tv Today NBC February 15, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST
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back now with more of "today" on a wednesday morning, february 15, 2012. hi to these nice folks who have been standing out in the drizzle that's getting just a little bit harder as we stand on rockefeller plaza. it's only 44 degrees. not so bad. i'm matt lauer along with al roker. we have our umbrella holder savannah guthrie here. >> mary poppins. >> last time you nearly took my eye out with that thing. want me to hold it? >> are you nervous? >> chivalry should take over here. >> yeah. >> thank you! >> i mean over al. coming up, more on the developing story.
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the investigation continuing into the cause of death of whitney houston. seems as if investigators are looking into the prescription drugs that were found in her room. perhaps even going to subpoena the doctors who prescribed that medication. this has funeral plans are being established here in the new jersey area. we're going to talk more about it coming up. >> all righty. later on we'll be taking a look at your financial questions in today's money 911. are you responsible for your spouse's debt? how does it impact your credit? plus, what to watch for if you are cosigning a loan? our crack money 911 team is on the case. >> all right. then just ahead we all remember mikael salahi. she and her husband tareq went to the white house state dinner without an invitation. then she was on "the real housewives of d.c." then the drama started. she left her husband for journey
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guitarist neil schoen and they are facing a lawsuit. >> let's go to natalie with the headlinesment. >> we begin with the death of whitney houston. her family released details of the funeral as major figures in hollywood and washington speak out about her battle with addiction. jeff rossen is in los angeles. good morning. >> reporter: new reports about whitney houston's erratic final days including an emotional outburst in the hotel gift shop and the investigation may be taking a turn here as well. the l.a. times now reporting police are focusing in on the pill bottles found in her room and the doctors who prescribed them. they are the final images of whitney houston, just 48 hours before her death. looking dishevelled and out of it. that day people magazine reports whitney was in the gift shop of the beverly hilton and saw
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herself on the cover of a tabloid. she reportedly cursed and yelled, what is wrong with these people? when did i collapse? by saturday she was dead in the bathtub. whitney's daughter bobbi kristina was screaming, what's wrong with her? what's wrong with her? investigators are trying to figure that out tracing whitney's prescription pill bottles back to her doctors and pharmacies, though they say there was not an unusual amount in the room. >> if someone were to take a variety of drugs and alcohol, it can stop them from breathing and it can stop their heart and lead to a heart attack. ♪ >> reporter: while the toxicology report and official cause of death are still weeks away, whitney's public battle with addiction now front and center. in hollywood -- >> a terrible loss. i hate this disease. >> what disease do you speak of? >> alcoholism and drug addiction.
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>> okay. >> i can't speak knowledgeably that she passed from that. >> okay. >> i know she's had problems with her demons as i have myself. she lost. >> reporter: on cable news -- >> the hard truth is some people will always want to destroy themselves and there is nothing society can do about it. >> reporter: even the white house drug czar weighed in calling whitney's death a teachable moment. >> there is a moment the country can reflect upon recognizing that prescription drugs can be powerful, addictive and quite dangerous. >> reporter: as whitney houston's casket arrived in new jersey, so did her family. mother cissy and cousin dionne warwick. the funeral scheduled for saturday in newark at the new hope baptist church. the same church where she began her career singing in the choir as a teenager. ♪
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>> reporter: it will be private. invitation only. no public memorial. >> they had shared her for 30-some years with the city, with the state, with the world. this is their time now for their farewell to their daughter, mother. >> reporter: the family was said to be considering a public tribute at a large arena in new jersey but decided against it. fans will be able to watch saturday's funeral on tv. one camera will be allowed into the church. >> jeff rossen in los angeles. thank you, jeff. police in major u.s. cities are exercising vigilance around israeli and jewish facilities. this morning thai authorities say home made sticky bombs discovered in a house in bangkok were similar to devices used to target the israeli embassies in india and georgia on monday. iran denies a role in tuesday's bombings in bangkok where a man with an iranian passport lost a
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leg when a bomb he was carrying detonated. this morning iran is unveiling new and more powerful uranium enrichment centrifuges. president ahmadinejad inaugurated the facilities in a bid to further unsettle relations with the u.s. the fda says more than 400 popular lipsticks contain more lead than previously believed. the lead levels do not pose a health risk but lead build-up in the body over time and lipstick reapplied frequently can add up to significant exposure levels. a valentine's day wedding proposal has a bride to be on cloud nine. she's looking bored on the flight from portugal to italy when her boyfriend had the head flight attendant then pop the question. her answer, along with her surprise there, as you could see was a happy yes. the couple is now vacationing in milan. there's a way to do it.
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very nice for them. six minutes past the hour. over to al for a check of the weather. i think he should have done it himself rather than the flight attendant. >> sometimes you need a hand. >> you got it. >> we have a storm system coming to the west bringing mountain snows and rain along the coast. we're looking at anywhere from three to eight inches of snow. maybe more in the mountains above 3,000 feet. as we move to the east from galveston to new orleans and parts of western mississippi we could see strong storms, tornadoes even possible. rainfall amounts basically going to be anywhere from half an inch to an inch from new orleans all the way up to huntsville and just on into central indiana. >> good morning. the skies will turn mostly sunny as we go into the afternoon and temperatures will be slightly above average. above average.
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time for today's money 911 where we answer your pressing financial questions. "today" financial editor jean chatzky, author of "money 911." david bach, author of "debt free for life" and sharon epperson from cnbc and until an hour ago wearing the same dress as jean chatzky but changed. >> you gave away our secret! >> that's okay. david and i are wearing the same pants. we'll start with an anonymous e-mail from los angeles. i'm newly divorced and have a
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nest egg from the sale of my home. if i marry a man without money and a lot of debt am i responsible for his debt? who's responsible? >> that's a good question. he's responsible for his debt. the problem is as you build this life together, as you start mixing finances the fact that he has the debt may prevent him from contributing as much to your household and because you live in california, if there are debts incurred after the marriage they are in a community property state. that could get messy. so i would say try to clear it up before you get married and then try to maintain some semblance of autonomy financially. >> keep it separate. >> that's the most important wedding planning they can do. >> she said, if i marry. >> she's not sure. >> next -- >> what is that? >> hang on. from will on twitter, is there a way to get out of a co-sign situation if the main person
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hasn't paid a dime and left the other, quote, nice person the debt? >> oh, this is so bad. the answer is basically no. >> you're stuck. >> you're stuck. here's the thing. when you co-sign for a loan you are now responsible for the loan. i tell people if someone wants you to co-sign for the loan you're better off to give the person money. say they co-signed for a $5,000 loan. give that person money so they are not liable for the loan. the only way the person can get themselves off the loan now is if the other person refinances and the bank takes them over as the only person responsible for it. that won't happen because the person can't pay the bills. don't co-sign on a loan. >> that's the bottom line. don't co-sign. that can get sticky. now to skype for nicole calling from williams, arizona. good morning. >> good morning. my question is that i live 30 miles one way from my bank and i'm self-employed. can i write off the mileage when making a work-related bank
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deposit? if so, would it be a one-way or a round trip mileage deduction? >> i don't think we have had this question. >> we never had. lots of tax questions but never this one. first of all, i think first you need to perhaps find a different bank. >> get a closer bank. >> let me tell you what the irs will tell you. it depends. if your home is your principal place of business and you're self-employed. that's what's happening? >> yes. >> and you are driving to a business location the mileage is deductible. but will the irs consider your i'm not location? go to look for an online bank with a better interest rate and when you are looking for tax deductions look for a bigger bang for your buck. health insurance. >> go online. >> you can scan the check with your phone and deposit it. >> you don't have to go to the bank anymore! >> at home you don't have a starbucks next door. >> find a new bank.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. she was still there. now to a viewer who sent in a video. >> i'm trying to open a home equity line of credit for more than i need or plan to use. will that hurt my credit score because it will be viewed as taking on more debt or will it help because i will be drawing on a lower percentage of available credit? >> neither one. home equity lines of credit don't factor into the utilization ratio he's talking about. it's very, very simple. take out the loan for what you need. don't take more just because it can be tempting and you can get yourself into a debt hole you don't want to be in. >> all right. thank you so much. still to come, presidents' day getaways. we'll check out affordable last minute deals for the long holiday weekend. up next, so-called white house gate crasher michaele salahi.
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[ moderator ] take a deep breath for me. describe the smell. it's very pleasant. fresh. some kind of flower maybe? [ moderator ] remove the blindfold... awww, oh yuck! i didn't smell any of that! [ male announcer ] febreze air effects doesn't mix, it actually removes odors. [ laughs ] wow, that's incredible. [ male announcer ] so you can breathe happy. guaranteed.
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♪ dress up the sun ♪ ooh, 'cause it makes me feel so ♪ ♪ beautiful outside in ♪ there's no hidin' ♪ the look of love, love [ female announcer ] women who eat breakfast, like the special k breakfast, actually weigh less. a closet that feels like a candy store begins with special k. ♪ what will you gain when you lose? but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] from neutrogena® naturals. swhenin feels pure and healthy. it [ female announcer ] from neutrogena® naturals. comes to toilet paper, swhenin feels pure and healthy. there's no such thing as too soft. i know what i like. i like feeling both clean and pampered. why should i compromise? quilted northern ultra plush®, now with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean,
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or your money back. that's 50% off lenses, including bifocals, no-lines, even sunglasses made with your prescription. so hurry in. 50% off lenses won't last forever. lenscrafters. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. are hidden in the contours of your teeth & tongue. introducing a breakthrough for aquafresh. new extreme clean pure breath action. its micro active foam penetrates those hard to reach places. and it now contains a mineral compound that captures and neutralizes bad breath odors giving you 80% cleaner, purer breath. for all the confidence of pure breath try new extreme clean pure breath action from aquafresh.
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the salahi name was made famous when tareq and michaele attended a white house party in 2009. it led to fame and notoriety including a role on "the real housewives of d.c." but tareq filed for divorce after michaele publicized her relationship with neil schon, guitarist for journey. michaele and neil are with us this morning. just a little bit of drama in your life these days. >> a lot happened. >> do you want to tell me what happened? tareq was here in september and he said you left the house, were gone for hours. turned out you were leaving him
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and you were found out to have a relationship with neil. >> right. >> what was going on? why did you leave? >> natalie, i left that day not with plans to be gone forever. but after i did it had gotten -- our relationship was very controlled by tareq. anyone that watched the show or even spent 24 hours with tareq and i knew where i had come from and what i had been through. that day -- neil and i had been friends since the '90s. and i wanted to be with someone that would help me sort through what had been happening in my head. i didn't return because it just wasn't -- i couldn't endure any more. >> you all had been friends for a long time going back to the '90s. he considered you and the band friends as well. >> i considered him -- >> do you feel you duped him? >> i considered her a best friend. you know, i had to know tareq
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because she was my best friend. did we know each other, yes, but i wouldn't consider him a good friend. certainly not now. >> were you having a relationship with each other prior to you leaving tareq? >> we have always been best friends. any time i was with neil, tareq was with me. that's one of the things through "the real housewives" they joked. they couldn't have lunch without him right there. there wasn't a time he wasn't right next to my side. >> tareq filed a $50 million lawsuit. >> never a dull moment. >> for outrageous conduct, conspiracy to defame. that's along with a $450,000 punitive damages claim as well. he claims that neil has destroyed your lives and that you -- destroyed your future together and his future as well. what's your response? >> my response is that tareq, he can't look to anybody else. he can't say it's neil or
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journey or any friend. what happened between tareq and i was him and i. it's between us. what he did was push me away. when there is control or abuse or hurting someone mentally on someone it's not love. it's smothering someone. >> through there is a way to separate without doing it so publically and -- >> but natalie -- >> we didn't bring it to the public. >> no. when he joined matt on this couch, that's what brought it to the public. this is the first time in five months i have spoken. i would never defame his name. i know he sat with matt and said, well, you know, there are things and she's a groupie slut. what happened between tareq and i is because he pushed me away with his control. when you're in a relationship with abuse or control, you go. you just can't endure any more, natalie. >> i know you two are here to promote a video.
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the band has a video for a song called "resonate." the song has been out for several months. but this was meant to coincide with valentine's day. it's very romantic and there is not a lot that's not going on in the video. >> there is real love there. this is a great friendship. i'm thankful neil is in my life. you know, the video was something done way before, in october. i think tareq timed it, again, to hurt the timing -- >> the timing of the lawsuit. but he says the video added pain to his suffering because according to his statement he said, i'm hurt by my wife's participation in the journey music vid kwleo and i'm trouble that journey is promoting my wife's affair with neil schon. do you feel the need to celebrate the love you have but without acknowledging that somebody else was hurt in the relationship. >> but he hurt me during the relationship. yes, i recognize his pain.
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but what people have to realize when you are in an abusive, controlling relationship, there is someone that is hurting and that's me. so when there are two people the pain should have kept private. he joined matt on the couch and said i was a groupie slut, that's not about journey. it's not about neil. it's about him and i and something that should have been between us. there's enough pain in the world. he just needs to stop. there doesn't need to be a $50 million lawsuit. there doesn't need to be more hurt. just healing and moving forward with our lives. i asked him for a is six-month divorce. let's end it. it's healthy for us both. as you know, i have a man. it's healthy for us to move forward. him to lead a healthy life. he said i gave him a beautiful marriage. it's time to move forward. >> hopefully we can move on. >> we have a great video and we hope you will watch it. >> we're out of time. >> thank you. >> michaele, nice to have you here as well. thank you very much.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> it is going to be a nice day. partly to mostly sunny skies expected. temperatures will be above average. we should be able to sneak into the low 50s. another storm system tomorrow. rainshowers in the forecast for thursday. dry on friday and
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♪ fashionistas unite. this is a big week as designers show off the latest lines at new york's fashion week. we'll give you a chance to see some of the hottest looks strutting down the runway this week on "today." wow! dr. seuss! "cat in the hat". >> it's the mad hatter. >> we'll see you how to transform that look to the street. >> thing one and thing two. >> it's not too late to plan a presidents' weekend getaway. whether you are looking for romance or some place for the family we have affordable last-minute options. >> if you go to the gym to feel
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good and get healthy why not look your best on the outside while doing it? bobbie thomas has flattering looks for your workout. >> and you guys are probably too young to remember the aluminum trees. >> i love it when you start that way. how young are we? >> stop it, some more. >> the tv dinner is making a comeback. in today's kitchen we have a healthier version of the old favorite salisbury steak. take it from the freezer to the table in minutes. used to have a howdy doody tv tray that you folded out. >> they had the cherry pie in the corner. >> so good. >> now we're hungry. a check of the weather, mr. roker. >> let's see what's happening as your weather dinner comes out. we'll serve you a hapeaping helping of strong storms. rain in the mid mississippi river valley. for tomorrow, we're looking for
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sunshine down in florida with warm conditions. hit or miss thunderstorms. rain up and down the east coast with snow in new england. rain moves back into the pacific northwest and moderate santa ana winds through southern california. >> good morning. we're awfully quiet start on this wednesday. the skies will turn mostly sunny as we move into the afternoon. and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you. coming up next, trips for the long presidents' day weekend. there's still tom ime to book.
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double-oven range makes dinner and dessert -- at the same time. turbo-charged advantium oven cooks more than twice as fast, in this culinary powerhouse. dan. yes? molé sauce. [ male announcer ] with ge's most advanced cooking technology, the café line takes food further. ♪ and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. but not your wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair.
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its retinol formula visibly reduces wrinkles in just one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®. [train whistle blowing] whywe're here because have to. we wanted to come as much as they did. (girl) it's really hogwarts! because i can fly with harry! because i love seeing him like this! (screaming) ahhhhh! (narrator) from unforgettable adventures to the wizarding world of harry potter, only at universal orlando resort. [♪alluette"] ♪
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♪ try olive garden's new three course italian dinner for $12.95. start with all the homemade soup or salad and breadsticks you want. next choose from five new entrees like smoked mozzarella chicken. finally a delicious dessert. the new three course italian dinner. from olive garden. aflac! ha! isn't major medical enough? huh! no! who's gonna help cover the holes in their plans? aflac! quack! like medical bills they don't pay for? aflac! or help pay the mortgage? quack! or child care? quack! aflaaac! and everyday expenses? huh?! blurlbrlblrlbr!!! [ thlurp! ] aflac! [ male announcer ] help your family stay afloat at plegh!
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this morning on today's travel. last minute getaways whether you are looking for a trip back in time or a more urban experience. we have the round-up of affordable and presidential destinations. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we could book now and get a good deal? >> not only a good deal but everything we have in this package is actually available. so if you dropped the ball on valentine's day this is the time to make up for it. >> good idea. let's look at the first option in riverside, california, a historic hotel. >> the mission inn hotel and spa. this is a landmark property. feels like a castle. there are turrets, domes and
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flying bufly ing buttre is sses. the reagans honeymooned there. you can stay there. it's one of 235 historic hotels in america offering a deal for presidents' day weekend. this hotel has a sweet escape package where they are giving you a room and cup cakes and a little resort certificate for $189 a night. >> it looks beautiful. built in 1876. it even has a chapel. >> in case you want to get married. that really makes up for missing valentine's day. >> get cracking on it. >> presidents' day, people are reflecting on history. colonial williamsburg. >> great for families. it's a great way to teach kids about history. it's an amazing deal. there is an american history package at the williamsburg lodge. i love the breakfast. they have farm fresh eggs and
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virginia ham. you also get to mingle with the fore fathers. george and martha washington will be there. they are offering tons of things. if you don't want to stay for the weekend if you are the president of something, whether you are president of student council or the book club they let you in for free this weekend. >> really? great way to teach kids about history. a slightly different experience. we have a unique resort in mexico. >> everyone is looking for sun. i can't blame them. it's gray out there. the papaya pliya pop up. it's a temporary resort with all the amenities of a full-time resort. 99 cabanas. it's an hour from cancun. $105 a night. this is rustic, so you are staying in the room with mosquito netting. >> does that mean mosquitos?
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rustic seems like a euphemism. >> it's a word barbara corcoran would use. it's low key. this is for you if you like the idea of the beach and $105. >> the price is definitely right. if you want to do different but warm. a desert escape in my hometown of tucson, arizona. >> you used to work at the golf club? >> in this resort, i did. i couldn't really fold those shirts. it was a short-lived job. it's beautiful. >> it is a no politics weekend. if you're sick of everything going on with the presidential election. the staff will unplug your tv, not deliver a newspaper to you. they have 50% off massages and for only $169 a night. this is a family friendly and pet friendly as well. >> they will roll out the red carpet for the dog, too.
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>> so malachy is the name? >> yes. you were watching "today" this morning. excellent. how about boston? that's a good one for presidents' day. >> i love this hotel. the liberty collection hotel is a former landmark prison turned into a hotel. you're like, i don't want to go to the clink for the weekend. >> sell me on it. >> this is a perfect weekend at a luxury hotel. they have charming touches of the former prison. the restaurant has details from the prison left over. for $183 a night they have vip passes to go ice skating, hot toddies, free in-room movies. >> "the clink." i love it. maybe you can clink your glasses. the last one is in san antonio. golf getaway. >> hyatt regency hill country. they have a wandering river experience for kids. there is great golfing and the price is under $200 a night. >> you are the best. get going, everybody!
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>> travel! >> the deals are still available. up next, looking good while you sweat. we'll check out the latest workout wear for the gym. [ male announcer ] this is the reinvented police officer. he's also a masseuse. ♪ these are reinvented curtains. they are made of pizza. the reinvented dmv. it's a little nicer. next! [ male announcer ] and this is the reinvented camry. with available streaming music, a newly refined interior and class leading mpg. from toyota. ♪ dress up the sun ♪ ooh, 'cause it makes me feel so ♪ ♪ beautiful outside in ♪ there's no hidin' ♪ the look of love, love [ female announcer ] women who eat breakfast, like the special k breakfast, actually weigh less.
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a closet that feels like a candy store begins with special k. ♪ what will you gain when you lose? with special pricing on select furniture and a terrific savings offer on accessories and more, your design aspirations are delightfully attainable. the drawer closes on these offers february 29th. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] from neutrogena® naturals. can you enjoy vegetables with sauce so skin feels pure and healthy. and still reach your weight loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce.
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[ dog barking ] ♪ [ female announcer ] life is full of little tests, but your basic paper towel can handle them. especially if that towel is bounty basic. the towel that's durable and scrubbable. in this lab demo, bounty basic is stronger than the leading bargain brand. everyday life. bring it with bounty basic. affordably priced. tested by everyday life. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing.
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♪ amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪ yes, our bobbie thomas is one of the most beautiful people in the world. "today" style editor bobbie thomas has workout looks to make you look lean and mean when you get in shape. we want to get to the gym and look good. you say we have to look good at the gym. >> not hair and makeup. but i think for the majority of people that want to get to the
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gym but feel they don't because they hate putting on spandex and they don't feel like they look the part, i think there are tips and tricks that may help motivate. it helps me when i feel like i look better. i think, i have a chance to get in there and get in shape. >> do my thing. let's talk about different body types you have identifies and see what works for them. first, the hour glass body type. a good example is christina. what's wrong with what christina is wearing? >> there's nothing wrong with it. but there is a different option. this is the hour glass body shape. it's usually someone with an ample bust on top. >> has some girlfriends. >> and has hips which is a great thing to have. >> curvy. >> she wants to avoid cutting herself off at the widest point. she has a line here from the color to the black. another thing to cakacar consids the shape of the pants.
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she has a triangle thing happening. she wants to balance out with a little bit more of a flare which will make this line look more balanced. so her hips and bust will appear more in line. it's all about proportion. >> okay. >> you can see in the after look some tricks. >> let's bring in christina now. let's see how you managed to change her look. i like it. >> i kept it a similar outfit. it's a brooingt, but i layered two tank tops. that will offer you more support. these are just $26 for two at victoria's secret. >> great. >> the extra band around her waist is elongating her top and balancing out -- you don't draw as much attention with one sharp line. you diffuse the area. and her hips and shoulders are balanced with a little bit more boot cut. she loves yoga. congratulations. she's lost over 100 pounds in the past year. >> wow! she would be in the joy fit
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club. >> exactly. christina said it was a motivating factor to look cute and put something on to get to the gym and i didn't feel like an odd duck. >> high five, girl. good for you. keep going. you look great. fantastic. i love what you did. >> thank you. >> let's go to irene and talk about the inverteded triangle body shape. >> exactly. >> what do we mean? sounds like geometry. >> this is somebody dealing with broad shoulders and a more narrow hip. >> bigger bust line. >> i think this is a great gift sometimes because you have fantastic legs. don't cover up the legs. this looks really boxy down here. this is not helping, adding the bulk. it's giving her a big block figure. >> okay. >> this is amazing when you see the after. by adding a more form-fitting bottom and a looser top it looks different. >> let's bring out irene and see what you changed with her look.
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she's ready to go to the gym. so youthful. i love it. >> irene is so much fun. i can barely keep up with her. she's stephanie from my office's mom. she loves showing off her legs. a great fitted legging some people say, oh, i hate leggings. this is a great example if you have broader shoulders, look for leggings to elongate the frame. her tank top is sort of a high-low, shorter in the front and longer in the back. as she turns to the side you can see it. it gives you extra coverage. >> i love the colors. >> your teenager daughter wears it. >> you look fantastic. i love it. thank you. next, the classic triangle shape. what do you mean by classic triangle? >> it's sometimes also called a pear. it's someone with a petite frame on top and has curvy, booty licious hips. this is a fantastic shape. you don't want to have this
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bulky t-shirt. don't borrow your boyfriend's t-shirt. avoid this pant. it may work on somebody with narrow hips, but on melanie, i wanted to show off her petite top. >> let's bring out melanie and see what we are doing here. what you did to make her over. >> again, she's just keeping the top fitted and the horizontal line in the prints and the tank. >> it's an illusion to help balance out the hips. you want to put the horizontal line where your smallest part is to balance out with the bottom. another tip. you want to look at a cross legging. showing off the ankle she has on the after is making a big deal and showing off more skin instead of the pant going down to the bottom. you will notice all of the ladies have fitted items on. show off your shape. be proud of what you have. >> there you go. >> don't hide in the baggy
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>> announcer: today's kitchen is brought to you by kraft cheese. >> this morning in today's kitchen, what's on the menu? how about healthy tv dinners? lucinda is the host of "mad hungry" and the executive editorial director of food at martha stewart living. good to see you. >> good to see you with the tv dinners. do you remember them? >> i remember them. >> we're updating it.
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fi first of all we're doing a salisbury steak. we have parsley, onion, salt, pepper, worcestershire, milk and egg. we don't have the trays anymore. what's this? >> you get the storage unit out, get this ready and start cooking. now it has to look like a steak, so we put it into a five-inch patty, stick it in the pan like this. now, al, i took onion and grated it. a whole onion for the onion gravy. it's all about the gravy. this is what it looks like when it's cooked and i didn't mean my, kind of steak-like. >> do you cook it all the way through? >> about 15 minutes total. all the way through. this is the star of the show. you want to put corn starch on here to thicken things up. perfect. here are the onions after they cooked. get them in there. a little bit more corn starch. looks like a lot of onion but it
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cooks about 35 minutes to get that caramelized flavor. then one and a half cups of beef broth. when you are freezing for your tv dinner you need something saucy or cheesy so it won't be dry. we cook it down, get the worcetershire in there. >> you put the patties in there? >> yeah. you want them to soak up the yumminess. that's it. while that's cooking, come on over. i have potato mash, but i put a little bit of carrot in here. add some butter and milk. i like to leave water behind so i use less milk. make it a little bit more healthy. that's the mash. that's what it looks like all mashed up. >> okay. >> so do you remember -- >> there was always a dessert, too. >> that's apple cherry cobcobbl. you can have the brow anie or t cobbler. everything is cooked and cooled.
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that's important. i like to put the mash down there. then we grab here one of our salisbury steak. all done on a sunday afternoon. >> when you have had time. >> do you want to grab one from the microwave. >> they spend a lot of time here. >> doing the best savannah impersonation. >> oh! >> i love the mom's home cooking fresh. at least you can have it at home. this is it. >> delish. >>. >> how long will it last in? >> two months in the freezer. ten minutes in the microwave. this is for six. pull one out at a time. and my teenager has a tv dinner but in front of the computer. >> thank you so much. recipes on the website. >> let's eat. >> coming up, hoda and kathie lee are doing a little cooking with wine, of
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