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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  March 7, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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>> live, local, late breaking-- this is wbal 11 news at 12:00. >> the good afternoon, everyone. our big story at noon -- mitt romney was a big winner on super tuesday but he still having a tough time courting conservative voters. he notched a narrow win over rick santorum in ohio, the crown jewel of super tuesday, and one of the most important battleground states in the fall election. >> after narrowly winning the super tuesday prize of ohio and
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carrying five other states, mitt romney was upbeat this morning and focusing on his growing delegate count. >> after last night, i feel pretty darn good. we have a very strong response across the country from alaska to vermont. >> he also won iowa, virginia and his home state of massachusetts and he expects to nail down the nomination before the convention. but rick santorum's close second in ohio showed romney possible vulnerability with court conservatives. >> we've won in the blast, the midwest and the south and we are ready to win across this country. >> santorum came out on top in tennessee, oklahoma and north dakota. newt gingrich won his home state of georgia. >> we are not going to allow the elite to decide who we are allowed to nominate. >> but gingrich battle with ron paul for third or fourth place in most other states.
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mitt romney is still the man to beat, even after a squeaker of a super tuesday. >> with the gop nomination far from over, md.'s upcoming primary could play a key role in shaping the course of the campaign. as candidates slug it out on the campaign trail, md.'s delegates could go a long way in crowning a nominee. >> its still a very close race. every vote counts, as it always does. with 37 delegates in play for the state of maryland, that could be important in a tightly contested primary process. >> maryland's primary is tuesday, april 3. early voting runs from march 23 through the 29th at 46 polling centers across the state. you can keep track of the republican race for the white house on our web site. we have up-to-date delegate
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numbers with an interactive map. you can see when other states will hold their primary elections or caucuses. click on the politics section of public health advocates want state lawmakers to consider raising taxes on tobacco products. this afternoon, leaders will gather in annapolis to abdicate in favor of a set of tobacco bills that would increase the tax on cigars and smokeless tobacco products. other -- a senate committee will hear a bill today that would increase the tax on a pack of cigarettes from $2 2 $3. fares -- >> fair skies over the entire mid-atlantic. shaping up to be a beautiful afternoon. just a few clouds of toward the west and a little bit gusty.
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it may look beautiful but it may not feel as pleasant. southwest winds at 14 miles an hour. throughout the afternoon, we expect temperatures to warm and to the mid-60s with the winds coming down a little bit throughout the evening. we will stay pretty mild, with lows into the 40's. a fire danger across the area and warmer temperatures. we will detail that when we come back in the seven-day. >> maryland prosecutors have decided to dismiss murder charges against two abortion doctors. conflicts of expert testimony have been cited against the doctors charged under a new maryland law allowing prosecutors to pursue murder charges in the death of a fetus considered a viable outside the womb. in a federal court, a virginia man will spent time behind bars for his plot to smuggle heroin
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-- smuggle heroin in a cruise ship. he arranged for the transportation of her one brought from the dominican republic by members of the ship's crew. he was one of five arrested by federal agents last december while purchasing $4,000 worth of the drug from the crew members in the parking lot at the port covington walmart. a new twist in the investigation of the shoot it -- in the shooting death of a 13-rolled. an officer has been suspended. the gun that killed her was found inside the officer's car. the teens body was found under trash bags in an alley near the family's home on sunday morning. police charged two boys with involuntary manslaughter, saying the group had been playing with a 22 caliber rifle when she was accidentally shot in the chest. the family does not believe the death was accidental and are furious with the new development. >> if you have a police officer covering up a crime and a
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murderer, something is wrong. >> ballistics tests are underway, but it remains unclear how the teenagers got the gun or who along to. we now know the identity of the man killed in a car crash in queen anne's county. state police say a porsche collided head-on with a tractor- trailer in route to 213. he was apparently trying to pass another vehicle and crashed into the trailer. the driver of the tractor- trailer was treated for minor injuries. the mother and brother of an 18- year-old woman killed in a runway crash in anne arundel county suffered another blow. there were issued civil citation for supplying alcohol to minors. that was hours before the crash that killed her and 30 passengers. of the other driver was also under the influence at the time
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of the crash and died of his injuries. still ahead, why now may be a good time to buy a flat screen tv. plus, looking for ways to stop wrinkles before they start? how some simple changes could do just that. first, the end of an era in indianapolis.
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>> is official, peyton manning and the indianapolis colts are parting ways. they decided to release him rather than pay a $28 billion bonus. he sat out last season after and a growing several surgeries to his neck. we will have his reaction tonight at 5:00. two police officers in oregon are being honored for pulling in and out of a burning car. in this video, you can see the officer's were running up to rescue the man. on tuesday, both officers were awarded the medal of valor. >> the flames were so hot. i can feel the hair on my arms starting to send a little bit. >> the driver slammed into a power pole during the early morning hours last september.
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still ahead, we'll talk live to one of the stars of the new show "awake." in consumer alert, tips on saving money for your next vacation. >> clear skies but a storm system is heading in from the west. we will talk about the changes in the seven-forecast coming up. 62 at the inner harbor.
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>> apple fans are on pins and needles right now.
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the company is expected to unveil the newest version of the ipad today. apple is holding an event in san francisco and while the details are shrouded in secrecy, word is the new ipad has a sharper screen and faster wireless access. if you are looking for a new tv, now is the time to buy. many retailers are discounting prices on their 2011 inventories as 2012 models come in. starting april 1, several manufacturers are moving to a unilateral policy that would punish those who sell televisions below the manufacturer's price. our high prices at the pump making you reconsider your vacation? you can still have the get away without breaking the bank. >> gas prices continue to soar, no pride -- no surprise airline tickets are going higher to. >> we see more people waiting to purchase the ticket because they
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don't know if the fare is going to go up or down. generally, the fare is going to go up. >> but there are some getaways that should not keep the family of four from enjoying their vacation. >> sometimes the package deals are really good, especially for a family of four. to let that places that are the off season -- in europe, it is the off-season. >> you may feel the pinch less on the water than in the skies. >> some of large cruise lines and cruise ships, the amount of people that have to raise to a fuel charge may be $30 a cabin because it could almost be spread out over a larger ship as opposed to an airline. >> if you step outside, you can
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feel how warm temperatures are. that's going to cause some changes. the friend does not look impressive on the radar right now. just some light snow falling. rainshowers moving toward minneapolis. head of the storm system, increasing the fire danger. across the area, down toward the sea and much of western maryland in a high a fire danger. any open flame, pretty much not a good idea. we do have strong wind out of the southwest with very low humidity.
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that makes it more likely for those flames to ignite. feels good to be outside, 59 right now. this is the warm air coming in ahead of the cold front but i talked about how powerful it is -- you can see how sharply contrast this, down to the 30's right now. a big drop in temperatures behind the front and that's heading our way. right now, some thin clouds over the metro area. mostly clear skies in western maryland right now. a substantial amount of sunshine throughout the rest of the day and that the clouds moved in. just starting to push toward omaha. 62 degrees downtown.
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60 degrees in georgetown. for tonight, warmer temperatures right now. only dropping into the low 40's. stronger winds earlier on and then they start to calm down overnight. the night time on thursday, we're likely to see rain showers. temperatures will keep dropping behind the front. down to 51 on the saturday. almost a 20 degree drop and bouncing temperatures on sunday. remember to change your clocks forward. >> following a tragic car accident, a detective finds himself awake in two separate realities. as the story line of the new nbc show called "a lake."
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joining me now is the actor who plays -- "awake." what an intriguing plot line. what appealed to you question are >> out provocative and unique the show was and different and original the idea was. when i read the script, i read it three times and it felt like a movie. it felt like we were living and episodic movie and i just thought it's like nothing television has ever seen. >> tell us about how you can pull off this plot line without making it too confusing for the viewer. >> writers and producers have worked together as a team to really find the right storytelling tools to really make it and effortless integration of your thoughts and ideas and of the shows and tool
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realities. he is living to parallel dreams, as you know. he gets in a car accident and loses his son. when he wakes up the next morning, his son is alive and his wife was the one lost in the accident. he finds himself living to parallel dreams. he has two partners. if -- in every episode, we solved to cases. the clues intertwined with each realities and the case integrates with his own condition. we have an interesting format and once you are watching the journey, you are in for a good one. >> what is like doing it, as "pposed to "that '70s show which we all loved. >> a lot less dancing and i wear
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clothes that leave more to the imagination and i were back in the '70s. but it is a very unique and it is just different. it's very fulfilling for me. going with something as unique and interesting and unpredictable and mysterious as this was more fun as an actor. i play to different characters. as an actor, it's very filling to play a character like this. i have a little bit of humor but mostly i'm a rookie detective whose partner is -- >> it has been a pleasure to talk to you. >> come and see as the 30 minute -- thursday nights at 10:00 on nbc. a big shot out to all my twitter
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and facebook fans who have kept me very supported through the launch of the show. >> thank you very much. thursday nights at 10:00 i followed by all of them news tonight. -- at 11:00 news tonight. in today's medical news alert, if you are looking for a perfect complexion, he might have to think outside the box. it may be as easy as kicking if you every day habits. drinking through a straw creates lines over time. when it comes to sleeping, lay on your back so you are not squashing your face for seven hours. wash the pillowcases once a week and wash your face every night to prevent a breakout. doctors say chewing gum may be the worst habit of all. >> your job muscles build up and that contributes to a jelly luck. over time, chewing gum can
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contribute to wrinkles above your lip. >> if you can't kick the gum habit, to smaller pieces. a new study of college parties reveals what should be backwards data on drinking habits. almost 3000 students were surveyed and found most students drink more when they're hosting a party rather than attending one. students who attended a party is aghast -- as a guest averaged seven drinks while those who were coasting trade about nine. coming up next, your maryland lottery pick three and picked four numbers. first, a look at how wall street is performing. is performing.
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>> and now your maryland lottery pick three and picked four numbers. pick's time to play your three game. here is your numbers -- we've got a 6. that's a 1 in the middle. and that's a da5. all games are selling fast and have limited inventory. get your hot 5 scratch off
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today. let's play your pick for today -- 0 for starters. followed by 2. your next number is 7. your final number is -- 8. the maryland lottery, let yourself play. >> and one last check on the forecast. >> things look good this afternoon, but a little dusty. there is a fire danger, but we are up to 67 tomorrow. a friend comes into our night with a chance of rain into friday morning and a big drop in temperatures. it will be breezy and you will feel cooler. don't forget daylight savings time. you're going to lose an hour of sleep. >> thank you for turning s.
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-- thank you for watching us.
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