tv Today NBC January 28, 2012 2:05am-3:05am EST
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. yes, you made it to friday. january 27th. less than two weeks away from our big trip to the bahamas. >> can't can not wait to giddy-up and get in the sunshine. >> you love your sunshine. >> i do. >> is that the 9th, you guys? >> somewhere around there. >> somewhere. >> we are chewing gum not because we're rude but because we hear that it has benefits. these are mental benefits to chewing gum. they say let's pretend you're taking a test. if you chew gum prior to the test and not while you're taking it -- >> right before.
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>> take the gum out and take the test apparently it increases the blood flow to your brain. >> mm-hmm. >> and makes you smarter. >> especially the older you get. let's see. >> okay. when i chew gum, i really chew it. >> you get in. >> i get in! >> she gets involved. ten seconds to look at these. hoda, you show me that one and i show you this one. right? okay. >> wait. >> oh, separately. all right. i'm going to go. >> one, two, three. >> wait! first of all, don't count out loud while i'm trying to see -- i take this stuff seriously. >> here's some names on a card. >> julie, celine, bella, patrice, and salina. julie, patrice, bella -- i can't remember the other. >> jane! >> oh, okay. >> good one. >> ready? >> let me see it. okay.
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ben, michael, todd, don, george. ben, michael, todd, don, george. ben, michael, todd, don, george. >> but can you juggle? you know what today is? >> try day friday. >> no. also the happiest workday or something like that. what is it? national have fun at work day. >> let's talk about that. >> if you want to have fun, stay home. >> these are ways to celebrate having fun at work. >> fun. >> here's an idea. these are several ideas. choose any one. >> this one i love. >> lunchtime. >> do it. go and sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars, see if they slow down. hysterical. >> page yourself over the intercom and don't disguise your voice. >> every time someone asks you to do something ask if they want fries with that. >> i hate when people do that. >> that'll kill 'em. >> put a trash can on top of your desk and label it inbox.
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>> and as often as possible skip rather than walk. this is my best -- best one. tell your boss it's not the voices in my head that bother me. it's the voices in your head that do. that should win friends. >> when you get home tell your children over dinner due to the economy we're going to have to let one of you go. >> i know. what? >> that's so cruel. >> that's a joke from an old new yorker cartoon where the father -- kids, i guess you're wondering why your mother and i called you in today. so funny. due to the economy, we're going to have to let one of you go. >> when we were kids to amuse ourselves on car rides, we'd be in the back of our car with the parents and knock on the window to get the attention and look frantically at the people next to us. when they look at us, we all turn our backs and wave the other way. ever do that? >> what's more fun than that? >> it's fun day. >> see if you can remember them still.
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>> ben. michael. george. i don't know. mopey, dopey. who is it? >> todd and don. >> todd and don. >> i had a tough one. >> what are yours? >> salina and jane and julie and bella. >> here's the difference. i have good short-term memory and you remember later. you remember later. >> they were telling me. >> you have to do word association. >> yes, you do. who has time? >> also a good day to learn a new trick. since it is try day friday, we should learn how to juggle. >> or drink a new drink to help you with your -- whatever we have to do next. this is in honor of the giants going to the super bowl, baby. >> all the way. already. let's learn to juggle. >> oh. >> lou johnson. lou is coming out. lou has been juggling since he's 6 years old. big lou i bet they call you. >> pretty much. yes. good morning, everyone. >> is it difficult to learn how to do this?
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>> you can actually learn in as little as two days, sometimes people have learned in as little as two minutes. >> how about in 30, 40 seconds? >> we're going to attempt a world record for myself. everyone, come on over. come on down. >> why do we have to come over there? >> right over here. >> do we need anything? >> a lot of people get stuck behind the screen at work. so we're going to sort of like unlock them, get them a chance to do something different. instead of using those, we have something like these. tah-dah. >> okay. there you go. >> for me? >> oh, good. >> easy. >> this is simple. >> da, da, da, da. >> of course you are. >> kathie lee, we're going to face in one direction so we know exactly where the scarves are going to fly. shick them out to limber them up. this is called la hula. this is going to be good. >> 30 seconds. >> what we're going to do is try this using these words, kathie lee, hoda, awesome.
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>> kathie lee, hoda, awesome. >> i know you've been doing kathie lee more than one time. don't forget hoda. okay? here we go. kathie lee, hoda. >> kathie lee, hoda. look at what hoda is doing. use each hand. kathie lee is going and hoda is taking a turn. kathie lee, watch this. right hand, left hand. >> what? >> kathie lee, hoda. you're still using kathie lee again. put hoda first. >> why do i want to put hoda first. first? >> she doesn't like this. >> hoda, kathie lee, and you'll be successful. try it. >> last time. >> she did it, yes! >> thank you, sweetie. >> if i only chewed some gum before i tried it. thanks, lou. >> wow. >> thanks very much. >> sure. thank you. >> i'm not sure why we had that segment but he's a nice guy. >> all righty. you know what it's time for? >> lou is available for any event.
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check out is that true, lou? thank you. >> let's bring on bobbie thomas. hey, girl. >> so, it might be fun at work day but this is kind of the most depressing time of the year. it's been proven so i have some happies. really interesting company based in brooklyn called bummer baskets. after a bunch of their friends had a run of bad luck, summer romances ending, et cetera, he decided flowers die, chocolates had calories so he created these bummer baskets, funny customized cards like this heart being run over by a tire, et cetera. also, happy shots in front of you. these are the happy shots that claim to restore your neurotransmitters that actually make us feel naturally happy. it's like a boost, they say, of peopleness. try it. chocolate cherry favor. >> did you taste it? >> no. waiting to see if you like it. >> nasty. >> i'm a big fan of beauty and
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how it perks you up. this formula has a bronzer blush that has a natural plan extract that mimics endorphins. >> okay. >> be happy. >> love it. >> where's yours, bobbie? >> i don't know. >> all right, dear. thanks, bobbie. time for -- >> your "friday funnies." these are hilarious. >> they need to be called friday not so funnies. i want to thank rene robins, our facebook fan. talk to her if you don't like this one. an elderly couple is sitting on the porch just swinging away together when all of a sudden the wife hauls off and smacks the husband. surprised, he asks, what was that for? to which she replied, 50 years of bad sex. a few minutes pass and the husband returns the smack and the wife asks, what was that for? the husband says for knowing the difference. >> oh, god.
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>> that was good. >> more than i generally get. thank you. >> all right. if you have a messy desk at work -- >> and hodie do. >> i do? mine's not that bad. >> hodie do do. >> i don't think my desk is that messy. >> woeshgd take a shot of it. that is your desk, hoda. >> that's not a bad day. somebody cleaned it up. i want to thank kathy, my assistant, for helping. they say people with messy desks have a clearer thought process. >> how is that possible? >> because you have to think through all the clutter and you zero in on the idea, because all this stuff -- zero in. do you believe it? >> no. i don't. i done. i cannot deal with that kind of mess. i can't function at all. >> no. >> i don't know how kids today study. >> that's your desk. is that yours? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's when i had just unpacked from coming back from seattle and that's my scripts and everything on there. >> that's a messy desk. >> that's not a desk i work at. that's a desk to put stuff on.
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>> oh, all right. >> i can't work there. there's no place to work. and christine, i'm going to kill you. but the good news is that albert einstein apparently had a horrendously messy environment. >> yeah. and he was genius. >> genius. coming up, entertainment predictions for this year's hottest tv shows and movies. >> and how these lovely ladies look now after their ambush makeovers.
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pop culture fans, get ready. we have your preview of everything entertainment for 2012. here with his predictions for this year's best movies, tv and music is our friend jim stack from "entertainment weekly." >> love him. >> we certainly do. >> will it be a good year? >> i think a really good year. there are some big movies coming out, exciting stuff. >> start with the most anticipated movie of the year, "the dark night rises." >> bat man, the third bat man,
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huge movie and franchise, obviously. people are so excited about it. it will be the last one, we think. but christian bale is back and ann hathaway is playing cat woman. >> something about the election? >> there is some kind of occupy wall street element to it, but, no, he wears this mask -- i don't know why. he can't breathe or something. >> because it's scary. we like scary. >> this is weird. not one but two snow-white movies coming out. >> i know the one i can't wait for. >> "mirror, mirror." >> that's the first one. that's a more comedic version, julia roberts playing the queen. lily collins is snow white. more comedic, more light, more family friendly, very colorful. yes, there's also another snow-white movie, "snow-white and the huntsman" with charlize theron and kristin stewart. a little darker, a little more
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actiony. charlize theron again playing a horrible human being, which she does very well. snow-white, cat like. >> another one getting a lot of buzz about male strippers. >> "magic mike." i know. male strippers. >> a story about -- >> channing tatum. >> i always get it wrong. >> channing tatum in real life was a stripper for a brief period of time, so the script is based on his real life. it has him and matt mcconaughey. they're all strippers. perfect for a matinee on winesday. >> absolutely. for the kids, there's one out by pixar. >> for the kids, "brave," the first pixar movie with a lead female about a young princess who's much more into, like, archery and kind of kicking butt than she is in being a princess. >> good for her. >> who voices her? >> kelly mcdonald on "boardwalk empire." >> moving to tv, we've been waiting for "smash," seeing all the promos.
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>> i saw the pilot and i can't wait for this show. >> i bet you can relate to it a lot. >> oh, my gosh, yeah. >> "smash" premieres february 6th after "the voice." it's huge poi lot. >> after the super bowl. >> "the voice" is after the super bowl and then it airs the day after the super bowl. but they're going to be promoting the bejesus out of it during the super bowl. get ready. katherine mcphee is trying to land a lead in a marilyn monroe musical. deb messing is in it. original music. really great. >> the whole concept is to write the musical and if the show is a hit it comes to broadway. >> you loved this. >> i did. >> really good. >> a lot of truth in it. got some terrific -- i had no idea that katherine mcphee is such an excellent actress. really good in it. >> like a revelation. >> talk about things coming back again. "dallas," j.r. ewing, here we go again? >> "dallas" is back, j.r. ewing is back, sue ellen, bobby ewing. they're all back. and this "dallas" sort of focuses on j.r. and bobby's son,
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who similarly are now kind of at war over whether or not to go green or still do the oil thing. >> oh, please. >> all right. we know where you stand. >> yeah. that's going to be fascinating. >> it will be good. it's like a return to, like -- >> i don't want to go green. i want money. i want to go green. stop it. >> that's exactly the pilot script. you -- like verbatim. >> hbo has something out called "hbo girls," a little risque. >> it's like a new version of "sex and the city." it's about growing up young in new york. allison williams, brian williams' daughter, is a lead in it. she's phenomenal. created by lina dunham, 24 years old. she's amazing. she's sort of the tina fey of her generation. it's incredibly observant and perceptive and relatable. >> and raunchy. >> it is raunchy. >> brian williams' daughter is raunchy? >> not as raunchy. but the show -- there's some
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raunchy stuff. i can't really talk about it here. >> okay. moving on to music, carrie underwood, you like. she's got some new stuff coming out. >> she has an album this spring. apparently a little darker, like she decided to write a few darker songs, kind of surprising for her. she's obviously a huge "idol" star, huge country star. >> everybody likes her. >> she's like a big, shiny golden retriever. puppy. >> yeah. >> madonna is coming back. >> yeah. >> on tour again. >> going on tour and will be performing a the super bowl. hopefully no nip flips like in previous years. >> can't beat a good nip flip. >> happy new year! yes. that is true. that's true. i think mark twain once said that. yes, but madonna, her new album, nicki minaj on it, m.i.a., a bunch of dance producers.
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we're excited for her. >> have you heard the new seal album? >> i have not. >> i wonder what that's like. >> especially in light of recent news. >> yeah. we love you. >> love you, too. >> in spite of everything we've heard, we find you to be a delightful young man. >> i love you guys. thank you. >> all right. up next, you asked, we answered. sara is drumming up some questions from our fans. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day.
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♪ it is time for "321 live" with sara, hanging out with the crowd across the street. hope you did a good job. screaming is none. >> i hope so, too. jean from connecticut has a super bowl question. >> okay, ladies. who are you rooting for for the super bowl? >> well, obviously, i'm rooting for the giants. have to. my husband is a hall of famer. frank played for giants for 12 years.
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that would not go over well in the house. >> it would be a fight. >> yeah. >> i'm a new orleans saints fan, but i'm also an eli manning fan. i'm a whole manning family fan. so i am on the giants train. >> whooo! >> giants! >> we love the boston area. >> okay. next up we have teresa from memphis with an anniversary question. >> i'm going to be 50 this summer and it's our 15-year wedding anniversary. i want to know what hoda and kathie lee think my husband should get me. >> oh! >> what should he get her? >> a trip to italy. >> oh, yeah. great. >> you go to italy. you stay at the splendido hotel in porto fino. you have the best time of your life. >> wonderful. thank you. >> you've earned it, trust me. >> you know me well. you know him. thank you. >> what do you think, hoda? >> i think it's a great. it's a great ride. >> kathy from new york with a wine question. >> hi, ladies. >> hi! >> i see every morning you guys
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have a glass of wine or today rose. are you actually drinking that? >> no. >> uh-uh. >> no. >> sips. >> little teeny. >> you know these sips they're just to create the illusion that we're having a party. shut up! >> you know better. >> okay. next up, eileen from new jersey. with a question about getting ready in the morning. >> who gets ready faster in the morning, hoda or kathie lee? >> we don't live together. >> okay. who does take longer? if i have wet hair, i take a lot longer. >> like a day or two. >> careful. >> that's mean! i hate that picture. but, you know, it's a regular day -- >> we get ready pretty fast. my husband cannot believe how fast i can get ready for anything. i always am ready half an hour before he is. i think being a live performer so many years, you know, you learn to, you know, get it together. >> thanks, girls. >> thank you, sara. >> still ahead, how to throw a
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♪ express yourself >> we are back on this try day friday with another installment of today's "plaza ambush makeovers," where we pluck two lucky women from the crowd and give them a new look. >> here to though them off is our crack stylists to the stars, louis licari! la, la, la, la, la. and us weekly contributor and author jill martin. how were the pickings today, kids? >> i found two ladies with great looks that did not know -- they did know what to look for. so we helped them find it. >> mary is 49 years old from durham, maine, an office supplies sales woman, in new york with her husband, jim. they're celebrating his 50th birthday. her morning routine, a wash and a blow. listen to her story. >> happy 50th even though you're a celtics fan. but the gift is actually for
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your wife today. tell me why she deserves this. >> she's a wonderful wife. we'll celebrate 30 years this july. she arranged a surprise weekend for me for my 50th in new york city and we've had a wonderful time. she is very deserving of any good things that come her way. >> ready for a glam new look? i'm getting rid of that hat. >> i really am. thank you. >> mary is ready. and jim is ready. jim's got his blindfold on. keep it on until we give you the jeep light. here is mary before. all right, mary. let's see the new you! wow! oh, wow. gorgeous. >> yeah. >> are you ready, jim? take off your blindfold, honey. >> wow. you look great, mary. >> are you ready to see yourself? >> i am. >> deep breath, turn around. deep breath. here youo. >> oh, my god. wow. >> awesome. beautiful.
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>> spin right around and look right at that camera. >> gorgeous hair style. tell us about the hair. >> how great is that? jim, what better birthday present could you have? a whole new wife. of course her hair color, light, warm, so flattering with her complexion. >> yeah. >> dana today gave her these soft layers and this wispy, sexy bangs, which are so great to look at. i mean, you look so beautiful. >> and that dress, jill. it's gorgeous. i love that. >> adriana. what i love is the neckline. a little embellishment so it's a little dressy to wear for cocktail as opposed to your little black dress. >> beautiful. >> round of applause! join your husband. >> right over there. >> our second lady is sherry marshall from texas. she's an elementary music teacher. she's been married for 25 years with two kids. her beauty routine consists of washing and scrunching her hair. let's hear her story. >> they're so close when i asked
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you to describe your relationship what did you say? >> sisters from another mother. >> from another mother. >> why do you want the this for your bestie? >> sherry is an elementary schoolteacher, music teacher, and she gives and gives to those kids tirelessly. i mean, without thought. and all the kids love her. and she's also a great mom. she lives two doors down from me. she just deserves to be pampered. >> your students are going to be shocked. are you ready to go? >> i guess so. >> no turning back now. here with her friends, heinka, sandy, and liz. one last look at the before. let's bring out sherry marshall. >> oooooo! >> oh, my goodness. all right, ladies. take 'em off. >> sherry! >> oh, how you carry on.
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sherry, turn around and see what they're talking about, honey. >> oh, my gosh. >> you look beautiful. >> look how beautiful you look. >> oh, my gosh. >> okay. sherry. >> look here as well, sherry. >> sherry is stunning. she simply scrunched her hair and put on mousse. too much product. dana taught her to eliminate the product, keep the makeup soft. and then what i did, her highlights were way too strong. they almost looked like gray streaks instead of blond streaks. so i went completely in a different direction. >> yeah. >> brunette. >> gorgeous, gorgeous. >> girlfriends. >> sorry. so beautiful. inside and out. so much more gorgeous now. you glow. you glow. >> and friends like this, so nice. >> beautiful friend. >> tell us about that gorgeous black dress. >> right. i love this because she was two sizes off.
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she told me she was one size and we went two sizes down, which i love. this is jones new york, another twist on the little black dress available at macy's. >> just darling. >> thank you both, ladies. >> big round of applause. >> thank you, jim, you guys. >> wednesday, february 1st, we're doing a special heartfelt ambush makeover to support the fight against heart disease. come down to the plaza dressed in red with your special heart story. >> up next, behind every great woman, ceo moms. and their stay at home trophy husbands. right after this.
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2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go.
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we have more women climbing the corporate ranks all the way up to ceo. some of them are realizing in order to make your life, family, work, work, you need a spouse or sometimes a trophy husband. >> these women were profiled for "bloomberg business week magazine." stacey kaiser is a psychotherapist and advice columnist for "usa today."
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we love her. welcome, ladies. >> did you find them willing to discuss this topic? still a little taboo, isn't it? >> a lot of people are very reticent, still, while they privately agreed to do this, there are still stigmas attached publicly. so a lot of them want to keep it quiet. >> on the part of the men, women, or both? >> both. >> for what reason? >> the women start to feel manish, that they're the ones carrying everything in terms of making all the money, and the guys feel they're being carried. they feel a bit like they're accused of being kept. >> is there an age situation with this? because, i mean, obviously my husband is 23 years older than i am. he's got a lot of trophies himself. he's secure about it. but if they're the same age, does that tend to make a difference? >> i think it does make a difference. part of what's happening is when they get involved in social interactions -- here's the mom, off at work, and now she's not interacting with the other moms in the neighborhood, isn't planning play dates, her husband is making the arrangements.
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a lot of times there's that mom guilt. for the husbands, here they are, they're at super bowl party with their friends and their friends are all talking about what they did at the office and how hard work is, and guess what, they're saying, well, i have a 10% off coupon for bed, bath & beyond. a little awkward. >> how do you resolve something like that? that seems like it would be hard to overcome. >> some of the guys who are a little older and have had a chance to have a career are more secure doing this because they've already done it. >> yeah, yeah. >> but i think the couples who work best at it really communicate well and often they are the ones who agreed before they got into it, before they got married even, that this was the way it was going to be. >> ultimately, too, the only person who can truly emasculate a man is his wife. right? let's be honest about that. other people can put you down, but if she treats him that way, that's the deal breaker. >> i think that happens. it happens even with the mom who is stay at home. they're busy telling their husband what is to do. when they're used to being the boss at the office, they'll come
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home to the man with the child and say you need to do this and you need to do that. that can be emasculating. >> if you look at the top women ceos of this country, and there are still only 18, seven of them have stay at home husbands. >> really. >> it's saying that those demanding jobs are so tough still, they're global, you're traveling all the time. if you don't want to completely outsource child care, somebody's got to be home. >> the child care. these women have the ceo salaries they're making, too. they could certainly afford to hire someone. thank you, ladies. >> thank you. coming up next, how to score a touchdown with a super party for the big game right after this. i have a look at your forecast to get the weekend started. we're going to be doing that with snow showers around the
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great lakes, upstate new york and portions of west virginia. a little snow coming your way, as well. otherwise, beautiful weather. great weather for traveling across the south. just a slight chance of some storms around miami. look at the numbers, 34. that's not too bad in chicago. we could see a couple of inches of accumulation. 28 degrees in minneapolis. that's it for your high, but beautiful weather, above average from los angeles to san diego, on over towards phoenix, as well. here we go into sunday. snow showers still around the great lakes and on into portions of the northeast. looks like new york, philly, the big cities along the coast should be dry. dry weather around atlanta, as well. nice sun shiny day here in new orleans. we do bring in another system across the pacific northwest. those of you in seattle and portland, seeing rainfall from that. and bitter cold temperatures in the western great lakes. only 22 degrees for the twin cities. 31 degrees in chicago. and only about 44 degrees in
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louisville, kentucky. now we go back to work on monday. we've got snow showers around the great lakes, tracking another system into the northwest. southwest, beautiful day in phoenix, 75 degrees and sunshine. snow moving back through the picture here around minnesota and wisconsin. otherwise, beautiful travel weather. across the south, a little bit of wet weather in south florida. wednesday, a chance of wet weather from the gulf coast stretching up even into buffalo. gives you some indication how warm the atmosphere is. we should be seeing snow in buffalo this time of the year. tune into the weather channel weekdays to check out "wake up with al" 6:00 a.m. eastern time. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪
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and the only one here representing the patriots. >> my husband is from boston. he would kill me if i didn't. >> what do we have? >> your super bowl party is the one time that it's never a no-no to be too themey. go crazy. >> go for it. >> true team spirit. always send out a tame invitation, whether it's the referee -- isn't that cute? pregame party favors, something to get excited about. and then once you get -- once your guests come to your house, greet them with a game day kit. everything they need -- exactly. wait. >> uh-huh. >> there you go. >> how cute. >> they stick on. little felt name tags. we have something soft, pompoms to cheer everyone to victory. >> move it. >> it's about beer, but we're making it chicer so we're going
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to go with local breweries. right? for the ladies, cocktails. i think this one is -- >> this will make your lips blue. we tried it. we tried it. we're just going to look at it. >> but check out the drink tags. >> oh. >> how cute. i'm in. >> everyone has them. we have these on the website. >> love them. adorable. >> then you really want to make your game day moment with your tabletop. >> are you kidding me? >> we're going with mini helmet napkin rings. you can make this. we ironed on the ribbon, the numbers. stencil the numbers. how cute is this? >> yes. smart. >> it's electrical tape. >> very cute. >> snacks. >> look at that baby. >> we're going with hometown themed snacks. so we have new york -- >> what do you call those? >> pretzels. >> pretzels. >> and -- i don't know what you call them, elaine. i call them pretzels. >> for new england, chowder.
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>> we like our chowder. >> chow-dah. >> okay. >> keep going. >> we're going to do a french fry bar. >> oh. >> and then for dessert, super bowl sundaes. >> smart. the whole sundae bar hooked up. >> and all coordinated. so it's like, you know, whichever team, whichever team. >> if your husband wasn't a patriots fan, who would you be cheering for? >> the atlanta falcons. i'm from georgia. >> you are? >> they lost. they're out. hate to break it to you but they lost. >> i would be a giants fan. >> we knew we liked you, elaine. >> elaine, thank you for coming. >> up next, can she cut the mustard? sarah gets caught hot dogging it on the job.
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♪ life is a highway i want to ride it all ♪ >> it's that time again. we find ourselves asking the age-old question, you get paid for that? >> sara haines has discovered one job that is top dog. didn't you? >> i did. this is a job i never new existed. i spent the day with a couple of oscar mayer hot doggers. while their official title may be oscar mayer brand ambassadors, you probably know them best by how they get around town. we all remember the icons over the years from different brands, but there is one that surpasses them all. yes, it's the oscar mayer wienermobile. today i'm hitching a ride with a couple of hot doggers and i'm in it for the long haul. hot doggers spend a full year traveling around the u.s. with one main task -- promoting the oscar mayer brand at different events across the country.
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but before becoming an official hot dogger, i had to attend mandatory training. hot dog high. >> absolutely. do you think you can cut the mustard? >> oh, my gosh. it's started. here we go. so the note-taking began. >> these are special items. whenever you get to see the wienermobile, you get a wiener. >> i do? >> other side. [ whistle ] >> that's not going to be annoying at all. putting the whistle down, it was time to learn the rules of the road. >> can you practice your wave? that's good. >> my wienermobile smile. i'm in character. but to fully get into character, i needed my official flight suit and a couple of real-life hot doggers by my side. i'm sara. >> i'm ketchup kylie. >> i love it.
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>> we're oscar mayer hot doggers, ambassadors. >> this is a job you get paid for? >> seriously. it's a one-year job. >> can i take a ride with you guys today? >> absolutely. want to come on in? >> oh, yes. this is going to be a party bus. yes. it's hard to believe kylie actually gets paid to drive around in this thing. you're driving all over. this is your mode of transportation for a year. >> yeah. so, i mean, even on my off days, if i want to go to a movie i go in the winer mobile. >> and the tourists eat it up. >> i say oscar, you say mayer, oscar -- >> wiener! >> kylie is one of 12 hot doggers hired each year, and that lucky dozen was narrowed down from a pool of 1,500 applicants. but not just anyone can get behind the wheel. only someone with a hot dogger name. >> i had a lot of options. i could have been pickle, relish. someone suggested d-licious. i ran it past my mom. >> bounced it off mom? >> i got the call for this job, my mom cried.
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>> tears of joy for a proud mama. i was still a girl on a mission. we need to come up with some names for kathie lee and hoda. >> kathie lee -- >> it's hard. >> yes. >> i wasn't prepared for this. >> regal, right? >> very regal. that fits kathie. we need a rapper name for hoda. ho-digitty dog. got that? i'm going to be -- >> sar-elish. i'm having anxiety. >> come on, t.j. >> this is dylan. we're sitting here with sara haines trying to come up with a name for her. >> sauerkraut sara. >> that makes me feel grumpy. "sizzling" sara haines? >> yeah. we've got a winner! >> saysling
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>> sizzling hot and, we rolled into our main event. >> here we come. the wienermobile. >> one, two, three! >> wienermobile! whooo! >> hey, guys. i'm sara with the "today" show. but today i'm a hot dogger. believe it or not, these two get paid to this job. but today it was my job. passing out wiener whistles. loud and annoying. i know your daddy wants you to have that. sending postcards to loved ones. and of course the occasional photo-op. one, two, three! yes, this was one job i could really relish. perfect ending to a perfect day. hot dogs. now, of course, i didn't come home empty handled. i bought some of those famous wiener whistles. >> i would rather have the hot dog. but it's hard to get the right -- [ whistling ] >> okay. >> thank you, sara. >> next monday, jordin sparks going to fill in. >> yes. >> and how to get everything you want. >> have an awesome weekend. -- captions by vitac --
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>> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you! what a great crowd already! we're off to a great start. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody.
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