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tv   Today  NBC  February 10, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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city. so we are enjoying what's left of the sunshine and the -- >> it's not a big storm. >> oh? you said it would be big. how big. >> i don't think the word century. >> i didn't say storm of the century. >> one to three inches, colder air and windy.
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not a big storm. >> snowmageddon. >> a moderate snowstorm on our way sometime this evening. >> ding, ding, ding. >> i'm ann curry along with al roker and lester holt in for matt this morning. al will be talking about refinancing mortgages. >> with news yesterday that five of the largest banks agreed to a mortgage settlement to help strugglinging homeowners, now may be the time to think about refinancing. we'll look at whether it's right for you. it could save you tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. rates are at historic lows. now the perfect time for homeowners to refinance. we'll get great advice. >> good information fm more people are trying gluten-free diets hoping it will improve their health, make them lose a few pounds. some doctors warn against gluten-free diets unnecessarily. dr. nancy snyderman will answer your questions about it. >> okay. also we'll talk about lingerie. >> lester and i are wearing some now.
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>> that got a reaction here. we have lingerie in the house. great looks for all body types. >> sometimes a guy wants to feel pretty. >> just in time for valentine's day. that's right. meantime, let's make a little turn to go inside. >> people will be watching "dateline" in a whole new way. >> let's go inside for a check of the news with tamron in for natalie this morning. >> good morning. new details in the murder-suicide of josh powell and his two young sons. powell told his 7-year-old son charlie that he had a, quote, big surprise for him just before attacking him and setting the house on fire. this according to the social worker sent to supervise powell's visit with the boy. she said she heard the younger boy, braden, crying as she was blocked from entering the home. overnight, officials said a computer in powell's home was found to have pornographic images that led a psychologist to recommend that he undergo a psycho-sexual evaluation.
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outrage from jewish organizations and other groups as the marine corps said it doesn't plan to discipline marine snipers seen posing in afghanistan with a lo go similar to one used by the nazi party during world war two. the photos were taken in 2010 and recently surfaced on a military weapons blog. the marine corps said the group had no malicious intent and believed the s.s.logo was a nod to sniper scouts, not a symbol of hitler's death squad. the reality tv producer facing trial in mexico for the murder of his wife is pushing to have the charges against him dropped. bruce redman appeared for a preliminary hearing in mexico. federal regulators approved a new nuclear power plant. two reactors near augusta, georgia, could be operating as soon as 2016. the lone vote against licensing came from the chairman of the
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nuclear regulatory commission who wanted more safety assurances in the wake of last year's disaster in japan. britain's investigation into phone hacking by newspaper reporters brought out another familiar face. heather mills, paul mccartney's ex-wife said the former baelteas voicemails to her were hacked. michelle kosinski has more. >> reporter: for an ongoing government hearing the testimony continues to be gripping and contentio contentious. heather mills tells how she realized other ears were listening to her personal voicemails. at least one big name journalist admits to listening, but denies doing anything illegal. back in 2001 when heather mills and sir paul mccartney were dating heather says they had a fight and that's when she realized something strange was going on. >> turned my phone off because
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he kept calling all the time. it was very stressful. in the morning when i woke up there were many messages but they weren't where they normally would have been. but i didn't think much of it. i thought i must have pressed a wrong button. >> reporter: 25 messages from paul begging forgiveness. at one point, yes, singing. ♪ we can work it out >> reporter: it did work. all was well until, mills said, she got a call from a reporter. >> he said, look, heather, we have heard you and paul had an argument. i have just heard a message of him singing on the phone to you, asking for forgiveness. i said, there is no way that you could know that unless you have been listening to my messages and he laughed. >> reporter: five years later when the couple's marriage turned bad and so did the press, in every detail of what ended in a nearly $50 million divorce, piers morgan, now with cnn but
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once editor of news of the world wrote in an article calling mills a monster, at one stage i was played a tape of a message paul had left for heather on her mobile phone. it was heart breaking. he sounded lonely, miserable and desperate and even sang "we can work it out" into the answerphone. now the time has come to tell what's right and what's wrong. morgan won't reveal anything about how he heard that message. testifying here in december. >> on the tape of a voicemail message, you didn't think it was unethical? >> it depends on the circumstances in which you're listening to it. in their divorce case paul mccartney stated as a fact she had recorded their conversations and given them to the media. >> reporter: something heather mills denies. >> did you authorize mr. morgan to access your voicemail? >> never. >> reporter: she said she never played her voicemails for anyone or authorized anyone to listen. so far the hacking scandal and the expense of closing news of the world has cost rupert murdoch's news international more than $250 million.
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this week they settled the hacking claims of 15 more people. tamron? >> thank you. walking the dog should get even the worst couch potatoes exercise unless your husky thinks he's a hamster. this pup is training for a sled dog touring center in alaska. don't worry, you can see he can jump off any time he wants to. seems to be really enjoying himself. i love the lady's expression. it's seven minutes past the hour. back to al with a check of the weather. >> i want one of those. that's cool. let's see what's happening for your weather. today we have a storm system getting together. two areas of low pressure, one over the great lakes and another in the south. cold air comes behind it. that's going to see this thing develop off the coast. also along the great lakes. so snow develops. colder air moves in. the storm system develops through tomorrow.
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lake effect snow and snow in the northeast and new england where the snow could be heavy. they could see up to 18 inches of snow down east maine. six inches of snow. but in northern indiana, up to 12 inches. >> good morning. we expect some rain and snow tonight. ahead of that, the weather should be fine. the clouds will thicken up. time for today's money and refinancing your home mortgage. rates are at historic lows. refinancing could save you tens of thousands of dollars, but not
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for everybody. vera gib bonns is an nbc financial analyst. >> nice to see you. >> you, too. five banks yesterday. $35 billion deal to help people refinance and get out from under their underwater homes. >> multi billion dollar deal. just a huge one involving five of the nation's largest banks going to help distressed homeowners, a large portion of the money will be allocated to those who are underwater. but we have 11 million americans in this predicament, one in five. this will probably help a million of them. it's not going to solve the problems of the housing crisis. >> it's a start. >> it is. >> let's talk about people who may qualify for refinancing. how much money are we talking about saving? >> a lot. there is a survey that shows 14 million credit worthy americans haven't refinanced and they are overpaying the monthly mortgage by $471 on average. >> which over ten years? >> $57,000 collectively. they are leaving money on the table. they haven't refinanced because
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they don't feel like it, don't want to deal with the process. don't leave that money on the table. >> how do you know if you're eligible? >> you have to have at least to% equity in your home based on the current appraised value. if you're considering on staying put three years and if you can reduce by three quarters of a percentage rate or more, you're a good candidate. >> first, check your credit report. >> 4%, 60-year lows are reserved for those with the best credit. if you have a score of 720 you could get 4.5%. you need to know where you stand so get a copy of the credit report from check it. make sure it's up to date. the error rate is like 70% if not higher. you could be denied credit all together by a simple error. >> whether refinancing or not you should check it out. >> yes. >> you have to point out that refinancing isn't free.
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>> right. you have to run the numbers. this is the only way to make sure whether or not it makes sense for you. look at total savings, less costs, less fees. refi calculators can help but closing costs are up 9% because of the government regulations. >> five of the most expensive states. >> new york. >> lovely. >> texas. >> i know. that's surprising. on average say you have a $200,000 loan. you're looking at $4,000 in closing costs. again because of the hoops that lenders make you jump through. that's additional staffing for them. they pass the cuts to the consumer. >> a lot of us are lazy and we've got the mortgage at one bank so we think we have to refi with them. >> sometimes they give you the best rate and sometimes they don't. comparison shop. look around. get half a dozen quotes. apps like zillo that streamline the process. you can see rates side by side. also see what others have to say
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about the experience with a lender. reviews, ratings, very important. >> and you have to get together your financial documents. >> asap. there is so much paperwork. as soon as you think about doing a refi, get two years of tax statements, pay stubs, asset statements, bank statements, brokerage statements. if you have been self-employed or had spotty income brace yourself for scrutiny. >> and lock in the rates. >> get everything done. then hurry up and wait. it's taking 60 days versus the old day with 30 days. >> everybody is trying to refinance. >> there you go. >> great advice. >> thanks, al. >> still ahead, stormy seas for hundreds of cruise ship passengers after a viral outbreak. we have the latest. up next, is a gluten-free diet good for you and does gluten-free mean calorie-free? we'll answer your questions after these messages.
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♪ [ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to fill over 200 garbage trucks out of landfills each year? ♪ 6.5 million pounds of plastic, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste,
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we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪ what? pay you? hang on. kitchen counselor here. mom, i think what she means is "greasy dishes." cascade complete pacs fight tough greasy messes better than the other tablet. there's only one cascade. love it, or your money back. what is this shorty? uh, tissues sir, i'm sick. you don't cough, you don't show defeat. give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop. give me your war face! raaah! the wait is over. stock up for less during the petsmart stock up and save sale. save up to 25% on thousands of items, right now. at petsmart. aflac! ha! isn't major medical enough?
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huh! no! who's gonna help cover the holes in their plans? aflac! quack! like medical bills they don't pay for? aflac! or help pay the mortgage? quack! or child care? quack! aflaaac! and everyday expenses? huh?! blurlbrlblrlbr!!! [ thlurp! ] aflac! [ male announcer ] help your family stay afloat at plegh! ♪ my heart skips a beat ♪ my heart is playing tricks on me ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing new special k granola bars. ♪ i can't break through with 4 grams of protein. and 4 grams of fiber. finally, a granola bar that makes your heart skip a beat. a snack that loves you back. what will you gain when you lose? ♪ ...skips a beat
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this morning on today's daily dose, the rising popularity of a gluten-free diet. many people think it's a healthier lifestyle and will help them lose weight but you could be missing out on vital nutrients. dr. nancy snyderman is here to answer questions. >> hi, tamron. >> there are so many questions. tina in indiana says, i don't know much about gluten-free foods or diet. can you explain what it is? >> this is the million dollar question. gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. they set off intestinal problems for people with bloating, diarrhea, stomach cramps, et cetera. you have to be a smart consumer
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and say, okay, if gluten is my problem, what can i eat? people think they can't eat anything. there are good things you can eat including beans, seeds, fresh eggs. i'm underscoring fresh. fresh eggs, fresh meat. most dairy and fruits and vegetables. if you think like a smart vegetarian, but remember wheat and barley can be in things like beer, you have to think, what can i have? you can have a very, very safe and nutritious diet but you have to be smart. >> the warning is wheat, barley -- >> and rye. >> next question is from facebook from justin. it seems as though gluten is the latest health problem that's blown up overnight. what's the real issue? are some people blaming kbglute when it's something else? gluten seems like the "in" problem to have. >> for people with gluten
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problems they bristle because they are having problems. it is the sexy new problem people like to have to the point that it's a $2.# 5 billion food industry. >> wow. >> say we don't like to cook and we decided we have stomach problems and we have self-diagnosed ourselves as having a gluten problem and self-diagnosis is never smart. you go to the store and start pulling off gluten-free stuff. turn over the package and read the ingredients. sometimes you will see 18, 20, 25 grams of saturated fat, a zillion calories and extra stuff. gluten-free doesn't mean healthy. >> and not to self-diagnose. >> no. >> you see it with many issues. >> this is a doctor diagnosis. you have to have the stomach upset and we can get into what to do in a few minutes. >> you also talk about the fact that this is celiac disease for people who have this issue? >> imagine the inside of your
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bowel which is a beautiful thing really. it's pink and glistening and there are little villi around that pull in nutrients and vitamins from your body. when you have celiac disease those get lost in the lining of the bowel angets flat. people can't absorb things so you have cramping and diarrhea. people lose weight. they can become anemic, vitamin deficient. they get rashes. those are people who are really sick. there are blood tests to test for this. sometimes you even need a bowl biopsy. >> we have another question from angela on facebook. she says, how do you find out if you have celiac disease? she said she's had chronic stomach problems since childhood and they are getting worse with age. >> the first thing i would say is while you are waiting to make the doctor's appointment go on a gluten-free diet and see if you get better. >> doesn't hurt. >> it can't hurt you.
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>> then make the doctor's appointment. a thorough health care and physical can many times figure out where a person may be having trouble. then, any one of these things we talked about, including the fatigue can be phenomenal. the pain can be phenomenal. that itchy rash we mentioned at the bottom, even your skin can be biopsied. there is an enzyme called anti-tissue transbutaminase. big word only doctors have to worry about. it under scores that this is an auto immune disease. it's anti-bodies fighting yourself. >> you mentioned auto immune. there are other gluten-related disorders that are not celiac disease. >> say you don't have the classic celiac disease. you could be allergic to wheat. you could have problems with other auto immune illnesses that present with bowel things. one of the things i want to remind people of is cross
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contamination. something as simple as lipstick or your child's play-doh can have something in it to cause problems. >> teresa writes, i had my 3-year-old tested for celiac. it was negative. i wonder if a gluten-free diet would help with his chronic stomach aches. >> go that way, but for children igh, ask to see a pediatric specialist in bowel diseases. if you are near the great children's hospitals or the big teaching hospitals this is where i would send a child for the correct diagnosis. >> thank you, dr. nancy snyderman. >> read the labels. >> thank you. still ahead, sexy lingerie to accentuate your assets no matter your shape or size. first, these messages. ough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough.
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♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar?
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you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. try olive garden's new three course italian dinner for $12.95. start with all the homemade soup or salad and breadsticks you want. next choose from five new entrees like smoked mozzarella chicken. finally a delicious dessert. the new three course italian dinner. from olive garden.
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laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? ♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in. still to come on "today" we'll help you spice up your
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valentine's day with sexy lingerie to flatter every figure. >> and we'll help you get the party started with a taste of italy in today's kitchen. that's all coming up after your local news and weather. like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ whoomp, there it is! ♪ can you dig it? ♪ can y'all dig it? ♪ can you dig it?
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♪ can y'all dig it? can you dig it? ♪ [ female announcer ] what happens in diapers should stay in diapers. luvs ultra leakguards with heavy dooty blowout protection. outstanding protection for your little heavy dooty champ.
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before we slow bake our breads, we start with real ingredients, like wholesome whole grains or fragrant cinnamon and sun-drenched raisins. enjoy all of our pepperidge farm breads. good is in the details.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal tv 11 news update. >> new storm is on and the way. front moving in from the west. after dark, a chance of a mixture of rain and snow. that chance will continue into saturday. we look dry during the daylight
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♪ you are beautiful in every single way ♪ ♪ words won't bring you down ♪ don't you bring me down today ♪ >> katharine mcphee performing in the new nbc musical drama "smash." the series is a show within a show about putting on a broadway musical. it's a big hit. we'll talk about it monday on "today." you saw her on a plane. >> she was singing on the flight from l.a. to new york. i got a free show.
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>> wow. >> at least she wasn't playing words with friends, you know. >> i wonder if you could get kicked off a plane for that. >> for singing. lester gets kicked off for doing the newscast. >> this just in. >> also ahead, another norovirus outbreak aboard a ship. the cdc said it's the fifth outbreak this year. what's going on? we'll go live to kerry sanders in florida in a little bit. >> then you don't have to have a victoria's secret model body to look good in lingerie. whether you want to hide imperfections or give yourself a boost we have styles to flatter any figure in time for valentine's day and bring a smile to your sweetie's face. i ad libbed that. >> wow! >> thanks for pointing that out. >> and then, that's amore with delicious appetizers and desserts for a special someone a bunch of friends in today's kitchen. you know, for your special someone. give it spice.
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she looks great in the lingerie. >> was that ad libbed, too? >> jenna and lester are here to save us with what's on weekend "today." >> a look at las vegas gambling. how technology is making it easier for casinos to catch a cheat. and as folks get ready for valentine's day we have a love story decades in the making. 91-year-old newlyweds that prove it's never too late to find romance. >> so rahmare romantical. and the opposite of romance. speed, speed and more speed. the hosts of top gear invited me to spend time with them. they try any stunt on four wheels. i got behind the wheel as the passenger and later as a driver. you can't see much there. it was insane. it was a good time. >> wow. >> we'll have that and more. >> looks like a blast. >> it was fun. >> really cool.
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appreciate it. al has a check of the weekend forecast. >> did you come up with that off the top of your head? >> that's why there's smoke coming from my ears. >> for saturday we have heavy snow in new england. snow in the northeast. windy around the great lakes. rain along coastal pacific northwest. sunny and cool through the northwest. sunday we have frigid conditions continuing in new england. we've got more rain late in the day in the pacific northwest. also look for showers throughout western texas into the southwest. sunny and mild throughout much of southern california into the central parts of the >> good morning. the clouds will thicken up and of a storm system that will bring us some rain and snow tonight and some snow tomorrow.
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and that's your latest weather. >> al, we want to say hello to penelope ann miller, one of the stars of kwo"the artist" up for oscar. i love that smile. last time you were here the movie was about to be released in the states and now here we are ten nominations later. all this praise. how does it feel? >> oh, my gosh. it's remarkable. who would have thought a silent black and white film would make so much noise? silence is golden. these are my little catch phrases. >> nicely done. just off the top of my head. >> just off the top of my head. i have had practice. >> this is a movie that's a silent movie, so you didn't have to learn lines, but in the movie you're conversing. >> we hear each other. you just can't. we were acting as we would normally on any set.
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the beauty of it was that the director played music in the background to create a mood and atmosphere for not only the actors but the crew. we were reacting to each other and, of course, my husband and i in the movie don't talk much which is part of the problem. >> he shows more love to uggie. >> the dog up stages me. pays more attention to him. not only is it his pet but his costar in the film. he's an actor in the film and the dog is in the movies with him. i'm jealous and he meet as young starlet. >> you get all the old hollywood glamour. the dog can't wear that. >> i got to try to look good. >> you looked great and the movie was fantastic. we adored it. >> when i was on with kathie lee and hoda neither one had seen it but they were looking forward to it. >> we could see it again and again. >> it does get better. there are so many nuances in the
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film. >> unlike our show. penelope ann miller, thank you. "the artist" in theaters now. >> very exciting. >> all right. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> up next, a nightmare at sea for hundreds of cruise ship passengers. that's no movie and it's not silent. that's after this. [ indistinct conversations ] come for a smoke? yeah. no. you telling me you quit? yeah, i'm on my way. i'm trying nicoderm cq. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, celebrate a little win with nicoderm cq, the patch with smart control technology that gives you a burst of nicotine in the morning then continues working for up to 24 hours so you can go from one little win to another. until you reach your goal. nicoderm cq. quit one day at a time. i make sure i've got the right guidance. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me to every deduction and credit i deserve, so i get my maximum refund, guaranteed. man: try turbotax now.
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get free, one-on-one, expert tax advice live, by phone or chat. how about both? with covergirl lashblast fusion. our biggest brush meets our fiberstretch formula for a blast of volume and length. lashblast fusion. from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. tell me we'll grow old together. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your superhero. tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. tell me you love me. it's all i want to hear. [ female announcer ] everyone has something they need to hear. vow to tell them this valentine's day.
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♪ no, i wouldn't use that single miles credit card. nice ring. knock it off. ignore him. with the capital one venture card you earn... double miles on every purchase. [ sharon ] 3d is so real larry. i'm right here larry. if you're not earning double miles... you're settling for half. really? a plaid tie? what, are we in prep school? [ male announcer ] get the venture card at and earn double miles on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? i was gonna say that. uh huh... nature valley trail mix bars are made with real ingredients you can see. like whole roasted nuts, chewy granola, and real fruit. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious. 100% natural. i'm al ways like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot.
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coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. another vacation ruined for a lot of passengers aboard a cruise ship that was forced to return to port early after hundreds of people got violently ill. kerry sanders is in ft. lauderdale, and hopefully you're done with your breakfast. ker kerry? >> reporter: good morning, the crown princess is in port and it came back two days ahead of schedule. this is the second back-to-back cruise where passengers have been hit with what the authorities call norovirus. now in the past 13 days there have been almost 1,000 people on
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various ships who have dealt with the symptoms and they are horrible. stomach aches and the inability to keep anything down. it was supposed to be an escape from the rat race, but ill passengers say it was nothing close to paradise. >> it's been a nightmare. we lost two full days of our cruise. we spent thousands of dollars for this cruise to stay in my room vomiting, diarrhea. >> reporter: the 951-foot-long cruise ship "crown princess" was sanitized six days ago after the cdc alerted what they called a code red. 289 passengers and crew members hit with the virus. but despite the cleanup, the crown princess on its next voyage returned two days early with more passengers getting sick.
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this as another ship, the ruby princess, was also hit. 105 passengers and crew too ill to leave their cabins. >> i did get sick. i was confined to my room and i felt like i was in prison. >> reporter: princess says the first first sign of the spreading illness we immediately initiated additional enhanced sanitation procedures to interrupt the person-to-person spread of the virus. norovirus, as seen under the microscope, lives in moisture like the natural oils in the palm of your hand. medical experts say it's easily passed in close quarters like a ship where people touch the same railings. the average person touches their face 16 times every waking hour, making it very easy, say doctors, to infect through the mouth or eyes. nbc's dr. nancy snyderman says noro is a particularly pesky virus to quarantine and eliminate. >> the really sort of frightening part in this is that even after you have had it and you're feeling better you can still pass the virus on. >> reporter: it's not just cruise ships.
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in new jersey, more than 140 students at rider university and at princeton were rushed to the hospital, complaining about norovirus's cruel symptoms. >> our friend was in the hospital last night. she was throwing up a lot. it was bad. >> reporter: now if you're about to take a cruise and you're worried whether you need financial protection for the lost vacation you potentially get sick, you can buy trip interruption insurance but you would have to leave the ship at one of the ports to then fly home to let that insurance policy kick in. if you're hit with the norovirus leaving and getting on a plane is probably the last thing you want to do. princess did refund the cost of the tickets to the passengers and has helped them with discounts on future trips. but at the end of the day, al, the one thing nobody can get back is the time. as you know, sometimes it's hard to get time off from your boss. >> oh, you said that with a little edge there, kerry.
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>> reporter: thanks for picking that up. >> okay. wow! kerry, a little bitter. maybe this will put you in a better mood, kerry. we have lingerie for any body type after these messages. this year i have a lot more than one valentine: one for making my perfect cup of coffee, one for being the perfect neighbor, and one for no reason at all. your moment. your dove. guys...
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. nothing calls them to the table faster. [ dog ] i am my coat? solid gold. my insides? pure platinum. [ female announcer ] a healthy outside starts inside. new iams simple & natural has chicken as its number one ingredient and zero fillers. it works inside for health you can see on the outside. [ dog ] i can't be a rockstar on the outside if i'm not one on the inside. [ female announcer ] new iams naturals. you'll like what's in them and love what's not. [ dog ] i am an iams dog. [ girls ] he's so cute! [ dog ] groupies! brad needs car insurance, but, uh, brad doesn't want to spend too much. who's brad? this is brad. ahh! well, progressive has lots of discounts for a guy like brad. brad's intrigued. paid in full, safe driver, multi-car, going paperless -- all can help brad save a bunch.
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make parmesan crusted chicken surprisingly crispier, juicier. mmmmmm yummier. hellmann's, make it real, make it different. >> announcer: "today" celebrates valentine's day is brought to you by silky smooth dove chocolates. share love this valentine's day with dove. >> i like that music. this morning "today" celebrates valentine's day with lingerie to flatter your figure. whether you want to highlight your curves or hide them, we have lingerie for everyone's assets. good to see you. >> thank you. >> already that time. >> sexy is a state of mind, not a size or shape. every woman has a style that will look amazing on them. i want to say happy valentine's ta you. >> thank you. >> i love this bouquet.
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>> i have never had a bouquet made of panties, but thank you. i won't be wearing these on air. ashley is our first person. she has curves. if you're concerned about the curves, what do you do? >> curves are great. flaunt them. highlight the sexy silhouette. i love the twist on mens wear. it's a men's shirt. obviously done in satin with hearts. it's from frederick's of hollywood. it nips in the waist, shows off the bust. a great bra underneath. it gives coverage without having to wear a big robe. it's a great look. >> i love the eye covers that says bad girl. >> on the other side is good girl. >> let's move on to linynn. if you have a pear-shaped bodies, you have ideas how to flatter it. she looks amazing. >> you want to accentuate the bust line. look for a style that's a halter neckline that shows off that
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area. and an a-line chemise is the best. this is the black swan with the feathers. you want to find a thicker satin. that will drape without clinging to your curves. >> the halter is pretty on her. that shape of a neckline is pretty. >> it gives a nice shape. >> perfect. thank you very much. now moving on to vicky who also has a great body, but she has what's called, i guess, the boy shape? >> she's petite and boyish. when you have a shape like that you want to create curves. look for feminine, flirty. i love the ruffle detail. the little skirt. the whole outfit is only $58. >> it looks adorable and gives pop in the right places. perfect. you look fantastic. you're rocking it, too. >> of course the heart earrings. >> and the hair makes it perfect for valentine's day. >> let's bring in mary kate. if you are concerned about the tummy and how to camouflage, this is an idea. >> a lot of women have great
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legs, a great neckline but they don't want to show the tummy whether they had a baby or it's wider. this is victoria's secret and shows off the figure but gives you coverage on the tummy area. that's the perfect style for someone looking for coverage. >> that color is so pretty. >> again, the hearts. uh want to find pinks and reds for valentine's. super cute. >> now let's bring out ivory, our plus-sized model. having fun in this one. >> just because you're full figured doesn't mean you don't want to flaunt your stuff. >> of course not. >> this is from lane bryant, particularly made for women over a size 14. the way it's cut with the panel down the center and mesh on the side draws the eye in and gives a flirty, sexy, see-through on the sides and enough room in the bust line for a bra underneath. >> p it's smart to look for the panel on the side to give you that line. >> and i love the pink and black. >> ladies, come on out.
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you look fantastic. i hope you have fun valentine's days planned. >> absolutely! >> we'll be looking good. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> who says you need a date on valentine's day? we'll help you live it up with your friends with an italian-inspired cocktail party. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this morning on today's kitchen, step by step. throwing a valentine's day cocktail party. >> marissa may is here from lower manhattan. good to see you. >> thank you very having me. >> little cocktail party so nibble things. >> simple recipes for a valentine's cocktail party. you don't need a valentine. you can make them for your friends. >> there you go. >> first we have marinate edd shrimp with passion fruit. >> ooh! >> these are special prawns.
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>> can you use shrimp? >> these are better because they're sweeter from the mediterranean sea and the coast off sicily. they have a nice, tender texture and they go great with the passion fruit because it's sweet and tart. >> how do you clean them? >> gently -- >> have your fish monger do it. >> you can but this is fun. slowly take off the head of the shrimp. then take off the legs. there are ten different legs. >> we don't have a lot of time, so let's assume it's clean. >> take off the shell and take out the vein. this is the marinade. >> what's in it? >> white wine, carrots, lemongrass, garlic, basil and parsley. it simmers in white wine for ten minutes. then you cool it and drain it. it becomes this mixture right here. this you will pour over the already cleaned prawns. >> how long do you let it sit? >> that goes into the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
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>> okay. >> now we have to clean the passion fruit. so we'll take out the seeds. you add sugar -- >> they scoop right out? >> yes. add sugar, ginger and stir it up. what's cute is we still have the shell of the passion fruit. so scoop some of this inside. >> looks so tropical. >> yes. >> a skewer and a little -- >> yes. now we'll dress the shrimp. we have extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and then voila, you put a toothpick through it like this. >> done! >> super. >> and you have italian -- >> these are tremitini, tea sandwiches. you can put italian goodies inside. these are two kinds. mortadella and roasted pepper and then spinach and mozzarella. >> dessert?
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>> what's romance without chocolate? >> we have a cake with nutela and ricotta. you're going to put almonds inside. >> okay. >> sugar and cocoa powder. >> can you make it ahead? >> you can. then we'll get a great heart-shaped cookie cutter. and cut them out like hearts. >> oh! that's adorable. >> so they look like this. >> this goes into the oven for 45 minutes at 375. >> chocolate with with with strawberries? >> and this is a special cocktail called hibis-kiss with tequila, grand marnier. we'll top it with proseco. >> thank you so much. recipes on the website. >> and chocolate covered
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strawberries. >> happy valentine's day. [ male announcer ] at pepperidge farm,
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before we slow bake our breads, we start with real ingredients, like wholesome whole grains or fragrant cinnamon and sun-drenched raisins. enjoy all of our pepperidge farm breads. good is in the details.
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