tv Today NBC January 4, 2012 2:05am-3:05am EST
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. it is booze day tuesday. this is wrong, it is january 3, 2012. like you, we are back in the swing of things today. >> you have to write 2012. >> did they sew you into this one? let's hear about your holiday. was it amazing? >> it was great. jay and i ended up going to puerto rico.
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before that, my sister did this surprise thing from dubai where she was surprising my mom and hannah coming in and celebrating. i took mom and hannah down to the laundry room. hala snuck up to my apartment and was on the couch like she had been there all day long. my mom made the best cornish hens. the pictures didn't work, i took them. that is hala and jay behind my christmas bush. we had a really fun christmas. my mom and i got pedicures at this place. jay and i packed up our stuff. >> you took your thongs down to puerto rico. >> yes, we did. we hung out on the beach. we did nothing, absolutely nothing. >> i bet you did something. >> that was new year's eve. in bed by 10:30. >> today you and i are both getting our roots done. you go to the beach. >> look, mine are the worse
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they've ever been. >> they really are. somebody made a lot of news yesterday on our show. before we go into my week. jerry, jerry is getting so much facebook love and why not? in yesterday's show we spilled some wheat grass. hoda spilled it. >> you were invading my purse. >> you were showing off your purse and there was something you didn't want anybody to see. i know what it is and i will tell you people. >> no! >> if you send me money. jerry, look at jerry. look at him. cleaning. drinking. then later, i think he actually got on his knees before you, hoda, and cleaned the carpet. >> he had to drink the wine. >> the wheat germ was awful. >> judith wrote, i love you ladies, but jerry's the best. >> every woman wants a man who cleans up after her. how was your holiday? >> excellent.
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>> how is that beautiful wife of yours? >> excellent. she said i should say that she comes before halle berry in the sexiest one. >> i knew you would get in trouble. we know how you really feel. >> how was your vacation? >> i was falling all over the place before we left. i knew i needed a break. we get down to key largo in the keys. i decided because it was going to be quite a while, i was going to take bambino. there we are on our friend's boat. that is the only family picture we took the entire time. it's become a holiday tradition for us. on their boat and we go back with other friends of ours to our house and hang out. i don't know if you can see, but at the bottom of those steps is a little white dog who is at our door and wants to go out. >> inside or outside? >> he kept being left. one night we go for our annual bowling. it's an hour away to island
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amrata. that's where natalie was. no, no. you're going too fast. that is new year's day. that is alabama jack. i'm feeling guilty. i'm a bad mother. i left my puppy for five hours. hour to get there, three hours to bowl and an hour back. i'm telling my friend emily that bambino, i feel bad, i should have brought him. she goes, you know what? our two friends just got off their boat there and put their dog down to sleep, they are so sad. call them. they'll go over and babysit bambino for you. nancy and bill. i go, would they do that? i get them on the phone. tell them we live at 19, let's say barracuda lane. go to our street. our door is open, go up the steps. when you get to the top of the steps, go left and he will be in our bedroom. please make yourself at home. drink our wine. there is stuff in the refrigerator, please.
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and thank you so, so much. i'm bowling up like crazy. i'm thinking momma took care of her baby. about a half hour later, nancy calls and she goes, we're here, but didn't you say the giffords have a fluffy little white dog? we go, yeah. this one is dark and scruffy. there aren't any pictures of the gifford family anywhere in this house. she goes, but we are here, we're at 17 barracuda lane. we go 19! they went to our neighbor's house, went up the stairs, took the dog. she's drinking the wine, they are outside. the dog wants to go potty. so they take the dog outside. i go it's 19. they get out and the next day, excuse me the next day i go, i've got to take wine over to my friend. i will call her annabell.
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i said did anything weird happen at your house? she goes, no. i said, yes, it did. so she had a big laugh about it. we are walking home and she sees this big mess on her front yard. she goes don't you hate it when people walk their dog by your house and let their dog do their business and they don't clean it after? i said, that's awful. how can people be so rude? went on the phone that night and nancy and bill goes that was her dog that left the very same mess. anyway, at that point we brought bambino everywhere. we always go to alabama jack on new year's day. >> what is happening there? >> the lower she got, the lower i went with her. we are clogging. at the bottom we get way, way down. she says help me. >> what is clogging? >> clogging is like this, hoda. you know clogging. that's where you wear the big
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skirts. it's that kind of dancing. the more fun -- it's the most aerobic exercise i got. we were there for three hours. bambino danced every dance. there was one problem. i mentioned we go there on new year's day. people came from all over south florida. >> to see bambino? >> no. i said it would be a great party at alabama jacks. but they all brought their dogs. only little tiny lap dogs are allowed. there were rottweilers who were not happy. people were driving in on their harley davidson's. there is bambino. that dog got more air time than cody, cassidy or frank combined. >> or hannah. >> that's the thing. you get out of your comfort zone and your own culture. you go down and hang out. hang out with bikers. they are so nice down there. we had a good time. >> you know who had a great time over the holidays because december is a big month to get engaged.
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>> should we do a shout out? >> yes. it is a big deal. it's a big announcement for a very good friend of ours. meghan cox got engaged. she is the head of pr on the "today" show. >> congratulations to her and her fiance brit. she's right there in the middle. >> i'm surprised it took them so long. it's about time. they've been a couple forever. >> we are very, very happy for her. >> was that the only engagement over the holiday? okay. do you want to destress? >> right now, yes, i do. >> there is so much that is stressful. >> yes, there is. >> if you've got to get back to the swing of things, right, hodi? >> they say we make these long to-do lists. that we can't keep. we are always depressed or upset because we don't complete everything on our to-do list.
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they say don't overdo the to-do list. >> don't make one to begin with. >> who cares? here is what i say, okay? here is my list. i have it on my iphone. i don't care about siri and she doesn't know your number. you go to the notes, and it goes to the list you made, cancel. wait, wait, here it is. okay. buy -- where is it? these are all things you're supposed to do. movie screening, my check question mark, wrapping paper, buy jay's presents. >> this is all before the holiday. get rid of that. >> buy mary a gift. haven't done it yet. >> this gives you more stress. right before the holidays, my mother was doing the same thing. i've got to do this and i've got to do that. i said mom, listen to me. those things only matter to the people that don't matter. she goes, oh, you're right.
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>> that is good. >> i'm fog to write that down. >> they get their card or they don't get a present. those are not the people that really matter. i don't care if i never get another anything from anybody that i love except just more of them. you know what i'm saying? that's the best way out of it. realize who really matters. >> they say to do this, too. people have jammed-up e-mail boxes. mine is overflowing. i keep asking nbc to make my box bigger. >> why do you want a bigger box? it will only give you more stress. i did it again, didn't i? hoda, why do you want a bigger e-mail box? >> here is the thing. you haven't read all your other e-mail. >> it will make more you haven't read and more stress. you're stressing me out now. >> knowing it's there makes me feel good. >> but you haven't read it. >> no.
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i did delete '09. >> that's two, three years ago. >> and '10 is only a year old. you've got to hang on to things. >> you're a hoarder. it just dawned on me. you're a hoarder. everything. that's out now, according to "the washington post" or huffington post. >> hoarding is definitely out. >> that is so last year. >> apps are out. naps are in. >> they've always been in. >> hoarding's out, cleaning is in. ryan gosling is out. >> no. >> out. >> tell that to millions of people. >> michael fastbender is in. >> that's because he is in a movie "shame" right now about a sex addict. >> it's supposed to be dirty. >> i want to see it. >> out is pippa's bum. i don't think any guy would say that, but in is kate's, let's
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put it this way -- >> just say it. >> kate's uterus because we are all waiting. >> joy bauer is starting this thing. she has a 10,000 pound challenge. trying to get people to lose 10,000 pounds by cutting out certain things. one of the things she talks about cutting out -- >> spread out amongst them all. >> not individually. that would be weird. >> she says get rid of starch at dinner. >> i know. >> you do already. >> that killed me over the past week. we don't eat dinner usually. we sit there and maybe have a bite of the kid's fish. every night we were out for dinner. if you don't order anything, people put it on your plate. i started one two weeks now. no bread, no sweets, no cheese and no what do you call it? shoot, i've already forgotten.
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and no pasta. >> how do you feel about the b-12? >> i'm a little jazzed up. it's nuts. >> i warned you. >> i said do you want to see me on vitamins? >> it gives you more energy. you don't know what to do with yourself. >> we are going to have the cutest pet contest. we know it's bambino, but we'll let you all enter. >> everyone thinks anyone that has a pet, because i have two, thinks their pet is the cutest. now we are going to settle the case once and for all. go to our facebook page. you have to like the page first, click on the cutest pet contest. submit a photo of your dog or cat. the submissions end january 10. the top five pets are going to come to new york city for a pet fasz sus -- fashion segment. >> how was your holiday? >> it was so nice. i got to see the family. >> really, the family? really, sara? >> you love going, you love
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coming back. >> you want to be here. we want to send a lot of love out to a wonderful producer, but better friend, jamie, wonderful producer and very good friend of ours. >> with her precious daughter samantha. we are wishing them a speedy recovery of samantha. she's been in the hospital since before christmas eve. we are going to visit her. you already did. i'll go in a little bit. and we've been praying for the little one. we hope to have good news for you soon. next we'll catch up on the celebrity buzz you missed while you were celebrating, cooking and cleaning and keeping your family's busy. we have rob shuter.
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>> the one and only, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for rob shuter. >> hello, ladies. >> it's the b-12 she gave me. i'm out of control. >> let's start off with katy and russell brand. what's the real story? >> sad news. they announced they are separating after only 14 months. katy was out over new year's partying in l.a. she was at the soho house in west hollywood dancing and having a great time. she spent a long time talking to a handsome chap with long hair that looked like russell. russell was in london for new year, much more somber. >> we've been hearing the rumors ahead of time. >> they actually denied it for a while, which is probably a silly thing to do. >> they are never together. i didn't think we would like russell brand at all, then we loved him. he is a charming guy. she is adorable. you can't have a marriage if you're never together.
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>> especially at that stage in their career. this couple both really want to work hard, be successful. unfortunately, that's the priority. >> he filed, but i read somewhere he asked him to file because her parents are religious. >> the problem with that story, if her parents have seen anything she's ever done, it makes you somewhat concerned. >> the other story is he wanted to have a family and she wanted to put it on hold. >> that is a story, too. >> frank won't give me another child. i'm bummed about it. he could, but i can't, if you know what i mean. >> beyonce. rumors that she had her baby? >> there are rumors. everybody wanted her to have this baby over the christmas holiday. she didn't. >> why? >> we wanted a christmas birth. >> i love her.
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>> she is seen as having a new year's eve dinner with jaycee in brooklyn. we are told it's any day now. >> wednesday, we heard. >> that day has been bashed around. she will not sell the baby pictures. she never sold her wedding pictures. she keeps it very private. >> let's talk about aretha franklin marrying her long-time boyfriend after all these years. ♪ at last although that was etta james. >> at 69 years old, the queen of soul is going to get married the third time. >> she wants everyone to know she is not pregnant. >> she actually put out a statement, "i'm not pregnant." they are going to get married in miami and have the after party celebration on a yacht. >> that sounds good. she doesn't like to fly.
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>> what about britney and her fiance? >> engaged. now the story is this is her third wedding. her first one she got married in a baseball cap, cut-off jeans in vegas. second was a big hollywood wedding. this is going to be a country wedding in louisiana, her hometown. >> where her first one should have been. >> he is a great guy. they spent new year's here in new york. very low key. she was offered a ton of money to go to all these clubs. she said no. >> where did you spend new year's eve? >> i went to lincoln center. very fancy. i went to see the new york philharmonic which is terrific. >> look at you. >> the other side. the nice side of the nice and naughty. >> went home and listened to justin timberlake. >> give us an update on barry manilow. >> he's doing great. he is back home. he's going to be at radio city for valentine's day. he's in therapy at the moment. >> awesome.
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still to come, joy bauer gives you a reason to drop those pounds with a big weight loss challenge. >> latest trends for new babies. should you or should you not attach those crib bumpers? >> for all who want to start all over again, our new you, new series takes off with a guy who traded in wall street for wine. >> i like that. >> in style is here with instant beauty fixes. all this after your local news. why do we have to wait? >> i don't know.
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welcome back with more of "today." if you need help kick-starting your weight loss resolutions, weave have joy bauer's 10,000 pound weight loss challenge. >> how does it work? today nutritionist and leader of the joy fit club is here with us. because we want you to play along. >> happy new year to you. everybody wants to look and feel their best in 2012. we are going to help them do that. i am challenging our viewers to lose a collective 10,000 pounds by the end of january. all they have to do is go to and find that cartoon
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logo that says joy's 10,000 pound weight loss challenge. you get everything you need. a tip every day that's manageable but very effective. they get recipes, menus. they can log in and each week tell us how much weight they lost. >> no lying. >> no fudging. >> each week we'll translate these remarkable results. i am positive we are going to hit 10,000 pounds. >> 10,000 of our viewers lost one pound -- >> we've done it. >> we are looking for the two best weight loss stories, ultimately, right? >> right now we are just going to say everybody is going to be a winner because everybody is going to lose. just stay tuned. in the weeks to come there could be some outstanding results. we are going to quickly review the tips for the first week. first you want to find your meaningful source of motivation.
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you want to set up some sort of a tracking system whether it's weighing once a week or some people like to weigh every day. whatever works for your personality. >> and weigh the same time each day. >> right. i would say before breakfast. you want to track in a food journal if it works for you what you're eating and exercising. give yourself a pat on the back. reenforcement. >> do you write down every little thing you put in your mouth, it's unbelievable. >> accountability. today's tip was to eat on a schedule. basically what that means is organize yourself. breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack and dinner. then you're done. this is a big one. this kicks in tomorrow. we are going to eliminate the liquid fat traps. i wanted to show you what a crazy mind-boggling visual. if you gave up one fruit juice
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and one soda a day, by the end of january you will have saved your body 17 1/2 cups of straight sugar. you can only imagine how that translates on the scale, right? good-bye! there are a lot of options. seltzers, coffee, tea, you name it. the next day we are going to strike the starch at dinner. you talked about this. at the end of the day we are exhausted. we lose our resolve. what do we overeat? potatoes, rice, the carbs. so instead, turkey wurg burgers, chicken paillard with chopped arugula. exercise will kick in, a 30-minute walk every day. if you want do it continuously, break it up into bite size pieces. ten minutes. >> this saved me over the holidays. >> you want to make smart food
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choices later in the day. i'm going to talk about strategic breakfasts. breakfasts that are calorie smart and includes protein. you'll get a great protein smoothie recipe. >> we can do it. >> don't forget, we want to keep track of how much you're losing. log on to and report how many pounds you dropped. we'll announce the total each week. log on every day for a brand-new tip. >> today 3:30 eastern standard time i'll answer all your questions on facebook chat. coming up next, we move from your body to beauty products. how to fix up those make-up annoyances. [ male announcer ] cookies
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with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. [ female announcer ] degree asked women to use these jingle bells during one entire day so they realize how much they move. [ bells jingling ] [ bells jingling ] that's why degree created the new motionsense technology, the only formula activated directly by movement
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beauty director amy. how are you doing, amy? happy new year. >> up a all night with her sick little boy but is here with us to help our makeup problems. >> there is that gross thing that happens when you get the lip gloss. you get those weird things in the corner. >> this is especially common in the winter. when your lips get dry it sticks in there you want to exfoliate. easiest way is with a warm, wet wash cloth. use a tinted lip balm. it's sometimes better than a gloss. it will keep you more hydrated. >> they can make your lips bleed so easily. >> you don't want to be too aggressive. >> be careful. you apply mascara and you're done. and suddenly -- >> this is you, hoda. >> what do you mean? >> you said that. >> this gets right here on your face. >> right. the key to preventing this problem is prepping the eye lid. apply something that is going to
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soak up the oils. believe it or not, even your eye lids have glands. apply a primer. this dissolves it so it becomes clear and a powder. the powder will absorb the oils. >> you wear that at night? >> no. this is the morning. this is when you apply your mascara. >> everything had it. you cleaned your face, fall asleep on your white pillow case. you wake up and your pillow case is covered with mascara or whatever. >> sometimes the traditional cleansers doesn't cut it. look for an oil-based cleanser. something like this bobbi brown one. this will help emulsify the makeup on your skin. you can see it's a little greasy, but it's great because it's hydrating. you rinse it off. if you're acne prone -- >> you don't put on moisturizer after? >> yeah. although this is hydrating. >> if you break out, you don't want to use that. >> you can use a little bit of toner. that will remove any residue.
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>> everything has the thing with little hairs along your hair line and they get frizzy and you can't get them. >> not everybody. >> the key to solving this is actually using a toothbrush. spray it with a little bit of hair spray like this. this is like a very common problem. put along your hair line and it will get rid of any fly-away hairs. >> don't make the mistake using it to brush your teeth. >> you can also use a clear mascara. that's a great way to do it, as well. >> everybody had this. you go to get the manicure and they smudge. you have to leave. >> you take a little bit of nonacetone remover, apply a light coat of polish, a top coat and you're good to go. >> you might smudge that because you're impatient about that. >> that's just how your personality is. >> you have to be careful with
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hot items. >> if you use hot tools you burn something. one thing you can do is get these cool ear guards. just hook them on your ears. >> they are fabulous. >> they will protect you from singing your lobes. another thing you can do -- >> they don't work. >> it's a little tricky, but you can also do this. most people have something like this. you can get it in a drug store. super inexpensive to protect the sides of your face. >> thank you, amy. >> hope your little boy feels better. >> thank you. >> new year, new you. one guy changed his life. and he's never looking back. you can too. good morning to you. getting you going here through midweek. most areas pretty quiet with the exception of the pacific northwest and lingering showers
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around the great lakes. but it's not what you see, it's what you feel that's going to be the big story. all of this blue coming down, this is a lot of cold temperature readings. for the northeast, these are your daytime highs. keep that in mind. not going to get above freezing in boston and new york. many spots dealing with freezing temperatures once again early in the morning and it's a mild air, almost 60 degrees in billings, montana. orlando, 58. same temperature we're expecting in the afternoon. so a big flip-flop with the temperature reading. showers in the northeast on thursday, moving inland in the pacific northwest. sunshine from the rockies into the plains. finally, we'll see the afternoon temperatures rebound. orlando, ten degrees warmer than wednesday, back into the upper 60s, upper 50s in billings and still cool in the northeast. chance for a little rain moving into the picture throughout
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parts of southern texas and southern louisiana. and milder weather on the way for the southeast, as well. then that system develops from the lower mississippi valley to the ohio valley with a chance for some rain. northeast turning mild once again. at least as far as the afternoons go. upper 40s and lower 50s. a chance for a few snow showers throughout the rockies sunday. system moving off the east coast with temperatures in the 40s. a chance for rain, snow in tinland locations. chance for rain in southern and west texas and another system on monday moving into the pacific northwest. catch "wake up with al" weekdays on the weather channel. before m guided only by a dream. i'm embarking on a journey of epic proportion. i will travel, from sea to shining sea, through amber waves of grain, and i won't stop
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story from people all around the country who followed their dreams and changed their lives. >> we'll start with jamie kutch who gave up his job in finance to follow his passion for wine making despite the proper training. >> you have to go back to 2005 when i made the choice to take the leap of faith and come out to sonoma and become a wine maker. i was a nasdaq trader. i had become succumbed into the corporate life of wall street and money. i always felt this love for wine. kristen and myself were at this point in our career where we were just riding the wave of corporate america and going through the steps. it wasn't really that exciting. this was something that was exciting like getting on a roller coaster for the first time. >> my initial reaction was, california? we don't know anybody there. how are we going to make that move. how are we going to tell our families? it was certainly really nerve racking. i knew instantly i wanted to do that with him.
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>> it was a scary time, jumping off almost a cliff without a parachute. it took me about a month to realize how many years i had spent almost wasting of my life in a new york rat race career. in 2005 i made 150 cases. it was exciting and a great experience. during that harvest i proposed to kristen. >> that morning i got up. didn't wash my hair. threw it in a ponytail. had a sweatshirt on. it was the end of the day, getting tired. i opened that. i said somebody lost a box. >> anybody want a diamond. oh, my god! opened it up and it didn't really click until i opened it and he was on one knee. i went, oh, boy. >> i think kristen was an integral part of motivation and drive and support. we've been a good combo.
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we went from 150 cases 400, 600, 800, 1,000. i made 2,000 this year. i produced seven vintages already. for me to produce a bottle of wine that says my name on it is a very powerful feeling to know. i might work more hours, but those benefits and that extra work is for myself. >> my life changed the best way possible. this is the best decision we ever made together. >> this is the place i want to be for the rest of my life. >> wow. that makes me cry. that is fantastic. okay, so you need to get motivated to do something for yourself. we've got help. jean chatzky is "today's" financial editor. and gretchen ruben is author of "the happiness project." >> watching that does make you want to quit your job and throw it all away and give it a go, except us. >> we're so happy. >> yeah. >> that is good in theory, right?
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>> we've got an amazing amount of job dissatisfaction in this country. only 45% of people actually like their job. and that's been going down, down, down. >> that's 1/3 of your life you spend at a job, if you're lucky. that is a huge amount of dissatisfaction. >> if you're dissatisfied is it okay to try to just throw it all away and go to a winery or try something like that? >> if you're ready to make that change and think about how to do it strategically it can be great. a huge happiness boost. but sometimes people get trapped into thinking i have to stay here and stagnate or throw it all away. >> because there is no guarantee. you could have a bad harvest. >> especially in this economy, to throw it all away and throw away the benefits and health insurance and everything that goes along with it is very risky. maybe there is an in between. >> you always say make sure you have another job before you leave the one you have if possible. >> or at least a financial cushion, a safety net.
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>> nobody has those these days. >> i know. we are really bad savers. if this is something you want to work toward, that is a reason. >> do a lay-away plan. >> educate yourself, network with people. i quit from being a lawyer into a writer. i was already deep into my book. if you don't have to wait for one thing before you start the next, try to overlap. >> can you make yourselves happy where you are? that's what people have to do. >> there's been a lot of research into this. if you can find autonomy if you can make your own hours a little bit, decorate your office, you'll find you're making yourself happier. i think if you can fake it for a little while, if you can pretend you're having a good time, you walk around with a smile on your face and people talk to you who never talk to you and your boss thinks you're interviewing, so they treat you better, it does improve the mood. >> from our favorite things on monday, i'm going to give a suggestion for a book. it's one of the most transformational books i ever read in my life, but you have to wait till monday.
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>> there's always been a controversy about the bumpers. >> american academy of pediatrics say you don't need the bumper. it saves you money and it's safer to not have something soft in the crib with little infants. all you need is a nice little fitted crib sheet. they put a different pattern on the side than the top. >> she seems happy. >> stella. >> aren't you precious? >> target blew out so much the designer collaboration is huge. this is missoni for bugaboo. it's high-end stroller. this is one of my favorite trends. peel and stick wallpaper. french bull is the designer collaboration. it's modern aesthetic.
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they've collaborated with wall candy arts. it's the easiest and cheapest way to decorate a kid's wall. when they are older, they can help. >> awesome. >> jonathan adler created for skip hop for this line. these are great prints on a much loved diaper bag, $34 to $84. completely affordable. >> look at all the bottles. >> stainless steel bottles. >> because of the plastic. people have worry. glass is heavy and shatters. stainless steel is easy to clean and reusable. it's pura and organics kids that have a whole stainless steel line. natural skin care is big for us. it's going to be big for babies, too. especially in 2012. anything you can't pronounce on the label. burt's bees have been around for a while.
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they're now sold in walgreen's. california baby is sold in target. i don't know if you used their bath wash that comes with a bubble blower. they are out of australia. they use the poppop root. it's highly anticipated coming out the end of this month. >> jerry won't let me touch it. jerry's on to me. >> this is cool. this is high-tech. almost anything is going to be able to be a baby monitor. i have my ipad set up here. you download the evoz app. it's a free app. it turns your device into a monitor. >> genius. >> audio-only but video coming. >> great stuff. tomorrow, actor ed burns. >> plus the exercise that will keep you on track and a few short cuts to cutting calories. everybody needs extra he. >> have a great day. good-bye to stella! >> see you tomorrow for wines day wednesday.
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-- captions by vitac -- >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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