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tv   Today  NBC  February 28, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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we're back with more of "today" on a tuesday morning, 28th day of february 2012. we're happy to see so many nice people out on our plaza this morning. happy they stuck around. they're enjoying beautiful weather. out on the plaza i'm matt lauer along with ann curry and al roker. coming up, more on a tragic story out of ohio, the shooting at chardon high school. a gunman walked in yesterday morning and killed two students, three others have been wounded. that 17-year-old student who went to another school is now in police custody. savannah guthrie is out in ohio.
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she'll file a live report on the story coming up for us in a little while. >> on a much different note we asked the question, are you paying too much? whether it's credit card bills, cable bill. if you're thinking about filling your gas tank, are you paying too much? we'll show you how to save a lot of money on common household expenses. >> all right. speaking of saving money, jill martin is back with more of her steals and deals. this morning not just jewelry and designer accessories are on the list. she's even got a vacation destination for the viewers. >> doing her seal imitation. very good. >> natalie is at the news desk with the headlines. >> good morning, everyone. a second student has died after a 17-year-old allegedly opened fire inside a suburban ohio high school. this morning new details are emerging about the shooter and a chilling post he left online. nbc's savannah guthrie is in chardon with more.
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good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. as you said authorities have confirmed that 17-year-old russell king, jr., died of his injuries. another blow to a community that's still reeling. ♪ i once was lost >> reporter: at a candlelight vigil for the victims, hugs, tears and shock. what did you think when you heard someone had a gun? >> at our school? that's unreal. it's unreal. >> reporter: senior mike wargo had just walked away after greeting his friends in the school cafeteria when he heard a loud noise. >> i started freaking out. i got a text message from my friend saying my best friend got shot. and i heard more gunshots. >> reporter: the shots rang out just as the school day was starting at chardon high school.
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>> attention chardon rescue, we have an active shooter at the high school. >> i heard a bunch of shots fired. >> reporter: witnesses say thomas, t.j., lane from a nearby vocational school began firing at students. >> he had no emotion on his face. he was just shooting. >> reporter: nate said his ear was grazed by a bullet. >> it sounded like a firecracker almost. i looked back, saw him shoot which hit one of my other friends that was at the table with us. as i was turning around, he hit me. >> reporter: five students were shot before police say lane was chased out of the building by a football coach, frank hall. minutes later lane surrendered. terrified parents rushed to the nearby middle school where students were evacuated to tearful reunions. >> it's really hard because you can't do anything.
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you're in a helpless situation. >> reporter: the wounded were air lifted to two local hospitals. daniel parmertor, russell king. parmertor died from his injuries. in a statement his family said we are shocked by this senseless tragedy. danny was a bright young boy who had a bright future ahead of him. the shooter lived with his grandparents after his parents divorced. he took a bus every day to the vocational school from chardon high. a spokesman said the family is devastat devastated. >> by all accounts t.j. is a fairly quiet and good kid. pretty much sticks to himself but has some friends and has never been in trouble. >> reporter: for this small community outside cleveland it's almost too much to bear.
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how are you coping? >> i'm not. it's a nightmare waiting to wake up from. not going to happen. i hope nobody ever has to experience this. i feel this way. i can't imagine what the parents feel like now. >> reporter: i would imagine it went through your mind how close you came. >> i wish i was there. i would rather take the bullet. they had the biggest hearts. they would do anything for anybody. everybody misses everybody. >> reporter: t.j. lane will be arraigned this afternoon in juvenile court. he's reportedly in solitary confinement. in december he posted a long letter on facebook with disturbing imagery. it ended "die, all of you." as for the students, the school is closed but grief counselors will be on site. natalie? >> thank you, savannah. company officials say it will
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take two days to tell a krtow a crippled cruise ship to safety. the costa allegra was set adrift after an engine room fire monday. it is the sister ship of the costa concordia which ran aground last month killing 25 and leaving seven others missing, presumed dead. >> reporter: newark liberty airport was forced to close for an hour monday night. the pilot on express flight 5124 out of atlanta radioed in an issue with the front wheel after an indicator light showed a problem with the landing gear. the plane was forced to land after fire crews hosed off the runway with foam. the nose gear collapsed upon landing. no one was injured and the passengers and crew were evacuated by emergency chute. gordon gecco has seen the light. michael douglas has now gone to
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work for the fbi. he stars in a new supublic serve spot to encourage would be informants to contact the feds about insider trading tips. you're up to date now. let's go to al for a check of the weather. >> the voice of nbc nightly news and getting bad guys to turn themselves in. we like mike. for today we have a big storm system coming out of the rockies. that will be spreading ahead of it rain, snow, ice as well. also to the south, severe storms possible. tornadoes could be spawned but the big snow over the next 24 hours from casper, wyoming, two to four inches. blizzard warnings through the dakotas. eight to 12 inches hitting minnesota. duluth could see up to 18 inches of snow. marquette, michigan, up to a >> good morning. if you high, thin clouds to
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start today. we don't expect any rain with a we don't expect any rain with a >> time now for today's consumer. are we paying too much? it's a good question to ask in this economy. could save us big bucks on everything from car insurance to dry cleaning. jean chatzky is here with tips. good morning. >> good morning. >> is there a formula to figure out if i'm paying too much? >> particularly when it comes to your monthly bills, things you pay for over and over again, we get complacent. every 6 to 12 months do a sanity check, do a little searching on the internet to make sure you are paying as little as
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possible. >> credit cards, a lot of us keep the same cards for a long time and we don't pay attention to it. >> right. >> that's a place where you can cut costs. >> it's a problem if you have annual fees or if the interest rate has gone up or isn't belob% which is the average now. start by calling your company and ask them to waive the annual fee. they may or may not but also transfer your balance. we see amazing balance transfer offers out there. citi transfer select. chase slate card 15 months, no balance transfer fees and you will find a whole list. >> can you leverage it against your current credit card company? >> if you get offers in the mail and we get billions of pieces of direct mail in a year. take the details, use it when you call your current company
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and say, hey, this company is offering me this deal. why won't you help me? >> dry cleaning, we dry clean too much. >> you're right. we do. most of the time unless you have a big stain on whatever it is, you should hang it up, air it out and not dry clean it. it's not good for your clothes. >> what other ways can you save? >> look at the label. you have to be an active label reader. unless it says dry clean only you can probably do something else with it, hand wash it, wash it on the gentle cycle. hang it up. get familiar with the tide stick, any stain removers. get good with it and save yourself money. >> now gas prices. everybody's suffering. >> they have gone up and up in the past 30 days. unbelievable gains in gas prices. first, there are terrific apps out there and also websites that
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use gps and volunteer contributors to take you to the lowest gas prices in your area. gas, cheap gas and triptick from aaa. fill up your tires, get the heavy stuff out of the trunk. those things reduce the amount of miles you are eating up when you drive your car. >> and don't drive with the lead foot. >> no. keep to the speed limit. we do it to save ourselves money on tickets. also in general if you keep to the speed limit you're not using up much gas. >> cable bill. week after week, month after month we pay the same thing and the prices are astronomical. >> we spend about $1,000 an average when you look at the equipment and services each year. it's way too much money. first of all, look at whether or not competition has come into your area. when fios came to new york i
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used it to call my current cable company and said, these people are offering things cheaper than you are. what can you do for me? i saved a ton of money. use the competition, but also for the next month keep a diary of what channels you're actually watching. we buy many more channels than we actually watch. you may be able to eliminate channels from your roster. >> another big ticket item, car insurance. >> car insurance, yeah. i tested this gizmo recently called snapshot from progressive. >> sure. >> there are new programs that have been rolled out that allow you to save money on your car insurance based on how you drive. >> you have a new show on rltv produced by nbc called cash call. let's take a look. >> sure. >> we're going to plug it in and hit the road. >> once you plug the device into your car, you can log onto the
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computer and see a record of how well you are driving. they don't know where i am right now. they just receive data on when i'm driving, how well i'm driving. >> did you save money? >> i was in line for a 25% discount. >> wow! >> huge. there are other things, too. progressive is not the only company doing it. state farm and allstate have the programs that will reward you if you don't hit the brakes too hard or drive too much and if you're not on the road between midnight and 4:00 a.m. >> jean chatzky, great money  saving advice. jean's show is premiering tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on rltv. check your local listings. just ahead, not just a steal but a deal. it's a deal and a steal from a vacation stay to necklaces, beauty products and wall laetsw.
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jill martin has the deals for you. then later, the most popular breeds in america after these messages. when we walk together, we are bigger than cancer. join the world's biggest fight for more birthdays, the american cancer society relay for life. find your community's event at from centrum. its unique assessment tool... helps you find the multivitamin and supplements... that are right for you.
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so visit better nutrition... is within reach. centrum. nutrition possible. better nutrition... is within reach. chase scene, netflix coming soon extra butter tickets, swoon penguin journey junior mints moviefone evil prince bollywood 3-d shark attack ned the head 5% cashback right now, get 5% cashback on movies. it pays to discover. in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check.
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but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena® healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. get your free sample of quaker oatmeal squares on facebook. this morning on jill's steals and deals we're back saving you more than 70% on popular luxury items including a ja vacation just for "today" viewers. good morning, jill. >> good morning.
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>> tell us the process, how it works. what about shipping, things to consider. >> go to and we'll link you to the five retailer websites. then you get the discount there. be patient. also if you want it, get it now. they are limited. >> yeah. it's gone within hours usually. >> couple minutes usually. >> there you go. for these it will be. to the first item. julie by alyssa michelle. you have five styles as we see on the table in either gold or silver. >> right. five different necklaces. the retail is $62. five different sayings. stay positive, keep calm and carry on, unlock your dreams and never give up on your dreams. celebrity fans include hilary duff, halle berry. the retail is $62. the deal is $19. that's 69% off. i'm layering them. >> buy a couple. layer them up. >> great gifts as well. you can't miss for $19. >> i love the messages as well.
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moving over into beauty which is always popular with us. we have philosophy back with a spring into beautiful skin package. >> who doesn't like the name of that package? >> we like it. >> retail is $140. you get the award winning facial cleanser, miracle worker anti-aging fluid, hope in a tube eye cream, kiss me lip balm, field of flowers lotion. >> goes on and on. >> yeah. you get the whole package. retail is $140. the deal is $39. 72% off. >> that's great. good travel sizes, too. >> this is great. also great as a gift. >> perfect. >> this will go. get on it. >> load up on it now. >> now a great offer from kenneth cole. the women's faux leather wallets. we have a lot of styles and colors to choose from. lots of selection. >> the retail is $48 to $54. as you said, different styles and colors.
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so the wristlet, clutch, different ways to wear your wallet. this is a great buy if you need a new wallet. again, they are faux. the retail is $48 to $54. the deal, $14.50 for any of them, up to 73% off. >> now to the beautiful smelling candles from m carlissimo. tell us about them. >> smell this. my favorite. gardenia. >> very limey. >> these are hollywood's favorite candles. they are made from 100% soy wax, made in the u.s. celebrity fans include neil patrick harris, ashley green. retail is $90. the deal is $26 for two. >> that's great. >> 71% off. >> soy candles burn cleaner, are better for the environment. and let's get to the vacation package. i'm excited about it.
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as you can see by the set we're going down south to san antonio, texas. three nights in san antonio, texas. >> who doesn't want to go here? >> yeah. margaritas right on the table. >> three nights at the westin riverwalk. retail is $1,317. ♪ >> we're playing this music wherever you go. >> the riverwalk runs eight miles through the heart of the city and the famous market square. travel and leisure ranked san antonio number 10 in cities in america for foodies. if you like to eat this is where to go. we have stills of the riverwalk hotel. you get a premium riverview room including breakfast for two for two days and you could go on now for a voucher. you will not be charged until you book the trip. >> great. >> at least you know you have the option. >> and you have flexibility when to go. >> there are blackout dates, so
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check, but everything is on the website. retail is $1317. the deal is $477. that's 64% off. >> fantastic. >> you can get drinks and chips with all you save. jill, thanks. the products are the necklaces by alyssa michelle, spring into beautiful skin package by philosophy, wallets by kenneth cole, the candle sets and the san antonio vacation package including three nights at the westin riverwalk hotel. if you have questions about the products or past orders, go to and the steals & deals page. coming up, healthy habits for reducing the stress in your daily life. first, these messages. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to fill over 200 garbage trucks out of landfills each year? ♪ 6.5 million pounds of plastic, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands
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to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪ then i found new pronutrients omega-3. it's from centrum. it's a smaller minigel. with two of the best omegas to support my heart, brain and eyes. new pronutrients from centrum. wait. ♪ it's morning in the himalayas... [ male announcer ] it's sweet. it's nutty. it's absolutely delicious. kellogg's crunchy nut. it's morning somewhere. anti-aging cream undeniably. it creamed unbelievably a $500 cream. and now women have made regenerist microsculpting cream also unscented. women love it. in original and also fragrance-free.
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the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. excuse me, sir. i'm commandeering this booth. the people need to save. ah. hidey-ho, neighbor. tell you what. with all the money i saved at progressive, i'm just saving it forward. this parking's on me. appreciate it. thanks again. progressive, the messenger. how are you? you guessed it. you don't have to pay. awesome. you bet. so i pay you now or later? never. thanks a lot, progressive. boom. save.
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hi. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. two flavors. in harmony. honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. coming up, the moves to destress your body. >> and they're so cute. the american kennel club top dogs after your local news. this mio energy is completely crushing my game.
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i love it. i take the stuff everywhere. exactly. everyone's more energized, more alert. i've lost their respect. last night i hit on a dirty hyena and she laughed in my face. that's nasty. remember when i used to be it? i was the man. you needed to track the gazelle down for dinner, you came to me. oh who's laughing now!? gazelle!! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] personal, portable mio energy. shake things up. [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. but with pizza hut's tuscani tuesday,
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we have you covered! get pasta for two for just six bucks, or family-size pasta for just ten bucks on tuesdays. both complete with breadsticks. only on tuesdays. only at your pizza hut.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> it is going to be a nice day. we will take off about 10 degrees from yesterday. is still above average for this time of year. mostly sunny skies. raid back in the forecast tomorrow. kind of chili.
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nobody's moving in here. you've got to go. good-bye. >> who invited the furry peanut? >> call me a peanut? i'll go right up your nose. >> whoa! you wouldn't hit a woman. >> that's a woman? >> well, that funny guy is the lorax in the dr. seuss classic, danny devito, as you see there. he brings it to life and he'll stop by the studio tomorrow on "today." we always love having him around. he tells great stories, especially hanging out with george clooney. >> you had to go back there.
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we can't wait to see danny. meanwhile, juggling families and careers puts stress on folks. we'll help you relax and take a load off. joy bauer has the foods you should eat every day to help you destress. then natalie is going to the mats. >> i am. >> she's our consigliere and has yoga moves and stretches you can do at home to reinvigorate your mind and body. >> all you need is ten minutes and good balance. see if i can do it. then we have america's top dogs. almost half of all households with dogs own one of these top breeds. so which furry friends are america's favorites. you're getting some idea there. >> they are making friends there. >> so cute. we'll reveal them coming up. very sweet. first a check of the weather. >> first of all, we have a risk of strong storms making their way through the mid mississippi river valley. wet weather in the pacific northwest with heavy winds.
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look for icy conditions in minnesota. tomorrow the risk of strong storms expands into the mid and upper ohio river valleys. icy conditions in the northeast. snow in new england. rain from coastal california into the pacific northwest. snow in the inner mountain regions. sunshine and mild weather through the mid mississippi river valley. . >> good morning. it will be a nice day today. still above average for this time of year. >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you. now let's say hello to the latest contestant to have the scales tip against her on nbc's
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hit show "the biggest loser." good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm great. you started your journey on the ranch at 271 pounds. how much did you lose overall? >> 71 pounds. i weigh 200 pounds today. >> that's terrific. >> getting there. >> are you looking forward to being in the one-derland where people have lost a hundred or more? >> i'm looking forward toyota. >> you worked hard at home because you and your brother went home. then you came back. there was drama with your teammat teammates. and you gained two pounds, is that right? >> i definitely didn't throw the weigh in. i would never waste a week at the ranch unlike my teammates. my time there was precious. >> now you have moved into a new home. has it helped you in your journey in that you're starting off fresh? >> it definitely helped me. my new home symbolizes freedom
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and independence. i lived with my parents because i feared living by myself. now i can live by myself. it's amazing. >> you have a new attitude on life. how else has the weight loss helped you? >> it helped my health generally. i mean, every part of my life it's touched. i have really been a role model for my children, my parents. they have all lost weight. >> a ripple effect happened. >> yes. >> how do you think your chances are for the at-home prize? >> i think i have an excellent chance at it. i really do. >> we know how well you do at home. great to have you here. thank you so much. >> thank you. "the biggest loser" airs tonight at 8:00/7:00 central on nbc. >> up next, from the food you eat to the way you stretch, healthy strategies to help you decompress after these messages. gh of feeling embarrassed about my skin.
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[ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. hi.
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we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. two flavors. in harmony. honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. wait. ♪ it's morning in the himalayas... [ male announcer ] it's sweet. it's nutty. it's absolutely delicious. kellogg's crunchy nut. it's morning somewhere.
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anti-aging cream undeniably. it creamed unbelievably a $500 cream. and now women have made regenerist microsculpting cream also unscented. women love it. in original and also fragrance-free. that's why i take doctor recommended colace capsules. [ male announcer ] for certain medical conditions where straining should be avoided, colace softens the stool for effective relief from occasional constipation. go to for savings. hi jamie. here's my activia video.
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love this stuff. i'm starting to feel a change no longer feeling slow. i can't believe i thought irregularity was my normal. now i don't miss a beat. activia helps with occasional irregularity, when eaten 3 times a day. i knew lisa would love her new normal. ♪ activia love your new normal and introducing silky, fruity activia harvest picks. one more way to enjoy activia. get started today is brought to you by milk. it's not breakfast without milk. nourish every day. got milk? >> this morning on getting started today, soothing your stress, especially if you are juggling family and career, sometimes you need to relax. one way is to do some exercise and stretching. we have natalie on the mat doing that.
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ahh. practicing her chakra, very nice. >> you look good, nat. >> i don't know what i'm doing. ♪ >> let's have more of the music. >> i feel relaxed. >> first "today" nutritionist joy bauer is here to share foods to help you destress. [ soothing voices ] >> good morning, al. >> tell us about oatmeal. >> these are the best food cures for really making you feel relaxed. the first up is steel oats. all oats whether traditional or instant oats have the whole grain carbohydrate which produces seratonin, a calming feel-good hormone. i particularly like steel cut oats because they are the least processed and they cause a slow, steady rise in blood pressure. >> they taste better. they have a nutty taste. >> they're delicious and they help with food as well. but it's a hassle in the morning to make them because they take 30 minutes.
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the night before, in a slow cooker add one cup of steel cut oats with four cups of water, any fruit, delicious combinat n combination. set it to low and cook for eight or nine hours. >> it's ready when you get up. >> right there for you. a cozy bowl. >> grapefruit. >> they are loaded with vitamin c. if you have ample amounts of vitamin c you help to keep your blood pressure down and you're less angst while you're doing nerve provoking activities like speaking in public or taking a math test. for people who can't have grapefruit because of medications you could have an orange or clementine as well. >> dark hot chocolate. >> my favorite way to get my zen on, aside from sitting with natalie. this has two stress reducing ingredients. the dark chocolate can help lower stress hormones. you've got to make sure it's at least 70% cacao and the milk
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proteins calm you down. this is a combination of a wild salmon salad and chick peas. wild salmon has omega 3's which prevents adrenaline rush and chick peas help us feeling terrific with b vitamins. >> my grandmother always said to have tea to calm down. >> chamomile is the perfect brew to ease tension. >> now that we have helped our diet, now our exercise, natalie. >> thank you, al. i'm stretching out with registered yoga teacher and founder of justcalmdown yoga. wendy is here to help quiet and calm the body. people don't really take time to stress -- stretch rather. we do stress. we stress too much. >> absolutely. >> you can do it at home for ten minutes. if you have a mat, great. if not, a towel works.
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>> absolutely. >> yes, al. come stretch with us. >> the first pose -- >> the bridge pose. we'll start on our back. >> okay. at home if you're doing it, just lie on your back. >> take a deep ex-ha litigati h. relax. walk your feet in toward your hands. pretty easy so far. >> right. what's the point of the bridge? >> it releases tension in the lower back. as you push into your feet and your arms, lift your pelvis up toward the ceiling. >> something so wrong about that. >> see if you can grab the block that's close by and place it under your sacrum for support. just relax. >> it would be nice if there weren't cameras here. >> pretend you're in the comfort of your living room using
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pillows and blankets. >> hopefully you don't have blankets in the living room. this is great if you suffer from headaches, insomnia and fatigue. >> this is a great overall body stress reliever. my favorite pose is the next one. the child pose, right? >> absolutely. let's transition. >> al! >> okay, child pose. >> this is al's favorite pose, too. because it's named after children. >> open up your knees wide enough so you can place a pillow between your thighs. >> i do it without a pillow. >> it's more calming and relaxing with support. so bring the pillow in. >> toes are together, right? >> toes together. as you exhale gently, rest your torso down on the pillow like you're taking a nap. >> i'm relaxed except for al
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roker, the look on his face. >> this pose is excellent for relieving tension in the neck and back. >> okay. finally, really quickly, we're going to do quick breathing but at home this is good to clear your nasal passages and just help relieve tension. >> it actually lowers the heart rate. it calms an overstimulated nervous system. you're a righty? >> correct. >> we're going to fold down every thifinger except the thum and ring finger. take a deep inhalation. close the left with the ring finger and exhale through the right. slow it down a little, natalie. >> i would like to. >> inhale. >> he's out of control. >> and exhale through the left. >> all right. as i continue to deep breathe
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here, wendy, thank you. it's much easier to do it at home without al laughing. for easier ways to destress visit up next, a way to help you relax is to get yourself a puppy. that's what we love. look at these guys. we'll show you the top dogs in america after this. [ johan ] hello, piper. nice up-do. i see you're crunching numbers with a cup of joe...
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when you could be relaxing with a delicious gevalia. or as i like to say, a cup of johan. joe's a cubicle. johan is a corner office with a young, eager assistant... who looks like me. put johan on your spreadsheets. he'll watch your bottom line. [ johan ] gevalia. meet me in the coffee aisle. have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. get your free sample of quaker oatmeal squares on facebook. we've done a good job caring for our mouths. that's why there's a rinse like crest pro-health multi-protection. it helps you get a better dental check-up. so be ready for your next dental check-up. try any crest pro-health rinse. those five food groups sound a whole lot better when you put them in a taco shell instead of a pyramid.
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old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. (belhi.ings) good morning. big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. ♪ abracadabra. new hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces. but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup
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with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. ♪ my heart skips a beat ♪ my heart is playing tricks on me ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing new special k granola bars. ♪ i can't break through with 4 grams of protein. and 4 grams of fiber. finally, a granola bar that makes your heart skip a beat. a snack that loves you back. what will you gain when you lose? ♪ ...skips a beat what will you gain when you lose? and, just like toddlers, puppies need food made for them. that's why there's purina puppy chow... with all the essential nutrients your growing puppy needs. purina puppy chow.
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today's pets is brought to you by purina. your pet, our passion. >> this morning on today's pets, the top dogs in the country. the american kennel club's gina denardo brought along some friends representing this year's most popular breeds. what are we seeing? >> bigger dogs are becoming more popular across the country. and we are seeing a big rise in the popularity of terriers overall. >> why? >> they are nonshedding and come in a variety of sizes. they're feisty, great with families. >> good personalities. >> exactly. >> honorable mention goes to the rottweiler who is -- big news for the tenth most popular dog. >> for the first time. >> look at that face. >> the rottweiler has come into the top ten. this is a fabulous breed. >> they grow big. very big. >> the thing with pure bred dogs
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is predictability. this will be a big, strong protective breed that needs to be socialized. >> you need a lot of room. >> all breeds need to be socialized. that's the beauty of knowing what you will get. >> in the past people thought of them as being a -- you know, a little scared of rottweilers as a family pet. they're sweet dogs. >> they're fabulous. they love their families. they need to be socialized to get along well with strangers and animals. they are naturally protective. you just need to know it and train them. >> all right. let's get to the top five starting with the number five most popular, the yorkshire terrier. oh, my goodness. look at that face. the yorkie dropped a little bit. >> just a little bit. it is number five in the country. the yorkshire terrier is a feisty little dog. it thinks it's a big dog, but it has a little body. it has a beautiful tan and silver coat. >> i was going to say something but i'm not. i know somebody that fits that
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description. >> they're fun, smart. you can train them to do a bunch of things. agility and obedience. >> and they are great to take anywhere. they're perfect dogs. okay. great. number four is none other than the gorgeous lovable adorable golden retriever. >> they have dropped a little bit in popularity. used to be the number two most popular dog in america. this is a great breed for families. they are super smart. you can train them to do anything. they are eager to please. they love to do things for you and with you. >> this will be a big one. >> they have high energy and that needs to be harnessed with training. akc has great training programs. we have a star puppy program and a canine good citizen program. >> you can learn about them. >> take the test and see if your dog is well trained. >> now, knocking out the yorkie for the number three position is the lovable little beagle. >> the beagle --
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>> it's moving up. >> it's been in the top ten for 125 years. for the history of the club they have been in the top ten. this is a great hound breed. they will follow their nose. so they can get into trouble because they like to smell things. they're also barky. >> they have a little howl. >> right. but they are easy to care for. the coat is short. they have also a lot of energy. a great family pet. >> we have only a minute left. the german shepherd is number two known for intelligence and loyalty. >> they became popular in the '30s. rin tin tin made them popular. a versatile breed used to herd and be an all around farm guard dog. now they protect our borders, work with us. >> let me down. >> and number one for how many years in a row now? the labrador retriever. >> 20 years in a row. the king of all dogs. for 21 years the number one dog
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because they are versatile. they are friendly and easy to train. love people. love to play in the water. a great breed for a variety of families. >> i love these dogs. absolutely beautiful. thank you as always. still to come -- can i keep this one? sarah hanes rubs elbows at one of new york's most popular attractions. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, kathie lee and hoda cozy up to a sloth. >> cozy? >> they get wild with animals. >> plus the hot new headlines short in the front, long in the back. >> it's a fashion mullet. >> sounds good. also healthy meals for you and your family.
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