tv Today NBC December 10, 2011 2:05am-3:05am EST
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hey, everybody. crank it up, it's try day friday, december 9th. ♪ the very next day you gave it away ♪ >> we are still partying. we had our big "today" show holiday party yesterday. >> we had it at a place called the park. >> it's fantastic. room after room had their own personality. >> it was a beautiful spot. it was a fun bash.
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there is meghan in the middle with our big boss jim bell in the back at the holiday party. it got a little crazy. wait, look at our crew. >> that's us during commercials around here. it's no big deal. >> keep clicking through the photos. look at joanne and tammy looking good. >> they have delicious food until somebody uninvited showed up. >> this is our cooking crew. >> if you're wondering everyone is behind the scenes. >> i'm not wearing that dress one more time. i look like an oscar, a chubby oscar. >> keep going. there is bobbie thomas in the middle threading the needle, baby. >> some of our sales people. >> jana, sara, britney. >> we had fun. >> it gets to be -- look at christine on tv. >> christine is going to be angry. >> here is the great thing about the party.
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it starts at 11:30. who has a party at 11:30 in the afternoon? we do. those were mini cupcakes. >> they were? >> yes. baked by melissa. i hung out there. >> it was a great party and was going strong until one person showed up unannounced, the health inspector. took all the food away. he was not having it. he said party scmarty, i'm here to enforce the law. when you come in and there is a christmas party with 200 people, say you'll come back monday. >> they were taking trays of food away. i was eating it right off there. i didn't care. bring it before you send it away. were those little wrapping things not delicious? >> you, i must say, was miss bossy pants yesterday. >> i was. >> tell them about helen who comes out at parties. >> i have an evil twin. and who doesn't have an evil twin? my sisters told me this and i'm
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very bossy. people who have known me for a long time have told me that and you learned it yesterday. >> i've seen it rear its little head. >> i was dragging her around. >> no, no, come on, bring it. let's go. you come over here. you put on the santa claus hat. i'm going, i'm going to kill her. >> you dance, you stop. i liked it. everyone needs control in their lives. i have mine. >> it's called self-control. this should be on one of the tips to survive the holiday party, make that number 11, don't be a bossy pants. >> these were the tree ornaments. >> let me hold yours. i don't like holding my own. it's weird. these are the christmas tree ornaments they had hanging up on the tree. >> who doesn't want hoda hanging from her tree? >> these are book marks for the "today" show book. here are ten tips to survive your holiday party.
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>> according to gawker. >> two-drink maximum. yesterday was a two-drink minimum. >> if you want to dance and want to get that party, people have to get lubed up. >> it depends on if you're driving and how much food you're eating. yesterday it was a bit of a problem when they took the food away. you've got to show up for work the next day. >> people who call in sick after the holiday party, it's a big no-no. we know that you guys do it. >> don't pig out -- we couldn't yesterday. something has to absorb the alcohol. >> dress up because it's nice to be festive, but just enough. some people underdress, they wear jeans and some people overdress. >> not me looking like an oscar. no kissing. this is no time to indulge in the office crush, christine. >> how many times does that happen during a party? i'm trying to save christine, where people have a couple of extra drinks, start dancing and flirting. >> the person you had a very sort of funny little flirtatious with all of a sudden you're in the corner by the mistletoe.
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>> go alone, don't drag your spouse to it. >> i didn't think spouses were invited. >> lastly, no work talk. a lot of people talked shop. what is the project you're working on? no one wants to talk about that. >> we had little booth where you could get your picture taken with santa claus hats. there was a situation. >> i don't know if we have a people. >> i hope we don't have a picture because both people would lose their jobs. >> don't say their names. >> i'm not going to say their names. >> i almost said them. >> if you go to those booths, don't hang a santa claus hat from -- >> you saw. >> on your man's junk. >> don't do it. >> you know who you are. >> we are not saying a name, but there is a picture out there somewhere. we saw them taking it. >> we couldn't believe it. >> even we couldn't believe it. really. by the way, tammy, our senior
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producer on the show, she edited that photo so she saved someone's job and she looks fab with her new hair cut. >> thank you. >> she does. guess who is employed? the octomom. >> she got a web television show. they are paying her six figures. we don't know if that means $100,000 or $999,000. nadia suleiman is getting her own web show where she gives advice. it's called octo tv. it will be featured on something called you usestream. she'll talk about things like parenting, fitness, nutrition, shopping on a budget. >> she might know something about that. she does have 14 children. >> she's been out of the news completely. she was on with dr. drew a while back. he said to her, she said she wanted to finish up her college degree. he said he would buy her
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internet service and he promised he would help her get personal child care help. >> good. we wish her all the best. she does have 14 children to take away of. no matter what decision she has made in the past, whether you agree or disagree with her, those children deserve to be taken care of. >> alec baldwin is back in the news again. now the american airlines flight attendants are upset with him because they want to remove the show "30 rock" and want him on a no-fly list. >> don't you have to be a terrorist to be on the no-fly list? >> the union acknowledged he wouldn't be on the no-fly list, but they want him to fine, the faa to fine alec. what they really want is an apology. he stuck his foot in it again -- >> he sort of made the apologies we sort of talked about yesterday. >> he said, he made a crack about greyhound bus, felt like a greyhound bus experience. >> so now greyhound is upset. >> here is what they said. >> instead of christmas cards he should send out apologies to just everybody. go ahead.
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>> so greyhound was upset. they say there are many now who walk the aisles of an airplane with a whistle around their neck and clip board in their hands. that's what he said. >> they made flying a greyhound bus experience. >> they said -- we don't require our customers to turn off their electronic devices ever. you can therefore, play words with friends during your entire trip and no one would give you grief over it. they tongue and cheeked it. >> they handled it nicely. it was putting them down, too. now we have 1950s gym teachers. >> that was never an apology. >> greyhound and i guess -- was that it? come forward if you've been offended by alec. >> so it is time to laugh hysterically. it's friday. >> as much as you can. these have to be clean. there are children in our audience here today. a guy is driving. he notices a sign that reads "talking dog for sale." he rings the bell and asks the owner to see the dog.
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the guy goes into the yard and he sees a labrador retriever sitting there. you talk, he asks? >> yep, the lab replies. after the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk he says, what is your story? the lab says, when i discovered i could talk i wanted to help the government so i told the cia and in no time at all they had me jetting from country to country sitting in rooms with spies. no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. i was one of their most valuable spice. i knew i wasn't getting any younger. i decided to settle down and now i'm just retired. the guy is amazed and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. 10 bucks the owner says. 10 bucks? why are you selling him so cheap? the owner answers, because he is a liar. he's never been out of the yard. >> that was a good one. >> i worked hard for that one. >> it's time for "bobbie's buzz." come on, girlfriend. >> how are you? >> back with more buzz-worthy
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gifts. this is called the omni robe. feel it. unbelievable. the special thing about this robe is that it unzips to become shorter or the sleeves come off. you have four robes in one for a year-round robe. >> is it velcro? >> zippered and covered in satin. >> nice. >> double-duty beauty. tarte has this fantastic make-up cosmetics bag that zips up and becomes an evening bag. and it comes with three pallets so you get a lot of make-up. plus this great box that is a mirrored jewelry box. that's $40. this is $48. you get all the make-up inside and the jewelry box. >> that is nice. >> of course, bucky balls, which everyone is asking what bucky balls are. >> enough about the party yesterday. >> these are a hot new craze, great for anyone hanging around
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the house with nothing to do. they are like a rubic's cube. you can mess around to make all different shapes. >> bobbie said you could mess around with the balls all day long. >> thank you, bobbie. >> bobbie thomas. >> up next, two ladies get the white glove treatment. >> the result of our ambush makeovers right after this. >> and robin thicke. you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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with $2 subs -- get the regular 6" cold cut combo or meatball marinara. just $2 each! just 2 bucks! are you kidding me? there's no competition. male announcer ] prices and participation may vary. subway. eat fresh. male announcer ] prices and participation may vary. you go next if you had a hoveround power chair? the statue of liberty? the grand canyon? it's all possible with a hoveround. tom: hi i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. when we say you're free to see the world, we mean it. call today and get a free hoveround information kit that includes a video and full color brochure. dennis celorie: "it's by far the best chair i've ever owned." terri: "last year, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no money." jim plunkitt: "no cost. absolutely no cost to me." breaking news...when you call today, we'll include
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you know what it's time for? today's plaza ambush makeovers. two lucky ladies were plucked from a gold plaza. >> and was "today" contributor and stylist to the stars, you know and love him, luis lacari. la la la la la. and "us weekly" contributor and author jill martin. >> how was it in the cold? >> great. it's freezing.
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the attitude, the holiday season, everybody's out there having the best time of their lives. >> let's begin with nancy, 43 years old from wells, maine. her daily beauty routine consists of putting on chapstick. she jumped at the chance to get a glam new look. let's take a listen. >> you were a little shocked when we picked you, but now you're into this glam makeover. >> i was stunned. i was just coming down to watch the show, so i wasn't expecting anything else. >> why do you want this now? >> i think i'm in my early 40s and i think it's a great time to try something new. >> i think tony your husband, who i spoke to on the phone, will be very excited. >> i think he'll be shocked. >> are you ready to go? >> i am ready to go. >> what a great smile. >> tony is in the front row. you can see him in the red shirt. the rest of the gang are work friends. keep your blind folds on until i give you the green light.
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here is nancy before. all right, nancy, let's see the new you. >> nancy! are you guys ready to see her? take off your blind folds and buckle up. >> wow! >> nancy, you're probably going to freak out. >> oh, my god! >> don't you look gorgeous. >> that's not me. >> yes, it is. >> you look absolutely beautiful. >> that hair cut looks awesome. >> the whole thing, right? nancy is a beautiful woman. we had to find the beauty within. she did take advantage of her looks. colorwise, what better color for the holidays than chocolate? again, this is a semi permanent chocolate hair color that will wash away. max gave her this great haircut, sophisticated because she works in the business field. she sells insurance. >> tony, how are we doing? >> doing well.
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>> what do you think? >> looks totally different. >> tony is not so thrilled. everybody else thinks she looks great. >> that outfit looks great on her. >> it's really fun for the holidays. everyone thinks you have to get dressed up. a great pair of dark jeans and a sparkle top from dkny from macy's. you can still do a little bit of statement jewelry. >> how about the work friends? >> she looks awesome. >> can you believe it? >> great. >> join your husband and your friends. >> he does think you're gorgeous. take her out to dinner and prove it. >> next lady is sherry williams. she is going to be 50 years old tomorrow. >> cool. >> she is from johnson city, tennessee. let's listen to her story. >> save your voice because we picked you. you have the sign, you know the song. >> louis lacari, la, la, la, la, la ♪
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>> you're turning 50 tomorrow. why is this so important to you? >> i haven't done anything with my looks in a long time. probably haven't had a haircut in three years and do the home color. it's beautiful, isn't it? >> wayne is looking over. >> i think she would look good with new make-up, with a makeover. >> you put that very nicely. i'm going to get rid of the holy sweatshirt. ready to go? >> let's do it. >> sherry is here with her husband dwayne and their friends jennifer and michael. one last look at sherry before and bring out the new and improved sherry williams. >> come out, sherry. >> oh, my god! wow, wow, wow! take off the blind folds, everybody. >> whoa! >> it's a dramatic change. >> look at yourself. say happy birthday. >> happy birthday to me! oh, my god! >> that is so sassy. >> is that fantastic?
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>> gorgeous. >> look at the difference. >> you trimmed that hair. >> look at the back of it. >> long in the front for that sexy peek-a-boo look. i softened the hair color, painted on a few highlights and shows what a little bit of make-up can do. >> he's a miracle worker. >> no. just gilding the lilly. all the beauty was all there. what about the outfit? look at dwayne. >> beautiful. unbelievable. i love the hair. >> and the outfit is fantastic. >> the outfit is available at macy's. she was screaming the whole time so i'm so happy we can give this to you. >> mixing and matching. >> you look sensational. >> let nancy through. >> i don't think nancy is used to those shoes. >> those shoes are too high for
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anyone. hold her hand. >> you're i not going to be on the catwalk. >> up next, what happens when you put sara in a crowd with a microphone? >> we'll answer the questions. >> going to get ugly, right after this. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery
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until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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it is time for three, two, one live with sara haines. >> we have to answer every one of the questions. what's up? >> i'm here with wendy from virginia with a question about holiday memories. >> what is your favorite holiday memory? >> i think it was always the christmas after a new baby was born. as your family grows and you start making memories together. cassidy's first christmas we shot at our house in connecticut. we had a glass coffee table. cody was underneath it. i will never forget. cassidy was over it going, cody,
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cody. it was just sweet. those are the kind of things you remember. how about you, hodi? >> i have great childhood memories of the holidays. it's like when you're carefree. you didn't have worries, you didn't have bills to pay. you rode a sled down the hill. you just felt great and you waited for santa. i like when you didn't have a lot of worries, unlike right now. >> next up, we have kate and libby from georgia. >> hi. >> what do you want most for christmas? >> world peace. it's true. what would you like? >> i want peace in my own home. my son is returning from college and we never know who is going to show up, the one that loves his mommy or the one who can't stand her. i'm hoping the one that loves his mother is on a plane tomorrow. that's all i want, peace in our own home and a little sunshine down in the keys. have a merry christmas, you guys. >> see you later. still to come, the animals you never want to run into in the great outdoors.
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♪ jingle bell rock >> we are back on this try day friday with more of "today" and a pop quiz from joy bauer. because she likes to make us look like idiots. the day after your office party. >> with all the delicious treats at your fingertips, there is going to be some indulging going on that. so we're not going to question that. doesn't mean you can't make better choices so you can pick the least bad thing for you. joy bauer is our nutritionist. and she's going to give us a test. >> this is the best of the worst. let's face it -- we are in the holiday season. we are all going to cave. >> even joy bauer does on occasion. >> i totally do. we are at the mall, shopping, we get the urge to snack. are you going to go for the
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large pretzel with the cheese dip or the frosted cinnamon bun? which has the least amount of calories? >> i think it would be that. >> i like that better. >> it's counterintuitive. >> the winner is the pretzel with the cheese dip. >> which is what i would have picked any way. >> this is 490 calories versus 880 calories. >> you don't need that much. >> that is not worth it. that scares me. that is almost a full day's food. >> you eat it today, you'll wear it tomorrow. >> now you're at a friend's or relative's. for breakfast they serve donuts or bagels with cream cheese. what are you picking? >> i'm picking donut. no question, 100% right. >> winner is the donut. you know what the give-away is? it's lighter. this is about 260 calories. this is more than 500. >> if it's cheese and spreadable and edible. if it's soft cheese -- >> the majority of calories really comes from the bagel
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because it's so dense. it's four to five slices of bread. >> if you hollowed it out. >> i hollow it out. >> of course you do. >> now for the seasonal beverages. are you going to go for the egg nog or for the peppermint hot cocoa with a dollup of whipped cream? the winner is peppermint hot cocoa. even with the whipped cream, it's 270 calories. >> this is solid cream. >> a measly cup of egg nog is between 350 and 450 calories. >> i don't like egg nog. >> for people that do, the simplest slimming tip is just thin it out a little bit with skim milk or unsweetened vanilla almond milk. you still get your seasonal fix and you'll cut the calories. you love it. you love it. >> mix it with the thick egg nog.
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now your host put out dips. do you go for the spinach artichoke dip or the baked brie. >> i would personally go for the spinach. >> the winner is the baked bree. for half a cup, the baked brie is 250 calories. the spinach artichoke dip is 300. it's typically made with parm cheese, mayo and cream cheese. >> who doesn't love it? it's so good. i do think that's worth the splurge. >> for the main entree, do you go for the honey glazed ham or the prime rib? >> same amount. >> i'm going there. >> i'll go the ham for fun's sake. >> winner is the ham by a landslide. >> amazing. how about that. >> do you know the ham is about 240 calories that same portion, 720 calories because prime rib is one of the fatiest cuts of meat.
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>> but you're cutting the fat out. who is eating that? >> it's still marbled. >> you can eat three of these plates for one of that. >> all right. >> i don't like this game. >> dessert. >> you only like the games when you're winning. >> you have a chance to catch up. >> i don't think so. >> do you go for the pound cake or apple pie? >> pound cake. >> that's one of those counterintuitive things. i'm going to go with pound cake, too. >> winner is the apple pie. >> you should have gone opposite me. i'm wrong in everything. >> no, you're not! >> this is about 400 calories. >> but this is light. >> not that light. >> if you slice off the crust you save yourself another 100 calories. >> you weren't asking us about that. >> you know how they got the name pound cake? traditionally it's made with a pound of sugar, flour, eggs and butter, pound cake. >> i used to like joy. not now. >> do you go for the chocolate
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fudge or the frosted christmas cookie? >> the christmas cookie. it's much better than that thing. >> i'll go with the cookie. >> winner is the cookie, 150 calories and this is about 220. if you could imagine, ironic, the chocolate fudge has twice the amount of sugar as the sugar cookie. >> lastly. >> cocktails. do you go for the mimosa, champagne and o.j., bloody mary, vodka with tomato juice. >> i'm doing the bloody mary. >> bloody mary wins. less sugar even though they are both around the same calories. >> another excuse. thank you, joy. up next, we are going to the wild. >> i've been there once or twice. >> that's where you spend your saturday nights. >> that's right. ♪ ♪ ♪
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animals. they're from all over the world. >> look at this thing. >> looks like it's got some weasel in it. >> it is called a fossa. everybody looks at them and thinks is it a cat, dog, weesele, otter, all of the above? none of the above. they aren't related to anybody. they are from madagascar. >> he wants to jump. >> we'll have him come this way. >> we are not supposed to go near it. >> nice long kangaroo tail. it's used for balance while jumping around. this is an effective hunter during the daytime and nighttime. they'll hunt whatever they please. >> is he a baby? >> no. he is a full-grown adult male. >> why can't we be near him? >> because he wants to eat you. >> for one, isa is one of the trained fussa in the world we know of. they are a unique animal with an interesting behavior, which is everyone in their family is okay, everyone outside of their family is suspect and should be checked.
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>> it's almost like a meer cat. >> let me get this guy with his trainer here. >> nice talking to you. next we've got a snake. >> it was right there all along and we didn't know it. >> this is so cool. this is a milk snake. the reason i wanted to bring this guy is the bright colors you see here are normally reserved for venomous snakes. >> like rattle snakes. >> basically bright colors in the wild mean, look at me, i'll kill you. >> he's not venomous? >> no. this is how they survived. everyone says, stay away from this guy. >> milk in what sense? he likes milk? >> got milk? >> that is a great question. it is believed because they were initially found around barns and farms they were stealing milk. snakes are bad and evil so they do something wrong which is stealing milk which is a value. the reality is they are hanging
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around barns because of the mouse population. >> i thought you said hanging around bars. you're not going to get much milk there. i know. >> it's cool. snakes can be responsible for eliminating over 100,000 to 500,000 mice in just one year. >> let's bring up the hedge hog, shall we? >> who doesn't love a hedge hog. they always smell so good. >> he does. >> victor has a lovely odor. >> you always put them right in front of us so we get the down wind. >> you mentioned hedge hog. this is not a hedge hog. they are about this big. this is victor. he's the only other egg-laying mammal in the world. they are related to the platypus from australia. when they are first hatched, it's out of a tiny egg, it's kind of leathery and they're called a pugle when they're a baby. >> can we touch it? oh, my gosh, very bristly. these mate in the sort of normal
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sense? >> yes. >> doesn't that hurt? >> they mate carefully. >> that's unbelievable. >> those are sharp. >> speaking of sharp, you have a porcupine down here. >> victor and i are going over here. >> i've got a visual now. wait a minute. >> you mentioned a hedge hog. people look at victor and think porcupine. look at the comparison. quite a bit different. this is an insectavore. ruba here is a true porcupine found in africa. all her quills are dressed back if she would get startled or scared, you would see them flair out. one of the big myths is that they can shoot their quills, which is not true. quills are a modified hair, no more than we can shoot our hairs can they shoot their quills. >> thank you for bringing them. robin thicke is going to see a song to get new the mood.
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he's going to get you in the mood, if you know what i'm talking about. right after this. goshg. i'm meteorologist crystal with the weather channel, tracking the weather as we head into the weekend and next week and you know what? it's quiet across much of the country. the exception being the interior of the northeast here. of course, the lake-effect snow showers persistent. along the coast, we expect it to be dry. the outer banks of north carolina, just a few scattered showers. it's not much to talk about. a little fog in the pacific northwest. the cool air settles further to the south, impacting the tennessee valley. on sunday, great day for all the football games. temperatures will be on the cooler side for some, following that cold front. louisville, back to kansas city, we're dry. chicago, minneapolis, with
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sunshine. here's the air as we head into sunday. you can see how cold it is in billings at 39. but there have been times this time of year where it's much colder. hopefully you enjoy your weekend on the west coast, because rain showers move back in on monday. central california all the way down into san diego. 42 in salt lake city. still a lot of snow cover and tuesday, high elevation snow across the four corners. rain showers stretching out into the southern plains. we'll take all the rain we can get here. dry across the east coast, warming up to 60 in atlanta next week. here comes that system, as it organizes and meets up with the cold air. this is going to be a big deal next week. rain in one area with thunderstorms possible on the colder i'd. an icy mix in the northern plains and wet weather in the pacific northwest. this storm tracks further to the east on thursday. you can always go to the weather channel weekday morningings for
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"wake up with al" and they'll have your latest forecast at 6:00 a.m. to help you get your day started right. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at
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after having a baby, everything changes. >> we are talking about how everything changes when you have a baby. by the time robin thicke was writing music and producing for artists. >> we look good together. >> he's got a brand-new album out. this guy is platinum, gold. >> it's platinum, gold, all kinds of colors. >> it's called "love after war." >> it just came out. >> that sounds like an angry title. >> is this my interview with you guys? bring out the presents. >> we'll get them later. >> fine. be that way. >> you're married to a gorgeous wife. she has a big "mission impossible" movie.
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>> there she is my gorgeous wife. >> how is your little baby? >> he is the most amazing thing. look at that little bobo with his cool wrist band. cool guy. >> alan thicke is a grandfather? >> he is the best grandfather ever. this is called "love after war." it's when you get to that point in the relationship where everything is going wrong and you have to start the healing process. i learned i'm the one to start the healing. i'm going to heal you guys right now. let's get the healing going. ♪ that's right baby come on darling ♪ kathie lee and hoda you know i want it ♪ you want the fight ♪ i said i'm sorry ♪ that i acted like a
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selfish child ♪ please forgive me baby ♪ ♪ i was out of line ♪ you know i can make it right don't you love it when we fight ♪ ♪ let me make it right you know i want it ♪ ♪ i'm knocking on your door ♪ you slammed and broke the lights ♪ you've got to go bottles hit the tv screen ♪ you gotta go ♪ or i'm gonna leave throwing clothes into the yard ♪ when we go we go so hard ♪ it only makes me want you more ♪ ♪ i need you tonight baby come on and let me make it right baby
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♪ i'm knocking on that door you know i want it ♪ you know i want you baby ♪ ♪ you know i want you baby ♪ love's all we need ♪ love's all we need ♪ love's all we need ♪ kathie put your hands up in the air ♪ ♪ i just want to love you baby ♪ let's put down our weapons baby ♪ ♪ lay your guns down on the floor now ♪ ♪ give me some love after war baby ♪ ♪ you know it's going to be all right baby ♪ ♪ you know the way that we fight baby ♪ ♪ just drink this glass of wine ♪
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♪ baby remember you're mine ♪ yes you are ♪ say you love me now ♪ come on and let me in ♪ let me in ♪ you know i want your love ♪ can you say love ♪ say love ♪ can you say love after war ♪ can you say love ♪ say love after war baby ♪ you know i need you ♪ love after war >> we were feeling it. >> we were feeling it. >> now i get to feel on you. >> we'll be back with more of "today" on nbc.
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one of the reasons our toy drive is so successful we partner up with terrific companies like kay jeweler. >> for the 12th consecutive year kay is contributing to our toy drive. he is here with two friends from st. jude's research hospital. great to see you guys. >> merry christmas. you guys are always so generous. what's going on this year? >> we've got owen and our bears this year sold at our kay stores. we are donating 2,000. it is our 12th year. we're really excited about that.
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>> you guys have been very generous. thank you. >> st. jude's is important to your organization. >> it is. we've been partners coming into our 13th year. we raised this year with our customer's help. we are donating all the profits of the sale for these bears and raised over $30 million. >> look at roman and ellie sitting here real cute. >> this one is so cute. he's a macho guy. >> he's cool. >> have you been enjoying new york city? this is your first trip, right? >> yes. >> what have you done? >> i've been to toys "r" us, swatch. >> how about you? >> i've been to toys "r" us and stuff like that. >> we are so glad you guys are with us today. enjoy new york. >> thank you for everything you do. really appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> have a wonderful holiday don't forget, you have through december 21st to make a donation to our toy drive. go to for the special link to our page or come down here and leave something for the kids. >> next week we'll tell you how to stay calm during the holidays.
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