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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  December 7, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> you are looking at a live picture from our sky camera. it is just raining, but parts of maryland are under a winter storm warning. the threat of snow is rising and it could make for a difficult morning commute tomorrow. as a marie is monitoring the storm. -- a the marias much in the storm.
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>> we are keeping tabs on the possibility for small. right now it is just rain as temperatures are extremely mild. if you can see the direction of the rain moving to the northeast, and it will continue to push over us overnight. it is currently 57 at the airport. it is definitely warm enough to keep it rain. temperatures will drop into the 40's by 6:00 p.m.. it will stay rain until about midnight. after that point, we could talk about snow, and it could accumulate. we will talk about how much and how long. >> thank you. seven decades ago the u.s. was plunged into world war two when the japanese attacked the u.s. naval base at pearl harbor. this anniversary marks the end
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of an era. >> there are events all day long here in hawaii to commemorate the anniversary of pearl harbor. 3000 guests are expected to be in attendance. there will be a moment of silence to commemorate the exact moment the attacks began. during the event, which are expected to be moving and emotional, there will be music, a traditional ally in blessing, and a recent presentation. also, the names of each ship attacked that morning will be ready, and they will bring a bell 15 times. -- ring a bell 15 times. there will be a fly over in the missing man forum preformation. there are 120 survivors who have made the trek to commemorate this day. >> he who does not remember history is going to live in it
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again. caller slogan for the pro harte -- our slogan for the pearl harbor survivors association is remember pearl harbor, keep america aware. >> many survivors are in their late-80's, and 90's. it could be the last time they visit. there will be events all day long to commemorate the anniversary. the main ceremony gets under way at 7:45 local time. >> we will strain the ceremony live on our web site. you can find the link on our homepage. >> it appears the syracuse assistant coach accused of sexual assault will not face sex -- charges for now. the charges cannot be brought against bernie fine because the statute of limitations had run out, but the two men are
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credible, and the cases on going. in the face of more budget cuts, fire union leaders are encouraging residents to reject to officials to stop rotating fire house closures that began three years ago and defect 3 firehouses a day. firefighters say it makes it difficult for them to ensure public safety. >> their preliminary numbers are -- there could be up to five or eight more cuts. we have to take the offensive. we have to get the word out that we could barely hang on now. >> city officials insist that optimum fire service remains a top priority and crews have stayed in line with or exceled national standards for response time. a 14-year-old boy who faces charges in connection with an assault inside of a bathroom at
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arundel high school. a female reported being assaulted. she says she knew the suspect. that 14-year-old boy is charged. the suspect remains in the custody of their relative. the transgendered woman attacked at a roseville mcdonald's faces legal trouble herself. she was arrested after an altercation with police and charged with disorderly conduct. police say she became angry and shouted obscenities while giving an account of being robbed. she was later released on $7,500 bond. governor martin o'malley will serve a second term as the chairman of the democratic governors association. according to "the washington post" he was chosen on tuesday for a spot that guarantees him a
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well-heard a voice in the upcoming 2012 presidential election. in today's project economy report, a fight that impact your paycheck. kate amara as more on the standoff over the payroll tax cut that is about to run out. >> from the white house, to the capital, if political leaders are meeting behind closed doors to figure out what to do. across the capital there are plans to expand the payroll tax cut before it expires, but still no deal. >> time is running out. we have to do this now. >> the parties are split on how to pay for it. president obama stepped up the pressure in kansas. >> if we do not do that, most of the people here will see their taxes go up by an average of $1,000 starting in january, and it would badly weakened our recovery. >> democrats want to expand the payroll tax holiday and offset
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cost with the surtax on millionaires. >> every piece in there is bipartisan in nature. >> senate republicans say that would hurt job creators and small businesses and has no chance of passing. >> democrats can have another week of fun and games on the senate floor while millions of americans go another week wondering if they will see a smaller paycheck. >> a vote is likely by the end of this week. i am kate amara reporting. >> thank you. still ahead, actor alec baldwin goes to the extreme to feed his words with friends addiction. plus, a popular grocery chain opens in south baltimore. the opening of harris teeter. first, why a teacher in
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>> covering the nation, a hearing is being held today for virginia tech to appeal fines they received. they were fined $55,000 for failing to notify the campus about the shooting. the agency says virginia tech
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violated a safety lock. a teacher's change to a christmas carol causes some controversy. the music teacher gave children a change to verse, dawn d and now our bright apparel. >> there have been some children snickering at the lyrics, and she attempted to get them back on track. she decided to make a change in the wording. >> parker wishes the situation where a teachable moment. the word means happy or joyful. a special birthday for ilion gonzales, the boy who was the focus of a long diplomatic battle. he turned 18 years old on thursday. he was shy of the sixth birthday when a fisherman found
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him cling to an interview after his mother and other cubans drown trying to reach the u.s. pare be still to come, looking for a job? how about the casino business? details of more than 1500 openings. and, the benefits of mammograms. a new study that shows it could cut the risk of women dying from breast cancer in half. >> we a lot going on a heavy rain, a drop in temperatures, and eventually the snow. that is coming up after the break. first of the outdoors.
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>> in today's consumer alert, locust point has a new grocery
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store. harris teeter. the 61,000 sq. ft. of space has a big fresh produce section, a seafood market, and it is built to the energy efficient with freezer cases on a motion sensor. in this afternoon's consumer alert, if you are looking for a job, headed to around all those. the casino will hire 1500 people. the president of the company says several clerical and management positions are open. meanwhile, citigroup is announcing major layoffs. they are looking to cut 4500 positions over the next few months. they will also take a $400 million charge in the fourth quarter to cover the severance and other costs related to the downsizing. currently, citigroup employs more than 262000 people
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worldwide. a warning for verizon customers -- the company says they are concerned about scams targeting your e-mail account. the message tells you your current account balance and that the account is available online. it is not an official message from verizon wireless carrier it is a bogus site used to steal information -- wireless. it is a bogus site used to steal information. if you have received this type of e-mail, you should immediately delete it, or report it to the company. verizon wireless is the top ranked wireless carrier according to a consumer reports survey of more than 66,000 subscribers. sprint came in second, followed by t-mobile, and at&t came in
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the west. -- came in last. >> now, your insta-weather-plus forecast with meteorologist ava marie. >> we have a busy night on our hands. we have been talking about the rain. the rain showers are continuing to come in from the southwest. the system goes off to the east. you see that changing over from rain to snow. a lot of this is not reaching the ground as snow but the colder air is starting to push it in. this will be the change over we see in the afternoon and eventually in baltimore. in our area, flood watches from d.c. all the way up to cecil county as many areas could see between one and two inches of rain. that will allow rivers and streams to run high.
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we start to talk about the winter warning concerns. here is the storm system. the rain is training along this system. the cold air will allow the changeover. high pressure will build in tomorrow. we will talk about the clipper system on friday. it will be a dry system but it will bring a drop in temperatures. temperatures are dropping across the state. 58 at the inner harbor. 34 in oakland. quickly, and the snow will change over in the western part of the state. anywhere west of cumberland could see it throughout the evening hours. we will track that changeover in carroll county. for baltimore, this is mostly
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and 11:00 p.m., until 1:00 a.m. event. we will steel -- see it on the ground tomorrow. how much are we talking? it least one or two inches. higher amounts near the western mountains. if you get anywhere south of baltimore, annapolis, this is mostly just a rain event. temperatures drop down to near freezing in baltimore. much colder conditions tomorrow. maybe a little snow on the ground. mostly not effecting the roads. we are only in the mid-40. with gusting conditions late tonight into tomorrow. maybe a shower early saturday, but mostly dry weather after we get through today. >> in our medical alert, women
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who have had at least three screening mammograms may cut their risk of dying of breast cancer in half. researchers studied 1800 patients that died from the disease, and found more than one-third of them had never been screened. women who never had one were more likely to be diagnosed at stage four cancer. the results of a new study on radiation treatment will be released today. medical ride ticket -- records show partial radiation patients were twice as likely to need the whole breast removed later. it is popular with working women. "30 wroclaw co-star ellet baldwin -- rock" alec baldwin's obsession with a video game got him kicked off of an american airlines flight.
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he was emerged in a game of "when words with friends." he complied but not before having a few choice words. he was escorted off the plane. if you do not have a kid to have a picture taken with santa, there is always your pet. >> these great danes are all that god, here to see this guy. what do these dogs and cats want? >> treats and toys. >> rebecca clarke is a photographer who comes armed with a bag of tricks. >> i am all decked out. i have squeaky toys. >> if they do not work, she does this -- >> any sort of odd sound aeronaut expecting.
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-- they are not expecting. their head tilts and it is very cute. >> maybe he will sit if i go over. >> that seems to do the trick. >> the dogs have a great time with it. >> this is love. it is not her first time. >> this is a big day. [laughter] >> on/off of the dogs. we all know cats role, and some of them are all decked out. >> of course i have costumes. >> the cats seem to be much easier then the dogs. >> they are part of our family. sometimes they take the place of children. >> what is easier to photograph, kids or pets? >> it is a tough question.
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it is definitely a tie. >> that santa claus got a lot of licks in the face. coming up next, your lottery
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switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> tonight, the nation's report
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card for large urban school districts is out. we will break down how the city feared, and how it plans to improve. should young teenagers be able to buy the morning after pill without restrictions? the fda says it is safe. >> it is been two years since a boy was killed by a falling tree. his family is filing a suit. now, your maryland lottery midday numbers. ♪ the maryland lottery, let yourself play. >> hello. i have your pick 3 numbers. 0-6-5. the let it snow promotion is back. now, through january 1, you
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could win $5, $10, $25, or $50 instantly. we are set with your pick four numbers. 2-5-4-5. 2545 -- the maryland lottery, let yourself play. >> ava marie is back and she is watching the skies. >> we have the rain, and it will change into snow. accumulation is possible between one and two inches. most of it will stick on grassy services. i think the roads will be pretty good tomorrow morning. >> thank you. we will keep tabs on that. thank you for joining us. >> be sure to watch tonight with donna hamilton and stan stovall. have a great day.
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