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tv   Today  NBC  December 28, 2011 2:05am-3:05am EST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television i don't know how the time is passing so fast, but it is already booze day tuesday december 27th, hoda. >> it's almost new year's eve. look at that. >> do you have big plans? >> yes. i'm going to spend it with jay. >> who thought that would last. wow! that's going strong. >> that's a year -- october, november, december, three months. >> he won't have to count it down. he could tell you from the day
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to the hour of when he met with you. >> what's it like to be with someone who loves you that much. god knows i've never known. what's it like? my husband loves me. he could no more count -- well, it's been a long time. >> he's got that weird memory, he remembers all dates and times. >> he is a little freaky. >> it is freaky, but i like it. >> there is a comedian out there who has millions of youtube hits on this tiny bit of tape. she was able to condense down 18 years of what a mother says to a child in exactly two minutes. you might know her. anita renfroe. so, again, 18 years in two minutes. ♪ your ipod's my ipod if you don't listen up where you going and with whom and what time do you think you're coming home ♪ excuse me what makes you think you're welcome everywhere you roam ♪ you'll appreciate my wisdom when
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you're older and grown ♪ can't wait till you have a couple of children on your own ♪ you'll thank me for the council i give you so willingly ♪ take a bite or two of the stuff you hate ♪ i'll stet you straight ♪ eat the food i put upon your plate ♪ get a job get a life get a ph.d. ♪ here it goes i don't care if you starve ♪ you're grounded until you're 36 ♪ get your story straight ♪ tell the truth for once ♪ jump off a cliff would you jump too ♪ if i said it once i said it at least a thousand times before that you're too old to act this way ♪ it must be your father's dna ♪ i am talking ♪ stand up straight when you walk ♪ there is a place for everything ♪ and everything must be in place ♪ stop crying or i'll give you something real to
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cry about ♪ oh brush your teeth ♪ put your pjs on don't forget i love you ♪ and tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom's job never ends ♪ you don't need a reason why ♪ because because because because ♪ i said so i said so i said so ♪ i'm the mom the mother the mom the mom ta-da ♪ >> that's unbelievable. >> that's a star turn. good for her. >> everything she says is true. i'm just going to play that now. why should i -- save my breath. >> jerry's mother-in-law is here. >> and father-in-law. and wife! where is she? there she is. join the happy family. >> we always talk about jerry and now we see his peeps. >> we always thought jerry lived alone, a solitary life.
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jerry we thought lived in the prop room. jerry, join your family. they're heading over to see the fantastic radio city spectacular. they'll have a ball. >> here is a question. would you like to have one of those guys who are handymen, who can fix things and fix leaks and gutters? they said that most of us women would enjoy that, having someone who could do that thing. >> if i had to give up frank to have that, no thank you. no. i'm trying to make up for the last thing that i said about -- >> what about the basics? like the shelf fell. >> i told you that story so many times when some of our fencing was coming down around the pool. frank said, i'll take care of it. frank does lots very, very well. he's in a few halls of fame. he goes down there and comes back about five minutes later. like half the fence is down now.
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i said let's make a call before the entire fence is down. it was like, well, you know, it wasn't as easy as it looks. no kidding. but would i rather have somebody who can do that and doesn't give me what he does? am i making points? >> you're making it up. >> can jay do everything? >> jay doesn't do any handiwork. >> that's why god gave us jerry. >> so here's a question -- what do women want? this is coming from we want chivalry, yes. here are the things we want. if you're guys watching, listen. we would like to have our messages returned. >> our messengers if we sent a little person. >> we gauge a man's interest in is how quickly he responds to us. >> what if they're busy? what if he is a attorney battling in court. i don't think the guy needs to call right back. >> especially if you're calling all the time. >> women are quick to say what
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they want, but very, very slow to look at themselves and go, guess what? i'm a nagging you-know-what. >> yes. i agree with that. we like to be kissed with no reasons without strings attached. >> unless you had onions for lunch. >> then we don't want it. we want you to dance with us. >> you love that. >> can i tell you something? that's something -- >> jay started grabbing you in your apartment and started dancing with you. and you were gone, hoda. >> in the morning we were having coffee. >> you slept together? >> a song came on and then -- a song came on. >> hannah might be watching. >> they're not. we danced and i love that. he just does that. it's the crack of dawn. >> you slept together. >> and we danced. also, we like to you dress up for us. okay? don't show up all the time in a t-shirt and ratty jeans, stuff like that. it makes us feel better to know you think we are important enough to dress up for. we would like you to propose to visit our families.
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>> no, please. >> we love when you say, hey, let's go visit your mom. >> that's going to happen. >> the guys are groaning. >> frank has always been great to my family. i thought when they first met him it was going to be a problem. it was fourth of july weekend. my mother is seven months older than frank. my father -- it's a cute story. i hope we have time to tell it. we were out in the hamptons. frank came bearing gifts. you bring my mother food, she'll forgive anything. he brought those beautiful, those brought roadside places that are out in the hamptons. tons of stuff. all of a sudden there was a whole lot of music coming from a house where kids had taken it for the weekend. frank was trying to be gracious. he says, epi, you think we should go ask them to bring the volume down a little bit? my daddy looks at him and says why don't we get a bazooka and blow them away. frank says, all right.
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so frank was right in there. >> that's love. this is another study or survey. >> wait a minute. >> there it is. here it is. they say that men spend more time getting ready than women do, than we do. >> only if you're married to a metrosexual freak. >> they say an average man spends 81 minutes a day grooming, cleansing, toning, moisturizing, shaving, styling and choosing his clothes. >> how hairy is he? how long's it take? anthony gets ready faster than that. >> go, anthony. women spend 75 minutes. who has an hour and ten minutes to get ready? >> we get it done professionally and it's not even that long. >> they say men take longer showers, 23 minutes in the shower. women take 22. >> that's too long for anybody. we are wasting a lot of water.
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>> i like long showers. hot really -- almost that your skin is burning, but not exactly. that's how i like it. >> it's all about what you like and you want, hoda woman. you want it hot and you want it now. >> i do. okay. >> speaking of that. what's the worst holiday gift you've ever had? this comes from courtney in illinois. >> she writes her family knows she likes wine, candles and decorating for christmas. they decided to give her the ultimate trifecta, a wine glass with candle and christmas figurines inside. >> that's cute. >> we are excited about this. this is a tuesday trend. i always loved this look, but we are especially thrilled about it right now because our own britney schriever is going to model this. this is the loose braid which is gorgeous. >> she is getting ready for her new year's celebration. >> i love braids, but the loose one is so pretty. >> do you like that look, brit? >> i do. it's easy to do by yourself,
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too. >> you don't mess with it all night long. if it's falling down, it adds to it. >> i love it. look at you festive for new year's eve. >> got a date for new year's eve? >> not yet. >> there is still time. >> if you want to go out with britney, let us know here at nbc. >> thanks, brit. >> the choice of your alcoholic drinks apparently varies by region. it varies by my neighborhood. i don't know about that. the beer institute, who are those people? has broken down how americans drink. >> new englanders, west coasters and those in the upper plains tend to drink the most. >> it's cold. >> new hampshire enjoys its spirits the most. >> it's cold. >> if you live in texas, deep south and mid atlantic with the exception of washington, you drink the least. >> have you been to a texas hoedown? i don't believe it's true. leave the hoes out of it and
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they still have fun. >> fancy cocktails are popular on both coasts and beer is in the middle. there you go. >> or just a night at my house. still to come -- >> a jump on the competition. >> the year's best in style dos and don'ts. right after this. cheers.
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with 2011 ticking down to a close, we thought it might be a good time to check in with cindy levy of "glamour" magazine. >> dos and don'ts, as well as what's making news in pop culture. hey, cindy. we are going to start with the dos. so the dos. you say shop your closet. michelle obama and kate are big at rewearing things. >> they are proud recyclers of their clothes. like the rest of us, you have a dress you like. you don't want to just wear it once.
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you want to wear it over and over again. >> they mix it up. >> they do. they change accessories and shoes. mrs. obama is known for taking this particular dress which is a pretty dress. she is wearing it on the right with a black bow at the neck. by the way, she's worn this dress straight through from the beginning of the first campaign in 2008 till now. >> she likes it or it's a close personal friend that designed it. >> and it still fits. so congratulations to her. >> it does send a great message to people about rewear things. >> absolutely. >> hodi does that a lot. boy, do we hear from our facebook fans. >> they've grown to like some of my things. you say bold colors. >> crayola brights. this is a purple dress, katy perry in pink. she has the pink hair. so it was natural that she wear pink. bright purple dress worn with bright purple shoes, which is a tricky look to pull off in real life. hoda, here is your color.
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>> that looks great on her. >> braids are hot. >> we just showed britney. >> this is your trend of the day. these little braid bars that pop-up in stores. this used to be pippi longstocking. you see it on nicole richie. here is katie holmes with a side braid. >> it does stay in place. that is a big problem for a night out. >> you have to spray that braid to death if you want it to stay all night. >> don't go too comfortable. >> no. this is something we have seen taken to the extreme this year. last year was the year of the snuggy. this year it was about the forever lazy blanket. this thang you zip into. who is actually wearing and using that stuff? all of america. >> what is more fun than that? >> you have to be a very confident person to pull this off. >> who does that? >> this is a trend "glamour" photographers started seeing.
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you're wearing your blanket you might wrap up in to watch tv on a saturday afternoon. you're liking it. >> you say another big don't are big hats. >> this was a trend that started this year at the royal wedding. princess beatrice and princess eugenie. you ladies took a turn in these hats. >> we did. there you are. >> i will never forget standing with the madoff family downstairs talking about what they've been through and i didn't realize i was dressed like that. >> you cannot have a serious conversation. of course worn like that to a royal wedding, it's a do. we started seeing these enormous hats. >> ridiculous. >> you know who else started that thing was sara jessica parker in the movie when she got married. >> it works on tv and in the movies. >> these people are screaming for attention.
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>> this person has her pet dressed up in a hat. >> why not? >> we have to run. all this great stuff -- >> it's over? >> that's all we have time for. what's better than your magazine? it's all in there. >> thank you. >> have a great new year. >> up next, sara bounces back. right after this. [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil
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but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] yes, it is. you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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we are back with sara in the city. >> our own sara has a jump on the new trend in fitness, indoor trampoline in gyms. >> located in valley cottage, new york. bounces an action sports complex of wall-to-wall trampoline courts and the padding and safety netting gives extra protection so kids and adults can jump, play and get fit. it was sky-high fun. >> is that a trampoline? >> yeah. you want to try it? >> it was pure fun for tom hanks in the film "big." more than two decades later, we
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are still jumping on trampolines. you cannot jump on a trampoline and not smile. >> true. >> at bounce, a wall-to-wall trampoline facility, the bouncing is endless. what all can you do? >> slam dunk a basketball. have a dodge ballgame. >> we are doing a trampoline aerobic program now and jumping. flips into the pits. >> it was time to get into the trampoline game. >> this is the hoops. i speak basketball. that's all you guys have, really? not bad. i quickly learned it's not how high you jump, but how you play the game. that doesn't count. next up is the pit. i have always wanted to do this.
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that was beautiful. you might want to stay there, dude, because i'm going to be in there in one sec. i did it! help! once you're in the pit, good luck getting out. i moved on to extreme trampoline tumbling. like a bunch of little nadias. ♪ i can't stop jumping. to burn even more calories, i hopped over to trampoline aerobics, a combination of bouncing, ball throwing and arm weights made me break a sweat. i could do this all day long. but i had to keep moving. there is some intense dodge ball going on out there balls flying everywhere. i think i'm taking precautions here.
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want to check my helmet and make sure it's tough. hit it a little bit. ow! little dudes. got to get pumped up. ♪ are you hiding behind me? i'm going to hide behind you then. yeah! that was out. what's happening? they're tougher than they look, that's for sure. >> i so want to go do that. >> for all ages. i might have been the oldest one in there, but they couldn't drag me off. >> i didn't know you were a gymnast. when did that happen? >> a long time ago. >> in college. when we all did kooky things. >> that was awesome. >> still to come, how holiday stress can wreak havoc on your skin. >> how to remove common holiday and
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stains. they are ugly. >> right tools for handling last-minute fashion emergencies. that's all after your local news.
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now in today's style, solutions to your fashion emergencies. ever weak up and have a wardrobe malfunction and wish you had the proper tools to fix it? >> here with us is "us weekly" and "today" fashion contributor jill martin. >> hello. >> what fashion things do we have? >> i'm wearing most of them. i want to start with the first one. it's i like to carry everything. you unzip it. just in here i have everything i need like my kindle. i have my sunglasses on my head, but do i need to clean them. >> you didn't look heavy. >> yeah. it comes with a thing to clean your glasses, for your ipod when running in the park. it has a hood this new one. a camera, a hairbrush.
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>> i don't have to wear my fannie pack any more. >> this is $6.99 from the container store. you put it on if you're running in central park. it changes colors. you can put it on your pet not that bambino is going anywhere on his own. but isn't that great? $6.99. >> i love that. >> these are my gloves, which we all wear fingerless. look at these etra gloves. only exposed your index finger and your thumb so the rest of your fingers are warm. >> why? >> look. >> is that for people who want to pick your nose? >> no. perfect example. then you can type with just these finger and not having all your fingers exposed. >> you only get frost bite on two of them. this i brought this so you could see the hanger.
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it's a collapsable hanger. it goes in like this then you extend it. >> you don't have to stretch it. what took someone so long to figure that out? >> four for $9.99 we love those. are these great? they are under $100. what i like is the leather is distressed and they're comfortable. >> and they are very soft. they look like a very expensive boot. >> if it rains or snow, you don't feel badly wearing a great pair of shoes. >> all these look hot. >> these are in your sizes. bring a pair of flip-flops but change it up. they have different ones that click in and you change. if you see over here they have all different things. you can get your school. i like schools. >> cute.
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>> and your sports team. genius. >> henry bendl. getting in on the designer fashion. i thought you would like these. they are flip-flops. $98. feel them. >> what do you mean flip-flops? >> i'm sorry, not flip-flops, ballet flats. i'm sorry. these are great. another fashion emergency going from heels to day to night. lancome, $29.50. you can throw in your bag and they last about a week or two. all the little sets. these are bracelets that double as hair bands. >> as hair bands? >> yes. bracelets and hair bands. $15. >> cassidy would love this. you wear it out, it gets hot. >> i usually wear the scrunchy on my wrist accidentally. >> suzy always uses this on me.
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>> see if jerry tries to stop us at the door. we are taking it. everything. >> then this. i always this is from sephora. $25. suzy uses this on my hair. look at this. a mini iron in leopard. >> cute. >> $25 at sephora and comes in this case. which i love. this is an emergency. look at hoda. >> that's darn greedy. that's just not right. >> this is veuve clicquot. it comes from a refrigerator that's chilled for two hours. this is a general emergency for the 10:00 hour. cheers. >> we love you, jill. happy new year. up next -- >> holiday stress could be taking a toll on your skin, we hear. >> also might be the alcohol you're drinking. >> probably is. you go next if you had a
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[marching band playing]
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we are back with today's beauty. 'tis the season for joy but the holiday season could be wreaking havoc on your skin. >> from alcohol to stress it may be stealing that holiday glow. dermatologist dr. jeannine dowdy is here with tips how to look your best during the most wonderful time of the year. good to see you again. that cold weather can do a number on your skin. >> you feel it the day the weather changes. >> bottom line is that rosacea, people are like, what is that? it's characterized by flushing, blushing, central redness. it's not acne. it could easily be treated by a board certified dermatologist. there's plenty of oral and topical medications. >> let's see what we can do. we've got a variety of products to help us out. >> exactly. the bottom line is starting from this side of things, we have the aveeno intense relief hand cream
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for chapped dry skin. especially during the winter months. >> sometimes we neglect our hands. we neglect our feet. >> and our feet. put this on our hands or feet. it's very good. in terms of eye make-up, take those shimmery eye makeups during the holidays and they can irritate our sensitive skin. almay is a good one. take your make-up off gently. >> isn't the tissue around the eyes the softest on the body? >> it never comes off all the way. >> it doesn't come off all the way. >> and the cetaphil is a nice light moisturizer to combat the harsh winter weather. i know you're going to ask me about the plant. >> i thought it was just to be pretty. is that aloe. >> they add oxygen to the air. sleeping with a humidifier is good in terms of hydrating your
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skin. that was there for a reason. >> the humidifier, how important is that to have? >> i say get one and put it in. the forced hot air heat in the city, in the suburbs we have dry air this time of year. it's very important. maybe if you're in florida it's not so important. >> should you be slathering on a lot more? people use plenty of moisturizer year round. in the wintertime, should you double up? >> doubling up is sometimes helpful. it fends -- depends on how dry you are. using gentle cleansers, that is not going to strip your skin. the panoxy. go see your dermatologist if you have acne bad. >> then you get scarring from acne. >> i love the spf. if you do get acne, use shine-free control. like this maybelline here. >> if a certain person was maybe going away to maybe puerto rico or something for a couple of
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days during the holidays, what would you suggest they wear on their skin in that hot sun? >> i recommend at least an spf 30 or above rain or shine. if it rains, i don't care. i don't want to hear it, kathie lee. >> not me. i just know a lot of people. >> you put it on every hour and reapply it. >> saunas, steam rooms, people go to those. you say stay away from those? >> they dry and irritate your skin during the winter months. especially if you have chapped skin to begin with. >> hot showers? >> it's counterintuitive. they also dry out your skin. >> when you get out of the shower, slip on something to moisturize. don't scratch. >> don't live. >> thank you. >> happy holidays. >> merry christmas and happy new year. up next, stain, stain, go away. how to throw a party without your guests leaving a permanent mark on things, right after this.
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good morning. i'm chris warren with your forecast. we're getting you ready for midweek here and much of the country will be quiet as far as what's coming out of the sky, not much with a couple of exceptions. still some lingering showers in the northeast. it is going to be windy from boston to washington, d.c. inland locations looking for some snow. the pacific northwest, a series of storms roll through. snow only for the higher elevations. and we're going to see a lot of rain for the lower elevations. and the cold temperatures reserved for the great lakes. mild temperatures in the northern plains, into big sky country. billings, 53 degrees. mild conditions across parts of the country, storms stringing across the canadian border. temperatures will be mild from montana to north dakota. so a bit of a transition from
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the snow to the rain and futch further north than you would expect this time of the year. and looking very mild in the south. upper 50s to upper 60s. in the northeast, by friday, another chance for some rain or snow. highs into the 40s. still mild in the northern plains and storms in the pacific northwest. a look at the end of 2011 here, and much of the country will be quiet, completely different than the way a good portion of the way this year has been. and then on sunday, a chance for some rain from the great lakes all the way down to the southern tip of texas, with some cooler temperatures behind it. and on monday, seeing a chance for storms in the northeast. and remember, you can check out "wake up with al" weekdays on the weather channel. man: my electric bill was breaking the bank.
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so to save some money, i trained this team of guinea pigs to row this tiny boat. guinea pig: row...row. they generate electricity, which lets me surf the web all day. guinea pig: row...row. took me 6 months to train each one, 8 months to get the guinea pig: row...row. little chubby one to yell row! guinea pig: row...row. that's kind of strange. guinea pig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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the down side of hosting or going to a holiday shindig is psd, permanent stain damage. don't cancel your party for fear of stains this year. >> sara newell is here with the inside scoop how to rescue your space and clothes from the inevitable drinks, food and klutzes. >> good to see you. >> we are starting with red wine. that seems like the kiss of death. >> problematic. >> it is. every holiday party you want to serve red wine. >> i have an all-white living room so i try not to. >> right away you want to sprinkle salt. just cover the whole stain. it soaks it up. you probably do a lot. then you would vacuum this all up. what you do is dish washing detergent and vinegar and scrub it. it will come right out. white vinegar.
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it comes out. you'll blot it and scrub it. this is an example. >> that's amazing. >> if it still isn't all what it coming up, put hydrogen peroxide. you can spray it on it. >> it won't stain? >> no. >> it depends on the color. you don't want to do it on a black. you can use wine-out, too. this is a travel size. >> okay. >> let's talk about gravy stains. >> let jerry try to find that. >> what you want to do is get as much of the gravy off. get it off so you don't have excess. then you'll do corn starch or baking powder. this will soak up all that grease. you want to get up as much of the stain as you can. then these dryel. this is a drycleaning that you can do at home. you can buy these. this will take up the oily stain
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like the gravy. you'll rub it and blot it. you'll get it all up. this gravy stain will come out. >> it's important to get it right away? >> it's really important. if the next day it's still there, you can wash this in hot water. that's good. >> or throw that napkin away. >> or take a shower with hoda in the very hot shower she is not supposed to take. >> cranberry sauce. this can soak in. what you want to do, this is a solution with vinegar and water, cold water. use cold water with a cranberry stain. you'll get up as much as you can and rub it. if you can't get the cranberry up, you can use delicate wash. you can launder this or use a stain remover. that works well on cranberry sauce. get it up and it will come up. >> you'll be exhausted at the end of this. >> people say you smudge it, you're making it worse. >> you want to blot it.
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put water on it right away. >> chocolate. >> if you get chocolate on something, what you do is hydrogen peroxide. >> this stuff is amazing. >> be careful. you don't want to put it straight on. dilute it and get most of the chocolate up. you'll blot it and pull up the bits. >> a lot of blotting after the holidays. >> coffee? >> coffee. you get a big stain. >> just throw that shirt out. >> this is depressing. >> this is a solution of water and dish washing detergent. go right away and get into your stain. we also have -- >> you still get the little line. >> liquid glycerin. you can find it at any local drugstore. it's a lubricant. put that on the fabric and it loosen up the stain. >> i thought you used that for something else.
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>> i guess it's available for whatever ails you. >> a couple of seconds. dripping wax. >> i did that the other day. frank and i did a mess with wax. >> this is the best trick. pop it up. if you have extra. get it up. you do a brown paper bag under and iron it. it will pull it right up. >> thank you for all your information. >> we could talk to you for hours about stains, but sadly we are out of time. thank you very much. up next, baking required. >> no baking required. >> that's what i said, no making required. quick and easy appetizers, next.
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today's countdown to the new year 2012 is brought to you by -- now on "today's" countdown to new year's, no fake appetizers. too much time to cook anyway. >> melissa darabian has ideas for appetizers that will heat up your party. what a party animal you are. >> last thing you want to do is show up and burden your host with needing to use their oven. i've got a couple of quick appetizers. the first is a cristini i make with mock mascapone cheese. >> mock or muck? >> mock. it's really creamy and rich, heavy and expensive. this is some cream cheese. i'm just going to add in a
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little bit, tiny bit of vanilla greek yogurt. this is going to emulate the floral, fatty flavor of mascarpone cheese. with a couple of drops of vanilla. >> this is going to be sweet. >> no. it's actually not. you're getting rid of the tartness. >> it's going to be bland. >> it's a great canvas. we are going to go ahead -- perfect. >> there you go. dig in there. >> spread it right on some crostini. great entertaining thing to have. inexpensive, very $10 dinner friendly, which is my other show. january month is melissa month. roasted peppers and some basil. look at that. it's beautiful, ready to go. no cooking. this is zucchini carpacio. easy to go.
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just like that, too. and a quick vinaigrette. we'll put in a little bit of olive oil, some thyme and salt and pepper. >> some or a little. >> just a little. cover the jar and shake it around. >> do what you do best. >> now you can take it with you to a party, no problem. >> drizzle it? >> add parmesan cheese and this is ready to go. black bean hummus. full of protein, fiber, you get some garlic in there, a little olive oil, black beans, blend it all up. a little lemon. it's going to fill you up and you serve it with vegetables. >> that is so delicious. >> thank you so much. tomorrow, everybody, bret michael is going to stop by.
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>> travel deals for 2012. have an awesome day. make it a great one. thank you so much. -- captions by vitac -- from "footloose," the music of amos lee featuring


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