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tv   Today  NBC  February 25, 2012 2:05am-3:05am EST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television ♪ what a feeling i can have it all now i'm dancing ♪ >> hey, everybody!
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it is try day friday, february 24th. and we've got a totally tubular, radical -- >> as you can tell, we have to reveal our costumes. >> these two girls are from club providence at the tropicana in atlantic city. they'll be back to teach us a little something in a moment. >> we were getting into our '80s attire, and you chose a madonna-ish -- >> because there's only one madonna. >> i tried a little dynasty thing. >> we couldn't believe how much fricking stuff you have to wear. >> it's a lot of gear. >> look at you. >> and it's never enough. >> a tutu? >> i know. cute. i like it. >> and you? >> the piece de resistance, the shoulder pads. but how about that? >> had to have that ugly pin. >> everybody had it. everybody had it. >> your hair, hodie, we're proud
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of it. >> yeah, she did it. >> you know what, honestly, let's walk down memory lane a little bit because so much of this stuff i forgot was the '80s. >> how about this? this was the '80s. do you remember your phone in your car and you thought you were so cool because you were like, hey. >> in the car? >> you could take it in the car with you. and you dialed it and everyone thought you were cool and you just slipped it right in your purse. >> nice. >> what was big in the '80s? >> wine coolers. >> bartles & james. oh, my gosh. they are vile. >> no. they're good. >> how about this? who didn't have a sony walkman where you ejected the thing and -- you still have one? okay. good for you. that was cool. >> rubik's cube, that was huge. >> the first time you do it you think you're a genius and then you realize you're not because you can't do it again. >> how about pop rocks?
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>> i hated those. >> put them on your tongue and they explode? should we do it? >> no. not me. >> why? >> i have plans for my tongue later. >> what does that mean? >> i'm going to eat later. >> i've had many ugly eras in my life. >> you sure have. >> none uglier than the '80s for me. >> put us where you were. >> i was graduating high school in '82 and i was going to college and i was there through '86. i have picture proof. >> are they popping yet? >> yeah. they're good. i like it. >> this is hoda. >> look at my -- this is my high school graduation. >> oh, my god. >> i already know. all right? which one is you? >> that's mean. look at me on the end. >> oh, my gosh, hoda. >> yeah. yeah. hey, hey! >> which one's you? >> the one in the middle. >> hey, the big one, okay? the big one in the back. >> that's me. that was me.
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>> her hair. >> hey, you in the '80s, on the other hand, were not as unattractive. >> well, i had to be. oh, you're right. i wasn't. i'd love to look like that again. that ain't going to happen. >> look at you and frank. >> oh, my god. that's the day we announced our engagement. oh my god. >> where did you announce it? >> on another network where we worked. >> oh, abc, okay. >> where we had worked. well, that's not so bad, is it? >> that's good. picture the difference -- >> we both had a lot more hair back then. look at the -- >> okay. you know what? you know what? if you were going to pull a split screen -- what happened to me, okay? i told you. hey, i was reporting still in the '80s with that kind of hair. and the shoulder pads and the lemon yellow blazers. >> the shoulder pads i remember. the big, big shoulder pads. >> look at that. oh, my gosh. you don't have to go to audio up.
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lemon yellow blazer! that is so ugly. okay, okay, okay. >> it's amazing you got on the air and stayed. i mean, come on. >> by the way -- you were doing carnival cruise commercials. >> right. >> let's go down memory lane, 1985. ♪ in the morning, in the evening ain't we got fun ♪ ♪ not much money ♪ oh, but honey, ain't we got fun there's never a bill ♪ ♪ we'll stay up late, dear let's not miss a thrill ♪ >> oh, my god. did you go down in your bikini? that was '85? >> that's the last time i did, '85. that's why i don't like to go down memory lane because you never look like that again. >> you saw mine.
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>> in your case, it's good. >> all right. so, anyway, we asked our viewers because we didn't want to feel alone in our ugly phase, so you guys came along for the ride. >> sorry. need a little more. >> aquanet. thanks for sending your pictures in. here's some of you going through that up fortunate era, too. >> that could be your sister. >> by the way, throughout the show we are going to continue to show pictures that you had sent us of your '80s look. >> oh, my gosh. >> and you know what's weird about the '80s? >> what? >> they went on for ten years. like every decade. there was ten years of this. here we have some big celebrities we first found out about in the '80s. >> molly ringwald. >> oh, my gosh. >> felicia rashad. >> debbie allen. >> brooke shields. and meg ryan. >> always gorgeous.
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>> one of the big things too the music videos were so big in the '80s. >> it was i want my mtv. >> and that changed the music industry forever. >> sure did. >> once the visual was in play. >> yeah. >> people who had great careers were just, you know, bye-bye because they didn't have the visual thing. other people just made their whole career. >> the crazy hair was big, as you remember. >> the boys. >> they had the heavy metal bands. >> let's see if they come near our hair today. let's see them. ♪ >> oh. oh, david lee roth. van halen. ♪ we're not gonna take it no, we ain't gonna take it ♪ >> oh, my -- ♪ we're not gonna take it anymore ♪ >> bon jovi. ♪ living on a prayer ♪ i wanna rock 'n' roll all night ♪ >> you know what's amazing?
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almost everybody is still around. van halen just had a reunion. >> true. >> and dee snider is on "apprentice." >> yeah. >> who else did we just -- bon jovi, still him. he's rocking out like crazy. >> other than the metal bands, there were a lot of other big musical stars. michael jackson was big. do you remember the "thriller" was from 1982. huge. >> yep. >> and not to be to outdone, your favorite -- one of my favorites is janet jackson's "control." do you remember that one from 1986? >> that sort of space suity thing. ♪ now i'm all grown up >> here's the other one. this is one of my favorites. the j. giles band. do you remember this one? "centerfold." ♪ my angel is a centerfold my blood runs cold my memory has just been sold ♪ >> j. giles band. come on. >> so basically, nothing's ever changed with you.
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your musical taste has not changed is basically what you're telling me. all righty. friend of mine wrote a great song for barry manilow back in 1981, david pomerantz wrote this for the one and only barry manilow. ♪ bring back the old times maybe the old rhymes will sound new ♪ >> look at barry. look at barry. ♪ maybe she'll lay her head on my shoulder ♪ >> too much. favorite people. barry manilow and david pomerantz. the thing about barry, just had surgery, talked to him yesterday. >> you did. >> he is doing just great. i'm happy to say. he's had to cancel a few, but he's going to try to make his concerts this weekend in omaha, nebraska. >> oh, good. >> he's going to make up his concert dates at -- wants us to come -- at radio city.
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>> okay. >> and is doing great. and hopefully going to bring his broadway show called "harmony" in soon. >> we like that. love you, barry. >> glad you're doing so much better. here's my favorite song other than barry manilow from 1986. >> let's hear it. ♪ walk like an egyptian >> that's just not my kind of stuff. >> it should have been walk like an egyptian is what we should have said. >> here it comes. ♪ walk like an egyptian >> by the way, i have told my relatives in egypt, i go, there's a song called "walk like an egyptian." they go, how do we walk? i go, i don't know. the thing. okay. we don't walk this way. >> are we going madonna? >> let's go to the movies and tv, guys. this will take you back. take a look. >> 106 miles to chicago.
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we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes. it's dark. and we're wearing sunglasses. >> hit it. >> where we're going we don't need roads. >> i pity the fool. >> i am serious, and don't call me shirley. >> you little [ bleep ]. >> say hello to my little friend! >> here's johnny! >> if you need me, just think johnny wish done and i come running. >> let me tell you about a lesson i learned when i was a little girl. >> does barry manilow know you raided his wardrobe? >> i'm not going to be ignored, dan. >> i have a head for business and a bod for sin. is there anything wrong with that? >> oh, oh, oh, god. >> i'll have what she's having. >> what you talking about, willis?
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>> if you build it, he will come. >> snap out of it! >> i'll be back. >> oh, god. that takes you so far back. >> millions of memories. >> yes. you know what i think it's time for? >> what. >> "bobbie's buzz"! >> show us what you got from the '80s, girl. >> look how cute you are. >> i borrowed this from your closet. okay. so there was so much fun stuff in the '80s. first up, brian gave us these flat bracelets. this hurts. let me slap you. see if that hurts. >> let's get -- got it? that hurts. they slap on. >> i remember those. >> cool. >> but actually, something from the '80s, the shoulder pads that were all sort of sported around. this is the shoulder pad bra by shape fx and believe it or not, this is a modern invention.
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this is really great now to give you a little bit of structure and bigger shoulders look like slimmer hips. also, we all remember swatch. they're hotter than ever. these watches have still been selling out. they've moved into the modern century. and hair color. hair color is still so hot. cyndi lauper did it back then, but katy perry, nicki minaj and everyone are using permanent color. but you can get this temporary color by -- these are called rubs by hair flares. >> put your hair in it. >> you literally just rub it on. >> oh, yeah. >> do you see that? >> yeah. >> it's like a powder. >> please tell me it washes right out. >> it does. it washes right out. it's a great temporary way to get -- >> who's more exciting than bobbie? >> nobody! >> a peek of miss sara haines. >> sara, come up here and learn this dance with us as we go out. come on. >> let's crank it up, ladies. ♪ wake me up before you go-go
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don't leave me hanging ♪ >> what are we doing? ♪ don't wanna miss it till you hit that high ♪
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back with our special '80s edition of "plaza ambush makeovers." after sorting through tons of viewers, we found two women who were stalk in the '80s rut. >> and two people with us, "today" contributor and stylist to the stars, louis licari, la, la, la, la. and author jill martin. a lot of people stuck in the '80s? >> oh, yeah. people like the look they feel they peaked in. so all these girls that peaked in the '80s, they still have that look. >> crazy.
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>> let's look at miss diana todd. she's 54 years old from seymour, connecticut. her daughters wrote in asking us to take their mom out of the '80s. her beauty routine is pink blush, a side pony, and random barrette. >> mom is wearing a scrunchie and actually wanted one that matched her outfit. you say that's the first problem. >> that is the problem. update her hair, her makeup, her clothes. she needs to be in 2012. >> are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> you sound a little nervous. >> nope, i'm not nervous. i'm ready. >> she is ready. okay. here with her are her two daughters, danielle and laura. raise your hands, guys. her husband is back there, her mom, her sister, and her niece. the whole kit and caboodle. >> a lot of people that love her anyway. >> please keep your blindfolds on until i ask you to take them off. here's diane todd before in the '80s. all right. step into 2012.
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>> oh, my gosh. >> they're going to freak out. >> okay. take off your blindfolds. go ahead. >> oh, my gosh. >> diana! >> are you ready to see yourself? step up here and look in this mirror. >> oh, my gosh! >> you look gorgeous. >> you look beautiful. >> oh, my gosh. >> let's start talking about the hair, louis. >> definitely the hair. this was mission impossible. do not try this yourself at home. colored, whatever the horrible word is, black hair. i had to soften it up to make it look more natural because of course that's 2012. it's not the '80s where everything was artificial. we softened it, took off a lot of the ends that i damaged in the process. >> diana's mom, hug your daughter. if you don't, you're going to bust. >> oh. >> sweet. >> what do you guys think of your mom?
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>> so different. >> i love it. >> come over here. >> you look perfect. >> this whole situation we went back to the basics because you have to have the basics in your closet. here's a little black dress from white house black market with a little flair, a little flair. >> i love it. thank you. >> you guys, absolutely adorable. >> big round of applause. you can join your family right there. nice job. >> our second lady is angela stevens, 34 from twin rocks, pennsylvania, likes curling her bangs, teasing her hair and wearing gaudy jewelry. all lace or leopard prints. the '80s was a great time so why not ay with it. she's here with her husband, william. let's listen to her story. >> you have had the same wardrobe for 33 years and the big hair. >> yes. and the makeup. >> tell me why do you want this change? >> because it's 2012 and it's about time i get updated. >> well, we're going to get rid of the big hair and the lace and
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the eye shadow. what do you think about this? >> it's about time. >> but she's still beautiful. >> absolutely. i wouldn't marry her if she wasn't. >> are you ready to go? >> so ready. >> while william keeps on his blindfold, one last look -- >> looking good, willy. >> one last look at angela stevens and bring out the 2012 version. >> come on, angela. >> oh, wow! >> you look great. >> all right, william, take it off. >> oh, my lord! what did you do with my wife? >> what are you going to do with your wife? careful. >> we're on national tv. >> turn around. take a look. >> oh, my gosh! >> you look beautiful. >> you really do. >> gorgeous. >> look at us. all right. so louis, we always start with the hair. >> okay. right. 2012, looking like you were incredibly lucky in the gene pool. so what i did is i softened her hair color. we added more highlights on the end, which is very contemporary.
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again, max gave her a great haircut and got rid of the bubble gum makeup and gave her these more natural tones. >> beautiful. >> so pretty. tell us about the dress, too. >> a great wrap dress. also something everyone woman should have in her wardrobe. this is available at macy's. just look at her nails. we let her keep one pop of color so we didn't take the '80s totally away. >> very 2012 with everything else. >> let's bring diana back out. a big round of applause for both of you. >> thank you, jill. >> all right. >> i feel the feed for some '80s movie music. >> and trivia. dude, i'm psyched. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits.
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-every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. introducing resolve all-stains! the pre-treat that combines a chamber of oxygen formula with a chamber of enzyme formula in the same bottle. resolve removes all types of stains in the first wash. trust resolve. forget stains. ♪ $5 ♪ $5 footlong [ male announcer ] now through the 29th, get any regular footlong™ as a $5 footlong™! hurry in! subway. eat fresh®.
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oh, i love these pictures. still to come, who is your favorite hunk? we'll test your '80s knowledge in music and movies. >> then neon and jean skirts
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make you want to gag with a spoon? how '80s fashion is making a comeback. >> i take a trip back in time and find out it's hip to be square. >> i know that song.
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♪ don't, don't you want me >> back with more of "today" and
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this special '80s edition. it was the decade that brought us the brat pack, madonna and mr. t. >> i'm sure there was a difference between my and your '80s. who remembers more. to make sure nobody cheats, we have "entertainment weekly's" jim stack in the house. >> he wasn't even born yet. >> i was, actually. >> we're ready, babe. >> okay. all right. our first question, finish this sentence from the movie "top gun." tom cruise said i feel the need -- hoda. >> the need for speed. >> yes. >> good one. >> how about some applause? yay. >> so -- >> pace yourself. >> tom obviously played maverick in this, romanced kelly mcgillis. this line made the list of afi's greatest movie lines ever. >> we don't care about that. >> okay. question two. all right. what candy became popular after being featured in the movie "e.t."? >> reese's pieces. >> pieces. >> yes.
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reese's pieces. >> she said something else. very close to feces. i don't think it should work. it should be a tie. >> okay. >> everyone remembers elliott sort of lured him out of hiding with the reese's pieces. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> okay. fine. wow. >> what are you showing off? you have the answers. >> question three. how many kids did the cosbys have and name them. >> oh, for -- >> there's too many. >> a, three, b -- >> huh? >> a, three, b, four, c, five, or d, six. >> four. right? >> i would say -- five. >> that is correct. >> can you name them? >> shoot, now i have to name them. >> yes, you do. >> theo. >> yes. >> raven simone she played -- >> rudy.
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i was making a living, okay? >> olivia was denise's -- >> that didn't really count. >> sandra, denise, theo, vanessa and rudy. >> i got one. >> denecessary >> her spin-off "a different world." >> mm-hmm. >> question four. finish this lyric. ♪ don't have to be rich to be my girl ♪ ♪ you done have to be cool to rule my world ♪ >> yeah. ♪ i just want your extra time and your kiss ♪ >> i'm losing. >> yes, that was -- yes. that was from prince's album "parade." did very well. all right. "knot's landing" was a spin-off of what other prime-time soap, a, "falcon crest," b, "dallas," c, "dynasty" or d, "peyton's place"? >> "dallas."
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>> correct. wow, hoda. you are dominating. it was j.r. ewing's brother, gary, moved to knot's landing with his wife. >> okay. >> sorry. all right. so the next question. what 1985 brat pack movie classic featured a young demi moore, alley sheedy and rob lowe. >> elmo's fire? >> "st. elmo's fire." >> the little puppet guy. "st. elmo's fire." >> she got it right. >> she got it right. it also has emilio estevez, andrew mccarthy. it was a classic kind of -- great songs. >> time for one more. >> this is the tiebreaker. >> no, it isn't. >> let's make it a tiebreaker. >> what song was playing out of john cusack's boom box in the movie "say anything"? >> who cares? >> i don't remember the movie.
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>> you're confusing me with hoda. i don't know it. hoda, what is it? >> i don't know. i really don't know. >> that's not possible. >> it was "in your eyes" by peter gabriel. >> oh, yes. >> "say anything" was named the best modern movie romance. >> never saw it. how did i live? >> i didn't either. >> jack, we love you. >> today didn't work for me. >> well, i should have been wearing that jacket. >> up next, say it ain't so. >> you can have it! >> '80s -- she's getting naked. '80s fashion is making a comeback. >> be careful. >> we'll be back after this. septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable.
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the rid-x septic subscriber program helps prevent backups by sending you monthly doses right to your door so you will never forget to maintain your system. sign up at 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back,
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♪ my blood runs cold my memory has just been sold ♪
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>> if you're spazing out because you've been around people too long wearing leg warmers and blazers. i hate to break it to you, the fashion is coming back. >> you're kidding. i don't know if i'm happy about that, but either way, guess who we have with us. king wegman and liz lane of it's back, all this stuff? >> it's back. but, i mean -- >> why? >> you don't have to look like you're going to a costume party. you guys look awesome but -- >> we look ridiculous. >> the long way. >> let's start off with the colorful jeans. we've seen a will the of those coming back. we have and rhea showing that off with an oversized sweater. >> it's an adorable trend. if you pick a color like this, you actually get all the '80s you need. you can do a nod off the shoulder we are a cream sweater. you could do black shoes. this is fun but a very easy and wearable way to do the color jeans and do a little bit of
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'80s. >> and she's got the mardi gras balls around her neck. >> yes. >> i'm comfortable with that. just a touch of color on your nails. goes a long way. >> lace is also -- thanks, hon. lace was a big trend in the '80s. >> you love it. >> this is beautiful. >> this is our nod to madonna and to kathie lee. so, you know, we picked this dress from h&m, a really easy way to wear '80s and incorporate lace into your wardrobe. you could do more fun, put on a bright tight, but you don't have to. we also added a little blue to her eye shadow. >> is that back, the blue eye shadow? >> but put on your normal neutral tones and add just a hint of it. >> so unattractive on most people. i've got to be honest. >> we've seen a lot of feathers, little earrings peeking out. >> you do look really cute. >> thanks. katherine is up next.
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she's got a tube skirt and bright blazers are back. >> that's totally modern to me. >> but we all wore tube skirts in the '80s. what's great about it, it's quite figure flattering because it almost has a hold you in element to it. it's almost like it's a set. pop wit a bright blazer and a nice color. what she did on her nails, nodding again to that '80s look. we did these sally hansen lace effect on your nails. that's all you need to look a little '80s. >> cute. >> so i guess black and red that combo. >> black and red. >> that was big in the '80s. >> this is kind of a really easy way. you could wear this to work. she's wearing a red blouse, black pants. the pants are from kohl's, the top is from i think forever 21. you could wear this to the office. >> what about the jewelry she's got on? >> gold -- i mean, everything gold.
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the gold chain. this is a modern take on the dramatic '80s gold chains going on. >> don't throw out all your '80s stuff. >> save a little. >> let's have all the ladies come on out and join us. >> thank you, ladies. nice job. >> thanks for joining us. >> still to come, what do we have? >> we're going to throw a party from the '80s. jen came to play. >> and two people who shall remain nameless. good morning. we want to walk you through your forecast for the weekend. last weekend of february already. can you believe it? snow showers around the lakes through new england. the higher elevations are going to see a good share of snow.
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great for ski resorts but high wind warnings new york city, boston, philly. wouldn't be surprised if we have big delays at the airports because of that no down through the appalachians, rain in southern florida and a big system moving through the northwest with mountain snow and valley rain. that wedge of cold air diving in, this is going to help to intensify that wind across the northeast. temperatures will cooling behind this system. rain across florida, the next storm system bringing snow into places lines minneapolis and the temperatures taking a dive. 57 will be the high in atlanta on sunday. starting to climb here in the southeast. we'll be in the 60s once again. meanwhile, the next storm will move into the southwest and we'll see that impacting places like los angeles by the time we
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get into monday. but should hold off and be nice and dry for the oscars. tuesday, looking at active weather. thunderstorms across the plains, could see snow once again developing around the twin cities and into chicago. this all moves to the east. by the time we get into wednesday, thunderstorms again. 70 degrees. so really mild ahead of this system, very similar to what we just had the last few days. thursday, we start to quiet things down. we have a few spots with rain or snow but nothing significant. at least not at this point. you can always get your latest forecast weekday mornings, "wake up with al" starting monday at 6:00 a.m. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee.
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every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. ♪ $5 ♪ $5 footlong [ male announcer ] now through the 29th, get any regular footlong™ as a $5 footlong™! hurry in! subway. eat fresh®.
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♪ get into the groove boy you got to prove you're up to me ♪ >> say what you will about the '80s, but there is no denying it was a totally tight decade. >> if you want to relive the
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spirit, we're going to help you throw a fun '80s-themed bash with jen, who came to play. >> step over here so we can see you. >> jesse's girl! >> cute. very cute. >> the sweatshirt with accessories. >> very cute. >> take us to the party. >> okay. if you're going to throw a really rad '80s party, obviously the music is key. you take an old-school looking boom box that's actually an ipod docking station and make a play list. this is from sony. >> brand-new made to look retro old. >> made to look retro old. >> genius. >> for catering, what better way to cater your party than with goodies from the easy-bake oven? you can make cupcakes. there are websites dedicated to at-home recipes for you. you can make dip, that is all this stuff you can make. >> oh, my gosh. >> and then wash it down. obviously need some good booze. bartles & james wine coolers.
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>> i gave mine away. >> and you're going to see why. >> wine coolers are back. launched in 1981 and beyonce's new video, there's a whole thing with the bartles and james wine coolers. they're coming back. >> if anybody can make them cool again, it's her. >> and midori sours. >> now we're talking. and you have to put the light-up-ice cubes. lead are l.e.d. ice cubes. >> oh, my gosh. >> these are from windy city novelties dotcom. >> order immediately. >> it's all double duty. your drinks become your decor. >> that's cool. >> that was radical. >> totally tubular. >> you sound like a valley girl. >> i know. >> decor, lite brite. they're back, $10. set the ambience. you can use these for a bigger party.
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fun thing for people to play with. >> who's more fun than you? >> games. stuff like rubik's cube, that came out in the '80s, simon says. but games in general, trouble, operation, you can turn these into drinking games, wash it down with a midori sour. hungry hippo. >> hungry hippo. >> it's coming back in a big way. this is one way to go. >> do you remember the commercial for you sunk my battleship with those two kids? >> oh, yeah. >> i didn't watch enough obviously. >> if you don't want to go the board game route and want to do something fun, turn your ipad into an arcade. >> how? >> tell us, jen! >> i'll enlighten you. there's a joystick. we've got some ms. pacman on it. you can play all the old school games like asteroids, from
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atari. all you do is down load it. >> very smart. >> this would be the most fun party ever, jen. >> it would be like the totally most awesomest party ever. >> duh! >> what kind of candy from the '80s? >> these are '80s time capsule, all the best candy, nerds, bubble tape, big league chew, all the good stuff ready to go and part of your decor. >> perfect. >> you can also go to, that's where i got this, customize the fun '80s gear, onesies if there are babies coming to your party, whatever. >> 867-5309. >> up next, bust out your boom box. sara takes a trip back in time.
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♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth heavy season a place on earth ♪ >> as we wrap up our celebration of everything '80s, it is time for sara's special series we call, "they get paid for that?" >> people who get paid for what they to do. her search took her to downtown manhattan. >> correct. i headed to the canal room where every weekend '80ss fans toss their walkmans aside for some live action. the '80s. reagan was president. fashion was loud. and boom boxes were blasting all that delicious pop music. one group is bringing the decade back. rubik's cube with a "k," the ultimate '80s tribute band played soldout shows at the canal room.
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♪ everybody's working for the weekend ♪ how did you come up with the name rubik's cube? >> we were kicking around names. in the span of a week i saw three rubik's cubes so i kind of took it as a sign. after he suggested it, we said perfect. >> six of us, six sides to the cube. >> meet the six sides. sherry, scott, eric, john, sky, and david. let me see a show of hands. who was able to quit their day job and do this full-time? back to the software engineer. ♪ i'm walking on sunshine that's right. all but one in this gig full-time. how did the band come to be? >> i wanted to play again. i loved the '80s. so many good songs. ♪ feel good >> i knew every song by heart. he said you want to join the '80s band? i still had some of the clothes so i was all over it. >> we got this idea we'd have a
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male and female singer so we could do every single song, whether it be the metal '80s, whether it be the glam '80s, whether it be the new wave '80s. we could do all of that. >> so 20 different genres and everybody got along. the talking heads, the cars, cyndi lauper, all considered new wave but nothing to do with each other. >> whitney houston, janet jackson, poison. >> whether you lived through the '80s or missed them all together, don't worry. rubik's cube takes you back in time. >> got my '80s t shirt, my glow in the dark necklace and my shades. the crowd comes to play, and i have to admit, i did, too. ♪ oh, living on a prayer besides me, some of the '80s top icons have joined the band on stage too. >> we did the first ever debbie
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gibson and tiffany show ever. >> we made history. ♪ 99 red balloons >> you live out one of the best decades ever. you ever stop and say, i get paid to do this? >> uh-huh. >> oh, yes. every day we literally say thank you, music gods, for letting us do what we truly love to do. >> we're not young teenagers but we do this because we enjoy it. we have a need to do this. ♪ don't stop believing >> and if you have a need to relive the '80s, don't stop believing. it can happen. >> nice job, sara. >> yeah. excellent. >> look at all these old magazines from then. look at "newsweek." >> mr. t. look at sara's "tiger beat." >> who didn't love that? big thank you to vivian felton for producing the show. we hope you enjoyed our '80s show.
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on monday, a total oscar wrap-up. >> total! all the winners and the red carpet. >> megan hilty from "smash." she'll be here. >> have an awesome weekend, everybody. >> hello. ♪ wild thing -- captions by vitac -- >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ]


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