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tv   Today  NBC  November 2, 2011 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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we're back now, 9:00 on a wednesday morning, it's the second day of november, 2011, chilly in the northeast but nice people sticking around all morning long, maybe a little more bundled up than we're used to seeing them but that is appropriate. two of us out here are bundled up this morning. i'm matt lauer along with ann curry. al roker and tamron hall is here while savannah is on assignment. >> let's get bundled up. >> we're bundled up on the inside.
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>> that's why we don't wear our coats, easy human handwarmers. >> i'll keep my hands on you. >> those aren't pillows. >> oh, no. >> we are going to be talking about kim kardashian, making her first comments now since she announced she's filing for divorce from kris humphries after just 72 days of marriage. she says she married for love, and it was not a publicity stunt. her mom, kris jenner, joins us in the studio this morning. she also says this was not a publicity stunt. we're going to hear much more from kris jenner coming up. >> all right, also just ahead with the news coming out of europe, giving jitters to the markets, in "today's money 911" is more important than ever, our team is asking questions on everything from the best investment to grow your retirement savings to the best online tools to help you save and budget for expenses like your child's education. >> ever want to get up and go? >> yes.
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just go, go away get a great escape, within the driving distance of a major metropolitan area so you don't have to go too far? we have ideas that should be a lot of fun. >> look at the foliage. >> ooh. everybody, ooh! >> we are just discussing bundling up, it is that time of the year where you start to whip out your cozy coats, but maybe your fashion's changed from the bright colors to a little ruffle, a pizazz, the same color ann has on right now. it's fashionable as always. >> who knew? >> you knew. >> the fashionista. >> i have no idea what i'm doing. >> we're going to look at great coats for every body type under $150. isn't that great? i love that coat. >> natalie is standing by at the news desk with the headlines. >> good morning again everyone. facing a public backlash, bank of america has scrapped plans to charge customers $5 a month for using their debit cards on purchases. more than 300,000 people had
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signed an online petition urging bank of america to drop the debit fee. some had already closed their accounts. amid the sexual harassment allegations surrounding gop presidential hopeful herman cain, one of his two accusers now wants to come forward and speak out. her attorney says he's working to get a confidentiality agreement waived. "the new york times" reports one of the accusers was paid a year's salary in severance followed an alleged encounter with cain in the late 1990s. today, tributes are pouring in for dorothy rodman, the mother of secretary of state hillary rodman clinton. she died deuce at the age of 92. andrea hitchle hmitchell has mo. >> reporter: whether at the white house or on the campaign trail -- >> my mother, dorothy rodman. >> reporter: dorothy rodman was always at her back. >> i wouldn't be here without my
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mother. >> reporter: her childhood shaped her daughter's values. >> i thought of what my own mother went through in her life as a child, born to teenage parents who couldn't take care of her, and when she was 8, she and her little sister were sent alone on a train across the country to stay with relatives. my mother was basically abandoned as a young girl, and by the age of 13, she was on her own. >> reporter: it was dorothy rodman who first taught a young hillary how to stand up to neighborhood bullies. >> she met me at the door and said there is no place for cowards in this house. you have to go back outside and handle your problems. >> reporter: after her husband's death in 1993, hillary's mother became a more frequent presence in washington and on clinton campaigns. >> there's only one person in the world that can really tell the truth about a man, and that's his mother-in-law. what i would like people to know about hillary is what a good person she is. >> reporter: seven years ago in a rare interview, mother and daughter talked to oprah about
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their special bond. >> i just have to say that people ask me all the time how i do this or how do i survive that, and it's really because of her. and the example she set and the encouragement she gave me. >> what were your dreams for her when she was a little girl? what were your dreams? every mother has a dream for her daughter. >> um-hum. my dream was that she would fulfill her potential, whatever that was. >> reporter: and her daughter did, growing up to be first lady and secretary ostate. >> ms. rodman was a remarkable person. anybody who knows her history knows what a strong, determined and gifted person she was. >> reporter: an inspiration to two generations of clinton women. >> my grandmother has had a remarkable life and overcame challenges when she was a child that i cannot even imagine. >> and that beautiful report was from nbc's andrea mitchell. a new study finds that women
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who are described as light drinkers increase their risk of developing breast cancer. it found women who averaged three to six drinks a week throughout the study had a 15% higher chance of breast cancer than non-drinkers had. earlier studies had also found a link between breast cancer and heavy drinking. the study is in today's "journal of the american medical association." reality center kim kardashian is insisting she married for love as she fights allegations her marriage was a sham. >> certainly wasn't a sham, certainly wasn't something for tv. we have enough going on, you know, on our show that we don't have to make things up. i mean she really felt like she was in love with him, and you know, it was an amazing time, and for this to be, for all of us that were watching, i had no idea there was a problem at the time, and you know, it saddens
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all of us, it saddens me to think one of the rumors is that we sold the television rights for millions of dollars, not true. we profited or she profited from the wedding, absolutely false. we got paid -- >> they did not make $20 million? >> absolutely not. >> for this wedding, how much did they make. >> they made money for the pictures sold and things like that but at the end of the day that money went toward the wedding and kim had to pay a great deal of money at the balance owed for the wedding which she was delighted to do because that was her fairytale wedding. >> are you saying she owed money for the wedding? in other words she actually paid for the wedding? >> absolutely, yes. >> the $2 million ring who gets it in. >> first of all, i mean come on t wasn't a $2 million ring. i'm here to say that as well. you write it down, you say it out loud and suddenly it's a fact. >> so i just said something that was inaccurate? >> that's right. it was not $2 million, it was less than half of that. i don't really know the exact price. i didn't buy the ring, but some
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of these reports are so outrageous, and everybody gets so carried away. >> you don't know who gets the ring at this point? >> well, it's none of my business, to be honest with you because it was a gift, but i don't know and i'm sure they'll work that out as soon as they get back and i know that kim just plans on making very generous contributions to a really deserving charity when she gets home, and trying to make that right, because she feels really bad about that. >> and we'll have much more with kris jenner coming up in the next hour. it is now eight minutes past the hour. let's go over to al and get a check of your weather. al? >> thank you very much, natalie. here we go, as far as your weather is concerned, we are looking at a big storm continuing out in colorado, high pressure builds in, low pressure moves out, in between, we've got some blizzard-like conditions this morning in denver, blizzard warnings, winter storm warnings and weather advisories in nebraska. about three to six inches of snow, generally one to three will
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>> good morning. it is a little on the chilly side. it will turn out to be a nice day. sunshine is our forecast. ♪ somebody called 911, sure the fire burning on the dance floor, whoa ♪ time for another installment of "today's money 911" where we field your financial questions and get them answered. farnoush tarabi author of "psych yourself rich" and david bach the author of "debt free for the life" and founder of and sharon epperson, cnbc's personal
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finance correspondent. >> good to be here. >> right to the phones, amy on the phone, she's calling in from fairfax, virginia. good morning, amy. >> caller: hi, good morning. >> what's your question? >> caller: well, my husband and i recently moved to the virginia area for his new job, and in doing so, i had to leave mine. currently my 401(k) money that has been saved with the company's program is there and do i, my question is do i leave the money there to continue growing until i find a new job or do i transfer it to another program such as one through my bank or auto insurance company in the meantime? what is the better thing to do? >> probably a lot of people going through this. >> good question. surely you could leave the money in the 401(k), at your old employer but if you want more control over your investment, what i would do is do a direct rollover into an individual retirement account. the best part there is you have a variety of investments, a lot more options for you as opposed to your old employer's investment offerings. it's tax deductible, you can
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contribute up to $5,000 a year. the one thing you want to make sure that does not happen, amy, is that money touches your hands. you want to ask for what's called a direct rollover. if you somehow get a check, the cut from your employer of the money in your 401(k), you will face severe penalties to the tune of 40%. >> wow. >> if you do get the check, because sometimes it happens, where they require it at checkout, you have 60 days to roll it into an i.r.a. account. >> you may want to do a low cost brokerage firm. financial institutions are fine but you might want to look at t. rowe price, fidelity, vanguard. >> thanks, amy. we have liz in st. louis on the phone. good morning, what's your question? >> caller: good morning. i try really hard to budget my money and i use a graph from excel to try to help me keep track of it but so far it hasn't really been effective. i read an article about online websites that can help you track your money, and since i had my identity stolen once, i'm super careful with all of my information.
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is there a safe website that i can use to track my finances or keep up with the budget? >> dave, what do you say? >> great question. here's what i would recommend, two websites that i like that use the same encryption technology that banks use and that is, and both websites, it's called 128 encryption, i have no idea what that means but here's what it does, pulls your information from your bank accounts, broker accounts, credit cards and checking and shows you everything on one screen shot so you can see where all of your money is going, much easier than an excel spreadsheet where you manually put everything in. if you're ultraparanoid and don't want to have it online, what you can do is download your brokerage and bank statements into a software program like quicken, happens to be quicken actually the same company, into it, owns you can have quicken on why are computer, and download on your computer. if it's a laptop, you have to make sure your laptop is protected. i think and
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two great resources. >> or go low-tech and use an abacus. let's move to cheryl in royal oak, michigan and she's got an e-mail she writes, "can you repay student loans with 529 money?" that's interesting. sharon? >> 529 college savings plans that money is tax free when you take it out for qualified higher education expenses. now that includes tuition, room and board fees, books, computers, but unfortunately, the irs does not see student loan repayments as part of those qualified higher education expenses. it would seem to me it makes sense you're using this money to pay for college, it should be included. the irs doesn't agree. >> because it would make sense. then you change the law. >> do we have time for one more e-mail? we do not. we got to go. >> oh! >> oh. >> i'll be online later. >> that's right farnoush and david bah and sharon epperson. thank you.
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farnoush is sticking around for a live web chat, head to today.c are we there yet? five affordable road trips for a long weekend getaway. later on, winter coats easy on the eyes and the budget and flatter any figure. but first, these messages. like kenmore, craftsman, nordictrack, die hard, samsung... and our gifts will be top notch. our wrapping? that's another story. only sears has this collection of leading brands you can't find anywhere else. now that's real joy, guaranteed. sears. when you buy a 6-inch sandwich before 9am. that's right, buy one, get one free! it's everything you'd expect from the sandwich experts! hurry in before 9am to get your free sandwich!
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i'm home. [ kids ] hi mom. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your shiny surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. kills germs. dries clear.
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being sent to the back of a freezer. and it's all because someone said "tacos." old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. ♪ get away this morning on "today's travel" fast and affordable road trips, if you feel like you just want to get up and go somewhere, who doesn't right now, but
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you're not really sure where to go, we've got five great destination force a perfect weekend ascape. neil nilou mutamed, for "travel & leisure" magazine, good morning. >> good morning. for october we picked five trips, accessibility from a big city so everyone could do them and affordability, we wanted something accessible on all fronts. >> let a's go to our five getaway locations. first, this one is not far from new york city. >> no. >> two and a half hours. i think al roker has a house here, you can bump into al in columbia county. >> whenever i'm up there i seem to run into al. if you want mayberry, the quintessential new england experience it's great to go up to columbia county, almost the breadbasket of new york, and so a lot of our farmers and farmers' markets the people come from this town.
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a great place to stay is kinder hook farm. this is an actual working farm on 1,200 acres. if you go with kids you can stay in one of the barns for $300, a family of four and in the morning collect eggs, you can pick vegetables, you can make your own supper based on all of the things you picked and feels like you're going back to the land which a lot of people are looking for these days. also a big local food movement up there, restaurant in pine plains called agri turismo, great sheep herders and this is a great destination for a foodie getaway. >> nothing like fresh eggs you collect first thing in the morning. >> i agree. >> it's fantastic. next getaway near los angeles on the west coast and a lot to do, and the hotel that you picked is the hotel lautner. >> this is an interesting destination. desert hot springs, only 15 minutes away from palm springs which a lot of people know, is aa little bit more ritzy.
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for a more bow bohemian vibe lautner is just redone and they're offering $200 a night and the combination is it's boutique hotel and apartment rental. there's lots of great amenities but don't feel like you're staying in a hotel. you can go hiking and there are joshua trees close by and the incredible geothermal hot springs. if you need after a long day of hiking to go somewhere and relax, this is the plais to go. >> you goet it all there. next, let's just go outside the nation's capital to cull pepper, virgin cu culpepper, virginia, a lot of adult trips. >> a lot of times we think about wine trips and we go to california. we named virginia as one of the top five wine rising destinations in the world.
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an hour and a half from d.c. you stay at the hotel called suites 249 and if you call ahead they'll stock your mini bar with local bubbly and then you can just drive around, there's beautiful foliage, right at the foothills of the blue mountains, and so -- >> blue ridge. >> blue ridge mountains and some of the wineries we love are lynden and gray goat. >> i love the look of the hotel, modern and chic. >> cool williamsburg feeling but contemporary environment. >> not far from atlanta to chattanooga, tennessee, you like the chattanoogan. >> i love it because it's a perfect advantage to take advantage of everything chattanooga offers. what do you go there for? >> yes, what do you go there for? >> the amazing antebellum southern charm but progressive city with great culture scene and arts scene and very ecofocused. if you want to go to the museum district they have the 100
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museum, an incredible american art collection and also great galleries and music, music at night. whatever kind of music you're looking for they have it there. >> last location from minneapolis, if you're an actech turl lov architectural lover you want to head to mason city, iowa. >> if to the frank lloyd wright hotel in mason city, the only remaining hotel that frank lloyd wright built in 19 10e, that has been reopened just recently, with an $18 million renovation, and it's called the historic park inn hotel. you can literally stay in a piece of american history, if you go to mason city, which has a population of only 29,000 people and yet is a huge architectural destination. >> looks like a lot of vineyards there which we love. thanks so much. coming up, having your steak and eating it too, two low-calorie high flavored meals in "today's kitchen" but first these messages. hey, check it out. she's using the mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber. i've heard of it, but i haven't seen one up close.
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what's the word around the sink? that it removes 3 times more soap scum per swipe, and it came from outer space. it is not from outer space! no, man, it's from outer space. they're aliens on an intergalactic cleanliness mission. they're here to clean up the universe. oh, the kitchen scrubbers are aliens, too? yeah, look at that greasy kitchen mess. everybody's in on the cleanspiracy, man. i can't even trust myself. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser kitchen and bath scrubbers. the clean is out of this world. it's good. honey, i love you...
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oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. come new expressions of the elegance lifestyle. fullfill your dream today with savings on all accessories... and select furnishings or 36-month financing. the drawer closes on these offers november 30th. vo: a breakfast worth waking up for. enjoy the sausage, egg and cheese croissan'wich today. only at burger king. we ask total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger,
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you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. you kids almost ready? i've got breakfast waiting for you. whoo! uh-oh. what? mom's doing her exercise video again. when mom's on a health kick, all of us are. and now she's made us breakfast. uh-oh. ♪ [ male announcer ] eggo nutri-grain waffles. you know it's made with 8 grams of whole grain and is a good source of fiber. all they know is it tastes great. eggo nutri-grain waffles. simply delicious.
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coming up, whether you're trying to hide your hips or shrink your waist, we'll show you flattering coats for every body shape. and more with the mother of the kardashian clan, kris jenner on the divorce and the publicity. but first your local news and weather. come in for olive garden's new stuffed rigatonis, hearty pasta stuffed with a blend of five italian cheeses. for just $11.95 try the rigatoni with grilled chicken in a roasted garlic alfredo. or for just $9.95 try the rigatoni with sausage in tomato alfredo. both served with our unlimited fresh salad or homemade soup and warm breadsticks. so grab a table tonight at olive garden. when you're here you're family. quaker oatmeal is a super grain. ♪ it gives me warmth. ♪ [ boy ] it gives me energy to help me be my best.
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quaker oatmeal has whole grains for heart health. and it has fiber that helps fill me up. ♪ [ male announcer ] great days start with quaker oatmeal. energy. fiber. heart health. quaker oatmeal. a super grain breakfast.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> any fog out there this morning should be burning off quickly. as we head into the afternoon, we expect pleasant conditions. sunshine, light winds, high temperatures in the upper 50's and low 60's. slight chance for rain on friday. dry weather through sunday.
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♪ the hills are alive with the sound of music ♪ ♪ with songs they have sung for a thousand years ♪ little known fact, they shot that in brooklyn. for millions of fans, yes. they will always remember julie andrews, of course the singer, actress, also mom has done so much more in her accomplished career, she's going to be here tomorrow on "today" to tell us
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all about it, including a big award she just received. >> i love your factoids of the day. coming up in the half hour the surprise snowstorm last weekend was a sure sign that the cold weather is here, and not going anywhere, so if you're looking to are a new coat to stay warm, we'll show you great finds to compliment your figure, whether you're curvy or petite. i love this, all under what, 150 bucks. i'd love that coat, christmas around the corner. >> the color would look great on you. >> you better call your mom. then a touching story from michigan, where a team of high school football players battle it out on the field to help those battling cancer in their community, a very personal story, for a lot of players. we'll tell you all about it. >> something special. we're going to head into "today's kitchen" cooking up
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easy meals full of flavor but not full of fat. we'll be making steak two ways for less than 400 calories a serving. >> really? how do they do that? we'll find out. first al has a check of the weather. >> first of all, for today, we're expecting to see some more snow back through the rockies, santa ana winds in southern california, afternoon showers move into the pacific northwest. rain into the central plains and great lakes. sunshine up and down the eastern seaboard. the rain tomorrow moves into northern new england, into the mid ohio river valley. >> good morning. it will be a nice wednesday. we have plenty of sunshine. there could be some frost to start today.
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>> and that is your latest weather. >> thank you, al. coming up next, figure-friendly coats to keep you warm and in style for the cold months ahead, right aafter this. ♪ ...there are no sick days. ♪ vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. [ snoring ] [ indistinct talking on tv ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies with hershey's chocolate chips. for a moment of warm, gooey, togetherness.
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chocolate chip cookies... from pillsbury. [ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. live garden. hidden valley ranch, now for just $6.95 enjoy a half pressed panini with unlimited salad or a half pressed panini with unlimited soup. choose from three great varieties like grilled chicken caprese. it's our new half panini lunch. just $6.95. only at olive garden. gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research, everybody likes more cash.
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well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] ♪ i simply must go ♪ baby, it's cold outside
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♪ the answer is no on requested today's style" flattering coats for all figures. jackie has stylish options that won't leave you looking bulky and break the bank. i feel like -- >> it sounds so mellow, i love it. >> we always worry about coats with women adding bulk to our bodies. we'll look at different body styles but what is the number one thing? >> make sure it's streamlined and flatters your figure. the coat is the first thing people see. you can have the plainest outfit underneath but a statement coat makes a difference. >> "the coat is your car" is a statement for women. do you need to spend a lot of money to look good? >> absolutely not. you can wear a lower priced coat, pump it up with great accessories as long as you get the right silhouette for you. we have five different body types you picked out great options for the models here, first up, if you want to i guess
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hide your hips and this is a body type, pear body shape, what do you do? >> if you want the camouflage, we have a coat for you. this is drawing the eye up with the faux fur collar so we've got a slim wil set and a slight a-line and the a-line is balancing off if you have a heavier bottom eye, drawing the eye upwards and balancing out to create a perfect shape here. underneath you would never have any idea what shape hee is. >> and the belt also helps. >> i've got a lot of coats with belts because belts create a waist. if you're worried about looking slimmer and trimmer, add a belt. it creates a curve and carve waistline for you. a great a-line shape with a faux fur collar. >> sandy, you are rockin' that better than j. lo would.
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that's her coat company. petite and perfect i love this, natalie and i were talking about this coat. >> great cobalt color, something about petites a lot of girls don't want to feel overwhelmed. make sure the length is not too long so it's not drowning you, make sure you've got some feminine pieces, a little bit of a puffed sleeve to give that curved shape to it but not too long and the bright color makes a bold statement so you don't have to do boring black or camel. you can do a vibrant shape. >> and you can mix in scarves, that is a neutral chlorine thou color, even though it's bold. >> if you're we pete the puffy coats that are popular is that out? >> you can wear a puffy coat but make sure it's in proportion to your size. you wouldn't want to wear a long puffy coat because it looks like a giant puffy mumu.
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? a full figured look and i love this style, you're rockin' it. why does this work on her, jackie? >> we love a french especially in a bold animal print, a lot of full figured women are frightened of animal prints. it's a trend, serves as a neutral. if something like this makes such a statement you can wear it over a plain coat, it's got the belt so it gives her more of that silhouette, not too long so it doesn't overwhelm here, pair it with a bright, fabulous bag, all of the designer bags are 80% off at my favorite website, pair this over something very simple, a great wil seilhouette hit. >> you look great. next up color, color, color, brighten up the world with this one. tell us about it. >> it's all about the cape. we were talking about capes are really great silhouette for anybody. the trick to wearing a cape,
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make sure the bottom half is a slimmer slender. you wouldn't want to wear volume with volume. makes you look bigger. >> this hits her at her hips. >> it's a flattering shape, really anybody can wear this silhouette as long as they wear it with a slimmer bottom half. it's a great shape if you want to wear something baggy underneath. not too fitted. i have yet to meet a woman who doesn't look good in red. >> you look fantastic with the red lipstick. next look and final one is creating curves. how do you do that? >> it comes with a great belt and ruffle. the back of the detail has pleating on the back, gives more shape to her body but the epilettes gives her more shape. it adds more detail. the button details add visual element to t widening the shoulders, narrowing the waist, a nice bit of pleating in the back. >> let's bring out all of the
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mod models. you make me enjoy cold weather and i really don't like cold weather. ladies, thank you so much. still to come in "today's kitchen" steak dinners that are hearty and healthy. up next, high school football players go the whole nine yards to help those in need, after this. i got this citi thank you card and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] write your story with the citi thankyou premier card, with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at are hidden in the contours of your teeth & tongue. introducing a breakthrough for aquafresh. new extreme clean pure breath action. its micro active foam
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penetrates those hard to reach places. and it now contains a mineral compound that captures and neutralizes bad breath odors giving you 80% cleaner, purer breath. for all the confidence of pure breath try new extreme clean pure breath action from aquafresh.
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carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. flavored with real honey. powerful cold medicine that leaves out artificial flavors and dyes and instead uses something more natural, honey. new vicks nature fusion cold & flu.
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♪ when you buy a 6-inch sandwich before 9am. that's right, buy one, get one free! it's everything you'd expect from the sandwich experts! hurry in before 9am to get your free sandwich!
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we're back now the story of a high school football team in michigan which has something more than its winning record to be proud of. each year, one game is played to support the local community and the friends, family and neighbors who are battling cancer. more now from nbc's kevin tibbles. >> reporter: on one friday night each year the town of lowell, michigan, turns pink. fans of the high school football team don their pinkest attire and the red arrows as they're usually called become the pink arrows, taking to the field not just to beat the other team, but a more formidable opponent. >> we're going to go out and try to beat cancer. that's pretty much what this game means. >> reporter: the name on the back of each player's pink jersey is not their own but that of someone who has faced the disease. >> put someone else's name on your back, it's humbling, you're
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playing for someone. >> reporter: titan anderson is playing for his dad, who has kidney cancer. >> i want to go out and impress my dad and show him how hard i've worked and how much this game and what his illness has done for me. it motivates me more than any other game because i really want to play hard and show him how hard i've worked. >> reporter: gabe gorman plays for his late mother, who never told him she had cancer. >> i can't even put into words how much how big this is for me and my family. >> reporter: in today's world, you don't have to cast your net very wide to find someone, a friend, a neighbor, a family member, who has had a battle with cancer, and the lowell, michigan, high school, with its 1,200 students, is no different. >> most people you know are affected by cancer, and i mean, i can't think of a person on this team who doesn't know someone. >> reporter: the money raised is kept within this tight-knit community to help people offset the enormous cost of treatment, people like 3 1/2-year-old
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cancer survivor claire block and her family. >> i till don't know if the young people actually realize what they're doing and how it affects us. >> to have a community that wraps their arms around the people in the community, to take care of them, it's just such a special feeling. >> reporter: when head coach noel dean came up with the idea he saw it as a way of giving back and also a powerful teaching tool for the young men in his charge. >> we always have a saying in our program is that real men are going to help people necessarily what can't help themselves. >> reporter: the pink arrow game in his fourth year has raised almost $900,000. cheering on the team from the stands, little claire block and her family. runningback gabe gorman is sure his mom is cheering, too. you think your mom would be proud of the kids at the high school? >> oh, yeah, she's proud of everyone that's supporting it, proud of just everything that goes on.
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>> touchdown arrows. >> reporter: on the field, the pink arrows easily beat the competition 42-7, knowing they have taken another big step towards tackling this dreaded disease. for "today," kevin tibbles, nbc news, lowell, michigan. >> by the way the red arrows are 9-1, and they will play in the district finals this friday night, so we send our best to them. coming up next, beef, it's what's for dinner but first this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ 3w5d to the bone, bad to the bone ♪ this morning in "today's kitchen what's for dinner" steak for dinner. healthy meals using a few ingredients and all under 400
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calories, robin, author of "robin takes 5." >> robin takes 5, five recipes, five ingredients or less, 500 calories or less. >> five, five, five, five, okay. what are we starting with? >> you can have phenomenal meals. amber beer braized steak with gorgonzola. we have beautiful steaks, seasoned them with salt and pepper. we pulled them out, they're resting. >> how long in the pan? >> one to two minutes per side because they're going in to braize with beer. you can get them thicker, too. we have some leeks, a sweet onion. >> cooking it in what? >> steak juice, an amber beer. when you think about it when the alcohol mostly cooks off you're left with the flavor so you want a good, rich, deep, dark beer.
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a little bit of beef broth. >> yes. >> ooh that smells good already. put the steaks back in. >> okay. >> you less that braise until it's cooked through. this is so thin it will be short. put it on a plate with the leeks on top and gorgonzola crumbles, five ingredients, 371 calories there. >> who is counting exactly? all right next. >> ooh, i can get the peppercorn. >> yes, mmm. >> a flank steak. >> and it is an economical cut of beef. >> super lean, economical, super easy to work with. this is called peppercorn malange you get it in the spice aisle. crush them, put them in a plastic bag and crush them with a mallet. you better stand back, i can feel the heat. salt and pepper on this side, we'll flip it. you have those tongs? gorgeous. now so we don't smoke it up we'll turn it down.
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to do the creamy caesar sauce, buttermilk, parmesan cheese, five ingredients, garlic powder, boom, there's our creamy caesar sauce. i'll show you how we put it together. isn't this beautiful? you let it rest and cut it across the grain. >> and drizzle this? >> can you smell it, even just the garlic and the parmesan, that's your flank steak with a creamy secaesar sauce. side dish of artichokes, salad roasted pepper, parmesan cheese oregano and scallions. >> and tiramisu. >> gingerbread tiramisu, ginger snap cookies, dipped in espresso, cinnamon on top and five ingredients or less, too. so there's 500 of my favorite desserts, it's low calorie. >> worked out for you perfectly. >> yeah. >> i put all the best in there. >> you did. we'll taste to prove it. >> so good. >> thank you so much, robin. this is great. what have you got coming up?
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>> the best. coming up, more from kardashian mom kris jenner about her daughter kim. >> hard to talk and eat. >> it's so creamy. sticking to the roof of my mouth. >> mmm. >> after your local news and weather. we're mesmerized by this. bottom line here, sorry. plus your local news and weather. did i say that is this. >> you did. [ mr. connally ] i was paying too much with cable.
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