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tv   Today  NBC  November 22, 2011 9:00am-10:00am EST

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♪ now darling, its tee late and we are back now more of "today" on this tuesday morning, it is the 20, what is it -- >> 22nd. >> 22nd. >> 22nd day of november. >> he's distracted because he's coming in for a kiss. >> we wanted to thank carole king and a great band. thank you folks very much for sharing part of your holiday spirit with us.
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>> you did such a great job, all of you this morning. savannah, this is carole. >> sorry, we're having a moment. >> one more song! >> we wish you the very best for the whole day. >> thank you. and to all of you too, and all of you, too. >> we'll see you next week, you come back for another show? >> yes, i am. >> all right. she can do "jazz man." >> "today's professionals" are back. >> they're back and full of opinions. we'll take an opinion on politicians going on the late night shows, we'll ask the question is this a good idea or does it sometimes backfire, and then the issue of how long does it take you to get ready? there are men, there are women, and then there's donny deutsch, who is in a category all his own. donny, star and nancy will be here. apparently it takes men longer to get ready and primp. >> donny, how long underneais uh
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the bus look? >> he has wonderful hair. >> jill martin is here with the often duplicated but never equal "steals and deals" from stylish men's coats to luxurious leather bags. some items more than 80% off. >> in addition to carole king being a good sport standing out here while we're talking about, this natalie morales has a check of the top stories. >> good morning to you guys once again and good morning, everyone. it's being called a super failure as a special deficit reduction super committee has been unable to hash out a debt deal, with no bipartisan deficit reduction deal, deep automatic cuts are set to go into effect in 2013. monday night president obama said he would veto any legislation that tries to block some $600 billion in automatic cuts to the national defense budget. egyptians are calling for a second revolution and a million-man march on cairo's tahrir square today as the death toll from violence between police and protesters reaches at
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least 29. more than 1,700 people have been wounded as the fighting enters its fourth day. the cabinet offered its resignation but the military hasn't said yet whether or not it will accept. tens of thousands of protesters paraded coffins and handed effigies in cairo today as tensions mount as we look at live pictures there. the chancellor at the university of california davis says she feels horrible about the pepper spraying incident that has sparked widespread outrage and calls for investigations. chancellor linda katehi had to be escorted away as she tried to apologize to demonstrators on campus as students, faculty and community members shouted for her resignation. meantime a new protester encampment popped up on the site of the pepper spraying incident as the police chief was put on administrative leave. from the bargain aisles of black friday to walking down the aisle. three years ago trevor and
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jessie met outside a target line. that is what i call power shopping. it is now four minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to al for a check of your weather. she got a good deal. >> not too shabby. let's check it out, as far as your weather, is that going to be a good deal or not? we've got severe storms from houston all the way up to cincinnati as far into the carolinas, possibility of tornadoes, a lot of airport delays from today into tonight, new york city, washington, st. louis, houston, chicago, out west, seattle and portland having problems as well. look at all that rain making its way, coming all the way up from texas on up into the northeast, we're expecting heavy rain, making its way in travel trouble spots tomorrow along the eastern seaboard and the pacific northwest. that's what's going on in the good morning. we have some fog and light rained again. off and on showers are likely through this evening.
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>> and that's your latest weather. time now for our annual "today" show toy drive and we have always been helped by the very nice folks at cheerios and this year is no exception. we've always had fine folks coming in helping being our elves. if you can't get here, you can always go to our website, we'll tell you about that in a bit. we welcome meredith tidereau from cheerios and daughter abbie. nice to see you. >> thanks so much. happy holidays. >> cheerios have been terrific to us. >> we love being part of the toy drive, this is our tenth year so we're happy to be back. >> what are you guys doing this
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year? >> this year we are donating 200,000 children's book to the "today" show toy drive and this is, we're actually donating 50,000 of them especially to go to military families in honor of our cheer campaign. we wanted to make sure we were acknowledging these special families through this program, and we're actually right now you can send wishes, good cheer and good wishes to families with the postcards off of boxes of cheerios. >> fantastic. are you thankful this thanksgiving, abbie? >> yes. >> thank you to all of the nice folks at cheerios. >> that's your latest weather. now back inside to savannah. ♪ and i'll be taking care of business every day ♪ now to "today's professionals," our panel of power players weighing in on some more hot topics, star jones is an attorney and author, donny deutsch and nancy snyderman nbc's chief medical editor. >> hi, darling.
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>> happy thanksgiving. let's start with a phenomenon on the campaign trail, not exactly new but we certainly see a lot of candidates doing this, including president obama going on late night television. i wonder what you all think of this concept. do you think it's a good idea, star? >> i'm a bit of a fuddy duddy in this regard. in case you're not surprised, we're pretty serious issues in the united states right now and i'm just not convinced that's the best use of the time of the candidates for the highest office in our land. >> i'm glad you're not managing anybody's campaign. i work with clinton in '92 and he started the ball rolling with the sax. >> he did it. richard nixon did "sock it to me, sock it to me." >> this is why we get to see them as people. if you think about the debates and the news, those are synthet synthetic, so this is where they talk, make fun of themselves. it can backfire, i think cain looked completely lost on letterman. its he a natural thing now to do
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it. >> does this overemphasize the fact that candidates are seeking out these venues as opposed to more serious ven views. >> it's not either/or. if you want to read -- young people don't watch news, that's the only way to get to them. >> during the time they're supposed to be serious they often look like buffoons. they look like larry, curly and moe. >> it's important to put the real person forward so we can see them. they have to know when not to answer certain questions. when president clinton didn't know whether to say boxers versus briefs, it was a whoops. >> by the way, he's a human being. these are human beings. let's see them that way. >> you're going to see people's foibles, and that allows you to decide whether you like them or not. >> candidates think they'll get a free ride or easy interview. >> you better bring your "a" game. >> i don't want your foibles to be shown when i'm going to figure out how i'm going to feed
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my three children. >> i'd like to see your foibles before i elect you. interracial relationships census figures are on the rise, the percent erage was 14.6 in 2. >> i was living in san francisco before i moved here, for 17 years, and white people are not the majority in san francisco so you're accustomed to seeing the mixing of races. my daughter came home with a very dark skinned filipino boy as a date, and i, after it was over, kate, sort of approaching the subject. she said, what are you talking about? and i thought oh my god, it's a new color blind. i loved it. >> it's true. i went to a restaurant all young people and it was -- usually restaurants are more white or more black, that's just the reality and this was a total, it was so -- when you and i started dating five years ago it was a little different. >> this is a little weird. >> so it's widely accepted and it's great, there's not the
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stigma there oe was. >> we're the last generation. >> is that to say there are no racial relationships that present themselves? >> i think black/white is bigger than white/asian, perhaps latino. >> or black and latino. really what it comes down to is we're the last generation that brings in that heaviness, that weight of the past, and the next generation of young people, they're being raised to believe that they can be anything, they can go anywhere, they can date anybody. so when they do, we have to pull back on our innate prejudice and let them. >> because we'll still look at a couple, that's interracial. we'll put a label on it. not that it's bad. >> they don't think about it in that way. i have friends, contemporaries told by their parents, don't bring home a white girl, absolutely. and interestingly enough, they have raised their children to go to schools in places where it's extremely mixed and they can't say that to their kids. that's something that we've learned. >> let's move on, speaking of learning, the next topic is
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fertility map. this is interesting, a survey demonstrated many, many women don't realize, don't know some basic facts about fertility, particularly when fertility drops off and the question is, we see so many celebrities out there having babies past the age of 40. do you think women are starting to get the wrong perception? >> i think we as women who work outside of the house have this biological clock always ticking. if you have a baby before 15, you're a high risk pregnancy. baby after 42, a high risk pregnancy and during the time when you really want to make your year, more fertile time and what do you do? i do think women know that their chance of having a baby drops off as they get older. >> i was going to say -- >> but it's not the same for men. >> i think we do know and that's the pressure. >> this survey suggests women of a certain age and i'm in the category are in some kind of denial. >> i am an older dad, i have a grown daughter who is 24 and i
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have an 4 and an 8 years old and i'm in my early 50s, kind of, and i'm a better dad now than i would have been. i'm a better executive than i was at 27. i think an older parent is great. you don't sweat the things, i love being a parent older. >> do you think that hollywood is selling it -- >> it's my regret right now and i didn't think it would be. >> it's not too late. >> i'll be 50 years old in march. >> lots of ways to do that. >> physically i know my eggs are powdered. if i wanted to adopt, that would be my choice or surrogate. >> important message to women out there if you're single and clock, have a baby on your own. it is not only will it complete your life you're more attractive to men. >> that raises a whole other set of questions maybe we should get to on another segment. we have only a minute left. let's get to this last one, kind of funny. has to do with grooming. turns out men spend more time grooming than women.
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donny deutsch, looking at you. men are in the showeror 22 minutes, shave for 18 minutes, 14 minutes, cleansing, toning and moisturizing, ten minutes? >> no, by the way, i from start to finish, i know this is hard to believe with my gentile looks, seven minutes, shower to out the door. >> it takes you seven minutes to do your hair. >> listen to me i have been with many different women in my life and have yet to find a woman who takes less time. >> i can get out of the bathroom faster than any guy. sorry, men take longer. >> i've been doing it in 15 minutes. >> all right, wait a minute, all right, i don't believe any of you that it's that fast. okay, but anyway, one last topic, sorry, one last topic. happy birthday donny. our last topic. ♪ happy birthday to you >> don't sing it. we have a cake. >> oh, that's so sweet. >> and donny, this is your gift, we were talking about male
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grooming, i want to put a picture up as you can see, this was donny. >> oh my goodness. >> and so please come clean, now, about the length of time it took. >> that is true, well, that was the '70s, i might point out, the epstein sweathog look. that is amazing. >> you look like a young abbie hoffman. >> you were a pro, babe you had an afro! way to go. >> that's, i don't know what that is. >> we got to go. >> 54. >> happy birthday to you. you are so sweet. thank you. >> the icing is really good. >> mmm. coming up next, getting ail head start on your holiday shopping with "jill's steals and deals" but first these messages. [ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to cover all of manhattan out of landfills each year? the equivalent of 140 million trash bags, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands
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to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪ she's a black friday living legend. she even named her kid "black friday." [ woman 2 ] whoa. [ male announcer ] black friday's here. deals start thursday 10 pm. but we're open all day and night so you don't have to wait outside. the only place to go on black friday. walmart. which shirt feels more expensive? that one's softer. actually, it's the same t-shirt. really? but this one was washed in downy. why spend a lot of money when you can just use downy? [ female announcer ] new ultra downy with silktouch, it's an upgrade in a bottle. bisquick makes amazing pancakes... and pizza... chicken tenders... even strawberry shortcake. unleash the hidden power of bisquick. eveni had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up my moderate to severe
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plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel.
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♪ check it out, check it out snoel ♪ check it out ♪ back with "jill's steals and deals." "us weekly" contributor jill martin is here with deeply discounted items exclusively for you, our "today" show viewers. >> good morning. >> let's get to our items today and get on your computers if you want to participate in our "steals and deals." >>, everything will arrive for holiday but things run out fast. >> kenneth cole reaction men's coats, four different kinds of coats here. >> first two, the retail is $195 for the first two, the otoman and windbreaker styles, light fill and detachable hood and the
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ult ultrascleek windbreaker across seasons, detachable fleece hood. retail $195, the deal $58. that's 70% off. now let's move on to the second two. >> okay. >> also kenneth cole reaction wool coats, retail $225, single and double breasted wool coats, both come in black and charcoal, retail $225, the deal $68. that's 70% off. great for your guy for the holiday. >> dressy looking coats, fantastic. jewelry, huge hits, we have two different options here today. first starting with the fine jewelry by jvdf. pearls with a little bit of a twist. >> let's go down here to the bracelets, this is the bracelet, retail $150, it's the pearl macremie bracelet, black and white pearls with the sterling silver toggle. the deal $29, that's 81% off and
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comes in the beautiful box so it's all ready to go. >> necklaces. >> retail $500. 35 inch long strand of pears, wear it long or doubled as you see here, huge with a-listers and celebs. the retail $500, the deal $99. that's 80% off. and again, comes in this beautiful box. >> i love the toggle, it's so gorgeous. >> so fine, it's really a fine looking gift. >> okay, let's move over here. this is going to fly as well. iphone and ipad cases by jw london. >> i feel like al is waiting by the door. $225 for the set, comes in six different colors, two different textures, smooth leather or croc print. genuine leather. the set arrives in this beautiful box so no wrapping necessary. fits all generations of ipads and iphones, each case is lined with a soft fabric. retail $225, the deal $39 for both. >> you get both. >> it's 83% off.
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look how beautiful this is. >> great and protecting the expensive gadgets. over here we have gorgeous jewelry again, gala by daniella sueve earrings. >> the retail is $70, five different styles. you see these are great for new year's and for holiday. go online to see what each are made out of, but all really just fun jewelry. >> really different kinds. >> really different so five styles. the retail is $70. the deal $19. >> wow. >> that's 73% off and this is great to take just a regular black dress from day to night. star jones almost walked out with this entire. i had to stop her. and then finally these leather totes by geiana pfeiffer. the retail is $395, made with buttery soft leather and faux crock, comes in black, brown and
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cog knock, retail is $395, interior lined with satin, zip pocket and double pocket, sealed at saks, neiman, the deal is $75, that's 81% off. >> as i did the math quickly in my head. no, i didn't. jill martin thank you so much. the products are the reaction men's coats, the jvdf fine jewelry, the iphone and ipad cases by jw london, the gala earrings and the totes by pfeiffer. head to to get the exclusive coupon codes for all of the products and jill will be taking questions on twitter once again. lucky her and on our "today" show page be sure to us use #stealsanddeals. still ahead, one of the most sensational cases in decades. we'll go inside the mind and trial of casey anthony.
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but first, these messages. hi, could you read my list? it's all crossed out... it's 'cause i got everything on it. boom! thank you! [ male announcer ] black friday's here. deals start thursday 10 pm. but we're open all day and night so you don't have to wait outside. the only place to go on black friday. walmart. -why? -why? -why? [ female announcer ] we all age differently. roc® multi-correxion 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. lines, wrinkles, and sun damage will fade. roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you.
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still ahead, one more song from carole king. >> after your local news and weather. aahh. aaahh! you will win this. faster, faster. ♪ yes. [grunting noise] the target 2-day sale starts friday morning at midnight. are you ready? fantastic! [ man ] pro-gresso they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. imagine a day when we can eat what we want and sleep soundly through the night.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> we have a little rain to contend with today. off and on all the way through the afternoon. temperatures around average this time of year, mid-50's. maine is likely tonight and tomorrow morning. it should clear up in the afternoon. afternoon. sunshine on thanksgi what kind of goldfish sandwich are you? i'm a pb and j goldfish sandwich.
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yeah, me too. i'm a tuna fish goldfish sandwich! that freaks me out! yeah, me too! [ male announcer ] baked with the goodness of fiber or whole grain. goldfish bread!
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♪ i just need somebody to love ♪ i don't need too much, just somebody to love ♪ that's justin bieber singing "somebody to love" off his cd "modern world 2.0." tomorrow morning he sings in our special thanksgiving concert series. we're not done with this morning's concert guest yet, carole king one of her classic hits, coming up in a little bit. >> save the best for last, that's for sure. also ahead we all remember the trial and acquittal of casey anthony, one of the most polarizing cases of the century. we're taken inside the mind of casey anthony, a new book talks
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about theories of that case. marlo thomas has a heartwarming story of our thanks in giving series. >> let's look at your weekend and first of all tomorrow, i should say thanksgiving day, a big problem in the pacific northwest, getting dumped on, a lot of rain, sunny skies along the eastern seaboard, showers in the southwest, on friday, we're expecting sunshine again in the east, more rain in the pacific northwest, rain moves into the mississippi river valley, on saturday, we've got the sunshine again in the east, sunny in the southwest, rain in the northwest, rain from the great lakes and the gulf coast and then on sunday, the getaway day we continue with the sunshine along the east coast but the rain will continue along the ohio river valley down into the gulf, and more rain, unfortunately snow in the pacific northwest. that's wpa >> good morning. off and on rain showers this morning. it will be rather cool with high
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temperatures in >> and that's your latest weather. hello to bonnie griffin, the latest contestant to have the scales tip against her on "bigger loser: battle of the ages." how much have you lost? >> i started at 254 and on the biggest loser ranch i lost 73 so far. since last august i've lost 123. i feel like a new woman. >> what are you able to do now that you weren't able to do back then, because i know you battled weight your entire life. >> all my life. my biggest thing was to combine the nutrition and the exercise. that is something that i never
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exercised probably since i was a teenager. >> you just did a buddy walk. >> i did. i have a down's syndrome 13-year-old grandson, brennan and every year we're about the buddy walk, all about the awareness of down's syndrome. there he is right there. >> you're a great grandma. >> thank you so much. >> and of course we remind everybody "the biggest loser: battle of the ages" airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central here on nbc. >> thank you so much. coming up next, inside the mind of casey anthony, but first these messages. low back pain.nic imagine living your life with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior
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m! cymbalta can help. find the brands you love and over 900 doorbusters! get $10 off clothing with coupon. extra 20% off fine jewelry already 60-70% off. and an extra 20% off all stand mixers. real deals. real savings. sears. we've combined conditioner with a weightless nutri-oil treatment. to give 3x the internal nourishing power of our regular conditioner. new dove daily treatment conditioner. make friends with your hair. and this time of year, i send out a lot of gifts. sweater for mom, free shipping from brian. i'm brian andrews. i ship the gifts that last. the holidays are made here at l.l.bean.
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grands! and gravy. it's butter all the way. uncle ray, gravy or butter? definitely butter. boom! or gravy. ham. turkey. or nothing. as long as it's grands!, i'm good. [ female announcer ] grands! holiday ideas made easy. here you go. driver's license. past five years' tax returns. high school report cards. and i'm gonna need to see a receipt for that watch you're wearing. you know, you really should provide us
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with a checklist of documents we're gonna need up front. who do you think i am? quicken loans? at quicken loans, we provide a checklist of the mortgage documents you'll need up front. it helps keep you in the know every step of the way. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. this past summer, casey anthony was found not guilty of murdering her daughter, kay lee, a verdict that sent shock waves through much of the country. in his new book "inside the mind of casey anthony" forensic psychology dr. keith ablow draws interesting conclusions about the case. in writing and researching the book he did not speak to george or cindy anthony or casey. you don't have a connection to this case per se. what is your qualification to write a book like this? >> absolutely. listen when you create a psychological profile of somebody you have to get enough
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sources so her friends, boyfriends, relatives, enumerable sources, thousands of pages of documents to piece together who was this woman and why did this happened. we know what happened. >> so many people wonder about that. i know one thing we did was pour over some of the police interviews in this case. if the trial established one thing beyond a reasonable doubt she's an accomplished liar. what do you see in that behavior? >> this is a woman with no internal self. she grew up with a psychological assassin for a mother. we're talking about somebody who didn't even know her own daughter was seven months pregnant. can you imagine? >> what does that term mean? >> she was intent on not recognizing casey anthony as a real person, and somebody worthy of responding to in a genuine fashion. why else would she permit her father, why would cindy anthony permit her husband to be at the foot of the bed when casey
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anthony delivered kay lcaylee? can you imagine the humiliation? she wasn't there. >> i know you draw a lot of conclusions in particular from the episode where george anthony is in the delivery room as his daughter gives birth. >> outrageous. >> playing devil's a advocate. >> i knew you'd do that. >> some would say who would support her? >> at the foot of the bed? if you didn't have the facts of not knowing that her daughter was pregnant for seven months, of the fact when they find the car, the car has been missing for a month. they've been told listen, you no he what? we found it two weeks ago and george anthony says it smelled like death to me and i worried whether my granddaughter's corpse might have been in there. he goes to his ten buck an hour job as a security guard. this is who casey anthony grew up with. are we surprised? >> you say are we surprised? you think casey anthony killed her daughter? >> i present five theories. the theory that holds the most water psychologically, i'm not
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saying this happened but psychologically, if you lined up ducks in a row, you'd say the night when cindy anthony threatened to take caylee from casey was the end of the line. i'm not going to watch my daughter annihilated like i was. she got a tattoo saying "beautiful life" her daughter's untortured relatively compared to her own and released her to the heavens. >> dr. keith ab low, we'll never know. thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you so much. coming up next, marlo thomas with another story of thanks and giving, right after this. to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means, i can feel better and do more of what matters.
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[ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. look at that silly face ! hi, i'm zig ! let's get racing ! whoa ! mom: wooooah ! thanks for the push ! dad/child: woahhhhh! mom: put 'em in ! dad: he put him in ! beep, beep ! mom: whoaaa ! ♪ for always good job ! woahh !
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♪ hark how the bells, sweet silver bells ♪ ♪ all seem to say throw care away ♪ ♪ from everywhere, filling the air ♪ [ female announcer ] chex party mix. easy 15-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like caramel chocolate drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. happier holidays. wait a second... with olay challenge that. new regenerist wrinkle revolution... relaxes the look of wrinkles instantly, and the look of deep wrinkles in 14 days. ready, set, smooth... regenerist. from olay. ♪ like the sun for our special series "thanks and giving" we focus on the work of st. jude children's research shot. i had the pleasure of meeting 9-year-old ryan christian and her family who lived by the motto strong, healthy and loved. >> watch out, i might paint over
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your finger. >> reporter: 8-year-old ryan christian loves art, fashion, and figure skating. since getting her first pair of skates at age 2, ryan was a natural on the ice. >> she's just an exceptional kid. >>ed avend russ, into everything. >> reporter: skating was in her genes, her father, jeff christian, was a professional hockey player, and is used to tough fights. >> she's a lot tougher than i am, that's for sure. a lot stronger, a lot braver. >> reporter: like her dad, ryan fights, too, her opponent? cancer. it's a very rare cancer. what was it that led to that moment when you realized your daughter was sick? >> she had a few headaches, i went to get her out of her room and she was unresponsive because she had a major seizure. >> she suffered major brain damage and after surgery to remove a tumor her parents received bad news. >> the doctor came and said this is cancer, and it might be too
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late already. >> because of how rare her cancer was, the christian family was referred to st. jude children's research hospital, a world leader in this kind of cancer. >> ryan has a cancer called aderoncourttal carcinoma. a cancer of the adrenal gland. >> the protocol originated at st. jude and they started an international registry to study the disease. after surgery and treatment, ryan was cancer free for eight months, but then a roune scan would bring more devastating news. >> there were some nodules that showed up in her lungs, so they went in and did a biopsy of her lungs just to see if it was cancerous and it was. >> reporter: after surgery to remove those nodules, more were discovered. so today, her doctors are in a race against time to save her life. >> i'd love to get rid of them but if i can't get rid of them the next thing is to keep them there and under control. >> reporter: i spent some quality time with ryan on her first trip to new york city. so i hear that rock center, the
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ice rink has always been something that you wanted to do. is that true? >> yes. >> tell me about your dream about coming here. >> well, last year when i was in the hospital, i kept asking like when could i skate again. >> she had a special surprise from someone who also fought a personal battle with cancer and won. you know how you said you love this very handsome skater named scott hamilton? well, look right there. wow, who is that! >> i want to see some of your moves. >> there you go! >> good job! see that, she naturally holds her landing. >> next visiting american girl was like a dream come true for this fashionista. >> you look gorgeous. >> thank you. >> beautiful! >> and who could resist a traditional horse and buggy ride through central park. tell me about having cancer. were you scared at all?
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>> well, people at st. jude and children's take care of me but yeah, like i was afraid. >> how did you find comfort? what was it that made you feel better? >> like the child life ladies there, just playing with them, like just really helped me. >> what have you learned watching your little girl go through this? >> just appreciate every single day you've got and make it a fun day and we say that at night, we had a good day today, we're going to have another good one tomorrow. >> take a bow. ta da! and ryan christian is here with me now along with marlo thomas, national outsireach director fo children's hospital. >> thank you. >> marlo, this is such a rare cancer. why is st. jude hospital interested in researching and treating this disease. >> restudy the disease to find the treatments cure it. dr. ribeiro is a scientist from brazil and came to st. jude to
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work on the disease because no one else was working on it. we do everything we can to save every child's life so ryan is as important to us, even if not anybody else has it. we want her life to be saved. >> so great, and ryan, what are you most thankful for this thanksgiving? >> well, for dr. mcgregor and all the nurses and doctors there at st. jude. >> you have something to look forward to as well this year, right? >> right, we have a brand new baby girl on the way. >> a little baby girl. mom and dad are standing off to the side. you're going to be a big sister so that's something to be extra thankful for. >> yes. >> you keep getting better, sweetie pie, okay? >> okay. >> i feel so happy that i got to know you. >> thank you. >> it's really great having you here. >> thank you. >> come back to rock center any time. we'll go back out on the ice. >> okay. >> marlo will talk to us tomorrow about another story of thanks and giving. coming up next, carole king belts out one of our all-time classics. first this is "today" on nbc.
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. ♪ i feel the earth move >> here she is one more time, carole king, singing "it's too late." ♪ ♪ stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time ♪ ♪ there's something wrong here, there can be no denying ♪ ♪ one of us is changing or maybe we just stopped trying ♪ ♪ and it's too late baby now it's too late though we really did try to make it ♪ ♪ something inside has died and i can't hide and i just can't
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fake it ♪ ♪ oh, no, no, no, no ♪ no, no, no ♪ it used to be so easy living here with you ♪ ♪ you were light and breezy and i knew just what to do ♪ ♪ now you look so unhappy and i feel just like a fool ♪ ♪ and it's too late baby now it's too late ♪ ♪ though we really did try to make it ♪ ♪ something inside has died and i can't hide and i just can't fake it ♪ ♪ oh no, no, no, no, no
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♪ la, la, la, la, la, da, da ♪ do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, la, la, la ♪ ♪ la, la, da, da, da, da la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ there'll be good times again for me and you ♪ ♪ but we just can't stay together, don't you feel it, too ♪ ♪ still i'm glad for what we had and how i once loved you ♪ ♪ but it's too late baby, now it's too late though we really did try to make it ♪ ♪ something inside has died and i can't hide and i just can't
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fake it ♪ ♪ oh no, la, la, la, la, la ♪ la, da, da, da, da, da, da dum ♪ ♪ do, do, do, do, do, do, wah ♪ la, la, la, la, la, nah nah, nah ♪ ♪ it's too late, baby, it's too late, now, darlin' ♪ ♪ it's too late
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