tv Today NBC December 27, 2011 2:05am-3:05am EST
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hi, it's fun day monday, december 26th. >> the day after christmas. >> we hope everybody had a joyous christmas weekend. >> yes. i wonder if they are sitting up to their necks in paper. is it all around? did you stuff it in a hefty bag right away? are you one of those people who sits in the piles? >> i'm bad about it. we keep it to a minimum, but there still is wrapping paper. somebody has the job of having the trash bag.
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the minute anything -- we never open everything at once. one person and one gift so it's appreciated. one person and somebody, everything goes into the garbage bag so it's not a mess. you know the old saying, if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy. everybody appreciates it now. everything gets -- it snowballs. it gets out of hand. next year is a good idea. >> if you have a lot of leftover paper and thinking what am i going to do with it because we never bothered throwing it away, we had great holiday decorating ideas you can do. >> nobody loves that more than hodi. she's so crafty. >> why don't do you this? tape it on some cardboard and turn it into a card? >> for next year. >> that's jerry's daughter. that's all we care about. i think jerry's daughter is gorgeous.
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this card on a piece of box -- >> you wouldn't appreciate somebody going to that much trouble for you? look at that! >> no. >> or you can make a frame. >> look. >> you can have laura's son in the middle of it. >> that's joanne's son. >> it looks like laura's son when he was little. they both have amazing hair. >> that is nameless' child. what you could do according to joanne, why don't you spend time taking the old envelopes and filling them with wrapping paper. line them. because that's worth the time. >> who doesn't want to do that? and my favorite idea -- >> let's stay here for a minute. this is the worst idea ever, okay? joanne, thank you for trying. what else?
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>> you can scrunch it up and use to get the frost off your car windows, which is great unless you live in arizona. >> or you can use it to stuff in your ugg boots so they don't lose their shape. that happens with uggs. >> we hope we've been helpful on this december 26th. nameless, we don't tell you enough how much we love you. you work your beautiful little butt off and we adore you. hoda makes such fun of you, but i personally adore you. hoda, not so much. i love you. >> thank you, thank you. here's the thing. let's talk about regifting for a second. this is a big topic. you got a ton of gifts over the holidays. you don't like some of them. so is it okay, do you think it's okay to take a gift from someone, thank them, wrap it up and give it to someone else? >> here's the thing. sort of. because i think it's not so much something you don't like. if i come across somebody that
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would love it more -- it would mean the world to them -- >> you always do that. >> i can't tell you how many things i loved and wear and somebody says i love that. i don't know if it's from my guilt from a life of sin. i take it off and give it away. if this person loves it so much, is that a bad thing to do? >> i got a gift from someone who works here, but i don't remember. >> who shall remain nameless, jill martin. >> no. >> i think it might have been from tammy. i'm sorry. i think. >> who shall also remain nameless. it was a bracelet with an evil eye on it. it was pretty. i was thinking maybe i should regift that. maybe tammy would like that. oh, my god, maybe it came from tammy. i was afraid to give it. you get nervous. >> how much you get outside of
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your regular sphere. so that doesn't happen on a daly basis. >> let's watch a "seinfeld" clip. >> they make great gifts. i just got one from tim watley for christmas. who sent you that? >> tim watley. >> no. my tim whatley? >> the same. he sent it as a thank you for my super bowl tickets. >> i think this is the same one i gave him. he recycled this gift. he's a regifter. >> that's what happens. >> the emily post institute says regift only -- it was right there until somebody took it away. not a good way to start the week, folks. >> regift only if it is something you would want to buy for someone that you happen to already have. the worst thing you can do is regift to the person who gave it
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to you. frank was going through yet another divorce at the time. somebody sent him a reindeer. >> reindeer? >> before he met me, the man was a mess. he was invited out with some friends who felt sorry for him. it was christmas. he was in the doldrums. he said i'll wrap something, he took them the very thing they sent him. it happens. it happens. >> a reindeer? >> it was a bronze deer or something. >> that is very distinctive. >> this is what the wrapping looked like. he took the deer and was busted. just be careful. don't drink so much and you might remember who gave you what. >> what is the worst gift you ever received? people are telling us -- i don't remember bad gifts. do you remember? did i give you something bad?
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>> i don't think any gift is bad. somebody cared enough to give it to you. >> according to natalia from arizona, this is a beer can helmet. >> he should have sent it to me. >> from her husband's gift exchange party. >> that's sara. that was sara at the christmas party. >> if you are a house guest in someone's home, pay attention if you're watching us. a lot of people don't know how to be a good house guest. you had good and bad ones. >> i had mostly good. one of the joys of becoming an old person, you remember the people you never invite again. we only have good ones and we love them. >> if you show up to someone's house, you should bring a bag of groceries. >> i would be offended by that. >> if someone showed up with groceries? >> yes. >> what if it was fruit and hey, i brought fruit and cheese. >> that's different. that's a hostess gift. groceries with bags like we can't afford to feed them.
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i would be offended by that. >> maybe they'll bring food they like. >> see you always check ahead. this is not going well. >> the next one is, give your host personal space. >> it's their house. >> sometimes you crowd. when you're done, strip your bed. >> that's from nameless. she would prefer you do your sheets and remake the bed. >> and vacuum the whole room and wash the carpet. >> i'll show you our favorite thing. this is going to blow your mind. it is snowing or raining, you don't have an umbrella. you know what you have? >> you have a snood. >> you put it over your head. >> that is a scene from "the girl with the dragon tattoo." >> wait, wait, look. >> that is rather chic. >> and when it rains you have -- or snow, it's water repellent.
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>> you pull it further down. >> hey, watch it. i'm here. you can throw it in your purse and go on our website and figure out about it. >> it comes in nine designer colors. >> chris anderson designed that. >> what you got, girl? >> mary in the make-up room brings me great stuff. this is called dermalogica. $38 at drug if you go down the back of this thing, you cannot believe the nutrients in this. >> you spray it on your face. >> all day long. just keep doing it. it great for travelers who get on a plane. it fights dehydrating, anti-aging. it would take the whole show to tell you -- i don't know if they would let you have this on a plane. >> you need a smaller version. >> you thought something through. i am proud of you.
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>> miss sarah. >> what better time to think about thank you notes than after the holidays. i love papyrus. you love handwritten notes. >> i try. >> you do, too, hoda. these are a sweet way. they sparkle. they are $10 and it's a nice touch. it's all in the presentation. >> you know what else it's time for? our fan of the week! >> no! who is it? >> this is a good one. this week our fan of the week is paula mccarty from wyoming, michigan, who watches on winn tv. >> wyoming, michigan? >> that is what it says. >> they ran out of city names. watches every morning with her daughter. paula put up her own security gate for her daughter who likes to bang on the tv when kathie lee and hoda are on.
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>> the kid hates us. she loves ambush makeovers and cooking segments. believes laughter is the best segment and appreciates the daily dose from you. congratulations paula from turning your whole family into fans. we are sending you to jamaica. you and a friend will enjoy three nights at one of the sandals 12 resorts in jamaica. in all-inclusive trip includes accommodations, all meals, land and water sports and more. round trip airfare will be included, provided by the jamaica for just board. visit our website. you can be our next fan of the week. >> you know what i'm afraid of now. these are so great people are making up why they like us. i would. we're on to you, okay? we are not that great and you're making this up. we are very grateful. >> we are buzzing with the worst and best celebrity moments. >> and how men think.
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now in today's buzz, the end of the year in review. >> the highs and the lows. >> there is no one better than huffington rob shuter. >> hello, rob. >> hi there, ladies. >> number ten is the sexiest man alive. >> bradley cooper got the sexiest guy alive. he's funny, handsome, everything, however ryan gosling was in the running and bradley cooper even said he thought it shut have gone to ryan, which makes us love him more. >> i don't know. next year. >> arnold schwarzenegger is your number nine. >> shocking story came out of the blue. he has a teenage son from a different lady, not his wife.
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>> but in his house. >> it was the housekeeper he had an affair with all those years ago. she continued to be the housekeeper. she now left. we yet to have heard from arnold and maria. he is making movies. >> she'll be happy. >> beyonce. >> one of the most private celebrities we met. >> it's refreshing. >> i love it. she never told us she got married, but what she did tell us she is expecting a baby. she told us at the mtv awards. by rubbing her tummy at the end of her song. >> she actually got married before she had a child. how refreshing. >> demi and ashton. >> everybody thought they would never make it because of the age gap. >> guess what? they didn't. >> he was allegedly caught cheating and she sent him packing. >> is it alleged? >> i think it's real. you never read that. now they are getting divorced and hope demi has a great year
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coming up. >> we wish ashton all the best. he's young. hope he learned something. >> michael jackson trial conviction finally. >> absolutely. this trial kept us all on the edge of our seats. >> or did it? >> i don't know. >> i was into this one. >> of course, you're rob shuter. my mother didn't. there is rob and then there is my mother. >> circue de soleil is keeping this on tour. keeping michael's songs alive and we're just remembering the music, which might be a good thing. >> justin bieber. >> his private life is doing well too. >> she is a lovely girl. >> selena gomez. they are together and happy. the one thing that comes with fame, a little bit of drama. there was a young lady who said she is having his baby. she is taking a dna test and he said he will sue her.
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when he proves he's not the father. >> he is making a statement. lindsay. >> lindsay, in and out of court all year. >> this is one we got tired of reporting. >> it became white noise. >> it is so sad on so many levels. >> she ended the year doing "playboy." >> is that going to help her career? >> i don't think it's a good idea. however, they did pay her a lot of money for it. >> let's go right to pippa. >> so pippa came out of nowhere. we never heard of pippa this time last year. she is coming to america this year. we are going to see pippa here in america. she is writing a book so a star has been born in the royal family. >> number two is kim kardashian. let's puddle jump to charlie sheen. >> charlie sheen wins our year. >> how does he win? >> there were more stories on charlie and more buzz on what happened and the stories kept going on and on. >> please tell me he is not going to be "time" man of the year.
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>> he got fired and had to go through a very difficult public period. he seems to be doing really well. he has a new show coming out that i hear is terrific. he's been a great father to the boys. >> you and i have to act badly next year to get on that list. >> count on it. >> oh, hoda. what's next? what's on your man's mind. our guys tell all. what he's really thinking. ♪ like so many great pioneers before me, guided only by a dream. i'm embarking on a journey of epic proportion. i will travel, from sea to shining sea, through amber waves of grain, and i won't stop until i've helped every driver in america save hundreds on car insurance. well i'm out of the parking lot. that's a good start. geico, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent, or more on car insurance.
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i miss that guy with all my heart. we shared classes together, we survived the lectures, and we took the tests and we told the jokes. but now i must look at the empty desk with an empty heart, unable to rest. while all the other kids laugh and play, i'll only remember that one day, when my best friend jeff was taken away. i love you, jeff.
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dumbest." saturday morning is host of "the hot 10." he's been married 12 years. >> hgtv called "price this place." >> that would be helpful. >> that's a lot of self-promotion. >> then we have comedian and actor rick younger who is married with a toddler son. you've been on so many commercials. >> just trying to feed that toddler son. >> pop culture commentator joe levy. he's been married six years. that's a miracle. >> let's go across the street to miss sara. >> i'm here with britney from atlanta with a question about dating. >> i recently turned 30. does dating change after 30 and do guys still chase the woman they want? >> yes. they just happen to be much older than 30. they are still chasing what they want, which is you because you are now 30. >> probably with kids and older. >> a guy who is 30 doesn't want
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a woman who is 30? >> sure. >> i'm 30. >> would you go out with a 30-year-old? >> no. >> younger? >> i want somebody younger. >> why wouldn't you go out with this girl? she's gorgeous. >> all right. set it up. >> it's a date. >> we can make that happen. >> she didn't look very excited about that. >> i was looking at her. she was like, what the heck did i get into? >> i want a mature man, trust me. >> move on then. >> it's hot in here. >> let's get to our next question. facebook question from kelly. why do men look at other women then act like they didn't? >> all right. this is instinct versus training. instinct says look, training says i shouldn't. so that's what happens. >> i'm married, not buried. i know a beautiful woman when i see one. my wife doesn't want me sitting there like, ah.
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if she is walking down the street i time it so when she is going past i have a reason to look at something that way and keep moving forward. >> i think she already knew. >> i change my technique now. i wanted to share that with the people out there. i've got a new one. i'll let y'all know about that later. >> i told my wife, i'm looking. i love you, but i'm going to be with you the rest of my life, but i am looking at her because she is leaving. you will be here. i'm never going to see her again. >> you look too long, you'll be leaving. >> we'll take a little commercial break and be back with our man panel. >> this is riveting.
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communication. >> my question is, why do men like to, from your perspective, do texting instead of calling personally on a phone to ask a woman out or to even anything. go to texting. >> this is so simple. men are lazy. men are lazy. it's easier. it's easier. >> wouldn't you rather hear a woman's voice? >> she is saying exactly what i want. >> i prefer the telephone. you spend so much time then you tone gets misinterpreted. i like to talk. i think that might be a generational thing. >> i enjoy texting. it's easy. you can think about what you want to say. >> would you ask a girl out? >> no. i would never ask her out. >> you're married. >> right. that means i can control how much you talk because i am texting.
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i don't want to call you because 25 minutes later, i'm still on the phone going, yeah, yeah okay, all right, love you, too. >> guys are geared. we don't have a conversation like girls do. >> if you did it like that i would. >> here is jennifer. my man thinks showing affection makes him whipped and makes him look weak in front of his buddies, but very loveable behind closed doors. so much he's two different guys. one in front of his friends and one at home. >> what a little puppy. how cute is that? you've got to impress the guys. hey, what's up. >> a man who is in love won't care who's around. >> when i stopped doing that was when i realized i was not having sex with my friends. >> know who you're going home with. >> let's go back across the street to sarah. >> we've got cheryl from nashville. >> i would like to know if you think it's appropriate for a spouse to volunteer their wish
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list? >> what do you mean volunteer? >> you mean tell them what you want? >> yes. >> i love you! thank you! thank you so much! >> we're not mind readers. >> i don't have to guess or do detective work to figure out what the hell you want? thank you! >> i want to get it right. please tell me. let me know what you want. >> the thing is, most men are terrible at paying attention. women tell you what they want all the time. >> does your wife tell you what she wants? i actually pay attention and i check her web browsing history. then i know exactly what to buy her. >> you check her web browsing. >> which is why he is getting her sex toys. >> how do i get my husband to willingly help around the house with our toddler. if i ask, he doesn't want to. i'm tired. help. >> she needs to get up one
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morning and go. leave the baby, go. this is your child. you take care of him. trust me, you'll figure out a way to keep him alive. >> he might be alive but he might be laying in his own filth. >> he needs a day to realize just how hard it is to do what she does. >> if he is a nasty, selfish guy, he will resent she got up and left. he is not going to learn anything. she married the wrong guy. >> maybe she need to take the whole family and leave and never come back. >> i'm hoping, i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt once he realizes what she goes through he will be willing to do something. >> men need a reward system. whatever he likes, emphasize it. i don't care if it's donuts or affection. i need you to take care of the baby. there is a donut on the other end. >> donuts of affection. >> that is disturbing on a lot of levels. love you guys. you're awesome. >> our latest inductee into the joy fit club losing over 350 pounds. >> is that true?
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it is time for look at me now, the joy fit club. our newest member is a 28-year-old from indiana who lost a whopping 334 pounds. >> derrick dieton. let's take a listen to his story. >> i am 28 years old. two years ago i weighed 529 pounds. i grew up to be a volume eater. it was nothing for me to order a large pizza or eat three or four sandwiches at one time. it was about how much food i could consume in one sitting. it didn't matter if i was hungry, bored, tired, stressed or sad. i always turned to food and large amounts of it. because of my size, i didn't study abroad or apply for internships in college. i'll always remember the stares, giggles and chuckles that followed me wherever i went. it's hard to be invisible when you're the biggest person in the classroom. i had major health problems. at 26 i was on two blood
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pressure medicines and struggled with sleep apnea. my doctors begged me to have bariatric surgery but i decided to take a different route. my sister persuaded me to tried weight watches. i stuck with it. after three years of weigh-ins, i lost 324 pounds. today i'm in the best shape of my life. i live by the motto, you can only fail if you quit so keep going. >> that is an amazing story. >> before we ask derek to come out, here with us is joy bauer, leaders of the joy fit club. >> derek is one of our very biggest losers. his transformation is going to take your breath away. i love his mom is so proud of his accomplishments. she is dragging him all over town to show off his look. >> i loved how he turned down surgery. decided he wanted to do it the old fashioned way. >> yes. he lost in just the first four months, 100 pounds. then of course continued on and
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lost 344 pounds. i wanted to talk about how many calories he was taking in. people don't realize as you lose weight, you have to lessen and decrease the calorie load because as you get smaller, your body requires fewer calories. if you don't do that, you'll hit a plateau. when he first started the four months that enabled him to lose 100 pounds, he was eating this, about 3,000 calories per day. >> all of this? >> everything on the table. the weight was coming off. >> because he was probably eating 10,000 before. >> exactly. he lessened and now today, to sustain the 344 pounds that he's lost, he eats about 1,600 calories a day. it's still an ample amount of food. it goes to show you. that's why people hit plateaus. because they don't decrease the calories. >> let's meet derek. come join the joy fit club. >> come. >> oh, my gosh!
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>> are you kidding me? >> and no surgery at all. >> oh, my gosh. >> wow! you look so terrific. >> thank you. >> what a great holiday story. >> what happened to all those medical issues? >> i'm off all my blood pressure medicine. i don't have sleep apnea. i don't sleep with a c-pap. they all went away. >> you must feel like a gazillion bucks. >> his skin snapped right back. no surgery. >>. >> >> no stretch marks. >> what do you think it was that food filled in your life at that time that you don't need now? >> i don't know what it was at that time. whatever that problem was, it's no longer there. i think it really just became a really bad habit. i ate the wrong foods and too much of it. it was a bad habit that lasted for many years. >> what about exercise? >> huge part of my life. i signed up for my first mini marathon. i've done nine 5-ks. i do the elliptical and
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treadmill at the gym. >> he is now a weight watcher counselor. >> you must be one of the great success stories. >> yes. thank you so much. >> you rock. >> how impressive. up next what? >> we are going to tell you what to wear in the new year. it's a brand new time. >> we don't nope what we're going to wear so we're going to find out. i'm meteorologist kim kungham with your seven-day forecast. storting out with tomorrow's forecast rain, it will get better. some of you will be excited about getting some snowfall. along the coast, though, maybe some airport delays with some of that rainfall. some the colder air coming in. minneapolis seeing 30 degrees where we were in the upper 40s. much quieter chicago all the way to dallas, pacific northwest
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will see an active week coming up, a storm track coming right into your area. expect rain off and on into seattle. 37 in chi-town. east coast in the 40s. no bitterly cold air anywhere across this week coming up for the last week of 2011. a little bit of snow finally around the great lakes. we'll see that trend into friday, a lot of folks traveling, trying to get to your destination for the weekend, new year's eve preparing for the ball to drop on saturday. on saturday we'll see good weather in new york city for it. in atlanta 65 degrees. and then sunday finally we will drop the gulf moisture, rain from louisville to indianapolis, chicago starting out with rain, possibly mixing in with a little bit of snow during the overnight hours. minneapolis 36 maybe with accumulating snow.
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seattle quieting down for you on the first day of 2012 and cincinnati, the bengals playing the ravens at home, we cld see a little rain with this. a little bit of snof coming on the back side of this. pacific northwest there see some rain. join us on weekdays on "wake up with al" starting at 6 a.m. on , i've learned that when you ask someone in texas
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>> the sisters liz lang and jane wagman are going to help us look smashing all season long. look at you two. >> festive. >> you're going to give us looks for different events upcoming. let's pretend we want to stay at home. >> we have that look. >> come on out. this is jody. this is a kind of going out outfit for me. >> jody is staying home. >> you're having a family dinner at home. you don't want to come down in your leggings. you put on a bright pair of pants, a button down. she can wear flats. i went nuts with my color. >> her make-up? >> keep it simple with the make-up. we love malley. she does a great mascara and blush and lip gloss. >> let's say we want to party like a rock star. >> that would be hoda. >> tina come out. >> tina's got plans.
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>> i don't know if she is taking her cues from "black swan." she looks chic. i love that this is a neutral color. i'm wearing neutral, too. she's wearing this dress from kohl's. what i love also is make-up doesn't only have to be about your face. she is wearing this mama mia shimmer. >> the young kids do that, too. my daughter says your face looks good but what about your arms? they are totally into it. >> let's pretend we are going to a beach party. we were invited and we are charlotte. >> yes. >> we have charlotte in a maggie london dress which is so, so cute. because we know none of us sit in the sun any more, you don't want to be ghostly pale. if you don't, like me, then we
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love this dr. brand hint of tint. you want some cream with a little color in it to give yourself a little glow on your face. then throw on an old pair of earrings. >> and lots of bracelets. >> layering. earrings are the limited. they are incredible. >> they are incredible. >> thanks, sweetie. let's pretend we are going to a ski lodge because we can go there. what do you have here? >> i love that we've taken your daytime ski lodge and kicked it up a notch. she is in sequin leggings. >> you have to be very thin to wear those. don't try this over size 10. >> you could wear it with your boots. a longer top, could be very cute on any size. they are from joe fresh, really great price. she is wearing mama mia. no. excuse me.
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cia bigelow chap stick. >> i have that vest she is wearing. talbot's. >> if you're having a small intimate dinner party. >> we love winter white. we found this an tire outfit at the limited. throw on a bright bag and some bright lips. you want to really stay hydrated in winter. you don't want flakey skin. one of our favorites is curel. they do a 24-hour moisturizer. moisturize your whole body. >> all right. >> let's bring all our models out. >> thanks, sisters. have a very happy new year. >> happy new year. >> up next, awkward. those funny photos of families with their pets.
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from cats and dogs to birds and bunnies, there is a special bond people share with their pets. maybe, just maybe, some take it too far. especially around the holiday photo time. >> the wildly successful book "awkward family pet photos." mike bender and doug chernack. you're so smart to go back to the well. you're so big, i can't believe you came back. >> this book was so fun. we are looking at the cover on your book. that was a unique one you
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selected. >> look at the dog's face. i'm trusting you, but now i'm not sure. >> tell us about this book. what made you decide to go this route? >> when we launched "awkward family photos" we are getting pet photos. we noticed they were some of the most popular photos on the web site. we thought this deserve as place of its own. >> close encounters. involves a dog named cody. here it is right here. tell us about this one. >> this is one of these amazing photos where you find an alien abduction back drop in a portrait studio. it's an example of the bizarre photos people take with their pets. >> let's stick with the outer space theme. >> those are brothers. >> those -- okay. all righty. >> the two people are brothers. >> those are brothers. >> we know all we need to know. >> it's two guys in space with a cat. >> why shouldn't it be? we don't judge here. >> this is your favorite.
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this is a guy and his cat. they braved long lines to get this picture taken with the easter bunny. >> we love our pets so much, we want them to be part of the holiday spirit. >> even if they don't want to be. >> the cat looks like it's about to have a heart attack. >> people like to dress their pets up. what happened here? >> this is an extreme example. some people dress up their pets, some dye their pets' hair these cotton candy colors. >> it doesn't hurt the dog. >> a family of monkeys. >> they are all dressed up. >> what is going on here? >> this is one of those pictures that speaks for itself. a family with a lot of monkeys and they are all dressed up. >> look how happy they are. >> people love to take pictures of babies with their pets. >> this is interesting. when they were getting married, she said that you have to marry the monkey if you're going to marry me. this is their official
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engagement photo. >> that takes the rainbow coalition concept to a new dimension. >> what is this one? oh, what is this? >> it's good enough for fido, it's good enough for me. >> we want our pets to be part of everything, and sometimes we want to be part of our pet's everything. >> looks like hannah. >> quit it. what's going on here? the two of them. >> we treat our pets like babies. in some cases, this dog is 42 years old. why do we do that? i don't know. >> you guys are great. wait a minute. all righty. >> dogs do it. >> all right. thanks so much. >> coming up tomorrow, solutions for your fashion emergencies. >> plus, a holiday survival guide. it's going to be ugly, but necessary. have an awesome day. necessary. have an awesome day. >> see you.
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