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tv   Teen Kids News  NBC  December 17, 2011 1:30pm-2:30pm EST

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girl: mom, can i have a dollar? i think my purse is upstairs on the bed. it's not here. check the dining room. nope. the upstairs closet? announcer: moms everywhere are finding ways to keep kids active and healthy. get ideas. get involved. get going at >> you're watching "teen kids news," and here's what's coming up. >> omg! a new survey shows the downside of too much texting. brb. >> we'll meet two brothers who did something very special with their spring break. >> i'll tell you about a student art project that's really off the wall. >> did you ever want to join the circus? we'll meet some kids who are on their way. >> that and lots more right now on "teen kids news."
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>> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm siena. here's our top story for this week. >> texting. it's been around for more than 10 years, but when it comes to text etiquette, most of us are in uncharted territory. tyler joins us now to talk about the dos and don'ts of texting. tyler? >> one sec, mwanzaa. i'm wrapping up this text. was that rude? most teens, in a recent survey, say "yes," yet for some reason, we still do it. when is the wrong time to send a text message? >> obviously, like, if you're in class. >> like, at the movies. >> way late in the evening, like, waking somebody up. >> when you're in the car. >> probably dinner, 'cause my mom, like, hates me when i, like, staran she's trying to talk to me. >> okay, we know it's wrong to
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text at school, dinner, or when talking with a friend, but have you ever done it? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes, but i've never sent a text at school. >> margaret sullivan is with text plus, a mobile app that's very interested in texting trends. so, it did a survey and found that the average teen sends 100 texts a day. that's about 3,000 texts a month. here's what else the survey found. >> 75% of texters say that it's rude to talk and text at the same time -- to text in the middle of a conversation, but 50% of kids say they've done it. >> but that particular rude behavior may be changing because of peer pressure. >> given how much teens are texting today, people might be shocked to find out that other kids are calling one another out on their rude behavior, so we actually have users who've said that in the past, when they're talking to a friend who's texting, and they're texting right in front of them, they'll shoot them a text saying, "you're being rude." >> given all the texts that are sent every day, it's not surprising that 85% of students
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admit to texting while in class, but you might find this surprising. >> a lot of those students have told us that it's their parents who are texting them during the class and during the school day. >> most adults don't think they're encouraging bad behavior. they send the text thinking the message will just wait to be read at the end of the school day. but no kid is going to wait to read a text. what's the point? >> it's instant, it's fast, it gets to you right away. >> yes, texting is a useful and powerful technology, but with power comes responsibility. sometimes we're texting so fast we send messages to the wrong person. >> if you're sending about 100 texts a day, you've got to be typing pretty quickly. so, count to three, look at who you're sending it to, make sure it's the right person, and then press send. >> i was supposed to go out to a party with my friend, and i didn't want my brother to come, but i sent it to him instead. oops. >> i was messing around with my friend at school, and i accidentally sent it to the wrong person, and he took it the
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wrong way. >> me and a couple friends were texting about a surprise party, and i accidentally sent the text to the person who the surprise party was for. ruined everything. it was terrible. i felt so bad for so long afterwards. >> i was trying to text my girlfriend, and i ended up texting my ex-girlfriend a very intimate message, and it did not end well. >> so, i was really mad at one of my guy friends because he was not doing a project with me the way i wanted him to, so i kind of cursed him out to my friend, and it turns out i sent the text message to him, so i'm not gonna do that on text message anymore. >> the most common text misfire is sending "i love you" to the wrong person. and, while we're on the subject of dating... >> so, if you're gonna ask someone out on a date by a text message, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. one, personalize it. make sure that it looks like it was actually meant for this person and that you didn't just send out a blanket e-mail to everyone, hoping for one date. >> and here's another etiquette tip. don't ask someone out who you've
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never met in person. that's just plain tacky. think of texting as a tool for quick communication, not a replacement for communication. >> take some time. texts are important. it's, of course, important to stay connected with your friends, but you should always put down the phone and make sure that you're staying connected with the people around you. >> and remember, don't say anything in a text that you wouldn't say in person. it's easy to be mean in a text message, but it's just as hurtful. >> stay with us. there's a lot more coming up on "teen kids news." >> we'll be right back.
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>> frankenstein, the statue of liberty, and a bald gold guy named oscar. these are some of the images you'll find covering the hallway walls in a rather unusual school project.
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christian has the story. >> the mural's a great place. it's the friendly place that everyone goes to when they have an inspirational feeling, and everyone's just so nice, and work gets done here. they actually get, boom, boom, boom, work. >> here is where students at william mckinley junior high school go to learn on their own time. >> we mostly come at 7:00 in the morning, and sometimes we stay after school. we've even spent our lunch periods in mr. buxton's class, trying to get in as much work as we can. >> no extra credit. all they get is a cup of hot chocolate. >> language-arts teacher tom buxton dreamed up the project -- a giant mural that stretches half the length of a football field. it started when a student approached mr. buxton with an unusual piece of art. >> a young lady handed me a refrigerator magnet that had an image of rosie the riveter on it. >> rosie the riveter is a popular image from world war ii, created by american artist norman rockwell. >> and when i thought about it, it resembled an image on the
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sistine chapel ceiling. i checked it out. sure enough, that's what it was. it was isaiah. isn't that cool? >> isaiah is one of the prophets on the famous ceiling in rome. renaissance artist michelangelo painted isaiah 300 years before rockwell used the figure as a model for rosie the riveter. >> when i showed that to the kids, they became so enthralled at the idea of looking at the ceiling and what was on it, that i had to explain the whole thing to them, and i realized i had something here that i could work with with these kids, and that kind of sprung into the idea of the project. >> mr. buxton decided a mural was the perfect medium to help kids learn about art by doing more than just reading about it. >> in a language-arts class, what they do is the study of the various types of literature, the poetry, the robert frost, to the study of the greek mythology. and afterwards, they come to me, and i expose them to the various artists that came from that era. and what they do is to learn all the secrets that's from the old masters and to fuse them with their own style of art. >> we bring everything that we learned in class to, like, another level.
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we draw it, we write poems about it, we do a lot of extra things that i don't think in other schools, they do it. >> my favorite thing is that it involves literature, artwork, and they're all connected in some way. >> frankenstein, for example. the kids will read the novel "frankenstein" in class, and we'll develop with them some ideas for what goes onto the mural in terms of a sketch. we might try to use some of the architectural features that you might see here. for example, we ended up using an electrical box to form the monster's heart because that's what he used to charge him up, so to speak. >> it takes hours of drilling, sanding, and sketching to prepare each panel. >> a lot of work. a lot of dirty work. a lot of clothes that get ruined 'cause of paint. just a lot of work that you have to do. >> you see this -- this book? the blue one over here. that's kind of a -- it's a disaster. >> it doesn't go perfect all the way. a lot of times, they make mistakes, but we keep going on and on and on up until it's perfect, and we don't give up. that's our main motto.
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>> i think they become better individuals, you know? they're aware of the community. even just the camaraderie in working with each other, you know, "i'll hold this, you hold this," the conversations they have, i just think it makes them smarter and brighter in a broader sense. >> while we were there, a new section of the mural was being started. it's dedicated to the victims of 9/11. it doesn't matter whether any of these students can paint as well as norman rockwell or michelangelo. what does matter is that they can express themselves through art in the same way the old masters could. for "teen kids news," i'm christian. >> the medal of honor is the highest award the united states can bestow on a person for bravery above and beyond the call of duty. >> the medal of honor came about because the united states army
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actually did not have any medals to give to its soldiers prior to the civil war. today, of course, you have to pretty much do a very heroic act -- something that's distinctly either saves lives or saves a situation. in the civil war, you didn't have to do that. a lot of times, a soldier would get a medal of honor for just picking up a dropped flag. today, though, you actually have to do something in combat with
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>> spring breaks and summer vacations can be fun and exciting. they can also be very rewarding. tom and riley are brothers. they're a lot like other guys their age. they play a little hoops, do their homework, and toss the ball around with the family dog, so, as spring break approached last year, they figured it would be a lot like other spring breaks. >> most of our vacations are taken to -- we go to, like, beaches and vacation spots where you relax and don't... not action-packed.
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>> this time, though, the boys' mom had a different idea -- a very different idea. >> i wanted to do something where the boys would learn about how people live in other countries and learn about giving back. >>o she found this organization, orphanage outreach, and we went on the trip and helped orphans. >> the orphanage was located in the dominican republic, which is in the sunny caribbean. but the boys were not enthused. >> we were both disappointed because, on spring break, you don't necessarily want to be working in an orphanage and whatnot. you want to be out playing with your friends at the beach or playing baseball or playing outside. >> things didn't exactly improve once they got there, either. >> first thing i saw when we arrived, we noticed, was how poor everyone was there. >> where we were was pretty remote and definitely very poor, but we went even out into areas that were more remote, and there was no running water and, you
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know, just goats and chickens all over the place. we were in a tent, and we were supposed to set it up ourselves, and, actually, it rained. it poured rain one night, and the whole tent collapsed on us. >> to make matters worse, very few of the local children spoke english. >> it was very tough speaking to them, so a lot of things, we had to, like, make hand motions. >> but then, something very interesting happened. [ indistinct conversations ] [ bat clangs ] [ cheering ] the brothers began to discover how rewarding it was helping kids who had no families of their own. >> and they would lead them in baseball games and all sorts of other different things, and they had them singing, and it was amazing. >> everyone that we met was so -- they were all very kind. when we would be walking home, people would run out in the street, they would say hello to us, they would drive by, they would offer us water. >> and, as far as they're concerns about finding time to relax? >> we had tons of time to relax. but, usually when we had that time, we would go hang out with
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the orphans because we liked having fun with them. we would go play basketball or we would go play baseball or we'd play duck-duck-goose or any other games. >> it was just fun in a different way. it was a new experience. it was a great experience. >> we met tons of new people, tons of awesome, fun-loving people who i just -- who i won't forget for the rest of my life. you just felt it changed your life. >> to find out how you can do something special with your spring break or summer vacation, visit our website. for "teen kids news," i'm erika. >> this report is brought to you by samsung. these students and teachers are grand-prize winners in samsung's 2011 solve for tomorrow contest. more than 1,000 schools from all across the country entered the contest. the award ceremony was hosted by grammy winner john legend. >> solve for tomorrow offers $1 million in technology to the winning schools, and these schools can submit a video and say how they, as young students
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and teachers, can use math and science to affect their environment in their area. >> the question was, "how can you use s.t.e.m., science, technology, engineering, and math, to help out our community -- to save the environment? so, our idea was that, we have a large salmon population in the columbia river over by the pacific northwest, and the dams, the hydroelectric dams, they hurt the salmon there. so, our idea was to transition away from hydroelectric-dam energy and use more solar and wind-turbine energy. >> it's science and math that can fuel future innovation, future creativity, building new businesses, so it's really a win-win all around, as a company. it's our responsibility to support it. >> 11 other winning schools each took home prizes worth thousands of dollars. >> i'm glad to see a big-name company that has the ability to help kids that can't help themselves sometimes, giving back to the community that is gonna be changing the rest of the world for the future. >> in our area, no one believed it could happen, and to compete with the kids and come and meet the other schools here, they're top-notch educators and kids,
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and to be competing with them, i'm really proud of our kids. >> samsung's next solve for tomorrow contest is already under way. >> it's open to grades 6 through 12, to the students and the teachers, and, hopefully, a lot of folks will submit and, if you win, you'll have access to some great technology for your school. >> the contest for 2012 is open right now through october 31st. to find out more, you can visit... or visit the link on our website. when it's time for lunch, a sandwich is a quick and easy choice. and with the right ingredients, it can be good and good for you.
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so i'm here today to see who can build the ultimate sandwich. all right, when the time is up, our judges will give you their scores. ready. set. go! okay, jason starts out with the multigrain roll. ooh. alyson's stuffing her pita with, yes, spinach! a great source of iron. jason isn't skimping on the protein, adding plenty of smoked turkey. looks like alyson's putting the finishing touches with crispy red bell peppers for a dose of vitamin a. (buzzer blares) time! (bells ding) it looks like we have a tie. we'll need to call in our special guest referee. oh! now these are what i call quick, delicious lunches. whole grain breads, a whole variety of ingredients-- there are so many different ways to build delicious, healthy sandwiches. these two get high marks in every category. i'd say you're both winners. yeah! (laughs) (first lady michelle obama) america... (all) let's get healthy together! >> are you afraid of bugs? if so, be glad you're not living 50 million years ago in wyoming.
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paleontologists from simon fraser university recently discovered the fossil of what they call a "monstrously big ant." the ants were the size of hummingbirds. you're also probably glad they don't fly. >> walking a tightrope, working with animals, wearing colorful costumes -- being a circus performer seems like a lot of fun. nicole tells us about a camp that gives teens a taste of what it's like under the big top. >> for more than 20 years, the circus arts camp has been teaching kids how to master skills ranging from acrobatics to juggling to balancing to balancing and juggling. the camp is in hartsville, new york, but their expertise is global. >> our instructors are coaches from the gymnastic fields, from professional circus, ringling bros. and barnum and bailey, european circuses, as well as the big apple circus, and then some of our teachers who have grown up through the program that
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we've trained. >> and expert help is definitely in order. for example, george makes the diabolo look easy. >> and once you have that, you can do all kinds of tricks with it -- plenty of stunts. things like that, or step over it. and spin it under your leg. you can catch it out of the air, like this. things like that any many other fun things. you want to try it? >> i do want to try. >> okay. now, you right-handed? >> i am. >> so, you roll it towards your left shoulder and pick it up. roll it to your left and pick it up, and then up and down with the left -- the right hand. gently, gently. that's it! that's it. you got a beautiful spin right there. tightrope, and let it in. and let it in. yes, yes!
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good job. that's it. >> next, i tried my hand -- i mean foot -- at walking on stilts. if at first you don't succeed... i was more at home on the trampoline. since i have one in my backyard, flipping in the air comes naturally. i get to try aerial fabrics next. polly seems to defy gravity as she gracefully executes her moves on the aerial hammock. >> which is basically a very long piece of fabric folded in half and tied in a knot way up there. >> since it's called a hammock, it makes sense that the one thing i learned how to do is lie down. >> well, sit first. there you go. [ laughs ] >> this pose is called "doing the coffin." ahh! now for something a little more
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challenging. >> so, you're gonna put your foot on the fabric and stand on up. >> okay. >> and just to make us a little more secure, we're gonna crisscross the fabrics. >> okay. >> then my foot's gonna come -- in dance, we call this passé, with your foot to your knee. >> okay. >> hands reach way up high, and then you're gonna arch forward and let your hands slide down a little bit for your first pose. >> okay, now, how did she do that? i think -- yep, like this. hello. when we return, i get a lesson in funambulism. that's a fancy way of saying tightrope walking. we'll be right back. [nursery music playing]
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just three granules of lead dust can harm your child. if your home was built before 1978, log onto girl: mom, can i have a dollar? yeah. it's right-- i think my purse is upstairs on the bed. it's not here. check the dining room. nope. what about your sister's room? not there, either. the upstairs closet? the downstairs closet. there are no more closets. announcer: moms everywhere are finding ways to keep kids active and healthy. get ideas. get involved. get going at i hope you find a home. i hope you find a home. hey, maybe you'll be picked next. maybe you'll be picked next. we've been caged together too long. we've been caged together too long. how come nobody ever picks me? maybe they're looking for somebody different. pick me! well, the shelter's closing up for another day.
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we didn't get picked. i know. tomorrow. guaranteed. >> we're at the circus arts camp in heartsville. so far, i've learned to catch a diabolo, walk on stilts, flip on a trampoline -- whoop! -- and strike a pose on an aerial hammock. but a day at circus camp would not be complete without some tightrope walking.
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these fans are not for keeping cool. they're for keeping your balance. >> that's it. you're gonna feel the balance. i got you. you're doing great. now i'm gonna teach you how to walk. come on over here. so, when you start to walk, you're gonna do a brush-toe slide. so, watch my feet. you brush by this foot. your toe finds the wire. and you slide. so, it's brush, toe, slide. brush, toe, slide. go ahead. that's it. right. good. now, you won't be looking down when you do it. you'll be looking straight ahead. so, your feet tell you where the wire is. you never lose contact with the wire then. excellent. >> fortunately, i was wearing my lucky snoopy socks. i'm stepping on my sock! >> so move forward. yeah, you got it. so, brush right there next to the foot alongside it. i got you. you're doing great. almost there.
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>> ahh-ahh-ah-ah. >> ah, you're good. you're good. >> okay. [ laughs ] >> all right! [ claps ] so, would you like to try the higher one? >> sure. let's try the higher one. as i head for the high wire, i get a harness to help me keep on course. this wire is only about five feet above the gym floor, but it looks a lot higher. >> so, same thing. you're gonna do your brush-toe slide. keep your fan up. that's it. now try a little more balancing with the fan so you don't maybe have to depend on your hand so much. good job. all right. you did it! bravo! >> the circus arts camp certainly brings kids to new heights. i'm nicole for "teen kids news." ahh, and i'm falling again! >> that wraps up our show, but we'll be back soon with more "teen kids news." >> thanks for joining us, and
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have a great week.
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announcer: 60 minutes of physical activity a day and eating well can help get your child healthy. get ideas. get involved. get going at that's >> announcer: the following is a paid program for the shark professional steam pocket mop. ["old time rock'n'roll" playing] >> woman: ♪ just take those
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old records off the shelf ♪ ♪ i'll sit and listen to 'em by myself... ♪ >> woman: the shark professional steam pocket mop lets you clean and sanitize your floors with natural steam and no harsh chemicals. plus it has three levels of intelligent steam control, so you get just the right amount of steam to dust your hardwoods, mop every day, or scrub through tough messes. [♪...] bring your cleaning into the 21st century... shark, the floor is your stage. >> announcer: using an old mop and bucket was a backbreaking chore, and you'd just push dirty water and germs around your floor. chemical pad mops were a huge improvement. they were fast and very convenient for quick cleanups, but they leave chemical residue on your floors, and replacement pads cost up to $200 a year, maybe more. then shark engineered the revolutionary fast and easy steam pocket mop, with patented two-sided cleaning that dries in seconds, and people loved it. in fact, it consistently gets four- and five-star ratings.
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that's why 10 million people use shark steam to clean and sanitize their homes. now, shark is taking steam cleaning to the next level. introducing the all-new shark professional steam pocket mop with three levels of intelligent steam control. until now, you had to use different cleaning tools and different methods for different floors. hardwoods, everyday cleaning, tough messes, sanitizing-- they all required extra work. who has the time? but now shark puts you back in control with the all-new professional steam pocket mop with three levels of intelligent steam control. finally you can have the right kind of cleaning and sanitizing for all the floors in your house as easy one, two, three. set it to dust for steam dusting your delicate hardwood floors and laminates. just a kiss of super-dry steam and you're done. and your floor dries almost instantly. set it to mop and you're ready for everyday cleaning in just seconds. or, to deep-clean sticky, dried-on dirt, set it to scrub and power through those tough germs and messes instantly.
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and you don't need any harsh chemicals because shark's super-heated steam kills 99.9% of disease-causing germs and viruses with simple water, including the viruses that cause h1n1. compare this popular chemical pad mop with the new shark professional steam pocket mop. both are fast and convenient, both are lightweight and swivel, both clean and sanitize your floors, but shark does it all with no chemicals and reusable micro-fiber pockets. plus, shark gives you three levels of intelligent steam control so you can dust, mop or scrub any floor, any mess, any time. finally, a mop made for the way you want to clean and sanitize all the floors in your house. you save time, effort and money. ç >> hola preciosa, qué pasó?
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>> eres mi salvación, se me rompió el tacón y no puedo dar ni un paso. iva para la central pero me voy a tener que regresar a mi casa a cambiar menos zapatos. >> tengo que ir a checar que la pipa de agua esté cargando. >> te acompaño. ç y después me llevas, si quieres. >> claro que sí. >> qué lindo eres. >> con este estampado va a aparecer un poema la ecología. ¿te quieres la hermosa? te voy a tapar la cara. >> sin abollar la mercancía porque si no la tienes que comprar. ç >> no, toco madera. >> brincos dieras, de tanto
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tocar la tijera devolviste arma blanca. >> acuérdate que está comprometida. >>de veras, contra quien es el daño? >> el gerente de mantenimiento. ç >> al que tienen recogiendo pelos en la estética. >> yo no ando contando tus intimidades. >> ¡entonces es cierto! >> basta par de alacranes. >> mejor no çte contesto porqu sales perdiendo. es el caso de la cintura perdida. voy a desconectar el
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mundo... > > qué te pasa? yo me baño cada ocho días. >> le rompiste la boca. >> necesito un actor y me tardaría tres días. >> andas entre las patas del caballo. ç >> qué mala eres. >> ya no lo quieres. >> me caí sobre los alfileres! >> parece muñeco vudú. >> más vale erizo atropellado. >> las voy a demandar desgraciadas. ç >> pareces cepillo para caballos. ( risas )
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>> ahí nos vemows. >> ándale. >> tápate, no te vas a dar un aire. ç ( risas ) >> vamos, quiero que quede listo hoy mismo. >> ¿cuál es la prisa?ç >> la casa pierde mi querido. ya de por sí ocupaste indebidamente este lugar por años, apenas hasta ahora la pudo recuperar su verdadera dueña.
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>> a mí no me salgas con eso. es mía como todo lo que tratan de quitarme. >> el juez dijo otra cosa. ç >> no por mucho tiempo, voy a recuperar lo que tú y larguía de mi hermana están intentando arrebatarme. >> tiene razón cristina, eres tan dramático. >> de la van a pagar muy caro, tú y ella. >> será en el infierno porque en este mundo te queda muy poco tiempo. >> ángel, no me gusta dejar sola a la bodega. ç >> si desconfías de la gata deberías correrla. >> es una persona muy orden rara, necesito cargarme personalmente de muchos puntos. >> por eso arregle una cita con
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el agente que tengo mis cuentas. >> la bodega siempre la he manejado de contado, si me enseñó mi papá. >> puedes abrir una cuenta de cheques, ç necesitamos su firma y la mía. así si tu no estás y hace falta algo, yo no puedo ocupar. >> no te molestes. >> me duele que desconfíes de mí. >> cómo crees, ándale, no tengo todo el día. >> me mandó a llamar don víctorç >> ven. no has olvidado que yo te saqué de la cárcel. >> no, me lo piensa cobrar. >> me gusta tu cinismo
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porque eso ahorra tiempo, sí, ha llegado el momento çde que pagues ese un favor. como te dije cuando nos vimos en la cárcel, es un trabajo importante. el miedo y los escrúpulos no caben. >> ¿vas a matar a alguien? >> lo que usted diga. >> ¿seguro que no te va a temblar la mano en el último momento? ç >> para nada. >> se trate de quien se trate? >> sea quien sea. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> aguántame un rato. el paco no viene porque se enfermó de la panza. por qué çno desayunas bien? te ofrecí el huevito pero no querías no? no a la calle no! por eso se enfermó paco. qué? te comes en la escuela, ya! ay mi hija... perdón, se me ç olvidó que había junta de
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maestros temprano. qué? a donde? no! sola no. porque no. qué es eso? ay, estás grande? si mi vida lo estás pero ñien l calle pasan cosas, es peligroso. >> tu mamá tiene!çrazón, pasan cosas. uno nunca sabe. >> ¿que haces aquí? no te acerques a mi hija. no me digas asi! nunca fuimos nada. >> ay... cállate! >> lárgate. lárgaée!maldito, o te parto a la cabeza!
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>> o te busco... en una de esas... >> mira la verdad vine contigo para que no siga insistiendome con lo mismo. abro una cuenta ç pero a mi nombre. >> que el gerente te explique no pierdes nada. >> pierdo tiempo. >> yo te ayudo a bajar. >> eres un encanto. >> no fue nada. si te hubiera traído directo todavía. >> me salvaste, no sé qué hubiera hecho sin ti. >> lo bueno es que iba a pasar.ç >> ahorita vas para la central? >> si.
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>> me esperas a que me cambien el zapato? si pero pásale, pásale, ni modo que te quedes en la calle. >> ella lo invitó al balneario y hoy entró a su casa. tienes mala suerte para los hombres. >> no solamente me pasa con losç que me enamoró. mira qué clase de padre y de hermano me fueron a tocar. la que perder el tiempo en tu mugroso banco, adiós. >> hermanita, lo mejor que nos puede pasar es que tú te quedes con tus mocosos estúpidos y yo con tu dinero. ç ♪
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>> cuánto te están pagando por mi vida? no crees que puede valer más que eso? ♪ç
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>> si me sigues hablando todo el día te van a correr. >> no me importa con tal de oir tu voz. >> que lindo, pero no quiero que tengas problemas por mi. >> es lo único que me consuela por no poder verte... >> como sabes que traigo esa ropa?ç >> intuición. pienso tanto en ti que soy capaz de adivinar dónde estás y cómo vas vestida. >> qué haces aquí? >> llamé a tu oficina me dijeron que venías para acá.
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>> si, tengo que pedirle a jimena un libro que le preste. >> me hubieras ha hablado para que yo se lo pidiera. >> no quería molestarse. >> poder verte es un placer, no una molestia.ç >> me acompañas por el libro? >> se lo pedí a jimena. >> como sabías que yo...? >> accidentalmente oi cuando la llamaste... en cuanto escuche tu nombre puse atención. ♪ >> ayudare a ramón, çparece qu se le complicaron las cosas. >> si quieres yo voy. >> no, no son para alguien tan inexperto como tú. >> por lo que le entendí a ramón no ha podido localizar a su presa.
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háblale y que te diga bien dónde está. >> si, don víctor. >> y tú... qué es çesa cara de mocoso regañado? anda, luego me vas a acompañar a ver unos asuntos. >> está bien padrino. ♪ >> si... bien. listo ya ramón quitó del medio al tal mocho. no puedes fallar. >> es el más peligroso. >> es eltñás peligroso. >> lo eliminan, olés el problema. se los estoy poniendo en bandeja de plata. >> te buscan jimenita. >> qué onda chiquita? >> que onda de que?
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>> ahora por qué tan enojada? >> simplemente estoy ocupada. >> nada más pase a ver cómo estabas. >> giovanni no çentiendo tu juego. o más bien lo entendi a cada chaval le tiras un chorro... >> no entiendo. >> conmigo todo lindo luego te metes en su casa, te vi entrando en la casa de la lucrecia. >> ¿estabas espiando? >> me vale lo que hagas con tu vida. ç >> tranquila princesa me la encontré en la calle. se le rompió el zapato... >> que considerados de tu parte por que fue ella quien te invitó al balneario? >> estas celosas. >> no y me vale. >> cual es tus bronca? >> me di cuenta como te burlas
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de mi. >> no tengo nada que ver.ç >> ojala porque esa vieja anduvo con toda la central. >> no le tiro la onda. >> te dije que me da igual! me vale. >> me lo dijiste 10 veces. >> píntate. >> eso es lo que voy a hacer pero estás mal. en buena onda te lo digo jimena. >> son todos iguales. ç >> después de ir a las bodegas quiero hablar con los jaileros. >> si padrino. >> ...hay algunos que se quieren pasar de listos. >> si padrino, como usted diga. >> vamos. >> cierra. >> si. >> cómo estás viejita chula? >> apurándome con esto mi
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hijito. no sabes si gustavito va a venir a comer con nosotrosç >> no se. >> no has hablado con él? >> no. hoy estuve muy ocupado. >> ojalá que hable. cuando sé donde ésta me siento más tranquila. >> al rato te llama. >> ojala. ese muchacho siempre me da pendiente. >> lo se... ♪ >> que pasó mocho? >> maldini no sale. ç >> ¿donde está? >> en aquel edificio. >> no hay quién lo cuida? >> si, dos. te pedi al don que te mendara conmigo. >> oye... don victor con quien se quedó? >> pues cuando me vine con el monigote de su ahijado. ♪ ç
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>> padre nuestro que estas en el cielo santificado cierto nombre venga a nosotros tu reino hágase su voluntad de la tierra como en el cielo, danos hoy nuestro pan çde cada día, perdón las tres ofensas como también nosotros perdonamos a quienes nos ofenden... >> quieres ir a comer? ni hambre tengo con tanto berrinche. >> le estaba poniendo los cuernos? >> no ni ando con él pero me da coraje haberle creído. >> ¿o es que todavía lo quieres? >> no. mejor vete a comer. ç >> amén. >> amén.
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>> provecho. >> igualmente. >> mm... ue


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