays. volume is lighter than we normally see it. this is 295. outbound traffic moving pretty well. no problems to report in this area, 175. we do have a disabled vehicle in the view. a delay is creeping up behind it. may want to avoid the inner loop at the key bridge. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> good morning. i love those cars that ride down to the end of those plans. we're looking at the forecast. a beautiful day with lots of
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sunshine. 81 into the afternoon. we do have increasing clouds on wednesday. temperatures not bad this week but will see rain chances through friday and may be drying out into the weekend. >> thank you. 6:36. there are probably easier ways to jump into a body of water than this. but very few of them are as fine. we'll show you more, coming up. >> we are still taking your answers to our water cooler question of the day. what changes do you think should be made to improve service at the mva? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to s
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id s m ba llral,was id s unl m ba
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llral,was vet.veou >> ohio police have arrested an amish gang. the suspects were brought to jail on saturday. the violent hair cuts were meant
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to humiliate those amish who are accused of being weak in their faith. are being held on cash bond -- they are being held on cash bond. >> miracle of gravity. people design all kinds of contraptions and they run over a ramp and to see who takes the longest to fall. the show up in the spirit of fun -- plenty showed up in the spirit of fun. the when it traveled 40 feet -- the winner traveled 40 feet. is that somebody floating in the water? 56 degrees on tv hill.
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we will preview this weekend's baltimore running the festival. >> we will check your morning commute. there are some problems including one on the key bridge. >> we're talking about some areas of fog which could slow you down this morning. changes are coming up in the seven-day forecast. 54 at the airport. 54 at the inner harbor. a
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>> welcome back to 11 news today. a hiker is recovering after falling 30 feet in catonsville. the 24-year-old man was hiking with a woman on sunday when he lost his footing and went over the edge. the victim was taken to shock
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trauma. something smelled funny to troopers during a routine traffic stop. it was 9 pounds of marijuana. the driver and his passenger are both charged with possession with intent to distribute and they are out on bail this morning. if you want to get through the mva quickly, to not go to essex -- do not go to essex. many services are now available online, which is helping to lower wait time. wait time have dropped to 20 to 22 minutes. >> that brings us to your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> this morning we asked -- what changes do you think should be made to improve service at the mva?
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>> we will post more of your answers on the front page of away fromust days this year's baltimore running festival when 23,000 runners will take to the streets. >> we have the race organizer. a busy week for you. >> i know you like to keep things fresh for the runners which come back each year. a course change this year. >> every year we do a tinkering with the course. we're going through the zoo.
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the zoo folks are going to come out and bring some animals out. then we're going under under armour's headquarters, right between the buildings. it will be spectacular, make a big party of it. >> there are plenty of other defense. >> that is our secret. have the full marathon, the kids fun run, opting for everybody -- something for everybody. >> at the finish line, we're pretty will not for our party. 35,000 people in the shadows of m&t bank stadium. we have live music and interactive games. >> is there a way for the
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spectators to take part? >> it is a fan-friendly course. you can park at the stadium. it starts at the inner harbor, the half marathon. it is a relatively short walk. >> any advice for those watching their friends? >> take public transportation. light rail is an easy situation. it gets you right there to the stadium complex. go to the start line and you can see the culmination. >> going to the zoo and the under armour, is the course similar to the grand prix? >> we are 26.2 miles.
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have the school of rock. lodi's plank rock and roll music all day long -- little guys playing rock-and-roll music. >> will jack black be there? >> we like to grow smart. >> there is a purse for the professional racers. >> about what $45,000 this year -- about $145,ooo. 000. >> building and building and building every year. sometimes >> we will reach critical mass. that is part of our smart growth plan. >> we hope you have a good weather.
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>> thank you so much. you can watch completcoverage of the race from start to finish on wbal-tv. wayne gerry sandusky and kate amara -- join gerry sandusky and kate amara. >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning to you. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. there are a few things to watch for this morning. delays are not that bad because it is columbus day. we have an accident in edgewater. a disabled vehicle on the inner loop of the key bridge. getting better their bre. pretty much up to speed on the north and west side. problem free on the 83's. a nice ride on 70 in towards the
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beltway. this is old court road. outer loop traffic is moving without delay down towards edmondson. we switch over to the key bridge. the right lane has reopened and things moving much better on the key bridge. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> you do have to watch out for areas of fog. kent county schools have an hour delay because of the fog. we are seeing some flock at the airport. 93% humidity. tv hill, 100% humidity. 64 at the inner harbor. 46 in frederick. 57 in westminster. 50 degrees in hagerstown. you'll see that fog burned off to mostly sunny skies. a few clouds moving in from the south.
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moisture will be moving in from florida. we still have the sunshine today. this storm will make its way up the coast will combine with a storm system moved in from the west. that will keep us pretty rainy into the second half of the week. we have sunshine all throughout the state today. 74 in ocean city. parts of central maryland will get into the 80's. not much more than five knots. next high tide comes in at 6:41 this evening. a few clouds will starts to build. 50's overnight. still dry tomorrow. clouds will be increasing tomorrow. into wednesday, range chances continue into thursday and friday.
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we're calling for dry whether on saturday for the marathon. we are expecting cooler weather and i'm sure the runners will appreciate that. >> a fight between two woman breaks out at a baltimore county walmart. this sent 19 people to the hospital. kim dacey joins us live from landsdowne with that story. >> good morning. this walmart was evacuated and shut down for a couple of hours on saturday morning. police say around 11:00 a.m., 33-year-old theresa jefferson got into a fight with another woman that spiraled out of control. authorities say she had ongoing conflicts with that woman and followed her into the store to settle a score. during the fight, police say jefferson threw bleach and ammonia on the victim. 19 people were taken to the hospital for their exposure to the chemicals.
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only one was seriously injured with bleach in the eye. officals say walmart employees cleaned up the mess. hazmat crews came in to make sure the store was safe to reopen. theresa jefferson now faces the first and second-degree assault. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. 56 degrees on tv hill. >> we will come back and check the weather and traffic together before you head out to start your day.
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>> it is columbus day. >> it is lighter on the roads. we have a few problems. we have an accident in edgewater. the bay bridge looks great. no problems along the 50. 97 checking out ok. in the city, there is an accident at frankfurt avenue. the north side of checking in at 56. 53 on the west side. this is old court road. very light on the west side. this is york road. the harrisburg expressway in great shape from the maryland line all the way to the beltway. >> the weather will be nice today. >> we have a few high clouds.
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81 at this afternoon. clouds will be increasing tomorrow. i think the rain will hold off until tomorrow night. brain changes continue into the end of the week. it should be dry for the marathon on saturday. do not forget, tune to am 1090 to hear traffic and weather together on the fives. >> looking for more weather and traffic, join us for 11 news at 7:00 p.m. >> you'll find more local news and you can find it on verizon firos. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we will be back with a live update at 7:25. >> have a great day. >> follow breaking news and weather any time at, and stay connected with us on facebook and twitter.
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